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Why is the alt-right/alt-lite full of degenerates?

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Thread replies: 109
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wtf /pol/

There's Gavin "buttplug" McInnes, Milo "black cock" Yiannoupolos, Mike "ladyboy lover" Cernovich

Even Lauren Southern, the most tolerable of the bunch, was friends with a tranny at some point, and possibly still is:


Don't even get me started on Kike Enoch.
OP pic is Laura Loomer and Cassandra Fairbanks.

Laura is literally a kike btw.
Fuck off Lauren Southern is based
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dude I like her, but i think it's disgusting that she's friends with trannies
we cant be perfect anon
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The alt-right is interesting but what do we know about the critics of the alt-right?
Maybe the tranny is redpilled and based as well?
>kekistan flag

really activates my almonds
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Do you think critics of the alt-right might secretly be obsessed with them?
McInnes touched dicks with another dude in a three way. They were giving her DP and he "slipped" so they were both in the roast. So fucking gross. He talks about it in his book Death of Cool. Well Gavin, you're gay now. Sorry, those are the rules.
he also made out with milo

21st century conservatism everyone
I think it's hot AF desu.

You're missing the point of the thread. It's a distraction from this thread


Who cares if she's friends with a gay bloke, just chill.
Basically some weird guy has been making threads and posts about lauren southern for weeks on end, spamming the board and threads about her with his autistic jew hunt and he got called out.

What's wrong moarpheus?
Because ideology is degenerate and self glorifying

Do the shills really think that we don't notice the pattern of the same fucking threads over and over again? If you want to sway opinion, you shouldn't make it so obvious.

Fucking amateurs.
because they are (((controlled opposition))) and will be gassed.
i'm not moarpheus

i'm someone with legitimate criticisms of a political movement
the shills are in

we reject all kikes, kike lovers and degenerates
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Left(Chaos) vs Right(Order), Power Structures use both & the paradigms they create for different usages.

[Talked about this way back: http://archive.4plebs.org/_/search/subject/knowledge%20bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/%21%219O2tecpDHQ6/]

Every movement wave has "Sharks" inside of it & the "Alternative Media" is controlled to some extent.

Redpill/Bluepill, Zion/Matrix, etc. Always try to think outside of the box, even if you are outside of the box. Since there is a good chance you are still trapped in a box.
Have you guys seen the picture of her hugging a poo in loo from 4 years ago? She's most likely a tainted racemixer.
go fuck yourself frank
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She doesn't seem very sympathetic to trannies though
Ancap, come at me
yeah, perhaps she's changed views. I hope.

much like she's leaned towards ethnonationalism
Girls kissing girls is a good thing when they're not ugly
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t. reprobate
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I'm not the one doing it b
Are Laura Loomis and Ezra Levant our greatest allies? By the way, JDL works with the Proud Boys.
It's the same reason Catholic priests diddle little boys. Trying to force yourself to be a role model 24/7 takes a toll and then you overcompensate by binge doing whatever it is you're trying to suppress. Just be a genuinely good person and you will become a roll model naturally. Don't force yourself to suppress every thought that doesn't correlate with your world view.

>purity spiral

And this is when the right begins to eat its own.
kikes and kike lovers will never be our own
I don't want to be associated with sodomites, sorry
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Remember, anyone that is "alt-right" or "alt-lite" or whatever fucking new term (((they))) make up is controlled opposition. Calling people nazis and literal hitlers isnt working. KKK is a joke and people realizing it was a jew run organization and democrats pet project from the segregation days. Aryan brotherhood is a fucking illegal cigarette selling bike gang. Dressing retards up as neonazis to paint a picture doesnt work anymore. You cant label them these things in media because people dont react to it. They see them as jokes and extreme hyperbole and fake. Alt-right is a term that is nebulous and sounds bad right now. It gives them a label to throw around and slap white nationalist on there too and bam you have a new slur for virtue signalling cunts and MSM to parade out.

Do not trust anyone that uses the terms or identifies as it.


