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Thread replies: 323
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Get up to speed:

Get up to speed: [YouTube] DC Madam Lawyer: Files Would Alter 2016 Race | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC (embed) [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

Here are the DC Madam's lawyer's registered domains in which the list may be hidden:

[YouTube] DC Madam Lawyer: Files Would Alter 2016 Race | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC (embed) [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

Here are the DC Madam's lawyer's registered domains in which the list may be hidden:
Don't allow "Bitcoin Wallet" nigger to fool you, taking down an amateur website isn't shit.
anything new from a few hours ago?
First post, good post
This, we can do it ourselves
RE if you've eaten a fuckton of cum
This is the address of the bitcoin nigger from previous thread. He hasn't received anything, so most likely he owns knoxvillians.ru and the demo was fake. Don't send him anyting.

redirecting zombies can get quite pricy, depending on the size
Phone records of an infamous owner of a DC escort agency, Deborah Jeane Palfrey could destroy the life of one of the current candidates.

Previous Thread Lacked Vision!
There is a time for banter and facts, but that time isn't now!
This is NEWS /pol/!
This is time to speculate and rev those exess social media accounts!

>"Did Ted Cruz Buy Prostitutes!?!?!?"
>"Does Bernie Sanders have a Dark Secret?"
>"Who is the DC Madam, and what does that have to do with John Kasich?"
>"Did Hillary Clinton Murder DC Madam To cover for her husband?"

The story from a fellow anon:
>woman known as "DC Madam" runs high-end escort service in DC for over ten years
>amasses large database of high powered politicians and their sexual encounters with her hookers
>she gets investigated, walls start closing in on her
>"dies mysteriously" in 2007, hanging in her mom's backyard shed is considered a suicide
>but before her death, she gave all her information to her lawyer
>after her death, lawyer was put on gag order, making it illegal for him to release the data
>story gets forgotten for years
>2016 election comes
>the lawyer wants to release the information because it is "very relevant" to this election
>he has set an ultimatum of 2 weeks. if the courts don't lift the gag order in 2 weeks, he's gonna do it (madman.jpg)
>info will also be released automatically
>he set up four servers across the world, and if he doesn't enter a password every three days, the information will be sent to a bunch of media outlets

Court Fees:
Full Story:
I didn't want to be the OP but the other guy has left the building.

Be my guest if you want to keep the thread alive fag.
I've been seeing these threads all day and have no fucking clue who DC Madam is.
Here's some of the stuff /g/ came up with earlier

What's interesting about this is it seems the unique servers are:


That's four servers. That's an important number, right?

From response headers,

>"Apache" doesn't even give a version, does anyone know if this is a manual config thing or is there an old version that doesn't by default send the version?
>Also shows an open FTP port so I think this is a standard thing where he just FTP's in to move his website around, could conceivably hold some hidden treasures

>Also showing just "Apache", with an open FTP port. What's interesting is previous anon's scan shows an open 443 but telling my browser to go to https:// gives an SSL error. I don't know enough about SSL to know what's going on here, will pass off to you guys

>Running Apache/2.4.12 and PHP/5.4.43
>Open FTP and it looks like they're also running a mail server. I'm betting he's hired a sysadmin to take care of this one
>Connecting via https shows a "Future home of something quite cool" and a link to an admin panel, but it looks like it's configured to refuse unknown connections. Websearch tells me this is a godaddy page construction thing

>Basically the same config as civilforfeiture, though it has a mark on the bottom saying it was "developed by D2plus1"

Oh dear fucking god, sashaworkx has a little PHP submission post thing under the "contact" page.
Literally, "send_form_email.php"

According to google D2plus1 is some random Indian grill making websites out of Mumbai. What to you think the odds are that she's lazy?
yep, I found the code behind her form. 99% sure she mostly copied/pasted from

Anyone who knows php better than I do can find a vulnerability? Given that it's PHP, I know there's going to be some.

I think I'm the only one actually doing anything useful ATM

Is running Apache 2.4.12 which is a little dated. We might be able to find something nice in
That will let us in

Can we tell the OS?

In the unlikely case that it is Windows Server 20xx:

civilforfeiture.com/wjh redirects to /www.whyjusther.com, which holds a bunch of good stuff that is hidden behind walls (all in the /download directory).
It's a good idea to FTP into civilforfeiture and see what that holds. Also we should see what whyjusther is like.

