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/ptg/ PRESIDENT TRUMP GENERAL - "It's a Dirty Job,

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 335
Thread images: 132

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>WH Video - USS Gerald R Ford Commissioning Ceremony 7/23/17
>VP Pence @Ohio GOP meet 7/22/17
>Pres Trump @Commissioning Ceremony for USS Gerald R Ford 7/22/17
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #26 7/21/17
>Tribute to President Trump 7/21/17
>WH Press Brief - Scaramooch makes his entrance 7/21/17
>Pres Trump Tribute to Survivors of USS Arizona 7/21/17
>WH Video - Made in America Week @White House 7/21/17
>RIP in Peace Spice Daddy 7/21/17
>VP Pence leads roundtable discussion on American Biz 7/21/17

Trump Playlist
>Trump SwordDancing to Shadilay
>AF1 Takeoff in the rain
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico

>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/nygxu29R
prev >>134746550
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>new thread at 300
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Why are you up?
donald j trump
twinned with the daily japanese thread
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Why should the best person for a position not be hired because of his past affiliation with a company? Isn't "hiring a person for their merit" the whole Trump stitch?

>tax credits to employers to train workers
That will backfire. I've seen that here in Portugal, here is what EU had in mind

> we'll subsidize Portugal so they can qualify their workforce
> we'll send enough money to go to training companies, certification and to compensate the factories for the time lost and to compensate the worker for the effort

They assumed that, with enough funds, they could turn Portugal into a Germany with regards to productivity, quality of the output and workforce specialization. Here is what really happened

> a lot of phony training companies were established to suck in the available funds
> employers and employees colluded to sign the paperwork declaring they took part of the training given by those phony companies and took the money alloted to them
> everybody went in and sucked all the money sent without the desired result
> Portugal didn't progress one inch in that regard and continues trying to compete in low skilled low added value workforce
> Romania entered the EU and is killing us on that front

Democrats are betting on a loser horse, one that depends on everybody doing te right thing without any incentive in comparison to just take the money and do nothing. That's stupid and wasteful.
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her femdom cosplay was so shit in that video, she didn't even try. zero effort. Sad!
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Israel Anti-Boycott Act (S. 720).

>it will be a crime punishable by fines and 20 years in prison to criticize Israel

Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD]

Cosponsor Date Cosponsored
Sen. Portman, Rob [R-OH]* 03/23/2017
Sen. Nelson, Bill [D-FL] 03/27/2017
Sen. Rubio, Marco [R-FL] 03/27/2017
Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ] 03/27/2017
Sen. Collins, Susan M. [R-ME] 03/27/2017
Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT] 03/27/2017
Sen. Graham, Lindsey [R-SC] 03/28/2017
Sen. Young, Todd C. [R-IN] 03/28/2017
Sen. Boozman, John [R-AR] 03/28/2017
Sen. Isakson, Johnny [R-GA] 03/28/2017
Sen. Peters, Gary C. [D-MI] 03/28/2017
Sen. Hatch, Orrin G. [R-UT] 03/30/2017
Sen. Perdue, David [R-GA] 03/30/2017
Sen. Roberts, Pat [R-KS] 03/30/2017
Sen. Wicker, Roger F. [R-MS] 03/30/2017
Sen. Hoeven, John [R-ND] 04/04/2017
Sen. Cornyn, John [R-TX] 04/04/2017
Sen. Fischer, Deb [R-NE] 04/04/2017
Sen. Heller, Dean [R-NV] 04/24/2017
Sen. Moran, Jerry [R-KS] 04/24/2017
Sen. Crapo, Mike [R-ID] 04/24/2017
Sen. Cantwell, Maria [D-WA] 04/24/2017
Sen. Grassley, Chuck [R-IA] 04/25/2017
Sen. Capito, Shelley Moore [R-WV] 04/26/2017
Sen. Schumer, Charles E. [D-NY] 05/01/2017
Sen. Ernst, Joni [R-IA] 05/01/2017
Sen. Hassan, Margaret Wood [D-NH] 05/08/2017
Sen. Gillibrand, Kirsten E. [D-NY] 05/09/2017
Sen. Lankford, James [R-OK] 05/16/2017
Sen. Burr, Richard [R-NC] 05/17/2017
Sen. Donnelly, Joe [D-IN] 05/23/2017
Sen. Scott, Tim [R-SC] 05/25/2017
Sen. Cruz, Ted [R-TX] 06/05/2017
Sen. Manchin, Joe, III [D-WV] 06/05/2017
Sen. Strange, Luther [R-AL] 06/05/2017
Sen. McCaskill, Claire [D-MO] 06/06/2017
Sen. Thune, John [R-SD] 06/12/2017
Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR] 06/12/2017
Sen. Sasse, Ben [R-NE] 06/15/2017
Sen. Coons, Christopher A. [D-DE] 06/26/2017
Sen. Bennet, Michael F. [D-CO] 07/12/2017
Sen. Sullivan, Dan [R-AK] 07/12/2017
Sen. Cassidy, Bill [R-LA]
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because I fucking work for a living
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Will probably go to the office soon.

