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/jap/ - Japanese Political Discussion Salon

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Thread replies: 246
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Tomorrow is in my country (Japan) the holiday that is called Marine Day.

We will celebrate the contributions that Marines make to our society such as rape and murder.

Please close your bases and instead of performing surgery to reduce the size of your penises please do so for your noses pigs. Thank you.
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Japan has a huge demographic problem
Yes black mercenaries abducting Okinawan girls and impregnating them with hafu abominations is the only thing keeping our country afloat.
English teacher pls go.
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Marine day=Umi no hi(Ocean day)

Not rapist day you fucking gaijin.

Marines really should be removed. They're the worst of the military. Does there honestly need to be anything there but the US Navy itself?

There are plenty of soldiers in SK that can be flown over if shit hits the fan there.
It was a joke.
Nigger the base protests have been debunked as hoaxes and espionage a whole time ago. Where the fuck have you been? Or are you just a Korean shill?
Okay...not funny tho...

I actually agree with your opinon.
US soldiers are only contribute to rape/murder.

They are worst scum in Japan.even worse than yakuza.
Stop looking at income and look at the females Japanese men have to put up with. No wonder there's a suicide forest.
Or maybe these men just don't want the burden that comes with children and a wife.
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Only a Jap would do something as wretched as saying "lets meet again" or "i "like x" while meaning the exact opposite and then running away and ignoring you instead of being honest and putting it politely. trusting you in personal relationships is like getting nails stuck in my dick.
I bet 99.9% the marines that rape and murder are the nigger and beaner ones.

>Okay...not funny tho...

Yes women here are nightmares. They are obese land whales with green hair covered in tattoos and piercings and all dedicated man hating feminists...wait...
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They are white or mexican or black...etc.

all american soldiers are same.they are same.
at least for locals.

Australia's situation is not so different to Japan.
Your local can get rape/murder from American soldiers.
>protecting Japan
That's like Merkel protecting the white race.
Why jap /pol/ is so boring? Their others boards are full of shitposting
Many years later some of the villagers confessed that every weekend three black United States Marines had allegedly been visiting the village around that time and every time they violently took the village women into the hills with them and raped them. When the Marines started to confidently carry out their weekly ritual unarmed, the villagers reportedly overwhelmed the men one time and killed all three. Their bodies were hidden in the nearby cave out of fear for retaliation against the village, a village secret until 1997. Since the killings, the cave has been known as Kuronbō Gama, which is translated either as "Cave of The Negros" or, less commonly, "Niggers' Cave".
>remove marines
>north korea nukes japan
>all anime is destroyed
I agree
Who are you going to send to war when China is going to invade you?
You're right, those fucking Hafus that you loath, will be the only one fit enough to prevent your sorry ass to get raped by chinese dicks severed from pussy due to their male/female ration imbalance they got...
You've read it here first, and I wish I'd be trolling you.
>muh north korea/china is threat posting

But Americans are already threat for locals.
SK can't even defend itself against NK...
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Because American soldiers are worst scum in SK too.
China has no interest in invading.
>has pinese inferiority complexe
>has flat nose inferiority complexe
japan please.
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You got a source on that nippy?
Google "cave of the negroes"
>Visit Mainland
Sincere Japanese people with wholesome traditional values.
>Visit Okinawa
America 2.0. Stay away from 'Y' plates
no one seems to give a fuck about politics, not to mention the petty little shit considered newsworthy there.
>happened in 1945
So literally nothing. Soldiers rape all the time after battles. It's a harsh reality of war. If you think that 3 marines raping people after the Battle of Okinawa is bad, then you should really read about what happened to the Germans when the Soviets rolled in. There's also the Rape of Nanking for you to think about.
Your punctuation is flawless. Did you learn English in school or did you learn it on your own? Most Americans I know don't punctuate as well as you do, I am impressed and heartened.
You obviously don't know about China's near sea doctrine.
If you got mad at 3 niggers raping some people, woo boy are you going to be pissed when you read about Nanking.
They should replace "marines" with negroes, the primary problem.
Take a guess why he writes so well in English.
Japan is for the Japanese. Gaijin should have to pay insurance or make a security deposit against their potential future crimes when they enter the country.
Loli ga suki da https://youtu.be/XqS2g5WlMgM
>please do so for your noses pigs

