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is this show bluepilled or redpilled?? i've been thinking

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is this show bluepilled or redpilled?? i've been thinking of watching it for awhile now but the people who watch it are the kind of people I despise; liberals, faggots, trannies, sjw's, sanders supporters etc, so i'm suspicious of it

should I bother? is it really that good? also, why does it attract the kind of people I listed?
The TV show is rewritten by jews.
Pirate, don't buy, the books.
how bluepilled is it, though?
What happened to Game of Tyrones?
The only normal loving married couple is separated, killed, and their children are scattered to the wind. The rest of the characters are incestuous, adulterous degenerates.
it's neither bluepilled or redpilled but somewhere in between.

As a show (and most shows are like this) the viewer gets what they get from it.

On one hand, it's redpilled because it shows how those in positions of power act and operate when it comes to decisions of power.

On the other hand, it is bluepilled because it shows women leaders as competent (barely, but still).

I love it, but not for "its le redpilled", I just enjoy the story.

Lord Of The Rings though? Incredibly redpilled, Tolkien was a devote catholic and that REALLY gets under the skin of the fantasy nerd lefties.
i'm a big fan of the sopranos, which I consider to be very redpilled. is game of thrones on the same level?

It's good to read something intelligent from time to time here. Thank you.
If you are a feminist is the perfect show for you,if not,its SJW crap
Imma vote bluepilled because HBO, and I'm afraid the whole thing is the classic diverse peoples must unite against common enemy (i.e. climate change) trope. Plus, the whole "accidental" head of W on a pike thingy.
It was unintentionally red pilled at first. It goes down the toilet real fast.
It starts with some normal drama and virtues like honor, there's trust issues and conspiracies, power struggles. There are things like all the non-whites being portrayed as complete savages. There is a wall keeping out the snow Mexicans who are shown to be terrible fucking people.

It goes real bad.
All the heroes are strong independent wymyn, the snow niggers are now Syrian refugees and anyone who doesn't want them in is a bigot, the entire vibe of the show feels like it's a Twilight spin-off, and it's just weird.
The show is completely unwatchable right now.
I only know that it's a shit show.
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>retarded barely readable eye sore of a reddit spacing post
If you like medieval fight scenes and fantasy type lore you'll enjoy it. Acting is decent.. CGI is on point.
It fucking sucks. I tried watching it on 6 different occasions at the behest of friends who swear it gets good at some point and never could make it past episode 6. It is easier just to watch youtube clips of the interesting parts, but 95% of the show is people talking with nothing happening. You are better off watching and reading LoTR than this garbage.
My dad is a staunch conservative and shat all over the show due to the head of Bush on a spike near ned Starks.

He enjoyed watching it though. It's pretty neat.

The Hound is /pol/ incarnate
>TWO chickens
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>watching tv in the current year
Even Jewtube is better then most tv shows nowadays
>also, why does it attract the kind of people I listed?
Because its an amazingly entertaining show.
I wouldn't say its blue or redpilled specifically, there's some feminists but for each one there's 1000 whores.
I find it kind of hilarious that SJWs like TYT are so into this show when it's often a realistic depiction of power dynamics which fly in the face of their theories.
However, its so good that they are obsessed anyway, and they're SJWs so they have no problem bending reality to fit their personal worldview.

