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Demanding Sharia in Britain a crime

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According to a source from one of the meetings, civil servants specifically cited Muslims saying “Sharia law should replace British law” and “hate messages and death threats” against members of the armed forces as their top two concerns.

They promote the idea of a war on Islam, creating a them and us narrative to stoke division.

He said: “These activities would be criminal offences in the Counter Extremism Bill.”

The bill is being drawn up as part of a strategy to tackle the radicalisation of Muslims in the UK.

At least 700 Britons are already understood to have travelled to Syria to join jihadist Islamic State.

Just send them back to theirs country like us and stop being such cucks
problem is france, all the immigrants we get come from your country
Don't you have more muzzies than England and Germany.

They don't come from France, you retard

lol since charlie attacks we kick out every pro-sharia peoples out of the country
Wow the government doing something based for once
Who would've thought
their point of departures TO BRITAIN is FROM FRANCE

ergo sum, vis a vis, quid pro quo they come from your country

Oh my god all the refugees from Syria are traveling through the whole Europe, so the whole Europe is a problem !

You sound stupid

then why is france worse now than it was then my froggy friend
This is a joke response right? How many have you sent back France? Because it does not appear to be making a dent.
>TFW live in the heartland of the USA
>Only immigrants we get here are qt Viets for some reason
Suck it yurop
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fugg :DD
Lets not fuck around, just fucking BAN Sharia Law like Texas has.
the key difference is that the muslims coming to my country don't get the boat from holland, or Belgium, or the Netherlands.

they come from YOUR COUNTRY, which firstly allows them entrance, and secondly does nothing to prevent their departure FROM YOUR COUNTRY, TO MY COUNTRY

therefore, to summarise, to briefly conclude, France is the immigrant problem for britains
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worse in what?
It's the true and since the attacks of november we live in a police state were cops are allowed to shoot muslims when they come to close

>allows them entrance

They're not called ILLEGAL immigrants for nothing
>from holland
>or the netherlands
They get benis'd :D:D

In fact it's exactly like saying "well the bullet that killed this guy came from the gun, and not from the person pulling the trigger, so let's charge the gun for murder".
Those are the immigrants people like. They move to start a new life, not mooch and whine. The only Asian immigrants I had an issue with was just one Chinese kid that stole from me in elementary school.
Problem here is that are system of goverment backfires so fucking much we get hurt by it, its takes fucking years for anything to get through

The ideas and plans to solve todays problems wont be in effect till 2020
well then step up your game

why haven't you deported the invading army of the caliphate currently set up in Calais?

I mean their literally massing in plain sight and you do nothing to deport or disperse them. You quite literally allow the Muslims hordes KEY ACCESS to a port leading to the British isles.

it's more like "well, the bullet (illegal immigration) killed this guy (Britain), and the guy (france) that had the means to stop him (the illegal immigrants) from getting killed (engulfed in muslim hordes) just stood there and sold him the gun (free passage into Britain), so lets charge the gun for murder
Britain No!

(for once)
This does a similar thing.
' prime minister want to ban all radical imams'

Why are you talking about free passage into Britain ? Last time i cheked they were stuck in Calais, which is in France. Sometimes some of them can cross the borders, like in every other fucking country in Europe.
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Britain's public is waking up!


It's been redpill since June/July

Do not stop now, brits. We have more redpills to drop, and just because our public is starting to get redpilled on School of Frankfurt and Cultural Marxism, doesn't mean we should just stop here, have a pint and celebrate. We're looking at the unfortunate fall of Sweden and Germany while sitting in out fortress of out shitty inbred island, and are getting redpilled as fuck!

>Jacob Rees-Mogg
>Daniel Hannan
>Nigel Farage
>Iain Duncan-Smith
>Michael Gove
Most likly to be out leaders after Dave Cuckermoron's step down, and after George Osborne's regime.
There is hope.
Yes yes I've heard that too. But you are not kicking out the average Muslim who wants Sharia, are you?

