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Éire/pol/ - clonmacnoise edition

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Thread replies: 260
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>irishman shot dead by Mexican savages

>Minister Ross slams rotten culture in Olympic council of Ireland

>firearm found at Trevor deely site

>13 killed by muslim subhumans

Would just like to take a moment to pay respects to the victims. Spain is one of our oldest allies and our heart's go out to them at this difficult time.
Bump cunts
I'm not letting this die after doing the links no fucking way
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Hang on mick, there's multiple threads discussing Ireland ATM for some reason, ill direct them here
It's "cluain mhic nóis" faggot, end anglicisation
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Reminder to support your local madman and join NP
Why does sinn fein love muslims?
Nice a chara
Looks almost as tedious a language as Welsh.
I will from now on. I'm watching tg4 this minute.
Because they're Marxist
Been reading the journal comments on the Barcelona attack fuckin KEK. Can't tell if people are serious or trolls anymore
Give me a taste of the comments senpai
hey Irish anons, ill e traveling to Ireland in December and mainly staying in the Dublin area.

any advice?
My local (((Sinn Fein))) member claimed I hated Ireland after I told her that communist arnt people.
Enjoy yourself!
Don't stay mainly in the Dublin area and December is a shitty enough time to visit but the pubs will be packed that month leading up to Christmas and there's a festive atmosphere.
It's mostly anti Muslim comments one of the top comments has 800 likes usually the comments are way more left leaning.

Have a look for yourself http://jrnl.ie/3551149
Fun fact Ireland is the gay capital of the world. Morrissey is from there so it's not really surprising

They want to be as unelectable as possible
You should have added that you don't give a single fuck about Palestine either. Nothing would trigger a shinner more than not giving a fuck about something so dear to them cunts.
Redpilled as fuck
>did you make that up on your own?
It's like leftists operate on a hive mind
More news from today. Thought this faggot was dead ages ago. It's still going on. Hopefully the based nationalist government won't let him back

Americunt here, what can I do to up the Ra?
As an American/Mexican i would never go down to that shit hole 3rd world country ever again. You Whites need to plan your vacations in other countries. Fuck Mexico. Thoughts go out to the Irish man.
Shut your fucking mouth and stop being an ignorant cunt. Unless you want to send some greasy burgerbucks to the IRA so more British and Irish civilians can be killed by sectarian violence, in which case, be my guest. Stay the fuck out of Irish and British politics.
The journal is a liberal rag so check back later and most of the comments will prob be deleted. But it warms my heart to read the comments rn
He's probably the most hated person in Ireland that lad and I hope the government are calling for his release to look good but secretly telling the Egyptians to keep him. Fucking sandniggers are nothing but trouble.
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The RA is dead, let's make something better
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Ok faggots, how many of you are in shape, read regularly, and employed?
The first step to fixing ones country starts with fixing yourself
New NP video released in past hour
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for some fucking reason its not letting me post reeeeeeee
Noted will remember to do so next time
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pity bump to highlight the plight of enslaved white children
I honestly wouldn't put it past that mongrel and his ministers.
Make this video go viral!
It's called "at the gates of Vienna" and its about Muslims in relation to Europe, given the attack in Spain, this may give us the chance to get them attention
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Holy fuck I am angry.
Why the fuck would they make the Irish, of all people do this? The only history the Irish have with slavery is being slaves ffs, fuck niggers
The comments of media coverage reminded me that they didn't even mention how many people had died in Barcelona on the six one news.
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Anybody gonna raise pigs for trumps new terrorism policy?

Well, this may be of interest

seems to happen everytime Eirepol lands
Link to the super secret Eire/pol/ discord por favor?
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we're white when it suits

anyone wanna get in on a bitta game dev?

The general idea is
>The west collapses, whites band together and retake Rhodesia in 2044

doing up some concept stuff if anyone gives a damn (its fun kids propaganda really)
>Seems to happen everytime Eirepol lands

I have noticed this too. If I didn't know better I would say their social media guy browses here...
That's a school in England not Ireland. Irish schools don't wear blazers.
He does
I'm not joking he's come into these threads before

Nu project
Thank fuck for that then
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fresh honey = sweet pot

but if said individual would even contact me about a leaflet drop (or anything at all) that'd be great.