DON'T expect it to be redpilled. It's produced by (((hollywood))). That should tell you exactly what you want to know about it. Now, if you're looking for a bit of entertainment to help pass some time, then it's a show worth watching. If you're hoping to gain some sort of revelation from watching it, you'll be very disappointed.
nigga just watch an episode and decide for yourself.
The Sopranos is great but its not "redpilled" just because Tony hates jews and blacks and gives speeches about honor. It still glorifies crime and other degenerate behavior.
Asking for redpilled TV is your first mistake, but asking for it from an author who wrote his books just to be edgy and describe shitting and sex in lewd ways is just dumb.
The show isn't bad, but it's basically normie tier.
Used to be good until they killed off all the red-pilled characters (Joffrey, Ramsay etc)
The Hound is awesome, but he just HAD to get beaten by Brienne. Bull fucking shit.
started off really loyal to a detailed well written story. It overtook it's source material in season 5 and became fucking shit, with the battle of the bastards scene in season 6 being the only part worth remembering. The author is a leftie but this can be overlooked as he's old school anti-vietnam, as he seen through the gulf of tonkin etc but supported hillary... yet he writes based characters like stannis so go figure. Fat fuck will never finish the book series though... its not fulfilling to watch the show/read the never-finished books, but life is generally unfulfilling. My advice, watch the show then read the books and complain how the show doesnt even come close to the books after season 3 due to lack of dornish characters. It's neither red or blue pilled, but i suspect this season will be slightly sjw blue pill friendly as it is being written by two cucks instead of the original author.
The first season is the good stuff. You would genuinely enjoy it if you paid attention and remembered what is happening and how it relates to other things.
I didn't like it at first because I would remember no names and didn't see the connections between characters. The first time I tried to watch the show I had to skip the dragon bitch scenes because of how completely irrelevant they felt to the story where they're talking about characters we haven't seen and events that happened years ago.

I wouldn't recommend getting into the show, but the first 3 maybe 4 seasons are good once you piece together the setting and lore.
The problem is that they are talking about things that don't mean anything to you until your second viewing.
he didnt write it to be edgy, he wrote it to be a series that will stand beside LoTR. He's actually got a huge collection of science fiction works behind him. Come on anon, don't be that guy.
To be fair he did just take a shit. That wonderful feeling after taking a much needed huge dump? I'm not surprised he lost.
It's not just produced by kikes, it is written by a man so beta that the doesn't call himself a feminist because he doesn't think he has received a permission to do so. He is a ''feminist ally''.
He was also cucked at one point in his life, and I've seen some elaborate analysis videos showing how many times love triangles appear in his work that are basically him just reliving memories of getting cucked.
It starts off ok, then quickly destroys itself. It does not get good at any point.

Some isolated scenes are great, actually better if you watched them without actually watching the show. Theres videos on youtube that compile all of a certain characters scenes, like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnXGCqNvB48

Just watch that, its pretty much all the good bits without all the ultra retarded shit.
ironically all female rulers end up either dead or fucking up
>catelyn literally causing ned's death
>margaery being a whore, getting caught by the nuns n sheit
>everyone hates daenerys and she did a shit job in slaver's bay
>cersei being cersei

I've been streaming this show for free with thousands of likeminded people for years. It's great fun chatting with them.
It's actually very red pilled

The real liberals I know in my life don't like it
The most blue pilled people I know like that show.
Season 1 and 2 were good, 3 was okay... then it got shit. Now it's sjw bullshit.
>Main character is a STRONG, EMPOWERED feminist who gets regularly buttfucked by a shitskin
>White males being slaughtered left and right

What about this show is supposed to be redpilled?
anything that normal people like, is blue-pilled, according to the beta cucks of 4chan /pol/
It's entertainment; 100% bluepill

It's an okay adaptation of the novels it's based on, up until they get past where RR. Martin's actually written, and then it goes full jewish hollywood whackity whack.

I enjoyed a few episodes here and there, but I don't generally watch TV so it's off my radar.
He was also banged up from prior fight, but still...
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>Main plot line is a descendant of a pure blooded white family(/race) that conquers Africos and every sandnigger adores her.
>Not redpilled.

Ik swear if she was male /pol/ would create a /tv/ style watch thread every week
At least he's alive

It was decent the first couple seasons. Then it descended into bluepilled cuckholdry. It's truly a shame because it could have been great. Both showrunners are jewish, FWIW.

And no, I don't care about the books.
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It's like every show that is good. It starts the first season with an absence of SJW bullshit in order to establish itself.
Then it tries to move the window by gradually introducing homosexuality and feminism. IOW the first 3 seasons are progressively less good but still genius. After that -- intermittent red pills float down a river of toxic SJW vomit.
That's because they're off script from the novels now.

