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everything is shit here, people get bashed for making memes on

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everything is shit here, people get bashed for making memes on pm modi or any politician, worship cows or gtfo, no toilets. Man cant wait to get out of this shithole of a country

what is /pol/'s opinion on India
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Leave your paganism (which will lead you to hell), come to the Tawhid, and go full jihad revolution on this cow worshipper.
>superpower by 2020
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Indians are alright people coming from a country with a lot of internal problems. India is making good progress on pulling itself out of poverty and modernizing both its economy and its people.

So India is alright, I guess. Where are you going to move to OP?
Doesnt matter how good technological progress we make, the shithead politicians will ensure we get dragged back to the dirt.
Also yeah India is still poor, just because a few Indians are rich doesnt mean the rest of India isnt shit poor
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I would defend my country if anyone say shit about it but under current government RSS/BJP(indian ISIS) we are POO IN LOO.


holy shit are you retarded. you know there are iDs on pol. no wonder Indians are subhumans of low IQ
Not a modi fan, but you should not meme or make fun of your head of state as he is the the representative of your country to the world. I didn't like people making fun of Manmohan's silence and I don't like this type of bullshit either.
Goa é nossa
Samefagging hard, you fucking retard
Punjabs are shit tier Indians.

Light skinned seem to be fine
>Calling people of his country a retard because of not liking memes
>Is a bigger retard than them
Indians are my favourite shitskins.
Ive been warning you pollacks that these pigfuckers are proxyfags
They are trying thier best to spread bad image on the current modi govt.
Our modi govt. Is going on great
Modi is making it difficult for pigfuckers to have a peaceful life here in india

Its pretty much like this in india:https://youtu.be/TPPBg62b6AU

Hey cumskin ahmed pigfucker check that vid
globallist shill detected
madharchod muslim teri maa ka chut me ashok ka sariya bhosdike
>motherfucker muslim ashok's rod in your mum's vag
Found the south Indian NIGGER.
Go back to your safe space, to /r/india. Go whine there, I am sure your mallu nigger friends will give you hundreds of upboats there.
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Or you are a muslim, proxy fag,?
See pic related, What's your score?
Man mallus are the most degenerates and perverts. They are like cancer on fb.
It's probably a Paki you fucking dhotinigger. south Indians don't give a shit about Modi government. And Randia is filled with hindicucks
>pic related
>he can't handle the bantz
Dalits need to leave
this is normal for india
they are really just a bunch of gibmedats and dindunuffins in disguise. they look for any excuse to chimp out over nothing like this..
Being born Indian is like being born cursed. Literally the lowest of the low. Absolute human filth.
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>When even Africans refuse to live in your country and find it pathetic.
>Implying any reason to lynch a muslim is bad
yall niggas don't even need a reason
its your natural state to outraged by everything
This I will become a God damn vegan if that means mudslime purge
The thing is that the whole world sees you as shitskins being angry and chimping out because of cows


sums up india perfectly
Great discourse you guys. Enlightening, really. Sage.
>Types like a nigger
>Calls other people a nigger
wew lad

See, even Hindus like me and this guy >>133729374 have no objection with eating beef, And majority of us are non-vegetarian.

The beef lynching is just an excuse for lynching muslims and keeping them under pressure.

You guys are too naive for Asian politics. You think your politicians are the masters of deciet, but the fact that a nobody fat and poor Asian leader like Kim is making you chew Iron Balls is proof enough.
Damn why do you need to keep Indian muslims under pressure you make it sound as if they had a dangerous power. What did they do to India?
brahmin girls suck muslim dick, birth pakistani pigs.
Typical low IQ bhakt.
not even once
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The Bihari Master Race will conquer Brahmin-fags. Tamils will be second-in-command.
Stop LARPing, poojeet. Mudslimes cucked you for hundreds of years and they continue to cuck you to this day. You shitskin faggots ain't gonna do shit.