What about you?
Sick, actually.
what are you, my mom
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This is Trump's America
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>Nobody had told him that Putin's gonna roll him

>He ain't the sharpest tool in the shed

>He was looking kind of fat laying naked on his back

>While a prostitute pissed on his forehead
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Imma here to drain your sewer
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>tfw no qt black gf
Joe is Joe.

>and he has freakishly tiny eyes
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>people on /pol/ want (((European))) immigration just because they're white
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I need it......
Friends is better. Maria is best but I don't have any way to watch it.
is she autistic?
I cant sleep i my room
boomer bless
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Yeah, right. America's demographic problem truly isn't one of miscegenation but one of outright invasion or Hispanic man meet Hispanic woman, cross the border, have 13 Hispanic kids, repeat.
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I love Kellyanne.

Also, good morning.
>Physical labour

top kek
looks like a masturbating trap to me
I just want to see her naked. Heather too
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I've been at work for half an hour you fucking neet
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When is Trump going to talk about Linkin Parkgate? This is big news and it could be the thing that finally sends Killary and Podesta to jail.
McCaskill might literally be dragged from her office with a rope after the 2016 election
>Assad on the right
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>Rick Wilsons October surprise is a mere months away

The problem isn't marriage, it's fucking.

You know very well all the blacked white chicks are single moms.

Then Jake the Cuck raises them for Tyrone.
That's marriage

A white woman could fuck 20 niggers, bear the child of 3 of them and still not show up in these statistics, since they never actually visited a church
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What do I even say to this
Pissgate 2: Electric Boogaloo?
same here, just imagine her naked sitting on the F&F sofa in this position with those legs. hnnng
Sauce then
I don't think everyone who worked at Goldman Sachs should automatically be banned from the Trump admin. The one I really have a problem with is Gary Cohn. The guy is clearly a massive globalist and disagrees with Trump on basically every major issue.
My guess is you're that same subversive kike that i called out earlier
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Wall vote when?
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>390,000 Mudshark marriages
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Poor vet

the doo doo tape
You're literally my favorite /pol/ack; never change
The irony of democrats and liberals being pro-civil war. They really have been ideologically subverted, have they not? The moment a civil war sets ablaze in U.S. is the moment the US collapses, foreign nations bomb and balkanize it.

They're really doing China and Russia's dirty work without even knowing it when they promote this.
What did he do?
Thanks man!
>clearly a massive globalist and disagrees with Trump on basically every major issue
Just like Jared/Ivanka, who brought him in - all New Yorkers, all open Democrats, all Jewish
that guy looks to be gay 2bh, probably just wanted to be on tv
showed up with a nig grandson
they wouldnt have the balls, but yes
why does this general have 0 tripfags
But Brit/pol/ has on average six to fourteen at any one time?
They literally sneer at you from their thread.

He's a Welsh national who lives in Calgary.
Served in British navy during WW2, and helped in the evacuation of Dunkirk.
The movie brought him back to all the carnage and war. Not exactly something you do to a 97 year old man
Run away from the scary germans
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Lord have mercy
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They don't care. Leftists hate living and want to see everything destroyed.

