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Antifa here. We've already won. The law is ultimately on

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Antifa here. We've already won. The law is ultimately on our side. You may not agree with us but you can't openly attack us because it will just further demonize the right. All we have to do is use the law to further our agenda and we will see our goals through.

Just look at these monuments we're having taken down. We go through the legal channels of contacting city governments about them, they take them down, and if you guys attack us all it does is make us look like the more reasonable people.
>We've already won. The law is ultimately on our side.
Antifa have recently become labeled as a terrorist group nationally in America. The law is only on your side so long as it takes time to build up the evidence for a case against each of you individually.
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Commies need to die
If the law was on your side you wouldn't be getting run over like skunks on the side of the road.
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Chapter 9.42 states: DEADLY FORCE TO PROTECT PROPERTY. A person is justified in using deadly force against another to protect land or tangible, movable property,” Deadly force is justified after dark.

Plz come to Texas.
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Bitch please.
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How do I become a antifa paid protester?
the worst thing the right could do would be to just snipe you guys one at a time at your rallies. haha these alt-right retards are probably too stupid to pick up their brass and will probably leave footprints:fingerprints. Haha they'd probably be so dumb that they'd fire more than a single shot before slinking away. These dumb rednex would get caught trying to Rambo haha.
I agree with >>138820520

I won't bother to hunt you down, but should you come to fuck with my private property, one verbal warning will be issued. Should you not comply, deadly force will be used. You have been warned.

In regards to your destruction of public property and historical landmarks, this isn't going to end well for you or your friends. The police will quickly abandon you once they realize that they too will share your fate should they side with you. I suggest you pack your shit up and go home before you are violently purged.
>the law is on our side

but I thought you were the cool guy revolutionaries?
And once you faggots install anarchism, we will contact eachother and grow in number, then install a fascist government. GG.
>we """"communists"""" are useful idiots for the global capitalist elites

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No other side has even began to fight back.

Aside from this thread being fake and gay,
Grown adults with families and real things to protect will destroy you little teen kids, college kids, and adult losers. It won't be a fight or a battle or a war. The rest of the world will pity your idiocy.
Let's be real. Soon is the day a sniper takes up position and fires a single well-placed shot through the nose and cunt of a two Antifa activists. I guarantee you participation will plummet as you communists will realize that your LARPing isn't roleplay, but real.

I'm not gonna be that guy, but it's the only logical conclusion to this.
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beating women and kids...

you win antifa!

all of your IP addresses and online communications are being subpoenaed by Sessions as we speak. Project Veritas started this snowball months ago, and it is just about to reach the valley and obliterate your village.
>Antifa have recently become labeled as a terrorist group nationally in America.

Proof? Or are they a terrorist group the same way BLM is in that right-wing echo chambers clutch their pearls and convince themselves Trump is gonna hang them all any day now?
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Oohhhh nnnnooooooo!!!!
Spare me from your wroth oh mighty ones!!! I promise I'll be good and give up my culture and free will to serve your undying thirst for nihilism!!!!!!

Seriously though, kys,
Its a shame, your plan would work except for one key part. You guys can't follow the law
> You may not agree with us but you can't openly attack us

White people are such pansies

>All we have to do is use the law to further our agenda

In ten years you will become "anarchist conservatives" and call for "calm on all sides".

"We should all protest legally" That is what you will be saying. And the new generation will call you a fascist as well.

You go to the grave together with the enemy eventually.
There was a petition.
There was a presidential speech.

At the stage the FBI would be negligent if they weren't building a case.

Wow, such a spicy meme.
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>There was a petition.
>There was a presidential speech.

If yall have already won then why do you have to convince everyone that you even exist?
hey isnt this the old ctr proxy?

white nazi 1
fat commie 0
didn't a group of antifa get their homes raided for taking down a statue recently lol.

also sage

You idiots pushed Hitler into power back in 1933 precisely because your predecessors and their KPD sugar daddies couldn't keep it in your pants and scared the German people into seeking protection from your street thuggery.

Please do keep on pushing and getting crazier, it will end well.

>The law is ultimately on our side.


You literally, unironically, nonsatirically, have zero rights.
So your movement is to support the law?
Pretty sure it's the establishment that is winning.
Exactly what else more needs to be done to get your law enforcement agencies to enforce the law equally for all crimes despite the political leanings of the perpetrators?