>We are organized and know what we are doing
>We are just pretending to be retarded and chimping out
>Indian politics has nuance and depth
really exercises my synapses
those are muslims.
They will still be 30 percent of the population and the purge will happen soon
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>Implying cow worshippers are better
Whatever the religion, Indian = shit
oh wait...
NO it's simple,
Non-religious people will rule and dumb religious fags will be slaves.
Fuck off niglet, i'll make fun of whomever I want. lmfao can't belive people like you browse 4chan, just kill yourself asap >>133727493
>trying to hide you are a muslim.
Muslims = subhuman.
islam says fuck your daughter and sister,
as a result we have genetically degenerate faggots like you.
>the purge will happen soon
Why not do it now? Why wait until they're at 30%? I'll tell you why, because it's bullshit and you know it. Indians (especially Hindoos) are beta-male faggots who can't fight for shit. That's why you get cucked by everyone. The Mughals, the Britbongs, the Portuguese. They just walked into your shithole and conquered you, like the weak shitskins you are. This "purge" you speak of only exists in your head and deep down you know it. It's nothing more than a fantasy.

Prove me wrong.
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>implying I live in your country
>islam says fuck your daughter and sister,
Forbidden to you (for marriage) are: your mothers, your daughters, your sisters, your father's sisters, your mother's sisters, your brother's daughters, your sister's daughters, your foster mother who gave you suck" Quran 4:23

Lmfao idk if I'm ready to 'argue' with a low IQ pajeet honestly

But eh, at least Muslims don't marry their dogs
>Every 2-3 years, India faces communal riots between Hindus and Muslims, it doesn't make much news world wide because they are contained shortly by deploying (CRPF) Army i.e. beating unarmed and killing armed people without asking questions.

>Reasons are same, Hindus being fed up of Jihadis and terrorism, Muslim instigating Hindus by posting objectionable content about Hindu gods on Social Media or Vice-Versa i.e. Hindus making fun of Mohammad etc. etc.

>>Muslims in India votes as 1 block i.e. all muslims vote for the same party which leads to political parties like Congress kissing their asses, giving them more minority rights.

>Muslims are increasing their population at rapid rate in India plus they are allowed to practice polygamy and oral divorce here, which helps every muslim man have 8-10 kids.

>Muslims also make Hindu girls fall in love while pretending as Hindus or with Hindu names in states like U.P. and Bihar, and then marry them and forcefully convert them as muslims - called LOVE JIHAD

>Muslim majority areas like Kairana, U.P. tortured Hindus so much them they had to migrate from their hometowns.

>The last government never took actions against such acts and the majority Hindu population had to face the problem because Majority always suffer in the democracy.

All of this is bottled up anger is coming out in places like U.P. such other states as the right wing Hindu Nationalist government is in power.
You sound like a retard, you should follow your own advice.
please dont move anywhere. you must teach your comrades how to shit in a toilet before you decide to leave.
Topkek, you do realize our religion predicts this right the pendulum swings lad we will have time on our side soon
>Implying you aren't a Dalit
Only the lowest of the low convert lad, history does not lie
Haha true that.randia is run by isis pigfuckerd

Dude wtf? Randia is filled with muslim and AAP cucks.

My bakchods are here
Proxyfags btfo'd
This is how i see India.

I lost my shit at the "Love Jihad" thing
Why don't India put all of its Muslims on the same states so they're all together and let Hindu in the other?
And why do Hindus force conversion on Christians? (just asking)
>this shit happens everywhere
>majority suffer in silence
>still the most cucked country with muslims having their own set of laws
>every kind of speshul minority handouts for everything
>now they need more things to get handouts for so they chimpout
I don't even know what the hell is this
>/pol/'s opinion
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India isn't even a country and the inhabitants live there aren't even human. We need to nuke them to oblivion and they won't be miss.
See, anon. Every religion is kinda corrupted in India, except Sikhism. They are usually busy with their own inside politics i.e. Gurudwara elections.

Buddhism, Christianism and Hinduism, all three are in a race of getting more and more followers and all three of them do some amount of force conversion and fooling the poor people that their god will take away their misery and poverty.

To make this tactic successful they lure them with money, Christians get that money by acting like a victim in Christian countries, Buddhists get that money by acting like a victim in Buddhists nations and Hindus get that money by acting like victims in their own nation.