>Friendly reminder: The Offie will be shut soon
We've become so desensitised to it now nobody even cares it's just people keeping score at this stage
Lads, what's your favourite number? Mines

A leaflet drop would be great
And my favourite meme is Canada
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Is Conor Mcgregor a gypsy? Hes poor and has brown eyes so I cant imagine him being irish.

RTE news needs to be destroyed, I can't watch that traitors propaganda.
Gaddafi gave them a battilions worth of weapons.
He's Gael/Viking.
I don't watch RTE because of propaganda and because it's shite too.
Until those comments are deleted by the traitors.
Shill the new NP vid
Because they identify with them.
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RTE should be broken up into provincial stations and an office in each major town.

Someone just got blown up in Barca btw
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its the intense hatred of empire

shinners need to realise theyre pawns in a new empire scheme by das yooden

Spain isn't one of our oldest allies.
Spain is the only ally Ireland ever had.
Just give the word Spain and will help you beat the moors back again.

They turned their back on Ghaddaffi when the Jews decided to kill him.
They are traitors to Ireland and traitors to Ghadaffi.

The French in 1796?

The Germans in 1916?
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We allied with French and italians too but yeah I know what you mean.
>if they would send me more than 5 leaflets at a time
Romans are historical enemies of Celtic and Germanic tribes.
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Is this.... new OC?

Also why are there like 4 threads about Ireland right now?

Spain went out of their way, France and Germany wanted help in the big picture
Then we intermarried

We've taken over lad
>welcome to Ceathru-Chan, mo chara
>support Islam
>shit on Christianity
>support removing confederate statues
>recommends cultural Marxist professors book about the Irish

Lads, I swear to fuck this rubberbandit cunt is gone full SJW commie. He's literally defending Islam from mean tweets after muzzie scum murdered people in Barcelona.

GET OVER THERE AND FUCK HIM UP. People already calling him out on Twitter. Boot up those accounts lads.
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Someone send him this pic PLEASE

Don't remember any of that.
I remember some traitor invited the Normans here.
Also, tweet this vid at him
Best case scenario he spergs out and his audience will watch this
Lmao, not too bothered about what this wank stain thinks anymore. It's obvious he just has unconditional blind faith in this shite. eventually people will just wisen up and be sick of the cries of oppression and shite. The comments are always fairly redpilled
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What the hell am I looking at
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Bring him here.

This ends nao.
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I hate them.
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>the future

showing white kids theyre granda was hitler, par for the course

that isn't a picture of barca is it?

just a pic of an explosion to go with your post?
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it was Paris? i think?
Who fucking knows at this point. the whole shit heaps on fire
Got banned from twitter, and the cunts wanted my phone#.

Made a new twitter acc and they immediatedly wanted a number? They IP banning
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Dave Chambers is a complete leftist cucks. I see more and more people calling his bs on Twitter.
>someone actually linked to this thread

great mistake mick

now post thicc eire women before I start small-talking you on the bus stop

These cunts were claiming the first people to settle Ireland were black on twitter....also they have a never ending support for terrorist ibrahim halawa, in addition to constantly trying to promote the "cool" idea of marxism to the youth all while LARPing as working class Limerick lads despite being posh art students.

Same with me. Said my account was exhibiting automated behaviour and wanted my phone number. They can FUCK OFF.
>support Islam
>shit on Christianity
As a fedora I don't get it, Islam is obviously more contemptible. It's incredibly dissonant that some people have done a 180 on boogeyman Catholicism yet are perfectly prepared to invite in a bunch of hardcore religious lunatics under the token "it'll be grand"
Christ almighty
Wheres the anon who said he had a load of dirt on the rubberbandits? He was on here a few weeks ago
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He recommended a book on Twitter today called How the Irish Became White.

It's written by a Jewish Cultural Marxist harvard professor who wants to ABOLISH THE WHITE RACE.

