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>make contact with a friend who I haven't spoken with

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>make contact with a friend who I haven't spoken with in like 10 years
>she tells me she's a democratic socialist now

What do I do, /pol/?
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Get close to her, develop an intimate relationship that escalates into a sexual one and dominate her physically in the bedroom.

Day by day slowly redpill her on various subjects she's socially liberal on. Provide evidence and facts without being too pushy. Continue being the dominant one in the relationship, fucking her goddamn brains out when you can.

Eventually she becomes redpilled from all the exposure and bit-by-bit information feeding.

Then cum on her face and never talk to her again
Find another friend
>she's pregnant and married
>she lives thousands of miles away

Take her stuff. Tell her she needs to share.
Never speak to her again
There is literally zero reason to
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You already know the answer.
LARP as a Stalinist. Call her a counter-revolutionary and a revisionist. Tell her that her bourgeois false consciousness will need to be reprogrammed in the gulags.
Screen shot coming up of the current conversation.
This is so bizarre.
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Then why are you even wasting your time with this bitch? She's a lost cause. Some girl I knew has been messaging me from thousands of miles away too wanting reassurance that Trump isn't Hitler because everyone around her has been saying it and she's pregnant and doesn't wanna bring her baby in a world blah blah blah

Don't be a woman's emotional tampon. Tell her the facts straight. Show her evidence, tell her why she's wrong. If she doesn't accept it leave her. They always fucking come back when you walk away from this stuff. This has happened to like 5 different women in the past year for me.
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oh boy can't wait
Thing is, I'm not trying to redpill her. She found me and messaged me, and I thought it would be nice to have a level-headed conversation and do a little catching up. I was hoping my mention of the politics thing wouldn't have escalated like it did. Seemed like a harmless question and she used to be the kind of person who wouldn't go overboard on the topic. She wasn't like that 10 years ago.
Tell her that bernie sanders is a communist, and he's just rebranding what is essentially the same ideology to be more acceptable to idiots.

Tell her that she fell for it and that she's consequently a traitor to her American ancestors who fought to defeat communism.
Correct her, say she's a communist. Then kill her because communists don't have rights.
don't make contact for another 10 years
Just stop talking to her or redpill and fuck her, you dont need /pol/ for this
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she finally responded
Don't even reply. Just ignore her. There's no reason to talk to someone who probes you about who you voted for. Especially someone that autistic to brand themselves with the mark of the jew like, "Democratic Socialist"
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And if she tries to argue the point about democratic socialism, bring up stalin, call her a genocide supporter,

then say "hahahha ok if you're a democratic socialist then i'm a democratic nazi lmao "
That's equally retarded. The nazis started out as the national socialist party.
>lesser of 2 evils
>policies over personality

Baby steps
Godspeed, anon
Just stop talking to her. You gain *nothing* from it. You will not be able to redpill her as you arent the main influence in her life and she will retreat into her bubble.

>tfw my captcha was helicopters
Woah there anon. That's literally one step away from blown nazism.
Ghost on her and forget it happened.
Resist the urge to go on a big stupid tirade that she's gonna screenshot and show to her friends.
I wish drumpf was Hitler. Too bad he is a kike

You basically have two options:
1. Ignore her politics, and stop talking to her if she keeps pushing the issue.
2. Let her know that everyone laughs at her because she's a retarded commie. Tell her the other adults speak to her like a child because she thinks like a child.

>Natural Socialism: where the government forcibly reams you up the ass
>Democratic Socialism: where you elect who reams you up the ass
That's the point. It's ridiculous.

The point is to shame her into rethinking her ideology.
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thinking i'm just gonna withdraw from discussing politics further, maybe even move the conversation in a different direction
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I hope she exposes you as a kike shill drumpf cuck tbqh
You're not going to change her mind and crush le epic poose so why even bother dude.
think you're right
>Discussing politics with a woman

You're gonna have a bad time
socio-democrats are the worst to talk to
but at the same time the most patrician leftists
Funny when people @ /pol think they are always right.
But since you exposed your long lost friend at this dump, i think you already know what do
>At least he's not an old communist
>trump insults both men AND women who get on his bad side, it's not about sexism
>anti-abortion is anti-murder
Honor killing.

Jesus Christ women are all the same. I have never heard or read anything a woman says regarding politics not being something she's parroting from another source verbatim.

She's also shittesting you dude, if you keep responding being non-confrontational or at least not passive-aggressive, she will not respect you.

