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Monday night Q&A extra

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Get in here ausfags
sorry rushing for the new thread, does anyone have the normal links?
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God damnit anon.
furries btfo
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pretty good episode, the old guy literally called out george soros
lol nice one
Whos gonna call in? Ive got work early tomorrow
petition to put the postal vote in the annual bowel cancer screening kits
not furries got last yay
fuck sake
Vote for faggotry goy, were a G L O B A LI S E D nation
It's live here fb/abcnews.au
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You can also call on 1300 486 751
still fucking furious at Tony cutting off Abetz like a good goy
>but muh time
no one fucking believes that shit
Go now and never come back
this caller is pretty based
defending traditional marriage
Glad desu, i think that we from all states and shires can agree on that at least.
thanks senpai
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I'll never get a win
funny how he got roasted and then cut off in the end
>tfw this is your weekly "hanging out with the friends" entertainment
Who else /alone together/ here?
>offensive to fags
>offensive to abbos
>this is a bad thing
Was Bob Hawke really an Israeli?
i got like 900 upvotes on r/australia the other day while also criticising refugees

i got banned a few days later


my persuasion is A+ now, ill go into politics in a couple of years
Is the internet player not working for anyone else?
okie dokie mate
use facebook
>you're literally talking about reddit on 4chan

You have to go back. Faggot.
theres nothing wrong with reddit mate its a great place for people to share opinions
not working for me
Cheers lad.
try this direct stream link (if you have a modern browser)
>i only preach to the choir on 4chan

good work lad, youll grow support for your ideology that way
>"marriage equality"
wew, what a loaded orwellian term
Neck yourself right now.
>criticises reddit
has facebook
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So fucking cringy
>when your left brain tries to save you by slipping in the right answer just before you open your mouth
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since Not Furries is not an actual person or thing i'm counting it as a no win, you get no say just like we had no say on whether or not we're allowed to secede.
>Implying I use it
thanks for keeping the score
>what is satire
Don't worry, South AustrAnon
You did well tonight, but you got unlucky.
Is that what he was talking about I always wondered what r/autism title was. I just always assumed it was a retarded general on one of these boreds
>sam cares about people

good goy
hes playing the long con trying to be 20 years from now when the youth who like gays can vote for him into PM
>oi've got lotts of froinds
fukken top stuff mate

>gays who """choose""" not to have kids
I think you mean "are unable to"
you should've said something about how i cant link or greentext properly
>i fucked that up pretty bad
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tfw i found out i have abo ancestry and my 9/10 based qt gf broke up with me on the same day

wat do lads?
>some of my gay friends CHOOSE not to have children
as if that is an actual choice without bringing in a third party
>Goes to church
>Votes for faggots
Gonna burn
>Sam cares about people
LMAO, I would hardly call the Chinese 'people'
huff some petrol and get some easy welfare
my name is redgum fan, not South AustrAnon
i cant have two names on here
Don't worry, we will
We all have marriage equality. Every man has the right to marry a woman and every woman has the right to marry a man.
>"won't someone think of the children" is a new and novel campaigning target
How do these fucking airheads get their own shows?
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If he doesn't show up in the next few weeks, I'll count tonight as a troll win and remove his score. Dan SavAnon is also on notice, I haven't seen him in ages.
Also, did you see the meme I made?
>pic related
get sweet government bux? become immune to criticism of racism?

aborigines are in the best position for nationalism and anti-migration/multiculturalism

theyre immune to attack from the left
eyyy blackfella
Why do you cunts even watch Q&A? Why do you watch (((their))) ABC? It's an echo chamber for the cosmopolitan marxists that live in the inner cities and the anxious social justice warrior youth that aspires to one day fit right in in Newtown or Brunswick. It's use of stacked panels is a persuasion technique that makes you think the consensus on various topics in society lies to the left wing, somewhere between Bob Brown and Joseph Stalin.

Sam Dastyari - Iranian citizen who took bribes from Chinese businessmen and constantly shills for sharia law from his comfy perch.

Kim Rubenstein - a jewish harpie known for campaigning against Abbot's decision to strip terrorists of their citizenship and for convening the 'gender institute' at ANU

Jamilia Rizvi - daughter of Abul Rizvi, of Urdu Muslim origin, a man who won a 'public service medal' for his work in the development of Australia's migration program. A quick Google shows she is a 'media personality' who despite being guaranteed success thanks to her public servant parents, has recently written a book about her struggles with sexism in the workplace.