I'm not joking. This is the author. This is the guy the Rubberbandit cunt reads.


CALL him out lads.

Can't believe he recommend that shite. Literal (((post-modernist))) propaganda
Tweet this video and bait them into giving NP publicity
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>failed foundation maths

Blindboy loves Cordoba in Spain and likes to tell people how amazing it was when it was the capital of the Islamic Caliphate a thousand years ago.

Then when people ask him why he shits on Christianity but not Islam he says it's because he was raised Catholic and doesn't know anything about Islam

Yet he supports Islam. He's a fucking hypocrite of the highest order. A pseudo intellectual given media airtime. The emperor has no clothes. Fuck this guy.
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This whole confederate flag thing, it's a non issue, but you will see these psychos attack and chip away at literally anything that bothers them. Their friends across the sea are worried about a statue, this lot are worried about a flag.

He's still here. He's collecting dirt. Will dump all at once, or so I've heard.
I would, but you always get some spastic who replies "oh you're really hard" or something and get 60 likes. Virtue signalling at its finest.
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ah sure hes probably a convert or some shit, get ready for the subversive converts, they fucked bongland
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what happens here?
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What a fag

In case you faggots think I'm lying, here is Blindboy literally recommending cultural Marxist literature on the Irish


Apologies for phone posting
Exactly. It only seems to be nu males, hipsters and feminists that pay any heed to them.

How do you fail foundation maths? Just count on your fingers.
fishing, incest and sporadic piracy.

>anger isn't an emotion

I thought this retard studied psychology.
slow down...

wtf is count?
David McWilliams plugs that book in the middle of this excruciating video.
Sounds /comfy/ as fuck
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hummm are the faroese sisters irresistible?
There are other islands further away i'll be jetting off to if no rising is happening.

FAR more incest = way more drastic improvement by my seed sowing presence

I guess such beautiful music could only come from a people with patrician tastes

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>are Faroe Island sisters irresistible?
Evidently yes. The one on the far right is mine
Even if he did study psychology it doesn't matter he's brainwashed now and nothing matters other than shite he spews no matter how illogical or insane it is. I've seen the comments of people online who seem completely and utterly brainwashed and they seem like lost causes and I've seen hints of it taking hold in a couple of people I know too.

He claims to have """emotional intelligence"""

As opposed to actual intelligence.

clearly built for southern-european seed
meanwhile in civilization https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wM4BhvqKxME

this guys like the Irish Justin Bieber
Beautiful song
Shoo monkey man
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gotta go book my holidays, shitty island and bed hopping for me
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I'm italian/polish
Irish right-wing militas when? I'm getting really sick of the bullshit in this country.
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When will Irish patriots start sinking these NGO ships loaded with Muslim invaders? I am an Irish American and the preservation of Ireland's national identity is very important to me.
You a paddy or plastic?


musics a great redpill with no memes needed desu

christianity really cucked you guys too hum
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I'm an American friendo, so I guess plastic

Not surprising. Himself and Blindboy are 'Twitter bumchums'
Relax, the coffee in the station musnt be decaff

just get arms and an uprising is inevitable in this climate

3d printer would be an investment
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Die, you filthy snow niggers.
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All Father Dagda was jesus' daddy
So america is tense right now....
>openly admits that he is an abject failure at basic logical reasoning
No it's not
very sorry about this irishman, especifically about the one that died here. too many people have no education and grew up in very poor conditions (literary), they are not human at all. i wish i could purge them from my country.
Voters. They prop up shit tier housing estate populations that always were Sinn Fein, while the natives council estate dwellers are forced into richer areas. The Muzzies get free money promises from Sinn Fein, instantly become part of the voter base. The usual Sinn Fein "I vote for them cause of 1916" council dwellers continue to prop up their vote in FGFF areas, bring up kids to be Sinn Fein voters. FGFF merge soon. Already talk of it.

2025 Sinn Fein are in power, unless something is done.
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It will just take one sunken ship full of Muslim invaders headed toward Ireland to make them think twice about trying to invade your island. Too risky to sail to Ireland when you can just go to France, Italy, Germany, Sweden or the UK.

