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Syria General /sg/ - Good Morning Syria Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 309
Thread images: 113

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Everything you need to know

>Newest Interviews with Assad

>Live MAPS

>Fan maps

>S Syria Jul10
>Raqqa Jul 10
>E Ghouta Jul 8
>Mosul Jul 8
>Hama/Homs Jul 6
>Palmyra Jul 5
>Daraa Jun 14
>DeZ Jun 10

Developments Jul 10
E Damascus (Suweida): SAA starts Operation Big Dawn 2nd phase, liberates 11+ villages from US backed rebels
>Palmyra: SAA has Al-Hayl complex under fire control, captures gas station and advances
>E Ghouta: SAA captures main defense line of HTS in Ayn Tarma
>DeZ: RuAF, SyAF target IS bases in towns near DeZ
>SAA, Hez amass troops for final Qalamoun offensive
>Raqqa: SDF capture historic citadel (Haron al-Rashid), some Arab units of FSA withdrew from battle
>N Syria: Turkish military bombs Kurds in Tal Rifaat city
>Car bomb strikes HTS checkpoint in S. Idlib
>British courts rule arms sale to Saudi Arabia is lawful
>Cholera spreads as war and poverty batter Yemen
>Mosul: Iraqi forces close to full liberation, IS still holds in a small area

Prev: >>133172984
First for new day, new gains!
Qatar Latest
*Statement by 4 Arab States confirm CNN leaks of 2013/2014 Riyadh agreement b/w GCC & *Qatar that it vowed no support for Muslim Brotherhood & nixed pledges.
*100’s of Qatari camels die after being kicked out of Saudi Arabia
*140 German cows to arrive in Qatar. 4000 more expected to arrive every 2-3 days.
*Tillerson in Kuwait, to shuttle b/w different GCC capitals this week.
*Saudi state run media for accusing Qataris of using sorcery to end the crisis.
>Qatar port operating at full capacity
>Mattis affirms US-Qatar cooperation: Pentagon
>Iran to launch direct marine route to Qatar
>Qatar cancels Airbus, starts American Airlines deal

Extra devs
>Seventh round of intra-Syrian talks kicks off in Geneva
>Iran: U.S.-Russia ceasefire deal should be expanded to cover all Syria
>Lieberman: Israel Not Bound By US-Russian Ceasefire Deal in Syria
>Court rules Britain’s arms sales to Saudi Arabia are 'lawful', despite destruction of Yemen
>Soleimani: This is how #Iran helped #Iraq to defeat #ISIS in #Mosul. Military advisers + intell + weaponry
3rd for true syria
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Going to bed /sg/
>Stay /comfy/
>Keep shitposting
>Ignore the bad shills/redd*tards
Have a Hez Grill on me!
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This crazy russian jew named Anton nossik has died, he either got mossad'd or really suffered the Assad curse
g'nite and same here.
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this is what YPG wants.
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The K*rd only deserves death
>in syria
why the fuck does the PKK-YPG want a mid-east Switzerland?
isnt pic related loosely based on pic of some croatian/bosnian guys torturing a chetnik/partisan in ww2?
Now if kurdshits see that shit meme, they Will start labeling assadists as ISIS supporters
but its based of a ustashe torture pic (i think)
at most it triggers some serb
>Iran: U.S.-Russia ceasefire deal should be expanded to cover all Syria
wtf i hate iran now?
fuck ce*sef*res and fuck rearming jihadis
>posting 1st in your own thread

autism. lose the trip too while you're at it. if you're a contributing poster like al bolandi and others you'll get the attention and recognition you crave so much.
>they Will start labeling assadists as ISIS supporters
who cares what a k*rd thinks? This isn't some old grannys kikebook feed.
>who cares what a k*rd thinks
Kurd symphatizers and mass media who tries to demonize Assad
like i said here...
just tell em its a reference to something else entirely (which it is)
oh for fucks sake like anyone cares about a meme when all the western powers are convinced that he's sarin gassing babies for the fun of it
They are already doing that. It is not like it is going to change anything.
fucking lol yes it is
>the western powers are convinced
I am sure they know he is not a bad guy
But no one is taking the bait
he's still a kid and kids crave recognition and approval. He's admitted he's scared to miss dinner with his parents so he's definitely not going to stop attention whoring anytime soon.
>I am sure they know he is not a bad guy
Where's the impaling?

