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Thread replies: 324
Thread images: 112

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TrumpTV Weekly Updates: https://pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Weekly Update #4 (Lara) 8/18/17
>This week @State 8/18/17
>SoS T-Rex Remarks To Student Programs and Fellowships 8/18/17
>State Dept Press Brief (Heather) 8/18/17
>WH Video - VP in Chile 8/18/17
>VP Pence @Cocoli Locks Panama City, Panama 8/17/17
>Ramzpaul - The Alt Right - What Went Wrong?
>SoS T-Rex/DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis @US-JAP Security Consultative Committee 8/17/17
>WH Video - Meet the Cabinet #4 SBA Admin McMahon 8/17/17
>WH Video - VP in Argentina 8/17/17
>US Trade Rep Lighthizer opening stmt @NAFTA renegotiation 8/16/17

Trump Playlist
>Trump SwordDancing to Shadilay
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico

>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/nygxu29R
prev >>138523812
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That Solar Eclipse was fun as fuck; The people at NASA are good guys!
Reminder that midterms and the primaries that proceed them is how the Senate will bend the knee.

Also to people saying this is impossible to win:
>Virginia gubernatorial election, 2013
>Terry McAuliffe: (D) 1,069,789, 47.8%
>Ken Cuccinelli (R) 1,013,354 , 45.2%
>Robert Sarvis (lolbertarian vote splitter) 146,084 6.5%
It's closer than you think.

Deadline to update your address or register to vote: October 16, 2017

Virginians, we have a general election on November 7th; Mark that day down and remember to remind your family to vote

Here is what the Democrats want for our old Dominion:

>Northam supports the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.[28] He also supports a federal Medicaid expansion in Virginia.[29][30]

>Northam is pro-choice. He opposes banning late-term abortions after 20 weeks.[30] He believes the Democratic Party should not endorse candidates who are pro-life.[30] Northam's 2017 gubernatorial bid has been endorsed by NARAL.[31]

>Northam has pledged to "stand up against" Immigration and Customs Enforcement.[30]

>Northam has remained neutral on the building of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline.[32] He has also avoided taking a firm stance on other pipelines such as the Mountain Valley Pipeline.[33]

>Northam voted against a constitutional amendment to make Virginia a right to work state.[34]

>Northam criticized the repeal of the car tax under former Governor Jim Gilmore, saying Virginia still hasn't "recovered" from its repeal.[29]


I say we use this election to tell them to fuck off


^ Use this to make sure you are registered and ready to vote
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And here come the shills, flogging:

>Dumph lied about Afghanistan
>It proves Drumph is a Globalist now because Bannon left
>The generals now run Drumph
>Drumph has gone full neo-con
>McMaster is running things now
Give me a PRO Confederate movie!
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>Wasserman Schultz' ex-IT aide indicted on 4 counts, including bank fraud and conspiracy against the USA
>FBI re-opens case relating to the Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting
>Signed the Forever GI Bill - improved college aid for veterans - removal of the 15 year use or lose limit
>Trump administration shut down Obama-era program that gave illegal Central American minors temporary legal status
>Trump DOJ ends Obama-era "Operation Chokepoint" - program that unfairly targeted gun dealers
>Increasing the power of the US Cyber Command - more resources to fight cyberspace threats
>US pork exports going back to Argentina for the first time since 1992
>First US shipment of oil has landed in India (SUPERPOWER BY 2020)

Not really an accomplishment, but also really important

>Federal judge rules against forcing IRS to hand over Trump's tax returns (Mueller BTFO)
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>trump should just pull all of the troops out of afghanistan because that worked so well for obama
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Who was in the wrong here?
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All tied up with an hour to go