You underestimate them
The Daily Express is run by a jew. But a based jew. Only anti-EU, pro-Ukip paper in the UK.
>so the whole Europe is a problem

Maybe this will mean all Muslims who vocally want Sharia Law will be deemed as radical.
Good kick them out, filthy sandniggers they are.
stuck in Calais while the officials secretly hope they can sneak into Britain and not set up shop in france.

your government is secretly trying to get those muslims into my country just so they don't shit up your country, and although they can't be seen to be actively promoting this strategy (aka giving them banana boats to get across) they sure as hell aren't trying to get rid of them either
And you should have stopped them entering France, not let them travel across the entire country to congregate in some slum at our main port.

the brit is right though, migrants coming to the UK HAVE TO pass through France to get there.
The inability of France to protect its frontiers is worrisome.
Well, I say inability, but we all know that France just like Italy do not try to control their frontiers, because they know that the migrants will continue.

From this, can't you see how hypocritical it is to say that France doesn't participate in the UK's migrants problems ?
We cant spot them. They hide it
Simply deport all Muzzies
it's not even in motion, they just kinda want to do it...
as long as nothing is done it's just farts in the wind
For any interested Brits there is a QT thread.

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>They don't come from France
M8 they're as dark as the night and can be found wandering through your country north to Calais.

I know the French are a bit swarthy but ffs they should stick out a mile away.
To even suggest something like this months ago would be deemed racist. Baby steps but I think something will be done about this one.
>UK shuts borders
>La Pen wins France
>Wilders takes over NL
>Belgium is conquered and taken back into NL
>Golden Dawn rules Greece
>Italy goes full right wing
>Germany and Sweden are the only left holdouts left and are squeezed out of existence, only AFD and SD survive
>Trump comes over to Europe for a party
The dream seems one step closer.
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Muzzies gonna muz. It's just more avoiding blaming the muzzies. Their koran makes them do this. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.

I still love you France.
nice lucky sevens

Also it's not a secret, the French government is quite openly not doing a single thing to stop the migrants

All the measure taken were taken and paid by Britain...
The French are just giving migrants a resting place in Calais so they can be rested before their invasion of Britain, they could just remove them from illegally occupying French territory, but nope, better give them housing.
It should never be a crime to express an opinion, unless it's directly inciting violence. It might be for the better in cases like this, but if we let them prosecute for this then they can prosecute for anything they deem 'extremism' or 'hate speech'.
>>Belgium is conquered and taken back into NL
maybe they'll have a government for once
that will change them...
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>Okaz, one of the largest Saudi newspapers, said that over the past few years Great Britain has become a favorite place of asylum for radical extremists fleeing their respective countries. Britain, the paper claimed, is a major supplier of manpower to some of the most radical terrorist organizations, like Jabhat al-Nusra and Islamic State.

>Britain, the paper continued, is the second-largest source of jihadi fighters. “Some people called the British capital ‘Londonistan’ as early as the 1990s.”


>the SAUDIS are telling britons to stop being so crazy into islamic terror
There is a lot of good white french being traitors and converting to islam. They are basically very naive and poor and live in ghetto. They start having muslims friend and then They corrupte his mind so he Will become muslim
They've gone one better. They're evicting them from their slum and moving them into a purpose built multi-million euro refugee camp.
Much less kebab in any case.
it's probably more along the lines of "si tu tkonverti pa inch'allah jte marave et jken ta reum" since they can't leave the ghettos as they are poor they convert...

Sharia is violence.
>Saudi Arabia lashes out

Good one. It's not like they are the main funder of Wahhabist Islam in Europe or anything.
No not really and for womens its the same
As much as I dislike Sharia, you can't fucking tell someone they can't try to obtain a specific type of law.

Maybe Britain should've thought of this long ago before they brought in people who are INCOMPATIBLE with western values.
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>mfw living in an Orwellian society has its advantages.
Here, how does it make you feel?
Sounds promising; hopefully it will pass.

On a related note: could someone link me to a good article about these supposed muslim neighborhoods in which British police are too scared to enter? I'm curious if they are real and, if so, how they came to be and why they are not being stopped by the military.
If this passes we can report so so many Islamics living in Britain for hate speech on the internet
they use the eurotunnel, thats the only route they can take
So is any legal system.
sharia actually goes against European Law as it doesn't consider women as people....

