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I always resented hearing about how uneducated the average American

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I always resented hearing about how uneducated the average American is, because my friends and I went to a good school, and were honors students. But now, as an adult in my 30s, when I mix with the general population at work or in public, I realize just how little people know. Here are some examples:

>be me
>work with 40 year old Mexican American lady - born and raised here
>anon, what's your race?
>realize she wants to know about my ancestry but decide to play it technical
>white, clearly
>no i mean your nationality
>well American obviously
>no anon, like where are your parents from?
>from America
>ok what's your, like, ancestors race
>decide to just give her the answers she wants
>mom's side is german. Dad's side is polish
>what's polish?
>(shocked) uh...they're people from Poland
>where's that?
>( stunned ). . Well, it borders Germany. They invaded Poland, starting ww2
>oh so they Jewish?
>uhhh well mostly catholic
>what do they speak?
>(very stunned) . . . P. . . P . . . Polish

>be me
>sitting in community hot tub
>two dumb blonde ladies, middle aged get in
>ask me if I know any good bars
>sorry I dunno. You know any?
>yeah, anon we went to one called Mozambique
>why is it called that? Is it African themed?
>they giggle
>anon, why Africa theme?
>well cuz it's a country in Africa
>"whatever that's weird you know that," trying to make me feel like the dumb one
>you never heard of Mozambique?
>no who cares
>well I'm not asking you what countries it borders, or to tell me what their top export is. I'm just shocked you never even heard the name Mozambique in 40ish years
>no who cares, and don't talk about our age

Is there any fucking hope for us?!
I think you should learn how to respecc whamen. Didn't they teach you that in your (((university)))?
you have terrible gramma. commas aren't required in half the places you put them and sentences should never start with but.
You could be getting some mad MILF pussy.
>sentences should never start with but.

Does anyone have experience dating completely clueless girls like this?

Currently seeing a girl that has severe problems with rudimentary arithmetic. I am not sure how I should feel about that.
Only things she needs to know is how to cook, clean, and make babies
But fuck!


Haha no
He could be smashin' but he gotta play

People really are ignorant. Retaining knowledge just comes easy to me. I won't say I'm the smartest guy around, but when I read or learn something, I retain it. People always ask how I know so much "random shit".

I just, yknow, pay attention.
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I wouldn't give a shit if she didn't know math, so long as she had an ass like this.
>anon, what's your race?
>realize she wants to know about my ancestry but decide to play it technical
>white, clearly
>no i mean your nationality
>well American obviously
>no anon, like where are your parents from?
>from America
>ok what's your, like, ancestors race
>decide to just give her the answers she wants
your autism is showing
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If she's hot enough, even stupid can be adorable.
Most people don't retain knowledge about a variety of topics that don't pertain to their daily lives.

I'm 34 and there are plenty of things that someone could quiz me on that would make me look stupid on the spot. I used to be great at math in high school and college, but I haven't really needed it in my profession for about a decade, so if you asked me basic grade 10 algebra problems I'd probably look like a retard for a few minutes - I could eventually figure it out, or google it and re-learn it, but it's not something I'd be able to do in a pinch.

Your examples both revolve around geography and you're posting on /pol/ where we often talk about geography so I'd say you have an advantage over old dumb normies who haven't looked at a world map in the last twenty years.

There's probably shit you've forgotten about physics, chemistry, math, history, spanish, or whatever else you were taught when you were 15 but haven't really used in your daily life ever since. It's not stupidity, it's strictly based on memory and lack of frequent application.
I was using dictation on my phone. I was not bothering to fix mistakes. Chill out and talk about the topic.
These read like SJW stories, except you switched the nationality/country in the first one.
Maybe so
You made a thread about how retarded Americans are and then you act like one. What the fuck do you expect?
You mean his patriotism?

I'm in his camp. Yeah, my ancestors are Irish, Welsh, French and Spanish, but my family has been in the country since the 1800s on one side, and the 1700s on the other. Closest I've been to my ancestral homelands is a two week vacationto the UK. I'm a White American, front to back

"You will be more interested about a squirrel in your backyard than a country in africa."

