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/POL/'s mods in full tit shit mode trying to delete Nor

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/POL/'s mods in full tit shit mode trying to delete North Korea attacking Japan!!!

This is really IT boys!!!

>Friday 28 July 2017 16:20 BST
i was pretty surprised not to see the 1000000000000000000th OMGHEBBENINGGUYS of the day.
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So really 4chan MODs...

Why are you deleting all the North Korea Missile threads....

Are you all traitors too?

deleting duplicate threads, morans.
>deleting duplicate threads, morans.

There are no other threads now....

Good old /pol/ is probably useless to us now since it is "controlled" now...
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no shit its fucking controlled,mods are scared ever since the elcetion
Let's archive it

>https://theguardian com/world/2017/aug/25/north-korea-fires-several-projectiles-into-sea-of-japan
>Let's archive it

I think they destroyed the Archive.it thing now too.
if you were a mod you wouldn't want to get killeried either
Oh shit...

Nao Buzzfeed is better than 4chan's /pol/....

There's nothing to discuss about because nothing will make up out of this and America can't do any shit to NK except dick waving

It's amazing how big the B2 really is.
Came here to say this. Amazing plane.
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oh fugg is niggasaki nuked again????? :3
> No B1 Bone
Fake and gay.
That's the only thing we'd use on them btw.
You sir are wrong as two boys fuckin
>the one time in the history of pol that mods do their outlined duties
My god, the B2 is such a wonderful piece of engineering, absolutely beautiful plane. But fucking hell they're expensive.
Always be very careful of any 'news story' were to title uses the thing "xxx "says"...."

They are being feed, and repeating, false info for sure!


When in the air and by itself, it's hard to get a scale.

But next to the B-52, which we all can tell is big, and it doesn't look small compared to it.
That North Korean mongoloid is toast. You don't fuck with Japan. Japan is the world's favorite weird little place. This will make more people angry than him lobbing spitballs at big bad meanie poo poo head America.
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My buddie's fuckable adopted sister is an MP at Osan AFB. Skyping with her while she was off-duty a few hours ago. She said someones going to happen. She said start of last week most personnel were restricted from whole sections of the base and hangars. She said some cargo planes have been coming in the past few days. Fuck is this gonna be the one?
use the catalog you fucking newfag there are half a dozen gook threads
I hope your lying thru ur teeth cuz she be in big fucking trouble if she said that shit.
Because it can drop the largest payload.
There are pre-established aerial refueling tracks.
They are more reliable than both the Buff and the B-2.
Also, they are always more combat ready than the other two bombers.
>thru ur teeth cuz
kys, and yes he's lying.
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Come at me you little bitch....
Ive got a family friend that deployed a couple weeks ago and we still dont know where he went. He's Marine Force Recon and even his wife dont know where.
>I hope your lying thru ur teeth cuz she be in big fucking trouble if she said that shit.

I'm guessing she's freaking out because she's a newb. It's probably some shit they're using for wargaming the exercises with ROK units.
eat uh bag o dicks
Think about dicks a lot in your spare time?
This is from July 28. Saged
>This is from July 28. Saged

Are you just stupid....

>USA tests nuclear missiles for decades
>It's for research purposes
>North Korea launch a couple of missiles into their own sea
>Sanctions, embargos and ww3 imminent
And don't give me that bullshit with "but north Korea always threatens us!". USA is built upon global intimidation and will annex any cunt they can because they have a superiority complex
The difference is that Kim Jung Un is a fucking bond villian
>200 miles of Japan coast
>325 miles distance from North Koreas coast to Japans coast

Why are there so many retards falling for news like this?

>hurrr North Koreas rockets fall into Japanese claimed AIDZ
>Japans AIDZ claims goes almost to their and Russias coast far away from Japans own coast
According to the same Jews where you got that from, Trump is a bond villain working for the Soviets
North Korea still wants to conquer the rest of the Korean Peninsula by force.
I typed in my.post don't give me that bullshit and you did anyway. Is trump literally hitler as well?
One beautiful shot away from lasting peace in the Koreas....
how could you be on both trump's side and fat kimmy's?
This thread lives


It's been cucked for months, shit tier threads and even worse baits
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