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The Age Of Consent should be 14

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There is no logical reason that the age of consent shouldn't be 14.


>Girls a physically developed and ideal for child rearing
>Haven't been brainwashed yet by Marxist/Feminist propaganda
>Can immediately start raising family
>Will not be a worn out slut by 18


eh...ill meet you half way with 16. Because I do agree that we keep our children from adult hoot for to long. George Washington was out surveying the wilderness alone at 14 if I recall.
It was pretty common for women to marry around 15 to slightly older guys in the 19th century.
90% of women that were in my 9th grade class look exactly the same as they did then.
Okay friend, let me explain something to you since you seem to be new here. Hebephilia is NOT the same thing as pedophilIa. I'm sick and tired of you trolls popping up everywhere and spreading BLATANT misinformation. In many countries hebephilia is considered normal and healthy . Human beings have a natural attraction to girls who are going through puberty. Being attracted to girls who are pre-pubescent is fucking sick and disgusting, but only in the US does there seem to be an unwarranted taboo around a healthy and normal condition. My head hurts. I'm just trying to get my real life back.
The world is overpopulated, noone cares about having as many childryn as possible anymore except for niggers and other shitholers. The economy is much different than what it used to be, politicians won't care about your fetishes enough to change that. Try suggesting that once a nuclear winter happens or something. Or move to a third world.
>anecdotal evidence
every time
I don't disagree with this. Afaik I never mentioned pedophilia.
>it's another "i can't get adult women to fuck me so i want to fuck a kid therefore it should be legal" episode
wew lad i think we've had this rerun a few too many times
Lowering the age of consent doesn't necessarily mean I want to reproduce with 14 year olds
>Girls a physically developed and ideal for child rearing
Can't they lactate until later in their lives?

>Haven't been brainwashed yet by Marxist/Feminist propaganda
Biggest Kek

>Can immediately start raising family
>What is maturity
You do realize that most people in this century fully develop their brains at 20+ right?
Do you really expect a 14 year old to be mature enough to take care of something as precious as a life of another human being?

>Will not be a worn out slut by 18
Complete bullshit, as most girls at 14 have already fucked more guys than women in the 80's.

Hang yourself Pedo scum
What>>139265705 said.
"In Maryland, persons aged between 14 and 16 may consent to sex as long as the other partner is not more than 4 years older"
this law is fine
OP talked about child rearing and creating a family.
>Do you really expect a 14 year old to be mature enough to take care of something as precious as a life of another human being?

Do you really expect the modern western women to even be capable of that without first learning?
>"i- it's not that i want to fuck them or anything! i just want it to be legal to fuck them because i actually have no interest in fucking them at all! this makes perfect logical sense!"

t. you
I don't own a gun, but I'm an advocate of gun ownership rights.
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How about scientific evidence that corroborates his anecdotal then?
>misinterpreting my sentence
I never said I didn't want to fuck them. I just said I don't want kids. Learn to reading comprehension
14 year old girls cant make decisions like that. Fuck 25 year old women cant, but if we had to wait until they were 30 no one would ever fuck them.
The whole point of the age of consent is to make a girl into a worn out slut by 18 so that she already knows the ropes when she becomes fair game for the 30+ yo pervs out there. If you let her face those guys when she's still naive and virginal there's a huge chance she'll be abused. By shielding girls from older guys you make sure that she first get experience and practice as a sort of a game in a relatively safe environment of her peers.
fuck off /tv/
>because girls have physically developed by age 14, it also means that they have mentally developed by age 14
trash argument, try again
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Doesn't work today. Life is too easy now, especially for women. You need experience and wisdom to raise a non-retarded child. I can name not a single 14 year old girl that I've ever met that has any semblance of wisdom or experience.
ehhh anywhere 16-18 seems sensible to me
Wow, that makes it so much better. Surely we should legalize fucking underage women specifically because you would like to fuck underage women. I'm sure that will benefit society as a whole
>By shielding girls from older guys you make sure that she first get experience and practice fucking Jamal, then ends up a single mother with a half-nigger child
>muh mental age

FACT: Girls are already having sex at this age whether it's legal or not.
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It's true (((age of consent))) is pushed by old hags to keep competition down.
It already is in there

tfw will never bang a tight fresh pussy
>Inb4 "Muh mental maturity!"

Women don't develop past their teen personalities until they hit menopause or have their first baby.
It's pasta, newfag.
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Go lower senpai
Yeah but they usually have sex with people the same age as them which means they are equivalent in mental maturity and life experience. This means there is little chance that they will be abused or exploited sexually because their partners are also inexperienced. There is nothing wrong with a teenager fucking another teenager. There is something wrong with a teenager fucking an adult.
What actually happens here is that she ends up fucking older dark skinned minorities because they don't really give a fuck about AoC laws like white men do.
These degeneracy threads....
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You won't fool me, FBI
For the record, even though Yoko is "14," the creator has also stated that the different villages in the world kept time differently, and had a slightly different variation on the common calendar. Because of this, Yoko is actually slightly over 16 when TTGL starts.
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Reminder Feminists created the age of consent.
A 14 year old still goes trough phases, mood swings and things they're too young to understand,bearing a child at this age will fuck them up rather than help them learn
The way they learn to raise kids is trough their little brothers, sisters, nephews, not by their own kids.
But the age of consent IS 14, my negro friend.
>Will not be a worn out slut by 18
Oh, she'll still be worn out.
>This means there is little chance that they will be abused or exploited sexually

A load of bullshit. There are boys there age who deflower girls AS A SPORT. They aren't mentally mature enough to even give a fuck about these girls beyond getting their dicks wet whereas a man will see her as a mate to invest in.

