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These people come the the U.S. to work, their not asking for

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These people come the the U.S. to work, their not asking for handouts. All the crap Trumpanzees spew about Mexicans taking welfare is complete bullshit.
None of which they deserve

That's bullshit, though. They are eligible. I see these "people" all over New York. Working jobs they shouldn't have and taking gibs while doing so.
>see illegals don't use any of these things cause they are ineligible!
>it's not like they obtain fake social security numbers to get said thin-
4 million unemployed Americans in DACA age ranges makes this a moot point. America First.
>free college isn't welfare



>trump pardons Arpaio, a man that is evil incarnate, letting people die in his jails and turning a blind eye to sexual assault, etc.. who knows what other sleazy shit he loves doing, maybe fucking children?

Why should they be entitled to have anything? Why should they be allowed to stay in a foreign country? Why should they be allowed to compete for jobs with the natives there? Why should they be allwoed to utilize the infrastructure, laws and order of the country? Why should they be allowed to breathe the American air?
Good I wish nobody was eligible for that shit
>All the crap Trumpanzees spew about Mexicans taking welfare is complete bullshit.

But it's not. They are also voting illegally as well.
Wow what a quality post.

Still hasn't stopped the repealing of DACA
No one should be eligible for any of that. Those things shouldn't fucking exist im the first place. Get a job and get of my lawn.
They don't need Medicaid when they clog our Emergency Rooms down with bee stings and common colds.
Their bastard anchor babies get all the other benefits which they sponge off of though, don't they?
They are also financially remunerated for making their little muddy bastards by getting EITC, meaning not only do they pay zero taxes (all withholding returned), they get bonus money for having them.
They're parasites.
>found guilty of contept of court
Arpaio did nothin wrong

>forgot to add "America" to that list
Hah! Right. Just like they were all "ineligible" to cross the border.
That may be true but liberals probably want to change that too.
Oh yeah is that why your furher lost the popular vote?

Jesus you Trumpcucks are complete morons. Do you even question anything Foxnews tells you?
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But college is okay.
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I will agree that the average ER in this country is filled with parasitic trash that doesn't need emergency care.
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Sorry Faggot ShareBlue they just stopped getting these same benefits you just listed . Now I have to get busy reporting the dirty crooked illegal aliens in my college to ICE , CBP . Bye Bye Bye faggots !!

Kick them the fuck out!
He did a lot of things wrong actually
They don't pay taxes and they sponge off the state. Kill yourself.
lol the righteous have to lie to make their point
How can they work if they don't have social security numbers?

And if they do have social security numbers , that by default means they can one day collect it.
a lot of employed daca do pay taxes and if they're kicked out they don't get that money back

a massive theft
Do you really think everybody that doesn't share your retarded worldview is a shareblue shill? Can you retards even formulate arguments?
>implies trump supporters are dumb
>uses their instead of they're
Bull fucking shit, California gives all that and more to all illegals
>How can they work if they don't have social security numbers?
They commit identity theft/fraud and use stolen SSNs.

So much for the "b-but t-they're not criminals" narrative.
>pay taxes
You mean FILE taxes. They don't pay shit, but they do get money back. Not to mention the beaner parents who money back for their kids

Bullshit. They can get "fake socials" so they can have jobs and they claim "pay their taxes" towards. You don't think they can claim any of these with their fake socials? Fuck you.
Mexicans use dead relatives' SSN numbers to collect permanent gibs even if they're illegal. Stop denying this happens every fucking day, you daft cunt.
>These people come the the U.S. to work, their not asking for handouts
But I thought they came here as kids and it wasnt there choice. Which is it?

Also, nice source.
trump: I'm the only one that can solve our problems

hands the problem to congress
1. They go to public schools on Tax payers money
2. They get free breakfasts and lunches on tax payers money
3. they get food stamps on tax payer money
4. the DO live in section 8 housing on tax payer money
It is congress' job you retarded leaf faggot
They shouldnt be recipients for any benefits. Theyre illegal. All of the money used on these scumbags should go to homless americans.
I know this.
You know this.

Explaining this to a lib fag is impossible. They'll bend over backwards to avoid saying illegals are a net drain on society.
uhhh if they did that obviously it would be written down and publicly known, duh
it's guaranteed fact that each and every DACA recipient is 100% behaving as intended and not doing anything they shouldn't!

god it made me sick just typing that, i cannot understand why some people are so willing to just assume everything is fine and nothing is wrong at all because big poppa gubmint says so
>These people come the the U.S. to work
these niggers came to the us whit there parents illegally nigger there's no way they came to work
To bad we can't actually trust congress to do their jobs correctly.
Nice fake news.
>republicans fear deporting deporting lefting voters

Don't worry Canada. They are fleeing to your country. Soon you can elect a million Trudaeu's one after another.
Fuck you, namefag.
All you pathetic fucking leafs chiming in about Mexis in America when you're faggot ass country exists as the polar opposite of dealing with the parasitic Illegal Immigrants by virtue of proximity to the United States.
Ugh. What a fucking moron you are

> t. believes Presidents of the US are dictators or monarchs
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>lost the popular vote?
>implying that matters

