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Thread replies: 277
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Fuck that faggot dweeb shill Blaine Cooper. He needs to pack up his little crossbow and go the fuck back home.
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Hahaha this might be good. I hope they bring in one of those cop tanks at some point and smash down a wall or two.
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Or the TL;DR pic related

>pic doesn't even have tracks

Go away.
bitch it's a cop tank, cops don't need treads.
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can't wait until these faggots get dorner'd/koresh'd.

enjoy your tear gas and flames.
>double jeopardy
>first time is arson
>second time is domestic terrorism
>double jeopardy
You know that's not how that works, right?
They're allowed to charge you as many times as they want just as long as they niggle out an aspect to the crime that could be considered uncovered by the previous charge.
Why do so many people on /k/ support the American government? When they clearly are sinister and corrupt as fuck?
That's not how it works either dip shit.
Because we live in a generation where the majority of people were raised by the government and got trophies for just participating.
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allright i'll bite, wahts the proper term for cop tank then?
Oh, he actually got convicted the first time around.
That wasn't nearly tl;dr enough.
the Freedom Enforcer.
We raised two generations like that actually. Has anyone ever heard of entropy? Where all systems in nature eventually break down and disappear? Well that's happening to the modern world, specifically america, and because america makes up most them modern world, when it's system finally collapses, which it will, it's going to drag the rest of the world with it.
It's a fucking APC or armored car you mong.
neither of those sound right. when you say those it doesn't give off a "Imma smash yo house down!" kinda feel. but when you say cop tank, you get the feeling it's gonna drive right through your house and directly up your ass. so i purpose there be a cop-tank category, with whom do i file the necessary documents for this?
>neither of those sound right.
but those are the correct terms you nog
Because we are not terrorist sympathizers
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I just want to see the "don't tread on me" fags get tread on. Hard
Cracks me up they add rescue to that vehicle when they mostly use it to get to people so they can kill them.
The so called militia are just a gang of criminals and mercenaries.
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Rome was nothing but a band of criminals and mercenaries calling themselves an empire.
Those bra tacvests look so stupid...
If you don't know what the fuck you are talking about you better don't say anything, retard.
Nicely refuted friendo :^)
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Looks very promising.
I don't care who wins, I just hope a lot of people die.
Because individual countries are a product of the pre-internet era and everyone who has been raised since the 90s doesn't have any money for the gubbmint to take, so we don't give a fuck. Politics are a joke. I don't really give a shit what happens beyond my county line that isn't on the internet. Really. The younger generations were born into tyrrany. We just don't know any better.
>Why don't the people in sweatshops fight for better living conditions?
Because they're all concerned about their immediate area, and not their overall health as a community. Yay capitalism.
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If you actually understood any of Roman history you would understand what I was talking about.
According to modern society. All white people are criminals.
Hmmm, that's interesting because I've seen that exact phrase all day here today.....
Tools to manipulate online discussion, to boost certain favorable messages, etc. ring any bells? Thanks to Snowden we know about these type of shenanigans the gov is using on us to shape the narrative in their favor
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So is this one of the little skirmishes mentioned at the end here?
Because /k/ are cucks and "Grab SKS go innawoods" is a lie. They will be the first to tell the feds about the guns everyone on their fucking block has.

Daily reminder that fucking DR8CO falsified police reports and talks with Minneapolis PD and media to try and get Saiga and Black Powder Ranger arrested on terrorism and white supremacist charges.
Because /k/ is full of fuckwits who would rather get their brown starfish fucked hard by the feds than deal with actually sticking up for their rights.

Seriously, virtually everyone on this piece of shit board will hand their guns in and kiss the ring at the first opportunity.
So? Maybe you weren't around here after the Russians took crimea and the vatniks swormed in spamming kremlin apologia
Their not sinister they dont hit us all the time just if it was a hard day at work and we provoked him it was our fault really we asked for it. Hes not abusive just really honest with his emotions. I know if we stick it out we can fix him. If I wasnt so fat and lazy a real government will come and fix everything and we'll all live happily ever after in an enchanted castle.

