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Redpill me on Estonia pol

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Germanfag here.
This country is becoming unbearable.

I recently got my e-residency in estonia and want to setup a company there. Now I figure, why not move there alltogether?

>huwhite country
>smallest muslim population in europe
>no mosques
>no niggers
>reasonable taxes
>startup culture - you can actually get shit done here
>reasonable cost of living
>decent infrastructure

>brutal winters
>dont speak the language

am I missing anything?
>am I missing anything?

Yeah, vatniks crying about how nationalism is on the rise in estonia

>nationalism is on the rise in estonia

will they accept a humble germanfag?
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>dont speak the language
Went to Estonia a few weeks ago, most people there speak English quite well. Should be sufficient while you learn the language. Also, it's a beautiful country, especially if you like nature.

sounds good dutchbro

yeah I love nature
and I just want to get away from all these shitskins
plus I want to build my business without funding nigger babies with my tax monies
the only thing I fear is that sane Europeans who don't want to deal with the suicidal cuckery of their own countries anymore accidentally destroy the cultures of smaller countries that still preserved them by moving there en mass

they have to solve the problems rather than running away from them
>Smallest muslim population in Europe
I'd be concerned about Russia potentially absorbing them within the next ten years if shit keeps going the way it's going in Europe.

I already left germany in 2014 even before the immigration crisis it was pretty bad
now its gotten worse
Ive been warning people for years nobody ever listens

what exactly do you want people to do? Im not hitler and Im not gonna start the next NSDAP. the only chance for germany I see is a bloody revolution and thats not gonna happen anytime soon.

I just want to live my life in peace away from all this bullshit, build my business and maybe start a family.
its impossible to do any of this in germany these days
they will lynch you because muhaa Prussia
>startup culture
Really? That would tip it over the edge for me. Does Estonia have relatively few regulations and restrictions?

ok well among the smallest muslim populations
the entire country has less goatfuckers than the next big city here in germanistan.
thats good enough for me.
Yeah, I definitely see the problem and also that it's one that can only be solved by the collective, not the individual.
There's still the very real risk that trying to avoid that shit will lead to accidentally inflicting the same on others, simply due to the fact that the countries where this shit is happening have a much higher population.

i dont think germans will leave in droves
most are wageslaves and simply dont have the means
the smart ones who are entrepreneurs or make money online have mostly left already.

I love germany and I dont want to leave
but I see no future in this country
unless you are a welfare leech then its a great place to be
if you have ambitions and goals its hell on earth
I know Anon. It fucking sucks, I just want Germany to stop feeling like it needs to carry the problems of the whole fucking burden and sacrifice itself to do so.
It could be such a nice country, but you can actively watch it turning to shit before your eyes. Basically everything (apart from technological advancement) got worse over the last decade.
>Brutal winters
Not for the last 5 years. Last 2-3 years we only had snow for like 2-3 weeks, with the coldest week being around -23C.
>of the whole fucking burden
To be honest it's a fucking meme.
We've got too many bureaucrats who follow every EU directive by the line.
There are 10 people working in my company and one of them just deals with government bullshit all day long.
We import things from Germany and she has to weigh empty bottles and wrappings so the auditor would know how much trash we produce every year. We could ask the German manufacturers how much their packaging weighs but they don't even know because they don't weigh them because they don't have to deal with this fucking bullshit.
Estonia is finlands mexico
This sums it up pretty damn well.
Its cold af, why would you subject yourself to that if you don't need to. The baltic countries are also more impoverished than you average western euro country.

>6 hours of daylight
>not brutal

maybe we have different definitions of "brutal"
i spent the last 3 winters in the tropics baltbro


taxes are still a lot more reasonable than in germanistan
I have never ever seen a muslim in Estonia. I know they pray in a communal house somewhere in Tallinn though.
But you also have to account for the fact that while Latvia has 0,1% , they also have ~2x the population of Estonia, so it roughly adds up to the same amount of muslims.