Michael Jensen - an Anglican priest with little public profile, who recently in his twitter sustained that sharia law is not a threat https://twitter.com/ABCthedrum/status/885781867017916416 and that people were 'nasty' to Yassmin Abdel-Magied https://twitter.com/mpjensen/status/883055272347877376

Abetz - at the least he is anti-degenerate, but he's the definition of a swamp monster, a 30+ year politician.
you fucking nigger kek.
I'll fuck any Australian that smells
the marriage act is actually pretty interesting
there are quite a few people that you are ineligible to marry
why don't the "equality" fags ever talk about how marrying your siblings needs to become legal because of "equal love"
you're just repeating shit we already know.

we don't watch it because we agree with it, we watch it because we hate it.
Ok, I give up, whats the trick? I'm here because I don't like where I was.
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You don't deserve to get married if you are not putting up with the opposite sex.

and with that I'm out good night Anons it was fun shitposting with you guys!
Wew, this is now commonly accepted in general discourse. How the Overton Window moves...
Hmm interdasting
Then say
>last for redgum
you silly man!
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i may literally fucking kill myself lads, i have nothing going and i have 10k in uni debt after i dropped out
the fuck is the I?
Why you drop out faggot?
>every child should have the right to see their parents married
Well wouldn't that preclude gay marriage?
not on HECS?
>every child deserves the right to see their parents married
>10k in uni debt
thats recoverable within a year once you've got full time
Livestream it next week. Pre-show entertainment.
uni is fucking easy so long as you treat it like its a job, which it basically is, be a man and focus on the work

its not paying you like work but its an investment in your future, if you didnt study gender cocksucking, so have some virtue and work hard for a few years cunt
Intersectional I think
shit, you coulda got that shit for free if youd claimed abo status
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social justice "logic"
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did she say >calling from gaythorne?
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Go on QandA and ask how they can sell your land to the Chinese when it belongs to the traditional owners
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Don't listen to these faggots.
I hope you feel better soon.
From your friendly, neighborhood SutherAnon.
promissory notes look it up.
i wanted to vote yes to piss off muslims but this radio makes me wanna vote no to piss off preachy cunts

Sounded like that
but the traditional owners of the land are the abbos and the chinese
What the fuck is this?

shes moaning on the phone kek
she bout to lay down a sick beat
Is that a female James Comey faceapp?
vote no lad, muslims are a symptom of the problem, leftism is the problem
OMG, nice, I'll have to start including you in some of my memes. But since you are still on 0, I won't make many...
its a nice suburb, used to live there. probably about 98% white
She's schlicking to the thought of yaoi porn in real life.
>not grown up enough to have a discussion about this
>grown up enough to redefine institutions going back countless millennia
do gay people get accepted as defacto marriages in the australian family courts? i assume they do

im leaning towards voting yes again so they can suffer divorce laws
I'm going to guess this is a vaccues shit fest, which is still interesting. Is the plot just to pile shit on each other or is there a higher plan?
don't vote, to piss off everyone
yes they have all defacto legal status
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I'm unironically thinking about getting a southern cross or eureka flag tattoo, I know it's a bogan meme but dat dere aussie pride's taking over, what do?
>i wanted to vote yes to piss off muslims
theyre like 2% of the country, these whiny leftists are a much bigger chunk
>its not about religious freedom
>......its about love

is this radio phone call a hollywood script? that was gay
Fuck you're an evil cunt, i like you.
Muslims will demand plural marriage next if gay marriage is allowed why not all forms of marriage. And I can gaurentee you plural marriage will hurt australian tax payers to help Muslims support their plural marriage lifestyles.
>it's offensive to me
not voting would be to appease everyone
she lets this lesbian caller rant on for 5 minutes
if it were someone supporting the no case it'd be "we need to go to other callers" after 20 seconds
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Get it, regret it
Nah I don't have one (or any tattoos) but like four of my cousins do and they all love theirs
Just don't get it on your fucking forearm
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Get a real job and a wife and make seven white children, start a business and employ young aussies, and then donate your fortune to /ourparty/.
cheers im fucked

for fuck sakes

although i expect id get a vote on that if we get to that bridge and ill just go no