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Now confirmed: 4,000 more troops are being deployed thanks to McMaster and Pence
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It's gonna be a Shit storm tonight.
Gear up awoos
Andy Levy from Red Eye is on SE Cupp's HLN show. Weird to not see him on FOX.
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Trump derangement syndrome is REAL
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New mindset
>I might have been mindraped but my English is better so it is my win.
They still hire summer kids for shilling?
We all know who's running the show
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Who will get their problems sorted out first? Mexico, Ukraine, or Afghanistan?
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What was a worse mistake, considering the information and experience available to both: Bush's invasion of Iraq, or Obongo's catastrophic withdrawal?
wtf i hate drumpf now
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>I'll never be charismatic enough to attract a PIRA qt
Why live
You have my response, I'm even posting first party information on how Trump, since 2015, clearly said his strategy for Afghanistan clearly passed by keeping a military presence there. My question to you is simples and deserves a direct response, Just please just state for the record: is your argument that

> Trump, despite agreeing with America continued presence in Afghanistan to prevent it's government collapse, when he says quite literally "leave troops there" he means "leave whatever number of troops Obama put there without touching it"?

Please a yes or no suffices, no need to elaborate
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Every time. Checked.
Is that real.
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It's obvious. He was hiding right under our cute twitchy noses.
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>We accept all viewpoints
>But only certain ones are acceptable

Disgraceful by the university. But it's an HBCU, so what do you expect.
>>US pork exports going back to Argentina for the first time since 1992
Wut? We stopped selling them since then?
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As real as your digits
Also see OP pic, here is the money quote

> It's a mess, it's a mess and at this point we probably have to (leave U.S. troops in Afghanistan) because that thing will collapse in about two seconds after they leave.
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>nigger college
That forever GI Bill...Is my monthly MHA gonna go down in JAN?
The withdrawal, I think. It didn't really solve any problems Bush caused and added even more problems to deal with.
Keked and checked
The first.
I'll take your lack of direct response as defeat and concession to all points

Are donbass separatists still a thing?
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The absolute madman!
Invasion was a huge mistake that was covered by the biggest lie to the American people.
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A leaf has no room to talk
Dude, behave.
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My God... you're right. I'm #WithHer now
>Obongo's catastrophic withdrawal?
Withdrawal, with a set date and everything. Stupidest military decision of the second half of the XX century forward
Trump trusts his generals on the ground more than anyone in regards to military strategy. We know he personally wants out of Afghan, this decision wasn't just McMaster, or Kelly or Pence, it was also generals on the ground in Afghanistan.
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Electing Bush.
I don't know.
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OK, if you want to act like a jew, ignore my direct response in the post you are reponding to and fail to provide yours I have no option but to consider you one.
Checked, also meinkampfarguingwithjews.png Of course they are going to pretend the previous 9000 ass reamings they have received didn't happen. Their fragile leftist psyches depend on it.
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>tfw just got my lease application approved and moving to Stockton, California in July to start a new life in the US of A!

I finally got my dream job you guys! I can't fucking wait to move to America! Any of you lads want to meet up at the sports bar for a pint of craft next month? I'm gonna be a Yank!
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>turn on Fox
>first words I hear are 'antifa'
are the normies waking up?
Wait did the afghan speecha lread yhappen?
USA__Cali Pick one
You haven't directly responded to anything. You're just playing coy about semantics as if that wasn't the whole point

>act like a jew
>while he's praising neokikery

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This copypasta works better with a UK flag.

Nah, at 9PM ET
it happens about 90 minutes from now
very slowly
Who do you think?
Think like a sane human being and make a rational judgment. It's not that difficult.
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Is this motherfucker capable of having the same position twice or holding one longer than 20 seconds?

All you need to know his plans are to google his 2016 speeches and then assume the opposite.


Worthless fuck.This election was as worthless as every other.
So we'd be at 12000; compare that to 100K at the height of occupation between 2009 - 2010
Surprisingly less shills than I would expect after the news
Antifa own ur faggot nazi asses
They are politically Marxist anyways, it is the whole reason they will fight the crown until judgment day while at the same time happily bending over for Pakis.
It depends. Is Tucker in tonight?
>replying to the pasta
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Please do not do that, my fellow leaf.
>refuse to answer simply question
>y-your playing coy!
kill yourself,retard
She's fuckin stacked
If this is anything to go by? https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/formally-recognize-antifa-terrorist-organization-0
Yeah. I have posted that on Trump's Twitter so many times lately it's not even funny.
1 burger and 30 fries until
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better afghan than Iraq, unlike Iraq Afghanistan wasn't holding their shit together, dictator or otherwise... and if Bush didn't create a second fucking war, I think Bin Laden would have been killed a lot sooner before he fled to Pakistan, and just maybe, we could have been out of there completely by now. But who knows anymore.
The reason the military loves trump is cuz he listens and trusts their decision making. And what they've been doing is working...so I'll hold off on criticizing this move. Even tho it is very swampy.
OK, I'll give you the benefit of he doubt. Ask whatever question I didn't respond again. I respond to it then you respond to >>138527887 ok?
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>1 hour left