Damn, Obammer lost the popular vote too!
It's a conspiracy to keep women out of the white house!!!
I thought you ppl believed that
that's why you voted for him
pls no
>"come the the U.S. to work"
Shit, if only there was some sort of legalization process they could go through so they could stick around.
Donald Trump acting like a fucking bitch and betraying his voters is going to be the reason a tyrant takes power. If he had any fucking foresight he would end DACA and not cuck for the left "in 6 months"
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FLASHBACK: DACA Advocate Race Baiting Piece of Shit Faggot Illegal Alien Jose Antonio Vargas Uses Doctored Social Security Card – A Federal Crime http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/09/flashback-daca-advocate-illegal-alien-jose-antonio-vargas-uses-doctored-social-security-card-federal-crime/
lots of self made immigrants are conservative. Lotta immigrants in general are conservative. The ones who vote dem do so cuz u niggas too racist. Same with Ay-rabs. anwar supportred GHWB.
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>hands the problem to congress

What Obama did was executive overreach.
I know being a leaf you don't comprehend such things so kill yourself and quit pretending you understand US politics.
>Mexicans taking welfare is complete bullshit.
All of them were born on Medicaid.
I handed out checks for 10 years to these beaners, claiming 9 or exempt on their W2 forms so they could dodge $1000 a week in taxes. UBC 9144 San Jose California, half our ranks are illegal beaners with fake dox. Our wages are now $50 an hour, ten years ago they were $40. Do the math you filthy jobless, leftist socialist scum.

Also, H1B visas are going too. Neck yourself you anti American communist rube piece of trash.
They dont need medicaid they can go to the er for free.
>Do you even question anything the MSM tells you?

Yes, yes indeed.
Here's your last you, you mentally atrophied socialist cock sucker:
We all elected Trump because we thought he'd trash our constitution and destroy the foundation of the country we're trying to save.

Fuck off back to lereddit, after you clean your room.
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not all people on welfare are mexicans you hateful bigot. fuck off and kys.
should write out those links in a pastebin so it's indisputable
It's incredible watching all of these temporary programs Obama created be defended by leftists like as if they were Amendments.
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>be daca beaner
>impregnante sjw white american female
>shit out a buncha roaches
>get buncha welfare and medicaid for the kids
you'll blame obama if iran ends up with nukes
just like you blame clinton for n korea now

The fed needs to completely unfund the anchor babby programs too.
I was a social services employee and saw WAAAAYYY too many single 14 yr old girls in a households of ten having babbys on the taxpayer's dime.
have some free
>prenatal care
>hospital delivery
>post partum care
>food stamps
>child care

while middle class taxpayers are getting raped by the medical industrial complex
it's no fucking wonder beaners are outfucking us
for them there's a financial incentive to have a fuckton of babbys
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this is 4chan. not reddit. fuck off faggot, we dont want you.
Yeah no that is fucking bullshit. DACA qualify for all of that and more, they get free rides through college.
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I've started to notice that every democrat president does the equivalent of addicting the country to heroin and leaving the republican president to deal with the withdrawal.

it's well documented in Wikileaks.
of course democucks don't want to read anything that flies in the face of their rose colored glasses.
you mean frightening?

How the fuck is social security and medicare going to get fixed?
>the white house
one drop rule, m8
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nice try cunt.
Mexico for the Mexicans. GTFO
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I would say that you are a lair
No you ignorant leaf faggot
It is all their in the wikileaks for everyone to read
head in the sand faggot
Yes because a Twitter post by a leftard is a good source of information.
Yeah but they still work around it. They broke the rules staying here, what's one more lie to the host nation?
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That was easy to debunk. Please tell us more of what you "know"
imagine if liberals treated the right wing citizens who pay the bills for all their social engineering crap as well as they treat fucking illegal citizens calling themselves 'Dreamers' as if the rest of people aren't Dreamers or something
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These people are all illegal.

They need to go back.
Congress couldn't get American healthcare done so Trump raises the stakes to 800,000 mexican children.
If they can make a decision then "Trump got Congress engaged"
If they can't then "Trump is fixing Obama's overstep while trying to engage them."

No matter what happens Trump is in the clear.
Your move jews.
>come to the U.S. to work
Well they aren't paying taxes, since no one can hire an illegal to work. So they are still benefitting from everything we have to offer while giving nothing in return.

Green card takes less than a week to get.
My father hired many green card holders, seriously 1 week.
All you have to do is have a letter stating they have received your application. The letter is held on you at all times. You can not be deported or imprisoned while carrying this letter for illegal immigration reasons.
You can start applying for jobs the moment you get this letter, in fact it helps you get approved faster for a green card since you already are proving to be more productive than half the people that apply for this shit.
5 FUCKING business days.
If you can't wait 5 business days to get a green card you deserve to be deported, hell you deserve to be shot.
5 business days to get your green card and you can spend 10 years, that's 10 years working here. During that time you can apply for your citizenship and work your job. Proving you are a good citizen and helping with the process of approval.
I was ex military, i've seen this process a thousand times. I've seen my father's workers become legal citizens. I've worked alongside immigrants.
5 business days.
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If we let them stay they'll just end up like pic related
>free college isnt a handout

kill yourself OP and you have to go back
I always do horrible on this.
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