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Anyone else been watching Sargon of Akkad's videos reli

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Anyone else been watching Sargon of Akkad's videos religiously recently?

He's been calling out white nationalists, white identitarians and nazis in EVERY single fucking video. He's /our fucking guy/.

He is literally mocking the Alt-Right constantly now and his followers are laughing at them. He even replied to some dumbass nazi commenters who tried to argue with them with this video:


Honestly I'm loving his shit so much I'm considering donating a few bucks a month to his patreon

Get off 4chan Sargon, you have TWIS to finish. And take off the snake, we know it's you.
how inconsistent are you fucks? less than a year ago you were all begging to taste trump's semen and all jacking of to hitler vids and nazi memes, now you act like you're above them?

i'm here to laugh at you losers, act consistent and stay the worthless trump sucking nazi basement dwelling losers you are
stop beating your kid fat man
Scrotum of Mossad works for (((MTV))) now.

Expect the anti white stuff to ratchet up regularly.
Ethnic nationalism is stupid regardless
>reeee! get off my safespace! Im triggered!

We don't call you fuckers right wing SJWs for nothing
Back to plebbit faggot.
Not really, sargon is getting boned, because people are starting to get tired of his enlightened centrism.

Nationalism is infectious and appeals to young people. Skepticism is for fedora fags.
Most full trumpfags were newfags

We were always above him, but we had higher hopes than what we got. Still better than nothing
>uses definition of terrorism to brand antifa terrorists
>can't do the same for genocide

sargon is such an intellectually dishonest cuck
Thank you based skeptic. Now tell me how feminism is cancer
I'm fucking tired of his identity politics videos, literally all he can talk about is Antifa, Nazis and Feminists.
Hi Ben. How's your wife's son?
>/pol/ is one person
>believing shills
kys faggot
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We could red-pill Sargon so hard he becomes an An-Cap at this point. It basically happened to me a few days ago, I was a classical liberal, then a libertarian with Alt-Right sympathies, then the Challenger hit those people, and I became an An-Cap. Commies, Nazi's, Zis, Nazbols, all of them will get the helicopter. Anti-Whites won't be allowed into Iceland after we turn it into a White ethno-state, and all the degenerate pedophile cities that will in-evitably come to existence will get carpet-bombed.
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We are white nationalist here on /pol/ if you're a civic cuck fuck off.

Pic related last pol meetup.
It took him just a few videos to destroy Nazis. They really were no threat at all
Why do you think thuis is not a nazi board?
He ain't debating anyone that matters yet.

Stop shilling yourself here, you fucking faggot.
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>posting this same thread with different images all day

Get a life
Sage in options field
>Sargon of "I'll just not agree with anyone and feel superior for it"
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>listening to someone who provides for his wife's son
kill yourself
Fuck you, I'm the hacker known as 4chan and my buddy /pol/ doesn't appreciate your faggot shit boi
I finally understand Sargon
he LITERALLY does not identify as a white man
he has said it many times, butt I didn't really take it in
he considers himself non-white, and therefore does not give a fuck about the English, the Germans or French
he does not belong
some of us aren't leftists shitty nazi
t. mongrel
>white ethno-state
so you are going to let Spaniards and Moortuguese into your Scandinavian paradise?
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this just in: someone is suing Sargon for DMCA violation

the best thing about the whole process from gamergate up until now is seeing exactly who's a huckster looking for marks to take advantage of and who actually believes their own horeseshit
>Reddit spacing
>Sargon is /our fucking guy/
>Hides flag

