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This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 321
Thread images: 111

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Pro-Trump PA Delegates Open Campaign Office: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYrnuz1o8NE [Embed]
Mitt Romney’s Niece Becomes a Pro-Trump Delegate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAuwfsWt0zw [Embed]

CT- 4/25 in-person (12 a.m. EST) http://www.sots.ct.gov/sots/cwp/view.asp?a=3179&q=489908
WA- 4/25 online & 5/16 in-person
OREGON- 4/26
NJ- 5/17

>You will be voting for 3 DELEGATES on the 26th
>Your ballot will NOT list who the delegate supports
>You can find who is in YOUR DISTRICT below
>Find your congressional district here

>DELEGATES Donald Reagan: 845/Dildo Destroyer: 559/One State Wonder: 148
GOP ELECTION TRACKER: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hkgLa844MzTgeqcmrkeSrLnq7vJJZl2S7lMz8Qf5xq8/edit#gid=0



>Rally Harrington, DE 4/22/16
>Rally Harrisburg, PA 4/21/16
>Trump NBC TH 4/21/16
>Rally Berlin, MD 4/20/16

>Trump on Hannity 4/21/16
>Trump on O’Reilly 4/20/16

>Donald Trump (Black Version) (Written by Prince)
>Geraldo Rivera: Ted Cruz is just Creepy

Official /Trump/ Playlist

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This fictional movie may just as well have been a documentary. I grew up in a fundamentalist Christian home going to tent revivals every time they came around.


Rafael Cruz' father is a "Dominionist" revival circuit preacher. The Dominion Teaching is largely regarded as a false gospel even in charismatic, evangelical, fundamentalist, Pentecostal sects.



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>OKcupid girls
>"Who do you support for president"
>Every single time it's "Anybody but Trump lol xD"
>Found one girl who liked Trump but she was literally mentally handicapped

Why is life so suffering?
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Has this been viralled yet? Has it made it on the news?
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Because you are trying to find love on a young adult hookup site...
Cruz supporters always looked pissed or tired.
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Just lie get pussy and exploit.
>Now, Donald, Donald, stop, Donald, breathe, Donald. See, Donald doesn't like... when things don't go his way, and he gets very... upset, wait your turn Donald, wait, wait... he doesn't like when America... rallies behind a PROVEN, CONSTITUTIONAL CONSERVATIVE, because he knows, he knows... Donald, no, Donald... he knows that when you spend fifty years... funding LIBERAL politicians... that America is ready to go... with the TRUSTED choice.

Aaaand, I just punched out my monitor.


Christ, 10/10's are NOT on OKC.
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It probably wont
>Trump calls for formal speech/press meeting
>Worldwide coverage, hundreds of networks
>Trump gets up on podium
>Begins speech
>It's the most horrifying speech to the layman
>Advocating government corruption, promising big banks and lobbyists to undermine U.S. interests in exchange for globalist agendas
>Headlines during live coverage: "TRUMP IS FINISHED"
>Laugh about the chaos in the middle-east and how easy it was to destroy the power balance for the profit of "all of you"
>Press in room dead silent
>At the end of speech he pauses for 30 seconds, then whispers into the mic:
>"said Crooked Hillary"
>"Now, let's take some questions. Oh and the press can have this transcript that I got. You're welcome"
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No sympathy for Patton. How do you think he'd react to Trump getting assassinated?

With utter hot-cracklin' joy.

Play our song one more time...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_urt_cVEvwM [Embed]
Trumpeter are you here?
Post your thread so we can recycle once this one hits limit
There is already an article written by literally who on a no name brand website saying that Cruz was passing the money to one of his aids after a child passed him that drawing and money.

Why is a child giving Cruz money?

Also, I tried to post it on kikebook this morning but it got deleted already. It's being slide under the table for now.
I'd die from laughter. The media would spin this for a week.
People would switch it off midway. He'd have to announce it was a Clinton speech first and add his own commentary.
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Same here man, I can barely stand watching or listening to him. Kasich is also annoying.

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here it is

At least GOLLY-G sounds like a regular politician. Cruz sounds like a fucking sociopath. I legit get blood pressure spikes when I see or hear him.
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Only the God Emperor can make it happen.
No one there looks HIGH ENERGY
>when u lowkey know yo base gonna die
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For Rato, true conservatism begins with the toilet.
repostin in new thread

I hate his chin, I hate his nose
He thinks he wins, he fucks 5 hoes
I hate his smile, I hate his ears
I'd rather die in a fire than suffer 4 years
I hate his look, I hate his voice
he's a goddamn crook young girls and boys
I hate everything, everything about him
why oh why is he staying in till cleveland
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>tfw when
if that person is a delegate, tweet to trump
>i shit myself
>fuck i shit myself in front of ted cruz
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I'll post some OC to bump the thread in case anyone hasn't seen some of it yet.