10 years is a long time, she's definitely not who she was. Stop pussyfooting, she's looking for trouble. Either tell her she's being incredibly pushy and rude about something that you wish to keep private or lose her respect forever
absolutely disgusting.
Y-you too, Sans
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Tale about Bernie's wife stealing millions from the state for a college through fraud to buy a lake house.
>if you keep responding being non-confrontational or at least not passive-aggressive, she will not respect you.
i'm apathetic to whether or not she respects me, to be honest
You already lost dumb ass. Just fucking kys.
This guy. I agree with this guy
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this one might be the final blow
Why are you such a pussy.

Defend your ideals if you don't care what she thinks.
Don't bow to that cunt.

What a shit thread.
it's the same as giving (((them))) (You)'s on /pol/

just not worth it on this girl and it just fuels her stupid intolerant hatred
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Come on OP, man the fuck up and say something. Give her evidence she can't refute.
Fact: the DSA is the only political force in the us that is fighting against zionism

Fact: conservatives are working with democrats to make illegal protesting israel

Where is the alt-right defending freedom of speech?

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This bitch is really stupid, every reason she gives is either false, a misrepresentation or not misogynistic. It would probably be pointless to address them as she seems like a useful idiot that would reject a valid refutation. Ask her what she thinks about white privilege or BLM - she will just out herself more as a neo marxist.
This right here is maturity pol
Say one false thing she said.
>dotdotdot after anti gay

OP confirmed fagotron9000
>Maturity means hiding your opinions away from the world

>Maturity means allowing your country to devolve into a communist shithole

uhhh no. It's cowardice.
Ideas have to be defended. If you cower away when challenged, people think you're just a racist who's afraid of being outed.
Since when does cowering mean not getting on your soap box every god damn second and preaching to people who don't listen?

You're the right leaning version of one of those loud mouth stupid libs on facebook

>you'd know if you were still on faceberg

I'm starting to see a distinct pattern between narcissistic obsessions with social media, and socialism.

Also FUCK captcha, it's being especially faggy today.
>If you cower away when challenged
except i'm not cowering.. I just didn't care for having confrontation with this girl. She and I used to get into political arguments 14 years ago when we were on opposite sides of politics than we are now, and it never went anywhere worthwhile. It was never worth it trying to discuss politics with her.


>he has been sued

Has any of these cases amounted to a formal accusation and conviction? If not then it doesn't mean jackshit, she probably can't give any actual info about the case

>child bearing women working being an horrible thing

He is right tho, wouldn't she prefer lazying around all day until her man came back (and doing whatever she want of her free time, an aspect of the situation the proponent of feminism will never dare acknowledge, fuck you think Marie Curie started science because she was forced to? nope, got tired of seeing her husband work himself out on his science and decided to pick up some books and help him. ) and unless she make genuine effort as to cause the opposite, will always be happy to come back at the home, sweet home?

>He been married 3 times

Who started the divorce procedure, and beside relationship aren't a thing to gossip about because there are things that are known by the couple only, for all we know the cheating might have been mutual and they just decided to scuttle a sinking ship? Who knows
She's approaching him, idiot.
It's not a soapbox, it's a conversation that he brought to /pol/ because he originally intended to engage the conversation. Then he pussied out when he realized she (a communist) would call him a sexist bigot (obviously she would).

You're just a fucking retard who isn't able to grasp even the simplest notion of context.
No use in arguing this crap..She is a Clinton campaign commercial..I don't explain why I vote or do anything else unless it's my wife and then I drew lines years ago...Pointless to argue with a sound bite...Different strokes for different folks..
Keep yelling into the abyss im sure yu'll get your tendies soon
Exactly this, these people are so dug in its pointless to even try to explain why you don't love shillary, just move on save your energy
Yeah, some peoples minds just won't change unless they research shit themselves. I always feel as though I need to defend my arguments to people, being hardheaded as fuck. If I change my mind on something it was because I researched it myself or the argument was seriously convincing.
(((national socialism)))

Taxation is theft. You will never control the distribution of resources. The "democratic" lie of Democratic Socialism is the same as Communism or Nazism. A small, central group will always control the resources if you allow them to. The only solution to reduce tyranny is the model of the first 100 years of America - small government, limited power, decentralized control, states rights, no income tax
>He is right tho, wouldn't she prefer lazying around all day until her man came back (and doing whatever she want of her free time, an aspect of the situation the proponent of feminism will never dare acknowledge, fuck you think Marie Curie started science because she was forced to? nope, got tired of seeing her husband work himself out on his science and decided to pick up some books and help him. ) and unless she make genuine effort as to cause the opposite, will always be happy to come back at the home, sweet home?