You can't have everything.
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I get triggered whenever a "late night" or "good morning" /sg/ thread is made. What about us AusFags? America is hurting my feelings.
Please give us more thought in future threads.
Thats Male privilege you fucking shitlord
its about syrian time not american or australian time
you see how fucking privileged these fucking white males are in the army?
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>Israel free to act as it wants in Syria, not bound to ceasefire: Israeli DM
By Andrew Illingworth - 11/07/20170

>BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:15 A.M.) – On Sunday, Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman clarified Israel’s position on the ceasefire in southern Syria saying that Israel was in no way party to the Russia-US brokered ceasefire agreement and it retained complete freedom of action in Syria.

>In the context of understanding what Israeli freedom of action is in Syria, basically Lieberman insisted that Israel was still free to bomb pro-government forces and supply Golan-based jihadists with weapons and medical assistance.

>Talking about military-related actions in Syria as if it were an Israeli right, Lieberman insisted that as part of the Zionist government’s “exclusive responsibility for the security of Israeli citizens”, its freedom to act was “absolute” and that it would do “everything that is needed”.

Fucking likes. Why nobody is sanctioning them?

>basically Lieberman insisted that Israel was still free to bomb pro-government forces and supply Golan-based jihadists with weapons and medical assistance.
of course, thats what these (((ceasefires))) are for, right?

Roighto roighto
Fair enough then.
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is he...
did he died?
>Why nobody is sanctioning them?
Because Israel is america's best Ally goy
Arab threats and ultimatums m8.
>We give you a week to execute our demands or else!
nothing happens
>Okey we give you 4 more days but you will be finished after them
nothing happens again
>Tiger_Forces Tarmah Group took control of Villages Abu Khamis, Abu Kubra, Al-Waseeta & Another near Resafa/Rusafa
Could only find Abu Kubra, but there are unmarked villages all over the place
So the march to sukhnah begins...
>be serb chetnik/partisan
>get captured by croatian catholic/bosnian muslim racial cleansers
>that pic
hes ded
>Al bab
>Nothern Latakia
Hahahaha how delusional you have to be.
>one map shows them stretching as far as Basra, having an exit on the Persian Gulf
>other gives them Hataxy/Antioch
>thrid gives them syrian coast

Ambtious, aren't they
>get captured by croatian catholic/bosnian muslim racial cleansers
>hes ded
As Peterson would say, clean your room. Except the Croatian fascist state was a bit too eager. Deport one third of Serbs, kill another and naturalize the last. Pretty evil desu. Then again, it was nazis vs communists and communists purged Croats even more after they won. I'm just glad I wasn't there to have only those two shitty choices.
>having an exit on the Persian Gulf
>thrid gives them syrian coast
You know it's a fantasy when it contains a sea exit. Kurds will always be landlocked.
When did Syria annex Sweden?
posting a modern classic
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Remove yourself.
Kurds are BASED and you can't do nothing about it you silly little Assad KEKS
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>Damascus (Qasioun) - Saeed Saif, spokesman for the forces of Ahmad al-Abdu, told Qasioun that they were facing the biggest land attack by the regime forces in the Syrian desert.
>He added that the forces of the regime supported themselves with 3000 thousand fighters, in addition to the use of heavy equipment of tanks t90 and modern mechanisms, amid heavy Russian airstrikes.
>He stressed that the forces of the regime supported by foreign militias are trying to advance to several axes in the area of the Badia Shamia, namely: the eastern axis of Swaida and the dam of the Zulf, the center of the Yellow Hill, and the third is Damascus Baghdad road - Imarati farm.
3 million Iranians?!
Seriously what do you like about Kurds? The fact that they have 0 dignity? The fact that they have 0 loyalty? They are basically KIKES without big noses
Shoo shoo, back to /leftypol/, /int/ or whatever subreddit you come from. Your low grade trolling is pathetic.
When are they going to take Sukhna?
Good night lads
>The fact that they have 0 loyalty?
This, in fact i would not have problem with kurds, if they were loyal to their countries and defend it against turkroaches
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Genuinely laughed at how delusional this is
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My bet is this force will close and secure this pocket, then move to Palmyra/T2.
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Reddit please leave
Saddam no joke gassed a shitload of Kurds and all they got was federal autonomy. Exactly what has the YPG done to deserve all that plus stealing thousands of kms of Arab land?
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Obvious sarcasm is obvious.
I like the kurds because they're the only effective army in the entire middle east other than the Israelis and are the only side of the conflict not fighting for jihadism or literal dictatorship (inb4 somebody tries to tell me living under Assad isn't shit tier). I doubt they'll keep up their "anarcho-gommunist" shit I swear America will be able to keep them under control.... I swear...