Working on the one anon that wanted Trump at the podium right now.
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The way I read the article, it was sorta like the way parents will give their kid a dollar for him to put in the offering plate as it came by, sorta like a kid training to become the priesthood rising
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>tfw we are going to be that old someday
That pissed me off when he did the breathe thing at the debate. I thought it was funny at the rally the other day when he was talking about the debates.

>you know these guys are supposed to be these great debaters. these debates aren't like the ones they have in college. all you have to do is interrupt them and cut them off. it really screws them up.
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fucking kek
this sounds like something out of a 70's disney movie
Why are the elderly so gullible and uninformed?

Am I going to be like that when I'm their age?
>Sir, I understand your bathroom issue, but sir... as a CONSTITUTIONAL CONSERVATIVE, I will stand by you. Now, Donald Trump...
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But Donald Trump is 69, and he is in better shape than most of us.
Speak for yourself, I'm going to die in 8 years on the exact day Trump leaves office from poor lifestyle choice

Going out on a high note
So you have it. No one is touching it with a 10 foot pole. For now. I have a .gif of it on another HD. Sure someone could post it here.
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"Just count to ten Donald, Count to ten."

He will get his soon. Just you wait and see.
When you're old you'll vote for the candidate that keeps everything exactly the same. They stopped taking risks, so everyone else should too.

Check it out
>That pissed me off when he did the breathe thing at the debate.
I did debate for 4 years, that was what it was supposed to do. Nothing enrages someone like telling them to calm down in that condescending way because it triggers a reflexive fear that you're losing the argument. Cruz WANTED Trump to blow up so Trump would look unhinged.

Trump must have had some iron self-control to just wave that off.
You removed "Trumpette" from yer name?
So how does it feel being low-information voters? How do you feel about Trump's mob ties?
So, you agree that the next ISIS attack happens in Canada?
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Its not important honestly. I don't want to derail conversations because of it.

Rato needs to be hit by a fucking train moving at full speed.
Czech this

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Yes, I am A FUCKING LEAF. But I would prefer the alternative.

#NotAllCanadians are rats
the human body is a amazing thing anon. Crack heads who eat nothing but fast food trash cans scraps and drink out of street puddles live into their 50s.
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>ratoshills trying to shill that audio with Manafort saying Trump's just projecting an image
I gotta say, for something designed to enrage, BOY did that work. Trump is fucking amazing for not giving in at that moment.
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Because God won't let a Man of God lie to us.
He is a courageous man to stand before all that. And to give a speech in front of 20000 people? Wow.
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Where do I find Trump qt's? I'm in Tolernance Zone #419: California

Is there a way online?
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The amount of media spin going on this year should be illegal.

As Trump says, the most dishonest people, the press, the media, reporters.
>thread getting derailed by a name
wew lad
it looked good, keep it if you want
the guys who said it derails the thread are prolly the same ones who told Trump Chaplain VI that his name is distracting or something

>Trump's mob ties
I only know of one mob guy he's tied with
Paul "I'm sorry was that your ankle?" Manafort
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There is a good chance considering their PM is probably a muslim just like Obama is.

Trump has to deal with the most ruthless business people in the world. I am sure he has learned to keep his cool from that. I agree though, I was raging for Donald at that moment.
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more trump stuff like this please.
is that sleepy doctor?what the hell is this?
The breathing thing I believe was him trying to be like Trump and be an alpha tryhard. He also keeps saying "I'm the only candidate that can beat Trump!" I don't get why he thinks that he got a few states meaning he wins.
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So is no one going to mention Trump supporting LGBT freaks going in the wrong bathroom? I got on /pol/ as soon as I heard the news, I thought it would be kinda a big deal.
It's especially fucking rich coming from the media.