Abused housewife syndrome on a national level.
Yeah and you will too bitch boy. Talk is big and easy on the net, but you're just a single citizen too. You're fucked like everyone else
Like APC or do you mean specifically the model?
Fuck off I'm a fuckin junkie parolee, I don't give a flying fuck, I'll go out guns blazing for the fuckin lulz
Anyone have a terrain map so we can plan the assault?

>Why do so many people on /k/ support the American government?

No the question is why should we support someone like you? The government is going to do what it wants to in this case, that does not axiomatically mean that I should be on your side. What are you going to do, call me a bootlicker if I don't? From what I've seen people like you have even worse ideas than the federal government.

>When they clearly are sinister and corrupt as fuck?

Compared to what?

>Daily reminder that fucking DR8CO falsified police reports and talks with Minneapolis PD and media to try and get Saiga and Black Powder Ranger arrested on terrorism and white supremacist charges.
Wtf? Where was this?

I can't think of the last time the Fed's so much as tickled my brown starfish much less fucked it. That might come off as parochial, but the truth is the average person has very little direct interaction, negative or otherwise, with the US government

Really? Who paid these "mercenaries"?

>Daily reminder that fucking DR8CO falsified police reports and talks with Minneapolis PD and media to try and get Saiga and Black Powder Ranger arrested on terrorism and white supremacist charges.

Whoa what the fuck?

Timmy shouldn't you be cleaning your room?
How dare you make sense.
The NRA of course ;^)
Sadly, this post is why the govt always wins in the end. Divide and conquer.
Armored Personnel Carrier
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What the fuck has happened to /k/? this board used to be based as fuck but now it seems it has been infiltrated with sjw shill mods and posters.

The faggot nigger mod and the r/guns transplants really let this place go to hell. At this point, even /pol/ is more progun than /k/. At least they don't rush to a phone to call the ATF when they see someone put a sig armbrace on their shoulder, or grip on a AR pistol.
Because the benefits of keeping them around outweigh the detriments.

Nobody ever talks about the good shit that the government does for us, because most of what they provide for us is just part of our daily lives, thus we don't really notice it anymore.

Think of it like the police. Statistically, less than 1% of American police officers have engaged in some form of misconduct. Yet despite that, all we hear about on the news are stories about what some cop did wrong, and their reputation suffers as a result.

It's pretty much the same thing here. Who wants to hear about the government doing their job properly?
The truth
Does being progun mean that you reflexively have to support any guy with a gun just because?
>Does being progun mean that you reflexively have to support any guy with a gun just because?

No, just any white guy.
Yes. If you don't support everyone arming themselves then you are not pro-gun. Freedom doesn't work like Burger King, you can't pick and choose and have it your way. All or none. Liberty or Death.
Reddit brought all the memefags, now /k/ is no better than /b/ with the meme spewing and gets, threads like humor threads that are the same reposted shit every day etc etc
Not that guy but he was bragging about it in the teamspeak.
Get out of here you shariah law loving goatfucker.

That is just a fap fic written by someone who wants a chance to feel relevant in society.

Pro-tip: When someone says "I WORKED FOR THE GOVERNMENT" and then gives a bunch of uncited statistics that make people they disagree with look bad they are usually lying.
We should write it off like california then.
If you pay taxes you do champ. You drove on roads you do. You go to public school you do. You go tothe hospital you do. Fuck the feds man.
Mostly because always siding against the government, whether or not you're right, is fucking moronic.
Preach. Everyone should be armed if they are going to participate in the grand experiment that is the United States of America.
The fact you are asking that shows you don't belong here.
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You fucking idiot
>still mad he can't refute me
The butthurt will last an eternity.
>less than 1%

That wasn't the question.
>Statistically, less than 1% of American police officers have engaged in some form of misconduct.

lol, maybe less than 1% have been convicted of it. Because guess what, cops are the ones enforcing the rules.
>if you use all these essential parts of society
>fuck the feds
>fuck them for providing those services
The military is nothing but a bunch of criminals and mercenaries
Maybe the states and the people should provide those services you fucking faggot. There are other options not just a fat federal cock.
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Not spam.


Food and supplies are being delivered out to the Facility by local residents. If you wish to donate supplies you can do so on site, they are allowing free access to the area.
Source: phone call with one of Cliven's sons

This is not an invitation to debate your opinion, I am only putting relevant information out as I get it.
So why aren't you gearing up and heading to Oregon to fight for your freedoms? Is it because you're a coward who can't do anything but run his mouth on the internet?