Weren't the rapists niggers?
>/pol/ only care about rapist's race

that's not this point...
Yeah, because isolationism worked so well for them before.
Suicide Forest
Suicude Cliff

Any other infamous suicides spots?
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ITT: white gaijin English teachers larping as actual japs
That's not rape, but free jap prostitutes
12 y/o girl didn't even know what sex is.
>There's also the Rape of Nanking for you to think about.
What in world is that?
I am sincerely sorry that we allow niggers to be stationed in Japan.
That's what happens when you lose a war? Not sure what you're getting at here.
It isn't our marines nip, it's the niggers as always. It was a mistake allowing them in the armed forces and a mistake still that we let them be stationed in your country.

Don't hate marines, hate niggers.
They are under the sea with the wrecks of your ships gaijin.
>Please close your bases
Quiet down, Nippy.
Those bases are the only thing that's keeping the chinks from enacting their revenge for the nanking thing.
Bruh, look up the issue before you start apologizing. The event he's describing happened after the Battle of Okinawa in 1945. They weren't "stationed" in his country as they would be in a military base. They were just stragglers left over with too much ammo and balls deep (literally) in enemy territory.
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Germany is lost war too.
But American soldiers don't rape in Germany.

it's because Americans think rape is okay on Asians.

They are same mentality as nignog who raping white girls.
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Revere the emperor, expel the barbarians!
You didn't get the point.
Win a war against US then you can freely "rape" white girls, or vice versa
John get the fuck off of 4chan and go back to teaching your English class nobody wants to hear your cuck fantasies
barbarian mentality.

we live in 21 century,not 1945.

Jokes on you.
You'll have a hard time even finding one.
German women did prostitute for food.
Soviets raped.
Everyone was happy.
>cuck fantasies

But rape is happened and will happen in future of okinawa.

I hope you will get some anal rape from nignogs.
Honestly I feel bad for Japan.
They just want to be left alone and farm their ricefields yet they're constantly being harrassed for many things their forefathers did, their culture of honor and heritage mostly just brings the ghosts of the past to haunt them.
Only thing missing from this thread now is a SK poster.
Even SK poster against your soldiers.>>133840768
Why does Japan hire so many english foreing teachers for english if the students don't care, will never use it, don't even like it, and will forget it soon after?
Probably job opportunity
Cooool. Got any videos of Japs being super nationalist? Gives me a hard on
Leave Japan alone.

This is only wishes of Japanese people.
I don't want any American product/money/influence/culture.

sakoku was right.
Americans ruined our holy islands with dirty hand.
Once read an article where some car manufacturer was interviewed suggesting on the side that your long term goal is absolute autarqy by means of green energy and automation means.
That would be great and make you a pioneer of neo-isolationism.
It's a pyramid scheme like Kirby, Avon, or some other high employee drop-out rate scheme. They drag you in and promise you a bunch of shit just to get you there. Once you're there they keep shoving shit down your throat till you say thank you master or quit.
Top kek
And Japan should leave the world alone.

This is only wish of Western people.
I don't want any Japanese product/money/influence/CULTURE

My grandpa was right.
Japanese culture ruined our holy land with dirt.
>Tradicional Japanese is ok
>this new wave bulshit is fucking up everything
This is called homeostasis. Whites and Japs get it; hence lower birthrates. These would otherwise be considered "sustainable" birth rates.

Organisms like nigs and orientals do not understand how this works. Hence why Africa, China, and India are over populated.
Stop complaining. Maybe if u guys hadnt tried to wipe SE Asia during WW2, you would be more independent, but we don't trust you.

I don't want niggers or muslims over here either. It's not really an option at this point. Start having a lynch mob for the invaders already over there.
Italy's situation is fucked up too.

Your American soliders commit crime in Italy and got nothing.

Your government is corrupt af.