>"He isn't crazy he just-"

>"Actually no, we-"

Fucking shills.
There are absolutely none in Texas so don't even bother looking here
Is this audio important to listen to? Im not a shill, just wondering if this is worth the time. It says its live.
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Checked. And you have a point.
Anti trump threads are slided, this place is full of his shills
>buy a MAGA hat
>talk to grills
It's not that complicated.
Sorry my man that's a little awful. Like is that an advertisement for Trump's Cyber Flower Delivery?
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Ok I guess the last step is to make it grainy?
How is the shading
Poorly disguised concern troll. How about you post the quote of his statement or gtfo
>only wins blue states and Texas
Yeah idk. Wondering if some anon can make it clear whether this live audio is something worth listening to or not.
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Did anyone explain the webm that looked like Cruz was giving someone cash? I have it on my phone, but I'm using the app and it says the image is corrupted when I try to post.
I hope you are working on my Ship Captain Trump navigating a storm and telling the worried passengers not to worry, at some point. The thought of seeing it makes me giddy!
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you seem a little bit triggered by my OC

At least Trump isn't a brony like ol' Lyin' Ted.
He said that he didn't care desu
That it would be a waste of public time and money to construct separate bathrooms for trannies and let them remain as it is (if a washroom allows them to use their "identified" gender then whatever)
Perfect summary of what's happening.
>NY'er in real estate has mob ties

I was watching with friends and I knew it was gonna be a bloodbath, so I brought a washcloth and tied it to act as a makeshift gag, and I am so glad I did. My friends say my pure rage noises were so loud that if it weren't for the gag I might have lashed out and broken something.
I don't want to sabotage my libshit university network. Which is why I'd prefer something online and more private.
Trump was trying not to laugh. Watch it again. He was playing along.
It's yours.kek
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wew lad
kek is with us
some faggot claiming Trump's electioneering tactics are a sham.

Background noise. Nothing.
No no no no no don't pay attention to that "Cruz said people with no mathematical possibility of winning should drop out!" thing! No!

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I am getting to it friend
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I think you're in the wrong neighborhood
Conservatives are uniting. The grassroots have formed a coalition to secure the nomination on the second ballot. They will ensure that 60-70% of republicans have their voice heard and a man won't win the nomination, with 35% of the vote.
He claims that it was to a staffer he was giving donations to, and we have bigger battles to fight.
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>tfw no qt3.14 gf to pan the crowd with
Don't listen to him! You just keep having fun

t. whiteknight
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I want to let everyone know what's happening in Mississippi right now, we are having our county conventions statewide on Saturday April 23. This week the state GOP implemented a rule that in order to be eligible to serve as a delegate to state convention one must fill out and submit a certain form to the state GOP, it seems they did not inform anyone of this change except the GOP county chairman in each county. If that wasn't bad enough they set a deadline of noon Saturday to submit the form which is before the county conventions even elect the delegates, and they did not inform anyone of this deadline until after noon on Friday. This is a clear effort to disqualify Trump delegates who are less likely to be plugged into the state GOP machine, and thus less likely to be informed of this new requirement. Please spread the word.
Your jew magic doesnt work any more. Kill yourself
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You sound mildly autistic. I still love you though.
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So true

>How can you support him when he's literally Hitler?
>Aren't you disappointed he's not literally Hitler?

The honest press is always worth spending your time on.
Yeah but Im on mobile so its a pain in the ass to switch to /pol after listening for a while. I might miss something since its live too.
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desu, I've seen other people make stuff like it and I wanted to try it out. Obviously I have a ways to go before they're any good, but it's fun to try
There's been threads about it.
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Guillible Fox News boomers
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Who's ready for an early AM rally?


- Saturday, April 23, 2016 -
10:00AM ET

Waterbury, CT

Crosby High School
10:00 AM
Donald J. Trump for President Rally in Waterbury, CT
Doors open at 7:00 AM
And they mock him when he gets caught up in the spectacle of it all and flubs a word.

During a rally, when he steps back, shakes his head and just goes wtf. This is why.
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> Making sure that the person with the most delegates isn't chosen

Wow democracy is great.
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Um...dont mansplain to ME, like, can you not please!?!? I can't even right now ugh just ugh
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Thank you dear. No hurry. Im here every night. I just wasnt sure if you had agreed to do it.
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Donation from priesthood-rising's younger brother
You'll get past your party-decoration stage soon, keep trying
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This is fucking great

I love it
No one cares, far more important things to worry about, such as the illegal brown horde pouring over from Mexico
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Its funny, I was trying to remember exactly what you wanted but I couldn't remember. Detail exactly how you want it, ill cap your post so I won't lose it this time
That shitlord from a few days ago blew up two rally threads over that pic. What a faggot.
the last New York delegates are taking forever
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>Reddit switches their prime candidate from Bernie to Hillary
Is this even reality anymore?
I function well enough. My friends recorded it and didn't let me fucking live it down.