>gay guy pretending his friends are anti-gay
yeah you lispy cunt im sure your mate xavier is heaps bigoted hey

shutup you lying cunt
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>mfw a gay kid at my school got bullied
>mfw i joined in
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>yfw they didn't even realise you are gay too
LITERALLY every country that has legalised fag marriage has gone on to legalise other perverted crap. The slippery slope is real.
>muh power imbalance
>It is emotionally hurtful
Boo fucking hoo
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lets vote yes and then have another government unwind the law and piss people the fuck up

must be why there's an 8...chan
>taxed as defacto

isnt that advantageous compared to 2 single people? im pretty sure it is
what will stop two straight blokes getting 'married' for dem dere benefits?
there's a reason they call the slope slippery
it's hard to undo the degeneracy once it's allowed

soon we'll all be hoping for sharia law to put an end to it
Not when it comes to gubberment gibs
>every caller is pro gay

why are normie cunts so fucking boring
yeah, i dont know if i actually wanted this
there have been one-or-two no supporters
yeah but thats not balanced whatsoever

its been like 90% one way
Working on something good rn.
Is australia a federation?
can each state have their own laws?
We should get each state to decide it's own laws and whatever.
I'd call in myself but I'd wake up everyone at home

shell just red herring an answer something he didnt bring up

already is, isnt addressing whether if you change it once you can go twice
it'd be too late now
They do m8
No, anon, that makes way too much sense and is way too pragmatic for Australian politicians to allow.
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Look forward to seeing it
I'll do my best to ask one of em
As a Victorian plz no
Well the 2% of the population who are Muslim plus the rest of polygamists would disagree theyre never going to be part of the debate
Called it.

>she's too much of a brainlet to even engage with it
>"well you probably won't have to think about it anyway so let's just not think about it :)"
So does that mean each state can decide if they want fags to marry or not. etc?

I want a way to uncuck ourselves so that we can get our rights back like self defence and freedom of speech
>faggot comes from a broken home full of abuse
s h o c k
I think maybe, act allows it or something, thing is this ties into federal law rather than state law I think
They must be screening the calls, it's like a call in show for retards
I'll be honest, I am torn on gay marriage. The reason being purely that I dont like the government having a say in social aspects of our life. It is no business of the state how I live my life and what I do with it. If I want guns its no business of the state, if I want to spread my seed and knock up as many woman as possible it is no business of the state. If I want to get blind every weekend its no business of the state.
is the radio show over????
how the fuck do these cunts get these cushy radio jobs
>We must vote yes to protect the children
Homos have a MUCH higher rate of pedophilia though...
I bet he didnt like you cause youre an annoying cunt, i agree with your stepdad

youre just fucking annoying mate
it's pretty much normal abc viewers
>me me me
if Mohammad wants 4 wives its no business of the state
Stop having principles and just vote in your self interest, retard. Sure, in principle giving the state control over social aspects is bad, but THIS social aspect? In THIS context? Don't be so paranoid.
We are a federation the states do make their own laws. The states cant pass laws that the commonwealth has jurisdiction over and vice versa. Where the fuck did you go to school cunt.
Last bloke made me into a hard No

I wanna see some opinions from muslims to get me back to Yes
Just ended
I wasn't taught politics at school.
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check this website out
it's an interactive map of agriculture in the state

>ends with a faggot saying people shouldn't be allowed to vote on social issues
How progressive.
good night lads
Holy shit, I just read this post to the end. I'm actually laughing right now!
Marriage law is in the realm of the comonwealth. The states have no power to pass marriage laws.

hang around pol and youll figure it out

then you goto uni and get taught some (((facts))) but you already know everything and just have to (((make sure your opinions are aligned with theirs so they dont give you shitty grades)))
night m8
night all
good night anon
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Slooip toight!
Unfortunatley yes.
I know politics now. I meant more of the australian politics.
I can't remember much on how australia is run except for the way voting is done and that we have a pm and senate.

I'm thinking of just starting a business in tech...
Stuff uni and debt.
What the actual fuck. When I went to school we unironically sang god save the queen as our national anthem at every assembly, there was a picture of the queen in every classroom. And we were taught our history and how Our government fucking worked.
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Where you on /pol/ a few days ago when we raided a website asking if we should allow gay marriage?
We went from 15% no to 91% no, and we spammed the comment section pretending to be Muslims and saying that the quran commands us to kill gay people.
It was amazing lad.

The Commonwealth has exclusive powers over everything in Section 51, and no other powers.