Without the drug trade like Mexico has but otherwise yes.

because theres not many places where you can go and not be surrounded by shitskins these days
name one country thats huwhite and has good weather all year round
>how much trash we produce every year
What the fuck?
Tallin is probably the best city in Europe
Most young locals (under 30) speak English
Beautiful women
Clean streets
Very civic people, you will feel at home kraut

Cons, the Russian menace, still an important amount of ruskies ready to fuck it up
Food is not great but still better than german one
Tallinn is one of the nicer capitols in Europe, but the fact that the russian part of town looks like an aids baby dump on fire is a huge malus.
I'm French (but black) Would I be welcome in Estonia?
I don't think so, In these parts social class (money) is more important than the west where money is is vast and identity politics rule. Blacks are seen as lower class thanks to african stereotypes and thus they will not receive you
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please don't infest the last few good and healthy parts of europe too.

also "french", no, you are african and never will be seen as an actual frenchman.
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You're not welcome anywhere on this continent, pls leave
please stay where you are, Germans just shit up things for everyone else. dont go and ruin estonia, just fucking stay in the hell hole you made for yourself faggot

Krauts should be banned from leaving germ lands
Kek, never heard this one
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please stay in your containment country g*rman
g*rmans have already ruined everything for everybody in europe

please do us a favour and take one for the team and finally die out.

you're not welcome on the entire continent faggot
there is more white people and less muslims in estonia than in poland???
Also native Europeans are welcome in Lithuania. But skewing dick/pussy ratio is highly prohibited. If you are coming take a redpilled chick with yourself
my cousin married an Estonian that moved to Australia. She wants kids and he doesn't lmao. I'm also pretty sure she hates muzzers. She doesn't like that Russians are moving into Estonia.
Poland actually has a lot of muslims, but not the arab shitskin kind.
the muslims are just leftovers from mongols. It's like how there are alot of muslims in crimea but they're just mongols who never left. They don't really do anything and usually keep to themselves.
well, if we are being technical, no and yes. estonia is a tiny nation with a population of little over a million, so there are not a lot of white people there either. if we are talking about percentages, yes and yes.
Don't be a sellout to the slavs OP. If you're from western Europe we don't want you here in the East. Please stay where you are keep being a Teutonic faggot.
well, if we are being technical, no and yes. estonia is a tiny nation with a population of little over a million, so there are not a lot of white people there either. if we are talking about percentages, yes and yes.

Come home white man, Ödenburg, Raab, and Stuhlweißenburg, are waiting.



Be on the right side of history once and take your place in the reconquista, we are going to secure the future of Europe.
>Redpill me on Estonia pol
they have pointy roofs, shhhht
This is a lie. We don't want any Teutonic or Frank shits here. You westerners are shit so please contain the shit to your borders. Please leave the last true havens for true white people alone.
I like your thoughts and the way you write, but.. there's something horribly wrong with the way you Europeans think.

It's like arrogance on a whole new level, I encountered it a lot travelling. The smug swede, the mountain jew, the kraut rebelling against efficiency and trying to not get mad when busses ran late or police demanded bribes.

But I could see their rage, just below the surface, that bubbling and gurgling sense of 'these dumb fucks, I know how to do this better! If only these retarded locals would do x more and y less!!'

That's the problem with all of you Europeans, you think you know everything because you make BMWs and glorify trivial achievements like building a fighter jet or a bridge. All the while your countries and culture rot because you idiots do anything that fits your educated logic.

Make sure YOU fucking fit in wherever you end up, and leave your retarded ideas and attitudes at home. Your country is 100% fucked, don't bring that rot elsewhere, and it is an intellectual rot of arrogance and failure to see value where the evidently smarter locals have.

I live in a country full of fuckwits with big ideas who aren't from around here, that's why we tell all you to fuck off, because we're full.

