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Brit/pol/ - /1066/ Shall Commence Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 316
Thread images: 102

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>UK-US trade deal to happen quickly, says Trump

>Labour try to resolve the ongoing de-selection row

>Opposition and backbench Tory MPs to seek amendments to (aka disrupt) the Repeal Bill

>Thousands join Pride parade in London

>Another Royal Wedding may be on the cards, as Prince Harry apparently to propose to his gf imminently

>King's College London considers opening a European campus in Dresden

>Theresa May says plan to build Thatcher statue should go ahead, despite vandalism fears

>Cornish terror group claims it has a would-be suicide bomber in its ranks
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It's such a shame, because Jess never brings it on herself by being an odious twat.
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Start going to church.
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Friendly reminder

>Jess "Born to Hate Tories" Phillips complaining about getting abuse

Woman shouldn't throw stones.


Always good for some context.

>Higher proportion of men than women report online abuse

>Women are responsible for half of online abuse, study finds
Church is dead
what the fuck took so long to make this thread you degenerates
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Reminder that this woman has spent her entire career filing reports and doing speeches against this and would deport any Muslim even suspected of looking at a kid the wrong way.
I would have probably killed my self if not for having brit/pol/ to post on through depressive episodes like right now.

Just unceasing misery but you cunts will be here.
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>Forcing an Ulsterman to make the thread

The absolute STATE of the English.
Cannot get a job reply
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Morality Man gets raped

>‘Take off your belt!’ instructed a stern person.
My belt? This is an office block, not an aeroplane.
>Trousers slipping, I shuffled into the next room trying to gather together my possessions and documents, and keeping my rage to myself lest I was flung out for having a bad attitude, and deprived of my costly slot.

peter hitchens hates torys more than labour
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>The Godfather of the European Union, Richard Coudenhouve-Kalergi, published a plan for a united Europe and the ethnocide of the peoples of Europe. The encouragement of mass non-White immigration was central to the plot. Since then an unholy alliance of leftists, capitalists and Zionist supremacists have schemed to promote immigration and miscegenation with the deliberate aim of breeding us out of existence in our own homelands. As indigenous resistance to this human genetic modification industry grows, the criminal elite seeks new ways to camouflage their project.

>First, their immigrant swarms were temporary guest workers. Then it was a multiracial experiment. Then they were refugees. Then the answer to a shrinking population. Different excuses, different lies. And asylum is just another one.

>For the real aim stays the same — the biggest genocide in human history. The final solution of the Christian European problem. This crime demands a new set of Nuremberg trials. And you people will be in the dock.

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Good to have you aboard lad.
maybe people shouldn't have voted for and consented to it then
greentext la'?
Anne "ten ton terror of tower hamlets" Marie Waters
Anne "A lesbian day keeps the muslim away" Marie Waters
Anne "If your brown your going down" Marie Waters
Anne Marie"the rope round muslims neck will be tauter" Waters
>not having white skin

me out then, cya lads
How did we do in the /pol/eague today lads?
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>watch this
>they all say how they want to be 'exotic' and not irish
>they celebrate their jewish dna

Cheer up and get a job.
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What's that?
Lost to /eire/ yesterday apparently, only heard about it today.


The Irish are hilariously un-nationalistic despite just a century ago they fought tooth and nail for it.

The irony here is that both Unionists and Nationalists in NI are both more British and more Irish than their homeland counterparts.
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Cheer up mate.
I know how you feel, I actually tried and got caught by the police now it's on my nhs record and I can't get any jobs.
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Christ it doesn't bode well for that other poster who said he wanted to kill himself because I just read that and wanted to jump in front of the fucking pendolino

Who the fuck let that troll out of it's cave?
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>only three chocolate limes left
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Anyone got any talcum powder?
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>almost all of them are a bit jewish
fucking irish
pot noodle and a can for dinner lads, wbu?
You now remember Justin Lee Collins
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Don't worry lad big things are on the way
Didn't he get arrested for being a bit of a cunt to his girlfriend

Seps out.
My granddad fought for Irish independence, fought for the anti-treaty side in the civil war, moved to England after pro-treaty won, moved back to Ireland when De Valera was elected, and then settled in the French countryside in disgust.

He said ever since De Valera left, he saw the country look more toward internationalism, and feared Ireland would let over all "the West Indians and Asian fellows like the Huns (Brits) did".