My flag is my authentic political belief so I'm not a communist stupid little eurocuck
>the YPG done to deserve all that plus stealing thousands of kms of Arab land
Having strong women for propaganda pics
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I live with people who scream this shit unironically and talk about pepe
I dont want that here even ironically
>My flag is my authentic political belief
Oh so you are a retard
cetnik animals are like isis you idiots.
Why would they have loyalty to their occupiers?
And they have killed more turks than anybody
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No more (You)s for (You).
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>Saddam no joke gassed a shitload of Kurds and all they got was federal autonomy. Exactly what has the YPG done to deserve all that
pic related

As well as here's a number of links talking about Kurdish crimes against Assyrians in both Syria and Iraq including the SDF
The last link is a PDF specifically about Kurdish crimes against Assyrians in northern Syria, including forced deportation, murder, assassination and bomb plots
from http://www.aina.org/news/20160427141009.htm
>In Iraq, the Assyrian militia that was fighting Saddam was first disarmed by U.S. forces and then later, as conditions in Iraq deteriorated, the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) blocked all Assyrian attempts to create local Assyrian forces, even those who were designed to do nothing more than protect soft targets like Assyrian schools, churches and businesses. Finally, in 2011 forward, the Kurds forcibly disarmed even average Assyrian citizens (and Yezidis as well) throughout the Nineveh Plain and Sinjar, leaving them incapable of defending themselves.
>Once disarmed, the Assyrians and Yezidis were abandoned by the Kurdish Peshmerga as ISIS stormed across northern Iraq. The KRG's program of forced disarmament and failure to defend Assyrians and Yezidis, even women and children, has been extensively documented by a number of groups.
your anarcho beliefs are part of criticism which is degenerate and where communism comes from. If you don't like our world leadership, either implement a better one or shut the fuck up.
Kurdistán has never been a thing though
Occupiers? Mountainroach nomads that never created a nation can fuck off.
shit sorry sri lanka bro
i agree with libertarian-ism 90% but AN-CAP is delusional idealism
even fucking ayn rand realized you needed a basic state to maintain law and order
>i agree with libertarian-ism 90%
Go to Somalia
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The absolute state of the revolution, I swear.
Also, goooooood morning, crew!

>tfw you jogg in the morning and you have mighty fine bae booty in front of your sight, so you are adjusting your tempo to the view, and thanks to that you can run through entire route without gettting winded. Thanks bae!
my anarcho beliefs are degenerate and where communism comes from? Anarcho Capitalism is where communism comes from? Am i missing something?
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Hez Girlls are the Best 2D Waifu on the /pol/
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>The Leb Army finds IEDs among "refugees"
>FSA/Sunni propagandists cries about "muh refugees" and s*nni genocide
Like clockwork.
Stahp using nigger words.

>Good morning lawgoy
>your anarcho beliefs (((are part of criticism))) which is degenerate and where communism comes from.
If you were able to understand the point, you probably would have quoted it. Therefore I'm going to give up right now.
>not a statist
You will learn to like the boot. You will end up worshiping and licking the boot, begging it to opress you more. What is even more likely, you will end up working for the gov and becoming the one doing the opression.