It's going to be hilarious if one day you or one of your relatives gets raped. Especially by a soldier.
so much victim complex today what bunch of faggots... you failed to protect your woman you deserve all of this, seems like buddha was not so powerful at all...i mean you guys love porn and hentai and all of this degeneration, you deserve this man im sorry.. for not being capable of separating wheat from the chaff
or a nigger or a mad white man or a mexican or any of the beloved monsters that media is creating

and you will do absolutly nothing about it or this italian man so you deserve all of this for being so naive and stupid, this is the real world man, plants and animals are link each other and plant and animals eat each other, a horse eating horse world
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>when you have the perfect image to put a slant-eyed tailless baboon in his place

Kyoto next time, faggot.
Okinawan protesters that weren't even from Okinawa, hangul and Commie-Kanji writing, etc... look that shit up

"Our country" good one, LARPing English teacher.
You may as well believe in the Holohoax and that the Russians interfered with the US elections
>this propaganda

have you ever been to protest in real life?
Majority of protesters are Japanese.
PSA to our underage newfags and redditors (please kindly leave): There are no actual Japanese here, maybe on /int/. So, if you want to interact with actual Japs and not English teachers, go to /int/.
This thread is such fucking shit.

Fuck off OP. We need to keep our priorities in fucking check. The Gooks control our media, The Chinks have their army ready to pounce on us, we have old-ass people who still believe in the mass media, birth rates, etc, we are so absolutely screwed at the moment, trying to kick out burgers is NOT the choice for the moment! That comes later!

The burger soldiers don't even commit much crimes anyway. The Koreans and Chinese are far worse criminals.
Of couse it's men's fault, they don't want to fuck because they are fags, even if japanese women are craving for their cock and opening their legs for every man, right?
I did not. But it makes sense that the Chinese want the Americans out. And as bad as the Americans are (or rather the the Jews that control them), the Chinese would be infinitely worse. So cease your idiotic crusade against Americans soldiers and work to argue against the slander towards our country instead. We CANNOT let the Chinese claim Hokkaido, Okinawa, or justify any of their invasions with the false pretense of revenge.
I'm not even OP.

>Gook control our media

Are u okay?

>The burger soldiers don't even commit much crimes anyway.

that's not point of this thread.

> The Koreans and Chinese are far worse criminals.
But they are easily punished by law.
Americans using race card/natinality and leave from Japanese jail.

Read this article>>133845199
This is happened in Japan too.
Are you the Spaniard that posts nothing but about how much you want one of our women? For gods sake just come over, get a Japanese gf, and never post again
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We have got to aporogize for Nanking
>no rape no base

jap are the biggest sluts
>I did not

stopped reading your posting.
You are fucking key board warrior sucking American cock instead of protect Japan.
And some of the weeb boards, they copy and translate threads to 2ch and mock the "stupid foreigners"
Marines are usually white guys whose dads/relatives were marines and now want to be marines for "muh martial pride'. Honestly not the brightest bunch or most socially successful. So it's actually a high chance of it being white dudes who want dat sweet Nipponji Manko.
Kill them. Enemies of freedom.
> t. Scotsman.
>still have class
>are u okay
Wow what a shit rebuttal faggot. Our media bends over backwards to the gooks. If you haven't noticed this already you are insane.

>that not .... thread
Sure as hell seems like it.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH you got to be kidding. Koreans get a way with the most damned things and the media barely reports it. Even the recent case where literal tons of gold were stolen by Koreans, the news coverage immediately ceased when they found out that the perpetrators were Korean! Or what about the case where a korean destroyed a bunch of shrine statues, he got a slap on the wrist (2 years or so), when he should have been shot dead!

Yes, I am upset that these raping burgers get a slap on the wrist, but once again, there are priorities!
>complaining about rape
THEY RAPED CHINKS AND GOOKS LIKE CRAZY FROM 4 years old to 100 and chopped them up with their swords then raped again
Yeah nah fuck the japs they can go back to their yakuza dog porn
And how do we do that on our own, genius? Do we have the military? How do we convince our retarded boomer population that we fucking NEED nukes against the Chinese? Or that we need a fucking army to defend ourselves? Shit, we can't even stop our techs from being stolen all over the place.
Most families that have children in the military are low-income families, the U.S uses martial service as an incentive to get to higher education. Visa vi you get social rejects and scum in our military.
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a-anon are you ok? what happened? did she do that to you?
>actually believing this propaganda
Pretty sad desu. Enjoy your vibrant diversity.
i apologize for the gooks but chinks had it coming
They are certainly hired. You always see these people on the news but never meet anyone who holds those beliefs in Japan.
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>tfw walking by Japanese officers in my Marine cammies
>tfw they probably had family that got slain by men wearing the same uniform I was
>apologizing for the gooks
Kill yourself
About as Japanese as you are John.
>whataboutism to excuse rape
This the reason the rest of the world thinks we're all autistic
i love KPOP!
You guys are shame of Japan.
never ever dumb larper
>Having to celebrate America's soldiers
Damn man you must have killed a Jew's cousin or something.
Japan is sovereign U.S. Territory. If you were smart you would just ban niggers.