So yeah, you can tell someone they can't get a specific type of law

yeah I'm not watching that, she deserves to go live in a muslim country, she'll be begging for us to get her out within a month
She's a traitor to her nation desu senpai
>you can't fucking tell someone they can't try to obtain a specific type of law

Bill of Rights says otherwise. Or will you be handing your guns over to the libs?
I'm sure Muslims will obediently and quietly obey this law , they won't be upset at all and every single one of them will surrender peacefully
>muh women

You faggots are unbelievable. In other threads you'd be crying over feminism, going red pill this, mgtow that, divorce resolutions, child custody is unfair, alimony blah blah blah

and you honestly want us to copy your laws? we know how to treat women, you guys don't. That's why you're getting fucked hard in the courts and your birthrates declining.
>Bill of Rights says otherwise
Yes I know.
It also permits freedom of speech.
Therefore they can talk about it all they want, but they will never be able to implement it because it's the law.

You're projecting hard my friend, i hear yuo're building a new camp for all those nice brown people to survive the winter even though they're illegal and should deported.
>As much as I dislike Sharia, you can't fucking tell someone they can't try to obtain a specific type of law.

They can discuss it, sure. And it must be subjected to the legal procedures in your nation. The thing is, Sharia laws are automatically unconstitutional in the United States. Sharia laws make distinctions that cross a few basic restrictions in the US common law. You can't make gender distinctions, for example. You can't just kill people for reasons other than self defense. Etc.

Sharia law is incompatible with the legal and cultural basis in the United States. Period.
>So yeah, you can tell someone they can't get a specific type of law

But you can't tell someone that they're not allowed to even ask for Sharia.
The kind of people talking about it in this country are the kind of people directly involved in groups trying to enforce it with homemade explosives.
>it's da Americans for bombing Iraq
>it's da French for having open borders
>my country dindu nuffin, it's not like we're the ones that allow them in
too little to late, at the rate the UK moves it will either
a: Never Happen
b: Taken 10 years
obviously won't work. Meanwhile muslims grow in number by the day.
The only problem is your culture is garbage and your religion is literally demonic.
shut the fuck up abdullah I love my woman and I don't need a mudslim, a fucking heretic, to tell me, a Roman Catholic loved by God, how to live.

that is true. free speech should be for everything.
Angering them is in our best interests. Gives us the validation for eradication.
What makes you think we have freedom of speech in the UK? That was the first thing to go when the marxists took over.

Sharia is shitty, but you can't ban someone from discussing it.

then the government should've considered that before bringing them in in the first place

Do what you do best friends.
Hindsights a wonderful thing, and this began decades ago. It's mitigation at this point.

>implying telling muslims "no shariah" is enough

They'll just wait until their numbers are in the majority. Then push for it again.
I think they really thought they'd integrate themselves
That they'd become british...

Let's be serious, who wouldn't think that ?

Isn't our culture a thousand times better ?
Don't we have better lives than this animals ?

We just overestimated them desu, they don't deserve to get out of africa or the middle east.
That is the sad truth
Sorry for assuming you freedom of speech when you actually don't, Mr. Bong.

I would love for you to have it, but your government would probably jail me for saying so.

They aren't very patient.
It's too late for that.

I'm just glad that more people are starting to wake up. Maybe we can take Europe back in a decade or so.
They wait until people are pissed at all Muslims before they tackle what should have been done years ago

Only reason they doing it is to protect other Muslims not to protect British values or people
Iain Duncan Smith is my local mp.
>feels good man
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That's all well and good, however we seem to let them culturally enrich our prisons as well.
The only way people change is by force. These times of peace have made everyone forget that.
Uncuck yourselves Britain...you're our last brothers.... arm yourselves or you will stand no chance.
How does a government successfully integrate immigrants into society?

I'm assuming the US is the best at it thus far (since we have no true national ethnicity, or whatever you want to call it).

I honestly think (and this is of course coming from an American) that you need to be able to provide OPPORTUNITY (not just free shit) to minimal foreigners at first (because if you overdo immigration, people get really fucking mad) so that they actually realize that the country's values and existing culture is the best.
this solves nothing
in 50 years when muslims are a majority they will quietly adopt shariah and there won't be any way to stop them
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Sorry mate, we have been pushed overboard with concrete boots.

Ships taking water...
Are your prisons like Norwegian ones?
Fucking love this polenball
the EU election will be make or break
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>He said: “These activities would be criminal offences in the Counter Extremism Bill.”

