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I find it FUNNY at the fact that so many DUMB /pol/ losers want

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I find it FUNNY at the fact that so many DUMB /pol/ losers want Boogie's healthcare (which, if I may add, is a right by the way!) taken away from him is probably because he has a hottie as a wife and you all can't even leave your own basements! It's 2017, get a life, losers XD

She isnt hot.

She has issues
kys and saged
Obvious shitpost is obvious
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>medical resources which could save lives diverted so that someone does not need to apply willpower to loose weight

Literally all political spectra should hate this. You hate it if you're right because fat, degenerate fuck. You hate it if you're left because this kind of irresponsibility and immaturity is exactly what breaks welfare states.

tl;dr literally no political reason not to hate this fat fuck. therefore no discussion possible. therefore sage.
>because he has a hottie as a wife
Literally did a stream about how they might split up in the future. Get your facts straight before you shitpost.
I know it's a joke but Im genuinely mad that we're paying this fat fucks Healthcare.
How does it feel to know she's cucking him and divorcing him in the next few months. Then his just a fattie with no wife or money.
-Rip boogie 2017
>which, if I may add, is a right by the way
>probably because he has a hottie as a wife
His wife left him
Boogie is a nice guy don't drag him down with your shitposts there are plenty of more worthy assholes to use.

Boogie is better off than most of us. He can buy his own fucking healthcare.

No joke. FUCK that fat rich bastard and his virtue signaling.
>the disgust in her face
he is being cucked for sure
It's common sense
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This is a fucking thread about some fat FUCK on youtube named Boogie 2988.
Now, I'm tired of this fat FUCK popping up in all my fucking search engines while I'm looking for a fucking politics thread.
I don't give a FUCK about the aftermath of any of you Boogie off-topic shitposters that spend all day mocking this greasy fuck.
Why is healthcare a right and not food?
no it's feelings
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>Gets personal training sessions from Diamond Dallas Page in order to lose weight.
>Its fucking DDP willing to train him for free out of the goodness of his heart.
>Boogey still can't put down the Mt. Dew.
>Boogey gets weight loss surgery .
>Wife divorces him when she realizes he'll stick around for longer than expected. She's taking half the money now instead of waiting for him to die to take all of it.
That doesn't make it a right, dumbass
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>Huge fanbase
>Enough money to support his eating habits, his wife, and his wife's bull
>Easily makes over $100k a year and could get more donations to support his bullshit
>Demands government subsidize his poor decisions
Look what limitless food did to Boogie

He makes $250k per year crying of Plebbook and JewTube. He can afford it. I pay $1,000 a month to insure a family of 5, he spends that a month on fast food. Priorities...
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In the US- healthcare is not a right. Healthcare isn't even a free market. Healthcare is a complete mess. The doctors won't tell you what procedures cost, you can't save cash money to pay a reasonable amount in case of a medical bill.. America really needs to make up its mind- do we want European style single payer socialist healthcare? Or a free market system? No good can come out of this strange mish mash of both public and private- where no one knows how much anything costs.

And food is much easier to get than healthcare in the US.
Didn't she leave him, though? If only he had eaten more mangos...
It is possible to regain the weight even after the surgery mostly through liquid empty calories from soda.

He will never get over his food addiction. That's essentially what this surgery is, forcing your body to get physically sick from overeating.

He will find a way to get fat again mark my words.
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>can be taken away by fiat
>linking boogie2988 video
Hooktube that shit to prevent views

Good call. I forgot all about hooktube.
How are you everywhere? Or are the Danes just a race of hyperefficient race of archivers?
Doesn't he make enough money to afford his own healthcare?
who was the guy that said he'd back out at the last minute and never get the surgery? well it happened.

shouldn't you be shooting on /fit/?
So hot that he had a breakdown on stream last week because she wants to live separately. Yeah definitely worth it
>hottie as a wife

0/10 bait try again
Literally the first time I saw his girlfriend, got more pics?
New healthcare plan.
>not mandatory
>if you're rich you pay more
>if you're poor you can get if for cheap if you meet certain criteria (nobody's gonna pay for your shit if you have the money to drink all day and give yourself alcohol poisoning)
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Incorrect XD. You have no right to the use of someone else' time and money. Fatties cost way more to take care of due to development of diabetes and everything that goes with it, are substantially more at risk to cardiovascular problems, and due to their tendencies to not better themselves and just dwell in self pity and eating shit they KNOW they shouldn't be eating, are a continuous net loss, black hole, money pit in healthcare. You don't need a handiscooter. You need to fucking exercise and cut your caloric intake. Put down the fork, Boogie! XD
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