We all know this is what needs to happen.
> i found the murderer
Yis have baten each other for a while now, seems like it is going to get worse. They want them to fight, its why they pull out the cops
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they float 200 yards on the Med, Italian lifeguard picks them up, brings them to Italy, they "get processed" (handed a passport and welfare check) then they get a nice flight over here and live in a 4 star hotel in Ballaghadereen.

Its a bit late for sinking the boats atm

SF are very brittle though, they'll not last long in Govt either way, the tide is against them
What the fuck is that shit? None of their ancestors owned one single slave what the fuck is that shit? Fuck the fuck why would they do that?
Thanks man, we wish you luck in your purge.
What the fuck are you talking about limey?
Because whiteys ebil

I assume Montenegro means "Nigger Mountain"?
Berkeley and 2-3 days ago
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Interesting, thanks for updating that for me... then you need to make them afraid in your streets instead of your seas.
Sky News is telling us not to shill Barca Pics

MUSLIMS BEWARE: they're turning off the lights on the eiffel tower for the night
>theyre gonna feel it this time
Watch fat pig Mary-Lou him the woman card hard when Gerry steps aside. Will pick up strength. This little island is getting cucked.
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I WISH we were on the eve of civil war. Fuck this gay earth.

But it really ain't happening, at least not now bucko. You're buying into all the gaslighting on /pol/ and (((MSM))).
Truth is, most people have moved on
It was the same with Paris. They can fuck off.
They just move in groups, a raid is the only option to put fear in them.

>Tain Muslim Cooley when?
she should be buried on the site of the supermosque, they wont build with pig graveyards around

i wonder if any of you guys know any crimes the muzzies have committed yet, I only know of heroin pushing and a gang rape,anything else with you guys?
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All it will take is one raid. Pic related.
Well now i never said civil war. I think that would be jumping ahead to far.
Just saying the political tension is getting bad cause they let everyone at each other.
>she should be buried on the site of the supermosque, they wont build with pig graveyards around
Fucking Kek
Tensions really ain't that bad here

>i wonder if any of you guys know any crimes the muzzies have committed yet, I only know of heroin pushing and a gang rape,anything else with you guys?

Where did this happen?
Until some protest or rally. (((they))) want it to happen so they can show the public all the terrible nazis. Stupid idiots fall for it every time.
Would be funny to have 30 stone of Sinn Fein bacon under it...
Trump memed this into existence imo

The rape was in the NW a few years back, a group of lads promptly pushed their shit in with hurleys, someone told me theyre in protection but ive no info.

Gardai were the usual useless fucks
(Hi Sergent! Enjoy the basket weaving forum!)

The heroin pushing is in a few towns, Id be willing for jail but id never get them all by the time the 5-0 decide to save the minorities

If they would just deport them before worse has to happen (half of my old skool buds are buying junk in their takeaways)
Are they banging heroin? Haven't been exactly buying or taking much notice of whos selling it?

Things like that could lead to >wasn't a real Muslim
you could just get a pigs head and bury it, theyll stop building, but im a law abiding citizen and would never stoop to such a level
theyre not "real" muslims (some drink etc) but they are Muslim, theyre all the young rapists sent here to set up shell companies (takeaways) and to create a blackmarket (heroin => guns) while getting young girls addicted and warping their heads.

they deal right over the counter.

the gardai arrested me one night and asked do i know where to get drugs, i said get em off the muzzies in the takeaway,
>deafening silence
they know, but do absolutley nada.
I always thought SF and the RA were against that shit. They were in the North anyways, south Derry man here.

I guess they don't give a fuck when their little sandniggers are giving them votes. Seriously lads if most nationalists in the north knew what they were really about it wouldn't be like this.
So you just walk in and ask for heroin? Sounds a bit far fetched to me lad
spread the word about the lies, i joined at 13 (family ties), by 20 I was a green haired, ear pierced ART student, i was completely brainwashed by them.

Then I saw some of the world and realised it was all a crock of shit.

