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Is it really a coincidence that so much civilizations have fell

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Is it really a coincidence that so much civilizations have fell partially or wholely due to mass migration? Literally can name 3 off the top of my head
>Indus Valley
>Bronze Age (Speculated that mass migration played a role in its collapse along with other things

Liberals are in fact the ones on the so called wrong side of history.
Oh, and almost forgot to talk about how the celts got pushed out of Europe by Germanic barbarians
Don't forget pretty much the whole Middle East getting SHITSKIN'D by the arabs.
true. That pretty much destroyed Carthaginian, Egyptian, and Persian pre-Islamic culture
>mass migration

Maybe if they stayed in Italy instead of conquering literally the entire Mediterranean, they wouldn't have had that problem.
a) The first two fell due to violent invasions, not mass migration.
b) The last one was not a civilization but a time period.

Civilizations fell and other civilizations took their place ad infinitum for a shitload of reasons. Mass migration is just one of the many factors that play a role in either the fall or the birth of civilizations.

Also, let's not forget that the U.S. was born due to fuckin' MASS MIGRATION.
poor sweden doesnt know whats coming
Thanks for reminding me about the native Americans who also got fucked over because of mass migration (but mostly plague)

Anywho, the romans fell partially because they let Germans become citizens if they served in the military. Obviously that worked shit all because you were making your enemies your generals. Eventually Rome was covered in barbarians and even the emperors often couldn't speak Latin. Rome did, in a militaristic sort of way, cuck themselves. And even today, migrants are committing terrorism and trying to bend the laws of countries to support their take over.

You have a point with the Indo-Europeans and aryans, however it does still show the danger of taking so kindly to a less civil people.

And by Bronze Age civilization, I mean the near east Bronze Age civilizations which were all deeply intertwined economically and to an extent, culturally, and how they functioned is similar to western civilization today, just more warring. And before you might say that was a military invasion, I beg to differ. There were mass migrations coming from Europe at the time, and they are most likely from the same place as the sea peoples. While there were other factors that played into this like harvest failures, the mass migrations and raids from the less civil Europe at the time played a big part in the systems collapse.
Don't worry Senpai, like Rome, we are finally transitioning from a republic to an empire.
It's already came... inside all their womens

not the rich cunts living in paradise with their rich minority friends, the poor people are the ones suffering for now, then it will reach the middle class
File: IMG_0305.jpg (19KB, 165x115px) Image search: [Google]
19KB, 165x115px
Yes that is true
It already happen, now it's the ending point
>>137569772 I respecfully disGree
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