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Why don't you believe the wealthiest should pay more taxes?

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they already do
They should, not as much as they're required to now. It discourages business and they evade taxes instead.
Cause I'm gonna be rich once I become CEO of my own company so fuck that
Meaningless unless you first close the loopholes that allow them to get away with such a low percentage
Agreed comrade. Tax the rich at 100% and use that money to give the poor jobs. That way we increase production and proppel ourselves into the space age.
I don't believe anyone should pay taxes in the form of income tax.

Other taxes are debatable.
They already account for a large majority of taxes. The poor are the ones who aren't paying their fair share if anything.
They already do by default
>what is %
I do, and they do.

They pay 39.5% federal income tax. You have what you want.
Top 20% of Earners Pay 84% of Income Tax you lazy faggot thief.
if you ovetax them the will just move theire businesses and factory's overseas to countriesthat dont tax them as much.
Taxation is theft
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billionaires need tax cuts. they don't have enough money.

the minimum wage has to be lowered. hard working poor have too much money.

there i just defined conservative ideology
because i don't think that those taxes would go anywhere good

i do think that the wealthier should be poorer
I seriously hope this is bait.
No one really can be this much of a moron.
I do
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fuck off commie!

how dare u question our billionaire globalist overlords
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They already pay way more taxes every year than you, me, and most other people would in a lifetime.

40-ish percent of government tax revenue comes from the top couple percent alone. I'd say they already pay more than their fair share.
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Reminder that Republicans don't give a shit about the budget deficit. They want to bankrupt the country to give tax cuts to billionaires.
In America we believe that everyone should have the same responsibility. Everyone should pay the same percentage.
>le leftypol poster
>not globalist
I'm sure you also work, nothing sketchy here!
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Part 2 — Billionaire Warren Buffett says GOP health reform bills are relief for the rich
leftist memes are so fucking embarrassing, how fucking diet can you get
>only 100%

Get on Sweden's level, you capitalist pig

>"Pomperipossa in Monismania" (also called Pomperipossa in the World Of Money) is a satirical story written by the Swedish children's book author Astrid Lindgren in response to the 102% marginal tax rate that she incurred in 1976. It was published starting on 3 March 1976 in the Stockholm evening tabloid Expressen and created a major debate about the Swedish tax system.

>The marginal tax rate above 100%, dubbed the 'Pomperipossa effect', was due to tax legislation that required self-employed individuals to pay both regular income tax and employer's fees.

>The story, a satirical allegory about a writer of children's books in a distant country, led to a stormy tax debate and is often attributed as a decisive factor in the defeat of the Swedish Social Democratic Party, for the first time in 40 years, in the elections later the same year. Lindgren, however, continued to support the party for all her life.

The wealthy don't get more benefits from the government than anyone else, and the get fewer benefits that the poor. Why should they pay more if they don't get more out of it?
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thanks for the tax cut donnie!
1)lets say I earn 10 shekels a year and give 4 of the shekels I earned to the government and receive 3 to 5 shekels worth of government services (healthcare, police patrols etc). I consider this fair.
2)now lets say I earn 1000 shekels a year. Why would I pay 400 shekels to the government if I'm still receiving only 3 to 5 shekels worth of government-provided services?
Because your narrowly defined idea of "progressivism" inherently means it's never enough. Rich people already get taxed to hell. The middle and upper-middle classes are designed to discourage people from becoming more wealthy, and the poor are encouraged to remain poor. This system is not working.
Please tell me WHY anyone would work the bad jobs? Even the greeks knew communism doesn't work.
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Flat tax is equality
You think that now, but a lot of government benefits massively indirectly benefit the wealthy. EBT, Medicaid, and other welfare programs actually massively increase Wal-Mart's operating efficiency since they can afford to pay employees much lower wages than they otherwise could and also bring more money into the business via additional consumers.
>claims to hate globalist (but really just an excuse to get more people to attack le rich white males)
>will immediately open the borders to 3rd-world violent niggers as soon as they get in power
>everybody gets paid 1$ a day, so the wealth can be spread out equally across the globe
>the West is now India/China/Venezuela

Pro Tip: NatSocs and even NatCaps can attack rich globalists (who are mostly kikes) without turning our country into a shithole for the middle-class.
what? wtf does that have to do with this? >>133123891
>why don't you think we should disincentivize merit and/or savings/investment?
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you retards literally elected a billionaire globalist who has admitted he's a globalist
As opposed to whom, exactly?