What do you mean? They are delivering food to the militia in the building?

Should we order them some pizzas?
>DR8CO a fag
Back in the day Irish immigrants couldn't get work. To survive some would pick through horse shit, looking for undigested wheat berries. Collect enough and you can make bread and not starve.

The internet is one big steaming pile, and we are all picking. The problem is, most of us never learned to make bread and dont know wheat from shit.

Hard to say your right or wrong. Our infrastructure is that weak, but the story never considers ( or any shtf fanfic that ive seen) what happens when the meds run out? and %70 + the population get reacquainted with their natural minds. Look to your left, look to your right. The personality of at least one of those people will be different in three weeks of detox. Lot of adults now have been medicated through puberty and have never met themselves.

One thing for sure, its going to be interesting.
Dood this isn't /b/

>here's some extra bacon from /k/ also tell mcniggerator what's up
>Maybe the states and the people should provide those services

"The states" is just a different level of government. "The people" is meaningless, the government IS how "the people" does things.

No you faggot. I'm not talking about prank pizzas.

I was gonna pay for them.
Why don't these nigger take over something that matters, a wildlife refuge building?
Yes, Food is being delivered out to the militia at the Facility. Keep in mind it is a 50 mile drive outside of the city.
I think, in this case at least, the guys standing up to the feds are actual fucking morons and aren't taking a stand against any of the valid tyrannical acts our government commits. These Bundy shits are fuckin welfare queens, and refuse to pay fees for grazing rights, want to take the land and sell it to loggers and miners, and are now defending dipshit arsonists. They're con men wrapping themselves in the red, white, and blue.

Now, if they raided an NSA datacenter, or held Congress responsible for their treasonous decisions, that's worthwhile. That's fighting actual tyranny. These ranchers are just wasting everyone's time. Wildlife conservation ain't tyranny.

1984 doublespeak much?
Just came into /k/ for keks
Saved. Good post
As a citizen I have more control of the government at a state level. As a citizen I have more control of how my health care is provided, but know it's in control of the feds and it's totally fucked. I should have more say in how my children are taught. The federal government have no buisness governing a majority of what they now have power over.

I don't know, but they have a lot of loyalty, which is especially surprising because they're just hired guns.
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Nobody cares about potato niggers, they are unpleasant enough to have their home country named Ireland. The Land of Ire.
Not spam again.

What we know about the facility:

>There were no "NO TRESPASSING" signs
>The doors were unlocked
>The computers were still on
>No hours of operation were posted
>The land and building is public property
>There is no armed standoff at this time, they are simply occupying the building owned by "We The People"
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Nail on the head. There's so much to take a stand against, these guys are just bored scumbags.

They talk about how they're being pushed into poverty but at the end of the day they live destructive lifestyles. Tragedy of the commons and all that.

Just because someone hates the gov'ment doesn't necessarily make them an ally, otherwise every single inner city gangbanger is taking a stand as well.
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He's also bragged about it twice in TS.

Either way

>literally wanting people to rot in prison because "I dunt like dem" is shit.
Please consolidate to >>28407720 to avoid clogging up the board.
Were any employees actually there when you arrived?

Less tactful questions:
Did an employee let the occupation happen?
You're actually there?
What's the goal or endgame here?
At least you can talk.
>goodbye next two and a half hours, I'll miss you
>Literally protesting stealing private land, property, and abusing the court system we pay for.

>when we could all just turn off our cell phones today and the NSA would be out of the job.

I don't see you doing shit to stop the feds Fucko
Caught you baneposting again.
Was getting caught part of your plan?
Can someone screencap that post, plz.
>when you arrived?
I am not in Oregon. I am at the Ranch in Nevada getting information as they get it, which is quite frequently. I cannot answer those questions, you'll have to refer to the video that Ammon put out.
Well at least you read enough for a racial shit post.
You dissed my point.
You've left me disapoint.
While I'm glad you found what I had to say accurate, it also saddens me greatly. This is why I depress all the time :(
(and the staggering increase in depression related incidents in the last few decades)
I hope everyone calms down and that any grievances can be addressed without the need for violence. Both sides in the matter are my countrymen.
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Best response would be to treat them like trolls and completely ignore them. All problems will be solved and they will eventually leave with no violence and feel like massive retards for accomplishing nothing.
You're damn right.