I'm looking but not finding much. Indian girl seems to know how to configure decently I guess
FTP isn't filtered so it seems like we might be able to run some other kind of attack that way. Or just dump a dictionary at it, that might work
Use this to datamine to domains in the OP


DDOS is looking like the way to go. Let's get some people who aren't shekel whoring kikes together to get it started.
Just some stupid cunt looking for gibmedats.
I want all of us to feed ourselves and feed our families, but anyone who's stupid enough to dump some hundreds into a fucking retard doing some CTRLc/p on them is a fucking scourge to the planet anyhow.
Anyhow, yes we've discovered quite a few locations, names, and numbers, and we are diligently working towards linking them.
he wouldn't be able to pull together 5 grand anyway, but yeah don't donate
It's an easy scam. get a proxy and pretend to be the guy demanding proof, take your own webserver offline, then claim to be impressed and that you're sending BTC. Even if someone sends $20, it's still profit.
What is DDOSing a site that doesnt get much traffic anyways gunna do?
Bitcoin nigger is likely some reddit tier SJW trying to raise funds for his/her retarded cause because they've collectively never had a fucking real job in their lives.

Filter that shit.
the RetroVGS of internet hackers. you should be ashamed of yourself you piece of shti
Why don't you all pool your money and go on upwork and hire someone to do all this shit...
Well here's a big something

A whole list of numbers connected to El Rato himself

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Aaron being a jew again. His twitter is @TerrorTacos. Also goes by the name MaximumTacos in irc.
The sites are programmed to release the info we're after to every media outlet in the country, unless a password is entered into them every 72 hrs. If we DDOS the sites for 72 hrs, the password can't be entered, and the info is released.

Seems I failed to check how accurate the listed numbers were. Upon investigation it looks like these are numbers of anyone "Raf* Cruz"
Woah, wish I didn't look at that.
Would it not be incredibly hard to keep a site DDOS'd for 72hours though?

Suck my dick.

Okay, you take down a website. I'll wait and watch.

>I have set my name to TRIPFAG because my VPN rotates.
Honestly, I can't say. I think it would depend on how many people are involved.
this guy thought he was gonna make $10k post girls laughing image macros pls
Fuck off kike, no one's giving you shekels.
You should be ashamed taking advantage of the feeble-minded like that.
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to the UK Anon.

>I'll just leave this here

Yes he's a gamergate faggot. He threatened some of my friends on Twitter so I'm working to destroy him now. And I will be sending the BTC as soon as coinbase verifies me, why did you stop the attack???
>Even if someone sends $20, it's still profit.
And most of us can't afford it regardless of how much we shill. Them $0.005 transactions just ain't adding up.
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Haha a fucking script kiddie is begging for Crypto Shekels

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begone, foolish child
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Face it guys

We blew it.

Call the lawyer. 2oh2 6four3 7two3two
Does it even need to be continually DDOS'd? Doesn't Sibley have to enter the shit manually? I guess then the question is how exactly is the dead hand system he has in place operating.
It would require a huge bonnet to actually do. DDoSing isn't the best option we have here. We would be better off sleuthing around and finding actual clues.

Fucking april fools day is jewing me out of being able to tripfag

I don't give a fuck who is who or why is why, but if you want that site offline you should use a faster exchange than coinbase jesus fucking christ. I'm NOT giving you free service while waiting a week for your account to just be STARTED. This is NOT a charity
Apparently someone in /g/ already called him but got a voice-mail. I hope that they did not get to is Anons...
I doubt that all of the users on /pol/ right now even have 12 BTC total, even if tripfag is telling the truth.

And who's to say there isn't a fail-safe on the dead man switch in case of power failure or ddos etc.
I did, earlier. It went to voicemail. Someone else should try.

I actually do have the net to do this but shills on here are trying to prevent the truth from coming out.

1PGBd2M758gxcoRerBBny1ED13E9EzYmfp <- as soon as 12 BTC hits, his servers are offline for 80 hours (just to be sure)
i heard something ridiculous the other day that alex jones is bill hicks. he does look a bit like him though.
If my name is Rato, we know who gets rato'd.
What the fuck is going on here
proud holder of 1 casascius bitcoin checking in
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>sounds good chaim, coming right up






We have absolutely no reason to believe you'll actually do that once you get your shekels
I checked the list and didn't see any of those numbers on the madam list
get out shill
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It's about Bill and there's about a .1% chance anyone on the left cares Bill only used the girls that already had AIDS because he has AIDS
>sending BTC
I just got in the thread, so I don't know what you're talking about. Was Aaron asking for BTC, or ... what's happening?
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you gotta know when you give up, son. now is the time to give up.

you guys switched tactics from telling people not to dig and that there's nothing here, over to telling people not to do what needs to be done to get results.

how much is hillary / rato paying you?
Forget that bitcoin faggot.

Shills derailed last nights thread spamming. Now this guy is pretending to be stupid and drawing all our attention

My name is Bill so I'm as confused as you are on the topic

This guy's got some good ideas. What do you think, /pol/?
Basically, people are thinking about DDoSing the lawyer mentioned in OP's post. This would make it that the lawyer can't enter the password, which would then release the info for DC Madam's client list.