As far as I can remember from the novels, they end at jon snow's (apparent) death. Whereas the TV show continues well past that. This is where the show and novels diverge enormously and I can virtually guarantee that, if martin ever actually finishes the novels, they will go NOTHING like the TV show did.
>Plus, the whole "accidental" head of W on a pike thingy
Blue-pilled wizard theme porn for normie scum.
Is Martin at least guiding the idea crayons of the Dabids? Or are they given free reign on the story independent from Martin?
It's loosely based off English history, it's not redpilled or bluepilled it's just greypilled.

It's a fun show I guess?
>Is it le redpilled or le bluepilled xD?

Seriously just fuck off if you cant make your own mind up on a stupid show. Threads like these convince me the_donald users are heavily migrating to this site. Look how intectually superior I am because I see a hidden agenda in a tv show! Upvote my post strangers!!!
/{spoilers lel doesn't work}/ Ned Starks head after Illyn Payne cuts it off is placed on a pike, W stands for whitey. /{spoilers lel doesn't work}/
This exactly.
They used George Bushe's head as a prop on a spike in one of the scenes. They claim it was an accident and they just used a random head they had laying around, but since they're far left crazies it's possible they did it on purpose.
/pols/ beta cucks need to be told what is acceptable in order to feel superior when around normireeeeeeeeeeees
It's what the bluepilled consider redpilled. As in, it's not particularly historically accurate. History/ real life is far worse.
Loras Tyrell is gay from the beginning of the show and Daenaerys gets DOTHRAKED in the first episode, I don't know what you're on about saiyng that was introduced recently. You're just angry there's less titties and Lena Headey's gotten old.
hard to think of anything more boring to see on screen than >redpilled behavior.
Think for yourself or fuck off back to
A red pill show would never be allowed on HBO
AFAIK he was helping them up until they got past where his novels have gone, and since then they've been doing 100% their own thing.

That's why people keep saying the show starts out decent and then starts to go downhill - martin's not the one writing the TV story. I don't think he even has any input at all; they've done a ton of mischaracterizations of certain characters, like having stannis shrug off the death of his daughter whereas in the novels his daughter is basically EVERYTHING to him. She's the only thing he has left that he genuinely cares about anymore.

I'm honestly really surprised how many people here sound like they watched the show but never read the novels its based on.

Show sticks to the novels pretty well until, like I said, the novels run out. Then it's a total shitshow. The people doing the TV series have no fucking clue how to write characters, plot, or interesting drama to save their life, and they've immediately regressed back to old (((hollywood))) tropes and propaganda, so the show is turning into all the same cookie cutter dull bullshit everyone's tired of seeing on TV.
>retarded barely readable eye sore of a stormfag post
/pol/ is filled with misogynists. what do you expect?
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yep kek
massively blue pilled. filled with womyn stronk character mary sues. some 12 year old is a master assassin cause his wife likes her. plus dipshit supported hillary.
history is "redpilled"

redpill isn't a right vs a left. It's a truth vs a falsehood.
The show is Jewish bluepilled trash.

The books are beyond redpilled.
GRRM is secretly our guy.
oh wow have you guys heard that the new season starts soon?!?!?

Brienne was a man. See incoming prequel.
Download it all for free, i

it's a pretty good series
That's the best salt..oooh, why is muh GoT extra rapey?

Bitch, what do you think happened in the (cinematic equivalent) of the Dark Ages?
Game of Trans?
The Young Pope
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Pic related is the most powerful and accomplished fighter in the show

maximum bluepill
Loras not in first season? No feminism or male sex in first 3 seasons either.
I'm still barely a fan, but with what the Anon wrote about the fat fuck feeling that he doesn't permission to even call himself a feminist? How the fuck did he create characters like the Boltons? Or scenes like the red wedding?
He is a genius because it's like one of us convincingly creating a Twilight or Hunger Games.
This whole Bull / Red pill argument stuff is getting beyond a joke now. If you are not capable of making you own decisions on a TV series, and need us to influence you, whats even the point?
Blonde people ruling the world for generations creating empires. Blacks are dickless slaves. Swedish people are heading across the map to destroy the world. A midget and tranny are hated. by everyone. Sand people rape women and are afraid of water.
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It's well done. That should be all that matters.

