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>tfw discovered Jared Taylor and his videos Jesus Christ

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>tfw discovered Jared Taylor and his videos

Jesus Christ help me /pol/, I thought white nationalism was a meme but he actually makes so much sense...am I being duped by a radical bigot or is white nationalism actually a legitimate viewpoint? It doesn't even seem hateful, just more of a "leave us alone" mentality.

Just keep an open mind.

Acknowledging differences between individuals, no matter where those differences come from is fine, it's objective, but don't get sucked into lefty identity politics because of it. That includes NatSoc bullshit.
no, go back to drinking your kool-aid
Jared's a good guy. I wouldn't even call him a white nationalist, more of a "white rights advocate" if you will.
huwhite nationalism
Jared Taylor is fucking great. Jonathan Bowden is another awesome speaker.
No matter who you're listening to, always cross-reference their literature. Shaky ideas are based on shaky books.
It is a legitimate viewpoint. Ask yourself why every race but white people are allowed to advocate for their own interests and have nationalism, but white people can't.

Jared Taylor is like the Martin Luther King for white people. We need more people like him and less like David Duke.
white nationalists are either for an ethno state and forced deportations or just think america should be recognized as a white majority and founded nation and remain so by passive means.

White history must be preserved and the white majority in america needs to be amplified.
All nonwhite citizens matter just as much to the story of our country but the destiny of america must be that we remain a majority forever.
oh fuck off..white tribalism doesnt need to be rooted in muh journals...its biologically self evident

he's the least retarded of the white nationalist crowd and is a very good public speaker, however he's still using the same taken-out-of-context one-study-from-the-70s shenanigans to prove how multiculturalism is bad you see on infrographics on here
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>just leave us alone
That's literally what we've always wanted m8, we've never been given that option...

What's a good example that I could check out?

t. nice guy boomer civic nationalist
A look at London is enough to prove that multiculturalism is bad.
It's not called a red pill because it's fun. It's because it's a horrible truth and you can't ever go back.
That's what I'm gathering. But...that's not even a hateful message. We can have a multicultural society to an extent, but no people deserves to become a minority in their own land. By 2040 whites will be a minority in the USA. Wow. Then what? If everyone who ever immigrated to a Western country abandoned identity politics and immersed themselves in the culture, I wouldn't care a lick about race. But they don't. Some do, but many don't. They form cultural enclaves, neighbourhoods, churches/mosques, entire monoethnic communities where the language and culture are foreign to the host country. And that's fine, I suppose, to an extent, but when it happens on as broad a scale as it is...

Either the whole world wakes up from the identity politics nightmare or white people return to it.
When/if white people become a minority in the US then the Democrats will win every single election. The remaining white people and Asians will be milked for all they are worth financially, and the whole country will look like California. The only people who will enjoy a decent standard of living will be the mega rich, and they still won't have the freedom to own guns or be critical of homosexuality or Islam.

On the other hand, Trump may stop the mexicanization of the US, or the US may eventually balkanize and split up into a series of autonomous regions.
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Checked for sensible view point
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Non whites will never "wake up" from tribalism, it's a part of human nature they have never yet breached on a societal scale. Our idealism & pathological altruism will be our downfall.

It's totally legit. It's (ethnostates/tribalism) the natural order of the world. Mutliculturalism/multiracialism has proven to be a complete failure.
Fuckin' A, someone's going to act sane around here?
>get this guy outta heeya!
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>muh identity politics
Please wake up, your pathological individualism is killing us.
This could actually be true.
The racism of ''''''minorities'''' including Jews is so strong, it's doubtful they can live in the white man's paradise.
I am not for ethnically cleansing them but what I guess it's coming down to what's called 'White Supremacy'
>put Sonya Sotomayor on the SCOTUS
>bitch drones on and on about her '''''race''''
Not even a fucking Constitutional Law Scholar who is not hard-right like Clarence can get free of her tribal, cavewoman Race Hate.
It's fucking sad is what it is.
Watch all his videos, he acknowledges higher asian and jewish iq and median income. His greatest points are on crime and native american genocide. But what I believe his primary goal is and always has been is freedom of association.