Boot is love, boot is life.
they are even worse. a discussion i saw on reddit (inb4 go back). some kurd was kurdposting, bashing turkey, praising rojava. somebody asked if turkey is so bad why dont syrian kurds leave turkey and go back to rojava. later turn out to be he is one of them, a syrian kurd living in turkey, getting gibs, studying in a turkish university for free and keep posting how turkey is oppressing based kurds, genociding them bla bla.
Ayn rand was a hypocritical retard who believed in stupid side shit
However Id say I'm about 50-50 on whether I'm libertarian or an-cap, its a question of whether its possible to keep a state small from growing which I don't think Is possible but obviously have doubts about whether complete statelessness is possible
>he thinks libertarianism is anarchy
wow the cocaine is really fucking you up lad
>go to somalia
thats anarchism
ive got no problem with the goverment maintaining law and order preventing crime fraud etc
i just dislike goverment interference when it gets to an irrational level where your banning benign things and arbitrarily restricting people for "muh greater good" and "muh ideological reasons"
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are you trying to say anarcho beliefs are related to critical theory? just speak without esoteric nonsense you nigger
turks entered anotolia 10 centuries ago, not yesterday. its our homeland too.
I wish I wasn't surprised Croatia
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Turkey is ISIS.png
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You forgot to mention what Turkey wants.
Why does she have nipples on her shoulders?
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this is what US scientist wants
Somalia has always been called an example of lolbertarianism
ok I spell it out
Ancap is revolutionary thought from the same tree as enlightnenment, protestantism, athiesm, and later commie, feminist, anti-imperialist, and gay. You should not advocate for its use in society.
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this is what FSA wants
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Is it That time?
no it really isnt...
a good example of a libertarian society would be something like hong kong (pre handover)
along with other good examples like pinochets chile
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>Assassination of ISF captain and 3 other soldiers in al-Tahrir neigborhood, Mosul (liberated last year) has been reported by IS.
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Modern Turks are the nativs of anatolia
Original turks have being completely being assimilated
As a meme dude
somalia is a Anarchy
Yes its time lad
not enough DFC hez here
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>Is it That time?

Yeah, bro!
Sorry, but i don't really know too much about this libertarian crap
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Fucking teenagers and their short term memory I swear
I have a great hue image, let me fetch that for you in the next one.
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>turning /sg/ into /Shitposting General/
every time
Can you fuck off already?
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Found it :3
basically libertarian is essentially
hong kong (pre chinese as i said)
pinochets chile
really early U.S.A (right up in till the civil war)
just look up "pinochets economic policies" or some shit t b h
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I call everyone lad, laddo?
are you a lass?

>I have a great hue image, let me fetch that for you in the next one.

Ow :3

I'm scared but I'm interested
inspired the foundations of smaller government not to mention representative government i.e. NOT communism
it has good and bad elements, none of which resulted in communism
not inherently bad though admittedly does result in relativism and many elements of social decay

Communism originates from Judaism and that isn't a conspiracy then created Critical theory which created feminism, anti-imperialism and general social decay things such as gay movements.

Essentially Im not sure what 'i should not advocate for' considering every single political belief not theocratic or monarchistic is descended from the enlightenment
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I can't see new gains. Nuke k*rds when?

Everyone is afraid of HUE HUE BR so? LOL

We are very peaceful by the way...
It's just not right....
>Words like bae
>Somalia is lolbertarian
>Nipples in places where they shouldn't be
>imply /sg/ always wasnt /shitposting gerneal/
around this time of day
Its hard having having kino taste around plebs
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>tfw Deir Ezzor siege will be liberated by k*rds with US artillery support
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>Assadists want to gas this
tfw no gf
Cant liberate what is already free
The Druze Beast will Hold steadfast
>nipples in places they shouldnt be
you mean this....?
its clearly blush
Where is the proofs???
>tfw no gf
Pro-tip m8, rape isn't a good way to keep a gf, but just like you pull the topic off in the bushes to rape it I'm sure you'll keep it up.
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>DeZ to have serious humanitarian crisis soon


>The aim of Assad, in my opinion should be to take Raqqa and Aleppo in their entirety as soon as possible
Another poster mentioned the nipples, was just memeing m8.
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Without TR flag, I guess you can't discern me, eh?
Its fine though.
Please no.
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>MAGA hat momiji
wrong thread hue
>Nuke k*rds when
I'd be perfectly okay with our taxes going to ICBM's that are sent towards North Iraq.
>wrong thread hue

>I'm very sleepy, bro
> Random image of the galley. Hu3
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get out jew.gif
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They have to die. There is no other way.