Japan have to be normal country.
>have millitary
>have human right
>have our own 憲法

Is this とんだ理想主義?
You are too brainwashed by fake right wing news.
I'm true right wings unlike you.
The US is literally the only thing preventing China from wiping Japan off the face of the earth. They didn't forget WW2. Hell, if we withdrew I bet they'd go after Japan before Thailand even.
no pain no gain

no woman no cry

no rape no base
>Japan will be the vassal if America forever
>And then it will be a Chinese tributary state
Feels good man
The Pacific is rightful American clay
Country having American millitary base=vassal state of America.

US is cancer of the world.leave world alone.
Once again, you are not realistic. Shouting ideals will get you nowhere. Better to live like a dog and survive then suffer a dogs death.

Have to convince our pacifist cucked aging population that we need it, which we first need to get rid of the mass media, all of which we must do before China grows too much and we get too old... a very difficult task.
Once again, we need to destroy our shitty mass media first. Even recently the NHK poll said something like 55% disagree with the most basic constitutional amendment to protect our nation! As much as that poll is probably manipulated, we still have a huge media problem. Too many people are fucking blue pilled.
>humans rights
Not sure what you mean here, but generally speaking we need to get rid of our fucking media. It all starts from there.

I don't think you realize what kind of deep shit our country is in. 玉砕してどうする?
>cancer of the world
That would be the Jews controlling the United States you moron.
Its not at all about WW2. If they cared so much about their civilians, they would liquidate their own communist party first! It's about what the (((international community))) wants, and that's the complete annihilation of our country and people, and replacing them with good goyim.
Keep it in your pants nigger. It's copy/pasted from Wikipedia.
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Fuck off nipshit.
If you didn't want to be occupied don't attack America like coward faggots
>nigger and beaner ones.

Look up all the news articles about the rapes over there. They are almost overwhelmingly niggers.
I agree but at the same time you should not have stopped selling oil to us, as that is a death sentence.
So edgy. Meanwhile our nigger marines rape yellow women.
fuck off to 2 chan faggot
>calling for rape because someone pointed out facts that you don't like
Make your skull concave you subhuman. Nobody should be raped. It doesn't change the fact that rape usually follows conquest and that 3 rapes after a battle is a drop in the ocean.
We weren't going to fuel your war machine.
>"But muh soviets did worse!"
Fact is, the US did some of the worst warcrimes in WW2. If you seriously think three marines raping jap women is all of it, I'd advise you to read up on the japanese "comfort women".

Basically, the US army declared that unless they were given a certain number of women for their soldiers to rape, they'd rape every woman they could find. Exactly the same thing the japanese did in china and korea and are still blamed for today.

I could also fill a whole thread with us warcrimes in germany, but that'd be offtopic here. Let's just say that of the few germans I know that lived under both russian and american occupation, every single one prefered the russians, because apparently, they only commited crimes against civilians when ordered to and supervised, while the american soldiers would go out to rape and kill without a single officer in sight.
>But American soldiers don't rape in Germany.
Believe me, they did. It only ended once the cold war started and they tried to keep us loyal. You japs should have done like us or the koreans and given half your country to russia - that would've made the americans behave.
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Please amend your constitution and create an actual military instead of leeching off of America while simultaneously insulting America.
I like what you did there Muhammad

Lolin at this nigga who thinks America raped anything close to the numbers of Japan (LITERALLY THE RAPE OF NANKING)

Or Russians raping Germans

On top of that presenting no evidence to back your claims
So we should have been continuously at the heels of resource-hoarding superpowers? Oh wow we are so evil for waging war against an incompetent state which more than 2 million of its citizens migrated to Japanese-occupied territory of Manchuria in search of jobs and safety? But of course the western invasion of SEA are a-okay! (well, actually they are, but the double standard is nonsense) Give me a break.