I don't know if we can do it, but I hope it at least stays 50/50.
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There it is! Same post in the last thread. Probably a middle aged women in Iowa earning extra bux copying and pasting for Shareblue.
It's been answered. Acting smug about it despite the discussion of which has been the entire point to get some "gotcha!" moment is pure kikery autism
I know. She might be Lebanese but she holds a special place in my heart.
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BEC CPA Exam in 20 days, I'm so scared and i'm wasting my time here... please send help.
8 months and all he did was fire everyone. LOL
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Sorry, it lost its effect, try harder next time.
Violate the pony rule and get banned.
I'm not going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you're a shilling retard that isn't trying to pretend what the whole point of your idiotic argument was.
Fuck I hope he does it. He can take on Soros if he does. Take his money too
Withdrawal, because they had to handle the mess (Islamic State) that came with pulling troops out of Iraq.
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>1 burger 25 fries till big announcement

I got your six, good leafbro

>It was not part of their blood,
>It came to them very late,
>With long arrears to make good,
>When the Saxon began to hate.
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If you fail that test I'm going to jail you and let feral prison niggers rape you. Awoo~
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>speech hasn't even
>people already tired of the shill narrative of the day

they are blowing their load early today
The birth of a nation Is a must. The 1915 version
Fuck anyone who defends keeping Western troops in Afghanistan.

It's a pointless civil war which has no benefit for the West.

Rather us use those troops to liberate North Korea or Venezuela.
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You're so clever. Probably the same ass hat that pointed out that I was posting in a saging thread and now thinks hes a genius

Great refutation, btw
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>Putting the decision in the hands of the people who will benefit most from constant war.
The founding fathers warned us of this.
Trump absorbs energy from the sun.
what do you think the ramifications for leaving Afghanistan are? ISIS is already trying to get a back door open and they already have trouble with the taliban
Trump to visit section of U.S.-Mexican border wall in Arizona

Iowa always manages to make my rage go down.
Bush's mistake was nation building. Had he stuck to slaying Iraq's government and military and then just walked away, we could have returned our focus to Afghanistan.
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I mean, Alyssa has always been 100% righ-
Drumpf thinks afghanistan is an american state, so he's keeping his promise AMERICA FIRST. LOL
>>Putting the decision in the hands of the people who will benefit most from constant war.

Poorly thought out. Soldiers hate war. You need to read more history.
You know what would be great? If people would just bring a gun to rallies and just shoot antifa. Stand your ground states. Just fill five to ten with lead and let's see them try to "resist" anymore.

the invasion of Iraq would have been fine if we would have put a new Sunni dictator in place

the mistake was giving a Shia majority country a democracy

it'll be nothing but a thorn in our side until another Sunni strongman takes control
doesn't matter how many troops are there or not.

They are vandalizing JFK??

Wew, this crazy train is really running off the tracks.
anyone got a link to that speech?
This is sarcasm, right? People are not supporting Trump on here anymore.

Barely any unique posters in /ptg/. The threads are generated via script a five year old could set up.
His mistake was disbanding the Iraqi Army. They were loyal to the country and would have sped the country building up. They WANTED a quigmire. Chaney wanted the money from it
Bush everything with the middle east, christfagging "muh gods wisdom to fight" nonsense caused this mess. Obama happen to be demonstrably ignorant of foreign policy
>media keeps shilling Trump to expose military positions and secrets as if that won't literally put people in danger
Obama is a complete retard for telegraphing play by play military actions. He must've watched too many hollywood films and thought his enemies simply can't turn on the tv and watch him prattle on us tactics.
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Women baking cakes is now a form of protest.