I picked up a part-time side job as a pharm tech. Shit is scary.
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True that
It saddens me too, but good for explaining to older generations. Collapse of society would be good for the youth here, I think that's a big reason there's so many people who don't talk about it or care but will absolutely rebel if it comes to that.
I know so many liberal hipster fucks who are just tired of it and have gone out and gotten guns for the day. Then again, that's Idaho, which is a strange place
>Shay's Rebellion of 1786
>Dorr's Rebellion of 1841
>Bundy's Rebellion of 2016

What a time to live in
No one hired them. They have loyalty to the freedom this country used to have that is slipping away, they are actual patriots. You are not American, if you were and actually talked to people here you would find everyone has kind of figured out the government is corrupt and coming for us.

Most people in these militias aren't neckbeards, they're ex-military and veterans, statistically the most patriotic group of people in the country, also why they're the most targeted by the Fed's.
When they came for the 5th, I did not speak, for I was not a criminal. When they came for the 4th, I did not speak, for I had nothing to hide. When they came for the 2nd, I did not speak, for I owned no guns. Then they came for the first, and I could not speak at all.

Y'all need to wake the fuck up and start realizing that your rights get trampled every day that you don't exercise or fight for them. With every law passed and every person convicted of bullshit crimes, a little more freedom is lost.
Believe whatever you want, but the principal behind common ownership of firearms is to save lives, not provide an opportunity for murder at every turn.
Believe what you want, but the principal behind common police ownership of mine-resistant vehicles with battering rams and armor is to save lives, not to provide the police with the opportunities to run your ass over with a 'Tank' as our uneducated negro compatriots called it.
Protip: don't give them an opportunity to use the tank on your ass
Hillocks, forests, and lakes
Way to answer the question. A bunch of babbies with guns occupied a fish and wildlife building, why should we support them? Dept of Fish and Willdife performs a valuable service. The reason we still have game animals are the laws they enforce. The reason a lot of us have woods to go inna is the national parks system. Why are this bunch of yahoos waving guns around better than the government yahoos who wave guns around?
How do we know that these are actually facts? I want to believe that these people did right but I can't believe either party in this case because it's just words and anyone can write words down and say they are facts.
That was a breddy gud reload

What I don't understand....is why the family didn't actively identify the tyrant in the government who wants to steal their land, and then go on a very public negative PR campaign designed to not only get that cocksucker to resign from his/her job, but to make it so that they will never be able to get hired again due to all the negative publicity they put out there about them?

If the family simply went on a negative PR offensive, this situation wouldn't have happened in the first place.

Take a look at how the Scientologist got the tyrants/traitors in the IRS off their backs: They filed hundreds of lawsuits and publicly exposed/shamed various officials.

I can't find the picture....but there is a picture of the IRS officials and the Scientologist officials that was taken after they resolved their situation. The IRS officials look scared fucking shitless and worn out.....whereas the Scientologist officials have a huge fucking smirk on their faces.

I'm not a Scientologist shill, and I think they are batshit crazy.....but you can't argue with their methods which worked against a tyrannical regime.
Get this hothead out of here!
>services and infrastructure are bad when the federal government uses taxes to build them but not when the state government uses taxes to build them.
>because the federal government makes my butt hurt
Point taken and duely ignored
The best part is most couples dont even tell each other what they are on. Relationships are started and no one wants to look weak, so they justify the secret with doctor patient confidentiality crossed with that American independent don't need no help I'll do it your self mentality which is a good thing if you not lazy and do it right. But who has the time?