You're coming from an angle where all men are scum and teenage boys are all innocent angels.
That's not the fault of the age of consent system. Seeing how we're on /pol/ I shouldn't have to spell it out for you.
The lower the age the more niggers will fuck them

Unless you outlaw miscegnation or bring back arranged marriages it will just be worse
Oh dear it's the degenerate subhuman pedophile scum again. Just kill yourself already, all of human society despises you for what you are, you're a burden, a criminal and an abomination, a perversion of the natural God-given order of things.

Kill yourself.
Put a gun against your temple and pull the trigger.
Tie a noose around your neck and hang yourself.
Fill a bath with water, lay down and drop a toaster in.

Just kill yourself.
LOL you're fucking delusional if you think a teenage boy can manipulate a woman in the same way an adult male can. This is how I can tell you never dated as a teenager
Ew nigga wat 14 is some chester shit. I could get behind 16 maybe but even then get ur ass a 21 year old. Thats a fullly developed woman. 14 theyre still kids. They got the brain and body of children. Ur nasty for this one lmao
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Paedophilia has never been normal in Western civilization. The average age of marriage from Shakespeare's day to the Victorian era was about twenty-five. Marriages with young people were so rare that, in the year 1839 (to take an example at random) there was not a single marriage in England contracted with a person of either sex under the age of 15. Read it for yourself here:

"... According to this table there were under 15 years, none for either sex."


In other countries the average age of marriage was even older. For example, as to Prussia:

"Thirty-five is the average age of marriage in Prussia, and, where the land is much divided, the peasants never marry before 32. Nor does the habit of late marriage increase immorality, for, apart from the larger towns, Prussia is among the states of Europe characterized by fewest illegitimate births."


Fornication was absolutely morally forbidden (you will see in the book Pride and Prejudice for instance that the girl Lydia is considered as good as ruined unless she marries the soldier she runs away with). Join that fact with the other that marriages with people under the age of fifteen years were so rare as to be non-existent in the particular year I happened to select, and the conclusion becomes that sexual contact with children was never ever sanctioned by society.
"Some retarded 19 year old guy is going to be a better father than a 25 year old if the girl happens to get knocked up!"

What a mind-numbing law.
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Hey fuck the feds man
AoC should be to protect actual children, girls who can't physically accommodate a penis from being raped. All AoC does is prevent white men from making babies with white women when they are most horny and likely to fuck.
Contemporary pedohaters are by and large Moderns who swallowed the cultural Marxist pill without question and have been doing so since birth. These are really just people who blindly accept what I see to be the axioms of modern anti-pedoism; pedohebesexuality is necessarily centered on violence (hence the oft-repeated and patently absurd anti-pedoist motto that 'only adults can consent'), pedohebesexuality/pedoheberomance is abnormal (the coinage of the word 'pedophile' is a reflection of this; by reduction to *philos* contra *eros* the phenomenon is trivialised, rendered fetishistic, demeaned, pathologised, *etc.* (similar to the historically Marxist pathologisation implicit in the inception of the word 'racist')), *etc.* The campaign against what is know called 'pedophilia' has its roots in the Marxist-feminist campaign against man-girl relationships (as natural tokens of dominant patriarchal heterosexual institutions, whose very existence challenged and will always challenge cultural-Marxist progressivism) which saw a benchmark in the raising (close to doubling, in some instances) of the Age of Consent in the West. It was not your stereotypical Christian social conservatives responsible, but the progressives, for they have nothing to gain and plenty to lose from the continued existence of the traditional and naturally stable marriages which organically result (and historically resulted) from pedoheberomantic relationships.

The same Jewish revolutionary spirit which brought us degenerative cultural subversion in the West, made anti-nativist open-border policy fashionable and gave social and legal rights to all manner of abnormal, unnatural LGBTQ+ individuals and unions suppressed the most obvious token of traditional heterosexual romance. To reject Modernity is to reject anti-pedoist hysteria and to call it what it is, as we do with globalist immigration efforts and atheistic cultural subversion.
This. All you disgusting pedophiles are a blight on the world. Your degeneracy will never be accepted. Ever. I would openly kill your kind if it weren't for the laws of these lands.
Surely we should not legalize fucking underage women specifically because you would not like to fuck underage women. I'm sure that will benefit society as a whole.
If you don't want to bang a 14 year old, then don't.
age of consent should be half your age +7 that way old men don't go around fucking little girls.
Seriously all that lowering it to 14 will do is let rich old bastards who can't get it up without a pill manipulate girls barely out of puberty. That's fucking disgusting

When child prostitution became known to the public owing to the writings of William T. Stead in the Pall Mall Gazette, the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885 was passed, "an Act to make further provisions for the protection of women and girls, the suppression of brothels, and other purposes."

The conclusion therefore is that paedophilia, or even ephebophilia, has never been normal in Western civilization. In the comparatively fewer cases where a man (say) in his twenties did have relations with (say) a fifteen-year-old, it was only legitimately done in a marriage contracted with the consent of the parents; whereas the people who incessantly make threads of this kind are advocating that older men should be able freely to seduce and use young girls with impunity. It is simple paedophile and ephebophile propaganda, and antithetical to everything decent and good.
>wanting Kamina's used goods
>wanting a slut
Should be dropped immediately.

But responding to the actual topic, this>>139264333 is ideal. Going after younger females is unfortunately becoming necessary with the degeneracy of modern society, but that does not mean it is ideal. imo proper dating age starts at 16, with marriage from 18-24. All kids should be had before 30.
>There is something wrong with a teenager fucking an adult.

Long as the relationship with the parent, teenager and adult are agreed then everything is good.
You're a short-sighted retard who thinks that whatever personally pleases him should therefore be legislated into law. Literal nigger-tier thinking. Your argument: "muh dick"
I thought we were talking about teenagers here? You're telling me that teenage boys can't manipulate teenage girls? Are you saying these young women are too mentally mature for that?
Get real. You're arguing against your own points now.
You'd be surprised.

