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TRUMP/MATTIS 2016 Just cancel the Election already edition

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Thread replies: 268
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I just realized that what Trump has done is more brilliant than anyone has yet realized. ALL of his blind spots, all of his 'weak' points, as people have built them up - are about to be absolutely decimated in the minds of everyone. General James Mattis being his VP pick is the absolute most amazing play ever - people will laugh now at the idea that people criticized Trump for 'foreign policy experience' and not knowing about the nuclear Triad, when his VP is literally the ex Supreme Allied Commander and Commander of CENTCOM - It's damned hilarious. The clownish charge completely withers knowing Trump's #1 lieutenant is the most serious and respectable man in America.

Secondly, his mentioning of Muslims, that we should even talk about that - is framed perfectly for James Mattis to come along and break it to the American people the reality of Islam on the ground and the threat at hand. The charge of sexism withers away as Mattis informs the American people of the sexism he saw the muslim enemies they were fighting, how they treated their women, how it made fighting them something he took pride in. Thirdly - just imagine Hillary Clinton, the woman that lied about being under fire at a peaceful airport, being called out on it by James Mattis the man who has been shot at mercilessly for his country - for real - for lying about that. Just imagine Bernie Sanders, the man who can't even guard his microphone at his own speech, facing off against the General, against the CENTCOM commander - just imagine it. Just imagine the socialist trying to get the moral high ground against the man who spent his entire life shaping the military that kept Americans safe while citizens like him let it rot. Just watch as the pseudo-communist Sanders tries to advocate a fundamental transformation of America as the patriotic General who spent his life fighting it on the ground, seeing the actions of the Communist Khmer Rouge on the ground stares at him and rebuts him.
Liberal/Socialist America is on the verge of entering Khmer Rouge territory, just give some of these progressives guns and it would start, a man that knows that better than anyone is General Mattis. He alone has the gravity to sit down with the American people and break it to them that liberal leftism is a spectre knocking on their door and impress on them the gravity for the need to change.
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The VP pick is coming soon, and it will be James Mattis. It guarantees the security of his administration and that people take seriously the challenges ahead. ZERO foul play will ever be entertained both by establishment rivals and future liberal terrorists, imagine knowing that if someone took Trump out, Mattis himself would assume the leadership. Trump needs protection against the establishment big time, he needs a watertight protection against the elites - Mattis could rally the entire army and veterans in a moment if he wanted. Mattis provides the counterpoint to any suggestion of 'Clown'ness (now fading) about Trump, the straight laced based as fuck multi decade Alpha General who loves the troops and hates what's happened to America, the softening, the liberal lobotomization, and wants to do something to Make America Great Again)
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Chaos out
>Trump and Mad Dog Mattis

Literally the absolute madmen

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The Jews are absolutely on suicide watch

does anyone know how it works, can he wear his uniform and medals when running? or does he have to wear a suit like civilians
Why would a General agree to be on the same ticket as a draft dodger?
Trump wasn't a draft dodger, he has flat feet.
4 deferments and failed his medical exam. He said he had bone splints. When questioned about it he said couldn't remember which foot it was, his campaign later said it was both feet. What a lying fuck
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Mattis would be such a great pick.
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>The V.P.'s Job: The only duty the U.S. Constitution assigns the Vice President is to act as presiding officer of the Senate. But the Vice President also serves as ceremonial assistant to the President and is an important part of the President's administration.
huckabee. screenshot this post
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First off

Go fuck yourself Mohammad. Dont ever make a America-related thread ever again.

Second, he has no ranger tab so he is basically a giant pussy.

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He's a Marine dumbass.
Found the muslim
hes not stupid enough to go fight and die in a pointless war

Marines can go to Ranger school, dumb ass.

Non military (aka GIANT PUSSY) COD kiddy found.


>using the same thing I said to you

Nice Mohammad. Your country's most popular name is Mohammad. Kill yourself and stop coming here.
>white cuckabee
>might fuckabee

Some say he killed 30 men with just blanks.
He's his own libbo buddy.
He puts his hands in his pockets at all times of the day.
At boot camp, he IT'd the DI's
So the general that made fun of Bill Clinton for being a draft dodger will run for VP with a guy who did the same
>Non military (aka GIANT PUSSY) COD kiddy found.
Good goy.

