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Why was German fascism so strongly associated with homoerotic

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Why was German fascism so strongly associated with homoerotic elements like male body worship?
>muh nudity

america pls
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>implying that's the extent of the phenomenon I'm referring to
What attracted men like Röhm to the party?
Because he first allied with faggots to take power you ignorant burger

fucking DYEL
Hitler was gay
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I mentioned Röhm 40 seconds before you could shit out an idiotic reply
If you dont have homosexual thoughts, then you dont get errected by statues of naked men. It is not like it would be the first time, that europeans have statues like that, nut americans are kind of retarded.


its masculinity and aesthetic but i dont expect you to understand it.

>go home and vote left. you havent understand anything!
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There's a female in the picture tho
You enjoy looking at naked men hans it's ok
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>its masculinity
Fascism and homosexuality are both the result of an absent father figure during childhood. Fascist have replaced that figure with daddy state while the fags simply find themselves a replacement man.

Hitler used to rape the Nazi youth and blow his loud in their mouths. They kept all this secret. Google search it.
Like French Kissing is associated with the French, the Germans associate man/woman sex with Anglo deviance they call "Anglostil" (Anglo style)

Homoerotica and anuses is the Eternal Teutons first and last preference

Alrighty there Freud settle down.

1/10 for not knowing what a parody is...
There is good and bad homosexuality.
>Why was German fascism so strongly associated with homoerotic elements like male body worship?
Tell me Op, are you fascinated by homo-erotic male body worship? How long have you felt this way? What is your earliest memory of this. Do you always draw meaningless parallels to homo eroticism? Did you always think sexually of your mother? Did your mother make you feel dirty about your male-ness? When did you start hating women?
You come out of the closet yet, OP?
Checked. Answer the questions OP
I thought they gassed the gay away? They idealized the perfect form as to give people something to strive for. I can appreciate male beauty much like I can appreciate a thoroughbred horse, only leftist have to make everything sexual because they are degenerates
That statue makes me feel unsafe, how dare it celebrate the Patriarchy and fucking white males! Tear it down, NAO!
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here we go burger...
this was never a big thing in the fatherland!

>pic related. that was and is the thing!
These statues look like an actual gay parade
>muscular men are gay XDDD

fuck off kike
it really talks about you lad
Swing and a miss, projecting like panasonic
homosexuals, like Catholics, like to pretend that their religion has always existed and always been manifest everywhere, and so they imagine that nude statues were "homoerotic" as though their modern faggot culture (which was only invented in the last 50 years) existed in the 1930s. They also project it onto ancient history eg

>ancient Greeks were gay XDDDD

they had gay sex but it wasn't "gay" in the sense that gay identity exists today. Men were expected to marry and have children but it was considered normal in some places to also have male lovers. Totally different concepts of sexuality.

It didn't. You're just projecting.
A meme created by Jews to reduce display of manliness to the same level of degeneracy than a gay pride.
Don't be manly and proud of it goy ! It's the same as sucking dicks !

kys, rabbi
they also appropiate the male body, for them the male body is gay by default, the same with male friendship, now its gay to have a friend

its only "homoerotic" in their sick eyes
Buff dudes look aesthetic as fuck (no homo)
>homoerotic elements
only a raging faggot like yourself would see it that way
The only one who knows the truth is you OP. You are are a bit obsessed with the homoerotic aspect. People with dirty minds tend to see dirtiness everywhere. So your a degenerate. How deep your degeneracy goes, only you know. Sometime a cigar is just a cigar.
Pseudopsych drivel, the only thing that's telling is that you think this is clever
>Pseudopsych drivel
Hardly, still you have not explained your interest in so called homoerotic Nazi statuary.
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I'm in my fourth year of a psych undergrad and applying for graduate school in clinical psych, you wikipedia retard. My interest in it is the study of aesthetics, which is frequently discussed in association with political theory
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There's a difference between nudity for art, and nudity for porn.
Because they knew the importance of putting pressure on men, forcing men to stay healthy and strive for the best possible edition of himself.
Now of course we have gone soft. Fatasses everywhere.
>seeing a naked human male makes you sexually aroused
looks like you're the homoerotic one, fag.
Bc all this "homoerotic" stuff is made up commie deconstructionist bullshit.

It's a mean to harm and take away male bonding and camaraderie
>I'm not gay, I just like women in men's uniforms!
Hitler's father wasn't absent in his childhood
Why is it homoerotic? Because you get homosexual urges whenever you see them?
Why has art venerating the male body become so strongly connoted with homosexuality?

Just another (((coincidence))), I suppose.
>I'm in my fourth year of a psych undergrad
What do you think you will accomplish with it? You hardly have the chops for clinical psychology atm. Finish up your time, and forget everything they taught you in undergrad. It will hold you back in clinical psychology. Undergrad psych = liberal arts bullshit. It's fucking cancer of the mind. Now I see a bigger picture of why your interested in homoerotic imagery. Thanks for being honest OP. Those who can't teach, those who can do. Remember this OP.
>normies have become so brainwashed that they view any form of unabashed male camaraderie as homoerotic
You're trying to imply that you have expertise or you're a phd candidate or something, but you can't spell or write two sentences that make sense in sequence. This is real LARPing
>unabashed male camaraderie
>unabashed male camaraderie
You heard me. Communal showers in high school was prime bants time
I always laughed during splashy brojob
Male body worship is a very common theme throughout history. You're showing ignorance.
>Anon confuses a love for aesthetic with sexuality
I hate Americans
Have you ever tried to read anything a physician writes? Our job is to come up with solutions not write a medical transcription. We have people for that. You will see a whole new level of autism when/if you make it to med school. But you have a superiority complex, your going to have to tone that down. Humble yourself. Seek mentoring. Separate personal feelings. Most of the people in your class are there to figure out their own issues. You need to put distance between them. In your first year you will have the harsh realisation you just wasted 4 years of your life.
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Strife for peak condition.

Be what you want others to be.
The White Aryan Man is the greatest invention of the Earth. The most capable creature on this planet. The closest thing to gods that we physically know.
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Homoerotic n. Something that only faggots find sexually arousing.
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