Gibsmedat anon is asking for bitcoin to get the job done. So roughly 5,000 dollars, and we don't even know if he'll put out. He was shilling in the last thread as a proxyfag apparently.
Kill yourself.
If we give you enough BCs would you do it?
but why do we want the information? I have no clue who this person is.
Dude just drop knoxvillains again and I'll send you TWO bitcoins, if you can keep it off for a while, I know it won't be as hard as a go daddy hosted site. Niggas can't even into
This. Focus on sleuthing, and possibly putting together a botnet that doesn't cost 5,000 dollars
Hey, what's up Aaron. Still selling coke in Athens, TN.? Did your dad's business go under or something?

I'm on a VPN that rotates but every post I've made, I've made as myself. I'm willing to fucking save the last thread as HTML and upload it so you can see that.
I dont think we'd be able to chance not doing it continually or he could eaisly slip the pass in when its not down

Do you know of any programs I could run to find hidden files on his sites?
Ive asked a few times in a couple of threads and it always gets blanked
Other than that what else can I do to help?

You kind of need to do something to prove
1) the site being attacked isnt yours
2) you can and will do what you say
Other than that isnt 12BTC a huge amount of money?
Eh, calling en-masse wouldn't really work. The whole point of this is that the lawyer can't release info because he's under legal scrutiny.

We would be better off trying to FTP, maybe brute force, or just try to find the breadcrumbs that the attorney hid in his websites.
If my name is jewish, FBI is in this thread
The guy asking for bitcoins is a literal crackhead. He's going to rip off anyone dumb enough to give him bitcoins.
The information he has is a record book from a Washington DC madame - some woman who ran a DC whorehouse. It has the names and numbers of some very powerful people on it. This lawyer claims that the info is pertinent to the current election.

Actually no I have your mom doing all the cocaine sales for me at the moment. It's hard to be in more than one state at once you know.
well an elite haxxor like yourself would no that that would not legitimately supply authentication.

so either you're not an elite haxxor, or you're trying to pull one over on us.
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Fuck off, you're not fooling me again. And on the chance that you're legit and other people might follow in your dumbassness, don't use coinbase, they take fucking weeks.
DDoS won't work. You'd basically have to keep GoDaddy down for 72 hours straight.

The lawyer seemed to hint there are enough clues to find the spreadsheet on his sites.
So, DC Madam was a high quality escort that dies quite a few years ago. She died under suspicious circumstances, and a few people here say se was murdered.

Before she "committed suicide" she gave her client list to her attorney. Some of it is already public, but the lawyer wants to release the rest. He said that the info pertains to the candidates in the race right now.

We could possibly expose Cruz for hooker relations, of Clinton for covering up Bill's sexual advances.
I very much doubt the lawyer guy has these files hosted on any of the four retarded godaddy sites.

He has plenty of money I'm 100% certain he paid for an IT specialist an those files are being hosted in a country beyond US jurisdiction. From my old bittorrent days I'm going to suggest Finland or Brazil.

Maybe even China.

[citation needed]
well, I've lost hope. why is everyone just discussing random shit now? we've hit a plateau
wow what a load of crock

So why can't we just wait if he's gonna release it soon anyways?
it's pretty obvious desu
People are looking, updates are pretty slow atm though
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Fuck off shill. You have no power here...

I mean I'm willing to drop random websites but now that cocaine has been mentioned, now I'm really interested in hearing where this story came from
>implying the courts won't just delay it forever.
>implying that the judicial system won't do everything in their power to stop the lawyer.

I'm trying to offer 3 days of bullshit but shills are going all out tonight
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>tfw BTC fag successfully derailed the thread
I appreciate you /pol/.

My birthday was on the 26th of March, and I asked for NOTHING.

To see entire threads come together and deny GIBMEDATS I can only say.... I appreciate the birthday present.

Remain strong. We are in troubling times, but we aren't imbeciles.

Those who are here now and will be here later, remind those who are here later but not here now, DO NOT GIBTHEMDATS.
What if we got Sibley arrested instead so he couldn't update the switch?

actually no, shills going all out against me derailed the thread.
Indeed. It has been pretty intense.

Whatever this guy has, hilary clinton is going all out to cover it up. Including killing several more people.

For More Information Contact:
maybe we could just break every computer except the servers. everyone get a glass of water and pour it on your computer to start us out

Is this a joint operation with /g/?
He's probably using this to extort money from the politicians themselves. But after these bread crumbs we've been thrown, I wonder if he expects us 'anonymous hackers' to get the info out while he has nothing to do with it. If so, he's a fucking great lawyer.
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I am telling you the Cruz shills can sense that the end is near. If we can crack this it will be the end of Cruz.