The Ustashi were the worst in the Balkans really. Croatia even arms FSA today, FFS.
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>MAGA hat
Wrong thread hue hue hue
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Here's the proper one.
Don't give it (you)s
>With Proud
vc lrn2english
>>The aim of Assad, in my opinion should be to take Raqqa and Aleppo in their entirety as soon as possible
There's a new greentext coming about and I don't like it
How can they have occupiers if they never had a land in the first place?
Post more Hezbolla Wifus
>There's a new greentext coming about and I don't like it

Well... These are times that the smallest details decide great things, so basically, I do not know.

Random Nick, man :3
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Uhh ohhh
>Deal backed by U.S. and Russia could halt 'accidental' fire into Israel
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>huemonkey doesn't get it
it's Pride not Proud
>be american
>save hezbollah anime images
>put on no flight list
see ya guys gotta go do something back in a tick
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Worth it tbqhwy
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>that map
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Its a race anon, and k*rds are winning by now.
>>huemonkey doesn't get it

Thanks :3

Well, for a Brazilian who has learned basic English by talking to TS, reading / pol / and news, besides Reddit, is not a bad start ... Is it?

>Imply kurds will attack SAA
They arent that stupid
>besides Reddit
>Russia abandons Kurds in Afrin
>Turkey invades Afrin
>Kurds stop attack on Raqqa to focus on Afrin
>SAA moves to Deir Ezzor while Roaches and Kurds will each other

Putin has the Kurds by the balls.
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But comrade, Somali is a stateless socialist worker's paradise, money doesn't exist and therefore neither does capitalism. It's a country that ALL good Marxists should take inspiration from.
You should illegally immigrate there Mexicunt.

Its a joke xD

But the rest is true
>is not a bad start ... Is it?
posting is a bad start, lurk for a couple more years
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>Residents of #AlWaer #Homs #Syria who were received by #SAA coming from Jarablous to Tadef in order to be evacuated back to their homes
It's drafting time!
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Find a flaw
why is israel so small?

Ok, senpai :3
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Lad please stop
Because there's plenty of room for Jews in their second home, the USA
Every country who receives help from saudis and americucks is not a workers paradise
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Make (((Israel))) Great Again?
no eastern anatolian çomars. this is good. i want thrace back though.
USA is a tool not a home, greater israel is the home
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Hands off the city the world desires
>Its a joke xD
>I-I was only pretending to be from plebbit
Kurds aren't destroyed in this map.
Ugh, you sound sooo reactionary right now, I don't even.
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I-I promise not to bother you anymore. Promise of a based hue hue br
Nothing wrong with wanting a Divine Monarch to guide a nation as it has being done the better part of human history
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retard hours
i dont mind new people posting
just stop using plebbit memes
just a rule of thumbs
if you can say it in a anime image, its better
Nice ID jew
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Best hours
You're ok m8, I just couldn't pass up the plebbit opportunity when you said it.
>Syrian Army advances in rural Swaida

Yes, sir

This image was strangely funny

A new offensive?

O-Ok. I'll police myself about it.
>A new mission for the Syrian army Tigers begins soon after Rusafa
>Thousands of fighters and large military garrisons... and the destination to God
If you stopped shitposting and actually read the thread you would know what's up.
Fuck off you nigger.
They wont attack them, but they will break the siege and they will take half of Dez province/city

SAA needs to hurry up
Do you think SDF and YPG will just declare independence in the north
they will be instantly attacked by turkey tho
what the hell is america planning
Terrorists Will get fucked in the ass by the tigers
>The second Task for SAA Tiger Forces will start Soon#Rasafeh #Raqqa#dierezzor
>what the hell is america planning
Removing ISIS then up-and-leave.
Tr*mp is directed by Kissinger.
>why the fuck does the PKK-YPG want a mid-east Switzerland?

so they can become the money-laundry of the middle east
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Me too
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Oh fugg :-DD they need to be stobbed xDDDDD
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There's still a chance that they're just doing this to remove ISIS artillery positions that can reach Raqqa.
>If you stopped shitposting and actually read the thread you would know what's up.