I bet you're circumsized too.
>old white men
trust me on this one

I did 16 months on the frontlines of Helmand Province as a grunt Marine during the most dangerous years of the war and earned a Combat Action Ribbon. Fuck off.
sure why not, at least trump aint no beta like clinton

>that that

Mentalist of disorders
The fact you hate this guy is proof you are Muslim.

Only a Muslim could hate a guy like Mattis
4 deferments vs 1
"Failing a medical exam vs joining ROTC

Both are cucks, one is just worse
Will he win the Cambodians vote? Sure won me over
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nah trump didn't join cause he made dat gouda munny, Clinton was a hippy bitch
>dying for the state's mistakes in a foreign land
He is ranger qualified, we just don't wear tabs on our uniform and don't have unit patches
So you admire Clinton and Dick Cheney too?
he'd probably just wear a suit like McCain did and Webb does.

wearing his military stuff could imo, send the wrong message
The best man to be Trump's VP is Trump himself.
I don't admire draft dodgers that send children to die in fabricated wars, so, not Cheney, no
>hating on Trump for being a draft dodger

Here's the difference. Bernie dodged the draft and went on to be a public cuck and "fight" for social issues, Trump started building an empire and employing people in the private sector.
but it would communicate the gravity of the situation

America needs to fix its economy for national security reasons to begin with
Somalia happened with Clinton
Bernie got conscientious objector status.

Trump used daddy's connections to get 4 deferments and when they were all used up he "failed" a medical exam.

Trump is the cuck
But if Bernie wins the nomination instead of Shillary? You know American soldiers wouldn't be capable of disagreeing with a Jew.
If I ever use Tinder, I'll have to remember that line for my profile.
Probably not. Having a military man on your ticket never works. Look what happen with Perot
Third parties never work anyway
McCain was military too

Perot got a substantial % of votes for a 3rd party, but his VP was excessively mocked.

anything military was very uncool in the mainstream 90s
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my first impression
>but it would communicate the gravity of the situation

it would make 50% of the left shout "FASCIST!!!" on sight, foaming at the mouth
They would shout that at a rock. Who cares what they think.
This guy idolize Patton I bet.

"I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you fuck with me, I’ll kill you all."

After the invasion of Iraq -and after sending his tanks and artillery home- Mattis sent this message to the Iraqi leaders in every area his men served in, as quoted in Fiasco: The American Military Adventure in Iraq (2006) by Thomas E. Ricks; as excerpted in Armed Forces Journal (August 2006)
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His nickname is literally "Chaos"
When does Trump pick his vp?
this needs to happen
at the convention
Ray Mabus?

As in Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus?

Did Nostradamus really say that the antichrist will be named Mabus?
When the fuck did Trump pick his VP?
It won't be Mattis. Mattis is an obvious choice for Secretary of Defense. A VP candidate with military experience solidifies support among Republicans, but Trump needs someone who brings more than just that to the table.

The absolute KEY to winning this election is courting Independents and, if at all possible, turning over Moderate Democrats to vote Republican in the General.

Moderates are NOT happy with the candidates being fielded by the DNC this cycle. Clinton lacks the earnest charm of her husband and comes across as corrupt and manipulative and more than willing to auction away rights and liberties in the name of pandering to the special group of the week, and Sanders is a fucking communist.

If Trump can convince Moderate Democrats that he's willing to meet them halfway, he could win them over in droves and completely sink the Dem's candidate.

I think he's gonna pick Webb.

Despite low initial polling, he performed well in the debates and I think a lot of Moderates feel more favorable towards someone like Webb than they feel about Sanders or Clinton. Webb's military experience would solidify Republican support the same way Mattis' would, but his status as a centrist and a Democrat would go a long way towards winning over the Moderates.
Vice President xXChaosXx

It has a nice ring to it.
Is there merit to this? Is he publicly riding the trump train already?
Why do these guys always try to sound tough? I'm voting for Trump, but let's be honest, all these military tough guys are nothing without their guns.
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Trump has been stressing that he was against the war in Iraq. I think as VP it would mix messages too much.