I still think at this point we need to all call the lawyer and attempt to convince him to leak the information in an anonymous way.

If he STILL refuses, then we have no choice but to go to plan B and that is DDOS the sites for 72 hours straight.
We have literally no reason to trust you
either prove you can do it and MAYBE some people will donate or stop the bullshit

Why did you mention me in that?

/g/ are doing their thing but its hardly joint, we're just sharing info
suck my tiny micropenis. OH WAIT UR MOUTH IS PROBABLY TOO BIG!
His data would be released if he doesn't login every three days. He has a deadman's switch on it.

I'm just going to start seeing how many bots I can siphon from task and start assembling enough to do it for free, or at least for hot pockets. I guess being honest and coming out and asking for the actual cost to myself for this job wasn't the right way to go.

If I HAD the funds on hand I'd just refund pre-paid tasks already.. fml
So it has to be Cruz right?

I refuse to believe that he doesn't have to pay for sex.
everyone that knows what they're doing is working or has lost interest
...is that guy stockpiling stolen watermelons like in skyrim?
Should we kill him, then?

Some basic info here:

1) The data isn't on any registered domains owned by the lawyer. This would result in potential early exposure and general stupidity.
2) The data is on an isolated server somewhere, which if not prevented will then email the data out to a (likely large) list of media sites, etc.
3) Nobody here will see that shit until it's released from 2).

Now stop being retarded and realize there are no shortcuts.
So let's get him arrested
Here's another number for him
Montgomery Blair Sibley
4000 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.
Suite 1518
Washington, D.C. 20016

Pretty sure it is cruz. A hooker was one of the 5 girls.

The cruz shills are going beserk, I'm starting to believe there's really something to this Heid Cruz escorting thing.

Also I've dug into maximum tacos, his name is Nick Schelin not Aaron



I already dropped one website and then people started digging up dox on who that website owner supposedly is and trying to say it was me who owned it. I ain't got time for that bullshit shillfaggotry... i pwned that shit, i don't 'own' any domains.
man i don't even know what's going on man i don't even have pants on
Its also a fair idea to assume that the lawyer wants to do everything in his power to avoid releasing it himself
If this effects the Clinton's grab at power in any way then he could end up as another one of their enemies who felt guilty enough about crossing them they put two bullets into the back of their skull

I'm pretty sure he specifically said it IS on one of his public sites and that it's been there since January. He's not trying to protect it and was basically challenging people to 'accidentally' find it.
>his name is Nick Schelin not Aaron
Nice try Aaron. You registered that fake name when you registered that wompwobble wiki for gamergate. Nick Schelin had a similar Twitter to yours, so registered with his name. It's all in the gamergate irc log.
If you want 5k, get a job cunt.
Welcome to /pol/, we're against entitlements you stupid little fuckboi.
What could the courts do to stop him from just putting the information somewhere for everyone to see?
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Was hard to find this thread. Any updates since last night?
kindly ask him to stop
>i-i won't take down another website because I d-don't d-do any freebies...
that's a pretty reasonable method
Don't allow "Bitcoin Wallet" nigger to fool you, taking down an amateur website isn't shit.

Do not, I REPEAT, do not monetarily fund any dumb cunt asking for gibmedats.
So if you Ddos or whatever the fuck and he happens not to be able to enter the pass and has plausible deniability because of ddos wouldn't that work.. I mean hes basically asking you to hack him he's on your side .Put yourself in his shoes what clues or methods would you leave behind.
topkek, it's called a gag order. And he has one against him.
hi fellow 4channers! i am from le reddit /r/The_Donald! high energy! I hope ur doing gr8! MAGA!
Just take a website down that isn't a shitty .ru that no one knows of, anon.
From what I gather he doesn't seem to care about going to court right? Why would that stop him?
I'm pretty sure it's all at wikileaks. I'ts a really strong hunch.

The more of you that are scrabbling at his public sites, the bigger the smokescreen it creates.

There is nothing there. It's a big, flashy "HEY LOOK HERE" while any actual drop will be from a nice anon server somewhere in Nowheresville, far away from anything else.

This also has the benefit that said info can't be derped onto the net "accidentally", at which point his "protection" is null and void at a time not even remotely of his choosing and the suicide/accident rate goes up +1 lawyer.
[citation needed]
I want AOL.com, let's see what you're really worth. They don't even give a shit, I've got 1495 hours free on disks from 1995.


Hes one of us. He want justice
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Its on one of his public domains
he WANTS someone to find it so he doesnt have to release it
if someone finds it he can probably avoid going missing by anyones will other than his own


I still bet it was Heidi
Hey you guys see Maddow's report tonight?

