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Is there anything worse than a nordicuck?

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>Have a history of plunder and rape
>act like subhuman savages like nigs
>become one of the poorest areas in europe during the renaissance while the rest of europe flourished (especially the med countries which nordcucks unironically call shitskins)
>create literally nothing of note, blame others for misgivings
>claim that ancient meds were nordic n shieeet and they wuz kicked out n shieeet

What a pathetic race of people, while the Celts, Germanics and Meds built the world on their backs the nigs in scandinavia lived in mudhuts and now they're claiming they're superior because they have shitty feminine hair which nobody wants? I hearby classify nords as honourary niggers, god help you.
Wasn't the kike d&c BS in the last thread enough? Lol.
>they're claiming they're superior
No. You're just insecure about something silly Varg said or you're just a kike.
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>ancient DNA suggests that living Greeks are indeed the descendants of Mycenaeans


How varg shitkernes and his manlet faggots can ever recover from this?
Nordcucks are the worst.
Germany, France and the UK are all superior countries to each other them in terms of military, intelligence and inventions.

The UK, France, and Germany, if alone, could destroy the whole of Scandinavia in days/weeks.

Scandinavia is getting flooded hard by refugees despite them having no collective responsibility for the refugees.

Nordcucks are horrible at war, and France, Germany and the UK have been dominating Europe for centuries.

Nordcucks couldn't even conquer a weakened England, sad!
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Oi mate. Germans are /ourbrothers/, as well as the French and Italians.

Scandicucks are our true enemies.

Finland is stronk.
God, Varg is an idiot.
He got BTFO in the comment section of the "what does it mean to be English" video.
im proud celto settler and a race realist

i dream of a world where nordic and slavic snow niggers are not allowed to exist

i dream of a world where r1a, l1 and n3 dna is ground up and turned into dust

i dream of a world where western european men understand that breeding with snow niggers women is as bad as breeding with african women

this cant go on any longer, the nordic and slavic race must be ground up into dust and tore from the history books (even though they are barely mentioned)
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The kike shills are out in force. Scandis, Germanics, Meds etc. have all done great things. Remember to sage.
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He is getting btfo in every of his videos and he just keep deleting comments.

I am pretty sure now he is working as a fifth column trying to divide Europeans.Literally every video of his is againt Europeans.And don't forget he is a mudslim and roach lover
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I am unbiased in my conclusion, there are more nordicists in Sweden than pan-european nationalists. I mean look at (((Varg))) who has 130k subs, those are more than likely from nordicist larpers who believe that anybody that has brown hair is literally a shitskin.
Calling us pathetic when hundreds of several paki rape gangs has been raping british white children for how long? Thanks for the laugh, death to the eternal anglo!
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>you have African DNA giving you dark hair

So i guess this man and Hitler were Africans

top lel this pagan cuck is desperate
Kek. No sane person actually watches or agrees with this guy.

He's a manlet, he doesn't even have blond hair, and he'll get beaten in a fight easily.
>Radium and Polonium
Whoever made this image is a retard.
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Fucking bump
Yes everyone that is subbed to Varg believes what he says. Lol no. I'm subbed to him but I don't believe everything he says. Most of what he says is BS, but he's a likeable guy.

This is just a silly d & c thread.
Weren't some Pharaohs actually Blond?

This means they were also NORDIC.

I'm Scottish you dumb nord, you used to get btfo by our soldiers in the highlands all the time, but like niggers you had to use numbers to beat superior gallic steel.
Kek, Norweigans got BTFO on Stamford Bridge despite having better resources/soldiers.
Keep fighting eachother nice job goys
You're subscribed to a nordicist pegan larper? You're turning more brown by the minute here nordicuck and no that's not an insult to your dwindling demographics.
Of course they got btfo, Englishmen are the descendants of germanics and celts who created this world.
Imagine the amount of butt hurt that had to go into making this. Probably made by a jew
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I never started this greekbro, I'm trying to back meds like yourself. But nords claim that ancient greeks were nords, with blond hair and blue eyes, they even go as far as to say that greeks are impure and not even european.
I have visited Sweden. I went for 3 days but by the second day all I wanted to do is leave, I felt so homesick. The swedes are soulless zombies and there is a special type of despair and hopelessness that I have never experience before in my life and I have travelled multiple times to every continent. Honestly let it get devoured by the "refugees" nothing of value will be lost.
Those are all Nordic you dumb fucking nigger
But would other European places be comfy in the winter inside?
I know what they are saying but it doesnt matter to me. I know my history and who my people are.

What i care about is what's happening to the west and i'd rather unite with every white european than talk shit to eachother.

