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why isn't this filthy rat at the top of our shit list?

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why isn't this filthy rat at the top of our shit list?

he's literally poisoning minds and destroying people through pornography
>our shit list
Like that will do anything
Jews gonna Jew what can you do? Besides it's up to you not to watch that kind poison although it is enticing. Porn today is hyper potent and designed to be addictive and stimulating. Weapons grade dopamine rushes
but there are literally no threads on this topic and i think its something worthwhile that /pol/ should take up

i am completely sick of this shit
Yea I hear you
because most of you secretely enjoy high-speed internet BBC porn.That's why.
i leechblock all the most popular porn sites, and even the more degenerate 4chan porn boards

/s/ is my limit, this shit is dangerous, I never though i'd say that.
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>he's literally poisoning minds
>top of the list
what of Derrida, Lacan and Lyotard, then?
Greg Lansky is actually the exact person you want doing the shit he does.

>/pol/: Fuck Jews and their race mixing anti-white agenda!!!
>Normies: Jews do not push race mixing.
>/pol/: (((Greg Lansky))) is the Jew behind BLACKED.COM
>Normies: ... /pol/ is right again.
His soul already looks poisoned. He traded some earthly pleasures for an eternity in Hell. Jokes on him.
>eternity in Hell
Most Jews do not believe in an afterlife.
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Just ban porn entirely. Problem solved.
Does not matter. Jews reject the holy trinity and divinity of Jesus Christ he will burn.
Doesn't make Hell any less real or eternity any shorter.
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i'll be honest, I have my faults with weed and anime, but i've made tremendous strides with curtailing my pornography consumption.
umm ... sweetie?
>implying that pol didnt popularize the blacked meme
>Implying that pol isn't just blacked.com PR
>Implying that pol didn't earn Greg several Mills

Off yourself spastic

Resident spastics are resposible in equal amount as Greg.
Literally noone but cucklord connoseurs heard of Blacked until poltards picked it up

Ive literally haven't see interracial porn in my life until I visited this cancer board
>believes in one god
>believes the bible is holy scripture inspired by that god
>believes in the trinity doctrine regardless of the fact that it contradicts his monotheistic beliefs and is a concept that cannot be found in his religions most holy book
christians are the biggest retards of the religious world
I understand that but Jews do not.

Only if more people would realize that some of the reckless and sinful decisions made by Jews are viewed through a light of no afterlife and not eternal punishment.

When non-Jews complain about a Jew like Lansky running BLACKED.com and other Jews and non-Jews call those who complain a Nazi but fail to realize the complaint is real and the actions of the Jews like Lansky who fear no long term repercussions cause so many issues.
This. Life's a whole lot better when you're on nofap and noporn.
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true, but pre 2014 4chan or so there was little to none of this shit and bam all of a sudden we got flooded and it's never been the same since.

I fully believe this shit was orchestrated
>believes in one god
>believes the bible is holy scripture inspired by that god
>believes in the trinity doctrine regardless of the fact that it contradicts his monotheistic beliefs and is a concept that cannot be found in his religions most holy book
Objectively wrong. Evidently just parroting back some atheistic meme demagoguery with no connection to objective reality whatwoever

Lemme guess , you're 14 and just finished reading your first Dawkins?

Off yourself drooling retard
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/pol/ is a Christian board
>Objectively wrong.
go ahead and explain the trinity without dipoing your toes into "heretical" beliefs like modalism and then show me where in the bible the trinity is doctrine is supported. Fact: you can do neither. Your religion doesn't even have its own internal logic. IT'S FUCKNG RETARDED. It's like a bad fanfic of judaism
Just because you imagine a thing, doesn't make it any real.
Don't have to believe in something for it not to be real ya fuckin autist.
"I don't believe in the earth being round, so space is just a big hoax" sounds brilliant
Go tell the Jews that you fucking faggot.

I am say that the fucking Jews justify their actions based on THEIR belief that there is no afterlife.

I am not saying I believe that just pointing out they believe that.
Greg lansky is the future of the porn industry, he is doing what everyone wants to see.
Hell isn't real, but they're trying to make it real here. Instead of worrying about a fictional afterlife, try worrying about what's going on here and now. Thanks.
>evolution is on the hit list
fuck off
not believing in something doesn't make it fake
>no weed
meanwhile drug addicts drink themselves away, take pills they don't need, and people find new ways to get high
don't try to speak for /pol/, you will fail
I'm capable of doing both, thank you. You're also welcome to your opinion on the reality of Hell but that doesn't make you right either. Only one way to find out and I don't plan on doing that.
I understand that you fucking motherfucking faggots!!!!

I am am just telling you what DA JOOS believe!!!

>Be a JOO
>Don't believe in afterlife
>Hate white people
>Want to make white people angry
>Make porn site about black guys fucking white girls and call it BLACKED.com
>Rub hands together because of all the money and hate you make
>Do not care about the sins as you are a JOO who does not believe in Hell or punishment after you die
you're here forever.
And we're saying to not be so triggered by it because they are going to burn for eternity. The joke is on them. Of course they are to be pointed out for their crimes against society but the cherry on top is that they will spend an eternity in misery in the furthest place from the light of God.
I understand that.

My point is that if only more people realized that Jews do really do Jewy shit like Lanksy does BLACKED.com maybe they would not be so quick to call everyone a Nazi.
why is evolution on that list?
Youre free to not jerk off to Jamal plowing Jenna

But of course we dindu nuffin and apparently porn secretly destroys our own self control

Weak cucks
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i never want to see the day where normies know what this shit is and who exactly makes it

we are the vanguard, I want to protect innocent minds from this absolute filth
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no, he's not. you're doing it to yourself, retard.
im actually not the one trolling and posting this shit around 4chan, so that argument doesn't even make sense
put alcohol on there too and were good.
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Ive been telling people about the evil porn industry, and how its used to destroy western values for a while.
>Men, even nazis have grown up with it, use it daily, and see no reason to stop.

Its a sin thats sooo easy to use, at your fingertips 24/7 and its free.
Most people even here, dont want to stop or care. But i keep on pushing, trying to wake up the sheeple

Thanks OP, keep.it up
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Attacking young men, warping their ideas on love and relationships, is an easy way to destroy their relationships.
Also, pushing an ever more degenerate form of porn (furries, trap, beastiality, etc)
They further isolate men from women
one more bump 4 exposure
Exactly, you all do know that's a stage name right? He isn't actually jewish
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