>"Count to ten, Donald-"
>sound of me angrily going "NNNNNGGGGGG" through the gag

They still fucking make fun of me for it, but I'm just glad I didn't end up breaking any of my friends' shit.
A plurality is not a majority friend. When 65-70% of republicans vote against you, that's not democracy.
No I need to make sure people poo in the right place.

This is important.
So Indiana is the big question of whether Trump has it totally in the bag now

I do love that Cruz has been imploding like Jeb! and Marco though.

>more ''''''''''real''''''''''' reddit posts

not an argument
Or am I overlooking this and this is a plant to divide reddit?
>2nd level profanity
Seems legit.
trump saying that means has has something called CROSS OVER APPEAL.

left-minded voters enjoy social freedom and trump's stance on trans people is VERY appealing for those people.

did you notice how trump is also being sympathetic to comrade sanders as of late? you know, "he keeps winning, but the system is rigged and he's still behind"?

that's CROSS OVER APPEAL. he's starting to recruit disenfranchised sanders supporters EARLY because he can see the writing on the wall.

his supporters are BY FAR the most loyal, so he can keep doing his thing with us. but trump is going for the BIG prize. he wants the landslide victory to be YUGE.

this mother fucker is so damn smart.
Hillary should be behind bars in the background with her supporters crying. It'd make a nice touch.
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MAGA on my brother.
No, it isn't. Good thing Trump now has a simple majority, so your point doesn't work.
They can say "Shit" now. Pretty fucking crazy.
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>Trying to astro-turf Cruz support on /pol/
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>Or am I overlooking this and this is a plant to divide reddit?
It's also to divide us.
>keep posting anime in /pol/
confirms it.
If 65-70% are against him, why does he still have a majority?

Choke on a dick.
Thanks, I just wanted to hear an explanation, I had a rough day, then this shit with Cruz actually being more /pol/ than Trump bowled me over.
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>he doesn't know that Bernie was the real plant all along and is just being used to drum up support to improve turnout in November
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looks about right
>Is this even reality anymore?

No, it's obviously fake. Bernouts hate Shillary.

She spent more than $1 million to shame them across the web, including Reddit, remember?

I'm sure Manafort has a plan laid out for the Don on how to tackle the state. (And win over the bible fuckers so they don't give Rato a boost)

Plus he's probably also expecting more Rato meltdowns on and after the 26th to ruin his image even further.
We're in this next level meta-irony.

It's still a wedge issue, though.
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Can you guys post some more dank trumps?
I think we may be overestimating their organization to make ourselves feel more important. I'd wager 60-70% of these "shills" are just shitposters.
Thanks, sis. You, too!
Trump likes to shout about how the system is rigged but allows him to get the majority of delegates with only 30% of the vote.


I needed the laugh.
America won't be made great with walls or trade deals, SJW's need to be rooted out and the corruption carved out.
Letting lefties run rings around you IS a big deal.
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See pic.

>keep posting anime in /pol/
FUCK, didn't read that.
He knows what he is doing. He says the shit he says on purpose to get the left and the media to flip their shit. He's always been good at playing the media like a game. Even with the Chicago riots, he had to know that was going to happen. He basically exposed the violent left. He is a genius.
Latest Indiana polls have trump ahead by like 8-9 points, which is up from a few weeks ago when it was considered a tie.

He'll probably win Indiana and every state going forward now that Cruz is bleeding support from being Mathematically Elminated

A vote for Cruz is a vote for a Contested Convention and very few people really want that

Rats jumping ship from Rato fast
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A million is chump change for Hillary - that's only 4 speeches.
Does he have 1237? Then he doesn't have a majority.
Go back to Applied Memetics, bring this picture and show Ted for me. Tell Heidi hello from me.
"more" rato meltdowns? When did he melt down?
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i got (You) fampai
>When 65-70% of republicans vote against you
There have been plenty of cases in the past where, in a 3+ man race, the top candidate had less than 50% of the vote, but never was this argument used. Show how desperate you retards really are.
He was bitching about Colorado.
>Size of watermelons
He must wear a baggy pair of pants to hide those
He sure as fuck isn't mathematically eliminated, unlike wowcow.

Why the fuck are you here?
>30% is the majority in a field of 17
Keep trying Mr. 100% of the delegates with no votes cast.