Fuck Europe. You're worse than Americans, don't think otherwise.
>no nazbol flag

y-you aren't a western tier commie are you?
No, just that you Tuetonics fucks have shited on better white people far too long. We have our gas chambers ready for you. Keep out of the east for your own good.
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Eesti is a really nice place to live
I've been to Tallinn, I felt more at home there then I do in Sweden, most of Tallinn hasn't been ridiculed with disgusting modernistic marxist architecture like every city in Sweden has.
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are you on the spectrum
You czechs are fucked too. Got raped by the shit Nazi. You're not a pure race anymore. Tuetonites fuck up everything.
jo napot kivanok. Hungary is a based country, but that still doesnt take away the fact that it is very corrupt and the economy is quite bad. The language is also hard to learn and the locals speak pretty bad english (even the university students). I see the situation being problematic, how would hungary deal with a large influx of other europeans? I study in hungary, and international students dont really mix with hungarians that much (aside from tinder dates), so while technically we share the same european values, integration would still be hard. There are cafes and restaurants that cater almost exclusively to international students, because we have a lot more disposable money. I study in a smaller city, the city center rent prices have become too high for native hungarians due to us, so there is some resentment towards us.
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If germany is over 90% white then how in the hell do you see shitskins everyday?
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>You're not a pure race anymore
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and where do you hail from twinkle toes?
pick one.
Russia. We are currently the purest form of white there is besides the Nordic countries, but they're doing a damn good job fixing that. As for you German shits, you were always shits.
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>the fact that it is very corrupt

Wrong. Thats a leftist meme. Literally all the opposition suppored by the EU and companies does is having "corruptcorruptcorrupt" on a repeat, trying to force it in.

The reason of this butthurt is: Orbán declared in 2010, that atleast 50% of the strategic fields(telecommunication, banking, utilities etc.) should be in hungarian hands and heavily started legislating and leaning on foreign companies forcing them to sell their assets to hungarian companies.

>the economy is quite bad.

Another leftist meme.

We are constantly having one of the top GDP growth, public debt is falling, municipal debt is falling. Every single economic factor is constantly improving since 2010 as Orbáns reindustrialization programme is chugging on and we became a tourist hotspot. Maybe you have been hanging out with too many leftist students.

>The language is also hard to learn and the locals speak pretty bad english (even the university students). I see the situation being problematic, how would hungary deal with a large influx of other europeans?

By doing something all the other european countries forgot. Assimilating them. On the long run you only get to choose between learning a V4 language or arabic.
>Africa-tier HIV/AIDS rates
>Estonian girls look like ayy lmaos and Russian girls only speak Russian
>Tallinn is the only real city and it's small as fuck
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-23C is nothing hans
-23C is nothing
eesti sounds breddy nice tho i think you should check it out, maybe rent a bit first?
Most of the STDs are found among the russians. Take a guess which city the highest percentage of HIV and AIDS are discovered.

Also, city size means jack shit. My town has below 20k ppl and its practically a paradise. Sandy beaches, cool cliffs, no russkies, no post-modern shitty architectural skyscrapers.
Lőrinc Mészáros. I despise leftist students btw, I tend not to socialize with them. Assimilation is very hard, you dont think other countries have tried that? Dont get me wrong, I do like the idea of having the v4 countries as last options if everything goes to shit everywhere else.
paradox player?
lol no. We really hate niggers. It's like /pol/ hating niggers but in real life. People show it off on streets. You would never feel welcomed here.

Yeah what about him? Every single rich investor(except the leftist ones) have already been paraded by the leftist media how ebul and greedy they are. Someone has to win tenders, and naturally not the ones financially supporting the oppostion will.

>Assimilation is very hard, you dont think other countries have tried that?

I'm sure they did. Sweden, france, germany, bongistan are all making good progress with establishing sharia courts and everything. They are assimilating to the arabs very well.

Jokes aside, migrants will never assimilate if there is zero pressure on them. .

not sure what youre talking about boganbro
I dont want to impose anything on anyone
I just want to live in peace among huwhite people and not be surrounded by niggers
the last thing I want to do is change the beautiful country of estonia


im shocked to see the amount of anti-german hatred on pol
its the current year guys, get with the program

thx but Im not really sold on hungary

>We really hate niggers

p-p-please tell me youre not trolling eesti bro
is there really a country left wheren I can display my hatred for niggers openly?
i think im gonna cry tears of joy once I set foot in your beautiful capital city
>Should be sufficient while you learn the language
No way of ever learning that language.
We call nigger in public neeger. This is not a meme.
Also when you come tell everybody the real reason why you left Germany. We are pretty redpilled about islam, economic migrants and shitskins but our media is trying to paint a picture that we are wrong and just racists, that everything is fine in Germany.