Also, to make a shitty tu quoque argment:
>calling any other nation a war machine

You know that your country was the one to create this retarded constitution right?
>being given orders and supervision
That's a laugh. I bet they were well-fed and equipped as well. I looked up "Japanese comfort women" and only found stories about the Imperial Japanese forcing conquered women into prostitution. What you say is ridiculous. I doubt that any of it is fact. A poorly lead, poorly fed group of battle-weary peasants is always going to rape more than a proper army.
All I can say is don't attack and declare war on giant powerful countries and lose.

All sorts of bad shit comes with that.
Don't invade China ---> Keep getting oil ---> Don't start war with America ---> don't get nuked, humiliated, and occupied for eternity
And what assures us that the commie Roosevelt won't just keep the oil embargo and let the Soviets destroy us?
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White-tah peeg ah go home!
Yeah the communists are taking over the leftie voting base as the Democrats over here are completely annihilated. They won't get that far though, they are too far to the left.

Yes I do, as you were literally an enemy country that attacked America

That was over 60 years ago japanon, America has been pushing Japan to amend their constitution and become more independent for what, the past 10 years? But Japan doesn't want to spend the money
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Based jap calling out the weeb
If you hadn't gotten us into the war the Soviets probably would have gotten btfo by Germany.
>Yeah the communists are taking over the leftie voting base

What all 12% of it? and correct me if im wrong but abe and putin WILL NOT be voted out, yakuza supports abe am i wrong?

Come on, Jap you can surely battle a german 18cm long dong, you can't be that short.
But they have no chance of win elections, right? You usually are pretty conservatives.
Japan under reds will be a complete disaster and I still want to visit you country.

She probably saw youre hair Robin Williams knuckles and smelled the garlic on your breath
>denies the Rape of Nanking
Your people deserved the nukes
thank you
I can't belive no one noticed the phrasing before...
You were trying your hardest to conquer all of your neighbors. Any fool can tell that much. I'm not going to pretend that I'm averse to that. The weak should fear the strong. We are never going to help you wage a campaign of conquest, though. Maintaining your ability to annex your neighbors is not our obligation. If you're going to say that might makes right then accept that we were stronger than you and move on. And for all your whining, look at where you are now. The best thing that ever happened to your country was us managing your affairs after conquering you. If you want to be like Mexico and grow a chip on your shoulder and spend the rest of your days moaning about how the evil white man was too strong for you, then go ahead.
Did they tie his hands AND cuff him? Did he try to crash the plane with no survivors?
>chink leaf is upset

Lmao, slant eye motherfucker
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>tfw not asian
>tfw nothing i can say will convince you
hush now ahmed.
So you are just a typical leaf with under 50% chink blood?

Poor Japan, no choice but to play host to the American war machine and the niggers who work within it, or else they become an easy target for ching chong nip nong China.

A few niggers is surely better than a sea of chinks though right, nihon?
Chinks are already flooding japan
No, Roosevelt was interferring with Germany long before our attack. Check out Hitlers DoW speech against the U.S. for a quick rundown.

Don't buy into the Yakuza bullshit

Fair enough. But it was your country (and by your country I mean its (((elites))) ) started its enmity towards us. It was not our battleships that forced open your country for (((international trade))), nor was it our embargo or ultimatum against your country.

You can nuke me when you find the evidence, chang.

We mostly invaded out of necessity for resources. Over the long course of our country's history we have hardly invaded anybody, other than the modern period.

I have never whined about losing. I am simply defending my country against lies.

>managing your affairs after conquest
HAHAHA, you can't be serious? Like what, giving the women the vote? Yeah, sure thing!

>white man
Are you not aware that your country is completely controlled by Jews? When I am speaking out against your country's actions, I am talking about the fucking kikes, not whites like you. We fucking allied with Hitler and protected 100,000 white russians from Soviet slaughter in manchuria for god's sakes, if you think America represents the white man in any way in the last 100 years then you need to get properly redpilled
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You do know that outside of the perpetual embarrassments of Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal. Canada is overwhelmingly white.