Also, reminder that President Trump is doing a big speech at a boy scout jamboree later tonight, apparently with 40k attending.
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Consider this photo
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I like this guy.
Rood. I'm sick.
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>big speech at a boy scout jamboree later tonight, apparently with 40k attending.
Need I even say it?
You are FAKE NEWS.
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Rightly So! Amongymous!

idk youre british, you tell me
Semper Sic Trips 2bh

We tell them to fuck off
Bannon looks like a fat David Bowie.

Of course.
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40k? Fuck yeah

trump should try a massive 100K+ millitary one in his 2nd term.
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>They really have been ideologically subverted, have they not?
Yuri was right, they've been triggered and radicalised at the right opportunity. As soon as Trump won it was time, and now he's 'a foreign agent that needs impeached', they rise the fire because they know that it will collapse the US markets, it's the biggest 'oy vey shut it down' since the UK and France declared war on Germany, they won't allow Trump a true victory, if they can't JFK him they'll just burn the country down. Watch the fireworks boys.
That's it? I thouht he threw a tantrum at (((Nolan)))'s way of describing the battle. But now that I see his grankid paybe he complained about the lack of diversity too
We don't think about that general at all, ever.
More like Hispanic man and Hispanic woman come at a rate of 1 million per year.
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besides a job, i don't know.
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>first Smash Mouth retweeted Shadman
>then Roger Stone
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>in his 2nd term

Why not now?
She has the proportions of a midget. She is weird looking.
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whats going on?

is swordfish thing real?

why are we in ultimate shill mode?

is shit about to go down???

I would be willing to bet my lifesavings the story behind that picture is not true in the slightest. /pol/ is full of shit that can be verified in a 2 second google search.
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I can't believe that I still have to put up with this prejudice. Defending joe here makes me feel like a jew in nazi germany.

Frankly the only thing that keeps me going sometimes, is the thought of all the joe fans who are too scared to speak up due to this kind of hateful and frankly joephobic rhetoric.
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I wanna see those numbers with welfare cut and the middle class tax decrease

Sewer removal will be done by then hopefully

1st Term is breaking it all down
2nd Term is building it a new

Then again fuck it, just do it now, the total madman could pull it off.
I love it how they have absolutely zero shame about it too, especially when so many other so-called celebrities have to be as politically correct as possible.
What is this?
Don't forget black people who support trump aren't real black people according to other black people

Please they're out of control, they've taken over Brit/pol/. The place is the worst, most tripfag deluged place on 4chan right now.
They've killed us. They won't go away. We are lost.

Finish us off. Please.
We have a couple of tripfags (me included) but we only trip when in the OPs and that's it
>Majestic 12 is actually real

When did we step into the Deus Ex Timeline?
So can Trump drain the sewer or not?
Is anything at all being done?
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>As soon as Trump won it was time
More like a miscarry for me. 4-8 more years of Hillary maybe more their planned time.
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>1st Term is breaking it all down
>2nd Term is building it a new

I can see that. But he'll be almost 80 by the end of his 2nd term.
leftist narrative:

Trump is a shill for Clinton->Bannon->Kushner->Putin->Bannon
Has anyone else had Linkin Park stuck in their head since? All the stations have been playing their stuff nonstop

And for me, it's not like just ONE SONG that's stuck in my head. But all their shit they made themselves known for. Like it'll go from one song, to the next, to another in my head
Anyone else been experiencing this?
because it sounds absurd and there's no proof and if he did say it, every news outlet would use it for YEARS to mock him as a crackpot conspiracy theorist.
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we were always the deus ex timeline anon. you just didn't notice it
came up while looking through the "#ItEndsNow" hashtag searchin for more info on the swordfish leaks
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Yeah so he can sit back and watch all the bridges/dams/buildings rise up
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Even those are not in significant numbers. For instance, according to [1] the number of single parent interracial children in the US in 2011 were 1,655,000 and in 2015 they were 1,804,000 meaning an total increase of 150,000 in 4 years (some 40k/year?)