If it makes you feel any better, they were willing to trigger SJWs by having the most "pure" character lose her V-card by basically getting raped by a psychopath she was forced to marry.
The books end with the dragon bitch getting carted off by her black dragon, she's supposed to blow into some fuckin horn to be able to command/ride them but the show has her riding that motherfucker like The Neverending Story.
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This one probably pisses me off the most.
and by "carted off" I mean she's about to get her ass eaten.
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I meant this one actually.
Good point. OP is probably one half of D&D. If so -- YOU ARE FUCKING TERRIBLE WRITERS.
I'll give you this though, it takes some arrogance to stand next to those two and unironically feel yourself to be the most attractive in the pic.
you murdard har you rapped har you kulled hur chuldrun

oberyn and the dancing guy were the two people Jamie sais were as good as him
Bravo D&D
bluepilled af
I'll tell you, watch it 'cause it's some fantastic stories, might and magic, excellent range of titties - overall 75% fantastic titties, not too much photos of johnsons and faggotass shit, serious brutal takendowns and crazy spygames and revenge plots etc.

You gotta remember you can skip some shit and fast forward when it drags you down with poz libtard garbage.... and that applies all over the board, man...
Some characters are ridiculously unbelievable "Ninja Chick - Kung Fu Kick 6,000,000 thugs still looks perfect & perky" ----but it's not ALLL OVER THE PLACE.
Man honestly it's the best you gonna get over something that popular and 'in the public eye' (talked about on Gossip shows and People Magazine etc.)

Tl:DR ? It's fucking awesome, but don't forget to skip the faggotass Buuuuulshit they scattered all through it
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blue pilled as fuck

There was a big spat a couple years ago at some book award ceremony where everyone choose a side between anti-SJW and SJW. Guess which side his hat was on
It's better than some others in that it shows the raw brutality and violence that would be present in such a world. It also has a family that perfectly portrays jews... who are always scheming, and others who scheme but it's a not happy-fun-time-had-by-all sort of like real life where the good ones get screwed over and killed. So it's more of a black pill I guess.

I read the books and pirate the show, they are good if you are into historical fiction. The series is much better if you've actually read the books.

agree with this assessment. It's a bit like Man in the High Castle in that in some ways it portrays what we're (((supposed))) to hate in a positive way, though the strong wymn are cancer but are shown to be utterly incompetent.
this sort of shit symbolizes everything wrong with the show. but I only read the first three about a decade ago

I remember before it came out the costume designers were talking about how they were going against Eurocentrism by making the armor and clothing retarded looking. Would've been better if it were just more generic high medieval and renaissance stuff

Starts red-pilled, then goes full blue pill.

brienne beat loras,kicked jaime's ass and then fucked up the hound. she has killed countless nameless henchmen and killed stannis

she is the greatest and most accomplished fighter in the show, with the possible exception of karl
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Anyone think Jaime would make a good successor to Daniel Craig? I don't know why he keeps trying to play everyman characters like he's Harrison ford or Tom Selleck.
He needs to be a morally conflicted badass. And only that.
This. I am over most traditional "television" shows. its fantasy NORMIEBAIT
First 2 seasons are red pilled. Drop that shit after season 3 tho, unless you want to puke every 10 minutes
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>dancing guy

the dude who taught Stark's daughter in season 1? the dude who got unceremoniously killed by like 3 random guards then never spoken about again? he's one of the best swordsmen in that universe?

what's the point of even keeping track if they die that easily
>the people doing the TV series have no fucking clue how to write characters, plot, or interesting drama to save their life, and they've immediately regressed back to old (((hollywood))) tropes and propaganda, so the show is turning into all the same cookie cutter dull bullshit everyone's tired of seeing on TV
since they are going past where the books ended they can't keep up the level of intricacy between subplots and characters
>Anyone think Jaime would make a good successor to Daniel Craig? I don't know why he keeps trying to play everyman characters like he's Harrison ford or Tom Selleck.
>He needs to be a morally conflicted badass. And only that.

