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/our guy/ elon musk dodged a bullet. He succesfully pumped

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/our guy/ elon musk dodged a bullet.

He succesfully pumped and dumped the succubus.

Time to buy more shares.
the absolute madman actually did it
He did good cutting loose the succubus.

we can only hope she didnt suck too much of his life force from him
Do not pass go
Do not collect $20 million in alimony
>elon musk allegedly dumped amber heard but just liked her new instagram photo which is psychotic

why do lonely roasties make comments like this about successful roasties relationships?

>false accusations of assault
>financially rapes men
>literally evil

This is fucking fantastic.
i wonder who her next victim will be.
>celebrity anti-family bullshit

/pol/ are a bunch of goy suckers. Stop projecting your insecurities onto women. That's reddit shit
>dated her for a year, likely given her hundreds of thousands of dollars
>pumped and dumped

Musk is still a cuck supreme, but at least he didn't marry her
She really is a 10 though
> Sarah Emerson

>elon musk allegedly dumped amber heard but just liked her new instagram photo which is psychotic

LOL what. Why is this psychotic ? Women are batshit insane
Have you ever seen Amber Heard with no makeup?

I've seen mugshots from Florida that were more attractive.

She's one of those people that has only manufactured beauty.

There are some girls out there that look better with makeup, sure, but they still look fucking gorgeous without. Amber is not one of those people.
omg elon musk he made an electric car company and a rocket company!!! so innovative, truly one of the greatest thinkers of our time. he has surpassed what tesla dreamed he would be 100-fold by now
don't musk is in big shit right now, hyperloop is about to crush him.
played that vagina like a damned fiddle
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Good for him. Great job.
no anon, this woman's Modus operandi was to get it on with rich men and then suck them dry in a lawsuit.
She was never going to start a family.
larp much?
Time to sit tight for a while and decide on whether or not to buy shares.
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ABSOLUTELY BASED. But I fear this faggot will date a chink next.
reason doesn't apply to stocks
Tesla has made nothing but losses and the stock still climbs and climbs


she is a 7 who thinks she is a 10.
He finally figured out she's a lesbian.
It will be fun if he dated a poo
The problem is that reason doesn't apply to stocks until it does.
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Mestiza's are the superior women! Elon must find himself a Mestiza or die alone like Tesla did.
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No high caste hindu women will date this faggot, no matter how many billions and millions he got.

Feels good to have backward ass parents.

She has 4? (Maybe) child bearing years left? Her usefulness is literally drying up. No surprises here
Why do you say that brah?
>newfags can't even into archiving
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>Elon "Pimp Daddy" Musk

Elon Musk is MGTOW AF.

He dates them, he fucks them left and right and when he's done he moves on. He's already been married once and he don't falling for that trap again.
Elon Musk, is not /ourguy/.
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We don't date/marry outside community.

>imblying http://entertainment.inquirer.net don't deserve their shekels for bringing us this story.

He already has 5 spawns? Fug
shut up you faggot. elon musk may be your guy and you can go suck his dick all you want, but he's nothing but a left wing globalist piece of shit here
>makes electric car
>over priced
>even if he sold out his inventory, it still wouldn't generate a profit

>government subsidies

She's a 10 anon. Or post a 10 to compare what you think a 10 is.
Yes, Elon dodged a bullet.
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this is a real 10 anon
>Elon Musk
>our guy
>posts a transsexual

Your waifu a shit
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his first wife was classy and a babe he shoulda kept her

>black hair/brown eyes

>shitskins in charge of what's attractive
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She'll throw a false rape/assault claim on him

Just give it a few days
>thinks all womem are tranny men

You might be gay anon
>Brown Hair is not white
Seems to check out.
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She is a solid 9.5 anon.
She looks like a succubus worth a little of your soul.
DO you think she cummed in her mouth before leaving her?
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Succubus... what the problem of it? Will not suck your money, has extra sexual abilities.... and no. I don't watch hentai and I'm married.
$100,000 to elon musk is like $1 to us. This shit is literally chump change to him.

We know that rich man always find young girls as wifes/gf but is the opposite true? Do rich women find young men?
pls share i dnt have instagrem
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hot 30+ woman no children thats the real trdgedy here no wonder shes insane. fuck hollywood
You should have bought when it was down.
Bought at 126,61 Euro, Gordon Gecko out.