Just as you can never mix memes in the ethereal, in the temporal world you can't mix messages.
Marine ranger tab?
Source? Or just educated speculation?
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Clinton never went to rotc he said he was going to then bailed
Your right there are.a large portion of soldiers and marines that are pussy. he'll even a lot of combat arms turn puss when out of their contract but I dare you to go scrap with an infantrymen
holyshit bump
I can't believe I get to vote God-Emperor/General Chaos 2016.
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Its a dream I never knew I had come true
>a general in the white house again

God damn, that would be badass
what is this OP kun
Holy shit. All the memes with Trump in 40k armor and then VP named Chaos. That meme magic
guys guys come down, he just wanted to call britain mohammad and tell them that cucks aren't allowed to make MURICA threads

I say he has a point.


how can we make this a reality?

we need to fucking do this, the branding is absolutely fabulous /pol/
you can make a straight man gay.
fa/tg/uy here, i can guarantee you if this ticket becomes a reality you will definitely get all the 40k fags forever.
The Trumpmatic Mantis Mattress
Is this official?! So many cards up his sleeve so excited for a great America
Thank you brother
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>mfw that "Mad Dog" Mattis is Lord Castellan Ursarkar E. Creed.
>not knowing about Sheekyforums
>being this new

This got me hard.
Trump Cabinet -

VP - Webb
Sec of State - Schwarzenegger
Sec of Def - Mattis or Dan Dailey
Atty Gen - Giuliani
Treasury Sec - Peter Schiff
Sec of Energy - Musk
Sec of Homeland Security - David Clarke
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We need to meme W40K into reality
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Yeah, because the millions of vets in this country love the idea of the GI Bill being given to all the dindus and neets who never served.
King of Prussia mall?
A for-profit archive of 4chan, rearranged with pseudo-anonymous names to make it look like content. It works wonders and is making the son of a bitch who runs it a _lot_ of money.
Looks like it
You absolutely cannot wear your military uniform while advocating for a political cause or office.
Webb > Mattis
Webb shared pic related on fb, running on the "I killed a guy" platform, the absolute madman!

>just give some of these progressives guns and it would start

I guess it's good that they're the ones who are anti gun and not us conservatives... hehehe.
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I want this to happen more than anything

I guess the democratic party is the real party of "I killed fitty men!"

I am a Marine vet and I have no problem with this. Trump made something of himself, contributed to our society (created jobs) and honors those who serve and protect.
>warrior monk
>mad dog


called this ticket a few months back. really hope it happens.
So I assume you're just going to write in Jim Webb on your ballot and being that he is literally the only Democrat or Republican or independent currently campaigning with combat experience
He hasn't yet. It is an unconfirmed rumor, but if true, practically guaratees his presidency.

I just feel like Trump is going to have to give something, anything, to the establishment. They are basically on their knees begging Trump at this point (as reported by politico yesterday), and I can't imagine him not giving something back in good faith. VP seems like a good spot for that. However, Trump is amazing, so whatever.
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Me too.
Everyone was against the war in iraq anon.
I'm a Trump supporter, but let's be real. He was a draft dodger
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If an establishment guy gets VP then Trump dies.

He's picking someone who can actually replace him if necessary.
That's why Mattis would be perfect. If Trump has an attempt on him or it happens then Mattis can rally the military to restore order and run shit.
Alright, alright

Mattis is alright, but what about the winning ticket of Trump/Fruity Rudy?

Trump will not pick a Democrat as a running mate. He really would face an mutiny in the GOP if he did that. VP will be picked before the convention, so there will have to be some concessions. Watch.
>implying his father, a slum lord at the time, had any sway in the US military

lol, ok

keep being retarded i guess
Don't you think he should own up to it though?

Some young kid was sent to die in his place while he was off partying and fucking supermodels

Webb will be a fine choice, seeing as liberals love him and hes pretty LOW ENERGY, he will never outshine the master.

Yeah, but what about the dog-and-pony show that is VP debates? I imagine a man of his intelligence would have hard time pleasing those plebs with their bullshit.
So who is this guy burgerbros?
Yes I know I could just google it but this is more fun.
you are actually retarded

seek medical help immediately
Politicians like money.

And a bone spur? Give me a break. He couldn't remember which foot he got it in
>capital-m moot
Establishment/media opinions mean nothing anymore.