Now there's a faggot, immigrant taoiseach. He lived to 105, and increasingly he just seemed to feel betrayed. He thought he was fighting for an Irish homeland, Catholic and free. Instead, by the time he died, he got an Ireland enslaved to the EU and desperate for immigration.
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He got what he deserved then.
tried to push her under a bus or taxi, abused her psychologically and physically (?) sounds like a fucking faggot

Dear Jesus, please let some brave knight hack Isobel Oakeshotts phone.
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>He thought he was fighting for an Irish homeland, Catholic and free. Instead, by the time he died, he got an Ireland enslaved to the EU and desperate for immigration.

Pretty depressing read.
Tomato soup and some chocolate limes.
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>sponsored by great courses plus

> But more on that later.

Red pill me on Great Courses.
Going to CoE is literally a sin. They're the biggest cuckolds around.
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Does the CoE have any small separatist movements? I know the Catholic Church has some Traditionalists that hold Latin mass and refuse to do the new age shite.
I would make it illegal for companies not to send rejection emails, it is an easy process they could automate. When you spend 30mins to 1 hour tailoring an application to a job, the least you deserve is an answer.
Nah, he enjoyed the war of independence,Chad the civil war. Said there was nothing as exciting as seeing an enemy soldier unaware of your presence, rifle in hand.

Got some great stories out of him. Though I didn't know him all that well.
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>he doesn't eat violet cremes
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unironically these
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Start snowing to church
Couldn't tell you mate. I'm a Catholic who's grown sick and tired of the current Pope and the perverts and filth in the Church.
Did you have to specially order those in?
My catholic grandparents have a portrait of John Paul II, and they have never changed it despite there having been two popes since him so far.
''In the true revolutionary, the first quality is the power to endure.''

We're with you mate.
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no lad, they sell them in tesco with the other forrinmuk
He was a good Pope. Had the charisma to connect with people outside the faith and the strength of faith to maintain the traditions of the Church.

Benedict was too dour, Francis is nothing short of a Communist.
We're not revolutionaries, lad.

Most of us are too awkward to even go to a meeting topkek.
I'm not even a catholic, but John Paul II was OK by me, he did more than almost any other single person to fight communism.
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Went to Pride yesterday, lads

Talked to the anti-gay preachers, they were actually pretty cool and gave me some stuff to read. I apologized for how they were being treated and chatted a bit, they even shook my hand.

John Paul II was a top tier Pope.

Benedict was great too, "The Panzer Cardinal". Former Hitler Youth.
I'm a calvinist
Just back from the pub, pakis gave me a kick in on the way home and it's Wetherspoon's fault. Do I just call any solicitor if I want to sue them?
Eh, he wasn't too torn up about it. He still said he wouldn't trade the experience of the wars of 1919-1923 for anything; from what I've heard he had great fun.
sorry you got kicked by pakis and didnt fight back are you a fucking nonce or what?
why were you there? you're not actually proud of being a faggot are you?
Wagefags of brit/pol/.

Where do you work?

I'm looking up potential jobs for the future (can't and don't really want to continue being NEET). I don't have good qualifications so skilled jobs are a no-go. What supermarket would be best for a shy NEET?
Revolutions begin in the mind. There are millions of people in this country who think like us but assume they are alone when they look at the media.
I was puking up, ,already half passed out and they jumped me from behind.
all supermarkets you need to have an interview, and then youll be around customers if you are sorting shelves etc stacking them.
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I wouldn't have risked that, lad.

Don't know what it's been.
If you're black you could apply for this mate.
Went to a beautiful place in the peak district today. A remenant of a watchwater dating to medieval times. Got to the top of the hill and a bunch of paki's were there shitting the place up. Playing shitty arab music.

All those men that fought in the crusades died for nothing. It's so depressing. I'm begining to lose hope lads.
you will probs fail the psych eval
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Do you not have any skills?
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You know when you make a cup of tea, and it's all mixed so perfectly you feel like your having a religious experience after you drink it?