Are you mad because of your own filthy blood?

>tfw based cariboo
Worse, Chinks are draining Sea of Japan.
>a relative handful of migrant workers

Don't be such a fucking drama queen

It's not like the Chinese military is occupying the country though is it? Which they will be without the USA there to protect them.
100% white british, also you should get your own flag for being white in canada, maybe the french ww2 army flag

Related too them building islands? have they done so in your trade zone yet?

Chinks should fuck off back to china, migrants are the death of any nation and this is the first stepping stone
Japan has no population problem

They are stabilizing peacefully before the rest of the world crashes

The rest of the world will follow the rat experiment and plummet down 90% within 50 years
The mk1 Trudeau got rid of our flag.
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You can't even protect yourselves, let alone Japan. If the USMC is so bad, why'd you mimic them?
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Well we are both in the same boat really
You mean the battle the chinese got btfo in and then tried to fight a guerrilla war from behind civilians after surrendering?

Japanese dont allow dishonor during war, if you surrender and keep fighting woth your women and children as shields, you just signed death warrants for all.
or this one if you're feeling early 19th century
Why would south korea want a crayon shortage?
Gain better reading comprehension.
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except I own guns

>tfw trudeau gun grab
>tfw boating accident
clearly that sign means that if we don't rape them they wont allow us to have bases there.

There's no food in North Korea. In the event of logistical issues or MSRs being cut off if war between PRK and ROK heats back up, you want troops that can live off of Elmer's and Crayola products.
You were incapable of being aggressive until the modern period, due to the abominable policy of isolationism that had crippled your country until then. If you were actually civilized then you would have traded for those resources as you do now. You attacked your neighbors because you didn't want to deal with them. We were not going to support that, and so we did not. Then you attacked us, were crushed by us, and were then delivered to the peak of your nation's prosperity by us. You are welcome. We did nothing wrong with you.
As if the rest of the world were good people worth joining

Most of the world is shit and has been for some time. Isolationism would be ideal if not for the military tech required to defend oneself from being conquered
>Y-Y-You just d-didn't u-unders-stand...
No, you just didn't fucking think. The notion that you even believe it possible for a good idea to come out of your head is a monument to human stupidity. You said that it would be hilarious for me to be raped because your tiny brain didn't know how to deal with the cognitive dissonance that came from me outlining facts that you weren't aware of. Whether or not you're actually smart enough to understand that is beside the point. Don't bother me with your drivel, mongrel.
Having said that, Japan respects that mighht is right and wants no apology for fighting a worthy opponent in war
That's complete nonsense. Japan was hopelessly backwards by the time their period of isolationism ended. Their lack of integration with the outside world caused them to miss out on key developments. The end of isolationism was the only thing that enabled them to become strong to begin with.
>incapable of aggresion
Incapable of aggression when we vassalized Korea in antiquity? Or when we won every single land battle in Korea against the Chinese in the 16th century?

How did we suddenly become uncivilized after closed borders? Did our literacy rate plummet (Francis xavior said that we could all read and write in the 16th century btw)? Did we become unable to manage world-class metropolises with a milliion people (except Edo had a million people in 1850)? So we weren't up to date with European tech out of fear for the spread of Christianity in our nation... so what. We modernized when it was necessary.

>You attacked your neighbors.. deal with them
Or perhaps it was the other way around? Russia claimed down south into the 38th degree line in Korea so we fought them (we shouldnt have desu), Chinese refused to stopped their minor border aggressions, our SEA neighbors were fucking COLONIES and not independent nations. The only independent SEA nation, Siam, allied with us. I suppose we couldn't deal with the Siamese? Or the Taiwanese that still like us?

>peak of your nations prosperity
Economically, sure. Not necessarily militarily or culturally, but anyhow. We succeeded economically by actually making good products with a lot of effort. We didn't get this shit for free.

>We did nothing wrong with you
Well if you think the Jews din do nuffin then enjoy your white genocide.