See, now you understand. The thing that "majority makes the law in a democracy" is just a meme. Reality is that most politicians are from/for/pro minority and minority rules the majority.
Modi bhai is doing that
Its the opposition party (congress,AAP)who is supporting pigfuckers for minority votes.
These opposition party are brainwashing and manipulating pigfuckers for votes
And these obvious muslims fall for the trap.
>implying we don't own the internet
I thought Modi was based.
What is the opposition like?

Do you have any parties that suck the west's dick that love feminism and gays and all that shit?
If yes, how popular are they?
There whole religion is survived by brainwashing and making the followers fall in trap. Nothing has ever changed about Islam and muslims and nothing ever will. It's a disease.
>muh microsoft CEO

No matter what you are, you will be forever a subhuman degenerate that shits everywhere.
The entire world is fucked. Once you leave pooinlooland, you will first be confused, then in denial, and finally realize that a shitton of stuff is better in india than in the "developed" world. You will also find, of course, that the general "presentation" is better in real countries, though. You will not find it to be worth it.
No party is pro gay in India because every religion is against it. And India is a very religious country.

Current government is Nationalist and Hindu, it had a clear majority so opposition doesn't have a strong position now. Though the opposition is made up of Communists, Socialists, Liberals, Conservatives.

No party is too pro west, though most of them want good relations with them for the betterment of the country.

Communists on the other hand loath US and UK and are pro-Chinese.
Well it'd be better both for Muslims & Hindus to live in separate states apparently

Please kill yourself.
This. But the american cancer of retard liberalism, feminism and lgbtism is getting its roots in India thanks to cancerous American culture advertised by their porn and tv-shows. No offense to American bros.
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Don't come to the UK we have more than enough of your kind thanks, also poo in loo.
Dude, those are Jews.
You both are right.

Dude those are the uneducated,no proper home,dont have enough money to buy food,rural/village people who shit in the streets

We middle class and upper class people live a normal life.we have everything just like every other average human being on earth
Those are pakis ahmed
I'm just fucking with you bro, it was a joke. Not the part about Jews controlling our foreign policy though.
indians ARE smarter than niggers
still better than retarded northies, you fucking piece of shit
Indians too my poo coloured friend, I'm at work with them right now, Google Melton road in Leicester bro.
Say what you want White cucks, In years to come and wars to come Only Indian Hindus will be your true ally, Deep down you know it. So what's the point of India bashing.
All the other races and religions dislike you or indifferent towards you at best, except Hindus.
Always nice to see a fellow bakchod
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Hey guys i am from Kerala ,now waiting for someone to get pissed off...
Me too.
It's very fun to do bakchodi when there are multiple bakchods around in here.
India has always been a quarantine zone.

You stay right where you are, you smelly son of a bitch.
funny how the christian and kashmiri (aryan) areas are the best
Took a poo there once. A group of Indians started worshipping it as an exotic god.
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I would not have a negative opinion of India if your people just stayed in your shithole country. But just like a virus you move from one host to another sucking the life out of it before moving onto a new one.

The country is not the problem. It is the people who inhabit it. Therefore wherever Indians go, you will create a shithole.

You can't wait to get out? Neither can the other 2 billion people in your shithole country. But wherever you go you are going to destory. Because you are shitty people who create shitty places.
>this post
>this flag
Says the cancuck, whose country is being invaded by murdering immigrants and degenerates right as the moment we speak.
You don't have problem with them?
This post could be applied to any country in the west and still deserve the same reaction.

It's not just Canada. They're flooding into every western country like the disgusting viruses they are.

>Wow India is smelly and overpopulated
>Let's flood into Canada
>Wow Canada is smelly and overpopulated
>Let's flood into the US
>Repeat until the end of civilization
My country is being simultaneous invaded by filthy arabs, chinks, and indians. Just because one of you might be less awful than the others doesn't mean you aren't all still terrible.

Stay the fuck in your own country you subhuman scum. Stop ruining other countries with your presence the way you ruined your own.