theyre everywhere
today I saw a nigger mailman
I live in a small village in the countryside and we still have somalia tier bulbhead niggers
its pretty bad

thats funny, we call them neger here too
or at least the old folks
its considered "racist" amongst the younger cucks
but even my dad calls them neger and hes pretty bluepilled

whats the opinion on germans in your country?
will you accept a humble germanfag into your beautiful country?
how bad are the winters really? I heard its only 6 hours of daylight sometimes

i can tell you nothing is fine in germany
Im guessing your media is jew controlled too
dont let the jew propaganda get to you eesti bro, stay strong
they will ruin your beautiful country if you let them
dont worry Ill make sure to speak my mind
Estonians view on Germany has been good. We even talk about how it was good that you came in 1941 and saved us from soviets for 3 years. But lately opinion of germans has gone down I'm affraid. What Merkel has done to Europe with the whole "everyone is welcome" and after that forced quotas of migrants to other countries. Public sides more and more with poles and hungrians now. Before it was like that "we are nordic", "Germany, Sweden is our model who we would like to be in future".
Russians who make around ~30% of our population view germans bad. Le ebil nazis.
But Estonians view of Germans is still positive.
Winters do get depressing when 3 months we have only 6 hours daylight, but it makes us value summer even more.
Yes media is as bad as it is in any other European, North America country. But comments that are made to those news articles are 90% redpilled. If some expert from Sweden, UK, Germany or our socialists party member tells us that we should take more migrants and be more open upboat downboat ratio to 4chan style comments like "fuck off we are full", "we dont want no ragheads,goatfuckers here" is 100/1.
No, we BTFOd you jews in 1920
meme country with 30% of its population being russian who wants s.u. back , they probably gonna be annexed in near future when global economic collapse happens .Better avoid it and come to fufania and bring your aryan cuties
True that we BTFO german Landeswher army in 1918-1920 but germans made up 2% of our population before resettlement when Hitler called every german living abrod back to Germany in 1939.
Russians were only 7% of our population that time. Now they are 25%+some other russian speaking minorities. Germans make 0,2% of our population today.
Funny how you seem to think that Lithuania is some island far away from us. If we fall, we will fall together. It is even most likely that dominos start falling from Suwalki corridor next to your territory. Stop being such faggots and build your army up. 20% of our population is currently in armed forces or in reserves. Cant say same thing about your country.
nobody cares ,individualism and money rules here ,country is destined for dooming ,atleast we will outlive you by population standards . Army is a waste of money , i rather pay directly to our pimp usa than nato .
We need to build a bridge!
wtf are you even talking about
>Redpill me on Estonia
There is such a place
>This country is becoming unbearable
Thats your problem, not theirs.
>why not move there alltogether?
Because refugees are not welcome there. You are a coward, and on top of that a German too. You will not be liked very much.

>dont speak the language
Then you have no right being there at all. They have more than enough Russians to deal with, they don't need you piling on top too.

Please die in your own shithole, don't come to our part of the world. Thankyou.
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Go hiking in a peat-bog
Learn to enjoy saunas
The only way to survive the winter is to learn how to cross-country skii.
Try to learn basic Estonian phrases, they really like their language.
GO BACK IVAN, You aren't wanted here either
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This guy
Jesus fuck france
Pay reparations first you fucking kraut
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>People actually believe this numbers.
Don't trust EU surveys. They are probably more than 10% of the peopulation plus all the non-muslim niggers.
i do run an onlineshop in Germany and we have a similiar law. It is called "Verpackungsverordnung". We have to pay for the packagingtrash in KG / year my company produces.

The thing is, no one controls that shit. I do pay the minimum that is possible because no one cares. It is still a shit law.