Probably because she prefers to be autonomous so that she can marry whomever she wants and doesn't have to fear ending up in the street because virtually unemployable if her husband decides to run away from home or dies.

God you are dumb.
It's been ten years since you talked to Staci.

Make it another ten before you talk again.

This isn't difficult.
>he can sexually assault them
- they'll let me
>him calling women pigs/fat/bitches
- not misogynistic
>he said he would date his own daughter
- if she wasn't his daughter (aka if you're not an autist he's just brutally honest that she is attractive)
>they anti woman because anti abortion
- roughly 50% of abortions are women, there is a case to be made about both pro or anti abortion. And I also think it's wrong to use peoples taxes that are anti abortion to fund abortions.
You should have her read 1984 by George Orwell. Let her know that Newspeak == Political Correctness. Ingsoc = English Socialism. Show her the Yuri Beznemov KGB interview
Ahh I see.

Another coward who can't defend his position pretends to take the high road.

When you defend OP, you're really defending your own cowardly actions.
Taxation is not theft, taxation is rent that you pay the state to use its infrastructure.

If that's theft then my landlord charging me rent is a thief too.

God you people are dumb...
Remember the one case that alleged trump raped a minor or some shit?? Obviously turned out to be total bullshit, but still. Lots of bullshit went around. 99% weightless (((accusations)))
God I hate people like this.
>muh pence is anti-gay
Big whoop. Trump is a pro-gay president.
> they'll let me
Wrong: if you were in prison you would let jamal fuck you in the ass because you are a little bitch

>- not misogynistic
I guess bitch recognizes bitch

> she wasn't his daughter (aka if you're not an autist he's just brutally honest that she is attractive)

Would you fuck your mom if she wasn't your mom?

>roughly 50% of abortions are women, there is a case to be made about both pro or anti abortion.

Wrong: fetuses are not people.
So they are not women, they are female.

>And I also think it's wrong to use peoples taxes that are anti abortion to fund abortions.

Wrong: it's already illegal in the united states to fund abortion with federal and state money.
Now's your chance to turn her.

Well obviously you can't be friends with her then.

It's her or /pol/, OP. Choose carefully.
i d-don't know guys, m-maybe she's right after all
OP you are a quivering pussy
>Would you fuck your mom if she wasn't your mom?

Moms tend to be old and lost most of their reproduction value, so in my case atleast no. Still doesn't change that he can acknowledge the attractiveness of his daughter.

>Wrong: it's already illegal in the united states to fund abortion with federal and state money.

>Wrong: it's already illegal in the united states to fund abortion with federal and state money.

"The organization's 2014-15 yearly report revealed that their profits declined by 53.7 percent, as private donations to the organization also declined by 9.8 percent. The number of abortions Planned Parenthood performed also declined by 1.1 percent and their services as a whole declined by 10.7 percent. However, their government funding increased by 4.8 percent, as the organization now receives $553.7 million in taxpayer funding."

"The Daily Wire has reported that President Barack Obama's Department of Health and Human Services has recently issued a regulation that prevents states from denying federal Title X funding to Planned Parenthood, revealing the enormity of the abortion industry's influence on the Obama administration as well as how being pro-abortion doesn't mean being "pro-choice," since taxpayers are being forced to subsidize abortions regardless of their beliefs."

Your other points do not need a refutation.
Maybe her arguments are the strongest but look at trump: he put his family and his friends in power, he has a cabinet full of goldman sachs people, he hangs out with the same millionaries and lobbyists that he accused clinton of hanging out with, he is super friends with the saudis and with israel

Is this draining the swamp? is this shaking things up?

Or is it just more of the same? A few people selling our country short to fill their pockets because they know that they will get away with it
>Probably because she prefers to be autonomous

What say she can't be married and autonomous? Are you implying a married woman is a woman who inherently lack autonomy? What a prejudice! As if she couldn't take care of her own self, fuck do you unironically think home wives are utterly helpless tart or something?

Its sad to see its the person who claim to be fighting against stereotype that are the most eager to embrace them.

> doesn't have to fear ending up in the street because virtually unemployable if her husband decides to run away from home or dies.