Failure at this point is its own crime called negligence.
>White nationalism all but eradicated in the 90's
>All of a sudden white identity is skyrocketing because of all the "white people suck" jargon being widely accepted in media/culture while any white racism is censored
>Normies now starting to wake up to the fact that modern culture hates them for being white
>You literally created the white nationalism beast you claim to fight
>You did this using authoritarian methods, violence, and censorship

Hmmmm, you sound a lot more like Hitler than any white nationalist tbqh.
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>Not pedos

Pick one
CNN may protect you but vigilante justice is against the law you hateful disgusting punks. You are disposable tools for some very evil people.
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We are going to protest ever weekend from now on. Have fun chasing ghosts duck head.
You antifags can't strategy
>every mayor/governer/sheriff/schoolteacher & swinging dick supporting you dumbfucks
Has exposed themselves
They will be drained.
You will be drained.
Have fun Larping while you can
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shhhh now child. sleep. rest. we know you miss not having a father but attacking strong white men wont bring him back. shhhhhhh
>terrorist organization
>communist organization
>"hurrr the law is on our side"
Enjoy prison/bullets if you resist. You're going to experience some real anti fascism coming your way soon. I don't have to attack you, that's what I pay taxes for.
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>>The Communist Party of the United States, or any successors of such party regardless of the assumed name, whose object or purpose is to overthrow the Government of the United States, or the government of any State, Territory, District, or possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein by force and violence, are not entitled to any of the rights, privileges, and immunities attendant upon legal bodies created under the jurisdiction of the laws of the United States or any political subdivision thereof; and whatever rights, privileges, and immunities which have heretofore been granted to said party or any subsidiary organization by reason of the laws of the United States or any political subdivision thereof, are terminated: Provided, however, That nothing in this section shall be construed as amending the Internal Security Act of 1950, as amended [50 U.S.C. 781 et seq.]
(Aug. 24, 1954, ch. 886, §3, 68 Stat. 776.)

This bitch nigger doesn't realize we can legally kill his faggot ass.
I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom I can tell you I don't have money, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let muh freedoms go now that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you, but if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you and I will kill you.
Laws on your side?

In many states in America it's illegal to wear mask in public (anti mask laws)

Before attending any Rally in a State that has an Anti-Mask law record yourself calling the Mayor's office advising them to enforce such law, Send multiple emails and keep a copy. Go to the Rally, find Antifa but make sure the Police are in the area. If the Police make Antifa remove their mask – it’s a WIN. If the police don’t enforce the law and a member of Antifa attacks you, file a 2.5 million dollar lawsuit after leaving the hospital. This is a slam dunk civil suit against the city.

This how we win, Antifa are cowards that won't show up if police enforce the LAW.
blm has turned on anti fa.
This. A world where their children are safe from this antifa faggotry (and marxism in general) is a powerful motivator. Fathers will rip through these beta antifags.
>This pasta again
I said "other side", not "competing side"
im willing to try this out
Technically a competing side is an other side, please kill yourself for the betterment of the nation.
Lefties are bad, but let us not forget we wouldn't have a lefty problem if we didn't have a retard problem. Treat the disease, not the symptom.
>Antifa here. We've already won. The law is ultimately on our side. You may not agree with us but you can't openly attack us because it will just further demonize the right. All we have to do is use the law to further our agenda and we will see our goals through.
You morons think you have attained power in some power play for public opinion. You're nothing more than cannon fodder for the elite. You will lose you lives for two hundred dollars a week so Soros can make another billion dollars when your actions affect the stock market. You guys are disposable pawns in a political con game.
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would you be willing to donate to comrade pepperball's gofundme to help him get a new sack?
The right doesn't need to do anything. You are antifa you will default back to the same violent behavior that you have used so far. Just like before people will see you being violent to normal folk, burning cars, and breaking windows on local businesses and they will begin rejecting you again. You're a joke and the punchline is you will be irrelevant in a few years, just like all those protesting hippies and weather underground from the 60's.
God damn nigga you is retarded
Antifa chumps are some of the most short-sighted dipshits I've ever seen. The moment you decided that you were the Right Side of History™ was the moment you died.

You never think about what you're doing, but why would you when you're "Dumbledore's Army" or whatever the fuck you call yourselves and literally can do no wrong? You have no idea how much innocent blood will be on your hands because you don't give a shit about anything but destruction. What if that Nazi you decided to kill wasn't a Nazi at all? It wouldn't even occur to you, in fact when his family is distraught you'd probably rape and torture them while patting yourselves on the back for being such a wonderful enlightened progressive person.

You're fucking Ebola in political form. Too destructive for your own good. You can't hide behind Daddy CNN forever.
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