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Capitalism is simply the greatest system, if only there weren't

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Capitalism is simply the greatest system, if only there weren't jews, then we'd have capitalism without sex in media, political correctness, immigration, and women workers.

Take the redpill /pol/
Without capitalism, this gap would be evened out

Exactly. Do you want socialism to take white's money and give it to niggers? What are you, a commie?
It isn't.

Free markets means free migration, anyone can be on a bussiness trip, therefore you can't enforce migration policies cause money it's involved.

Capitalism doesn't respect that we can have other concerns besides monetary ones.
Capitalism is joining a game of monopoly that's been running for hundreds of years, the best houses and cards are already taken, and you're not allowed to opt out.
And? Get off your ass and get a job. Capitalism doesn't award people just because they're white. Capitalism awards those who EARN it.
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why are mudshits so gaudy that it's cringe?
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>not kicking the niggers and spics out
Poor b8 m8
There's a rich girl who can barely spell her own name graduating with honours from an Ivy League university and into a 6 figure job right now.
>capitalism would be good if we got rid of one of the integral parts of capitalism.
Capitalism is decedant and accustomed to the Jews and that can't be changed.
How many of those whites are (((white))) though?
Personally I believe a lot of the negative developments of Western culture that /pol/ likes to chalk up to the work of da jooz is simply just the base attributes of human nature manifesting and thriving themselves in a capitalist free-market society that rewards material pleasure and luxury above virtue and spiritual refinement.
capitalism is the greatest system available, but it has its flaws.

not everyone wants to compete on your terms and try to outproduce you traditionally. hence:
>sex in media, political correctness, immigration, and women workers.

It's inevitable, if not for (((them))) someone else would eventaully employ this strategy.

Refer to the waterloo/Rothchilds anecdote. Attempting to influence the market (aka you) is literally how (((they))) got started. It's just a good thing that controlling people through the market is a lot harder than the direct control of communism/collectivism.
yeah you "earn" it by being born to wealthy parents
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>we'd have capitalism without sex in media,
No, you wouldn't because sex sells and capitalism is about profit. Sexual urges are one of the basic human needs that capitalism is so adept at exploiting in advertising, porn and so on. =Nothing particularly jewish, only capitalist

>political correctness,
A result of corporate mass media which tries to prematurely stamp out dissent against the system that they absolutely LOVE and that keeps making them and all their friends money at your expense. =Nothing particularly jewish, only capitalist

All the top corporations are pushing this, and not just in the United States but also in every other liberal democratic capitalist country. =Nothing particularly jewish, only capitalist

>and women workers.
Movement driven by nearly the entire bourgeoisie because they birth rates were sagging and they needed more workers in the economy to drive down labour costs. =Nothing specifically jewish, only capitalist

Juche is the only redpill worth a damn.
This wouldn't be true unless we confiscated all property and allocated it to individuals based on their scores on standardized exams which also determined job placement. Until then we live in a nepotistic society, not a meritocracy.
Correct. Then every one would have next to nothing. I mean, if you can't have it, no one should, amirite? The mentality of communists is the mentality of pre-pubescent children.
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Only welfare babies support communism
working class understands what it means to be free
Capitalism isn't a system. That's a Marxist idea, one that we ought to reject. "Capitalism" is just what happens when you let people own things and trade with each other. The default state in an ordered lawful society.
This sadly.

>graduate college
>no good job
>decide to start my own
>try to get business loan
>laughed at
>back to wage cuckery
thanks boomers
Do you even consider inherentance or automation taking jobs?
Capitalism is the main cause of degeneracy, unfairness and decay of technology and wellbeing.
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The hispanics and blacks actually make negative money because they are a drain on the whites.
the problem is not capitalism but corporatism. the job of the government is to ensure a fair competition and not corruption that leads to de-facto monopolies (burger inet).
You're deliberately using a different definition of capitalism to what most people in this thread are using. The capitalism we are referring to relies on a specific definition as to what constitutes private property, if it were as simple as "free trade" then we wouldn't have a need for the word in the first place.
fascists are corporatists
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Having paper money is ok. Credit is ok. Banks are ok.

Compounding interest is not OK. Countries not issuing their own currency is not ok. Monopolies are not ok. Track homes with less than two acres of land are not OK. Fluoride in the water is not OK. Chemicals in the food and drinks is not ok.

There. I fixed that for you.
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Aaron Russo.png
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>5 digit plate
literally a peasant
when its 2am in Drahran but you wanted to cop a McMadhaa
If we only had capitalism without state.
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someone pls edit the arabs out of this aesthetic pic
Wew, I have more wealth than the avarage hispanic american and I have practically nothing. Just been working as a store clerk for a while.
We'll you have to have some laws up until things even out.
Ideally, yes, you could have free migration among countries, provided the immigrants follow the legal processes (of All countries). This would only work in a world where all countries have similar levels of Free market economy and and close-enough levels of civility.
Think of migration between states but in a world scale: everyone respects the laws of their new state but all states are at a similar level of societal civility.
You couldn't do it now where half the world is a shithole, but when cultures all respect certain freedoms you could have markets that correct themselves financially and morally.
Take the Jesus Christ pill. Thanks to him I'm Hispanic and make more than whitey. 3 small businesses and employed full-time at a fortune 500.
>praise capitalism
>denounce jews for the capital success.
and that makes it better?
jews arent the problem with capitalism, government is.
without such a big imposing state jews jewing around wouldnt amount to anything.
yeah, all three would be at the same level below where hispanics and blacks are now.
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Don't debate socialists.

Remove them with force.
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there will be no more capitalism after artificial intelligence controls us.
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Enemy of capitalism is mainly corruption though.
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thats fake, look at the shadow
capitalism is good but not for every part of the world. if it completely takes over the whole world would look like china. especially if innovation dries up
no, no there isn't. there are plenty of arab and chinese and african international kids that fit that profile though
only in your virgin dreams
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this taytay autism always breaks my heart

>tfw no qt autist gf ;_;

Capitalism came from Jews, duh
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>supporting capitalism
You're a joke lad
No. All those things will exist in any capitalist system without limits. Degeneracy will always be sold for profit.
Take the Islam pill /pol/ , together we can preserve the white race, kill the jews and restore order to the galaxy.
Arabs with $$$ are A E S T H E T I C as fuck nigger.
what's the problem here? muslims with money? we don't hate muslims desu
IT grill here.
OP, please explain to me, what's wrong with women working?
As an IT specialist I'll be working from home, coding anytime I want to. What's wrong with supporting my and my fiance's household budget with more money?
they kill whores, they kill faggots, they're literally areguys desu
women aren't human, they're property for redpilled businessmen

reintroduce sex slavery

swallow the redpill already, honey
Boring. Also, I'm my fiance's property. :^)

>what is larping
Don't forget usery. Jews invented that too.

No, it would probably get even worse. Alternatives always get overrun with corruption which causes that.
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noticed a small error in your graph that just needed fixing. no need to thank me
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