I'm going to email Julian and ask if it's at wikileaks. Will post results tomorrow.
can we have a talk about rachael maddow. is she like a dude? or a lesbian? or body-positive or some shit? i don't get it.
Jesus, is it fucking 2007 already?
Let me shave my heard and my nuts and the triangle around my cock, I had no idea time moved this fast.
As much as I hate Cruz I can't listen to Maddow.

He would be calling this a right wing conspiracy if Hillary could be implicated. He's obnoxious and smug.
If this were true, the password and the means to enter them would likely be available by some means. He would have left some trail of breadcrumbs, yes? I am not sure if he wants the info to be found
She has leftism:(

good goys
are any of you 4chans a system administrator? what types of password apps are you using?
he is providing meme material
leave him alone
I was reading the lawyers website... he said one of the clients was a director at Hewlett Packard that made big donations to senate races.

Now, Carly Fiorina was the CEO of HP at that time, so she def knows who the guy is.... but also, Amanda Carpenter works for Carly's campaign and also worked for Ted.

And Amanda worked in DC after college in some low paying job at the wash post... so I wouldn't be surprised if she was a call girl to senators, especially if HP was using her to influence senators decisions... Which was already talked about when the DC madam was still alive.
cant ebb the webb or dem quads

Keep in mind a lot of this is probably known by the media. They KNEW about John Edwards having his staffer commit fraud over his bastard child, while cheating on his cancer-stricken wife, and covered it up for him!

Knowing secrets gives media faggot striver poors power. They'll gleefully report when shit breaks, and they'll keep shit hidden if they know it themselves. Faggot jews, all.
Her last interview was on Infowars, days before she 'committed suicide'. She stated UN-denouncebly she had no intention of committing suicide and if she died it would be murder.

What now shill?
>165 replies
I'm out comrades.
please, look out for each other.
There is a dipshit with a decent copy/paste that is asking for bitcoins/digital money.
Prevent people from being this stupid...We're better than this, we ALL are.
Every digital dollar donated to some /b/ tier troll is money that could have been spent on fixing our once great country.
Keep on the struggle, dig a bit deeper, and I'll see you guys in the next threads.
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I feel relived to read posts like yours because then I get reminded that I'm not the last man standing in an apocalypse of shills.

The irony of being accused of being the guy who runs the website that another guy had me DDOS and then gypped me on the money (YOU FUCKING GYPSY SCUM) is just.. it's like meta-irony. I could totally go start a meme page now.
I hate that msnbc host she is so fucking annoying is she a lesbo?
She is the worst story teller ever... repeats everything 5 times!!

Whoa, link?
>yfw this lawyer has already been shitposting on /pol/

>yfw you have called him a faggot and he has called you a nigger



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>mfw the big 'bombshell' is that Hillary worked as a prostitute in DC and at one point - el Rato went down on her cheese.
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This sounds crazy enough to be a legit possibility.
>bernard graves

bernie confirm kill
It's been scrubbed from the internet. But I heard it first hand. Probably more evidence jones is a shill.
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You guys who are actually trying to hack into this dude's sites are doing god's work. Keep it up, fellers. I wish I could help.
it sounds like it

using women subordinates as whores to "seal deals" is disturbingly commonplace
Yeah... I'm starting to think the NE knew all this... So I'm thinking hey were right about Amanda, especially after catching her in hotel rooms with condems... But I know people, and I'm about 99% sure Katrina Pierson isn't being honest... she carries her emotions in her face and I read her like a book.. She also had a fucked up childhood and I think she is involved in all this as another Amanda carpenter that is used to influence senator decisions.... So they don't make heir money by getting 300 bucks to fuck some old shlub senator, they get paid 10 thousand by a lobbyist to fuck the senator... and this isn't new.

Also I want more info on the guy dealing coke in tennessee if he's the one who didn't pay up for that DDOS I demo'd

unless that was the wrong person

I don't know who's shilling who anymore
I thought Carpenter was never involved with Fiorina's campaign, but Sarah Isgur Flores was. Am I wrong?
i think you're right, carpenter worked for cruz then joined the jew-funded think tank pundit racket
No. She was on the show. Days before she died. Jones used to talk about it all the time.

Can not find the original interview.

This is how it works guys

She dead. "Hung herself" back in 08
well i hope this doesnt hurt katrina pierson, she is amazing at her job and she should pull a chris christie and just say she did it and saw carpenter kissing cruz
Broken clock etc...

Point is they shill retarded missile theories on 9/11 and alien death cults bavarians etc... it's poisoning the well and making conspiracy info tainted and works against truth.