For reference [2]

> About 295,000 babies were born to unauthorized-immigrant parents in 2013, making up 8% of the 3.9 million U.S. births that year, according to a new, preliminary Pew Research Center estimate based on the latest available federal government data. This was a decline from a peak of 370,000 in 2007
> There were an estimated 11.3 million unauthorized immigrants living in the U.S. in March 2013, according to a preliminary Pew Research estimate. They make up 4% of the population, but their share of births is higher because the immigrants include a higher share of women in their childbearing years and have higher birthrates than the U.S. population overall.

It's not even close in magnitude of te problem and I'm just comparing illegal alien children with interracial children, not even including legal Hispanic ones.

Fix immigration, fix the nation.

[1] Children in single-parent families by race :: http://datacenter.kidscount.org/data/tables/107-children-in-single-parent-families-by#detailed/1/any/false/573,869,36,868,867/185/432,431
[2] http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2015/09/11/number-of-babies-born-in-u-s-to-unauthorized-immigrants-declines/
200,000 immigrants came during 2016-2017
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I went in there to congratulate you guys over something, and no less than 3 tripniggers told me to 'fuck off yank'. I lurked for a thread or two over the course of almost one day, watching them talk of nothing.

What a place it is now. I 'member Brexit...
Why are American presidents old farts

Alexander the Great was no old fart.
says majority 12 not majestic 12. majestic is supposedly disinfo

seems like we are in for major shit soon
Although, he is Donald Trump, so who's to say he won't be the same at 80 as he is now.
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the civil war brainwashing was only meant against US presidents and the country if they were putting up a fight, America was doomed to the fate of Brazil or Zimbabwe if she'd won, they wouldn't need the war. The only way the marxist agenda can win in America now is through chaos and civil war and blood. They've already lost.
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He's not wrong. America is fucking disgusting. The country side is nice. The Fully white areas were great. The cities are a fucking pigsty
Wonder why? He seemed friendly in the Trump phone call. Did fake news get to him?
What is going on and who is this individual?
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Once in every while I'll go to /mu/, and it's flooded with tripfags. My filter list now a scrollbar. Disgusting desu.
Because Alexander the Great was handed everything he needed to succeed in life on a silver platter and it is insanely difficult to just plain transfer executive power to the person you want it to go.

Classic example: Obama is still popular but his endorsements mean fuck all.
What? 1,800,000 mixed race children are born a year! And most have a white father or are a non white with another non white. Remember multiracial Americans don't have a measurable death rate.
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>not the Metal Gear timeline

or maybe it's both mashed together
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Aye, that is why i always try to remind burger if civil starts, finish it quick.
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Same as William Pitt the Younger, handed everything, did a great job though. It would be like Trumps son taking over and pushing the agenda harder.
When are they gonna get to the Trump's a shill for America narrative?

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Thats a fucked timeline
Trump was handed a lot too.

Napoleon was no old fart.
Hitler, was no old fart.
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The U.S doesn't create music.
It creates low IQ brainwash material.
But those two always go along
These Ancestry and 23 and Me commercials feel a lot like globalist propaganda.
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look who's trending
That number isn't born in the year, it is total children that year
So a bunch of people will testify this week: DeepState Browder,
Manafort and Kushner

The one who actually debunk the entire Russia narrative, Glenn simpson, happens to be out of the country and will return to take the 5th admen.
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Happy birthday to this future President
Is there a /pol/ approved DNA test?
Because they are.

>I don't know what I am, I'm from all cultures
>I don't mark any one race, I put "Other"
Keep that in mind I designed this rhyme to explain in due time
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Yeah, I'm sure that's completely natural
Have to work today, but woke up earlier thanks to my home association sending their illegal beaners to work right now
White birth rate 1.8-1.9 less for white liberals higher for white conservatives. Hispanic birth rate 2.1-2.25. Black birth rate 1.8-1.9. Asian/native American birth 1.5. 600,000 "multiracial" children including Hispanics are born a year. 300,000(about 50% are born to a mother who breed with a white man.)
And how does this relate to Trump?
Do they want to make him subvert as well?
Yes it's called a mirror
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Hey /ptg/! Michael here.