Just seen a trailer for Shot Caller, looks like he's playing some regular guy turning into aryan brotherhood member after being jailed...

Movie worth a shot?
Not if he got assfucked by a shitskin constantly, retard
I would consider it blue pill, but in the worst way possible, because the writers of the show obviously play favorites with the characters and want to favor characters like Cersei and Dany 'cuz they are girl power inserts for the audience, despite fucking up constantly in various ways and for various reasons.

When they were covering book material, it was fine, 'cuz there was only so much they could change without pissing off nerds, but as the show went on and they started to change more and more (changing the actions of characters, the tone of scenes, erasing characters out right and etc.) they have obviously fallen for the same problem every "popular nerd thing" made by hack suffers from: they started listening to fans far too much and instead of giving them what they want, they give them what they think they want
He only had a wooden sword.
The books were very good. Redpill tier.
The show is cringe. First two seasons are decent, but once they get past the stopping point of the last book it turns utter shit.
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>everyone hates daenerys and she did a shit job in slaver's bay

This. Even though Benioff and Weiss desperately try and make her out to be this messianic figure, she still comes across as a monumental fuck up and a joke.

Try and watch her spokes on a wheel speech without cringing. Or any of her speeches really.
The books are the fantasies of a history freak beta cuck. Once you realize that, it all makes sense.
Seasons 1-4: Redpilled
Season 5-6 (Probably 7): Bluepilled
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Pills are irrelevant in this context - although for the record they are all leftists, both George R.R. Martin as well as everyone involved at every level of production on the show. (they had a trump head on a pike at one point)

Having said that....I used to love this show. The first season was perfect! Very spot on to the books which I read because of how great season 1 was! But having read them now.... I can say that over time it's fallen into the predictable anime/movie sequel/anything pattern of not following the source material and just adding in asinine irrelevant filler as well as removing stuff that could take the place of filler like Weasel Soup and backstories and hallucinations and spectacular characters that get merged into boring ones.

Turning the greatest female antagonist into a whiny crybaby.... So Apparently the actress of Cercie was picked cause of her friendship to Dinklage who demanded her for the role.. and she's a good actress but the most mis-cast roles I've ever seen. She's not a good blond, she's not a good angry person, she turns the character into a victim of all things. It's rather frustrating for those of us who know what the character is supposed to be.

I could go on and on.... but my point, if I have one is to watch seasons 1-4 at the longest (1-2 are near perfect) and then do yourself a favor and read the books after that.

Martin may be a leftist but he's the brainwashed kind that would be redpilled if he wasn't only ever fed blue ones from every direction at every stage in his life. Seriously... some stuff in the book is very historical and history much like liberty and american independence is very redpilled when taken seriously.
Why in the fuck hasn't the fat old fuck finished his god damn books?
Funny how the author got bored of the sprawling, bloated story he wrote and just gave up on it.

AGOT: bluepilled

LOTR: Bluepilled, nu-male level.
Ah okay, sounds promising, but the actor's superb at projecting an innate arrogance and competence. That's why I don't like these choices.
In fact, reminds me of that Tom Selleck film desu
all tv is blue pilled. watch what you want just keep in moderation.
And thats all anyone needs to know.
oh shit, I'm turning into nancy pelosi... I got bush and trump confused. Why is that even a thing?

I hate Bush and love Trump.. but for some reason I just associated the media decapitating a president with Trump... oh right, Griffith. What the heck is it with republicans being beheaded?
I haven't seen MIHC yet, I'm waiting for a good long weekend or something to watch.
But I don't get a lot of the criticsm of the female characters in GoT. Brienne is supposed to be 6'6" and manly as fuck (in the book anyways) and that's why she's badass, it's not like she's one of Charlies Angels. Not to mention they depict her as uber naieve.
Arya is becoming completely ammoral, hardly feminist fodder.
Cersi is a true deplorable.
Sansa is by far the shows weakest character.
Dany is going fuckin insane w/ bloodlust
What are the feminist angles again?
How many times are you using the phrase "/pol/ beta cucks" daily? This is three or four times in one thread. Pretty sad, cause you have no context on what is a cuck and apparently you are just tossing it around as a generic insult, you cuck
>AGOT: bluepilled
>LOTR: Bluepilled, nu-male level.