Even in antiquity, Tacitus tells us that early marriages were discouraged among the ancient Germans, and that the average age of marriage among them was 25 years of age for both sexes.
Where I live, North Carolina, the age of consent is 16. Why isn't that young enough for you?
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>half your age +7
??? You'll be fucking grannies by the time you're 20.
I always thought the rule was 1/3 age +2
It's 14 here.
What does that have to do with 14 year olds being awful parents lol
Quit fixating on the fact you couldnt have sex in high school. Older bitches are better anyways. 21 and up. 30 is SO fye.
>There is nothing wrong with a teenager fucking another teenager.
Fornication is sinful and destructive to society.
And see my other post to define what a "teenager" is. They should be at the very least 17-18 to consider marriage.
>i never tricked a girl into being my slut when I was 15
Call me subhuman spic for all I care, been manipulating dumb sluts since I'm 14
No, they can't. They don't have the knowledge or life experience to manipulate anything unless they're a sociopath or something. But please, person who never dated as a teenager, keep telling me how teenage dating works

This is a lie. See:

In France, the age of "sexual majority" is 15.
Bro you couldnt get laid in high school. Get over it lol
Chad doesn't need to manipulate anyone. He just exists and can get half of all girls just by asking.
>manipulates literal subhuman retard nigger girls into being sex slaves
we're not talking about jungle apes, we're talking about humans here
If we moved it to 14 they would just move the propaganda. Hell I've seen it happen. Almost every teacher I had when I was 14 was pushing that shit. Think we need both it to say 14-16 but it would also be beneficial to have a educational reform.
>1/3 your age +2
>be 20
>fuck 9 year olds
Neck yourself faggot.
T.Chronophile argument
I'd say the problem with this "argument" is that they're all borderline retarded
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My my, aren't you a perverted lolicon?

They were obviously going to. It still shows loose morals and the diseased mind of a slut. Do not want/10.
Oh wow the first result on google. Very scientific. Better watch ur ass fellas Dr Nick Bate wants to diddle ur kiddies
Actually girls that young are more likely to have miscarriages and other birth complications. The ideal age for child bearing is early 20s.
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This white "child" is literally getting dicked by niggers instead of entering in a fruitful relationship with a white man because of the law.

100+ years ago our asses were out working hard by 14, and we had a few years of "real life" under our belts. Not to mention no birth control. Girls had almost no hope of not being prego'd within a few years of hitting sexual maturity.

Now the average 18-21 year old has still never worked a real day in their lives.

dude, yoko is an anime character

she isnt a real 14 year old
Wow who would have thunk it, turns out that weaboos are disproportionately pedophiles because they live in fantasy anime land where having sex with children is OK. So then they're confused as to why they get so much push back on it IRL. Loli porn should be banned so we can stop these degenerate fucks from deriving any enjoyment from their disgusting fetish.
jokes on you i play with amerincan sluts
Prove it wrong.
OK Pablo, whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night
She is a disgusting kike trash, she can get dicked by niggers all she wants
> Haven't been brainwashed yet by Marxist/Feminist propaganda
You wish. You should keep up with the youth, anon. Internet and social media are aleady part of kid's live at the age of 7 (some even sooner) these days. When they are 14, they will have been exposed to social justice bullshit for half their life already.

> Cons
> ????????????
It makes you a pedophile? Well, not entirely sure since children these days look far older than they did in the past (seriously, what the fuck is in our food these days!?), but it still seems like a pretty shitty thing to do. I would leave that sort of behavior to lefties.
>the conclusion becomes that sexual contact with children was never ever sanctioned by society.
What a stupid, dishonest post.

>random selected year is evidence
Its called anecdotal evidence. Society at that time had a low age of consent.

Idiotic. Moral panics about prostitution late in the 19th century doesn't disprove that society allowed child prostitution for centuries. You can make the exact same argument about slavery, that since it was abolished we never condoned slavery as a society, right? Terrible argument.

Oh wow, a guy from a society that produced the art in my image said that Germans marry late.
No, she's just the victim of kikery.
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That doesn't sound right. Check your math, dude.
>tfw when it is in Japan and Argentina
>tfw I told all of the Argentinean friends that I happen to have for some reason I can't explain about this and they were all shocked that they live in what by international standards is a pedophile country

That being said, there is a lack of Jap and Argey flags here...

I guarantee you this thot has had dozens of old Jewish dicks inside of her to get how far she's gotten. That's not even a joke, it's a real serious thing in Hollywood

In modern society we have decided that a parents job of reproducing their values, lessons, and will on the molding of their offspring is around 18. Some states have it at 16 or 17.
As a dad, I have a 13 year old daughter. I'm not done yet. I still have LOTS of raising to do.
And I need to do that, without interference.
Then some fine man can marry her. I hope.
But I intend to try to make gifts for the world with my children. People you can marry and have loyalty. Honesty. Honor.
I likely will only half succeed. But please give me my time to try. Thank you.
Lel we caught one once he climbed a tree in the park and was jacking off to kids playing down below. Some old lady came up to me and a few friends while we were smoking a joint about the 'disgusting old man in the tree', so we went there, got him down and started beating the shit out of him, he just screamed 'policija, policija' (call the cops). After we bloodied him, we called the cops and they said to us ''you should have beaten him more, sadly we can't beat prisoners anymore"
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Why do you want to fuck children so much? You think you'll get more luck with them than you did with dumb adult bitches?
Yeah, them too, no doubt. She is a white girl who gets passed around by everyone but that's more normal to society than if she just got married at 14 to a white man.
>child rearing
You absolute degenerate
Age of consent is just another tool the US uses to fuel its prison industrial complex. I mean do you honestly think they give a fuck? The FBI could send a cease and desist to omegle and they would do more in stopping the online exploitation of children than they would in 500 years of cyber investigations. Pre-internet the laws actually made sense, now we are stuck in this limbo where penalties for watching a 15 year old diddle themselves on webcam rival that of violently hacking someone to death with a machete and politicians can't say that maybe that shouldn't be the case without committing career suicide. Even law enforcement realizes how retarded age of consent laws are, and that's why instead of headlines along the lines of "3000 tards on /b/ arrested overnight for sharing cp on kik" we only see an arrest if the person is astronomically fucking retarded to the point he might as well have been tweeting it to his local police department.
>naziboos can't get laid by real women
>"Let's fuck kids!"
Reporting this thread to the feds, hope you chomos like prison.
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I can settle for 14.
Damn that must have felt good. Great job anon, making the world a better place once disgusting degenerate at a time
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Found the hateful bigot. Why do you care what people jerk off to? How about you go mind your own business and stop being so mean?