You forget about the convention and horse trading. The GOP could really fuck Trump. He might have to give something.
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Is OP just pulling this out of his ass, cause he sounds pretty confident in this whole Trump/Mattis thing and I haven't heard any rumors about Mattis being Trump's choice for VP.
when is the "special announcement" rally anyway ? maybe he will announce his vp at that ?
That would be suicide. He needs his Biden, someone his opponents want running things less than him or they will just assassinate him and get there man in.
He won't if he wins enough delegates.
You sold me. I was a Webb guy, but I think you make a compelling case. Trump/Mattis 2016.
>someone could have possibly been bribed

>h-he couldn't remember something from 50 years ago

nigger, i got rejected for service due to a problem i didn't even know i had.

Its not that uncommon, go talk to a couple of people who've been rejected before you act a fool

Literal war god commander of centcom who makes /pol/ look like progressives
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MFW you're like a right-wing James Carville.
Seriously, are you in any position of note?
Who are you, Writing/Thinking Man?
Supposedly he has been meeting with general Mattis, but I really thought it was more along the lines of offering him the Secretary of Defense Position
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Is this real? I'm so happy.

And that's the rub. It's too early to speculate about any of this. The focus should still be on winning the states. Trump hasn't done that yet...

You will never get the voters to vote for a General


You need someone ultra diplomat and smooth talker to balance YOU out.

ROSS PEROT picked a general who could barely speak during debates....Generals dontt have to persuade civilians....
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Reince Priebus chairman of the ROC said he would not stand for the will of the American people being undermined, meaning...

no brokered conventions
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And the great happening gains more steam..
Seems like this could come back to haunt him. This guy sounds like he wouldn't pass the vetting process.

Trump should choose a woman
Some generals have charisma. Powell probably could have been president before and even after the Iraq WMDs lie.
WTF? Someone is making bank, and we are giving him our shit for free?
We are basically working for this person (WHO?) for free?
I've been here for years+ and have never heard abou this -- please explain further, if possible.
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I don't think Trump can lose anymore after last night.

He finished off Cruz's momentum and nobody else is going to get any.
rad as fuck

I'm seeing that this message was likely written in Arabic first and loosely translated back to English.
What if Trump was actually serious about making Ivanka VP?
Colin Powell was a household name....and black
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Like being a Marine makes your opinion worth any more than anyone else's.
Admiral Stockdale Ross Perot's VP candidate

>Stockdale was held as a prisoner of war in the Hoa Lo prison (popularly known as the Hanoi Hilton) for the next seven and a half years. As the senior Naval officer, he was one of the primary organizers of prisoner resistance. Tortured routinely and denied medical attention for the severely damaged leg he suffered during capture, Stockdale created and enforced a code of conduct for all prisoners which governed torture, secret communications, and behavior. In the summer of 1969, he was locked in leg irons in a bath stall and routinely tortured and beaten. When told by his captors that he was to be paraded in public, Stockdale slit his scalp with a razor to purposely disfigure himself so that his captors could not use him as propaganda. When they covered his head with a hat, he beat himself with a stool until his face was swollen beyond recognition. When Stockdale was discovered with information that could implicate his friends' "black activities", he slit his wrists so they could not torture him into confession.

Admiral Stockdale was in severe pain caused by standing during the debates. This pain was result of injuries received as a p.o.w in Vietnam unfortunately it also somewhat clouded his ability to speak clearly during the debate. A fact that the news media of the time seemed less than anxious to share with the public

Not any more important than Mattis being a Marine makes him a good VP
Fuck me, ballet really is awesome.
It's like watching the most beautiful sport in the world.
I'm going to try to go see one this year.
Reince is under some serious pressure. Seen that GOP dude having a meltdown at a meeting? I'm not saying that the US Virgin Island guy is in charge, but it is a little eye opening to realize exactly how much the party does control stuff.
There's been chatter of Webb for a while. Webb is in open mutiny to the DNC which he describes as "just an arm of the Clinton Campaign" and would represent an implosion of the DNC.

The message put to the public is that Trump's camp has trashed both parties, both backed by banks and multinationals, and given two true patriots the reign of the country.