In what way a home wife is ''virtually'' unemployable? also what a nice ''what if'', but alas that is not an argument. There are so many things that aren't said about the situation like the entire context behind her husband death, wether it be accidental or not and unless he was a braindead idiot is going to be on some kind of life insurance as to insure his wife isn't in the deep end the moment he is out the picture.

Also a husband will run away only if he has no desire to come back home, what define these circumstance tho change from person to person and from couple to couple, so to imply there is some kind of constant to it, alas as far as to be able to claim it is a genuine and very real possibility for every wife out there is just complete bullshit.

You're a stupid idiot who brought into the feminism fear-mongering, couples have only themselves to blame if the relation go sour, because the solution is in their hands and is their to apply as they see fit, their loss if they don't do anything.
Planned parenthood doesn't only do abortions: they do testing, prevention, education.

The federal funds go to all that except to abortions.

>Moms tend to be old and lost most of their reproduction value, so in my case atleast no. Still doesn't change that he can acknowledge the attractiveness of his daughter.

Glad we agree that your mom is a fat pig then.
this statement was a joke, btw
Read the last line of The Gettysburg Address.
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That's what I did to my gf
I've read so many books on economics, politics, history, culture, and philosophy, and argued so many times with random people, that I am now an invincible patriarchal fascist
to who? all her equally retarded friends and coworkers that dont mean a fucking thing to OP?

dont be a retard

She is already uppity af talk as if she had moral superiority here. lmao She is using social shaming not even based on real issues, ahahaha. RUN. She is not available, already sliding you, and talking down to you via fishing.
>Planned parenthood doesn't only do abortions: they do testing, prevention, education.

The federal funds go to all that except to abortions.

Point 8 of the thing I linked.
>What say she can't be married and autonomous?

If she doesn't have a job she is not autonomous because she is a dependent (in fact you fail her on your taxes as dependent)

>In what way a home wife is ''virtually'' unemployable?

Because you lost many years of your career staying at home.

>You're a stupid idiot who brought into the feminism fear-mongering, couples have only themselves to blame if the relation go sour, because the solution is in their hands and is their to apply as they see fit, their loss if they don't do anything.

If I offered you that deal: you get married to a rich woman, and you can stay home and take care of the kids, and do whatever you want, and she will support you as long as you will obey her.

Would you accept?
>Why didn't you argue with her? You're a faggot OP

give anyone enough rope and they'll hang themselves
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you need to not even waste your time OP.

this chick is ten types of retarded. she's a total cause head. do you know what creates a cause head? somebody that cant contribute in any way shape or form, and will be poor and broke forever, blaming everybody else. they dont have real friends.

god, seriously, she's already looking down on you.

>youd know if you still had facebook

kys cunt

Part 8 argues that planned parenthood minimizes the size of abortions that it's part of their core

I don't want to argue that.

What I'm saying is that no tax payer money goes to abortion, and that is in accordance with the law tat already forbids for tax money to finance abortions.


One of the first things my government professor taught me, who was a decades old staunch Democrat, is that you don't vote for personality but for policy. His advice is what made me switch from voting for Obama. He said Americans often just vote based upon personality, and this here proves it. Nice parry, BTW.
Wtf who talks to a woman 10 years later?
Seriously: who did vote trump for policy?

The very secret, very best healthcare law that is going to fix Obamacare but he can't tell anyone about it.

Yeah we saw that.
They claim they don't.
Democratic socialism is closer to national socialism than any other seperate idea right now.
t. butthurt kulaks
tell her to get the fuck out
Well you were ill informed:

Q: How much of Planned Parenthood’s services are dedicated to abortions? Does the federal government fund those procedures?
A: Abortions represent 3 percent of total services provided by Planned Parenthood, and roughly 10 percent of its clients received an abortion. The group does receive federal funding, but the money cannot be used for abortions by law.

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Disown that fucking commie
There never was a completely free market here. There were plenty of tariffs.

Agreed, and she is using all the stereotypical reasoning & responses for a woman.

>social shaming
>ask for yes/no when she can't handle either, and would turn it around in circles against you.
>More feelings based standards than a French Romanticist poet, ETC.