I notice that you didn't bother to refute a single one of the facts I presented. Not a single marriage contracted with women under 15 years of age in the whole of England in 1839, and your mind simply dismisses the matter and merrily carries on.

Here is some more information on antiquity for you, from Plutarch's "Customs of the Spartans":

"Affectionate regard for boys of good character was permissible, but embracing them was held to be disgraceful, on the ground that the affection was for the body and not for the mind. Any man against whom complaint was made of any disgraceful embracing was deprived of all civic rights for life."
You can tell someone watches too much anime when they think 14 means developed lol
Makes sense
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Fuck off, retard. I find it funny how pedophiles always get their feeling hurt when they are the ones fantasizing about raping children and permanently ruining their purity. Always gives me a hearty kek
There wasn't any decent contraception back then so what did they do with all the teen mothers?
Nah, just make loli porn carry the same punishment as actual child porn and people will stop viewing that shit real quick.
Uhm sweetie, it is 14 already in Italy

>Tfw Fu a 15 yo and she told me she wasn't even virgin
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>raping children and permanently ruining their purity
Right, think of the poor imaginary kids. Fuck off. You're the one threatening violence for what's literally a thought-crime.
At the very least it forces them to be societal outcasts so I never have to interact with their puke-worthy selves in real life.
>ban lines on paper
>"y- yeah i get off to children but its just a fantasy though! its completely harmless and will never cause more people to become pedophiles!"
goddamn weaboos are a cancer on this earth

In those days you had parents and morals, the best possible way of bringing up good children and preventing such things.
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>not keeping the age of consent as high as possible to maximize the likelihood that sexually impulsive shitskin boys get into legal trouble
>people will stop viewing that shit real quick

Casually glances at the hidden wiki portal sitting at 17 million page views. Ummm......
So what do you think that means for young adults these days who are surrounded by degeneracy? I mean, okay, you point out that in the 1800's girls didn't marry young but at the same time they were remaining chaste.
I don't think locking up a bunch of minorities is worth having ruined girls.
20/3 = ~ 7 +2 = 9
I thought krauts were good at maths
>coalburners get their just desserts
>Mahmud & co. get locked up
there are literally no downsides here
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It could potentially serve as an outlet for people who might otherwise be unable to control their sexual urges. Same theory as with those sex dolls.
But somehow, we have decided as a society that keeping out stuff we find disagreeable is more important than saving the innocence or even the lives of children.

I think it's time that we learn to move on and realize that it's more important to do what is right instead of what feels right .

And who do you think is getting locked up for sex crimes other than minorities? The 100k white people following cp master accounts during twittergate?
>developed height = developed bodily features
The fact that nobody has pointed this out is disappointing
Is there anywhere you can bang 15 year olds in your 20s without being considered a scumbag piece of shit? I can't imagine people being OK with that, even if it's legal. My friend wants to know.
Just about anywhere other than the US. You know, where caving someones head in with a bat on regular television is acceptable but a nipple is absolute degeneracy.

Degenerate communist. Saged
NEETS are shitty people.
>I notice that you didn't bother to refute a single one of the facts I presented
Because the facts you presented don't even make a half valid argument? They have nothing to do with the conclusions you came to. Having no recorded marriages under 15 years of age in a single country in a single year doesn't change the fact that AoC was very low, as low as 7. You'd do better to bring up average ages of marriages within decades, but that wouldn't work to prove your erroneous claims either, since the AoC was low still, and child prostitution was tacitly accepted. You brought up an example from a novel, which is called anecdotal evidence. I could also bring up tons of examples from novels of counts, etc marrying adolescent girls.

>Here is some more information on antiquity for you, from Plutarch's "Customs of the Spartans":
There are other sources that talk about the infamy of Spartans, that they practiced pederasty more often than Athenians, so the sources are contradictory on Sparta. On Athens, however, its very obvious.

You are using a thing called "cherry picking" which tells any semi-rational person reading your posts that you're reading history with a preconceived bias instead of an interest in finding out the reality. The reality is "pedophilia" has always been present within the human population, and various societies throughout history have dealt with it differently, some allowing it outright, some putting various strictures on it, and some outlawing it outright. The third option is the rarest, and we're presently living in a very small historical epoch when "pedophilia" = evil.
>height is the only aspect of growing
What are you drinking?
I'm 22 and find girls my age repulsive. Like fuck, we legally have the smallest pool of women in our lives and by the time I'm older, those same girls that I wanted when they were 14, are now repulsive and brainwashed, starting my cycle over of finding even younger girls.
>Oh dear it's the degenerate subhuman pedophile scum again. Just kill yourself already, all of human society despises you for what you are, you're a burden, a criminal and an abomination, a perversion of the natural God-given order of things.
>Kill yourself.
>Put a gun against your temple and pull the trigger.
>Tie a noose around your neck and hang yourself.
>Fill a bath with water, lay down and drop a toaster in.
>Just kill yourself.