You word your very bad arguments very well, so I have to appreciate you for that. Thanks! you are better than the average poster.
You value "progress" too much and dont question the direction it sends people/nations

The only progress i agree japan needed was military protection. They are a people of humble learners and that is why they have survived a thousand years longer than your people.

All people should be humble learners capable of defending themselves when push comes to shove.
I agree, but it won't happen.
The fact that you have to refer to events from half a millennia ago is pathetic. I'll admit that you were strong once, maybe even stronger than Europe. That should make it all the more alarming for you that Europe eventually eclipsed you. By the time the Brits set their sights on Asia, you had no hope of resisting them. Something prevented you from growing, and it sure as hell wasn't foreigners. Isolationism failed you. You became hopelessly weak. Were it not for our intervention, you would have gone the same way as China. Do you people get taught about the Opium War? That was your fate. The only reason you avoided it is because you listened to reason. Our reason. We were as right back then as we ever are. We helped end the war you're talking about, which was long before WW2. The Russians trying to expand into Asia has nothing to do with the fact that you started expanding yourselves several decades later.
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You were already nuked...
Humility does not prepare people for defending themselves. A lack of wise aggression breeds complacency and inefficiency. The smartest animals in nature are the predators, the stupidest are the ones that graze. Nations die when they stop making the smart decisions in favor of pretentious ideas like humility. The world does not wait for people to catch up to it.
You dont have to be in first place for the entire race

Japan is playing the long game just fine. They fell behind europe and took a beating for it in WW2 but freed asia from colonization in the process. They sacrificed themselves for asian independence and now are learning how to meme better than the jews themselves

Long live japan tenno heika banzai

THIS guy fucks

God and spirituality are more important than just being the apex predator

Japan should be capable of being a humble predator
The whole world should learn from japan before god smites them down
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I think we should withdraw from Japan. No more niggers raping japanese, and no more of my hard-earned tax money going to your defense. It's such an obvious win-win.
That's not what actually happened. I know that you're only half-serious, but you have to realize that the whole of Asia was hopelessly weak compared to Europe after the 19th century. If they hadn't changed their ways then they would have experienced the very worst that a nation can on this earth. Just look at what happened to China. They tried to maintain their ways and they wound up as Japan's bitch within 50 years.
What? The argument is that we have not continuous warmongered through history as you Americans like to commonly project on us. We merely chose to not invade.

You don't make any sense in the later comments. If we could not resist the british, why didn't they invade? They even allied us. Nothing prevented us from growing, we grew in population and our cities slowly grew.

So the Russians can expand into Asia, ill-manage it (as much as Asia deserves to get ill-managed, mind you), and they are totally OK? Where does this double standard come from?

Your condescending and pretentious way of explanation is ever the more hilarious. If you are a troll, 10/10. If not, you need to get some help.
God is not going to intervene in the system that He created in the first place. People who think that blind faith is going to save them from their own inadequacies are not good people. A wise God could only turn away from a nation that actively refused to succeed.
As long as they keep their borders closed, wouldn't this be a good thing for them?
I thought that the english teacher thing was a meme, until I found him on jewtube.
Good vid
no u
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OP, I actually agree with you on this. The Japanese have been bitching for years about the US Marine Presence in Oki. They floated the idea of moving the Division of Marines to Guam. Why not? It's a US Territory. We should be on our own land. Why are we worried about your defense anyway?
hurrr durr I was only pretending to be retarded guys lol
Why does he wear the mask?
Theres a balance between islolation to preserve what is good and openness to acquire what is better

Japan walks that fine line better than any other nation in the last 1500 years and anyone who says otherwise needs to look at the failures of every other nation
This is pathetic. English teacher please depart.
Conscious faith and a desire to learn what god is > blind faith in a manipulative belief system

Japanese are trying to find out what god is and that is the only religion humans should focus on
But your women love to get fucked by us.

Japan will land gracefuly with anime herbivore men while the rest of the world crashes down in a population plummet of chaos and death
Nobody here imagines that you were warmongers all the way back then. We imagine that you were holed up in your island twiddling your thumbs.