The Dems are even more globalist and openly attack white males.
>a fucking leaf
And I don't know what you're trying to say either. You can't just tax the elite and have everyone else rich. The society can be normalized if you remove all non-whites but lefties are cucks who love them and why they will never achieve anything and are the biggest globalist cocksucker while pretending to fight them.
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Lol you can't defend your heroic billionaire globalist Trump.

Hillary was going to raise taxes on the rich. That's why your billionaire globalist overlords programmed you to hate her.
Lets sat I make minimum wage and you make minimum wage x2.
Should your Big Mac cost twice as much as mine given that you make twice the money?
Why or why not?
shill thread! shill thread! shill thread! shill thread! shill thread! shill thread! shill thread! shill thread!
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I never said everyone else will get rich if if u tax the rich. What kind of a retarded strawman is that? The economy does do better tho when u raise taxes on the rich


"It is striking to note that the best growth years for the bottom 99 percent since 1990 have taken place in the mid to late 1990s and since 2013, shortly after increases in top tax rates," Saez wrote.
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>cut my taxes goy
>your billionaire globalist overlords programmed you to hate her

Billionaire globalist overlords funded Hillary. They wanted to make international institutions and foreign countries richer, and they opposed Trump's tariffs and trade protectionism - which would create higher wages and revenue for US companies. The Dempcrats also wrote and supported TPP - including Obama, Hillary, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid.

I now you're extremely autistic, Obamaleaf, but you have to admit that the DNC is not always right.

Also, letting WASPs keep a few extra shekels is better than letting in 6 goriilian beaners, Muslims, and niggers to fuck everything up and ironically decrease the value of labor; and letting feminists control social policy. Sorry. I hope you get arrested by Canada's Human Rights Tribunal for being a white male, so you can't shitpost anymore.
Fuck the poor gib to middle class instead.
There should be a maximum wage tbqh
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Billionaire globalists funded Trump. The Koch bros, the Mercer family, your heroic Jew Sheldon Adelson, etc etc. Yes other billionaires supported Hillary. Some billionaires like Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, don't mind having their taxes raised for a better country. >>133123891

Look at the actual policies.

Trump wants to repeal the estate tax which literally only affects the top 0.3%. Guys like Soros will benefit immensely from trump's tax plan. I remember when u guys used to post his son's Instagram or whatever. LOL he's exactly who benefits most from Trump's tax plan.
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fuck that shit

min wage should be $1/hour tho

t. conservative
If we took all the billionaires in the world, and divided their money equally, we would all get $3,000. That's it.

The real problem is population. You Marxist retards may not realize it, but you live in a comfy bubble created by white imperialisim. If you really tried to share our wealth with the entire world, we'd all get paid the same as the shitmonkeys in India.

The most reasonable solution is to enact strict immigration restriction, and focus all the wealth on building-up whites and Japanese.
>epeal the estate tax which literally only affects the top 0.3%

Proofs, you leaf faggot?

There are tons of middle-class families who would get their shit taken away by the (((Federal Reserve))).

Also, the vast majority of Jews in Congress are Democrats. There's like 2 Republican Jews.
Because a lot of people, like my family busted their asses to get from the bottom of the ladder to the top so they could give "privileged little faggots like me" a good child hood and education so i could shitpost on 4chan all day. Seriously though, they worked their entire lives for their wealth. and now lazy fucks like you want to take if from them because your not willing to put in some elbow grease in your own affairs. Fuck you!

Thread really should have ended here.
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>There are tons of middle-class families who would get their shit taken away by the (((Federal Reserve))).