I agree 1 million percent, girls at 14 dont know what the hell theyre doing, theyre still at school, they have alot to learn, Im starting to think that pol is full of old ass 40 year old pedophiles
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>meanwhile Muhammad Abdul here actually rapes little children and gets away with it

Fuck off.

Oh so you're saying at 14, otherwise a freshman potentially even a sophomore in high school that you would have been completely clueless and helpless had you decided to have anal sex with a 42 year old car mechanic? If the answer to that question is "no", you weren't in high school but a school for the mentally retarded.
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friendly reminder that feminism (jewish financed and pushed) changed the age of consent. you are all buying into and defending a lie that was pushed on us. go ahead and call all your ancestors pedos and dumb, the same guys that did build this civilization that you enjoy.

as this guy >>139266634 already also said.
>ideal for child rearing
>Can immediately start raising family

Pedos are actually this delusional.
You're right, they should be given another decade to go to college, travel the world and "find themselves." It's been working out marvelously as our low divorce rate shows... oh wait.
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If America would nut up and let sexual education be taught children would be able to communicate and talk about this thing. Making less degenerates and helping them be capable knowing when rape/abuse happens to them.
The Mayans did it.
it should but it's political suicide to make implement such a thing
it could pass if it requires her father's approval
just move to germany
it's 14 there.

personally, i find 14 to be too low, the age should be what it is here, 16
Calm down satan.
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>Being such a virgin that you have to take advantage of literal children to get laid
Whilst the Jew did force AoC laws upon us, I dont see much a problem with them really. 16s a reasonable age, 18 is stupid however and too high.
If you want to fuck 13yr old girls move to the Philippines or some other poor shitty country were they dont give a fuck.

Peek of height =/= Peek of evolving

you dumb pedophile
ever looked at the current state of our society, regarding the female populace? you will maybe notice what the real problem with the AoC laws is.
hint, women become whores without guidance and fuck their whole early years up - less and less white families
Kek, 14 year olds do dumb teenage stuff. Age of sexual consent should be 18 as well as marriage. Sexual intercourse is meant for procreation not recreation purposes. When you marry you are building a family to contribute to society. If I were to rule a country, I'd make it 21 for full maturity.
Reminder that Littlefinger dies tonight and the wall comes down at GoT
>breasts and genitals are fully developed at the end of this stage

short attention span? you somehow missed the last sentence
You really need morality about sex and marriage for this to work.
Freeing women to be sluts earlier without societal morals only ruins them that much earlier.
Nothing wrong with taking a post pubescent human as a husband or wife, but anything less than marriage sees the average teen be ruined by sexual immorality before they even reach adulthood.

Fornication was never accepted, to say nothing of prostitution, still less of child prostitution. You obviously do not understand the culture of the past.

I have fully proven my point that marriages with young teenagers have always been vanishingly rare in Western society. Demonstrating to you that the average age of marriage has been at least twenty-five for above five hundred years at least is the farthest possible thing from the selective suppression of evidence.

You cite no sources for your claims about the ancients. Here is another one for you:

Plutarch's "Life of Alexander": "Moreover, when Philoxenus, the commander of his forces on the sea-board, wrote that there was with him a certain Theodorus, of Tarentum, who had two boys of surpassing beauty to sell, and enquired whether Alexander would buy them, Alexander was incensed, and cried out many times to his friends, asking them what shameful thing Philoxenus had ever seen in him that he should spend his time in making such disgraceful proposals."
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fucking pedo, go join the hollywood libertards: After all, they're all sexualizing kids, and praising all the other idiots that polluted kids by molesting and raping them, like roman polanski.
This is why you should have social standards which require a man to get the parent's blessing if he wants to court and marry their daughter
>sees the average teen be ruined by sexual immorality before they even reach adulthood

that is already the norm in our current society.
and yes, we do mean marriage here, not just fucking around aimlessly, because that is truly degenerate and destroys societies.
they literally would be worn out sluts by the age of 14 if they could legally give consent at such an age. i thought you would have realized this, just looking at the recent "chadpill" thread.
also, i don't know how many times its been said, but children aren't mentally ready to take on the consequences of having sex nor raising children. they hardly know how to comprehend/control their own emotions and are too erratic when it comes to it.
honestly, it's quite sad that people are that sexually depraved and desperate to prey on a child. actually neck yourself.
Should the age of consent be raised to 25 (which is when science says the brain stops developing)?
Even that is debatable though, because a 60 year old is going to make a more informed decision than a 25 year still.
Even still, we don't even know if free will exists, hence "consent" itself may not exist.
All this stems from a legal system that gets caught in the psychological voodoo trap. Instead the legal system should be based on something objective, like physical indicators. Which would suggest an age of consent of 14.
I fail to see how lowering AoC would combat marxist brainwashing that occurs. AoC 14 in Germany, girls are still brainwashed sluts due to feminism and other Jew shit, changing AoC to 11 or something is not going to change anything and is not a solution
It just comes down to men who want women who will remain faithful as stats show the more partners a woman has, the more likely her marriage will end in divorce. This is just a natural reaction to the current marriage situation in the west when getting married is like flipping a coin for your future.
>where caving someones head in with a bat on regular television is acceptable but a nipple is absolute degeneracy.
As it should be. Force is necessary to preserve a society, while excessive sexuality destroys it. And we still have rating systems so parents can screen out violence if they want to.
Pretty much this.
It was started as a way to completely destroy the family unit.
It has nothing to do with the nonsense "They can't consent to sex" argument that they just pulled out of their ass.