But why is getting caught by the feds such a big part of their plan? There are so many other ways to reform the system but they insist on this kind of juvenile shit that never flies well. I don't believe for a second these guys weren't paid to grab that state office; no one could be that retarded.
We're seeing societal collapse in other countries almost yearly online, the difference here, is that our government keeps spending money on benefits and social order. My generation is totally reliant on the government, whether we realise this or not. I think that from a philosophical standpoint, a revolution is a good idea, but from a practical standpoint, too many would lose their lives just through starvation. It would be a shame to see such loss in my time. I have read such things, but I wish to never experience such ordeals as mass starvation or even dehydration (which is much more likely). I just don't believe we are the generation that will do it. Honestly, I predict several more years of communal degradation before perhaps our youngest realize that there is no world left to inherit.
This is both a tragedy and a blessing, as the loss of life in my time (which might happen) could pave the way for another chance. My generation will suffer, however.
The quarterback or toast.
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i think that the us government should give land owners back their land and use the land thats left for a wildlife refuge. or they can give the land back onder the condition that X amount of land owned will not be developed. i think this would be a reasonable compromise.
Reading back over this, I feel I might have underestimated humanitys will. Our propensity for sacrifice. Perhaps the future is not as bleak as I have come to believe. Perhaps it is worse.
does anyone else feel this way or is everyone more set on the terminology used for armored vehicles?
If McNig wasn't sick I'm sure he would be there...
Fucking rage man. More on this situation?
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Looks like the cops finally figured out a way to use a tank on someone WITHOUT TREADING ON THEM. Took the don't tread on me a bit literal.
> amirite?
Resources, nigga. Doing shit like that takes deep pockets and is much, much easier for an organization like Scientology with it's 25,000 or so members, many of whom are wealthy.

Lawyers are expensive, PR campaigns take time, these people work for their wage.
The US needs to devolve into anarchy, honestly.

The only government truly free people need are themselves.
Because 99.99% of /k/ are Federal Agents from various agencies running stings on each other. I'm personally with the Coast Guard looking for unreported boating accidents where firearms were lost and not promptly reported lost as well as various other boating safety offences.
>boating accidents

Yes and I'm ATF lurking battle buddy threads to figure out how many dogs we need to put down
You're retarded.
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Pic related: Filename.

they call it a rescue vehicle because it's 1 and only purpose is to rescue/keep safe cops. they dont care about you at all it's all about them.

if you look up their reasoning for why they have these their first stated purpose is to rescue officers and to "deescalate" situations
At least make government participation optional. It's like being born into a religion.
>Do you want to die in a prison labeled as a terrorist, or do you want to die here with us labeled as a free man

They are totally peaceful guys. The just expect to die in a gun battle.

theyve probably just been dealing with some moron shaniqua government workers
it's fucking happening.
It's a pity the US Government wasn't
as zealous in chasing down the main players in that shit show as they've been in finding
ISIL leaders since the Paris attacks of late 2015.

Bring in the snipers, take out the Bundys initially as well as any bearing arms. Allow those who spontaneously drop their weapons to surrender. Leg-chain them and the rest of the mob, confiscate all of their weapons, phones, vehicles (everything except their clothes and ID) and sit them down on the cold ground to await prison buses which will haul their asses to Portland and arraignment in Federal court.

Oh, and arrest Cliven Bundy if he shows up at the trial and charge him for all crimes pursuant to the 2014 confrontation at his ranch
>top tier bait

Applaud yourself sir.
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He's gonna get the shit sued out of him in civil court once everything has settled most likely. I hope his mommy's chemo didn't cost too much because he'll need a good attorney.

More of him shit talking
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r/guns is very strict about shitposting and other faggotry, and is genuinely very, very pro-gun when warranted in accordance to their subreddit rules.

The "go back to reddit" is just another maymay that people just parrot. Reddit is known for housing a very pro-gun, pro-bill of rights circlejerk. r/guns will take up any opportunity to shit on the BATFE.
This has nothing to do with rights. Sure, the militia should be allowed have guns, but his ideas are fucking retarded. Stop turning your conspiratard ideas about the gubmint
into stuff about gun rights.
Looks like a Cadillac Gage Commando.

An armored car.

The US should have complete and total freedom.

Laws infringe on personal liberty and eventually lead to tyranny.
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Oh, there's news on the situation alright.
Can I get a tl:dr on this whole situation?
Post news source or gtfo

Feds fucking innocent family in Oregon. Militia won't have any of it.
That post was from way before the BLM defensive shooting. He "faked" his own death so people in /arg/ would talk about him.