You know what's going to happen right?

I mean you KNOW what comes next, being on /pol/, right?

They use this law to go after people who say things like "sharia law is a bad thing" on twitter. They use it on people who think britain should remain british.

In Germany right now they're going to try a man with "rapefugees" on his tshirt for sedition.

Give the government a goddamned inch and they'll come down on you like a ton of bricks.

Who the fuck could possibly argue the problem with Britain is TOO FEW LAWS against its own citizens?

pls leave EU
will try

then after we rebuild commonwealth and become empire again
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I was surprised with the amount of votes UKIP got in the general election.

However the huge budget of the EU, will likely spawn lovely pro propaganda prior to the vote.

Lets hope people see sense...we are leaving r-right?!
I understand your point.

and I am afraid this is only the beginning

>import criminals
>pass new laws to ''protect'' the citizens
>repeat until all freedom is void
>''but I only did it because YOU asked''
>''you should thank me for the protection I offer''
Freedom of speech is a fundamental aspect of humanity, but it does not exist here. This law is totally feasible.
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It is truly the end times. It is the final sign. An uncucked Swede



>It is understood that the long-awaited counter extremism bill, which is expected to be brought forward shortly, will also seek to ban people from launching abusive social media attacks or making public protests against members of the armed forces.

>will also seek to ban people from launching abusive social media attacks or making public protests against members of the armed forces.

>ban people from launching abusive social media attacks

>ban people from making public protests against members of the armed forces

I hope you like going to prison for what the Government deems "abusive" social media posts or for protesting against going to war
This is true. The more muslims speak and act, the more people hate them and get redpilled. If they're silenced, they can just hide behind the religion of peace (and murderrape) and not all muslims meme.

>to tell me, a Roman Catholic loved by God, how to live.

JIDF pls go
You have to understand that Muslims didn't want to be here. They were forced out due to the violent forces in their countries, who were funded by the west. It's not their fault that they're resentful towards us. The least we can do is allow them their cultural heritage to exist since we destroyed it and didn't allow them to have it in their home countries.
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>You have to understand that Muslims didn't want to be here. They were forced out due to the violent forces in their countries
They were safe 3,000 miles ago you fucking deluded idiot. And according to the UN, 70% of them aren't even from Syria, but places like Pakistan and Africa. What wars did we fight there? When has Germany and Sweden ever had contact with these places?

>fight war against country
>invite millions of 5th columnists to live in your country
That's not how war works cuck.

Bugger off.
When George bush did his war on muslims he fought syria and pikatins and africa and they did suffer because us invaded them and they hurted as a result. why do you think they struggle to survive now and have to come to the west???
>"through their own courts"

typical clusterfuck of permissive liberal democracy- permit sharia law courts in UK, after 2 decades notice they are gaining in popularity and power, then try to curtail their use.

the problem underlying all the problems with islam in europe is the corrupt establishment who allowed it to establish itself here in the first place


Wow, Fuck off.

Changing the subject does anyone want to buy my battle fly Titus Sullius? I will not accept a price underneath £5

He can fight bees and wasps but anything larger than that he'll struggle with.
For a long time I used to shocked at fellow countrymen being so racist but i get it now.
Starting to notice more hijabs...
You guys are gullible as fuck. lol
Firstly, Pakistan are our allies, we are neutral against Syria, and haven't fought a war in Africa since the late 1800s. Furthermore, we literally carpet bombed Germany and Japan into rubble 70 years ago, and now they are the third and fourth largest economies in the world and are not invading us in their millions with their made up sob stories about Western oppression.

Secondly, George Bush has literally nothing to do with me, or Germany, or Sweden.

Thirdly, why the fuck would you want millions of people who blame you for destroying their country coming to live in yours? Are you fucking retarded? Seriously. Have you had an IQ test?
People do talk like that irl though and elsewhere on this site.
Chingford or Wood Green?

He's a cunt tho.

Fingers crossed we do leave, but I know dish face Dave will try to rig it some how.

Did you see Carwyn Jones vs Farage? The pro EU lobby literally have nothing, they have nothing to offer the table. All they have is scare tactics and feelings.
you just hate muslims you are islamophibuc . hate is no the answerr my friend. someday we will stop hate for no reason
that's what makes me love you
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No the problem with Sharia law being allowed is what's called the Arbitration Act which was introduced and pushed by Scottish MP's into parliament.