Millennial Woes/Jared Taylor/Nathan Damigo/Richard Spencer etc. all use the term alt-right and alt-lite. It's just useful terminology to separate the ethnonationalists from the civic nationalists you autistic fuck.
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yeah, it's disgusting she's friends with a tranny that is hotter than most modern women and probably less degenerate as well
>probably less degenerate as well
LS is a blatant kike, just look at that fucking hook nose and beedy eyes
Controlled opposition. You arent helping your cause kike.
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Why do you come to a Mongolian water polo imageboard to spread obvious lies about 22 year old Canadian roasties?
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>everyone is controlled opposition! don't trust anyone! just stay on your obscure little message boards and don't do anything in real life goy- I mean guys

Go to bed Varg.
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>that chin
Lol dude i look more like a girl than that.
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The west is fucking screwed
Do you know how many degenerates were possibly in the Nazi party?
Slumming it up in Weimar years beforehand
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Reminder that you're being totally dishonest.
>unironically using labels cooked up by the msm kike media
kill yourself weak minded loser
Dick Spencer's wife is a trap it's obvious u mongoloid
Tbh that image makes spergsoc look cool.
>switching topics when you get caught lying
How kosher.
Video of Laura Loomer at a party
>purity spiral

Its the entire point of the thread. The critics of people like lauren southern got absolutely wrecked in the last thread and were shown to be autistic mouth breating morons (at least one of them) so "someone" created this thread and posted the link to it there as a way to deflect attention from it and continue their crusade.
Is this girl Spencer all over again? Someone who appears out of nowhere and is lifted up by the media as the crown queen of the "movement"?
And i'm not just being hyperbolic with the mouth breathing autist thing


This is one of their youtube channels. FUCKING LOL
kill yourself
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>dat nose on right
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lol dude what are you doing
>the tranny is redpilled and based
How about you go back to >>>/r/eddit
This honestly. Overtly puritan values lead to striking out even harder than would originally be the case. Strict religious kids grow up to be wild teenagers. The harder you hold the sand, the more slips out. The more suppressed the culture, the more fucked up the porn.
Life requires balance. Trying to out-impress others with your (((christian))) values is going to make you into a monster in one way or another. Just be genuinely good. Do what it takes to save you and your kin. Prosper and stop extremist reasoning.
Every time I make a leftist mad because they didn't get away with their lies I get a chubby.
she is a kike and so are you.

Hahahah we know what you're like.
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Did it cause you great anal pain when the poll revealed all your pathetic efforts to character assassinate her on this board have amounted to nothing? All that work for nothing.
you will be gassed.
MOARPHEAAAASSsss........ I know you're lurking.
Stop giving a fuck about ecelebs, they have no real ideology or principles, they are just in it for money
Ignore them and they will go away
Theryn is/was a prostitute.
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But those trips don't lie
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she always has a ton of make up on, and she dyes her hair. its degenerate. are there no pics of her without makeup?


She starts this video without makeup
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i think in this pic as well
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>that photo
>not wearing makeup
>any makeup

you niggers are embarrassing.
>no makeup pic is shaky with a shit camera
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its literally one guy making these posts day in and day out about how shes bff with trannies and is a jew

I'm not sorry for debunking leftist disinformation.
no i'm impressed, i was posting it as a reminder to shills that they won't go unanswered
at this point he's doing a public service like Norge Bot, because that Moarpheus fag is determined to slander Lauren to turn /pol/ against her

>she said Jews left Denmark escape the Holocaust, that means she's a FUCKING KIKE!
I want to fuck Laura Loomer
its not morphagus, he is a rabid schizo he shits out 50 all caps calling his target a kike suplemented with shity and poorly made memes

sad sad speciman, probably a selfhating psychotic jew
Don't forget about Roger "no cock is too big for my wife and me" Stone, anon. He's the cuck in chief!
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Were from here, the abyss
Damn, she really is /ourgirl/ now.
you have homework to be doing
we had a metal chick in class that never wore make up, like literally none. She didn't get pimples and she looked like a marble statue. Nobody ever called her tired or anything, because she never put the standard of a make-up look out there.
Shill or not, its in your best interest to direct your criticism to an actual threat, not wannabe memers trying to capitalize on kids.
I seriously hope you contract HIV within the next few days

Because in reality, it's actually much more inclusive then the idiotic left. That and it doesn't try to turn everyone into a victim of some imaginary crime or slight.
Chill boi
Get drunk sometimes, go out
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A: Due to the prevalence of the 'Alt-White'; that group who is only White when it is convenient who have successfully taken over our children' brains and thinking through decades/generations of social and cultural engineering.

btw: how's the weather there in Tel Aviv, Rabbi?

Are you enjoying the Republican majority?
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"Alt-Right" isn't real. It's all a subversion of the real movement. Not "controlled opposition", per se, because the movement itself isn't controlled. Anyone calling him or herself "Alt-Right" is being used as a puppet.
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It's been inflitrated by Jews like Lauren Southern that the average newfag can't spot.


We see you, shill boy
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Sorry bud, but your lies have no power here.

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(((Laura Loomer)))
Haven't you embarassed yourself enough for one day moarpheus?
Cernovich is Trap fucker too
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