He's a product pushing entertainer shill.
Amanda does work for Carly... That's why they said Ted paid Carly 500k to keep her mouth shut, because Carly knew what was going on.... and the more I think about it, the more I realize it seems like Amanda is a "lobbyist hooker"
She's a lesbian.
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>it's a paid shill episode

just let your own country be destroyed, don't drag everyone else down
Fuck off, homogay
Aaron, you're here all the time. You're the worst fucking liar. I can recognize the way you talk from a mile away. You've been talking about "muh botnets" since gamergate, trying to impress everyone. Remember that redhat server you had at the time? It made a great proxy you skiddy faggot.
You're wrong breh. Sarah Isgur Flores was the one who worked for Fiorina. Carpenter is just a CNN pundit who used to be Cruz's communications director.
Even if her involvement is proven, she wasn't the one cheating. She could apologize for covering it up and bed Donald to keep her on staff, then he can say he's doing something nice for a woman who did nothing wrong and gain women points. Even if this wasn't planned, Trump is a genius.
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I have a constructive thought that does not require shekels.

My gut tells me that researching that op(death eaters?) may lead to relevant info.

Maybe nothing, but the lines connecting ppl definitely cross the pond.
Let me find a link... It was literally all over the news
You're thinking of Sarah Isgur Flores. Who was also one of the girls in the NE article.
beg* Wow, totally changed the meaning of that sentence.


shill gauge is bouncing off the peg at this point
if you wondering who she is, well shes one of the leaders of the #nevertrump movement

cruz fucked some powerful people
Don't get nervous man. Didn't use your box for anything terrible.
Fair point. That's interesting. There is no doubt in my mind she was murdered. But, I can not find any original interview between Madam DC and Alex Jones.

You strike me as a William cooper follower.
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i'll be there in 20 minutes.gif
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I miss those days when anon would promise to knock that card stand over.


They made TGIF turn off the camera via a lawsuit.
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I just assume it is all just one big orgy in DC.
Find a video where he talks about it?
Oh shit I think ur right... but either way... it seems like all of them are involved in the same shit... they fuck senators and get paid tons of money by lobbyists... and sometimes they even become mistresses for like years and shit... and the lobbyists just keep paying the mistress and telling the mistress what laws to pass and not pass

Both of you are hereby shills unless you post proofs of your countershilling accusations
No. The point is she was ON HIS SHOW in 2007, and I said it's been scrubbed from the internet. Right to be forgotten bullshit.

But trust me, I've heard it.
helloooooo winner

i like tbernadette velenzuela this would be best

I don't need your shill ass to defend me from his shilling you shill fuck
Frankly I'm surprised we didn't pounce on Flores the way we pounced on Carpenter, but I guess that's because Carpenter was retarded and posted all her shit on social media.

Flores was the more difficult target, but arguably offered the biggest prize. Carpenter was just a CNN bimbo. It only took 5 minutes of research to come up with a mountain of evidence against her.
Aaron's not a shill, just a massive faggot who would scam everyone here for btc then spend all night bragging about it across the internet.
Yeah but you said Alex used to talk about it all the time
do you know of any videos where he mentions it?
If you do post one

However Im off to bed now
Goodnight anons and godspeed
Send him an occultist rift, a shit load of games and porn and enough drugs to last him a week. Should keep him in a hole for 3 days.

Look at how even nigger pimps can get hot white girls to do what they want- fuck other men, and bring home money to 'daddy', now imagine what skilled kikes can do.
Are we getting any closer?

If not I suggest we all call the lawyer and talk about releasing the Info in an anonymous fashion.

Sounds like a bretty gool guy. Link me to his bragging or stfu, cunt
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There's one in the OP I posted.

Night night.

His real name is Nicholas Blackburn actually
What is the date of Palfrey's death?
She's very angry at Trump. He's had her.
flores was low key
carpenter was obvious
also a cnn pundit shilling cruz can hurt them

You're both trying to slide this thread. I don't care who's name is who, I'm going to solicit for BTC privately, I'm going to make the necessary transactions and drop the godaddy servers, and then we're gonna get our infodumps in under 4 days.

pool's closed, go home
>yfw pol uncovers special interest conspiracy and big business comes crumbling down
>yfw we are the forefathers of the cyberpunk revolution

Get fracked, big wig lam-os!
Yup. And look, Amanda was Ted's speech writer... what the fuck would she need to write his speeches for? It's because he speech is handed to her, and she hands it to Ted. This shit goes on ALL the time. But yeah, that Carly hooker was also involved... The fucking lawyer specifically says the director at HP... so if Carly is the guys boss, then she DEF knows what's going down. And like I said, Katrina is involved too... I'm like 99% sure.
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>pool's closed, go home
Here is an idea, lobbyists bribing lawmakers with escorts instead of cash. You hear about this kind of shit with college football programs and recruits. I don't see why it wouldn't go on in D.C.
CNN clearly doesn't give a fuck. They had Carpenter on Jake Tapper's show giving a long interview about how unfair it all was and how mean Trump is. If they really thought it could hurt them they'd probably try to distance themselves from her as much as possible.
What about the other two women? Have they been IDed yet?
There's a reason that you cannot find it. http://tv.infowars.com/members/video/230707palfrey.mp3
Sooo what's the update? I just see discussion on carpenter and flores. did we hit a plateau?
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>Link me to his bragging
crtl + f:

> http://attackongaming.com/The-infamous-IRC-Channel.log

Also check him out on Twitter:

Oh suddenly you can afford it? Hmm, sounds familiar.