There was an undercover documentary into Sharia courts and they were all shut down because they go against Common Law.

Oh and the ginger guy that posted the Sharia stickers?


I live near this fuck face and I know for a fact his family and child got threatened, his house got bricked and he got attacked in the street.
Oh my.
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>I know for a fact his family and child got threatened, his house got bricked and he got attacked in the street.
Wow, hope everyone reads this article.

> facts about sharia based on actual academic research!!!
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>fedora associated with /pol/
>/pol/ is a christian board
>I live near this fuck face and I know for a fact his family and child got threatened, his house got bricked and he got attacked in the street.
maybe there's hope after all
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Seriously, I live right round the corner from him, he was attacked near Walthamstow Central station, there's a shopping centre with some green field things near it, he was fucking beaten badly by a group of mixed white/blacks. His wife or girlfriend wears that ninja outfit, she was shouting and on her mobile phone and she had a pushchair with a toddler in it.

Seriously. I just fucking smiled as I walked past and went into the shopping centre..

The gang were calling him a fake Muslim, a piece of shit, one of the blacks went right up to the niqab wearing wife and was shaking his hand at the child from what I could see as I was looking back.
He repented what he did. I kinda feel for him now. Still a race traitor though.
It's what I saw on sky news a few weeks ago about the rise of anti Islamic feeling and anti Islam attacks in Rotherham, I literally spat my tea out as it came on sky news.

You know that bouncy castle salesman that's now gone to Syria?

He used to parade around with leaflets about the Islamic State in Walthamstow Market with that ginger cunt.

Seriously, saw them with megaphones talking about how wonderful it is, how the UK government should pay for its crimes against Muslims lel...
the effectively means Mohammed was a terrorist.

....oh wait....that's reality.

France has far more Muslims on a per capita basis than any other European nation. You also have far more Islamic terrorists. And the French government's total lack of action has led to a massive exodus of fearful Jewish French citizens to the US, UK and Israel. So what the fuck are you talking about?
>Why is he speaking with something resembling a Caribbean accent? Is that the British equivalent of white american kids talking like american blacks?
France doesn't want to accept it has a problem, we are literally giving them millions upon millions of Euros to deal with the Calais problem and they still demand more or threaten to just let them through.

Because they bow down and suck Merkels crusty cock.
someday hopefully we will stop you with a cal 50 munitions.
Stop shifting the blame you fucking faggot.

Obviously they come from somewhere before France.

Stupid cunt.
Leftists call it "Multicultural London English".

It's what happens when you grow up in a dominantly Caribbean area of London and go to a school full of niggers and Muslims.
See this is the sort of thing I love reading about. I can laugh at brown babies drowning in the med all day.

But when I hear stuff like >>61009400, I just feel bad. For one, coz I remember how brainwashed by marxism I was when I was a kid. And at the end of the day, he was born white like us.

And also, because he clearly hates degeneracy and sought God, which is perfectly natural, but unfortunately he was led astray by Satan because of the degenerate society we live in and converted to islam.

He is as much a victim of our society as Rotherham rape kids.
Yeah it's called Greece or Italy, but France allows them entry because they don't control their own borders because they aren't allowed to.

So the Greeks and Italians just let these migrants pass through.

Remember if you deport these fuckers then you get fined by Mama Merkel.



Italy and Greece can't afford economic sanctions so yeah...
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In that case I can laugh at him again. Your posts are like a fucking soap opera man. Northenders.
Britain will always have fight in her. There is hope for us, people generally reject leftism - they just don't talk about it in public.

He deserves to be punished and ridiculed for threatening unarmed people, intimidating women, declaring Sharia zones and for being a ginger piece of shit.

He gets no sympathy from me, unfortunately we can't burn the fucker alive because that would go against his hoooman riteeeesss...
>Leftists call it "Multicultural London English".

I want off this ride.
About fucking time. Its a start at least.

inb4 they get a slap on the wrist and are back to walking the streets the same night.
Waltham Forest is the second most "vibrant" (enriched) area of London.

One of the 7/7 bombers was in my class at school I shit you not.

Bouncy castle guy I've seen numerous times.