The reason the British didn't invade was because we gave them a reason not to. If you had tried to remain in isolation, they would have broken down your doors and taken everything they wanted from you anyway. The British are the only people on this planet who are as ruthless as we are. They were especially aggressive back then, with the whole "sun never sets" thing. That's why I'm telling you to think about the Opium War. What the British did to China, they would have done to you. After all, you were infinitely weaker than they were at the time. That's what I mean when I mention "growth". I don't only mean population growth. I mean growth in terms of power. There was a time in which China could openly humiliate European ambassadors due to the staggering difference in power. Then, after several hundred years, that trend completely reversed. The Chinese became incapable of resisting even the most arbitrary of British desires. Your power had also diminished. The main reason that you weren't exploited by the British was time. They didn't have enough of an opportunity to take advantage of you because you had wisely ended your isolation.

Don't act as though I'm in favor of Russian invasions of Asia. The United States helped you back then. We actively mediated the conflict between you in order to conclude it on favorable terms for you. The fact that you weren't swiftly defeated by the Russians came as a shock to the world and a testament to your recovery. I don't have the slightest double standard.

I'm also amazed that you can compliment me on the way that I type and say that I'm "better than the average poster" in one post, then call me a condescending and pretentious troll in the next.
the sign seems to suggest that if there is no rape , then there will be no base
You can't be both isolated and open. Those are mutually exclusive terms. Contact with the outside world means that there is no isolation.
happy Marine Day
Pay up and japan will export the most selfish racemixing whores you could ever want right to your doorstep

The added bonus is that the offspring will kill you both and the problem will be solved
What is the point of these platitudes?
>There was a time in which China could openly humiliate European ambassadors due to the staggering difference in power.

um , when was this.

Even in the very early 18th century the British just sort of shrugged their shoulders when the emperor was being a dick to British traders, even though our fleet could destroy theirs in a few minutes.

Are you referring to the Tang dynasty or something? then it was just a few visitors who didnt really get close to the emperor.
You can deny immigration and reduce racemixing while exchanging/debating ideas and technology
I am speaking the closest to truth a human can

Listen closely young one
Japan can have either a real military the or emperor has power again. Pick 1
Now do I want those skanks over in my country.

When I was stations in Okinawa I fucked 5 of your whores....busted a nut in all of them.
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Not my whores

Fuck all them you want, thats what theyre there for
Yeah and some jack off to cartoons
Kick those kike serving marines out of your country or tell america to stop sending rapist niggers
Who gets pissed at Nanking besides communist chinks and Jewish faggots?
Globalization only works for shitskins
They get carted into our great countries. Use to be great
They're all whores you faggot

Pathetic victim card pullers
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Last time I went there all the girls threw themselves at me and my buddies. You gotta get your manliness in check bud, I was hearing boku boku (big big) the whole night in bed
Sure kid
Theres a lot of wierd japs in the process of dying virgins

Be patient senpai
Americans are nigger loving cancer.
Sucks you guys didnt win. We are controlled by kikes now. We will get them next time
The jew fears the samurai
America is the only reason Jewish communism spread across the world. Hollywood and the shitskins make america a worse place than Japan will ever be. America is a disgusting place.
This, though I'd certainly want to keep ties close with Japan
They gotta keep their fashion real man.
When we begin to believe America is no longer compatible with Islam we will be better off for it.
lads, how do i love


pls, in all seriousness : REMOE WOMEN'S RIGHT NOW ! THEY ONLY ABUUUUSE IT !!

Women have ZEEEERO concept of justice WHATSOEVER. They ARE children.
They dont need and must not have rights.
they need an owner that controlls them !
Exactly the same and the same reason why with children !
Of course there are no sources. I don't think blacks are more likely to rape than the other race.
>The mk1 Trudeau got rid of our flag.
Great Flag, had titties on it and everything.
>three niggers beat and rape a 12 year old
>they are arrested
>all three families cry racism, they all good boys and dindu nuffin
>one says prison labour is like being enslaved
>another one goes back to the states and rapes another chick before killing himself
The problem isn't Americans, Satou. It's niggers. Consider it a warning against letting in refugees. That said I don't blame the Nips for hating all Americans because we're the ones who keep shoving niggers onto your islands.
This is what a subhuman looks like everybody.
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When I was stationed at Yokota AFB in the late 90s, a couple of Airmen were busted for pimping Japanese pussy on and off base.
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