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Hundreds of Refugee Welcoming Rabbis Gathering in Grand Hyatt

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A National Rabbinic Symposium with hundreds of rabbis, cantors, thought leaders, and influential policy makers will have a full day seminar on Thursday, August 31, 2017. (https://archive.is/I5krX)

Reminder that these are the same rabbis holding open the gates for their muslim bioweapons to flood into the United States. (https://archive.is/T3vfr)

Grand Hyatt Washington
1000 H Street NW
Washington, D.C., USA, 20001

You have one month to prepare.
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Ahahahah USA are truly the slaves of Jews
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All these kikes in one place, I really hope no right wing terrorist would dare to harm them!
Obvious play - convince liberals to organize a big BLM or pro-Islam rally at the venue that night
Fwiw, it costs $100 to get in.
Are they welcoming refugees into Israel? Because Im all for that.
Alternatively this - get a big liberal protest to get Israel to "open its borders"
guys, we don't want to be just as bad as they are
don't do something crazy
don't for example use household cleaners to manufacture chlorine gas and deploy it using drones
nothing of the sort
they're jews what did you expect?
>lol we'll turn it around on em! that'll show em, epic lulz! XD
jews literally dont care lol. they have the holocaust gambit and it works everytime because white people are fucking retards.
Are we gonna attack? Seems like the perfect time.
>Be CNN intern
>Post OP
>Take screenshot
>Ask boss for more than minimum wage

Many such cases. Sad!
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haha this /thread
That HIAS group (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) gets over $20 Million yearly from the US taxpayers to resettle refugees.

Everything the Jews do is taxpayer funded.

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There's 6 million reasons why refugees can't into Israel.
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oy vey this is sure a big cohencidence
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She is right. Europe won't survive without refugees. European birthrate is 1.3. It's a hard truth my friend.
HIAS also sued Trump to bring in more refugees. That lawsuit was taxpayer funded.

Get use to it cattle/goyim.

We need to find the plumbers tasked with shower maintenance in the appartments.
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not done yet.png
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Now I know my next target
thank you pol
Those 72 virgins are mine!
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Fewer shekels would be spent if they went to Israel instead!
Holy shit! The jews just edited that website to appear less jewish!


Compare https://www.supportrefugees.org.uk/about-2/ to the archive https://archive.is/tlWKp
I ain't even mad, got off this ship a long time ago.

If I never work for sheckles you can never take my sheckles this will be the attitude very soon
you can remove shit from websites.
but you can't remove the shlomos from the scheme.
Refugees will never end

Ind4: more false flags and a crisis will cause more refugees to immigrate
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thats a different url tho
Wait a sec. That original page is actually still there.

this kike meme needs to fucking die
this is the great lie that people are swallowing
>birth rate below 2.0 = guaranteed irreversible extinction
fucking BULLSHIT
it just means the population will shrink until it stabilizes at a lower number
the reason jews push eternal population growth is because it is the only way to sustain a debt backed currency where there is more outstanding debt that currency in circulation due to usury
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in b4 kike mod deletes
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>Europe won't survive without refugees.

Africa and Muslim countries won't survive with the over population problem they all suffer from.
Those fucker breed without thinking of the consequences of shitting out 8 kids.
You want Europe to succeed? Don't make is so fucking expense to have kids and raise a family.
Quit encouraging women to get educations and spend their youth on birth control kids and fucking indiscriminately.
Central banks simply need more people to keep their ponzi welfare schemes ticking.

ouch. next time i'll edit my ranting better ...
>Symposium on the left side of the picture
>Same organization on the right side of the picture

/pol/ is more like /x/ everyday

the brown people aren't gonna be nearly as benevolent to us as whites are to them.
Civic nationalism is definitely cuck shit, only suggested by underaged donalders, but this fucking image is such a shit argument.
Almost makes me more inclined to be civ nat, if anti civ nats are this fucking retarded. Don't ever post this shit again.
>t. AIPAC shill
ITT kikes
On August 31, 38 C.E., anti-Jewish riots in Alexandria, Egypt, reached their barbaric peak as the Roman governor, Flaccus, ordered that members of the community’s gerusia (council of elders) be taken to the theater and tortured, some of them to death. The events were recorded by the historian Philo of Alexandria, who witnessed them himself.

The precarious status of Alexandria’s Jews had its origins in extremely tense relations between them and the local pagan population, but was exacerbated when the Roman emperor, Caligula, who had acceded to the throne a year earlier, demanded that the Jews venerate him as a god.

To check up on Flaccus, the emperor sent Herod Agrippa, his newly appointed King of Judea, to visit the city. The presence of the half-Jewish Agrippa inflamed the masses of Alexandria, and they took the initiative of installing statues of Caligula in the city’s synagogues. That was followed by an edict by Flaccus depriving the Jews of Alexandria of their citizenship, to which the mobs reacted with physical attacks on Jews and their property. A short time later, Flaccus was recalled to Rome, where Caligula had him executed. Philo later participated in a delegation of Jews to Rome, where they attempted to plead the case of their community before the emperor. He nevertheless refused to restore their rights to them. https://web.archive.org/web/20170716202513/http://www.haaretz.com/jewish/this-day-in-jewish-history/this-day-in-jewish-history-august-31-1.461911

What did history mean by this?
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On August 31, 1919, thirty five members of the Jewish Defense Organization were disarmed and shot after the Ukrainian National Army recaptured Kiev from the Bolsheviks. The Kiev pogroms of 1919 proved the first of many such events. The Kiev Pogroms of 1919 were not the first of their kind in Ukraine, and other instances of violence occurred and were carried out against Jews in and around Kiev in the 1880s Kiev Pogrom (1881) and the first decade of the 20th century Kiev Pogrom (1905). Ultimately the tension from these events never really subsided, it laid just beneath the surface and could be seen as a cause of further violence. However the Jewish massacres in the Ukraine in the year 1919, which set the whole land ablaze, can not be compared with these previous pogroms due to its essence and scope. The Kiev Pogroms of 1919 were the bloodiest and the most atypical of the pogroms in Ukraine, taking place after the fall of the imperial regime and under conditions of bitter strife, where violence of every kind was basically unrestrained. The stress of changes in the urban environment also provided fertile ground for violence against Jews, stresses such as immigration, not only by Jews from other parts of the empire but by outsiders in general made the pogroms possible. There were a total of 1,326 pogroms across Ukraine around that time, in which between 30,000 and 70,000 Jews were massacred.

What did history mean by this?
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