>From blowing up bouncy castles to blowing up infidels

It's like wiggers in America that are ghettoised and talk sort of like a gangsta, that idiot Pitbull, he's white but speaks like a nigger.
Please tell me normal Britons think he sounds like a dumb nigger. Because he sounds like a dumb nigger.
Sounds like a blast man.

>"We've had children having their jaws and arms broken. We've had women walking home from shopping with their children running, trying to escape far right demonstrations with gangs of men chasing and roaring at them that they were going to harm them."

Multiculturalism every one. Expecting people to live in harmony of totally different cultures, with no understanding of each other and in some cases not even able to speak the same language.
He sounds like a retarded nigger, most people shun it and tell these people to speak "white".

The number of mosques I've seen raided by police has been amusing. There's an enclave of whiteness in the village which is completely cut off from the rest of Walthamstow and it's nice and just secluded from it all, it's fucking weird as hell but a nice weird you know?

But you're being a bigot, clearly the answer to this is more enrichment and diversity!
You sound like a proper american.
>There's an enclave of whiteness in the village which is completely cut off from the rest of Walthamstow and it's nice and just secluded from it all

And how long do you think that will last?
I'm all for laughing at brainwashed faggots dying, but not children. You should never find pleasure in a child, that's utterly tragic.
It's what happens when you import highly uneducated and uncultured people in to your cities.

They simply can't live in a Democracy, they can't cope with all the freedom and revert to savagery.
Lasted for hundreds of years, but I dunno, house prices are there are far too expensive for pakis and blacks to afford, it's clean, it's relatively crime free, it's majority white.

You can actually see the difference compared to the rest of the area, the dominantly black and muslim areas are complete and utter shitholes but you step into this white enclave and it's just nice and clean and peaceful.

Just goes to show you that pakis and nigs ruin everything they touch.

East London, not even once. Having said that there's shit holes all over the place. I walked up Edgware Road a couple of months ago, holy shit, never again.
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You're right. Please forgive my insensitivity.
White society, muslim prisons?
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Deeply sorry redcoat
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Muslims already make up most of the prison population.
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Lock this vile man up, he's caused so much trouble.
And they always end up with some emotional bullshit about hatred. Of course I hate them, many of them want me dead, they want to install their religion, their law and their shitty culture. What is your level of fact awareness and common sense?

Damn, I replied to a bait.
Stuff like these makes me wonder how well off do the Europeans had first amendment.
who cares, soon they will be 30% and some liberal party will pander to them giving them shariah
You're playing into their hands. Isis was formed to lead us into ww3. And this growing tension will less us into it. This needs to be nipped in the bud. Legislation should be passed allowing normal people to put down Muslims in the street, but raise criminal charges for shooting civilians so they make sure they're shooting sand Niggers, not normal people. They need to be round up and exterminated
>soon they will be 30%
They don't even make up 5% of the population and already they're getting stabbed, attacked, mosques burnt down and new laws introduced to control the fuckers.

France on the other hand? They actually need to start burning Mosques down to get their muzzies under control.
>muh army of the East vs army of the West
Bible says the army of the East loses the battle so chill out and give them what they want, they just want to get laid.

I mean if you were a hairy Arab who no woman would touch I'm sure you'd blow yourself up if you were promised 72 virgins.

They want to get laid and we want to remove kebab, it's a win win for both sides!

Everyone is happy.
>Here, how does it make you feel?
enjoy the rape and domestic violence i guess
That's exactly why she converted, women want to be dominated and treated like the inferior sex they know deep down they are.

However with the rise of feminism and homosexual rights and sexual liberation and the encouragement of women to work and not have kids, we now have these desperate women that want to go back to the good old days of getting a slap in the face for being a cunt and the only group offering that is Islam.


Plus they're self-removing, which is convenient. As long as you make sure they don't remove any of us at the same time.

I don't think its any accident so many of them are leaving the country for ISIS. If you keep track of them I'm sure there's a Paveway IV or a Brimstone with their name on it.
Exactly, they're not the smartest bunch are they?

Their vocabulary consists of two words "Allahu ackbar" and they don't have advanced weaponry.

So let them go to the desert, get removed and we can all live in harmony.
Interesting theory...who was your reader whilst you were at Oxford?
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