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>Average number of children by women in Europe 1,4 >Average

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>Average number of children by women in Europe

>Average number of children by women in Africa
Blacks breed too much.
They know they're barely going to have to take care of them and the West will hand out gibs so they fuck like rabbits. It's truly a worthless continent.
Dnd foreign aid to Africa and watch the blacks kill each other off over mud cookies.
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I can't find the image that compares this curve to Africa but Africa's population growth looks exactly like this
Kinda like vermin.
It infuriates me massively when someone wrongly uses a comma instead of a period in numbers. You did this twice, I hate you for it.

As to birth rates, Merkel understands the problem and millions of Africans are shipped to Europe as we speak to even out the fertility in Europe. Soon we will be at 2.5 kids per woman.
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They need to breed too much because they are starving. If they don't breed, they will die and go extinct. So, to preserve their race, they breed to much. That way, their race has a higher chance of survival.

It's called the r/K selection strategy. It's pretty smart actually. Look a the West and Japan, they are dying and in danger of extinction because they are not breeding.


You laugh at Africans, but joke's on you. You're dying and they are taking over the world.
That's the only way in which they can be "productive".
And if it wasn't for the retardo-tier empathy of the Western world, 6 of those 8 children would either starve to death or die from some sickness.

It's a problem that literally only exists because bleeding heart libshits don't understand that they are making everything a million times worse and are heading towards famines and plagues that will read billions when the West is eventually overburdened with the task of keeping them at bay.

No they do it because there is no social security system so if they want looking after when they are old they need children to look after them.
what if we turn Africa into a giant Battle Royale style survival competition with western countries dropping off care packages at various locations and having the niggers fight over the contents
the winner is declared King Nigger
They're surviving because the west is dumping food and medicine by the millions of tons into that shitheap.

Gut the gibs and nature takes its course.
>replacing people with subhuman animals
>that'll fix the birth rates!
remember the six thousand, goy
yeah but like 60% of them dies before 5...
Does that mean they have to roll a D20 to see if they get gibs?
You're dumb as shit and this is a half truth;

it's not "smart", any more than a fucking rabbit breeding is "smart". They're spreading because we're FEEDING them you fucking faggot.

When you feed vermin, when you water weeds, what the fuck happens? Are fucking rats smart? Fuck you.

Bono and faggot fucking bleeding heart virtual signaling libs caused this.
when you live in a country where you are essentially guarantee'd to live past 30 and well into old age, you dont need so many kids (because some WILL die off) to potentially look after you. its literally a survival mechanism
It is inevitable. They cannot sustain their on population and are entirely reliant on the Western world do to that for them.

There are only two scenarios how this can end
>Western world goes to the bloody end and keeps supporting them till it's eating up literally all of their resources and the Western world collapses, making that graph true not only for Africa but also the US and Europe

>Western world realizes what it's doing and pulls support, leading to the same result for Africa and a lot of slaughter at the Western borders

Their hope that birth rates will eventually go down due to an increased standard of living is delusional. First of all because that takes a few generations even when you immediately lift them to high standards of living (as seen with immigrants in the Western world) - and neither do we have the resources to immediately uplift them to that point, nor do we have the time to wait for that development to kick in.
And secondly because they lack the will to do it because of muh colonialism. Even if we had the time and resources, the only way to achieve it would be colonization 2.0
Just throwing money at them and hoping that they'll use it for something useful is a pointless endeavor, as soon by the last decades.
d20+intelligence modifier to pass a gibs check.
Nobody thinks about the infant mortality rate.
It's actually preventing them from willing to do anything in their own interest.

They will never have normal countries because:

- they can always just blame colonialism, even after 800 years, it will still be "but colonialism" to excuse their laziness

- they never had an administration or government on their own that managed to run a country with functioning economy and public services.

Apologists of course, will always came up with some ancient empires that "flourished", yet never any actual archaeological evidence support any claimed past developments.
Except the only reason they aren't dying en masse is because we are giving them loads of shit.

Africa would be desolate in 100 years if we just stopped giving them supplies and helping them. No one knows how to farm, no one knows how to preserve food, no one knows how to cure diseases and sicknesses, if we just stopped then the population that isn't killed by wars and raids will die to disease and famine. Even the ones that resort to cannibalism will run out of food very quickly.
Hate BKM flag but love the post.
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