Wherever you go your new country will be a shithole. You will always blame the host country and never yourself. For some reason every country you go to just happens to become a shithole when enough of you arrive. And somebody else will always be to blame.
"Majority of Indian politicians are just a bunch of rogues and rascals who should have been hanged a long time ago"-Justice Katju(supreme court judge)
You blame Indians for the current situation in India and clearly hide the fact that India was a British colony till 1947.You are just another dumb Idiot.Your country developed by exploiting other nations.All the third world countries were European colonies till the 21st century.
To a large extent, India is as it is because of you White Invaders.
NO wonder countries like you are being simultaneously invaded by chinks, arabs, Pakistanis, degenerates, etc. It is called Karma.

Say poo in loo as much as your want, but in next 100 years, your white race will be diluted to oblivion, Deep down you know it.
Look at the subhuman scum continue to blame everybody but himself. It is everybody's fault. Therefore he should have the right to come to your country and turn it into the same shithole he left. The west is so evil and yet he is dying to immigrate there.

Japan got nuked in 1945 and they bounced back. You've been "free" for 60 years and your shithole country just gets progressively worse.

When are you going to accept responsibility for the shithole you created? You run it. You own it. You inhabit it. And yet after many decades it just continues to spiral downward into a bigger and bigger shithole.

You will never accept it because you are subhuman scum. Subhuman scum will always find somebody else to blame. That is why your country will always be a shithole and any country you infest will quickly become one.
which caste are you OP?
Observe the malice of the subhuman scum. Because his own country is a shithole he feels it is his birthright to invade somebody else's and ruin it too.

You are bragging about being an invader and destroying western nations the way you have destroyed your own. Rather than build something great out of your own country you would rather invade and destroy what white men built.

But at least you are admitting that your presence is a detriment and that your very existence will drag your host country down into a shithole. It is "karma" after all.

It appears the subhuman is capable of making progress.
And yet every single one of these invaders are better people than your ilk's very best.
Japan was also an imperialistic country that exploited others.Btw Indians are not free loaders.They are not refugees nor are they illegal immigrants from across the border.They highly skilled people present there on request of your own people to cover up for your own peoples' incompetence.

You bash these countries and yet you are so eager to live in them. You insult the natives of your host country while you yourselves have never created a country worthy of inhabiting.

You are shameless animals. You justify and make excuses for the perpetual state of your shithole country, your flooding into superior countries, and your subsequent destruction of them.

I am aware that you are committing demographic genocide in white countries. Soon they will be as shitty as the other countries you inhabit because that's all your people will ever be capable of creating.

If your people are so highly skilled and competent why don't they fix their own shithole of a country instead of invading the first world?

You will never have an answer for that because you are 80 IQ subhuman scum with no self-awareness. You are just a virus whose goal is to leech and spread wherever you go.
>this post
>this flag
If we have an IQ of 80,then why does your MNCs recruit us?We have something better to offer than you people living there.On average Indians working in america earn much more than an average american.This world is ruled by the principle of survival of the fittest. Inefficient people like you should voluntarily migrate to third world countries instead of being a burden to your own countries.
>implying i am a hindu

It's written in quran to fuck your daughter and sister.

quran says : sucking your father's cum is good.

As a result muslims are the most filthy disgusting abomination on earth.
At least they aren't China.
Brahmins/indo-aryans love to suck muslim dick and convert to islam whenever they got chance.
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Only part of india worth visiting is in the north.
You must be a jihadi hiding under the Nazi garb.The only place in India that you find worthy is a terrorist zone.Please reveal your original country flag,pussy.
Whoa chill out dude no need to get angry with me?
You seem like a cow worshipper modi's ass licking nigga yourself, so stfu about punjabis and suck your devi's balls
coz you are cheap and don't crib about harassment and benefits, as you have learnt to have mouth shut by living as slaves since 12th century-thats why MNCs recruit you.
funny to see a person from a capitalist country insult the free market system.If Indians can offer better services for a cheaper rate then shouldn't you be ashamed.A bunch of people from a third world country are out smarting you
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