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Meet Omar Khadr, Canada's celebrity terrorist. -He killed

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Meet Omar Khadr, Canada's celebrity terrorist.

-He killed a US soldier with a hand grenade and injured another.

-He claimed allegiance to Al Quaeda

-He was said by the media to be a child soldier but under the UN charter, he was weeks past being a child soldier

-He wasn't a soldier either. He was an illegal combatant under the UN charter.

-Got an apology from the pro-Muslim Liberal government.

-Liberal government justified his 10.5 million dollar settlement.

-He was violent during his time in prison.

Canada's favorite terrorist celebrity only got 8 years in prison instead of the usual 40 +.

But don't worry Canada, I am sure he won't use that money to fund terrorism and support his favorite group Al Quaeda!

Canada, where the government supports the death of US soldiers, Muslim terrorism and pays you money as compensation.

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Eh, what can you do? I'm sure karma will catch up to him.
I'll laugh if he ends up causing some canuck shithole to be blown up within the next year
>He killed a US soldier with a hand grenade and injured another.
False, court documents show that it was possibly friendly fire. Also

>He was said by the media to be a child soldier but under the UN charter, he was weeks past being a child soldier
False, he was under the age of 16 meaning that he was a minor and a child soldier

Go back to huffing your tar sands faggot
I feel great shame for my country.
They pride themselves off peaceful relations but do not understand what peace means. Peace can only exist with law, and law must never be disrupted.

Don't lie you liberal canadian piece of shit.

My facts are corroborated by Ezra Levant, a man who gets his facts straight.

How about you take your Islamic terror apologist maple syrupy cunt elsewhere.
>Ezra Levant


"Recruiting and using children under the age of 15 as soldiers is prohibited under international humanitarian law – treaty and custom – and is defined as a war crime by the International Criminal Court."

He was 15. You're a stupid ignorant cunt that believes CBC news and the Liberal government. Do your country a favor and shut the fuck up or conversely, go suck on Khadr's terrorist cock.

Opinions and facts are different. He is right on the Omar Khadr shit. Cross referenced it is found to be true.

But yes, jews are dramatic on the holocaust.
He was just a kid when it all happened. I don't think he should have spent over a decade in gitmo and ten million is probably a fair exchange. He didn't really have a choice when his dad took them to Afghanistan.

It's a shitty situation all around.

He should become a western chad degenerate, drive a lambo, fuck prozzies, eat bacon.
Looks like someone's about to either take a trip to Guantanamo or have a little polonium tea with their polonium falafel, or whatever it is those Mud people drink and eat.
The cuck meme is real.
Nobody who is held in Gitmo should ever leave, except in a box.

He was indoctrinated in radical islam and swore allegiance to Al Quaeda. When I was 15, I looked to hang out with friends and bang bitches.

He is also a murderer. See the difference?

You want to release a Muslim terrorist in public with 10.5 million dollars?

Canada has fallen from grace.

They don't deserve a box. They should be cremated and used as fertilizer.
If someone wants to make the argument that the kid was manipulated into fighting for Al-Qaeda, fine. His father had ties to OBL, his mother openly lauded Khadr for his "bravery",
so I can only imagine the damage done to that kid by his cretinous, ideological parents. The point is, 15 or not, he was apprehended by American forces, subjected to a military tribunal which was in accordance with the Geneva Conventions, and detained as an unlawful enemy combatant at a US military prison. Representatives from the Ministry of Justice then decided that his rights as a Canadian citizen were abridged while in detention at Guantanamo (despite being obviously guilty of high treason), at which point the Weed-Man and his justice minister decided he should be awarded $10.5 million for his trouble, despite the fact that the aforementioned Court ruling made no recommendation for financial compensation. Arguments that Khadr was a child soldier, while spurious at best, are completely irrelevant given the circumstances of his arrest and subsequent imprisonment. I've hated Trudeau as a PM for some time, but now he's causing me embarrassment. What a fucking meme.
How did he end up in Canada anyway?

Finally, someone with fucking bloody common sense.

I forgot to mention that his parents are extremists. But of course, the media won't mention it and will victimize him.

Trudeau went to a mosque that supported terrorism.

Khadr was making his parents proud and look up his detention in jail the type of fucked up shit he said and did.

But now, he is released with the full backing of the government and 10.5 million of Canadian tax payer money wasted on this terrorist filth.
Was he really a "terrorist" if he killed an invading army's soldier with a grenade? That seems like legit warfare.
>Arslan Al-Kaldif
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Canada & Sweden are becoming "safe house" locations for Terror Groups. "Sweden 2.0" is what Canada is turning into.

(KB Thread Archives: http://archive.4plebs.org/_/search/subject/knowledge%20bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/%21%219O2tecpDHQ6/)

Bigger plans for Canada involve the NAU(North American Union) & possibly a Caliphate.
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Tfw you friendly fire a grenade. Happens all the time. Holy fuck leaf. Just stop.
HURR DURR. AMERICAN JUSTICE, plead guilty or spend the rest of your life in jail. yes Canada, under a Conservative Government our Country will allow other countries to detain you indefinitely without trial because I say so. 10 million is fair and the rest of you butt hurt asshole should learn your lesson. DON'T TORTURE PEOPLE SO YOU CAN CONVICT THEM IN A NORMAL WAY.
The majority of Canadians and the majority of voters from all parties disagree with Weedman
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