Most if not everything fantasy is bluepill tier.

If you want redpill, you have to go sci-fi, like militaristic future shit and all...
From what I've heard, he's only about 40-50% of the way through the entire arc.

He's not going to live to end the series.

I gotchu senpai.

The entire universities or just ice and fire or whatever the tv series is based on?
It's pretty redpilled or just neutral but I'm convinced it's going to end in a multicultural clusterfuck.
ffs you shills arnt even trying anymore.
>Brienne - manly woman how is that good?
>Arya - I actually like her
>Cercei - scheming jewish hag, can't rule her way out of a wet paper bag
>Sansa - starts out weak, gets shit on, turns cold, hardly a sympathetic character
>Dany - pffft, also can't rule her way out of a paper bag, is a total idiot with delusions of grandeur and is inbred

I don't know if feminists like them but that is my take on those characters. They did deviate from the books and there are complaints either way you look at it. I still like the books and the show, prob since I don't otherwise watch tv.
The main series of the books. He's like only a little bit into Book 6. There will be seven. Its getting longer each book,
>Why in the fuck hasn't the fat old fuck finished his god damn books?
I used to be a screenwriter and I had short stories published and wrote a novel that was never published so I'll give you my insight.
There are basically two ways to approach creating a story:
1, plan everything out in plot points, from beginning to end, and then fill in
This often leads to great stories but weaker or inorganic characters
2, create characters and a scenario and just kind of let them go
This often leads to great and organic characters but weaker stories

George goes from 2 more so than 1. Because of that combined w/ the epic scope of the work, he's got hundreds of lose ends he didn't precisely plan for. This means the end will be much much much more difficult to write. It's like an old saying we have in Industrial Construction: The first 80% of the project takes 20% of the time and the last 20% of the project takes 80% of the time. And if you look at Georges output, that's about his exact pace.
Its decent. Women lie about rape. Women are continually shown as having it easy. Other women are continually shown as the ones oppressing them.
It's a fairly accurate depiction of medieval style civilization that does not try to make any political points.
newsflash: the world is full of degenerates and the show doesn't even glorify degeneracy
>oh no he's typing with spaces between his lines, better blame le leddit cancer ex dee
Why is this such a big deal all of a sudden? Does it trigger your autism that much?
go back to r e d d i t you fucking c u c k
>Try and watch her spokes on a wheel speech without cringing

impossible, I watched that clip on youtube and my retinas detached I rolled my eyes so hard
>This often leads to great and organic characters but weaker stories
Great post. If not weaker stories, definitely weaker endings. Looking at you boomer-faggot Stephen King.
What was so bad about it?
Lord of the Rings is crap, I tried reading the return of the kangz and the language is completely archaic but still well written for a boring kids story.

>Hurr durr books are better than visuals like films/series

Blow it out your ass, jokes in you season 1 is awful and not required to watch for story understanding.

Last season was horrible. It's one big power trip for women. Every person in power or with any sort of authority is a woman. Men get mauled, ridiculed, cocks cut off and gay-I-fied. Anyone who doesn't see this isn't awake.

Granted, every modern television show is blue pilled as fuck. Westworld has multiple bitches trying to run the show, all the sex and romance is writen from a womans point of view. The Walking Dead does something comparable where it slowly replaces it's survivors getting more hardened and hardened anarchistic plot and instead opts for some hippie bullshit where love and community triumphs over cruel men.

It could have been a great plot. I loved the idea of watching your average Joe cop and Joe dilvery man getting all alpha and hardened in order to survive a worldwide apocalypse. And I think this was initially the idea. To show how men could become barbarians again. How violent it would all be when the rules collapsed. But ofcourse this would be to dangerous, to give men a glimpse of such a world. So instead they chose to fuck it up and make all the women rough, strong and empowered survivors who call the shots. The whole show lost it's believably.