I got news for you, once all the non-SJW bernouts vote Trump, the only dems left will be SJW's. And then we can defeat them.
>what are your deportation plans?
I want to increase border patrol to turn away the ones they catch, and increase ICE so we can have an agent embedded with drug and gang task forces. And we'll fast track the deportation of the ones we have in custody.
>what about mi Abuella who's been here 20 years.
Well, stuff like that we can take on a case by case basis. But we have to get the criminals out as fast as possible and build a wall so they can't just walk back in.
>but how are you going to deport 12 million people?
If you enforce the laws. Deport the ones you catch. Fine companies who hire them. Institute e-verify nationwide so they can't be hired. If they can't get jobs they'll go back on their own.
>yeah but how will you deport 12 million???
>deportation squads?
<months pass>
<Trump hams it up>
</pol/ pops popcorn)>
>the New York Times says they have audio suggesting Trump won't be as harsh on immigration as he's been saying
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Old, but it's truly hilarious how Cruz can't stop fucking himself over even with a spotlight on him


>I'd wager 60-70% of these "shills" are just shitposters.

What gave it away, the anime part or "2nd Level Profanity?"

Literally no one on Earth talks like that.

The real test for the Don's team will be in Nebraska. If Rato is weak enough by then, the Don can run off with the state and then begin pulling off a series of double digit victories before wrapping it up on June 7th.
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Is a Hillary/Romney ticket on the cards? A bold but perhaps necessary move if Hillary is serious about beating Trump methinks...
I figured. It's creepier than I thought. His supporters see him as some political Messiah that will save the country by turning it into a theocracy. As a Christian, I find it deplorable. Politics is downstream of culture. If the culture is degenerate, elected religious leaders won't change anything. Look at Latin America. Some countries have crucifixes in the courtrooms on front of the judge's stand but their cultures are degenerate as fuck. We're not elected America's pastor but a president. Giving Cruz money like he's some traveling evangelist is sick.
Stealing this.
Apparently high up party kingpins are pissed off that Trump hasn't built a good fundraising ring like how Romney did in 2012

This race will be a tough one
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>FUCK, didn't read that.
Yeah, it's just the nignogs that have some mental retardation that causes them to foam at the mouth when they see 2D titties.
Gonna save this on an SD card and hide it well.
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>mfw the GOP can unite against Trump but not the left nor Obama
No a Hillary/Jeb ticket is better
Going off the popular vote
>63% voted against Trump
>73% voted against Cruz (Bulk of his delegates and votes came from his home state)
>87% voted against Kasich (most of his votes &delegates came from his home state)
Oh, please, Wasserman-Shultz is on the same crap about Sanders not raising money for down-ballot Dem candidates.

These people are just assmad that no one likes their parties anymore and are just using them to elect effective non-party candidates.
can you draw a picture of cruz acting like a messiah and another one that is exactly the same except cruz looks like a demon so I can make a snazzy gif that says "the priesthood rises"
Hahaha I think we're all feeding the trolls too much. If we simply ignored the "shills" they would almost entirely cease; but we won't, so they won't.
I believe Trump can take Nebraska with the help of Manafort.

If Cruz doesn't decline, it'll be tough, but Cruz is already declining and I expect that to snowball as more people realize they'd just be voting for a contested convention.
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Jesus christ the shilling strong up in here.
They dont get how fucking stupid they look to us and keep trying.

They're two sides of the same coin, anon.
Why would your right arm hinder your left?
Yeah I just ignore them now. The opposite of love is not hate, its indifference.
Trump cares about one thing. Do you have a job? If not, why not?

lol Trump is a loon if he thinks that
It would show she's dedicated to Obamacare,and subsequently make her unelectable.
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This is a shop. And no, I'm not a shill, but the folks over at /r/the_Donald said it was a shop.
Kek, all the major networks are preempting broadcasting to cover it and King Nigger is pissed that no one gives a shit about him like that.

>it is currently impossible to bury your face in Iowa's massive resource bays
2D better come fucking quick, Donald!
Why I do not know who this "Applied Memetics" is friend.

He lost the last five elections in a landslide, 25% of republicans isn't enough to be the nominee.

Where he was outorganized by the grassroots movement.

Only a handful made any delegate headway, Ben Carson and his 6 delegates did nothing.
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Ted Cruz is a self appointed Messiah:






He's an opportunistic faggot:




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-pwGx4vv2g (bribery?)

