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Hello 4chan it's Matt from buzzfeed here, I am currently

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Hello 4chan it's Matt from buzzfeed here, I am currently writing an article about 4chan, specifically the /pol/ board. If you have any comments please leave them below and who knows, your comment might even be featured in my article!
Fuck off with your fake larping ass you fucking nigger shit-stain
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read the rules
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Welcome to 4chan
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I do not want to ingest your feed kindly buzz off.
Tits or gtfo
Buzzfeed is a streaming pile of garbage. Your clickbait titles damage real journalism. Shut down your website and youtube channel. You'd be do a huge service to the world if you did and probably earn a Nobel Peace Prize.
your website is gay
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Tits of GTFO
post timestamp with proof or gtfo faggot
Why would you write an article knowing that nobody reads your retarded site?
kill yourself
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Hey Matt.

If you had to fuck one of these in the ass, which would it be?

>John McCains living body
>Chester Bennington's dead body

If you don't respond, your mother will be diagnosed with brain cancer tomorrow and will have to share a hospital bed with McCain.
Have you slept, matt?
I hope you did.
I feel like the lack of sleep's been getting to you.
Clickbait sites come and go friend.
Why don't you go for a jog?
It'll get your mind off the implosion of your company, and even if it doesn't, you'll still get those endorphins.
You don't have to keep doing this to yourself.
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>buzzfaggot getting trips on his first post
i dont think so larp-friend
Proof of LARP
Too lazy to retype and post the shit but look at this shit
Go fuck yourself fucking muslim loving faggot
buzzfeed is nigger tier journalism. fucking faggots the whole lot of ya.
Repedative thread.
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Fuck you and your digits, kike.
You're normie kind, is not welcome on this forum. Now I suggest you buzz off otherwise we'll feed you to death.
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Put this pic in your article. I made it a few days ago and I want to see it achieve great things.
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Fucking shill
I'm an asian guy who only sleeps with black girls
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fuck off, matt. you're a racist, sexist piece of sub-human garbage.
how much fat nigger cock do you suck a day
Anybody got a dox on Matt?
go fuck yourself
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Dick or get the fuck out!!!
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>writing an article
literally copypasta, even taringa have more OC than buttfeed
here a new idea: 25 reasons why OP is a faggot


1488 1776

#America #Freedom #Liberty

Our World. Our Time. Our Future.

A Holy American Empire to rule the world for 1000 years.

America, the Heartland. Jesus Country. Western Nations as satellite states. Maintaining individuality and autonomy. Retaining history. Australians stay Australian, but with American Freedoms and Liberties. British stay British, the French, French, etc.

Full Freedom and Liberty.

The biggest baddest empire this humanity has ever seen. Waiting for Jesus Christ to save us. With Holy Spirits help. God protects us from Jewry and any form of oppression.

This is so the European(white) male can live well. That's all its about. So we can start families and continue the works of our Father.

Retain our history, thousands of years in the making. A global effort by the commoner. For our greater good. We craft our future.

Remove Kike. Remove Foreigner.

One last War. Our World Forever After

S H A D I L A Y ~ B R O T H E R S
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shadilay my canadian goose friend :)
Stop stealing our alumni in LA
Your studio sucks

Every goddamn female intern that was offered a buzzfeed position left development to write memes instead of coverage and NONE of them are still there. It hurts to watch.
Eat foreskin nig
None of us take your site's content seriously. Not even the food related articles are worth reading. All of you who work there either waisting your true potential or a waste of space. You'd be better off becoming independent bloggers or jumping off the top of the buildings your site's offices are in.
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Buzzfeed is the definition of a business started by a faggot who doesnt know how to start a real business and instead simply takes advantage of weak internet law and weak minded children to get rich. Eat shit and fucking die.
Buzzfeed is scum and any male who works for them is a cuck of the highest order.