Agreed. 100% If he threw it in her face some she'd probably even sleep with him married or not if he played his cards right. I mean, she is a "liberated" woman after all and it is "her body" despite being marital vows.
I feel like I'm watching my younger self engaged with a peer.
Oh that settles it then, the people selling baby organs and other parts clearly wouldn't lie.
Orwell was a socialist. Bezmenov is a fucking meme.
>arguing with a woman
>arguing with a pregnant woman
>arguing with a pregnant woman who isn't carrying your child
>arguing with a pregnant woman who isn't carrying your child and who lives far away
>arguing with a pregnant woman who isn't carrying you child who and who lives far away and whom you haven't spoken to in a decade
>arguing with a pregnant woman who isn't carrying you child who and who lives far away and whom you haven't spoken to in a decade and has become a feminist socialist
what the fuck is wrong with you? why would you have anything longer than a 2 minute conversation with such a person? let alone one that involves politics?

>national socialist
>by your people, for your people
Fall out of contact again
WRONG AGAIN: they weren't baby parts, they were tissue from dead fetuses, and they were sold at no profit (that is the money was only to cover for handling expenses).

Btw those tissues are extremely important for medical research, since they are rich in stem cells.

Also the author of the video was condemned in a court of law for conspiracy.

But I guess that I will listen to you, the people who are always lying.

Because that's what you do: you lose an argument and then you lie or you make up some conspiracy.

Next you will tell me that I can't trust the courts lol.
10-1 odds he was trying to impress her in some vain attempt at getting that pussy
Anal sex. Then say goodbye after you nut in her ass
A pretty dumb move for someone who thinks he is so smart.
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For your information, Obama didn't run against Trump. Trump was also the only candidate in decades to even mention infrastructure in his campaign, along with his background in construction, which initially impressed me. I'm sorry, but our grade D class bridges and below are more of importance to America than our bathroom signs. Anyways, my complex thought processes may be too Jupiterian for you.
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Since OP is a massive faggot, here's how you treat women that buy into the media's narrative of Trump without going all DEUS VULT like you autists are likely to do

>Trump is anti-women
He's the lesser of two evils. The comment about his daughter was misrepresented. Radical Islam is misogynist.

>Trump is anti-gay
No basis. Hillary and Obama were anti-gay marriage until it was inevitable that they would turn. Listen to Trump's and Hillary's speeches after Orlando.

>Hillary is better
Hillary's foundation is corrupt, her opinions change, her emails debacle was extremely sketchy, her immigration principles are problematic, etc

>Ugh muh emails!!!1
Emails scandal has much more weight than Trump's offhand comments. Trump doesn't mince words and the media is against him so they blow everything he says out of proportion.

>muh Trump rape cases
Several cases against Trump turned out to be nothing burgers. Shouldn't be surprising.

>Bernie was better
The rich do contribute to society. Using the rich as a scapegoat is pointless.

Overall the main thing to get across is that things go both ways. Libtards unironically believe they are the side of Love and it's easy just by telling them to reflect on that notion that it's a sheltered idea. OP's girl was probably un-redpill-able but he should have at least tried to make her open to other ideas instead of rejecting everything he believed in for the non-existent chance of getting pussy.
I don't understand why guys aren't forthcoming with women. I would've told her that I voted for trump because he's better for jobs and not clinton and everything else is irrelevant. once she complained I would've made fun of her relentlessly until she blocked me or we fucked
t. someone who has had both things happen to him
>I trust court decisions
I assume you fully support plessy v ferguson
>no problem selling dead fetus tissue
The parents have no right in it, it's PP property now right? And the only source for stem cells is dead babies right? Google it with me, I'm sure we're correct
slowly teach her who is behind all the big money corporations she hates
eventually she will see tyhe pattern unless she is fucking retarded

WRONG: Hillary talked too about infrastructure

And being democrats supporters of government funded projects she was in a better position to implement it (and if you say that you didn't believe her than that's judging character not policy)

But let's hear your Jupiterian thought: how is he going to fix infrastructure if he cuts taxes?
Where is the money going to come from? Where are these projects?
>unless she is fucking retarded
we're talking about a socialist feminist female here
Seriously if this plebbitor really support PP then point out things like providing abortions in cases like rape and incest and std tests, not this immoral horseshit. Cmon /pol/, you really think a white goddess should have to have the baby of her nigger rapist?
Rough anal sex with an atm face splooge is the only thing that will fix this bitch. She needs dominated. You can't do it seeing as you automatically assumed the beta seat by your third reply. Just stop responding. You're fucked.
>you really think a white goddess should have to have the baby of her nigger rapist?
no. but I'm not touching her anyway cause 1. abortions fuck up women's bodies and 2. burn the coal pay the toll even if its not by her choice
A constitutional case is a political act setting precedent on interpretation. It's neither true or false but falls in the category of what austin calls speech acts.