Black Lives Matter. . . . or do they?

According to a report by the U.S. Department of Justice, 93 percent of black homicide victims are killed by other blacks. This is a stark contrast to white on white crime which has been steadily... decreasing... since 1980.

But what is... "decreasing"?

The majority of fetuses aborted at Planned Parenthood are of... African ancestry. With a mean of 515,000 abortions per year, and an estimated 80 percent of which last year were conceived by black or hispanic parents, that's a whopping 412,000 future crimes prevented.
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Why the fuck are these two clowns on my television?

Funny how Twitter cooperates with the Anti Trumpers. As if it is plausible that Kushner trends while half america isn't even awake yet.
>President meets Obamacare victims

top kek
>all the joe fans
You, you and only you.
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Ancestry DNA has apparently stepped up their game. I'm probably going to get one of their kits soon.
One, two, Joe's coming for you...
>watching YouTube off a computer

Kids today, I'll tell ya!
Oh it's should be getting worse much quicker 300,000 white men annually father a mongrel 70,000 white women a year. It's also hilarious the Hispanic birth rate dropped 20% in just 5 years and it's funny to know most Hispanic births still come from foreign women. No wonder whites in Texas can still compete.>>134754164

They're all about to flip on Drumpf, this is the end and these are the final days of /ptg/

Big Based Jeb will receive my vote when Trump and Pence are impeached
>owning a television
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three, four...better lock your door
67% of women are non white 80% of kids aborted are non whites.
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But what about the crimes prevented of the aborted children's potential children
>doesn't have a tv to cast videos from a phone
>and having a tablet, computer to go with it

Do you even wizard?
>Hillary Clinton couldn't find Pennsylvania on a map
>Hillary Clinton was supposed to be the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ
right but it aired on british tv thats what I meant
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Woah. This blew my mind.
>owning a Smart TV
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>trump is friends with them
>they do some anti-trump shit because they want to fit in
>trump sends them insane with 15 second tweets he probably makes while on the shitter
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wew lad
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I have jury duty in an hour
Anyone have that chart pertaining to levels of information/knowledge in our World? I vaguely remember seeing the diagram, the top level being cosmic level and only 2 people know what it is. Something of the sort. Help me out /pol/lacks.
they aren't, you clearly searched for them on YT
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She's not wrong...
what is jury duty like? I got called in but jacked around for a few weeks and then they said they didnt need me

now im curious
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bravo lad, a true JoeBro
>not owning a 4k 3D curved optical projection hyper dimensional AI television
>with the optical nerve input accessory (sold separately)
>this wall of text explaining a twitter account
Full Statement Kushner :

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Someone gib me OC request/idea

Movie posters are fun to do with trump/pepe
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D-donald do something before Dutdut sell my islands to the chinks
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>Channel 4 news

Don't listen to murderin Joe mum and dad!
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>see all the lefties on twitter asking for Kushner to resign
>they don't realize that's exactly what we want
Morning Joe looked disgusting--nipples protruding--in his orange shirt before SXSW goers. Very very disrespectful.
When has "WAAAAAAAA! DON'T KILL ME! YOU'LL HURT MY FEEEEEELINGS!" ever worked on something or someone trying to kill you?
And still you shitpost.

Do your job, you fucking degenerate.
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kikes aren't happy with Poland

'I had incoming contacts with people from approximately 15 countries.'

Does that mean once the Russian fever is over, the libtards and MSM will pick one of the other 14 countries?
Every day it gets worse and worse for Drumpf. Mueller's fishing expedition is gonna pull up a whole bunch of shit that prosecutors will use to impeach and possibly jail Donald. It's hopeless at this point.

Just wait, another "democratic" uprising to overthrow a legally elected foreign government care of Soros and the USA
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Do they know who they're fucking with?
Won't fly in Poland. They would have tried by now.