During the most impressionable years of a girl's life (from 13 to 17) she is completely bombarded by Jewish propaganda in all areas of her life. From the shit trash they make her read in school, to her favorite pop stars twerking on Youtube, it is all designed to turn her into a whore as quick as possible.
On top of that, to add insult to injury, when she should be dating an older man who has his shit together and can take care of her, that is now illegal, so the male influence now in her life is her dad she naturally wants to rebel against, the dumbass stoners she hangs out with, the beta orbiters she ignores, and Tyrone who she somehow got brainwashed into finding attractive.

The whole system is just a mess.
Kids should not be having kids
Lmfao eat a black dick faggot
>men and women are equal
False. Further, one mistake from an indoctrinated and youthful mind will ruin a girl for life.
>it's about education and communication
Found the leftist. Go back to whatever pisshole you came from, and take down that flag. You don't deserve it.
You know what we need to do? Recriminalize fornication and adultery. There you go, problem solved. None of that touchy-feely bullshit.
Fathers like me who will shot you dead.
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early guidance by a male leading figure and marriage, that is all it needs, which would then be possible, before the brainwashing truly starts. you may not consider it alot, but teaching a young women values and life lessons early will usually save them from the cock carousel and being lonely later on.
what we atm have is mindless sex everywhere and nobody bothers to marry or even consider it. it is all literally just YOLO (and it pains me to even use this acursed phrase)

this whole slut culture is a symptom of feminism and the AoC laws.
>you're a fucking pedo

get outta here you fucking disgusting jew
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some feminists believe in this, I'm not even joking.
>Fornication was never accepted, to say nothing of prostitution, still less of child prostitution.
Nonsense. All were tacitly accepted to varying degrees, by varying parts of society throughout the years.

>I have fully proven my point that marriages with young teenagers have always been vanishingly rare in Western society. Demonstrating to you that the average age of marriage has been at least twenty-five for above five hundred years at least is the farthest possible thing from the selective suppression of evidence.
You're thick. I didn't argue that the average age of marriage was low. I said the AoC was low, and since the society makes the laws, low age of marriage and/or sexual activity was accepted. The very book you cited shows examples of adolescent marriage on the very next page from the one you cited. Also, since you enjoy anecdotal evidence from novels, try reading Andre Gide, who won the nobel prize, who fucked underage boys, or perhaps Proust where a judge got him off for taking a 7 year old girl back to his place (innocently, however) and directed him to the local child prostitution area.

>Demonstrating to you that the average age of marriage has been at least twenty-five for above five hundred years at least is the farthest possible thing from the selective suppression of evidence.
Do you not know what an average is? The average in the US in the 19th century was 20-22 for girls, which means younger marriage was somewhat common or the average would be higher.

>You cite no sources for your claims about the ancients
"The ancients" practiced pederasty, its in Plato's most read books, such as Symposium, Phaedrus, etc. I gave you two works of art from the period depicting pederasty. You realize the very example you just give shows that people practiced pederasty, right? You can't be that thick.

You're obviously basing a position on preconceived bias and trying to fit cherry picked evidence into it, while ignoring huge flaws in your reasoning.
As other anons (and myself) have pointed out already, aiming for younger women and girls is only addressing the symptom of a much wider societal problem. We need to rein in sexual immorality.
We need more like you.
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>feminism is the reason for AOC
Yeah, but it's a product of the fact that adult men typically take advantage of dumb teenagers, get them pregnant young and then ditch or at best rip them from their parents at a young age before they have a chance to become useful, productive adults. Anyone who wants to lower AOC is likely approaching the problem as a result of their selfish carnal desires. I'd bet money that most of you would be furious if your 14 year old daughter was dating a man double or triple their age (unless they're Muslims or extreme Mormons).

I would bang 12 year olds and up all day if I could legally, but that doesn't mean that's what best for a well-regulated and functioning society.
>There is no logical reason that the age of consent shouldn't be 14.
I agree based on the fact it would still be taboo. For instance, it IS 14 in Portugal, but you'll be hard pressed to find an adult actively dating a 14 year old--more often than not, the fathers are NOT okay with it.
Age of consent in many European countries has been 15 for ages.
please elaborate to me what is sexually immoral about having a marriage with a women of the age of 14 - mind you that she is fully grown by that age, in every aspect. and usually not a virgin anymore, but that is part of the problem that we both want to vanish.
>Fornication was accepted
The only parts of society that accepted it were the degenerate ones.
>Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.
>Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality...and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
14 btw
Pura verdad
It's just too early. They still have too much to learn, and are still to affected by pubescence. 16 is the lowest permissible, except in extraordinary circumstances.
It would be detrimental to a society, in my opinion, although I am not arguing that it would be worse than the shitshow we have now.
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>This child is a degenerate, therefore all children should be exposed to degeneracy
Kill yourself, kike.
Let's look more at the book you cited.


The "Mr. Robertson" cited for the information claims that

>That in England about two centuries ago, when debasing political and social circumstances combined to favor the practice, early marriages were general, at all events in the upper ranks.

>That, at the present day, in the most southerly countries of Europe, where the people are immersed in superstition and ignorance, marriage is early.

"Early" is said to mean at around puberty.
The issue of "degeneracy" was not argued, but the commonness in society. Your morality would consider the founders of Western civilization "degenerate", its irrelevant and idiotic.
Age of consent should be birth.
>It would be detrimental to a society, in my opinion, although I am not arguing that it would be worse than the shitshow we have now.

honest question, what other option do we have? i don't see one, as women without guidance from 14 onwards will fuck around aimlessly, to solve their emotional struggles. hardly anything a father can do about that really, unless i am missing something atm.

we are also talking from how we can change the current situation for the better and not a dreamworld where things suddenly change for the better without us doing anything, so we can go for 16 AoC laws.
>and ideal for child rearing
Not for child raising, though. Almost all adult women are mentally retarded, and 100% of underage women. This is why in the past, children were raised by both the mothers and grandmothers, as well as any other female relatives with experience. Today, with so many women in the workforce, this is generally no longer a thing in the western world. A 15 year old will not be a good mother without a massive support system, so without a fundamental change in gender roles, knocking up 14 year olds is not an activity that will result in stable societies.
Too old

>I said the AoC was low, and since the society makes the laws, low age of marriage and/or sexual activity was accepted

Evidently not. A thing that is so vanishingly rare as scarcely to exist cannot be described as "accepted," a word which has connotations of consent, favour, approval.