Sorry, Bro.

The Twitter Translation here has failed repeatedly, so I asked...


This is going to be interesting, I hope SAA will recover all of DeZ soon.

Basically, it became a Ancapistan.
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Hope the SAA speeds up tho
Use google translate, and yes, they keep on advancing. the blob will be gone in days.
>Why nobody is sanctioning them?

'cause muh holololcaust
Druze beast is a brick wall. No goals will ever be scored by opposing forces in Syria
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Turbokotel will be complete soon.
Is this guy finally dead?
>report: Iraqi forces find Daesh document confirming death of its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
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Doubt it.
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is the next Druze Beast
He will be claimed dead every other week
So, Mossad trying to trick the goyim again
You're retarded.
you forgot to post a stupid frog pic this time
Very likely, yes.
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>FSA Osud al-Sharqiya claims to have shot down a regime jet near Um Reem in the Syrian desert (Sweida/eastern Damascus)
>hurr durr
Omg my ID. I think Jihadi Julian is trying to shapeshift into my soul. Pls help
>shapeshifting shill
>deebly goncerned
Reminder that Jews are white and based.
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I am sure
>hurr durr

Seriously anon, you need to update your meme folder because I see your flag everyday posting the same stupid frog pics over and over again and I know its always you. They are not even funny.
Don't get me wrong but its exhausting by now
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>unironically linking sputniknews
Do you guys not know Jihadi Julians last name or something?

It's Roëp...
It's Roë.... R... R......

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Ok, i will stop posting frogs because a jackass with a meme flag is upset.
Fuck off to reddit.
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>sputnik news
plz stop
Whats wrong with the fag, he really has a hatred against Assad
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you gotta practice your shitposting opel
Haha man. Rough crowd tonight. Hold on I might be able to save face with a Hez qt
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Knew that saving these would come in handy some day
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so why are you up so late lad
isnt it the middle of the night in the USA
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I'm fucking hungover lads.
>frogposter told me to fuck off to reddit

Ya 5 here but I went too hard on the tequila last night and slept in for ages... I've got training in 5 hours as well. Should be fun. Wide awake tho
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sorry 4 u

>army (making) significant advance in ain terma via @wassim_syrian
Way i see it, you're a good for nothing shitposter that never contributes, so kiss my cock or fuck off.
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Jihadi loli.jpg
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What did you drink lad
i had 3 shots of tequila..shits hard
>so kiss my cock
Sweden yes!!!
Sleep is for the weak
>hurr-durr prapaganda midia!111 ALL LIES!1111
Only CNN is trustworthy, amrite?
I trust RT lad
Sputnik is a joke
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>Being this mad because nobody likes your frog meme spam

I said relax.
Noice. Would be hype if turkbro says tequila lol
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>only CNN is trustworthy
>implying anyone who disagrees with kremlin-phile propaganda is a liberal
>implying i watch CNN
thats a lot of implying your doing their mate
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Good morning /sg/ !

Check Hoholmaps
>Pic related

Potential airstrike?
Sputnik is just english version of RIA, one of the major Russian news agency.
>what is sarcasm
I don't like RT either tbqh
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Those mountains are hard to hit effectively.
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kay mate
I start liking the
>muh 3D-chess

>Trump tweets about ceasefire and cybersecurity
>everyone is enraged about cybersecurity even though he only said they talked about it, without any plans yet.
>Everyone accepts ceasefire
See >>133213023

We should find a video of it
Good morning /sg/.
Are /ourboys/ winning in East Suweida?
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the death of kurds

a general who doesnt let both his enemies fight it off is a retard, thats what turkish generals did

people are shocked by that lol
He's half Iranian from his father's side. It explains a lot of his autism.
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So guys, I went to Syria and Beirut on tinder... look at top notification. COULD IT BE SUPER SYRIAN WAIFU??
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>Opposition commander claims the FSA recaptured all points recently captured by the regime in the #Syria-n desert