President Trump has memed those privilege threads into reality.

JFK had a few kind words to say about Hitler. Some lefty probably found out and was triggered.
Here is my argument in full

> Trump, in 2015, in the context of Obama sending 8000 more troops to Afghanistan said
> > It's a mess, it's a mess and at this point we probably have to (leave U.S. troops in Afghanistan) because that thing will collapse in about two seconds after they leave.

It's the interview in OP pic and it proves that, since 2015, Trump doesn't object to more troops to Afghanistan to, according to him, prevent a collapse of Afghan government. That's my only and whole point. You have one objection it seems. Here is my question:

> is that objection doubting that Trump ever wanted those troops for Afghanistan?
> is that objection thinking that, while Trump actually said he wanted troops there, the fact he said "leaving troops in Afghanistan" means leaving whatever number was left there and not adding more?

That's my point and that's my question, a simple one. If you can't answer a simple question without getting caught in some imaginary "gotcha" you don't really have a point, do you?
Check WH's youtube
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Few more hours till Hillary's rebirth is complete
>invasion of Iraq wouldve been fine if

Truly incredible
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>implying we wouldn't already be part of the islamic caliphate if gore had been president
I'm on a tablet, link it here plz
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Hey Achmed, how ya doin?
Afghanistan, the graveyard of empires.
>Bush's mistake was nation building.

I think the larger mistake was thinking you could do that in an Islamic country. We rebuilt Japan and Germany, and were successful. However, you can't do that in an Islamic country, unless you can purge Islam.
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>an unstable, mineral rich region with a history of harboring terrorists has no benefit for the rest
91% white, beating you in trade. Yourself?
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Apex wew
We shouldn't have allowed Bush to be president.
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It is funny how some of you are so brain dead that no matter how many times Trump flip flops, he can always count on you pussies that cant even admit we were conned anonymously online because you need memes that hard.

Look like fools by yourself. We with brains dont want associated with you. I can know HRC and the left are shit and simultaneously admit we got conned.

You people cant, and its pathetic. Im ashamed to have been counted among you.
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I don't know that on the ground leadership benefits really. But either way, Trump's deep state instincts are good. I don't think he'll ride with this plan unless we start seeing results.
>the invasion of Iraq would have been fine
What's the official /ptg/ take on the based god emperor awoo increasing troops in Afghanistan?
Goddamn, who is this handsome man?
>[citation needed]
Well who else was there to choose from?
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Really awoos my almonds
See OP pic and >>138529099
Genocide and annexation would have been a better outcome than the bullshit we've got now.
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Gotta end the war right unlike Iraq
more moabs plz
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>shouting "allah is great" before being shot
>not allahuakhbar
fuck fox other than tuck hannity and greg
Your point was "Trump said we are gonna add more troops!!!" Which is outright false and does not remotely describe his statement.

>if you can't answer a simple question w/o getting caught,,, you don't really have a point do you

Translation from kike: If you don't give me the satisfaction of saying you said this thing I tried to completely obfuscate to make it seem like you're dumb. You don't have a point!

Reddit kike tier tactic
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>can't search shit on tablet
>What's the official /ptg/ take

There isn't one. However, we all saw what happened in Iraq when OBarry pulled everyone out.
Iraq will get on its feet soon but it is hard to say where it will go. It could be come a puppet of Iran or more nationalistic
>Dude give Pakistan/China/Russia/...India? another nation for free LMAO
>Dude my white race is important so let terrorist settle in Afghanistan and migrant north into Europe LMAO
Drumpf tards are an embarassment, just go some place else. It's just sad reading your dumbass justifying posts and seeing your shitty anime pictures you virgin nerd losers

would you allow Iraq and their close allies to stop selling their oil in US dollars?
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Explain. Why would you expect 'shills' now?

Would it be because its been revealed Trump flip flopped yet again? Is that why youre sitting there waiting to call anyone commenting on reality a 'shill'?
>BEC CPA Exam in 20 days, I'm so scared and i'm wasting my time here... please send help.

I passed in 1997, when you could only take it twice a year and results took 3 months to get

just think of the money you will make...its pretty good after you pass
>Genocide and annexation would have been a better outcome than the bullshit we've got now.