He's also going to appoint Ben Carson Surgeon general and likely seal Carson's endorsement very soon. He will be campaigning with Carson on the trail as well.
Fuck that shit. Women are not meant to lead. They're all deranged dogs after they sell their femininity, seriously look at Hillary.
You're delusional if you believe him & Trump aren't Jewish shills

I don't think it is possible for Trump to lose either. Yet, it hasn't happened yet. Keep the momentum on the votes, until its locked away. Trump needs the support in stepping on all his rivals throats.
dog and pony show. shit will hit the fan before the elections. dont count on trump saving anything.
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>jewish shill who won't take jewish money
>jewish shill who wants to spy on israel

Even Ivanka?
Fuck Arnold, he's a senile sellout nigger. He openly denounced Trump's campaign several times so far. This is a nigger who idloized Hitler at one time but now does TV spots for mobile games. Fuck him and fuck that clown Ventura too. Trump needs winners, not has-beens.
Who's even left? Rubio? He's the easiest one to destroy because of amnesty.
Every. Single. One.
>le everything is Jew

There is a lot of Jewery in the GOP and doubly so among the Democrats, but you should try to be optimistic.
Even if Trump was 100% a ZOG shill, the fact that he has shifted the Overton window in the Right's favor remains a significant accomplishment.
God I hope this is true...
holy shit that is the most gangster line ever
I don't know much about the site but it's an archive of 4chan like many others.


The difference and problem (you could say) is that it is run for profit.
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Meme magic...
Please tell me Sanders has a stand too, and it would be in the shape of Lenin.
which GOP guy had a meltdown?
Who the fuck is this guy?
A US general nicknamed the warrior monk you should read about a him he's a pretty interesting dude
you are not helping yourself. Hanoi Hilton heroics didnt help him, did it?

you are making my point.
Dick Cheney 2.0 ..he even believes in executive orders!
No, I just don't like people that use connections and slither out of things the majority of Americans couldn't get out if they tried
I really wasn't trying to counter you that being said 1992 was an entirely different kind of political climate than the one we have now. The feelings people had towards the military and veterans in general were also different coming in fresh off the first Gulf War

I was in high school then and actually campaigned for Ross Perot. And Prospero did not have nearly the kind of hold on the media that Donald Trump has.

Specifically he didn't have the ability to get his message out on his terms the way Donald Trump does
He said he couldn't remember what foot it was in when asked, his campaign later said it was in both feet. He had passed his exams 2 years earlier but magically they appeared when he could no longer get any more deferments
Vietnam was a national disgrace.

Nobody cares an ounce about it, and any debt he owes to the military he's currently paying back.
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>keyboard warrior supersedes doctor appointed by the draft board

good news,

you can definitely avoid the draft as you're severely retarded
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That's a fair point but I would take it one step further

>out of things the majority of Americans couldn't get out if they tried

It seems like a pretty sizable amount of Americans did realize the war was completely pointless and would have tried to get out of it if they thought it was at all possible

Donald Trump just had the means to actually do what most people wanted to do, given that I don't know if it's right to be angry at him for using his connections to avoid dying in a pointless war

> Zippo lighter from a collection of ones carried by American soldiers in Vietnam
Can you believe this is the largest presidential primary of all time and Trump is tearing through all 17 of them like tissue paper?
Does knowing you do it for free make you want some hot pockets?
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>old white men
Seriously shitskin (or white cuck), who the fuck else? You get one teleprompter/globalist puppet half-white president, and this is supposed to represent success.
The shitskins of the world think if they plague western countries to death they will inherit their power and wealth. You just don't get it, without the old white men running the place, and a functioning white society, you just get another chimp reserve.

inb4 - Some east asian countries have successfully adopted western civilization

Motherfucker, the shitskins never will
>his connections

This is the clear call of someone who knows nothing about the Trump family

His father had no where near the wealth or statues to bribe, coarse, or use any connections at the time of the vietnam war

He was one of hundreds of penny pinching slum lords across the US

That is not anything special

Johnny Crawford (of the Rifleman) was drafted, and despite having millions was not able to get out of it

You are retarded
How would he benefit Trump as a VP when he would be better to be Secretary of Defense?
Generals love serving draft dodgers, ask how much they love Bill Clinton too

He passes tests when he has deferments, can't pass test once he doesn't have anymore. Either I'm superseding a doctor or making the obvious connection that he slithered his way out of the War.