Nice try (((Opposition sources)))
well open it
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>using Tinder
>I don't like RT either tbqh
It will Ruskie gay-immigrant named Dmitriy.
the sun rises on another day of gains?
28 minutes ago
Reports that FSA has downed a Syrian army warplane near Al-Tanf

from global maps, no source
burger FSA more likely
may they all burn in hell.
It's because they have many CIA Guests and jews there
Is it Michael Horowitz? The same dog that claims this >>133213534 ?
Anyway do you have any sources about Russian equipment SAA received?
> no source
I skullfucked the grave of Richard Nixon while hafez took turns.

T. Source is my ass
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>so why are you up so late lad
>isnt it the middle of the night in the USA
It's 5:30AM, if you aren't up at this time of day you're going to get fatter.
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It doesn't work. Well at least not for me. Use it every once in a while >>133213676
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I hope the pilot is safe
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>ceasefire zone
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>Like Mimi better
You are alright lad
fuckin showed her
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>Syrian Army capture huge ammunition for militants were destined for smuggling to the eastern Ghouta
hello where are the gainz
Aha. Hopefully this move pays off with Mimi
yeah, tweet it at her
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When do you think it's going to end?
Apparently isis has confirmed that Baghdadi is indead dead, and that a new caliph is named
top wew. source?
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2017-07-11 11.50.45.png
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I did it
Three K's a day keeps the niggers away.

If you're 100% European descent aka white and you hate filthy niggers, dirty spics, kikes, arabs, furfags, gayfags, commiefags and all other scum on the earth (including weeaboo degeneracy!) as much as we do, you should join the Moon Central Discord Server. Introduce yourself in #introductions and answer our questions to get unkiked!

https://discordapp.com/ - invite/ - JfW5mn6 (Remove the - )

1, 2, 3, 4 I declare a race war.

Sieg Heil!
You cant do much with it it's in bosnian, but it says that it has been brodcasted by Al sumaria channel, who got their information from a source in Nineveh province
Hahah that's epic. cheers m8. You can be best man if it works
Same thing reported by Russian media.
ok I'll assume he's dead and if he's not I'll have been wrong for a little while
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altho if you actual get a response i am gonna be super jelly
svp is bad n u should feel bad
Unless you plan on flying to Australia, it's not gonna pay off
its a bot its literally posted the same post all over /pol/ over 600 times in the last fucking month
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Beer. Getting drunk with beer or wine fucks your shit up guys, don't do it. Feeling a bit better now though.
Slightly early but FRESH BREAD
Three K's a day keeps the niggers away!

If you're 100% European descent aka white and you hate filthy niggers, dirty spics, kikes, arabs, furfags, gayfags, commiefags and all other scum on the earth (including weeaboo degeneracy!) as much as we do, you should join the Moon Central Discord Server. Introduce yourself in #introductions and answer our questions to get unkiked.

https://discordapp.com/ - invite/ - JfW5mn6 (Remove the - )

1, 2, 3, 4 I declare a race war!

Sieg Heil
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Yeah that ain't happening. Paycheck to paycheck soccer coach lol
Btw this was on twitter.. this can be an epic meme. Isis getting wrecked so hard in Syria that they'll create
#IsisLivesMatter movement
too early
come on it's funny. And it's pretty likely that she'll see it either way.
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Mimi is mine

I think me, Portugal and Croatia bro are the only ones that like Dima more than Mimi.

Oh well, less competition!
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>too early
Only a bit off of 300 right now, that way everyone can finish their last remarks before rolling into the next
Syria does not affect any White country, there already is millions of refugees Before that and after the syria war.

So how would syria even affect us? it wont.
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>not supporting both YPG, SAA and Hezbollah

Hezbollah has the best warriors, but the Kurds have the cutest cuties.
If Mimi doesn't respond I'll come back teamdima
fuck, I think Dima's mouth is too big and Mimi looks like a Spanishwoman. I'm team dying alone.
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>I'm team dying alone
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You Forgot Nina Jadayl
maybe if she didn't overdo the eyeliner
>photoshoot snipers
Thread posts: 309
Thread images: 113

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