Get out
Fuck off stormfag, this is a libertarian board. Most Nazis here are LARPing and you're dumb enough to think you're in good company. You don't know what this board was like before you learned about us from your irrelevant echo chamber .
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saw his account before being ban fromTwatter. He looks like a swollen testicle. Heard his voice on a know your meme clip, praising /pol/ and pretending to be pols' ambassador, pol weren't always right but the basic direction was the greatest thing ever. The NAZIs were alright and just wanted to "farm their memes".
Soooo, one of Sargon's boys needs a poop (pic related) and along with another interweb attention seeker, Dick 'The Haircut' Spencer, play into CNNs hands and we get a weeks bad press and now the 'like me, look at me, me, me, ME' people are using the memory hole to pretend everything THAT THEY DID jumping on my bandwagon wasn't them. It was all someone else.
I've always argued that natz isn't helpful, I wasn't at Charlottesville, I didn't encourage any of that IT WAS SARGON WHO DID IT and so it was ALL HIS FAULT.
Make sure everyone knows he sent the Dodge poop boy to Charlottesville.
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Is that Jackie?
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I was a libertarian too when Ron Paul was running. But then I grew up. Libertarianism is a meme we can worry about once the future is secured from the coming chaos. You think niggers and mexican drug lords would care about the NAP?

pic related: The absolute state of Libertarianism.
If you want a circlejerk where people just say what you agree with, I recommend you go to reddit.
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>uses kekistan flag, created by the alt right
>shits on the alt right
Go fail on Joe Rogan again.
Yeah, especially if you're white? Am I right, /pol/?

/ourguy/ Sargon has always been the voice of reason. Newf*gs just don't get it. I've been here since before the primaries, and I've never supported this stuff. Lets go pwn some SJW's like we used to, because that's what we care about.
1 post by this ID
can you not make these threads, sargon?
Fuck off Carl, you fat homosexual dickhead.
Literally only one white. A trashy one too.
tfw this is vee
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Get a clue halfcucks. You weren't any of that shit if you swap sides so nonchalantly. You haven't figured it out yet so don't call yourself anything but a work in progress or you're going to look like a fucking bigger fool than you already do.
why are you so boring sargon?
fat fuck changes nothing. he is smug with no reason to be smug, while the "alt right" are actually acting and seizing their future and glory.
the capital L being the most important part of your post

kill yourself meme spouting retard
The alt right will never become mainstream and you know it. It's a toothless beast that will never change anything in the real world
>He's been calling out white nationalists, white identitarians and nazis in EVERY single fucking video. He's /our fucking guy/.

>punching right
>our guy
pick one you fucking idiot
He`s a Kosher
this guy is getting sued and nobody is talking about it, really makes me think.
Mtv cash bro. Jews got to him. Who cares anyway. Dude made an idiot out of himself on joe rogan.
If you think this is a safe space you're more of a drongo than your mum's black boyfriend
Calm down Sargon, if you need money that badly get a real fucking job asshole. Sieg Heil bitch.
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Stop it.
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>sargon on national socialism
>lol let me tell you what you believe, in the words of this unbiased anarchist jew.

Sargon pls go
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Fuck cryptokike Carl. The fat soft bitch is raising a nigger baby, the cuck. He'll shill anything for your patreon neetbux.
Yes. Keep in mind that this is from HWNDU, which took place in Queens, which is one of the most non-white places in all of America. It's not representative of America, and it's not representative of /pol/acks as a whole either.

If there were to be a /pol/ meetup in, say, Hawaii, there'd be a shitload of asians and hapas. See what I mean?
There is no we you fucking shill
Libertarianism is a Jewish ideology which fits them just fine (atomize further goyim while we do our ethnocentric business as usual), but only Americans fell for it large scale, probably because they're de-racianated to a large point.
Well one of his grandpas is a nig.
Why does everything have to be a Jewish conspiracy to you? What's next, the Jews made the sky blue? The Alt right makes some interesting points about white identity and Jewish control of banks, but when you devolve into claiming everything that doesn't fit your racist agenda is "Jewish" you become right wing Antifa/SJW.
Me too!
It's the only videos that are gayer than my xhamster playlist.
It's mostly espoused by Jews and fits neatly into their agenda? Notice how all the mainstream Libertarian parties and institutes are for mass immigration, open borders and right to migrate while telling you that national borders impede on personal freedom?
>1 post by this id
>faggots still bump it with responses without sage.
trully genocide worthy.
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