The chief exceptions to the rule are indeed the nobility, and, as you will see on the next page, in even in that case they were not marriages contracted between 30-year-old men and 7-year-old girls, or any other such sort of filthy nonsense as men of your cast of mind would wish to introduce. (And even in such a case, it is not to be presumed that there would have been sexual intercourse.) We have for instance the following: "Maurice, fourth Lord Berkeley, was married at 8 years old to Elizabeth, daughter of Hugh, Lord Spencer." The writer himself observes: "In England about two centuries ago, DEBASING POLITICAL AND SOCIAL CIRCUMSTANCES combined to favour the practice of early marriages," chiefly among the upper classes.

Are you ignorant of the fact that novels are one of the best ways of understanding the manners of the times in which they were written? This has been admitted on all hands since their inception.

Tell me, what do you know of what happened to André Gide's friend, Oscar Wilde? How did society take to his abuse of young boys?

Don't believe all the nonsense you read about the ancients. For a start you appear completely to misunderstand Socrates, who was notorious for his chasteness and sexual purity, and understood love in a spiritual sense. Have you never heard of the phrase, Platonic love? I recommend to your attention the book of Adonis Georgiadis, "Homosexuality in Ancient Greece - The Myth is Collapsing."

That "people" should practice pederasty has nothing whatever to do with the opinions of the wise and good.

too old
I envy my grandparents.

>They got married when my grandma was only 13
>Gramps was nearly twice her age
>They never fought and had a happy marriage
>My parents on the other hand got married in their late 30's/early 40's
>Always had arguments and they were always fighting for control
>they divorced after a few years
>even now I cant stand them and their pretentious liberal smugness
>they call my grandpa a filthy pedophile while gloating about their LGBT friends
>my grandma never said anything bad about grandpa
>even now she'll slap my anyone if they do
>I want to get married but I cant stand the old hags my age
>they are all used goods and remind me of my parents
>Please help
She also never lost her virginity even after the timeskip where she was like 21.
>jealous old fat feminists did it

no. the reason for AoC going up in the last century was hebe being big business. Owners of 19the century orphanages where making enormous amounts of cash from pimping out the girls. Allowing the common goy to pair off with teens for free wasn't part of the jewish business plan. Today hebe is a huge business, with the euro work given over to pakis + turks. Any paki or turk getting out of line gets reported in the news " police uncover paki rape gang ", but 99% of the business goes unreported.
The founders of Western civilization are the ones who wrote down the sources we've been feeding you, you insufferable faggot.
The only way to truly reverse a problem of the magnitude we're facing is a total destruction of the current system through war. If you can make things a little better, I won't stop you, although it may actually make things worse in the long run by keeping everyone complacent.
I think 14 is fine but only in marriage that is blessed by her father.
>I want to get married but I cant stand the old hags my age
>they are all used goods and remind me of my parents
>Please help

If nothing else, go Ukraine to get white wife. The country is so desperatly poor from its civil war, its is being overrun by turks who can afford to nab the white ukraine girls. It must break the hearts of the Ukraine fathers to see their daughter go off with a turk. They'd see it as a blessing if a white man wanted to marry the daughter. I'm assuming you're white.
Stop, people lurking are gonna think you're actually serious
i guess it is unlikely that we will be able to revoke women's suffrage without war, so war it is. that alone will solve alot of problems and gives room for needed improvements for the family structure and thus western culture again.
>Evidently not. A thing that is so vanishingly rare as scarcely to exist cannot be described as "accepted," a word which has connotations of consent, favour, approval.
Your very sources showed that it was rare in the period studied, not as rare as to be non-existent. You're trying to skew evidence to fit your agenda.

>In England about two centuries ago, DEBASING POLITICAL AND SOCIAL CIRCUMSTANCES combined to favour the practice of early marriages,"
>bolding the authors bias since the quote shows contrary evidence to what you want
kek, nice way to put the sprinkles on top of your own.

Now that you've admitted it was common in various periods among the upper classes, you'll have to change your false claim that society never accepted it. Will you? Doubtful.

>Are you ignorant of the fact that novels are one of the best ways of understanding the manners of the times in which they were written? This has been admitted on all hands since their inception.
And the novel you cited is somehow better at understanding the manners than mine? because it fulfills your bias, obviously.

>Tell me, what do you know of what happened to André Gide's friend, Oscar Wilde? How did society take to his abuse of young boys?
I already said, he won the Nobel Prize.

>For a start you appear completely to misunderstand Socrates, who was notorious for his chasteness and sexual purity, and understood love in a spiritual sense.
No doubt, but the works by Plato where he is a character mention pederasty, with the basic knowledge of its commonplaceness. If you haven't noticed, you're the only one talking about morality in general and your own, the argument we are having is about its acceptance in Western society through history. Socrates disproving of physical love in general is irrelevant.