It is beyond laughable that a site whose average article is "Check out this new dress Beyonce wore! YASSS QUEEENNNN" thinks they deserve a White House press pass.
Kill yourselves. All of you.
Tell the people that 4chan is for liberals, by liberals, with progressive values and beliefs. Get our message of love and tolerance out there!
>larping as buzzfeed
Fuck off Kikefeed nigger faggot. I despise you. I don't like anybody who has as little respect for 4chan as you do. Go away, you swine. You're a putrescent mass, a walking vomit. You are a spineless little worm deserving nothing but the profoundest contempt. You are a jerk, a cad, and a weasel. Your life is a monument to stupidity. You are a stench, a revulsion, a big suck on a sour lemon. You are a curdled staggering mutant dwarf smeared richly with the effluvia and offal accompanying your alleged birth into this world. Meaningful to no one, abandoned by the puke-drooling, giggling beasts that sired you and then killed themselves in recognition of what they had done. I will rape your first born.
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You have to admit, this bait went good.
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>and who knows, your comment might even be featured in my article!

From your lips to our ears matt. From your lips to our ears.

But in all seriousness its an honor to be even thought of as being worthy of a BuzzFeed article.

Man. This is just sooo cool.
To the oven
The Dutroux Affair: The discovery of elite pedophile rings in France, Germany, and Belgium. Tied to the most powerful families and corporations in the world. Belgium nearly fractured in two over this event which is never discussed.

The Franklin Scandal: An elite pedophile ring in Omaha Nebraska. Children were use as mules to traffic drugs, and they themselves were trafficked to household political and financial names throughout the country.

Iran-Contra: An enterprise comprised of high level politicians and bureaucrats funneling weapons for drugs. The money was used in financing off the books projects. This is actually tied to both the Dutroux affair, and the franklin scandal.

Fuck buzzfeed and fuck niggers.
>writing an article
Of course
wow buzzfeed is pretty gay


Human compromise and human trafficking at the hands of the most powerful men and women in the world is a reality. This is the heart of darkness.
You should write about the normie opression against the proud people of kekistan.
You done fucked up.
>1 post by this ID
This has to be bait, if by the slight chance it isn't, then we don't want your coverage. One day we will have an internet crusade in which we will raid buzz feed back into the dirt from which you mongoloid lovers came from and their will be nothing you lefty fags will be able to do.
Also tits or gtfo, we need proof it is really cuckboy matt from buzzfeed.
I thought gamergate already happened where buzzfeed already lost punch of investors and sponsor.. Well second crusade now?
Yes, but this time we will stop buzzfeed, the islam of the internet to the point were they will no longer exist. If anyone can do it, /pol/ can.
Maaatttt show us your penis.
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>Anonymous (ID: xoErsMpw) 07/24/17(Mon)23:33:27 No.134803377â–¶
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Fuck off matt.
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big fat floppy nigger titties momokun fuck my ringhole plz plox
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The Jews are behind everything.
Hiter was right and did nothing wrong.
Let's nuke mecca
Fuck off bee niggers we are full.
erm no........ no jews can stay. jews like ultra-whites. smarter & more cunning than regular stupid white people. plus they appear as white people. just let jews be the new whites. got fifteen iq points on yr dumb ass & yr mad. mad ya cant compete. if you were black you'd be saying the same stuff about white people. America: where Jews thrive. Earth: where Jews thrive. stay jealous i know u will!!!!
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I love jews
Buzzfeed isn't news and needs shutdown and it's entire staff put into mental asylums and have their property confiscated.
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You know you are a kike puppet right?
There behind everything on earth
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Hey, Buttfeed. Can you post me in one of the screencaps?
care to donate a goy like me some shekels
Sage motherfucker
Saged-definitely, Bait-probably, If not, the truth from 40+ red-pilled old fag. The DNC and it's progressive agenda has been hi-jacked by the most corrupt individuals since Stalin, if not Hitler. They have used you to attain political power and to enrich themselves at all of our expense. Your SJW agenda, as pressed by the DNC and its evil backers, is destroying our country. Wake up you fool. You are part of the problem.
the kekistani people will never be free aslong as any kike lives
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Day of the rope when?
You are propaganda
>Its been up for three hours despite being reported
Ever since the new janitor drive moderation has gotten worse on here.
Checked faggot
Fuck off you jew shill you're just going to write a piece that is spun off the planet about why this place is full of racists, bigots, x-phobes

What you don't realise is that THAT is the exact reason people come here. It's true freedom of speech, and it's absolutely beautiful.
What's your favorite method of suicide and when will you use it?
Tits or gtfo
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