That's it.
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I should probably mention that this news is probably about as trustworthy as the news of Ant Man's death. I can go dig through local news records from DR8C0's area to find out though.
Okay, can I get a non-biased tl;dr then?
Alright, good to know. What a shame it's fake though.
That's exactly it though. What do you want? "Right wing anti-government racist nutjobs storm federal building to incur an armed insurrection against the blessed government"?
>Freedom doesn't work like Burger King, you can't pick and choose and have it your way. All or none. Liberty or Death.

I can't help but be suspicious of this kind of rhetoric, since people who say it would still advocate against things they don't like.
What schools do the feds run, faggot? If you say common core I'm going to come take a shit on your face.
Because Liberals infect our society heavily.
It's not a happening, it is a protest which is protected by the first amendment. They aren't chimpingout and burning things or looting.
Stop posting this.
Here is what SCOTUS had to say to their petition


moved from /k/ by buttflustered mod
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whats happening in this thread?
Nothing an IED can't stop.
>HE has a hard "job"
wow /k/ mods really hate having interesting discussions it seems
>he does it for free
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>all the flags are question marks

Are the mods actively trying to disguise our locations?



I thought i was the only one
Probably moved thread from a board with no flags.
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>culture of engineers, writers, philosophers, senators, and soldiers
>band of criminals and mercenaries
This shit is rotten top to bottom. There's a department called the Department of Education in the federal government.
mods are JIDF and CIA so yes
So, I'm assuming the government is going to need to apply a lot more pressure this time. These guys are becoming a nuisance.

>Not knowing model numbers for armored vehicles
An LAV you nigger
Don't forget peadophiles and slavers
>You will never sack Rome with King Alaric, freeing tens of thousands of your kinsmen
You don't deserve any better than poverty.
I miss pd
Trips of truth.
Absolute madmen,
Where's all the flags at?
happens when threads are moved
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>3 days into 2016
>a skyscraper has burned down
>terror threats worldwide
>trump calling people degenerates
>iranians burning down saudi embassy and executing clerics
>obama violating the 2nd amendment
>no more dead frogs
>reactionary movements on fast rise
>oregon militia resisting tyranny
we're off to a good start
this thread is from /k/ didnt you read any of it?
I think the militia opened the door to another dimension. Was the government trying to summon Hurblorg once again? Only green pill can tell us!
screw these eejits. attention seeking babies. pussies with guns. hope they get whats coming to them.
Agree with this or not, though, there's so many random threads it's almost like people are trying to push this to the bottom of the list

>if u could ban 3 nations who would u ban
>racemixing BTFO
>some thread about Turks
>Aryan Utopia thred guise
>mixed mulattos are cool because ass
>two threads with hentai

That's the top row.
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posting a classic for posterity
Ayy lmao bread?
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That's comfy as fuck.
How is this not /k/ material?
>trump calling people degenerates
gonna need a source on that one, captain.
Do you think it will still be happening next weekend?
dunno. but since it moved the post quality has already dropped significantly .

Iran didn't execute clerics, Saudi arabia did.
check the catalog, there's probably 3 threads. He called Bill Clinton a degenerate in a tweet today and previously called the San Bernandino shooters degenerates
I'm reading through the court documents for the civil case and almost every charge is for criminal negligence or trespassing with one for violation of his permit for cutting down trees on BLM land when the permit was only for grazing.
I don't want to live, pay taxes, or be part of a community with a person like you. I hope this little community these guys are creating works because America needs to break up.
WTF is happening to the flags???
Oh, also they waived their right to appeal that's why they were able to resentence them.
This, fuck the US.

I want to be a small country with true freedom.
you and your fucking stupid freedom country is gonan get motherfucking DECIMATED within the upcoming years, ending in 2025, along with you will go great britain, a handful of people and terrain from europe... and other places ^^

good luck and may you have a painful and longlasting death you verms !
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For all the idiots ITT wondering what is up with this thread: Mods moved this thread from /k/ (off topic) to /pol/. They are starting to do this as an alternative to outright deleting threads. I saw the same thing happen on /a/ yesterday.

And when a thread is moved from a board with no flags or ids, neither shows up if they're moved to a board WITH flags or ids.
Double jeopardy means being charged twice for the same crime.