Sometimes you can doubt courts, you can re-interpret their proof, offer more proof and so on, but if you start saying that there is a huge conspiracy to prove you wrong than you are just silly.

I mean go ahead, do you have proof that PP was profiting from the sale?

>The parents have no right in it, it's PP property now right?

Where would have fetuses gone? The trash. Isn't it better if we use them for research?

>And the only source for stem cells is dead babies right?

Not the only one, but an excellent one.

Also embryonic stem cells are different than adult's:

>Embryonic stem cells can become all cell types of the body because they are pluripotent. Adult stem cells are thought to be limited to differentiating into different cell types of their tissue of origin.


Thank you for proving once again that at best you are just ignorant and at worst just a bunch of liars.
Yeah nah, all socialism sucks - even NatSoc. Sorry goys.

If Nazi Germany had just focused on

Not being dicks
uniting Europe
Creating perfect humans
Eliminating disease
Keeping track of their scientists
Not fucking up
Not being dicks

We'd have colonized Mars by now. Also muh flying cars too. It's OK though, the free market will provide...eventually.
Someday someone is going to smash your car, on purpose just like that because they didn't like your face, and the insurance company will tell you "burn the coal pay the toll"
Wrong thread. Fuck.
Don't worry the free market will provide...eventually
A really well thought through position. Niggers rob rape and burgle. If some nigs broke into your moms house and raped her is that what you would tell her? That she needs to pay that toll?
why do you have a problem with democratic socialists lol, at least it makes sense instead of larping as a national socialist
who cares? Make it happen
That's exactly what his mom said when uncle jesse asked for his coal
wow dude that analogy really btfo me
damn another one.

Don't be her friend. You said it yourself you have been out of touch for awhile and she joined a cult.
How is it a cult if its opponents get constantly btfo'd by logic and superior facts?
isn't pol pretty much either this or nationalist socialists? hardly asking the right people...
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>Armchair lawyer massacring the concept of constitutional law
Very coherent buddy
>no problem with doctors selling things they extract from you
Informed consent or stating it in the contract might be good practice eh? Regardless it's a shitty thing to do
>uh I know you said 'only' source of stem cells but it's not the only one but it's a good one so huh huh what a liar so btfo XDXD
*reddit*. Also do some research, multiple sources confirm profits
You're right, analogies which point out flaws in logic are dumb and for people who, like, are into, like, logic and sheeit.
>MOMMMM!!! Don't get impregnated by a nigger rapist!! I don't want to tell you to pay that toll!! WHERES MY TENDIES AND HOT POCKETS MOM?!?! Bring me more Mountain Dew, this bottle has gone flat! MOM ARE YOU LISTENING?!? You FUCKING SUCK mom!!!
>>Armchair lawyer massacring the concept of constitutional law
>Very coherent buddy

I'm sorry if I've been too Jupiterian.

>nformed consent or stating it in the contract might be good practice eh? Regardless it's a shitty thing to do

Yeah I agree it's a shitty thing to do. So obviously your reaction is to do a shittier thing. Instead of asking them to implement a form asking for consent, you ban the practice outright.

>uh I know you said 'only' source of stem cells but it's not the only one but it's a good one so huh huh what a liar so btfo XDXD

I'm not owned I'm not owned he screamed as he turned into a corncob.

> Also do some research, multiple sources confirm profits

I bet they are all anti-abortionist sources since the state investigation has not found anything.

>Despite all the worry, state investigations have yet to find any evidence that Planned Parenthood was selling or profiting off fetal tissue. Twelve states have completed investigations into Planned Parenthood following the videos' release, according to the organization.

I up your partisan source with my partisan source:
stop being retarded. my original point was that I'm not touching a girl who was raped by a nigger and aborted it because abortion messes up the female body and also beacuse she's spoiled goods whether its her fault or not. the toll being paid is that I'm not gonna touch her.
Women who have been raped have far too much baggage to deal with. I know it sucks but it's the way things are.
that's what I've been trying to say in part
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Leftist/Feminist Women have Frontal Lobe Damage/Disorder caused by Birth Control. It can't be cured or healed.

[Made threads on this: http://archive.4plebs.org/_/search/subject/knowledge%20bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/%21%219O2tecpDHQ6/]

They've been Social Engineered to be the harbingers of Society & Family destruction.
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