>That "people" should practice pederasty has nothing whatever to do with the opinions of the wise and good.
Now you're arguing that only a minority not support pederasty? You are just bad at this.
If you're within 4 years of 16 then it's legal. Retarded rule famalam
Age of consent is unnecessary if we go back to disallowing premarital sex, and give control over the children back to the father. He'll marry her off to a worthwhile man once she's ready, and societal pressure will ensure he doesn't abuse his power by selling her into slavery or something.
>I already said, he won the Nobel Prize.
Read the sentence too quickly here. Oscar Wild.e You're talking about a difference between countries, France and Britain, in different epochs, not about Western society in general.
i would support this, still need to revoke women's suffrage to achieve this, as they would never agree to this right now.
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Nice copypasta
This guy gets it.
I think it should be I'm 14 and I like a older guy and I can't have see with him even if I give him my concent all the girls in my school had sex and they are my age or younger and no one gives a fuck but if I want to have sex with someone a lil bit older even treats me like a hoe
Alright my friend, I have other things to do. Your conclusions are based in bias and you've changed your claims through argumentation and counter-argument. That's actually fairly rare. It wasn't even a waste of time arguing with you.
your focus seems to be on having sex with him, don't do this to yourself, fucking around aimlessly does not help you at all and certainly isn't better than the girls your age, that do the same with guys a little younger. look a little further than just sex and if he doesn't agree to do the same, then he isn't the right kinda guy for you (unless you are content with just fucking around and being a slut)
virginity is NOT a negative, despite what society might teach you nowadays, having early sex with lots of guys is NOT cool and shit.
This is the unmistakable argumentation style of a Jew. I really hate you slippery bastards.
>bolding the authors bias
The fact that he had a bias shows the attitude of the time. That is, not good.
>Now that you've admitted it was common in various periods among the upper classes
Political marriages =/= sex
Even fucking Muhammad waited a little. Not enough, but he WAITED. The nobles did the same thing, and it was not an ideal when they married young, but an expediency.
>with the basic knowledge of its commonplaceness
>appeal to common practice fallacy
I suppose you'd say that the degeneracy of Sodom would overrule broad feelings on an issue, too. Just because large numbers of people do something, doesn't mean it's accepted. There are innumerable examples of this. And usually, things are only mentioned when they expand to the point of becoming a problem. If there aren't any homos, you don't have to ban homosexuality. Do you think China would have tried to ban opium imports before it was being imported and making half the population addicted wrecks? No, because it wan't an issue yet.
>Now you're arguing that only a minority not support pederasty?
Only a minority of people have solid morals. Almost nobody, if anybody at all, is perfect. That does not say anything about what we should strive for.

Keep playing with semantics and moving the goalposts, Jude. But on the day of the rope, you and your pedo army will all hang.
It's no just wanting to have sex with him
It's that I want to have a relationship with him
Like a really relationship

The dad will kick your ass, and all your adult friends will shame the living fuck out of you.

There's two very big reasons why 14 is far too young.
Naw you got rekt by that anon I'm sorry jimmy
The age of marriage should be 14 maybe. There should be no courtship with sex involved.
why would you want a relationship with someone older? You probably don't have much in common with each other.
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alright, just seemed like it as you mentioned it twice in one sentence.
well, if he wants the same then you both should be able to wait until society will accept you both being together. that is sadly the only option you have atm. you can still meet him and spend time with him, just no sex until it is okay. ain't gonna be easy for both of you, but if you really want it, certainly possible.

can't stress enough that he has to agree aswell, wouldn't be the first time that a men (any age) just wants easy sex from unexperienced women.
good luck.
>actually being this autistic
>World is overpopulated
Yes with niggers so therefore let's make white people stop breeding until they're fucking 30, right?
>implying that lowering the age of consent will make women become LESS slutty
you are fucking retarded, aren't you?
as he mentioned the divorce rate, he clearly was talking about marriage aswell. so getting a women to marry with 14 or pre 18, or have them "find themselves", as he put it and ride the cock carousel till they are tired of it, marry and divorce, as they cant bond with their husband anymore after being with 20+ guys - and how could they, it is emotionally straining to bond with 20+ guys and will leave you damaged in the long run.
She can't become slutty if you get a tight grip on her at early age.
If 22 is repulsive, you have no hope. Your best bet is to find a 22 year old when you're pushing 30 though.
So let me get this straight. You think by making it LEGAL for 14+ year old girls to fuck anybody they would like, they will then become less slutty as a result? How? I don't know what world you're living in but if you can't get an 18 year old to marry you, how the fuck do you expect to get a 14 year old to marry you? Lowering the age of consent isn't magically going to make women want to marry you, Hanz. Sorry to say.
>people not recognizing this is a copypasta
you forgot that you talk to germany here, the country that has AoC of 14.
i know fairly well that it doesn't solve the problem, which is why i always said the keyword MARRIAGE and that fucking around aimlessly is degenerate.

as i said before, we have to revoke women's suffrage and bring old rules back, no premartial sex and stuff, that is the only thing that can fix this. this does include AoC rules of 14 though, which is not the case in your country yet, which is the whole reason for this thread.
Cons: 14 year olds don't make any money so the baby will starve to death
Fucking around aimlessly is degenerate, you are right. But lowering the age of consent does not stop people from fucking around aimlessly, in fact it promotes that behavior. The problem is not age of consent laws, it is modern women.
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until like 8 years ago canada had an age of consent of 14 which was fine and literally caused no problems

retard steve harper raised it to 16 and im sure pozzy trudeau might do it again
yeah hence
>we have to revoke women's suffrage and bring old rules back, no premartial sex and stuff, that is the only thing that can fix this.

we agree on what the problem is then. just saying that if we ever fix this problem, we need AoC of 14, which would then end in marriage and not said fucking around and that would be a healthy relationship then. if you make the no premartial sex rule and forbid marriage till 18, then it can only fail, as we talk about humans here and they have needs.
To be honest I dont think anyone does.
This is purely anecdotal but I dont feel any different that when I was a teenager.
My body is starting to show age and I have much more experience in life but that it.
>I dont feel any different that when I was a teenager


Mad he got absolutely ass blasted in a pedo thread
but they are in brazil :^)
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