/k/ is for /k/ids.
Most shitposters on there are on Christmas break and go back to school tomorrow.
look at these wannabe military. What a joke... they cant even get 4 of the same tires for the thing. either shoot out the fucking sidewalls on the tires or let the thing fucking fall apart on it's own.
Cliven bundy mah nigguh
Romania... Hahahahahahahah
Nice dubs-trips-dubs my good goy
you have a virus
LAVs usually have 8 wheels.
Right after this photo was taken the driver died from decapitation from sticking his head out the hatch while ramming a building.
>mfw I live in china
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You've been liberated.
No need to thank US.
Say goodbye to the 2nd
this will increase the action.
2nd civil war when? im ready to die free
And how do they plan to enforce that?
If you want a country where people can be free you're going to have to build it. There's no reforming this shithole.
Not legally possible to overturn the 2nd, sorry.
I welcome liberals to try, however.
Why the fuck did they move this from /k/? The quality of posts now are utter shit. This should be on their board. Politics of the second amendment are fair game there, fuck these mods
>all these reptilians

Guys, this is spooky don't you think?
what about in 2030 when whites are only 50% of the population. You think a constitutional amendment will be impossible then?
That explains how 310 million firearms will just disappear.
They'll try anything to prevent further actions like this.
this thread was probably moved from a board without flags.

thats all
Why isn't anyone thinking of a good spell to use with meme magic? We can escalate this and help our militabros win.
We were shoved over here from /k/ by the autismods.
Nothing happened while I was asleep. This habbening sucks.

Mods can now move threads?

since when?
does pol agree with this protest?
Mods can do whatever they want with zero consequences since forever.

They regularly post cuck-spam on /pol/ with absolute impunity.
I read about the background. If their land was actually seized and they did the fire on their own ground I'm all for them fucking your gov
From what I've heard the Hammonds were assholes and in the wrong.

Buuuuut...I love a good happening and if we get Waco 2.0 it would be GREAT for Donald Trump.

It's a mixed bag, I guess.
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Because I like the idea of wildlife refuges and national parks. Destroying these lands is akin to destroying culture and history.
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I agree with the feds getting blown the fuck out, I don't know what to think of the militia, there's so much false information circulating around I don't know what's the truth or not.

>I have never been to this place, nor will I ever go there.

>but someone who has lived there for 150 years shouldn't keep living there.

/k/ is full of manchildren who like to play army man

That is it.
Yeah rite. No building is worth the outrage that would ensue if a single of those white dudes got hurt.

Is anyone else getting some fucky displays for earlier posts?

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Sounds like a bunch of you are just jealous that these people actually have the balls to stand up to the government. We should be supporting them. Not chastising them.
Move it back to /k/
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Because shortly after San Bernardino, I believe, or right before (One of the shootings) we got a new mod who decided that the longstanding discussion of gun rights, gun control. and militias does not belong on /k/, but belongs here on /pol/. This has pissed pretty much everyone off and leads to bullshit like this, where the post quality immediately dropped.

I enjoy /pol/ but this is not the place to discuss this. On /k/, there are people that really, really get transgression of rights, are predominantly American, and, oh, I don't fucking know, HAS SOMEONE DIRECTLY RELATED TO THE INCIDENT THROUGH THE BUNDYS FEEDING US INFORMATION.

Fuck that mod, and fuck this sliding bullshit that is apparently happening right now. I always just thought it was shitposting but this is ridiculous.
is that nutnfancy?
How would infantry destroy/disable a tank?
Hypothetically speaking. Is there a foolproof way to do it?
they will take them from your cold dead hands
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Ok, so how would a militia without high tech equipment do it? Blow off the treads with a makeshift bomb? Clog up the barrel? Disable the thermal sensors?

Doesn't matter anyway. Look at any of the videos of these guys....let's just say they ain't the sharpest tools in the shed. They'll probably just shoot at it
>Because they're all concerned about their immediate area, and not their overall health as a community. Yay capitalism.
That's not capitalism. That's human nature. The fact that you can't tell that difference is probably part of the reason you have no money.
you act as if between the u.s gov and these people, that anyone should support these people.
Seriously, I would try to clog the engine exhaust.
People inside can't stay inside it and will have to retreat.
we just like going to extreme to prove a point

even blm/responders know that
you're 100% right

Even if you had a firearm you could never use it. Not even to defend yourself.
>this nigger gets it
Can I have a mystery flag too?
but then we couldnt tell that you are led by a nigger :(
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