The estate tax exempts the first $5 million so no middle class family is hit by it.
>Tax the rich at 100% and use that money to give the poor jobs.
>use the money to give the poor jobs.
You wanna re think that one?
They already pay more fuk-tard
Im not even a commie I just think we should give money to middle class instead of stupid impulsive poor people.
the problem isn't population
most billionnaires got their money by speculating on someone 's work
give the money to that someone
africa didn't get stolen
Hey cuck, it's not the rich people's fault that poor people don't have jobs, rich people provide jobs for the poor, the problem is illegal immigrants there are 15 million illegals who take your jobs even when they aren't supposed be in the country for that job
Millionaires pay enough, billionaires should be made extinct by getting rid of governmental corruption.

You can be come a millionaire with hard work and a good idea, but billionaire status almost always requires some kind of governmental corruption.
>the problem isn't population

You'll see when Africa's population reaches 10 billion by the end of this century, and Paris looks like Detroit. Yeah, just keep giving them more gibs, it'll work out.
this. tax consumption not income.
shit wrong thread
Time for archive
Because the rich are to busy fisting each other that they won't have time to pay taxes, so why not just take it from the homeless vet over there?
>Obamaleaf is still cucking so hard for Hillary that he believes the Russia shit
>Republican logic
Don Jr admitted it.

It was meant for this thread >>>133124571

I'm in 2 threads.
>everyone pays 5% income tax
>I make $30k a year
>5% of that goes to income taxes
>Trump makes 40 million a year
>5% of that goes to income taxes

How do the wealthy not pay more?
The Russian woman didn't have any info, she was bullshitting.
Because they have assloads of money no fucking duh they pay significantly more than the poor but they can stand to give more. Poor people are fucked by taxes, the rich aren't.
In all seriousness they should be taxed more as they have more wealth, and more to contribute to the nation
I thought Trump said nobody from his campaign met with the Russians?
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>implying minimum wage isn't crime against the unskilled
>implying I couldn't hire 5 guys instead of 1 for those wages.
>implying me paying for their social services, healthcare and pension is not preferable to unemployment that burdens out social economy
>implying I can finance everyone with high taxes
It doesn't work that way child.
>income taxes

Don't be a kike, posting deceptive charts doesn't help your argument, it makes it look weaker.

Go by total tax burden, if you go by that metric it's far more accurate without being intentionally misleading.
>Don. Jr.
>from the campaign

Also, what is the point if no info was given?

Also, if colluding with Russians invalidates you; then Bernie Sanders was certainly disqualified. He sucked the Soviet Union's dick constantly, and even had his honeymoon there. Also, the Clintons sold them 1/4th of the US's uranium.
many of these people never stop working. You really wanna take away their gain so people like you can "live a better life"? wheres the incentive to work harder if the fruits of my labor are going to be taxed away by the govt for the less hard working individuals? what the fuck dont you commies understand about this? communism doesnt work because people cant be individual and make something of themselves. Everybody is just the same grey piece of shit.
Because taxation is theft.
The biggest problem with out tax system is that the (((Federal Reserve))) is literally controlled by Jews at multiple levels; so even if you "tax the rich for all they got" the money still goes to a kike banker.

The ideal way to oppose this is separatism from the Federal system; but the left are all collectivist cucks.
First lol I'm not a communist, I'm actually independent with a more republican leading view on most things. 2. maybe it's just because of how I am growing up? Right now my family is lower middle class, and taxes absolutely kills us, but when i see a man worth $400,000,000 thats living the good life to fill his pockets even more, i think he can contribute to this nation just a little bit more than I can
>Hillary was going to raise taxes on the rich. That's why your billionaire globalist overlords programmed you to hate her.

WAY more billionaires and Elites donated to Hillary than Trump...by orders of magnitude, you fucking misinformation spreading dickhole.
if you can't acquire a marketable skill then you should just die off
>The biggest problem with out tax system
Your tax system is the problem, you should tax both products and all income for 5% and get ridd of all social services.
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And they will benefit tremendously from Trump's policies.

