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Why are jews so triggered by Normal Rockwell? I'm not saying

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Why are jews so triggered by Normal Rockwell?

I'm not saying he was great painter. I think his style is kinda weird. But it's like his work crawled under the skin of the jews, they hate him with such vitriol, why is that?
too good of a goyim
He showed what homogeneous white Christian towns were like. How traditional values brought true happiness, successful marriages, and a brood of well adjusted children.

Obviously a Christ denier who desires the genocide of white people hates this.
Because it's extremely wholesome and depicts charming scenes of White gentiles enjoying life, having families, celebrating Christmas and Thanksgiving.
There's not a hint of irony, self-deprecation, subversion or ethnomasochism about it, and Rockwell's style was realist, which upsets jews because it can't really be interpreted in a way that suits their disgusting purposes.

That's my guess at least, Swedebro. I'm not particularly into his work, but it does have a powerful effect on the diseased jew mind.
same reason they hate frank capra, they reveal the beauty that they know they can never achieve.
Fuck that's a big turkey
>I'm not saying he was a great painter
Then neck yourself sven.
It has nothing to do with Christianity, it has everything to do with the subject being Whites depicted in a beautiful manner. See >>136135623. It's the same reason Jews shit on Homer, on Ancient Greece and Rome, on the Renaissance, on the Enlightenment, and on and on and on: Anything good, wholesome, or inspiring involving Whites must be stamped out.

I'm from Michigan, Jews (and Leftists) here love Christianity as long as the Christians in question aren't White.
>He showed what
He painted irony, not reality. If you unironically take in his paintings then you are probably mentally retarded.
Kikes simply hate everything wholesome and pure.
His paintings quietly called out the quandries of western man. Which was almost like simply naming the Jew directly.
>Christmas presents
>Nothing to do with Christianity
A jewish narrative with no evidence to back it up, fuck off you stupid leaf
Everyone in his paintings were Christian though. It's the best way to live life and God blesses you with the fruits depicted by Rockwell. Jews like you are too obvious btw.
I'm serious. If you can actually look at a Rockwell and not see the irony you are pretty fucking mentally retarded. Like we're talking full on downs syndrome with a low functioning autism cherry on top.
The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.
The irony is coming from inside your poisoned head, leafy-poo.
>burger education, the thread.
He's a jew, so he's kind of proving op correct.
Behold the lowly leaf echoing, if you will, a claim made by academic and art critic (((Richard Halpern))) and some cunt on NPR.

Rake yourself, syrupnigger.
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>I'm not saying he was great painter. I think his style is kinda weird.
But he was a great painter. People dont appreciate him because he was relegated to commercial work for the most part. He was every bit as technically proficient as Dali, who garnered fame via his absurd surrealism and subject matter.

>being stupid
Okay smart guy. What did rockwell meant by that?
Let me guess, Triple self portrait is just a plain old self portrait. Becuase apparently rockwell doesn't paint irony.
Jesus Christ
You should all honestly fucking drink bleach right now. Anything else should be considered a crime against humanity.
What do YOU think he meant?

Rockwell depicted portrayals, not interpretations.
>he's confusing quaint humor with some sort of deep cosmic irony

Please spell out how a portrait of the artist painting his portrait is ironic, and not just novel
>hurr, you mean you don't know
That's the most plebbit tier non answer you could have possibly come up with there.
Fuck off fucking summer fags
You probably think Assad is literally hitler.
*tips foreskin*
Ironic that you are the ones calling people jews. Nothing personal, kid.
Rockwell was a fucking amazing artist. Modern artists hate his work because technical ability and subtle messaging undermines their shit lack of abilities.
Christians + culture + pure coincidence
Because his paintings represent pre-Jewified america.
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What's ironic about stuff like pic related? It's literally Hitler Youth tier US edition.
>tfw we will never live in Rockwell's America again
In a nutshell.

At this time, popular culture was pushing that 'hip' middle classes should hang abstract expressionist works in their homes. Old flunkies clung to stuff like this, or Andrew Wyeth.
edit; captcha includes Nantucket
Because beauty and truth are poison for Jews.
Prices of his work is through the roof. Illustration from that time is going through a resurgence with fine artists. ie. Tom Lovell, Dean Cornwell
You sure are a butthurt little cretin, aren't you?

If you could read, you'd notice I said
>Rockwell depicted portrayals, not interpretations.

The meaning is within yourself, art is subjective in that way, but you'd probably need an IQ above room temperature to get it. Your loss.
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>I'm not saying he was great painter.
he's one of the greatest

This is one of the worst posts I've seen here.
Men have been denouncing liberals to dumb white women forever.
>summer fags
>literally hitler.
>*tips foreskin*
>unironically using ironic
>Nothing personal, kid.
How hard was it to cram so much asspain and newfag into a single post?
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>Normal Rockwell

Thanks just ordered a print for the house.

Kill the jew

Kill their niggers

Kill their race traitors
> desperately grabs at buzzwords
>Why are jews so triggered by Normal Rockwell?
I would assume because Jews like degenerate art. Hitler is famous for kicking Jewish artists out for their filth.
I appreciate the self-policing leaf.
Jews are more into making subversive shit. Think man ray or Roy lichtenstein or Diane arbus
Derp boyscouts is da ss!!!
>toxic masculinity
>endemic patriarchy
>trans discrimination
Jews and Atheists are too obvious
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