Not to plug Coulter, but she had the right take on it

>Conquer them and convert them to Christianity
A loser
Is Trump going to speak about anything else other than that mudshit country?
>m-muh petromeme
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People had been saying that for two years already, try something new.
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We should have let the Commies take all of Germany. They would have ended up like all other post commie countries.
He hasn't given he's speech yet..
Just wait anon.
...Said the participant in the scam of the military-industrial complex.
Dude, this is a hivemind where we all share one opinion on things, dont like to that guy. We all love neocon megakike stuff and that's the only opinion that exists here forever and always plus we are all gay.
Probably not
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So it's just a matter of time until MLK Jr. is vandalized....

Do these lefties understand that this insanity has no limitations?
Trump wants to end the war right, total victory, look what happened when Obama pulled out from Iraq.
>my point has no position actually, its ever evolving
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I love Iowa.
If Mattis and the military can win with that, then do it. I want them to use PMCs more if possible. But we have to do something that can be turned into some kind of victory. I am honestly not that optimistic.
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We should try and make memes comparing her to Antifa. Photoshop her face into Antifa photos along with her tweets.
After watching the media being neutral for half a day during the eclipse makes me hate them even more when they return to shit on trump. I think a lot of people feel the same way.
Maybe we should have just used our own oil then.
Thanks for giving us the Official /ptg/ Position (tm)

MLK would be considered an Uncle Tom if you read some of his talking points to leftists and didn't mention it was MLK.
Shill harder
are you implyinng monkey man thernovitch has got it wrong?
>Your point was "Trump said we are gonna add more troops!!!"

You can always link to where I said that. Take >>138525527 for instance, when I said

>> Trump says he doesn't disagree with his biggest political rival when he sends more troops to Afghanistan and says keeping a presence is important

Again, I said
> doesn't disagree with his biggest political rival when he sends more troops to Afghanistan
and cite Trump when he says
> It's a mess, it's a mess and at this point we probably have to (leave U.S. troops in Afghanistan)

Where did I say my point was "Trump said we are gonna add more troops!!!"? I said clearly: Trump did not disagree with Obama when he did the same and provided a justification.

Do you agree?
updated pastebin
>Pres Trump Address to the Nation on Afghani issue (9PM ET) 8/21/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania/Barron watch eclipse 8/21/17

anything else?
Hatian, now.
Thanks TrumpOP, always appreciated
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If these thugs want a fight, we will show strength.

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Thanks, TrumpOp
This except I'm not a fed

Reminder that all posts on /pol/ are satire
yeah the code to delete these shitty drumpf threads
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Obama pulled out and nine months later we had ISIS.
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He lives! Thank you!
It would be fine with me if his statues came down, lad.
Take Ramzpaul off there. He's a faggot that constantly flip-flops and bashes Trump.
Call them a Hatian Leaf
This. Also checked
As an American patriot ai can no longer support that orange coloured moron.

I voted for peace. Not war.
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>Bannon is gone
>Breitbart immediately has turned on Trump

I've never seen such a 180 in such a short period of time, top kek.
>Fuck Drumpf, fucking neocon
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Why would there be an address for only 4000 more troops?
Your whole implication over someone criticizing Trump adding troops is referencing the very thing from 2015 which he clearly does not say anything about. Even in the context of Obama adding troops it does not equate with his statement

This is that whole "obfuscating the points" I was talking about.
C-SPAN has a video with VP Pence at the Naval Observatory, and there is an incomplete video of Mattis talking about the USS John McCain accident. I haven't found YouTube vids of them, though. I'll leave it to you if they are worth adding.
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I would second that we please not have ecelebs in the OP if we can help it.
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your comment is precisely why that video is there ;^)

Did he not tell them that he was only going to be in the White House for a year?