When they will stay above 400 for while a stock split will happen mark my words, mybe you should wait for that.
But the stock is destined to go up, you will see 1000 per share in a few years, laugh now cry later.
You forgot

>hottest woman on earth

That's worth a lot
It rises because they're at the forefront of a disruptive technology in stylish electric vehicles.
The idea is that sustaining improvements will push them to the price point that makes them more than competitive with existing auto makers
That's like a normal guy spending a couple grand while dating a girl over a year. Literally nothing for hot pussy.

2/10 would not bang
She's maybe a 7 in his social circle, but she's a ten when compared to the general population.
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rat face
Too tall
Pretty face, but no boobs and she's over 30. King Gibsmedat could get a better trophy.
Hips too narrow. Try again

Rich women date male models.
they become suger mommy's.
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Rumor is that he is dating Caitlin Jenner.
isn't that the only logical progression ? roastie whore cum dumpster followed by pure east asian waifu
Her right breast hangs lower than the left. 6/10.
she's a solid there'll always be hotter 17 year old sluts than her at the club/10
>billionaire and future supervillain pumps his man gravy into Amber Heard for a few months before throwing her in the garbage with nothing

The man operates on a different level to us lowly plebs.

Yeah, but he learned from past mistakes, elon maried the same woman twice.
>Have you ever seen Amber Heard with no makeup?

I've seen her pics from the fappening and she looked pretty decent...
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She's 3/10 at best
just look at that photo for example

so vacuous

you can tell she posed for that. she wanted to live like a supermodel or something lol

but eli saw right through that shit

what an embarrassment
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Almost like he read the threads here about him?
the only thing I get looking at this video is revolusion and disgust
>pay attention to me i have a vagina u should be worshipping me :^)
yeah nah
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Jesus fat disgusting cow
> defending a succubus that already claimed a previous victim
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This is a 10.
I wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole
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and this is a fucking 4.

Remove the makeup. Solid 1.5


Me neither. Fat disgusting cow she is
fat arms, long face like an alien, obviously hiding fat under shirt, legs too swole like from a man.
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Serious gypsy features
9/10, face could be better.
Behind every beautiful, single woman, is a man who is tired of putting up with her shit.
mongrels can't be 10s, gypos top off at 8
you virgins have slanted the scale to the point its useless
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You are literally and I mean LITERALLY not figuratively a fucking homofag.
shoddy tits
>caring about celebrity relationships

Jesus Christ how far can /pol fall
>wrinkles under eyes
>spots on the skin
>skin itself looks tired and diseased
Nigga you gay
This woman has a fucked up track record.

If they had married without a pre-nup should would've literally ruined Man's chances to getting to a higher state of technological achievement.

Imagine getting to Mars vs demoralizing a genius and robbing him of assets and hindering all of mankind
Here;s another 10 for you homos
That's not Amber heard that is the girl who plays Lagertha on Vikings
its not about the whore, its about the guy.
Elon musk is one of the few pushing for cheap spaceflight.
We where afraid that the whore would mary and then sue him for half his shit, litterly destroying humanity's last change of going to space before the lefties completly take over.
Yes? Can't you read fag? >>136396369
what's that, her 20 years ago?
she aged like garbage, not a 10 bub
Typical American dumb as shit can't see one or two moves ahead
I wasn't following your picture spam Mr
president of the lagertha fan club
Isnt she a lesbian, and he's gay
You mean:


>false accusations of assault
>financially rapes men
>literally evil

>Fuck your anime figurines, goyim!
Ok I lol'd. I tip my hat to you good sir.
No he's a hardcore romantic and can't see the truth about women. Remarried an ex etc
So... We are going to send communists to die on Mars when?
You mean:
BASIC GESTALT ON WOMEN (if you're a pathetic bitchboy omegamale and possibly a shitskin as well)
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>Amber Turd
>being anything but a 2.3
Stop being a manlet.
Candice is an absolute goddess
She's going to anounce she's prego with his kid a month from now.
Lol are there fedoras in your based land?

Kathryn is a goddess I'll give you that.
>Implying im not a gamma ray male bursting through your web of lies
>We where afraid that the whore would mary and then sue him for half his shit, litterly destroying humanity's last change of going to space before the lefties completly take over.

This is stupid. All his intellectual property is free.
I've seen a couple teens wear them outside the high school next to my office. The younger generations are degenerate even here.
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A neet that can pump and dump!

Is elon the ultimate wizard?
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I-I really like those breasts, heh.
>/our guy/
lmao okay
Very good taste, Petar
she didnt blend her highlighter that well
Here's the ICE shill. That didn't take loan.