Full on 1488'er now. No fucking compromises anymore. Ive land and a plan so bring on the turmoil.

Zero tolerance of foreigners crimes should be constitutional.
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>The general idea is
>>The west collapses, whites band together and retake Rhodesia in 2044

This setting but a game like Jagged Alliance. Mercs fighting for some white settlers against unwashed hordes with AKs and machetes.
go do it.

dont be a dweeb either about it. go in hungover and chat a bit, then slip in a question.

im in a wee town where you can go in alone pretty easy, but they'll point out someone if your in a bigger town
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So did anything ever come of this?
They said they were going to have a website up by last weekend but they didn't. Was the whole thing a honey pot?
This would be great, dropping redpills everywhere and accurate settlement planning, even if you could work guerilla tactics in to subliminally (or overtly) train people for a "what if"
Scumbags should have got a bullet rather than a slap with a hurl.
I wonder would dissident Republicans be willing to sort them out if they're dealing heroin.
Didn't something come out a while back where it turned out SF voters were the most anti-refugeememe or some shit. The leftist stuff is basically riding the coattails of nationalistic and anti-establishment feeling. It's pretty insidious that SF amount to the most "pro-Gaelic" mainstream party, in fact the whole urban Irish language movement seems to have the unfortunate undercurrent of cuckery.
I grew up in the North, lost 2 family members, big provo family, but I'm telling you this SJW bullshit has overtaken them - they used to be a real left wing nationalist party, with the Eire nua stuff. Still faggoty but you could get behind it. Not now, they are the party of gays, transvestites, Muslims and any other degenerate you can imagine. I will spread the good one.

On a separate note, any of you lads read the Proclamation, really read it? It's alt right as fuck:

In the name of God and of the dead generations from which she receives her old tradition of nationhood, Ireland, through us, summons her children to her flag and strikes for her freedom.

Talking about dead generations of Irishmen. Not new 'Irish' of niggers and shitkins. The message of this needs to be spread.
>why do the irish require orders and organisers so much?

just grab a few lads, print a few redpill leaflets and learn to talk with authority, then get a few groups together and instead of protesting, rent a hall and push our history culture and language to a new height
I can only imagine Anon. In the North anyways working class Nationalists are all hard right on this stuff. Even the old hand Provo leaders were all against it (anecdotal here). Gerry Adams has turned into a huge fucking faggot. I have more in common with the Loyalists in East Belfast than I do with some SF scum with red hair that is cucked to oblivion.
Last year's centenary really highlighted the willful ignorance and misinterpretation of the nationalism of the revolutionary period. Pearse himself is often downplayed and even denigrated these days.
Any Ra heads i know are ancient, all with families and the curse of the comfy

like the D4 gaelscoillers, shitting up the west. Or yeats or.... just about anyone who makes a point of "Moi Oirashnass"

Sure even my family are bluepilled, they know im right, they arent stupid, but if youve lived a life thinking one thing, its pretty hard to wake up a corpse
could do something like the atomwaffen division or national action but with an Irish touch to it.
I don't mean in your area but the country in general thee might be some willing to do something but I don't know how you would go about getting the information to them.
well round here were pretty much set, we've a very tribal community (blow ins are held to a higher standard) but BUT... about 10 years ago, a faggot hippy family arrived... oh jesus...

the daughter says shes a son and their son says the opposite.

Tranny bathrooms. They're getting tranny bathrooms at the local secondary school.

>this is what happens when foreigners are let in.
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The IRA was able to operate because Irish Americans funded and assisted with it. I agree with you and I hope that the people in Ireland stand up to defend the home of our ancestors.
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>why do the irish require orders and organisers so much?
all armies do
Plenty of room for friends in the New Ireland.

the gardai dont do anything because;
Option A: a few junkies
Option B: all the junkies going cold turkey at once.

i think alot of people see this problem and dont do anything

>Whos up for a right wing demo at the Fleadh?