Someone needs to edit these lines into the toon
4000 American troops plus the unveiling of 100 mobile suits from Japan
if he wasnt doing shit like flanning the flames on all these useless retarded wars in the middle east breitbart would go back to liking him
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Because Trump gives a shit about the lives that have been wasted..
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>I voted for peace
Shouldn't have voted for the guy saying he would bomb ISIS to hell and that actually did it
tiff a best
Because it is much discussed what will be done about Afghanistan, so he is addressing the public.
4000 troops is a big deal because for every troop there is ~20 support staff in addition.

its literally billions of dolars in spending, bigger than any bill trump has passed so far
Go look at their site, they're going full anti-Trump now.
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Do correct me if I am wrong, its just another eceleb, correct? I'm simply opposed on principle.
>Trump to talk U.S. strategy on Afghanistan, SOUTH ASIA in address Monday night
>In speech t'night Pres Trump will ask "region to do more," will ask "India and Pakistan to do more to bring Taliban to negotiating table
>Trump strategy to include negotiating w/ Taliban. In past Qatar negotiations failed b/c Pres Obama announced troop withdrawals: US official
>giving Breitbart clicks
No thanks I don't give a shit about bloggers
They slowly became more "anti-Trump" once Trump actually took office. Its why they had that whole thing with Drudge report (allegedly)
We have NO business in Afghanistan! We never should have went in there! The Taliban will never be defeated!Trump is an idiot and he doesn't have a clue! He is listening to the military guys and they are fooling him!
fucking kek
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what time is trumps Afghanistan speech
You've got to go with the root of it all and say Iraq invasion.
What time is the fucking speech?
after hes done slurping up mcmasters cum
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tiff a QT - and soon-to-be-esquire
its supposedly a plan that Trump has decided on that Mcmaster thinks is hard to explain to the public (and seems to disagree with too), its long term strategy and policy with governace, etc
1 hour, 9pm EDT.
One burger from now.
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ayy lmao
Chadposting for 2017 meme of the year
Explain? I don't care that he's an e-celeb, but he often times ridicules and mocks Trump over twitter.
thanks and updated

>VP @ Naval Observatory for eclipse 8/21/17
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis on USS McCain incident 8/21/17

Japan was already extremely capitalistic even before WW2.

Look up the Zaibatsu: It was essentially Corporations running every fabric of Japanese society, all under the same family ownership in a vertical monopoly.


We didn't really rebuild Japan. We basically disbanded the Zaibtsu in name but just told them to continue what they were doing.
>>Breitbart immediately has turned on Trump
They were writing hit pieces on Trump for a while now, some of the journos at least

> Obama adds 8000 troops
> Trump say "Afghanistan is a mess but we need to leave troops there"

How does that "does not say anything about"? It is the exact same situation and the exact same reasoning. Here is a perfect valid opinion and one I respect deeply
> I disagree with Trump, he shouldn't send more troops to Afghanistan and, instead, should withdrawn

Here is the kind of bullshit that is being said by many, not at all true
> Trump got his opinion changed from his primary days: he was against it and now he is for it

Got my point? If you disagree with Trump 2017 you also disagree with Trump 2015 and that's your right. But Trump signaled support for the exact measure he's implementing today and he didn't even needed. He could have shitted on Obama but he said what he actually thought.
you're all virgin latent homosexuals, and anime is for fat loser nerd whales. Making you a fag
>Go look at their site, they're going full anti-Trump now.

Kek. They're reposting articles from liberal media. This is going to be fun.
leaving troops there =/= adding additional ones

its not fucking complicated.
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>Cant get shit passed with control of both houses
>Cant keep leaks out of WH
>lost entire base in 8 months except some anime fags


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He's going to surprise McMaster by promoting him to 4 star and assigning him to lead those extra 4k troops.
the invasion was worst because it allowed the withdrawal to happen, but obama allowing Isis to spread is also among the great betrayal of the American people
antifa stands for "anti first amendment?"
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You can have one of my burgers if you want. They're from Costco.
/pol/ is 18 and up and Animefags should leave with you
did you watch the video? it's worth the watch

ramzpaul IS an eceleb, he just doesnt go around saying so, and this is what, the 3rd or 4th time i've added a non Trump video in the pastebin?