The 'arguments' against white nationalism aren't even arguments, it's just nonwhites deceiving out of their own tribalism or whites trying to signal good taste and gain acceptance and money.

You hear arguments like "America was founded on immigration" (it was founded on slavery should you bring that back?) or "How can white replacement be real when africa is more ethnically diverse" when that refers to different types of african - the whole point of preventing white replacement is if you look white and you become a minority you will be killed.

If anyone reading this does buy into multiculturalism I have to ask, why do you think it's okay that China, India, Israel remain homogeneous but if white countries do it it's racist? How are whites so uniquely racist when literally every white country has open borders? Imagine if you lived in a world where every country in east asia had open borders and saying they were a uniquely racist bloc and had to suffer for it!

The simple fact is, whites are unique in lack of border control not because of pathological altruism, but because whites don't run their own countries. They are run by Jews who blackmail (pedo hidden camera traps by intelligence agencies, look kincora MI5 and lolita island) and bribe politicians.

All the 'arguments' against white nationalism stem from:
- Rote memorization of propaganda written by jews and treating it as gospel because it's official, you paid money for your university course so it must be correct, lisa simpson ferret owning shit

- You saw a comedy sketch on TV that made fun of nazis, you saw a WW2 movie that had the vibe of a Werther's Original commercial that made you think jews were precious little angels

- You read Jewish owned tastemaker magazines like Vice and weird twitter want to snark and feel better than low cultured people because you're an atomized nihilist

Whites who argue for their own demise have impure selfish motives.
I agree with 100% of this but
>founded on slavery
Slavery was dying out in the South but was kept in the Constitution for ''''''reasons'''''
Ely Whitney invented the cotton gin and made slavery what you know it is today
>Ken Burns
Also, not all Jews are the same and many argue for a white Europe/NA
>Jews can't haul this shit on their own
What are they fucking going to do, move to China
>slaughtered in two generations
They can get a few Jews in Asia but the end game for them there is genocide.
There's a reason the Jews petitioned to come back into European countries they were kicked out of, and many Jews know this and are good people.
So don't fall for the 'gas the jews' meme because if we are talking about genocide or ethnic cleansing, then the White Man has no moral ground to stand on.
As it is, the white man is the ONLY '''''race'''' that has a moral ground to stand on.
We have a right to preserve ourselves.
Congratulations. No it's not a meme, we deserve to be treated equally to all other ethnic groups instead of being shepherds of the earth
Ask yourself, out of what you've heard and what sounds reasonable to you, what part of it seems "radical"? It's just as you describe it, it's just about being left alone. The whole "all white nationalists are Nazis and want to genocide people" is a lie made up by leftists who are afraid of our ideas.

Just never believe anything that you think is too radical and you'll never be too radical.
Holy shit based William pierce
>lefty identity politics
not wanting to be a minority is not lefty identity politics
It's not about gassing the jews. It's about the fact that white countries are controlled by them which is minority rule. They should go back to Israel just like the Rhodesians and South Africans were forced out.
He's always right, a true prophet. If you are ever in doubt about anything, just see if he's covered it.
>predicts 9/11
Why do stupid faggots always add the gay movie music to these things? Ruins a great speech and completely turns off normies from paying any attention to it.
Give me more pierce!!!!!!!!!!
Arguing that America should remain majority White and be run by Whites is called...
>White Supremacy
And it's been demonized for decades.
So be aware of that before you go off spouting that shit in the meat world where you can be called on it.
Shit people can track you here, and they are, but you can just tell them to fuck off you love white genocide, about time.
LARP majority. LARP left.
this, a thousand times over
Normies need something to stimulate their eyes in order to stay interested
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Eh, normies get bored too easily. Posting his audio only (20 mins with no video) usually garners less response than his videos.
>plus everything he says is still valid, so they will seek him out again once they learn more
I agree that some of the edits out there are awful though. I obviously prefer his regular broadcasts at this stage, but I usually post videos the videos here when i'm spreading the word.


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