There is a different set of rules for the rich, but I won't congratulate anyone because of it.
Literally who is this? I have sincerely never heard of this man once despite learning a little bit about a few US generals, just by osmosis from the press.
>Penny-pinching slumlords have a million dollars to loan to their children
>Some east asian countries have successfully adopted western civilization
only one is japan really. china just steals our tech
He got 4 deferments because he was in college which was pretty common at the time.
I already posted that he would make a better Secretary of Defense
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>a million dollars is alot in NY real-estate

>there weren't richer people (like my example) who got drafted

You sound like a bitter randlet.
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I guess I should have made myself clearer I don't actually believe that's what happened, that he used his connections to get out of Vietnam

I was responding to another poster and going on his assumption that even if that was true it still not something that someone should necessarily bear malice towards him (Trump) for.
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>his name is literally "Chaos"
Actually i need to apologize. I meant to respond to this dumb faggot

My bad.
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Eisenhower wore a suit, but I don't believe there's any regulation to run aside from decency laws.
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It's all good m8

Have a Trump
He's picking Rudy because he wants New York
military cannot express political interests whilst in uniform
Pretty sure its illegal to wear a military uniform while running for office because it brings dishonor to elected officials to be seen as just soldiers instead of leaders.
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not too shabby

heres one for you with a little pazazz

Motherfucker, he's a fucking MARINE. Not a shit-tier hooah.
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Can't stump.

They still can't wear a Ranger tab, shit stain.
Webb is a fucking /pol/ meme to vote for on post debate polls against Berniefags.
He is a bigger draft dodger than Bill Clinton and Dick Cheney and those guys are huge faggots


Mattis isn't shy about making politically incorrect or insensitive statements. see >>61131456

The most well-loved/respected general the Marines have had in the past 50 years. He's the guy Trump keeps referring to at his rallies when he says that Obama fired a great general for being non-PC.
Advertising companies honestly think he is running a forum with insane traffic and he is making bank off of selling ad space to them.
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Air Force enlisted here.

No way in hell would I vote for: an officer; a marine; someone who relieved a senior commander who was loved by his troop days before a major operation.

Actually, all officers should just jump off a cliff anyway. They are worthless.

Can you imagine the world we would be living in if Trump/Ventura won instead of Bush/Cheney?
>Following the same old political formula
>Le McCain Face
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Wow that's funny. How long has it been going?

>Marines go to ranger school

Yeah but they just get the patch they aren't actual Rangers
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>implying electoral college would even allow Trump to win

Sounds cool, but good luck when everyone involved in the government and congress are against him.
>airforce enlisted

Fuck off nonner
I'm sorry I scored higher than a 50 on my asvab.

Seriously, all of your jobs will be replaced by robots in the next few years. Or monkeys. Pretty much anything can turn a wrench or scan an ID card at the gate.
>Mattis is a graduate of the U.S. Marine Corps Amphibious Warfare School, U.S. Marine Corps Command and Staff College, and the National War College. Mattis is also noted for his intellectualism and interest in military history, with a personal library that once included over 7,000 volumes, and a penchant for publishing required reading lists for Marines under his command. He has never been married and has no children. He is nicknamed "The Warrior Monk" because he devoted his life to studying and fighting war.

>letting good genes go to waste

>le we need to pander to women

fails every time lad
>Jeb memed so hard he created the Chaos Candidate's perfect runningmate
crine you must not understand elections bud

more and more delegates are gonna start lining up behind Trump when they realize they're handing Hillary the election otherwise

top kekes m8
Source? I haven't heard anything about Trump having Mattis as vice president.
But Bernie's going to be the nominee.

Scored a 98 on my ASVAB and went Marine infantry.

You have no excuse.

Nothing official other than Trump mentioning him in his rallies fairly often. We're just trying to meme it into existence.
He's not going to choose a general for his VP

You're a fucking moron.

Also, confirmed for being a cumstain on your mommy's tampon when Ross Perot selected Stockdale as his running mate.

Your entire rant in your OP is babby's first shitpost. You have no fucking idea what you are talking about and managed, against staggering odds, to get everything possible dead wrong and ass backwards.