I am
Where are the foreigners from?
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How do you feel seeing that "Black Irish" woman inverting your flag so it appears like the flag of the Ivory Coast?
Are they Pakis or what?
send picture of eyes.
why are they treating this like it's a positive, why in particular is the future bright? seems a bit racist
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West UK? Somerset/Wales area i think.

no wonder they left, anyone i met over there are very similar to us, we got the rejects (and come to think of it a scotch family of knackers were here for a while, but they were kindly asked to leave)

I was never taught to "respect" the flag (i do, but out of the symbolism it stood for, not what it represents today) we've been "keeping the thing going" for a long time, but if we get many more commies,it could be lost
Its only going to get worse better to stop it now or at least make people were of what trannys are like.
they say "Indian" but they look paki to me
and a paki never admits to being a paki

what accents do they have?
theres a good redpill info about the guy who got his dick cut off and regretted everything about it.

Ill chat the neigh/bros and see wad up

fingers crossed we all flee up the mountain and restart
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Good question! The way things are going for Ireland, the future looks dark to me, m8!
Durka durka islamic jihad type noises

sorry, im not a linguist

They're pitch black
So who is going to send some yummy bacon to their local mosque to welcome your new "Irish" friends?
well if you do it the gardai dont have jurisdiction
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Is it illegal to send bacon to a mosque in Ireland?
Knew a paki kid in school. He would never stop with the Islam stuff, would mention it every five seconds.

I think it'sa matter of when and not if, a terror attack happens here.
Du bsss and Irish attack happens with 3 days.
Oh yes.

this is UK but the same applies

Calling it now, they will go for the spot just outside of Trinity college in Dublin, there are thousands of people crossing those zebras at all times.
They only attack to show dominance

they have zero resistance here,so no attack until the raysisss say something intolerant
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Here's hoping
also, report the fag just incase
I wonder how bad bacon would smell after being shipped from the USA.
I hope they scale the dail gates
it would probably just be a bit blue coloured,what with the cold cargo plane and large warehouses
Imagine all the Junkies getting knocked down in Dublin.

''Ah Jaysus me fookin leg, ahH ANN marie, da Romanians after bleedin killin me

They don't. They identify with Palestine only, as whats happening, is similar to whats happened in the North. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, I live amongst them, and have dealings with Sinn Fein members everyday.
I wonder if a sealed bag of bacon would make it through the post from the US to Ireland...

Bottom line, it is important that Irish start making life in Ireland really uncomfortable for Muslim invaders. It's the only way you'll slow the flow down. I have been to Ireland a few times, I absolutely love it there. Some of the best people on Earth, truly a beautiful place with a beautiful culture. I do not want to see it destroyed by globalists and Muslims
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Dem loh'
If anyone gets blown up I hope it's those libshit types who are in favour of repeal campaign.
the women are the problem, especially the townies, i wish their fathers would just fucking beat the racemixing out of them, they encourage the muzzies like no amount of guns can cancel out

Plenty of great beures, dont get me wrong, but once that shit gets a ring on it, their here for good
I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask this question, but I'm of Irish decent and I want to learn more about my ancient ancestors. What would be some good books on Irish Mythology? I have a copy of The Tain but I want more.
Any services like this we can sign up new friends for to welcome them to Ireland?
This is my favorite book on Irish history.
Get books that collect all the stories of the Ulster and Fenian cycles. Any will do.
Two birds with one stone!
Good choice.

Lady Gregories Complete Mythology
The Tain Bo Cooley
The Burning Of Dagdas Hostel
The First and Second battle of Mag Tuiread
An Cath Catharda
The Frenzy of Sweeney

other translated stories:

get "Buntus Cainte" to begin learning the language.

a weekly delivery of intestines would be nice

or just fuck pigs blood everywhere

Ive a cousin lent me a book, honestly cant remember the name, but its "The burning of Dagdas Hostel", but its written in modern english and really activates the almonds

Ulaanbataar in Mongolia is named after the Pagan Irish God, Dagda

Religious bonus material:
Slavic Vedas
The Kolbrin Bible
Just burn the fucking mosque to the ground Belfast style and stop fucking around with bleedin sammiches.
Will give it a once over.
Just ordered Lady Gregory's on Amazon. Thanks for showing it to me.
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Female IRA fighter, 1970s.jpg
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I like the way you think.
Enjoy it lad.