>mfw Tesla is turning 25% profit margins on every single care they make and they reinvest all of it in their own company

You must be one of those idiots who thinks Amazon isn't worth anything because they're didn't turn a profit last quarter. Go be a retard somewhere else
Wasn't she also a lesbian at one point before she met Johnny Depp?
6 at best
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Elon is pretty alpha

>founded his first company, Zip2, when he was in his early 20s
>bought a fucking McLaren F1 as soon as he had made a few million (pic related)
>has founded several companies afterwards (X.com which became PayPal, Tesla, SpaceX, The Boring Company)
>is such a generous guy that he provided the idea for SolarCity and Hyperloop, but let other people found the companies
>has 5 kids
>his first wife was pretty hot
>his second wife, Talulah Riley, was even hotter
>hooks up with Amber Heard, who's pretty hot, then dumps her ass cause he don't need that gold digging ho

/our guy/
its charlotte
Johnny Depp would also be considered a soft transition
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Amber Heard is the second most beautiful woman in the world.

Number one is, obviously, Cara Delevinge.

Both are goddesses though.

In any case, cheers to the Tesla Guy. He probably saw that bitch in the movies, and had a thing for her. Fucks her in the pussy for some months, and bye bye.
the girl that looks like carl sagans dad is somehow the most beautiful girl and not the girl from vikings that other guy is posting about?

have u ever seen hd pictures of cara? her mustache? or her without makeup? literally carl sagan
>left all his kids and his first wife to rot and doesn't give them any money
>has to get surgery to fill in balding because he has inferior genes
>is scamming retards by trying to sell a huge tube full of pressurized gas that will explode if it has a tiny crack in it
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I love every part of her. Her eyebrows, her porky nose, her body, everything.

She's the queen of beauty, the Aphrodite of this era.
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only a 10 if its got a dick, huh, faggots?

back to your trap thread
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For you
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Musk and Tesla have nothing to do with Hyperloop.

Investment makes a company grow.
People like you don't understand growth and entrepreneurship and how companies actually work.
that's nothing to both of them
amber is worth 10's of millions.
Post pretty hands pls.
Based on your taste you're also into 10 year old boys
Cara is absolutely disgusting, bottom of your barrel "model"
That's a trap m8.
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Make up is fucking criminal

She's a fucking tranny, dude. She used to have a huge cock, but she got it snipped.
Lol, you're such a cuck

There bottom line reflects subsidies, you bottom feeding retard.
More like he avoided self-immolation, unlike the vehicles he produces.
No it isnt you mong. She is a 7 out of chin.

A natural 7/10 is a million times more attractive than a 4/10 that becomes 10/10 under 50 tonnes of makeup.
Unfortunately most women these days just pile on the makeup and end up with terrible skin and end up landing better guys than they normally would skewing the dating market.
yep 100% true some idiots just don't get it

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who is this ugly girl?
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This is a 10
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YAY our memes had an effect.
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oh thank Jesus
Until you watch one of her interviews and realize she's a fucking retard.

>our guy
What a dumbass
>/our guy/
>elon musk
Pick one
alpha as fuck
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Nothing wrong with her ass
except it's barely there
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>chubby girl
>has ass implants
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That's a man, baby
>thinking they're implants or she's chubby
you just don't know thicc

Fuck off jamal
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thicc is the classical european beauty standard kike

you can try to pretend it away but thinn is a jewish meme courtesy of bernays
fat and ugly
You're a tranny.

Look up what Julius Caesar wrote about the THICC germanic women vs the thinn meds. He was into the THICC.
>I'm actually a pan sexual.
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Not to be all plebbit in here but she looks like grumpy cat
t. kate upton
I'm afraid that's a 10.
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This, fucking reddit cucks ruined this board
pls just kys. people have preferences. pls just end it
I agree that can be a 10 only if she is:
between 18 to 21
that face if she is 28 = 9.9
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No, I prefer to stay and irritate you, pleb.
This is literally the most 10/10 girl in all the world
There is nothing wrong with lesbians.
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>tfw no anglo gf
Thank heavens. We might actually get to Mars instead of Musk having to liquidate his assets to pay off the future divorce-rape.
it's fucking cute but agreed

>what is hyperbole

women are funny get over it
came to this thread, came
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Is her as well
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mummie is 10/10
>there exist girls with a face an entire point better than her
post the 10, or at least a 9.5 with a .5 flaw
dude that's not how the hyperloop works
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Oh my goodness that cute lil butt
I'm going to translate Retardenese into English for everyone:
>left a golddigger who wanted his money and company
>is so wealthy he can afford to get his hair back and reverse his aging
>allows engineers to build great works
This leaf is going to get raked.
nigger the hyperloop is the exact fucking opposite how are you this retarded
he sucks the air out to prevent air resistance not pump it in
Good for him , elon musk is still a cuck though
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>i wonder who her next victim will be.
I hear that Dilbertman has made a low ball offer to replace his current live in whore...