The Jews are crying butthurt mad.
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Office of the Press Secretary
July 23, 2017

MONDAY, JULY 24, 2017

In the afternoon, President Donald J. Trump will have lunch with Vice President Mike Pence. The President will then participate in a greeting with victims of Obamacare. Later in the afternoon, the President will give a statement on healthcare. The President will then depart the White House for Joint Base Andrews, en route to Beaver, West Virginia. In the evening, the President will* *give remarks at the 2017 National Scout Jamboree. The President will then depart Beaver, West Virginia for Joint Base Andrews, en route to Washington, D.C.

9:00AM In-Town Travel Pool Call Time

12:30PM THE PRESIDENT will have lunch with Vice President Mike Pence

2:30PM Out-of-Town Pool Call Time

3:00PM THE PRESIDENT participates in a greeting with victims of Obamacare

3:15PM THE PRESIDENT gives a statement on healthcare

3:55PM THE PRESIDENT departs the White House en route to Joint Base Andrews

4:15PM THE PRESIDENT departs Washington, D.C. en route to Beaver, West Virginia

5:10PM THE PRESIDENT arrives in Beaver, West Virginia

6:15PM THE PRESIDENT gives remarks at the 2017 National Scout Jamboree*

7:40PM THE PRESIDENT departs Beaver, West Virginia en route to Washington, D.C.

8:55PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at the White House

Briefing Schedule
the only hope for Europe rn is Brexit, Trump and a handful of European nation states. That's the horrid state we're in right now.
Soros™ is too obvious now.
Color revolutions are quite easy to suppress if you can shut down social media (which governments have the power to do).
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>victims of Obamacare
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That's because they already have their Soros shill in power.
They're already fighting the EU.

Butthurt leftist Ameritards is not worth caring about.

Here he makes statements that can be checked for evidence. That he asked by email what Kislyak's name was. The email chain from Don. That he asked a guy to call him so he could get out of the meeting. That he had no contact about it before this
>Literally making lists of their fanfiction of reality and trying to act smug about it
How does this dude still have a job
Kushner exposing Reuters:

Through my lawyer, I have asked Reuters to provide the dates on which the calls supposedly occurred or the phone number at which I supposedly reached, or was reached by, Ambassador Kislyak. The journalist refused to provide any corroborating evidence that they occurred.

It's not directed at Trump.

July 21, 2017
>Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte has fired back at US senators who criticized abuses during his ‘war on drugs.’ While the US lawmakers opposed any possible trip by Duterte to America, the leader said he had no intention of visiting the “lousy” country.

>The statement came in response to Thursday’s hearings at the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission in the US Congress, where senators accused Duterte’s domestic anti-drug campaign of widespread abuses and casualties.

>The co-chair of the commission, Jim McGovern, opposed a visit by President Duterte to the US, saying that he would protest such a move due to multiple violations of human rights by the leader.

How quickly democrats forget lol.
There is actually a law in poland that requires that 35% of our doctors and politicians are women. Muh women's rights won't fly here
>6:15PM THE PRESIDENT gives remarks at the 2017 National Scout Jamboree
How big is this speech gonna be? it better be full on identitarian Hitlerian shit guys, I want the media to call it dark like they always do
That douche has never done an honest days work in his life.
>is shit about to go down???
that's just 4d chess to get Duda re-elected
That's hardly a "Soros shill".
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of course, some our lovely senators, who will not lift a finger to pass healthcare reform, infrastructure or wall bills yet have the time to shill for israel and sanction russia.

If you are working class, your premiums probably got jacked up a lot, and the medicaid expansion doesn't even cover you. A lot of people have suffered from this bill, but they don't matter to Democrats (so thus the Media doesn't talk about them)

Yeah. Kushner didn't even know the Russian ambassador's name neither Reuters claims have any legit ground.