> muh bandwisth costs over $500 gais, send BTC to help me cover costs
>bandwidth didn't cost shit
>same scam every time
>gais help me pay some shit went down

Massive faggotry:

Yeah, that's how it works.. like I said before, there's literally politicians with mistresses for years that tell the politician what to do.. the lobbyists tell the mistress what to tell the politician... and the politician knows, it's all part of he game.. everyone is happy... except us.
I'm no member, but it looks like it was taken down. http://tv.infowars.com/members/video/230707palfrey.mp3
That would be awesome but no way in hell is he Bill Hicks. Bill Hicks was intelligent and his comedy mind fucked me
Nah... I was just saying how the lawyer wrote that a director at HP that gave lots of money to senators was one of the clients... and Carly was the CEO of HP at the time..
no they local
teacher and a hooker
apparently theres 3 more women

>Remember this


Did anyone give him money? This australian is quite mad
I never thought about it before but it makes sense. Moreover it's like harder to connect the dots of who is bribing who because there is never a direct exchange of cash and no direct connection between the two parties.
Literal shitposting.

i'm not seeing any bragging about having botnets, do you have any actual cites, shill?

show me on the doll where the taco terrorist touched you

So you're one of the guys who he called retarded right? Lol you're still buttmad two years later holy shit lol
>An error occurred

Maybe he's triggered by Doritos he might have a crippling corn alleegy
Exactly... in some cases, the client pays the girl directly... but lobbyists also recruit women at these call girl businesses. And like I've said a million times, I'm like 99% sure Katrina Pierson is also involved.... and the reason I know, is because I worked for a porn site.. and I would recruit girls just like Katrina... she was adopted, she had charges of shoplifting, and eventually needed money for college... these are the exact type of women I recruited

This is exactly how it works, in business too not just politics. We call 'em 'deal-sealers'
Youtube alex jones and dc madam.
Also what was special about her letter it spelled hillary or some shit right?
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>Gay ass nigger living in mommies basement with his toy air-soft gun
Film at 11
Shills are working so hard right now. This is a massive cover up. Not that I give a shit.

But Americans, you need to be aware.
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Filter these IDs for thread derailment :^)
I see what you did there.
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Is this space not safe enough for you?
Enough of this meme already, you stupid fucking cuck. Infowars has proven to be an invaluable source of news and information. Just because they don't live up to some stormfaggot's standards doesn't mean they're shills. Eat a bullet, stromfaggot.
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The first letter of every word of the first sentence of the second paragraph spells out HI CLTN 6-8
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Can Anyone Give me the Number of the Lawyer?

I am going to give him a call and try to convince him to release info anonymously.

If the note was faked then this would have been the work of an independent contractor, for HILLARY CLINTON.

And they left a message to their boss as part of their verification / personal protection plan.
>yfw it's dirt on Kasich and nobody gives a shit

Anyone know?
There has been 0 progress

This is a non-issue

just wait it out
Let's ignore Aaron and his bitcoin shit for a minute and put a plan together. We basically know jack shit right now so we've got to fix that. The only two ways I can think to do that would be calling the lawyer tomorrow, and ddos. Since ddos can't be done by a single person, and the lawyer probably isn't going to pick up his phone until sometime in the morning EST, we should focus on getting a botnet together for now. Call the lawyer tomorrow, if he doesn't want to leak and he doesn't give us anymore breadcrumbs, we'll focus on ddos. We can make the point of these generals constant DDOSing for the next 72 hours. What do you think?
Fuck Off...

Anyone know the FUCKNG NUMBER OF THE LAWYER? Please reply!
nah it's gotta be hilldawg
The GOP would give a shit since they're clearly banking on handing him the nomination at the convention.

If ANYONE has an interest in keeping this shit under wraps it's the Republican establishment.
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Man I've been living a sheltered life.

Am I the only one (probably not) who actually thinks this is making more sense as more and more people get dragged into it?

The big problem with all of this though is at the end of the day all we will have is are phone records and accusations with no hard facts as to what was really going on. Unless someone confesses, of course.
I always said it was Hilary. That family have a trail of death behind them. All of them.