>also it's one video away from being bumped you whiners
Are you saying that when Trump said he is in favor of preserving the Afghan state that the troop levels would remain absolutely the same for all 8 years of his tenure, even if more were needed and requested by generals? That would defeat his goals, no?
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>hey slowly became more "anti-Trump" once Trump actually took office.
Breitbart actually gives their journo much freedom of thought when deciding what to write meaning it varies from journalist to journalist. Take that Raheem Kassan article, for instance

> written by: Raheem Kassan
> Here in Michigan, Trump voters, campaigners, and low-level donors expressed concern to this Breitbart News correspondent on the recent change in his direction

Then he cites then

> Jeff the cab driver
> Cindy a Cruz primary voter, that mentions Hijra by name and tells Trump to lay off the Freedom Caucus
> Penny, a middle-aged lady from Sterling Heighs, that took a swipe at Jared / Ivanka, uses the word "betrayed"

Could have been written by HuffPo and it's from April, on Breitbart.
Shut up, leaf.
CNN says he will put some emphasis on pakistan
He''ll say " this is not my war and Obama, clinton, the dems, or the media had something to do with it. Pick one. Also he'll forget he said many times, in the past, that he would pull all troops out of Afghanistan. And then he'll say he is sending thousands of troops into Afghanistan. But he'll forget to say that none of his family members of friends will be going to fight. It will be Americans who voted for him and Americans who did not vote for him. How much more of this poop can we take from this guy pretending to be president? GET HIM OUT!
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Thanks. You're a treasure to this thread.
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>allowing Isis to spread
>implying we weren't actively arming and funding them
Mattis says they need 4k more they need 4k more
As I said, I don't care that he's an e-celeb or that it's a non Trump video. I just found it odd to use someone who bashes Trump. It doesn't bother me, just made a suggestion. Thanks for the updates though.
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Hey, /ptg/ who's Trump's brain now?
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I knew that the media would somehow find something to shit on trump.

Most of the reporters that covered the eclipse also looked at it without glasses.
Is it bad that I prefer(red) Breakroom over Crusaderkun?
>getting BTFO in Afghanistan
>leave troops
>do nothing else and continue getting BTFO

Are you fucking retarded?
anti free americans.
>antifa stands for "anti first amendment?"

It stands for Anti Fascist. Which is ironic, as they are left wing fascists themselves.
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I do it for Trump

well we wouldnt want to be a safe space would we?
Didn't Trump say the US shouldn't be the world's policeman?

The top secret ISIS strategy is to send 4,000 americans to Afganistan?LMAO!
I was just voicing my opinion that I don't favor ecelebs in the OP on principle and of course Trump videos are more important to me. I wasn't taking any hardline stance on it.
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>Penny, a middle-aged lady from Sterling Heighs, that took a swipe at Jared / Ivanka, uses the word "betrayed"
just like our shills
>China is Israel's third largest trading partner in the world
>China maintains warm relations with Israel, Palestine, and the Muslim world at large
How do they do this?
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This actually answer genuinely my question at >>138529099. You admit that Trump agrees that Afghanistan troops are necessary but believes that whatever number Obama left there is sufficient and need no reinforcing.

I disagree
>break campaign promises
>drag US into middle eastern quagmires
>fire /ourguys/ hire neocons
>pointing this outmakes you a shill
They're both faggots so its not really important.
4k troops and 3k are admin and cooks and repair guys. Quit being a faggot
>well we wouldnt want to be a safe space would we?
It would seem more logical to have pro-Trump people we promote and have in the OP, though I hadn't seen the video nor do I know anything about them.
He's really not
Go away monkey man
And in the seventh month of the Trump presidency, let's go to the Score Board: Defeats of ISIS = 0. Coal Industries Restored = 0. Walls Paid For By Mexico = 0. Health Care Bills Passed = 0. Tax Returns Released = 0. Tax Reforms Passed = 0. Clintons Locked Up = 0. Swamps Drained = 0. Americas Made Great Again = 0. Golfing Trips Taken = 40. Stupid Tweets - Uncountable.
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You heard McCallum- he has to get out there and bullshit the American taxpayers as hard as he can. You see, this shit costs a fortune so the establishment can use our soldiers lives to influence oil distribution, mineral rights and hegemony in the region before another Ukraine happens.