Also who thinks that ancient Greeks were nords.Whites aren't only blond hair and blue eyes. Those who say that are delusional.
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Another anti-nordic thread, if we are so shitty why are so you obsessed with us?
That's not true. You're a kike d & c shill.

>But nords claim that ancient greeks were nords, with blond hair and blue eyes, they even go as far as to say that greeks are impure and not even european.
Not true. Fuck off kike.
The Norse are objectively the best Europeans
Just look at these creatures
They are so nice, so smart, so compassionate. Not to mention how they're probably the most good looking people on average compared to everyone else
I don't give a shit about nords, it's you that d & c other white europeans.

I'm really not, nordicists like Varg claim that everything was theirs, I'm only here to put a couple of snowniggers in their place.
Fuck off kike. Pathetic how you're constantly spamming this d & c.
> sandnigger likes his pet
Imagine my shock
These retarded statements just show your complete lack of logical thinking and ability to understand contexts.
When you have almost no land to farm, everyone has to participate in getting food. No time for arts and book reading
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Nice divide and conquer shill hope the shekels are worth it
I get shekels for posting things like these.
Don't let me down :^(
I'm not from a migrant exporting country buddy
I'm against immigration but it's still sad to see compassionate people suffer for wanting to help a few thousand people from wartorn Syria
I hate it when people fall for the jewish D&C strategy

Nobody claims that old meds were Nordic
Atleast nobody that isn't fucking autistic

We were very behind in civilization 1000 years ago because people hadn't lived here and had civilization for long
There isn't much land up here that you can grow crops on which is why we have a low population

>Nordcucks are horrible at war
What is the 30 years war?

>Nordcucks couldn't even conquer a weakened England, sad!

>The UK, France, and Germany, if alone, could destroy the whole of Scandinavia in days/weeks.
No fucking shit, together our population isn't even close to reaching Germanys population alone
Why do you feel the need to explain yourself to them when they pay with their own money to produce and watch shows about you conquering them?
Go on netflix right now and count how many shows about Vikangs conquering england and france you see
KEK #1 on tech and talent but still only 3:rd because muh tolerance. MIT now tolerates some projects that are so fundamentally flawed a six-year old could debunk them.
Swedes were trading with Arabs while the rest of europe was still burning witches and considering bathing a sin
>got drove the fuck out of England
>celtic genes were the most dominant
>normans had a lot of celtic genes too

Nice "conquest" vikangs!
I don't know
Just want to clear things up so we don't get retarded shitposts like OP did
It's pretty annoying when they take Varg seriously
>become one of the poorest areas in europe during the renaissance while the rest of europe flourished (

STFU, The Dutch were extremely rich
Let's just ignore the fact that pretty much all european monarchs after that were Vikang rapebabies alright?
They didn't even consider themselves Viking.
Most monarchs were Germanic.
What the fuck am I reading? Since when were dutch nordic? You're germanic.
Slavs? Losers.
>A few thousand people
The funny thing is your talking about present day boric people in 'the past' if you wanna talk shit you should really put your fist where your mouth is be cuz you sure as hell wouldn't talk about them like that in present day although that is what your referring to. Easy ex this guy is present day
WE wUz chinkZ

Is varg the stupidest person in france?
Yea he is
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Even Varg is a nigger.
>Chimps out destroying historic buildings
>Never had a job
>Killed 2 people
>I dindu nuffin
>Has 5 children he doesn't take care
>Lives off welfare like a nigger
>Contributes with nothing to society
Kek you finally learned that it was the Norman huh? Maybe you should move to another subject to fetishism, dear neolithic farmer man 0 percent indo European
This map is wrong. Wales especially.
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The mental gymnastics in this thread is just amusing really
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did they ever add the race features back to faceapp?
Germans are also snowniggers
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Think this anglo is just butthurt that we btfo them with a tiny force of viking farmers many years ago.
Neolithic farmers=Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Mesopotamia
Indo-Europeans=Uhhhhhh.....didn't the Vikings kill some peasants and monks?
I love my Danish heritage.
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You lost.
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Nope, was fun while it lasted.
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you know what to do boys. Lets rape them with 1 star.
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>letting a country with THIS small population take over THAT much land
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Scandi-Cucks should stop claiming german inventions and contributions to humanity as their own.
The only really successfull important germanic nations are mainland germanics and the UK
their women are quite fuckable. Lets just take their women.
literally all germanic nations are mainland except for two slave storage colonies iceland and the faroe islands
"we just drove them off within days"
England got buttfucked from 793-1012 AD.
Funny, isn't it. 1000 years later, and they're still salty. I guess we did a good job.
What a shit thread, it reads like English food taste and Indian streets smell.
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>while the Celts, Germanics and Meds
.. what.. what exactly do you think germanics are?
Kek. Next you're gonna tell us Italians are white.
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