-Mark Zuckerberg
Yeah at my highschool we were divided into different classes based on results so I was kinda insulated. The number of retards that actually exist surprises me. Then again, i'm on pol, so I can't say much.
>women ask questions
>women too dumb to know the answers

The thing about asking stupid questions is that women just ask questions naturally
In an easy and free society, it is natural for "people" to be lazy, greedy, useless, and any other pejorative.

This is the norm. If you want the world to be a better place, you must manifest it yourself. You cannot expect the average joe-shmoe to be intelligent.
Also the sentences starting with but were just common speech
They're only common in the US.
>woman asks anon where his ancestors come from
>woman isn't smart enough to know where fucking poland is

As expected of a leaf, you're a retard. What kind of dumb fuck asks where a person's ancestors come from if they aren't smart enough to know basic shit like the fact that Poland exists?

>women don't know that mozambique is african
>try to make OP feel stupid for knowing that instead of being polite

Again you're being a faggot
That shit is a typical SJW strategy. A lot of minority SJWs like to pretend to be outraged when people ask them where they're from, because they apparently think that never applies to white people and that they get singled out for their race.
And there are 325 million people in the US compared to 130 million~ or so people in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the UK


Americans are a funny bunch
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Congrats. You're an SJW.
God, what a system. They literally put retards in with normal students here.
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Well its common knowlege that avarage burgers are egocentric and dull just look at map you print! But in the other hand i know you people are hardworking so prbl they are focused in it. Also dont relay on cunts bc they are dull everythere, buts is no matter as long as they clean and cook
Are you really saying that in everyday speech, an Aussie won't start a sentence with but?! I'm not talking about writing - just chatting with friends?! Are you sure, you moron? Are you guys also avoiding ending sentences with prepositions when you're just talking shop with your mates?! Lying ass homo
In writing, yes. The closest to what you are saying is a sentence that starts with a semicolon and then but.
My first post was about gramma and I think that does relate considering this thread is about uneducated people. Gramma doesn't matter when talking. I wasn't posting about talking, I was posting about writing.
Stupid is not cute.
It can be interesting to teach and learn when someone is unfamiliar with a topic, but if they are unfamiliar with too much for their age, ignorant and do not want to learn, or have trouble grasping easy topics, it's a turn-off no matter how physically attractive they are.
If you have>>134050156
kids with her, the children will inherit her non-existant math potential. Don't do it anon. It may be fun now to lead an idiot woman by your hand, but it gets very annoying after 20 years of marriage. It's time for you to re-evaluate your life-choices.
Used to be in a somewhat popular metal band

>writing lyrics
>jokingly say "haha all we have to do is reference Sigmund Freud"
>"what band is that?"
>Sigmund Freud?
>"yeah what band is that?"
>Uh...He was a psychologist...
>"wow anon you sure know a lot of shit"

This kid graduated high school
>with my cousin and friend
>my friend just got back from New Mexico
>my cousin asks "so how do you like New Arizona?"
>...you mean New Mexico?
>haha oh ya, New Mexico
You're assuming that because something seems obvious to you, it must be obvious to everyone. That's not how the real world works.

Good example is someone who goes to the gym frequently versus someone that has never gone to the gym. Watch a 25 year old who has never step foot in a gym before bumble their way around not understanding how to do anything, how any of the equipment works, proper form, etc. They look laughable compared to someone who knows even a little bit.

It's the same with any topic, including geography, if the person doesn't stay up to date with world events (and so hears about these places frequently) or remembers their education from school. If you took someone who never watched any news or read newspapers or used the internet much and was in their 40s, they'd probably be hard pressed to name more than ~5 countries in Europe, and it would probably be the more "famous" ones like United Kingdom, Germany, France, etc.