No moderate or independant will vote for this lunatic dominionist come November. Hillary will use this angle and stomp his dumbass:


Creepy Cruz:



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What a surprise, low IQ baby boomers getting fucked in the ass.
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I could, but you'll have to remind me once I get my drawing roster down a bit okay? I want to do that for you, it sounds like a great idea!
It's one of the ancient statutes of 4chan to not feed the troll. There will always be a troll looking for (You)s just for the lols. Do not let them trololo you.
You could turn pretty good profit by selling all those purple dildos on the black market.
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I just noticed the typo in this picture and I am upset and too lazy to fix it.
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Daddy's Boy.jpg
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I agree with Milo that the GOP are literal political cucks. They get off at the idea of the left ruining this country.
On my laptop currently so I can't make any Spurdo OC
But I managed to make this using my touchpad

r8 pls
Holy shit I'm dying. 10/10 edit

Trump is at the helm of a large yacht, cruiseliner or man of war ship. I originally liked the idea of a cruiseliner because trump would be wearing some of his chic 1920s style leisure wear.

The ship is surrounded by a terrible violent storm. Trump is steering the ship to a safe harbour in the distance.

On the ship are worried Americans. (Maybe the ship's name is the USS America). The Americans on the ship are terrified.

But with a strong strapping Trump at the helm, with a stern face, he comforts the worried passengers by telling them "Don't Worry, I'm at the helm (now)"

>Constantly complaining about the Don and everything he says or does
>Went to PA on the night of the NY primary and started insulting the state for not siding with his ugly ass
>Says he 'still has a path' to 1237' despite it being false
>Started shit with Hannity (Who is quite supportive of him) when a question about delegates came up
>Unironically compared himself to Bernie Sanders on being an 'outsider'
>Sent a desperate email to supporters that was basically one long list of bitching about how hard it is to run for president
It's very minimalist, anon.

Oh, did you see Trump making fun of your country today?
I think it's worse than that. I think they're all making money and that's all it is to them.
I didn't even notice until you said something senpai. Good edit though.
This. When you're old and/or have a lot of money, you are afraid of change. Old, wealthy people love Kasich and Cruz. Wealthy secular people like Kasich and wealthy evangelicals like Cruz. Working class vote for Trump because they are getting hurt by the system.
Dont tell that to me. Its the other anons here that answer them that should learn this ancient statute. Maybe its just shills replying to eachother? Sad!
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I really can never believe there are actual non-ironic shills on here.
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rare pepe OC.png
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>On my laptop currently so I can't make any Spurdo OC
>But I managed to make this using my touchpad

forgot to attach file

r8 pls
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hi dildio-ho, neighborino!
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>it is currently impossible to bury your face in Iowa's massive resource bays
I want to explore Iowa's peaks and valleys.
>Sent a desperate email to supporters that was basically one long list of bitching about how hard it is to run for president
Kek, I remember that. Elizabeth Warren got a copy and posted it to Twitter and called him a pussy.
>tfw Trump always says I LOVE YOU, GO OUT AND VOTE ON TUESDAY at the end of rallies
>tfw it gives me energy to go about the day
Is there a meme character personifying the whiny little bitch el rato is?
Perhaps, it is one of their "perks"
Is Hillary's "million dollar comment correction" bullshit hitting imageboards as well? Or are they just targeting reddit, facebook, and other normie social media?
>what is New York
>two elections in four states = 5 elections
you're making it way too obvious that you're a shill
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Thanks! Here is some meme potential in case anyone wanted it

You got it friend.


You see Trump make fun of your country today?

Trump will make it happen.
>1 supervisor's cock has been deposited into your mouth
Hopefully I get to fix my computer soon and am able to help with OC. Keep chuggin on pooloo

>Look at me
>I'm the captain now
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Kek smiles gratefully upon your dubs, pooey, looey, and jewey
Sorry mate, forgot to attach file
Here's the OC >>71799300

Oh and a couple other anons told me about it
Just the regular H1B jesting right?
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Shillary #1.png
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We think so, but shilling has been very minimal today.

Not that they haven't tried in the past...
>maybe it's just shills replying to each other
I would assume there is a great deal of that to create a false sense of division where there is no such strife. I believe that most of the pro-anime and anti-anime are trolls causing arguments.
Could be; all I know is that the gravy train is being derailed by the Trump Train and we're not going to allow such blatant Anti-American bullshit.
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>You see Trump make fun of your country today?
I laughed so hard at that
Oh please, that was his home state. 70-80% of republicans know that Donald Trump should not be our nominee, because he loses to Hillary Clinton every time.
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So they're mystified that Trump isn't taking time off from campaigning to shill for GOPe insiders that have been scheming to defeat him, and have been endorsing his opponents?
He said he heard about outsourcing, so he called customer service and he got a Pajeet, so he hung up.