Look at the actual policies. >>133125679
Trump is giving Soros a big fat tax cut. That's why u cucks worship Trump
>when i see a man worth $400,000,000 thats living the good life to fill his pockets even more, i think he can contribute to this nation just a little bit more than I can
Yea he can. He likely worked his entire life for it. I doubt hes going to let some bitter 18year kid who hasn't even begun to make an impact on the planet take that from him either. Quit acting like your going to get rich fast. It takes time, many years for those of us who weren't born into money but its been done plenty of times. Nobody owes you anything so suck that shit up and get your ass in gear.

Motherfucking Taxation is Fucking Theft:


All the Proof you need: NO Russia Hack, Collusion

DNC Killed Seth Rich to Cover-Up Hillary's Crimes
Created RussiaGate Story to Cover-Up Seth's Murder
DNC/MSM/Deepstate willing to get HRC back in power at risk of WWIII
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>gibs for Soros

That's what Trumptards voted for
the hyper rich don't pay tax anyway. So increasing them is pointless. since the bulk of tax payers is always the middle class, taxes should always be reduced across the board.
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>Angela White

really makes me think
Variable rate tax, the form of discrimination almost everyone loves.

Those who may more tax should be give more votes, just like those who hold more shares in a company. Both have more skin in the game. If you don't pay tax, no vote for you.

Tax should be a flat rate for all and no deductions or write offs for anything. The poor use services like police, fire, sanitation, etc. just like everyone else. Perhaps when they experience the 'joy' on contributing to the common good they would be so eager to demand ever more services.

Pick one or the other.
I never said anybody owes me anything, I know I'm never going to get rich, so no I actually am not trying to. I know I will never impact the planet and neither will you. I think people owe this nation something not me. Plus just being real, most people are only rich either because they inherited it, or they screwed somebody else over to gain their profit. You really think most rich people got their money from honest work? yeah right, keep trying bud
There are two reasons to support a higher tax on the wealthy.

First of all, there's the fact that a flat tax is regressive in that it hurts the poor far more than the rich, even though it takes an equal percentage of their income. This is because a greater percentage of the income of the poor is spent on the bare necessities of survival, such as food and housing. Thus, if we were to compare the budgets of a rich household and a poor household, taking a flat percentage chunk out of them both would hurt the poor household far more.

The other reason is that the wealth of the rich is far more dependent on government and society as a whole than that of a poor person's. A poor person benefits from public schooling, but a rich person benefits from all his employees' public schooling. A wealthy person has far more property that is protected by police and fire services. You literally cannot be wealthy without society, without having other people who are less wealthy. Why should those who benefit the most from the system not pay the most to maintain it?
I believe so, and I know it'd be benefitial for everyone.
God I love Angela White
Me too bro.
so that the guy with 0 shekels can still have access to government services
Good post.

I thought we are talking about personal income tax.

So treating people equally, such as levying the same tax rate for all, is regressive? You heard it here. Equality is inequality. That's the doublespeak forked-tongue left for you.

Let's explore this idea of 'regressive'. Almost everything you purchase is priced regressively. You pay the same for a litre of milk, a cinema ticket, and airfare as the wealthy and the poor. We don't have a variable-tier price structure, and with automation it wouldn't be too difficult to implement. If you really wanted to the give the poor a deal a multi-tier pricing structure would leave more money in their pockets with the advantage of not putting money in the government's coffers. As it is presently, we employ a huge administrator class to oversee programmes to aid the poor. This diverts money from the poor, who need it, to well-paid government employees.

Next, you've made several wild assumptions such as the wealthy person employs many people and owns numerous properties. Plenty of wealthy people work for themselves. If you want to address property ownership, then you may tax that. A person who owns one or more properties pays a tax for each. Each person operates in the same society under the same rules of law. One person takes some risks or works more hours or did something that the rest of society values and it decides to give the person money. Society benefits just from that; perhaps it gets a better product or service at a lower price. Of course not all entrepreneurs are successful. The gov't, i.e. we, takes more when they are successful, so should we reimburse them when they are unsuccessful and the business fails?

As for a business, it also pays tax. Sometimes owner(s) pay twice. Firstly, on their own income paid to it by the business, and secondly on the business's income. Now, there are different types of businesses from limited liability to corporation, and how the law treats each differ.
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