You're a whiny child spouting "faggot this, faggot that" because you don't have a strong enough understanding of reality. You don't have to be scared, just pay attention.
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millions of people in your country believes chocolate milk comes from brown cows.
what's happened is Brave new world
under brave new world the population is pacified by mass addicting entertainment
the government doesn't need to ban books, people simply doesn't want to read them.
The american population and by extent the west is being consumed only by which is amusing drowning all important relevant subjects.
we are under anesthesia, we are being controlled by inflicting pleasure, the worst kind of freedom is the freedom that enslaves you because in your mind you're not.
The thing that usually bothers me is when people know a lot about tv shows and celebrities and other useless bullshit but either can't remember simple things from their education or refuse to learn about other topics.
I'm not talking about specific math problems or reciting books we read in class, I'm talking about the inability to use logic to reach answers or even use resources to ask and answer questions.
Even just curiousity is a rare and wonderful trait to see in people these days.
Swear to God, talking with a mate at work about genghis khan, bird wanders up:

>wasnt he the German guy with the flute and rats?
Oh I completely understand. You are right . I have forgotten so much! However, this lady didn't know Poland, or what Polish was.

you forgot to put 50 emojis in your message

otherwise people wont understand.
>tfw dumb bimbo milfs are real and exist in the USA
I must move now.
I had someone tell me Theresa May wants to legalise pedophilia and he came to this conclusion from this article.
Yeah, don't let them know you think they're a moron otherwise they'll go fuck Chad. They like light conversation and jokes.

You've only got a certain amount of girls that'll like you before you're old and it's too late. My advice is to hold on. Smart girls can be bad in other ways, insular and anal, or stuck up.
In the future people will be able to download information through their Gnosischip or whatever they end up calling it. Even if it just covers certain basics it'll definitely apply to this type of stuff.
if it makes you feel better it is also common here

I am surrounded by people which have very little knowledge of the world, and very little aspirations in life

for most it really comes to born, develop, reproduce and die

I have surrounded myself with friends not as lame as the mainstream, but even if they know what I am talking of, they lack interest, they don't get my interest in science, or in assad, or Cataluña independence
Even if I we're to try to change the world I know no one with the motivation to even wish to do something
People are dumb and have always been dumb their not going to get smarter if they have no need to
being knowledgeable isn't required to survive or even prosper these days so why expend the extra energy to do so?
I hang out with a bunch of rocket scientists (literally) and their as dumb as a box of rocks when it comes to things like geography or economics
why? no need for it all they need is math and physics so why bother with politics
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>>be me
>>sitting in community hot tub
Coming from an Aussie. You're the bottom of the barrel by a mile, ciggy butt brains
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you spected genuinely interest for culture in women. Just that.
You misspelled grammar.
They are retards, but you are a social retard, retard.
>what's polish?

Hey, I met British people who didn't know where Poland is. Not joking.
I really, really like this post.
I was dating a young model in my early 20s. She was so dense I had to cringe anytime we held a conversation. I ended it after 6 weeks... no amount of sex can compensate for the rest. Just no...
Kek even your college efucation sucks. My cousin went to the university of Chicago (top 5 school) and is always impressed by my culture. In France, if you have no culture and/or general knowledge you can't reach any good schools.
Not it isn't, you fucking homo
Unironically, most brits are hazy about eastern euro geography. Honestly I doubt I could locate Slovenia, Serbia, bosnia etc on a blank map.
Ex-Jugo countries are hard, because they are relatively new and small. But fucking Poland? It's a huge country for EU standards and has been in the news all the time. Also part of the bigger history of Europe.

Not knowing where Poland is, is like not being able to locate Spain or Italy.
its worse on pol
>*sees flag*
>Dude WEED, you from jamaica or africa or something?
>ohhh its the butthurt belt lel xD
>lol polish vassal
>lol get back to russia
>lol insignificant country
>lol send ur qt whores here pls tho.
>lol african colours

its got to the point where i am just sick of it and roleplay as a black guy, shitposting how im gonna slay white womyn with my Big Baltic Cock
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