Come back some day when you're finished nursing off your mommy's tits.
From a non-white American, thank you and may you have many years of healthy life ahead of you.
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being a chaos candidate is not a good thing guys.
vote for me, the big boy who will fix the country.
yeah, I've always been athletic but I started getting shin splints and found out I have flat feet, one of the arches is more severe than the other or some shit. I wouldn't be able to tell you which it is.

Im very disappointed in Arnold. Too many years among the degeneracy of Hollywood, combined with the softness that many men suffer in old age
>Atty Gen - Giuliani

why not Cruz?
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I cant wait to re-elect them in 2020
Do you want a cookie? Good job service israel goy.
>mattis is his vp
Nigger, what? When did thisn happen?

>chair force

My excuse is that I want a marketable skill after I get out of the military [alive]. Best excuse ever, bullet fetcher.
>i scored 98 on ASVAB
>I CHOSE to go Marine Infantry
Dude, you're literally an idiot.

>I chose dirt pay, terrible conditions, and a high likelihood of being killed
For fucking what? So you can be buried at Arlington? Or maybe have your corpse used in a propoganda video?

>I'm a genius
>I CHOSE to be a walking target
For fucks sake. People want to make your job redundant for your own fucking safety. No one wants to send their dipshit sons out there to get shot because some other dipshit got drunk and didn't do his patrol the night before.

Not at all, but when somebody calls me a COD kiddie I'm gonna stand my ground.

implying self-confidence, discipline, and courage are not marketable skills

You are being fed a lie. No one gives a shit about hiring veterans. In fact, they avoid them.



I wanted to kill Muslims. Plain and simple. The infantry offered me the best opportunity to pursue that goal. A smart man knows what he wants and goes for it.
seek therapy idiot.
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It would be great if we were to see military uniforms in politics again.
lol i got a 98 too

became an Apache pilot
There's more than one way to kill muslims. Like being a pilot airbombing the shit out of them and causing more damage than and fire team could with AR's.

If you actually scored 98 and willingly chose to go infantry, the test needs to be revised because you're actually a fucking moron regardless of your reasons, and scores, and going infantry was exactly where you should be.

And you should NEVER see a command position in a combat role. You'll get people killed. It's in your best interests to let people think for you because you're incapable of making informed decisions.
>i needed to go to the military to learn how to be self-reliant
>you're the one being fed a lie
Some of us didn't grow up in broken homes and know how to operate with dignity and tenacity.

We also know that firin' good is not a marketable skill for anything other than more combat.

Your officers are not this dumb. So they feed you this bullshit so you'll be full of pride instead of seeking their job.
>American doesn't know Lincoln was third party
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the 4 stars look like the eagles talons
GitHub /admiralvonnelson/tromp-heights
Nowhere did I hear about Mattis being Trump's VP pick. I suspect that Mattis has hired some shills to do some shilling on /pol/.
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You obviously have no fucking clue what the infantry is actually like. My platoon alone had like 8-9 other guys who scored over a 90 on the ASVAB and the majority were 70+. I'm not sure how the "infantry = ASVAB wavers" meme started but it is the farthest thing from the truth. It actually takes some intelligence and mental acuity to maintain and operate sophisticated weaponry and equipment while employing specific tactics and maneuvers in a chaotic environment while carrying 100+ pounds of gear.

By the way I was a vehicle commander on my second deployment in charge of 4 other Marines who I lead on 50+ combat patrols. I didn't get any of them killed.

pic related are my scores from MOL for proof.
>the fact that he has shifted the Overton window in the Right's favor remains a significant accomplishment.
He didn't just shift the Overton Window, he bought the property the building stood on, razed it and erected an all glass hotel resort extending far to the right of the original one.
Cruz gets a bullshit job and wait for his place in the supreme court.
>He has never been married and has no children.
Wasn't "don't ask; don't tell" instituted rather recently?

It was instituted in the early 90s and repealed in 2010.
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vets are the most useless people in the world,
fighting imaginary wars for jews to have more oil,
oh yes,
what a great service to queen and country.
It was the opposite

America headed for military dictatorship by 2016

I'm actually okay with this
These two Kings both look like the OG Alpha

Fucking get these two in charge plz america, save us.
>Scored a 98
>Marine infantry

I respect the shit out of Mattis. Apparently he carried a copy of Meditations by Marcus Aurelius with him during every one of his deployments. This man modeled his command style after one of the most respected roman emperors of all time.
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