You can find that with a very simple internet search for the lawyer.
It's (202) 643-7273
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(901) 747-4300

There, Jesus Christ man

Which one of you is shilling?
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Also give sauce of where you received the number.

You both gave me different numbers.

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>Not trusting Kramer
get out
top kek
The (202) number is correct. It's been posted numerous times across a dozen different threads. Just write it down somewhere for future reference.

In fact, you should be documenting this information as we go along, preferably with pen and paper.
Why don't you just find out and stop being a helpless faggot?
The other cunt


Check out the phone number at the bottom
Fuck off dude the lawyer is probably asleep. Stop asking for the 10th time.
are you sure?
i have (865) 382-4626 for the lawyer number per yp.com
What would be the point of DDoSing?
Also, you know that the board is scraped and the logs are available to the FBI. What you post here can be tied to where it was posted from.
New Bread when

>865 area code

are you another of those knoxvillians faggots
I called the (202) number earlier and got his voice mail, he says his name, it's him
Stacey is a sexy name.
Op went to bed. He and I have been keeping posts copy pastad since this morning. I have to sleep. Please, carry the torch..

Paste these.

Fuck it. I'll do it

try calling (865) 382-4626 then
what is that? home phone?
Anyone know the residency of the lawyer?
Fresh bread faggits


Fresh bread faggits


Fresh bread faggits


Fresh bread faggits

Are you autists really this fucking retarded? no one you call is going to be this late.

They are all old geriatric politician fucks who go to bed at 9.
Do this one, because now we have three lmao
Exactly. DC Madam's suspicious death fits Shillary's M.O. perfectly. Death follows whomever crosses the Clinton's. Why are people hoping it's Cruz? If anything, we need to hope it's Hillary, to spare the nation and the world her presidency.
Phone records of an infamous owner of a DC escort agency, Deborah Jeane Palfrey could destroy the life of one of the current candidates.

Previous Thread Lacked Vision!
There is a time for banter and facts, but that time isn't now!
This is NEWS /pol/!
This is time to speculate and rev those exess social media accounts!

>"Did Ted Cruz Buy Prostitutes!?!?!?"
>"Does Bernie Sanders have a Dark Secret?"
>"Who is the DC Madam, and what does that have to do with John Kasich?"
>"Did Hillary Clinton Murder DC Madam To cover for her husband?"

The story from a fellow anon:
>woman known as "DC Madam" runs high-end escort service in DC for over ten years
>amasses large database of high powered politicians and their sexual encounters with her hookers
>she gets investigated, walls start closing in on her
>"dies mysteriously" in 2007, hanging in her mom's backyard shed is considered a suicide
>but before her death, she gave all her information to her lawyer
>after her death, lawyer was put on gag order, making it illegal for him to release the data
>story gets forgotten for years
>2016 election comes
>the lawyer wants to release the information because it is "very relevant" to this election
>he has set an ultimatum of 2 weeks. if the courts don't lift the gag order in 2 weeks, he's gonna do it (madman.jpg)
>info will also be released automatically
>he set up four servers across the world, and if he doesn't enter a password every three days, the information will be sent to a bunch of media outlets

Court Fees:
Full Story:

Okay.. so I'm thinking if Hillary is involved, it's the fact that she's using the call girls to get senators to do what she wants....

Or at least they all take orders from the same lobbyists... because in the4 Florida debate.. Ted Cruz regurgitated Hillary Clinton AND Bill Clinton WORD FOR WORD... even Hillary's magic wand comment, and Bill's NAFTA comment etc... it's like the same people are telling them all what to say.
I live in Knoxville, TN. Ha.
don't DDOS it you niggers then the host may shut it down
I googled the number and it listed:
>865287 3121
As a "did you mean to search this" result

Means people searching that number are also searching this one. Might be worth checking


they can't afford to pay me to do it anyway kek
Nah, that's a verizon cell phone number in this area.

are you or are you not the knoxvillains guy, or are you aaron, or are you nicholas blackburn, or are you maximumtacos, or are you nick schelin

i cant keep you hillbilly fucks straight your personas on /pol/ are more confusing than your family tree
Uh? No, I'm none of those people. I just happen to live in Knoxville, TN. I've never even heard of whatever the knoxvillains are.


I'm from Knoxville :c

I know who Blackburn is but none of the other names

okay so which of you suggested knoxvillains.ru as the DDOS demo target?
Not me, never heard of them.
I'm over here off Clinton Hwy. Can't wait for them to catch the nigger robbing Subways.
montgomeryblairsibley.com is serving plain HTTP on port 443. No SSL actually used, which is not traditional. Usually port 80 is used for non-SSL servers.

$ telnet www.montgomeryblairsibley.com 443
Connected to montgomeryblairsibley.com.
Escape character is '^]'.
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Connection closed by foreign host.
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you speed reader you.
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