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I'm glad we have a president who shows his respect to the

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I'm glad we have a president who shows his respect to the real heros who bravely fought for our freedom
First post best post
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>the guys who willingly fought for the wrong side
wait hold up, is trump supporters with or against the nazi regime?
Based. Fuck the nazis
Plz do the same thing in Berlin
We all lost that war anon, dont act like the millions of drafted allied members had any say so.
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Sweden is lost
Still being proud of it and shilling yourself for unearned praise is enough for me to call it out.
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>fought for our freedom

Your freedom to watch your country get flooded with niggers and muslims as jews take control of the highest levels of society
Your freedom to buy chemically enhanced plastic between two buns for $2 a pop
Your freedom to demolish war monuments in the name of a Black activist movement
Your freedom to fight the fascist gubbament of the USA and impeach drumpf

Damn, what a future worth fighting for
The alternative was so much worse :^)
>Kekistani flag
>hates Nazis
You're great at shit taste
>all have meme flags
>all make terrible posts

It really makes me curious what flag you guys are hiding under there. My first instinct is American, but... who knows?
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T_D retards aside, I honestly think a good 90% of burger posters on this board are appalled by all the things you listed. It's true, and it sucks, sucks, and we definitely have to hold that shit.
fuckin snow monkey, we should have finished the job
I mean, just look at these despicable nazis! How horrible! We must bomb this nation flat and demolish all of their disgusting fascist buildings this instant!
It wasn't the soldiers fault you fucking faggot.
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Where did I say it was?
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They have gone forgotten for so long.
You shut your whore mouth Norway. You don't know the first thing about soldiery. The last time you faggots knew what soldiery was your King banned it. The only right side is your homeland, and the only wrong side is the other motherfuckers.

Come to think of it, it's not fair for me to berate you about this. Americans haven't known what soldiery is really like for centuries. Nothing but a bunch of hamby pamby fucking politicians bickering and trying to comfort their constituency by trying to bullshit about who is right and who is wrong, and what you can or can not do to your enemy.
Hard to think it was the wrong side with the PSYOPS/Propaganda that was being spewed about Hitler.
I'm just glad my grandfather who fought in both Italy and Germany didn't live long enough to realize the truth. It would have destroyed him.
If you're gonna sit around and blame simple farmers and coal miners for being tricked by someone like Bernays or Churchill without an informative system like the internet or unfettered information...well, you need some real perspective.
By perspective I mean right now, while you're sitting on /pol/ your country is being over ran by mudslimes.
Your ancestors would be ashamed of you.
>the only right side is your homeland

And Israel*
General Patton realised the truth and they destroyed his career over it. I also think he was killed.
As far as I'm concerned Israel can go fuck itself, but let's get realistic: Speaking in practical terms none of the Islamic states in the region are remotely culturally similar to the United States. All the things Muslims have in common with us, Jews have in common with us to a much greater degree. That makes them valuable assets in the region.

Do I think we should shit billions of dollars onto a silver platter for them, go to war when they don't like someone, or put up with humanitarian atrocities they perpetrate during peace time against an oppressed population of indigenous muslims? No, it doesn't, but war is war and worrying about that shit is what makes you lose.
>No, it doesn't
*No, I don't* rather. Last sentence ran on a little too long, lost track of it. My bad.
I agree with you 100% Bong.
But, that just validates my point, it took a high ranking, highly intelligent general with massive amounts of insight and intelligence to discern that...at the very end.
Imagine what is going through the mind of a simple Iowa farmer when every male in his home town is enlisting to go fight the enemy.
Simple Americans were primed and conditioned to hate Hitler with a passion.
This is beautiful. Thank you, OP. And thank you, Mr. President.

After watching that degenerate YouTube video of the 17-year old boy getting sexed up by an old man...well, this restored my faith in humanity.
He named the jew and died in a jeep crash shortly afterwards. (((Pure coincidence)))
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