It has fuckall to do with whats good for the US of course. When the kikes arent trying to sell us a war in Norkland or Sandland, now we have to be reminded why we are being robbed for Afghanistan as our people there get killed so PFC Timmy can feel like a hero, even if he has to be dead before he turns 21.
>sending soldiers to fight isis is a bad strategy to defeat isis
I mean i would prefer nuking the whole thing but that's never happening
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>The 5 comes in at 11
Yay and the TUCKNATE of Tucker has come. You know the drill.
Nope we wouldn't. But that's besides the point.
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Where's the best place to watch the Afghanistan stuff? Links?

>implying Trump isn't the ice(berg)
>Bush causes the chaos, tries nation building meme
>It fails
>Obama comes, promises to pull out of Iraq
>He actually does it, but he then decides it's a smart ploy to destabilize Syria during Arab spring
>He gives arms to syrian rebels, many who later joined ISIS
>ISIS spreads to Iraq, destabilizes the fragile government and leads to another quagmire

If Trump does the same, fragile Pakistan "WITH NUKES" will have an insurgency that will require a response by India & U.S to stop acquisition.
i hate ecelebs and i rarely use them, but every now and then someone like ramzpaul makes a reasonable point about something in current news (as the alt right/antifa thing has been in the past week that the video was in OP) that needs to be heard

other than fan vids (like inspiration/fun stuff) and the occassional TrumpTroop video (ala diamond/silk) i'll never add anyone "we" promote up there
see above as to why i added this particular one

yep, but you still havent watched the video
and if you did and feel offended, you are the reason for that video
Tucker going full blackpill

When Trump gives the address in two hours, there'll be links galore, Sven
I'm with TrumpOP on this one. No need to remove a pro Trump video even if made by an anti Trump person

Worry not
Oh shit, Tucker's on!
Rightside or fox10
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Did everyone just collectively flush their brains down the toilet? Wasn't their a report of PMCS like Blackwater also being a part of the plan? If it was really only just 4k this would be a 5 min speech or something that could be send out to the press as a readout. There is more to it than just 4K. If Mattis and T-Rex think this will work while it shuts up McMasters, then I'm willing to give it a chance if it can finish end that pointless conflict that Bush started and Obama made infinitely worse
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Even tucker is tired of that buffoon's incompetence
>When Trump gives the address in two hours

1 hour actually
Dunno, but they're pissing off Japan, US, India and especially Vietnam. Putting down their own Muslims, Uyghurs.
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7 months of Trump's presidency
Number of tranny suicide 8 reported, can be more
Number of faggot BTFO; uncountable.
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why the fuck would we invade pakistan
I did watch it. It's not bad. I just don't trust Ramzpaul and find his criticisms of Trump autistic as he's just pandering to people to get more followers. It's no biggie, just making sure.

Blackwater hasn't been called Blackwater in a decade...I don't even know how many fucking name changes they've gone through
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>that's never happening
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Ah, sorry I thought it was just starting.
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>Please move the Five back to its old spot,
>Keep Tucker and Hannity in their slots
>Add Ingraham and / or Mark Steyn in The Five slot
>say goodbye to the Timpf and "The Special-less"

Thanks, anon

Forgot that it's 9 eastern...not central
We don't know if the PMC thing is confirmed
Nor do we know the 4000 troops are confirmed but that leaked twice so that gives it more credibility somehow
They can be called "We Wuz PMCs" for all I care. I'm just saying if there is a privatization aspect to this, then good!
I dont disagree with you
ramzpaul is a special case for me, half the time he's reasonable and makes great points, the other half he seems drunk and sounding like the crazy old drunk uncle
then again i listened to c2c so I'm used to getting the grains of gold in the pile of rice
Ha ha more like Trump stares down sun, Sun hides behind moon like the coward that it is.
Because if a jihadi gets a nuke, then the movie True Lies suddenly becomes real.
Oh, I know, which is why I'm waiting to hear Trump's plan from his own mouth and not the (((MSM)))
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Aren't 4-stars retired tho?
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there are too many Alt Jews (anti western Jews) and their sympathisers in the WH. get them out
>muh nuclear codes
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