Then he did an impression of the Pajeet, shit was hilarious.
I want to swab her poop deck
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Believe it, there are "people" out there selling out America, the West, and the future of humanity for literal pennies an hour.
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The bummer that's shaking hands with ratface can't even look him in the eyes.

Life of a cheesemissile.

What the fuck is a grassroots conservative? The term literally means nothing now. It's the Cruz response to everything... Grassroots grassroots grassroots. Makes my fucking blood boil every time someone in the Cruz campaign says that damn word. From what I understand, grassroots conservatives are entitled establishment pieces of shit who bully on behalf of Cruz.
Oh jesus christ that's horrifying.

Some, and that's like maybe 2-3 look like shitposts though. But most of the those are disturbing.
Reagan was doing worse in the polls before the general election. Also, I hate to break it to you, but the fact that New York is his home state doesn't magically invalidate it.
thx famalams

wew lad
gotta look that up
also is it possible to shoop a maga hat on him?>>71799300
>So I call, I call customer service, I say 'where are you from?', and he says something like 'DU, HELLO SIR, I AM FROM INDIA', so then I just hung up.
I don't even know what that term means. I just thought it was a buzzword from a old-as-fuck generation
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>I want to swab her poop deck
Fine, I'll take the stern, and you take aft.
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Hannity is getting tired of Lyin' Ted's bullshit.
lol this is exactly what I look like
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30 second commercial has enough of an effect that advertisers will pay big bucks for it. But spending hours playing a murder simulator has zero effect. Gotcha.
""""""""grass roots""""""""" like the 4 billionaires bankrolling Cruz's 4 SuperPACs
It was like this.
>What the fuck is a grassroots conservative?
I swear I've heard "grassroots" more in the past year or two than I have in my fucking life.

It's like the term suddenly exploded into popularity.
God, Trump is based as fuck. I love this guy.
I'll dry dock her at every port
Donald is no Reagan. 80-90% of republicans know that.

>Antagonize the shit out of the frontrunner for months
Heil Satan, are we talking about Donkey Kong?

It's funny that the japs were upset she was added to the game.


Is Hannity on both trumps and cruz' side?
Eh, we'll see what he decides to bring out when he gets the nomination. Honestly I think he's got a whole arsenal of past crimes and such that he's going to bring up in public media debates against Hillary. Not just the email scandals.

If the republican party decides to nominate someone else after him getting all the delegates they will destroy the party.

If they do decide to do that though, when Bernie loses the nomination I hope him and Trump will run as 3rd party candidates and make it a 4-way race, it won't work if just Trump does it. Then Bernie's "political revolution" will actually happen.

Trump and Bernie have big enough followings for them to both run as 3rd party candidates if everything went south for Trump.
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Rato is gonna go homicide streak when Trump gets the nomination guys
Yeah, except the whole thread here was just posting "POO" for like, 2 solid minutes.
Hannity 100% Trump
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>I'll dry dock her at every port
Just don't capsize her.
That's because we're all 12 and what is this.
Literally much ado about nothing.

She has enough ballast, calm down, anon.
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>It's funny that the japs were upset she was added to the game.
I still haven't played the game. I don't even know what it's about.
I hope you Americans know how lucky you are to have Trump. It would be such a shame if he doesn't become president. I've never felt so strongly about a political candidate before, even though I'm not American. It's a beautiful thing to MAGA, and I believe that only Trump can do it.
You're correct. Trump actually has a stronger fiscal policy, stance on the second amendment, abortion, healthcare, and immigration than Reagan did.
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Is this good?
Wasserman-Shultz is incompetent af and under her reign the Democrats have taken a huge assfucking in down ballot races and the Democrats are near bankrupt practically.
I fucking love this man.
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As always, it's been fun. I'm going to bed now, have a good night Trump Gen!
Ted wasn't an American citizen in the first place until like 2004. He was born in 1970. He finally gave up his Leaf citizenship in 2014. Bill Still did a great video regarding this.


Then he made a follow up video about the NJ Judge:
>It's funny that the japs were upset she was added to the game.
Can you imagine the ass chafing if it had been the Missouri instead? It was her deck the Japanese surrendered on.
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>She has enough ballast, calm down, anon.
But what if someone tries to fire torpedoes at her?
[Other than me.]
Coming into the 2016 race, he was very pro-Cruz, hated Rubio and Bush. When Trump threw his hat in the race, he liked his as well and wanted a Trump/Cruz or Cruz/Trump ticket.