He's hoping he can seal the deal through...persuasion...
dilbert man needs another order of magnitude of net worth to get onto Amber Heards radar. The price of that caliber of pussy has already been established.
Elon Musk has a shit ton of kids though.
This is a quality spurdo
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This is a 10/10.
>dilbert man needs another order of magnitude of net worth to get onto Amber Heards radar. The price of that caliber of pussy has already been established.

1. She's been ejected by both her most recent marks (Johnny Depp and billionaire Elon)
2. Johnny Depp's net wealth is $75 million (since he spunks it all away), which is the same as Dilbertman.

So if there is any anomaly, it is being able to vine swing from Johnny Depp to Elon Musk quickly enough, but not be able to get her teeth into her mark to make some real money.
>This is a 10/10.
Tats and fake tits.

Nope. She's a 6 on a good day.
She's relentless
She's not even a proper human.
she's a fembot and it's perfect

Reminder that if you pay US federal income tax you picked up a part of that tab
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if Elon Musk is /ourguy/ then why the fuck did the faggots who made Gone Home make him President in-universe in their new game, Tacoma? literally everything else in their speculative future worldbuilding is liberal bullshit—there's no white men, <50% of people are gay, Calexit happens... so why did they make Musk President?

quick rundown on Musk and why he's so great pls
jesus christ.. i remember thinking she was a 9/10 in Pineapple Express
she's still attractive... just has a black eye
>implying she didn't do everything she could to look beat up and rattled for courts
>implying she didn't stay up all night
>implying she didn't force herself to cry all night (she's literally an actress)

Honestly though, she's still ~8 here, considering she's not wearing makeup
Imagine if guys could artificially increase their height and muscle mass by applying chemicals in the morning. That is what makeup does for women.
so he fucked her for free?
She spent like 10 years suing him and even trying to gain control over his companies.
i can see how she lures men into her trap and hypnotizes them. demonic woman
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he paid for dinners and shit i'm sure
If Hyperloop is a major success and Elon goes to Mars, do you think the TSLA stock will not hit 2000?
Fuck yeah. Good job buddy. Whores and cunts btfo.
5.8/10. What are you idiots down under smoking?

Is that Kelly Bundy?
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me too, comrade!
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The problem is you younger fellows who haven't had many relationships so you go around looking at a woman and thinking well, she looks like a 10 to me. The problem is, you have to get to know a woman for more than, for example, three months and you have to actually see her without her makeup on and in the morning after she's had a few beers the night before and maybe deal with her when she's in a bad mood. Suddenly your idea of a 10 will take a drastic turn. It just doesn't work this way, you see. Women can't be numbered very easily by just looking at them like that. They're not thoughts or feelings or something you see on a TV screen or in a video game. They're actual human beings, and they fart and they smell sometimes and they act like fucking weirdo bitches and they'll give you a hard time at the drop of a dime if they're in the wrong mood. Just give it a few years. Get yourself a few women in your life and you'll eventually realize the truth is there just isn't a 10 out there. They don't exist. That's the red pill on women. I offer this advice for free so please take it as it is. But just realize that sometimes the advice you get for free is the best goddamn advice you'll ever get in your life.
After comparing the cavernous tunnel he's digging, he could compare it to Heard's vagina and estimate an average

He thought "no"

For real though, what I read was that heard was felt like she was just starting her career and I doubt elon musk cares one bit and works 100 hours a week because he's a baller
in modest clothing this is still a 10
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Good advice for the youngsters. When my dad saw I was taking an interest in girls he simply said "Anon, they're strange blokes."
>picture of a woman
>think about her feelings

bitch, I'm looking at her pure physical appearance when making this judgement. Ofcourse, women you meet have other means of grade
who is that?
>marrying a female celebrity

You must have a death wish
Thread posts: 249
Thread images: 66

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