Pic intrinsic

this potato nigger confronted the thieves, instead of let them to steal their van

Irishman are not humans, following the Britsh standards
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Atleast were not fucking animals...
If ya do, its some good old victim points for muzzies and a blame on "white supremacists" and all the normies tut at it.
You might get the Streisand effect

If ya don't, expect more mosques and more of the same

You can not win. The only way to win is through the people. How do we redpill a whole country? fuck idk
Because we are real men.
you are. just look up Mcgreggor.

this potato nigger wanted to be a hero against armed thieves, he deserved it.

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I think the net gain outweighs the loss. Let's say someone buried a pig's head during a new mosque construction for example. Yes there will be many who get upset about the "hate crime", but at the end of the day, if people in Ireland are persistently nasty toward the Muslim invaders they will stop coming and will instead go to countries that are more friendly to them like UK, Germany, Sweden, France, Italy. It's working well for Poland and Czech Republic and Hungary, they are not popular destinations for any Muslim.
or worse... fucking mexicans.
How is portugal getting away with this?
Muslims barely set foot in it (i was told it was the portobros that started the reconquest.

>i like to larp that its the spirit of Aedh Ruadh O Neill, because the modern day High King of Ireland lives near Porto.

>need a bitta larp now and again
Diaz, typical Mexican border jumper lmaoo
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ah. I wonder if he sees the same thing with them going into Israel?
I considered that too but i lost the thought.
I am not too sure about it. I reckon they would still come in anyways. Poland rejected "refugees" and not much immigrants go there because it is not so well off.
Diaz is better than your potato nigger.

typical Mexican border jumper lmaoo


Ireland has a natural wall surrounding it with the sea. They can make living in Ireland as a Muslim so shitty that no Muslims will move there. Currently Islam has now become the third largest religion in Ireland. It's a damn shame.
youre a bit too defeatist for my liking

>i lived in sparkbrook, i dont blame you for being negative

but paddy can throw up a wall of men to fuck anyones plans up
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trump tweeted maybe mussies should get bullets dipped in pigs blood, now go and get ready to retake your country instead of looking at dusty old memes
Oh trust me, I do worry about my country. Mine is massive and my area is not Muslim friendly. Your country on the other hand is tiny, you can cross from one coast to the other via bus in just a couple of hours. Islam is the third largest religion in your country and your own cucked leftist leaders & media are already coining new terms like "White Irish"... as if there was any other kind? Wake the fuck up and stop it before Cork & Limerick are the next Manchester & London.
>Irish Americans funded and assisted with it

Richfag here. I'll donate to the patreon.

Im focused on my area, and we need a renaissance of culture, thats my fight for now.

I'll gladly mount up and retake Cork with the boys when the whistle goes
National Party could do with a couple leaflets printed my man
>Ireland: Spain is one of our oldest allies.
>England: Portugal is one of our oldest allies.

hmmm It is all making sense now. All the pieces have fallen in place.
Being defeatist and negative is not being critical of ideas. I am trying to be real with this idea because i am serious about saving my country

I would say it would be somewhat effective but the msm media would absolutely cream themselves. They would have a great oul time shaming, virtue signalling and pushing the agenda and all the people i fear would lap it up.

My da i thought was not such a fool, he knows better i thought. I redpilled him on the media and he agrees but i find him still falling for the bullshit time and time again.
Seeing him buy into the narrative the msm pushes when they shame the right wing unjustly was sobering to me. The power it has over peoples minds is amazing and it really should be one of our first priorities to completely destroy it altogether.
We just won't get anywhere if we do not take em down.
I also would gladly help finance Irish Nationalist resistance organization.
So many FBI, but so many AR15s needed

youd probably be better off just coming to Erins Isle and finding a few Ra heads and giving them the cash to stir shit up
How about bitcoin? I think US limits cash carry to 10k on international flights.
just stay a week (trump has a hotel and golf course) withdraw as you see fit and enjoy our many,many tiny walls
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