Fake news

The most exciting in this statement is that more than 15 countries including governments wanted to contact Trump campaign.
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I said this before, we need more memes in the vain of pic related

Replace anglos with democrats and aryans with russians, and you get a potent meme
If Trump is so great, then why does
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Some consider as another rally before tomorrow so i guess it will be pretty big.
I'm aware
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Who of you niggas did this?
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Why does the Democrat slogan unconsciously spell out SJW? What are (((they))) planning?
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Holy fuck they got BTFO so hard they had to turn up on a Channel 4 TV show to try and recover.
KUSHNER during this infamous meeting between DJR and russians:

I actually emailed an assistant from the meeting after I had been there for ten or so minutes and wrote "Can u pls call me on my cell? Need excuse to get out of meeting."
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can't make this shit up
lol I dont know but I love it
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This is the rot of the brain that is spreading through Western society now. Fuck this fucking shit planet.
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I'll get hyped appropriately
it was like a month ago and they're still talking about it, going on left wing shill channels to feel better about themselves.
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It usually takes a while for him to come out, plus other speakers, most likely.

Anyway, 40k are said to be attending, and it's a speech before a big rally in Ohio tomorrow. He's said before that we will teach patriotism to our youth again. So hopefully it's a good one.
That slogan is basically:
>Become an engineer so we can automate every labor jobs.
is that tucker carlson on the left?
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>Congress is so corrupt and evil it's now a rat-infested sewer
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Wow didnt notice that before.
Were did you go?
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>2 Trump Rallies in 2 Days
Great news. Guess I will log off and finish off my work so I can be back by then
I think it's Putin
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this is all I want
I think it's a badly drawn woman. Possible Frauke
An animation I made of Donald Trump's precendency
come on
putin is below trump, but the guy to the left of assange?
>"Better skills, better jobs, better wages"

I do what I want, MOM.
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Burgers still have Obamacare!
oh that one. Well I also see a woman just like >>134756333
Better ingredients, better pizza!
Shouldnt you be out fucking your brothers wife and siring a bastard?
heartly kek
Papa johns:^)
Nah, she's back in Christchurch helping her family during their annual catastrophe
I wonder how many focus groups and meetings went into that.
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Kushner: 4 Russian contacts out of 1000 contacts

'The record and documents I am providing will show that I had perhaps four contacts with Russian representatives out of thousands during the campaign and transition, none of which were impactful in any way to the election or particularly memorable.'
She has a hot body
"Helping the family" = Getting railed by every guy in town

They probably spent like $100 million coming up with the new slogan
Why are women stupid?

Maybe Beata Szydlo?

What is your source?
Ha. Saved.
Taking Big black Abo cock for shekels to help le familia.

Talking to Russians is TREASON now though, at least according to those patriotic Democrats who want to flood our country with inbred beaner scum
Pepe is fuckin' yolked
Trump will say something like
>you're the future of America
and liberals will lose their minds because isn't the future of America actually people living in Somalia right now???
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>german man married to black woma-
it checks out
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So when will Trump do some of the stuff he's tweeting about?
soon as mccain returns to the crypt
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Top post right now on r/marchagainstTrump

He's fucking finished this time
It's a working day. I work
Claims to be a virtuous religious man, prob married her for that ass.
Not before he cures your yellow fever, hopefully
>5:10 Trump arrives in Beaver
>7:40 Trump departs Beaver
he's quite the virile 70 year old fella
lol it's 8:00 am we're I am and I find it funny can you find what % or number of those anchor babies are Hispanic.

Yeah it's a great statement from Kushner, it shows what kind of freakshow the Dems and media tries to run.

I am sure next move is that they will demand the name of the other countries who tried to contact him.

Wouldn't it be great if an ally like France or Germany wanted to provide Info on old Hillary? What would the libs do then?
>/pol/ on the MOAB
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> Reuters news service has reported that I had two calls with Ambassador Kislyak at some time between April and November of 2016. While I participated in thousands of calls during this period, I do not recall any such calls with the Russian Ambassador.
> We have reviewed the phone records available to us and have not been able to identify any calls to any number we know to be associated with Ambassador Kislyak and I am highly skeptical these calls took place.
> Through my lawyer, I have asked Reuters to provide the dates on which the calls supposedly occurred or the phone number at which I supposedly reached, or was reached by, Ambassador Kislyak.
> The journalist refused to provide any corroborating evidence that they occurred.