Now after all of the rat's dirty tricks, he's coming closer to Trump
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The 0.03% tranny population that he's so afraid of goes missing in a few days.
I don't think it's really "about" anything. You're Admiral MC-kun and you have a harem^Wfleet of shipgirls to fight with.
Ships. But they're also waifus. She represents the USS Iowa.
Love you, babe.
can someone post the template of bernie sanders staring at the ground with his arms crossed i want to make some oc
No joke, one of the Florida RNC members is saying that he wants to charge Trump for all the expenses since fundraisers aren't stepping up
Thanks Canadia. Hopefully other cuntries start rejecting PC and nationalize. Are there any people in Canada that could be your Trump?
None of those are good ideas, where'd you learn that? Trump University?

90-100% of republicans know that.
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Stay /comfy/ senpai
>30 second commercial has enough of an effect that advertisers will pay big bucks for it. But spending hours playing a murder simulator has zero effect. Gotcha.

Show me the statistics that link video games to violence; you might as well say the same thing about living vicariously through movies, T.V. or fucking books. That's literally censorship you're talking about if you feel the need to "STOP THE VIDJA GAEMS FROM HURTING DEM KEEDZ!!" Go fuck off you faggots.

I believe America needs a strong leader, and no one other than Trump fits that role at the moment, but that comment is retarded and regressive for someone who I assume is completely ignorant on the subject.
So long as they aren't these model torpedoes, you should be OK.
It really doesn't sound like an indian accent. It sounds like just his typical mocking voice (like when he shits on reporters). I thought something more was going to come from a few months ago when he was talking about negotiating with china. He was saying they're tough guys and they don't make a deal like "hello, how are you, fine" they negotiate deals like "WE WANT DEAL!".
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>tfw reminiscing about ex gf

Thanks, y-you too.

They can ask Goldman-Sachs for an extra large loan then. Not the Don's fault they're acting like niggers.
>But spending hours playing a murder simulator has zero effect
Shit, that's how I get the anger outta me. Just play GTA and drive on the sidewalks. Never thought about doing it in real life because I'm not fucking retarded and I don't want to get locked up.
You're confusing me shill. What's your point?
>Are there any people in Canada that could be your Trump?
It doesn't matter. We will annex them. We have to save Lauren Southern.
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Sleep snug.
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Just like how upset they were at him not appointing Bush era political hacks to manage his campaign.

He's for both to keep viewers and listeners happy but he leans hard towards Trump. I'm sure he thinks Ted is a phony.

I've seen this but it's worse that that. His mother was a Canadian citizen when she voted in an election before Ted was born. There was no dual citizenship in CA then so she renounced her US citizenship before Ted was born. BOTH HIS PARENTS WERE CANADIANS.
>None of those are good ideas
You must be a libtard
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But, anon, that causes some really dangerous misogyny!
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Kevin O'Leary most probably. He has expressed his interest for running as the Conservative leader. For now, we have to live with Trudeau. They want to make marijuana legal in Spring 2017, and this disappoints me a lot because I'm strongly against drugs. But anyway, enough complaining.
Ted Cruz will be the nominee

100-100% of republicans know that.
So does feminism
By that logic, every teenager in America is already a raging psychopath who secretly wants to murder people. Think maybe you're oversimplifying it a bit?
You're a good guy, anon. You'll find another gf, I'm sure of it. Sleep tight, brother. Much love to you.
Shit is Czechoed
thanks a lot bud
It's funny to me that people who think video games cause violence in real life don't realize they're exactly as retarded as Anita
By your logic advertising has zero effect and they've been wasting their money all these years. I didn't say advertising turns people into mindless zombies brainwashed into buying the product, and I didn't say the murder simulators brainwash everyone into suddenly becoming cold blooded killers.

Btw nice response you fucking bridge troll, nobody on this fucking planet including yourself has evidence against games being counter productive to humanity in any way and anyone who says so is a regressive in my opinion. Fuck right off.
Contain your autism in 2010 please. This has been proven wrong so unless you wanna show a few reliable studies that video games do in fact cause people to cut sick then fuck off.
My god its beautiful would you mind if I edit your rare pepe?
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Trump Rally.gif
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well I decided to work with what you already had drawn.
>By your logic
All I did was point out the utter stupidity of your logic. It is an oversimplification. You assume that because one type of media has been shown to affect behavior in a particular way, a different type of media must behavior in the way you think it will despite no evidence to show that this is the case.
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