Do they control how much kg trash you produce in Estonia?
they dont generally know english so u fucked
When terrorist attacks happen one of the top comments is always thanks merkel. She has really ruined Germany's reputation.
>says the Mexico of Sweden
At least we are a mexico to a respectable country
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t. British tourist in Ibiza
>All Germans are the same
>Germans that don't like the way things are going in Germany will somehow make things go that way in their new host country
Germans are on average 50+ years old. The biggest voter base in 2017 wil be pensioners. Germans work, foreigners don't. The elderly don't leave their house much. The people you will see in the streets are the unemployed and the younger folks, groups of which a large percentage has a migration background.
>Migrants that don't like the way things are going in their countries will somehow not make things go that way in their new host country
Tbh Germany is beyond saving now. Maybe you could have survived if so many muslims didn't invade you but since you have still nazi quilt complex+aging native population+growing muslims population you will be a 3rd world nation in near future. Since you have some of the world's largest and most successful companies and manufacturing industries you still have part of your population who are rich, educated and well off but soon majority of your population will be low iq, backward religion worshippers who live in slums of bigger cities.
Thank you, 5 star post

If you want an accurate model what will happen, try South Africa. Gated communities, white flight, genocide, decay.
Yes exactly what I was thinking. White population slowly being murdered by hords of niggers pushing lone surviving whites into gated communities. Only thing that is different is that Germany has migrants with islam background so it could be even worse for germans when these migrants become majority.

the bigger cities are already lost
the problem is that these subhumans are even popping up in small villages now


whats with all the hate latbro
I didnt ask for my country to be overrun with shitskins
I need to brush my teeth
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you're not welcome anywhere in europe son
>am I missing anything?
AOC is 14 here too.
Yeah since they are being forced by government into small villages where they don't want to be nor the local population wants them there. If they stay there and don't run back to big cities to their communities they will form their own communities there. After some time they demand that local authorities build mosque and cultural center for them. Halal food shops start popping up and everything german will die off. Multi-kulti ist kaputt but let's try to fix this problem by importing even more multi-kulti. Makes my stomach sick when I think about all this shit happening in Western Europe.
estonia is a horrible poverty stricken place full of junkies, dont go there.
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Whatever you say nigger...
You'll fit just right in German-bro,
check out European Union startup programs, you'll get assistance there
What company are you looking to create ?
Globalist shill detected...

Daily reminder that JIDF is using estonian/finnish proxies
What is reverse psychology
Anyway underaged shouldn't be posting here. Lurk until you get 18 and even then think 10 times thru your posts before you hit that post button.
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Gee, I really wonder who is behind this post?

Use your geographical location nigger...
pista see post endale persest sisse ja löö tuluke põlema, äkki süttib peas ka miskit
Sa jätad oma postitustega tõesti autisti mulje ja see tuleb inimeselt, kes on ka globalistist juutide vastu. Püüa mitte rohkem häbistada sinimustvalget semu.
Not hate, just reality. Nobody is obliged to let you into their home just because you didn't put out the fire in your own.
Too bad you have none left.
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I only have this to say.
You're no better than a shitskin. Estonia is for the estonian people, you're german so stay in Germany.

Ja te kuradi välisrändetoetajad tõmmake oksa ennast. Eesti eestlastele pole vaja mingeid saksa juute siia...
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>huwhite country
Wrong. Estonians are of Mongolian blood just like Finns.
If Germans don´t want to do the shity jobs then let them do it.

>you didnt put out the fire in your own

and how exactly would I do that?
its easy for you to say, living a country where the government is not yet actively trying to genocide.
what exactly do you expect me to do? stay here and keep this machine running with my tax money?


>youre no better than a shitskin

yeah except I dont take away a locals job because I run an online business
oh and I actually pay taxes and dont rape women
so yeah Im really a lot better than a shitskin
Tsut Tsut :D :D
hahahaha I like you
Sweden is just the mexico of Norway

>germans dont want to do dirty work

do you even supply and demand?
I actually worked as a mailman years ago. it used to be a good job.
but nowadays you have to do the same work that three mailmen used to do back in the day. for less money.
and if you refuse to do that they just import third world subhumans who will happily take the job away from you

so you can go and KYS with your leftist drivel
so that means latvia is the mexico of us

Well germany isnt for germans anymore so I cant blame him wanting to move.

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