But even the culling of my favorite tv show wasn't as bad and annoying as how the Game of Thrones evolved into this disgusting shitlib creation. Everything about it sucks besides the production value and the acting. Any person who enjoys GoT is a sexually unsuccessful hellspawn. Safe to say, I hate it with a passion.
100% blue.

All leaders are womyn.

The message is open borders to unite against elemental forces.

Power hungry men and men of honour are all dead.

The only male leads are a smart mutant dwarf nerd and a 15year old emo.

Screenplay is written by jews.
It was a fair fight between two men, can you imagine the neck beard/period blood painting shit fit if that man bear pig got her wig split?
It's a bit of a mix.

There is extreme red pilled pragmatism like this.

And cringy feminist pandering like this.
I will admit that this is not what I expected when I saw "Game of Tyrones", but it's great anyway.

This, again and again. They aren't even hiding it any more. Every shitskin is this sexually attractive beast, ready to devour any blonde maiden that would come in her path. White people are either portrayed as sniveling conspirators (kikes blameshifting again) and short, manlet types with zero sex appeal which everyone knows is done on purpose. Even the somewhat appealing Aryan prince guy fucks his sister, becomes an amputee and spends the rest of the show kissing ass and redeeming himself for even daring to be somewhat alpha. Meanwhile horse-Genghis Khan gets to put on eyeliner, walk around with honorable scars and flaunt his massive chest pegs for multiple episodes until he gets to fuck the white hair dyed chick that you see at music festivals nowadays.

The whole show is watched by liberal single women who want their degenerate beliefs confirmed.

Gomorra La Serie is the only redpilled show out there.

Tolkien is redpilled as fuck.

*first season
It's a show to waste your time. It's up to you what you do with your time.

She was a giant and a freak of nature.

Nigga did you not read the fucking books?
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Her ass is large? I don't remember that honestly..
Mordor = middle east. It's funny the movies had to be made out of the US so the characters didn't get overtaken by "diversity" and the orcs and such could all be shitskins
Rome is the best and most red-pilled show I have ever watched. Highly recommend it. It's also only 2 seasons long, so nothing you are going to get sucked into long term.
A literal whore killed the prince of Dorne and stole his throne, with no backlash
It's fantasy you fucking retard.
This. The show was ok season one but started inserting more libshit ideas as the got praise from various leftist entertainment media outlets about how empowering the show was. The latest seasons are pure sjw fan fiction. The books are pretty blue as well but not over the top. Probably more blackpilled than anything.
>A literal whore killed the prince of Dorne and stole his throne, with no backlash
I think you're looking at it the wrong way.
The way I see it, was that Dorne is a vast and complex part of the story in the books and the show decided they couldn't fit it and needed it to be more of a minor role. How do you achieve that? Why women of course. Put some women front and center and the fans will be begging for less Dorne, and thats what happened.
There's no main character.
>Daenerys is main character
>Not cheering for the wights
Get a load of this cunt
but they dont differ that much
Not really red pilled and not really even a good show if you ask me. Yes, its entertaining but the they fucking have like 349824567 different stories with 432987492375924357 different characters so I never really got "hooked" on the show like with others. There is just too much going on and it gets annoying after a while.
series would have been notable if he kept it to a trilogy with fewer red herrings and meandering plots. He didn't need to tie in every bit of the story, just do enough and begin a new series anyway
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I'd tell you not to watch the show but meh.
Read the books and then you'll see how garbage the show really is.
Loras is in the 2nd or 3rd episode, at the tourney, and everyone jokes about him being a gay cuck. He also is w/ the king's gay brother in S2 IIRC.
>Martin may be a leftist but he's the brainwashed kind that would be redpilled if he wasn't only ever fed blue ones from every direction at every stage in his life. Seriously... some stuff in the book is very historical and history much like liberty and american independence is very redpilled when taken seriously.
>tfw almost no one realizes this
its a great fucking show and the red-pill i gathered is basically this: the struggle for power never ends.

we're all bored without conflict.
i hope everyone fucking gets rekt by the whitewalkers in the end.
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