The States have power to do everything else not listed in s 51 and not otherwise forbidden by the Constitution.

However Australia only has one common law, that is, law as made by judges through the courts. In practice this doesn't always work and if different state courts are doing things differently people either just ignore it or it eventually ends up in the high court to settle the matter for everyone.
We sang the national anthem at every assembly to.
I just can't remember much on politics...

that was funny
yeah just get educated and have a plan, or just be good at your business, whatever

im just saying i went from NFI to /pol/ to going back to do a law degree and learning to (((think correct)))

you basically take the lefty opinions people rag on here and pretend you believe them and suddenly youre an "excellent student"
oi sutherAnon r8
This is great of meme indeed!
I will have to pick up my game next week.
10/10. Amazing.
What's in 51?

What's this about soviets and commies?
cheers m8
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>where you

lots of shit

lighthouses and stuff hey
Not completely true. Section 51 is out off date. Over the last 117 years of federation the states have seceded power to the commonwealth and effectively increased the things they can legislate on. Gun laws are a prime example of this, the states didnt have to follow Howard's autism after or Arthur but they all did giving the commonwealth power it didn't have before. This is also the same with education, as education is suppose to be the responsibility of the states. Yet today it is debated in federal parliament.
Were you singing god save the queen?
How do we change it back?
I want freedom.

I don't think so.
C u next week mate. Have a good one!
cya m8, you too.
> (xxvi) the people of any race , other than the aboriginal race in any State, for whom it is deemed necessary to make special laws;

I asked a """constitutional expert professor""" whether this provision just existed to put japs and italians in prison camps

he looked at me like i was fucking adolf and said he didnt know why it existed

he also wasnt able to answer to me why england would invade australia and then allow australia to be self governing, what was the benefit?

never ask academics shit except about exactly what theyre teaching you cause theyre clueless cunts who dont know anything from their ass
When will the fag marriage plebescite be held?

Yes you're right, the states can and have ceded a lot of other powers to the commonwealth. I think its an open question whether or not they can recover them if they want.

I don't think states have ever tried to claw back powers. If they did it would probably end up in the High court and then it would go whatever fucking way the political sympathies of the majority of justices lie
The only ways to return the powers to the state are;
>for the state to challenge the commonwealth in the high court on the legality of the commonwealth legislating on state issues.
This usually always fails.
> The commonwealth to secede power to the states
This literally never happens.
>secession of the state from the commonwealth (revolution)

The fact is the transition of power is a one way street. Their is no balance and check system built in to our constitution to return power to the state. This is the nature of federation as opposed to confederation. In a confederacy power moves from the Fed to the state.
How do we get them back?
What is the way to acheive more power to the people?

So how do we change to a confederacy?
or is revolution the only way?

Refurendum, revolution, or resurrect justice Isaacs, clone him 6 times and stack the High Court with him and his clones.
Confederacy could be achieved by constitutional reform. Confederacies are not perfect solution though. As power moves from the nation back to the states the nation becomes too weak to operate. Their are some active confederacies today Swiss being the main one that comes to mind, I have no idea how they manage to keep their states together. It must be a self preservation thing against the rest of Europe.
If we had confederated instead of federated in 1901 it is more than likely NZ would have joined us. But secession of states would have been a real issue with both WA, NZ And QLD probably already leaving such a union. Our continent island unironically needs federation but we need some way of the states regaining power from the commonwealth. I believe this can be best achieved by state purchase of commonwealth assets, though this may not be legal as it would essentially cuck the states that cant afford commonwealth assests.
On a side note, as much as I would love to give the states more power the real issue for me is absolute freedom of speech. This could be achieved via a simple referendum. Though I believe of it were held today it would be defeated because people saying whatever they want is bad.
Yes I think we should have a proper constitution with freedom of speech, self defence and firearm rights.

But to achieve that is a long and hard path to take.

A party that promotes freedom and removing unnecessary laws as well that will protect the people could help.
Self defence laws are a thing we will not ever seen in the current australia.
The founding fathers toyed with the idea of a bill of rights when they wrote the constitution the motion was quickly dismissed. They saw no need for such a document short sighted bastards.
On that bombshell I'm out anon night.
How bad would it be if someone from the usa mass produced firearms and dropped them all over australia?
could it accomplish anything?

Watched the ADFA video and they showed women and non-white dudes the entire thing. The only parent they interviewed just so happened to be wearing a hijab
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