I truly wish the administration or, at least, its surrogates, start going after the media personally much like Melania did with the Daily News and force them to recant their fake news. A good strategy would be going after the small guys that only relay AP or Reuters but that add their spin making it their lies instead of lies of those big companies.
>Blind WW2 Veteran beaten by Flag vandals

Fuck this Earth
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I'm just attracted to good-looking women and anyone who says Anri isn't good looking has pleb taste.
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Because we stopped telling them what to do, with Hilarious results.
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>trump's america
what does this mean
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The Kraut needs to fuck off, but there's nothing wrong with Yellow Fever if you have no intention of breeding one.
Never saw it coming

That is another claim that can be proven if he is okay with turning over the records.
I believe it refers to the fact that the President of the United States at the time of his post is Donald Trump
why is Anri so perfect?
Not funny, m8.
Lol, retard alert. So what is his crime? I hope ur right though, i really want kushner out of the picture
> can you find what % or number of those anchor babies are Hispanic.
Being honest: whatever the number is it very likely wound up to 100%. I wouldn't even make an "other" column in a chart, it must be negligible
That's what he gets for trying to fly a Nazi flag
If I would have the chance I would breed with Anri tbqh
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something about the 1950s? when everything was great and we had fusion cars..

Will this pass? I mean really? Trump knows better than to sign this, right? Such an overbearing, constrictive law.
The 50s were trash! The Fed still existed!
And this is why your country is dying.
I assume when he says
> I am voluntarily providing this statement, submitting documents
he means he's providing the corroborating documentation (emails, calendars, phone records) mentioned in it.
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Sessions BTFO
Lol that means a 1/3rd of Hispanic infants parents will be being hunted for deportation, really smart and great time preferences these spics have huh.
No, not unless another one of those countries is in the jewish crosshair

Not to mention unconstitutional... First amendment?

I liked on Morning Joe where they started insinuating Any Real American would have put on their Boy Scout cap and instantly notified the FBI about the nothing going on in the nothing meeting that everyone was bored to tears with and trying to escape.
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>muh empathy
what has that ever been useful for
>"I killed my sister, but I don't care," she said in the video. "I killed my sister. I know I'm going to prison, but I don't care. I'm sorry baby. I'm a hold it down."

>Family members confirm the video was shot by Obdulia Sanchez. They say the victim, Jacqueline Sanchez of Stockton, was supposed to celebrate her Quinceanera Sunday.

Man, what the fuck is wrong with people of European descent?
oh boy
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It won't pass. The Supreme Court will strike it down hard. Look at the penalties.
Im fairly certain the Kek taking down the bull is lifted from Steve Quayle's True Legends book about giants

I missed that line. Yeah, he would be.
The post two posts below mine is a good post

You mean beaners
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Sessions needs extra hands.
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Good one.
I don't recall people ever saying obama's america or bush's america
She was a mestizo.
Super Male Vitality.
First time I have to check the dictionary to know what Trump means by something.

Malta, get off Trump's head!
Trump: block every bill teaching your desk until you have all your picks staffing the executive, man!
he has the best words
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>page 3
When the cowboys smell the dirty con of Amnesty Don~
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Thank god a man can have more than one woman. Women on the other hand are ruined forever once they racemix.
It was alright.
Lost in translation with a whole fucking nation. They say I was the abomination of Obama's nation. Well that's a pretty bad way to start the conversation
Anarcho-Autism flag
A section of black about a puzzle piece.

Make it real
Cool down is too long, someone else needs to bake
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i think Trump support Sessions in this tweet

I had to google that one
Sessions will resign by the end of the week.
The free market will provide one
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Yeah, at least Trump acknowledges Sessions is in surrounded and in a tight spot. Assuming that's the meaning Trump used
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Joe is upon us
He has the best words



It's a Beatles lyric
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And the UK will start the third world war.
This. Doesn't mean he's having a go at Sessions. He's just acknowledging he's in a tight situation.
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Do something with this
That's not what beleaguered means. Trump is sympathizing with Sessions here.
Thread posts: 335
Thread images: 132

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