Just had a big cup of that.
>All those men that fought in the crusades died for nothing
that was already true, the crusader states were btfo by the mamluks hundreds and hundreds of years ago
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I like conservatism

Has anyone ever joined a cult
I avoided the one in Bristol and went to town today instead. There was a "refugee fair."
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Nyet, I was there hoping to see actual discussion of Chechnya. I walked around for a bit looking for Muslims protesting but they never leave their flats. I'm an American in the UK for the next few years so I've also go an interest in history; Pics of Washington's statue in front of the art gallery and shrapnel damage from the Blitz was cool to see.

>Fun fact: That statue was built on US dirt because he said he never wanted to step on British soil again

Go back to college and do your A-Levels or do some kind of course you're interested in.

Enjoy m8, I'm having a nice cuppa rn.
Nhs take anyone.

Just say in the interview that you can't spell or count, don't understand what an email is, want to join the union as you feel a long term undefined back problem coming on and they will hire you on the spot
Nigel is of French huguenot descent. He's not even English

Brown rice + quinoa, kale, butternut squash, cucumber, a chilli with some waitrose mexican tinga sauce. Followed by some alpro vegan vanilla ice cream
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bloody saxons
I had a chicken and bacon melt at the pub, then threw it all back up again at the bar after I downed a pint for a bet.
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>genetic heritage =/= culture

On your boat lad.
Bristol lad
Honestly one of the best instant noodle brands besides from Indomie 2bh. I commend you for your choice. You should try their cup noodles if you come across them.
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>tfw your fasces will never be that big
Let me get my external hard drive and start posting if you guys are interested. I went there mostly looking for a happening, I was really expecting one. EVERY single one of these has a bunch of red signs, "Queer liberation Marxist workshops," and Socialist Worker who doesn't even send gays. It's more of a condescending, "You are gay and should support us because if you don't ur not really progressive" attitude.

Will post if interested

Supermarket interviews can be easy as fuck though. Sometimes they hire in waves and they'll just go through the motions and you'll be wih 3 other people in your token interview.
Reminder that the best radio show in the UK is Fisherman's Blues. It's on talkSPORT every Sunday morning at 6am for one hour. They don't go on about Brexit any of that bollocks, it's just one bloke called Nigel talking about fishing.
Is it an independent Church? Proper fire and brimestone types?

I've looked at some Pentecostal/Evangelical Churches in my area... they're literally all full of Africans.
>one French ancestor 500 years ago
>not English

please tell me you're trolling
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Did Washington have a brit accent or was the east coast accent already developed by the time they rebelled?
That sounds comfy but would be better if it was on a bit earlier, like the shipping forecast.
Aaha sounds about right. I'm in Reading and conservative christian churches are literally all Nigerians. They are based though, don't be too scared.
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On a leisure park.
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>He doesn't own Bitcoin
What the fuck are you doing?

Memes aside, why don't you? You realise it's the future, right? I'm not "memeing", either, it really is.

I've tried telling you a couple of times, if you had listened, you would have made thousands already... but forget about that, think long term. Bitcoin is quite seriously where currency is heading.
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anyone gone through the process of getting someone an asbo?

next door is driving me mad, I have never lived anywhere this bad and I have been to some shitty countrys
Ever seen those old timey American films where they have that weird accent that sounds kind of British but isn't? I imagine he spoke something like that.

There is a clear Irish influence on the American accent but the micks didnt start arriving until late 1800s
Fee-males more concerned about pollination than having a loving husband

He probably spoke in a British-lite accent.
Maybe I've been on /pol/ too long but I'd rather keep my distance from our coloured brethren if you catch my drift...
What is it they're doing? I assume you need to speak to the police and local council. Maybe Citizens' Advice?
Anyone who browses /g/ can land a generic IT support role with no problem.
A few.
Log everything and report every incident to the police and get a crime reference number. Gather as much evidence as possible, recordings and such, take it to court.
>cryptocurrency meme
as soon as it becomes more relevant governments will either shut it down or take it over

atm it is essentially irrelevant which is why it has remained largely free of government influence. it is only useful for two things: buying illegal things online and as a store of wealth if you live in a country where the government is trying to rob you of your savings
Ok cheers. I need to brush up on history. I didn't learn much in history class besides the general stuff. My school was shit.
They can't shut it down, nor can they take it over.
You're a pleb
It's very hard and from experience, it's not worth it in the end. Just move again when you can. Maybe make a review of the property online (after you leave).
She also made it more difficult for supermarkets to buy up pubs and re-purpose them so there' that I suppose.
That accent you're talking about never existed
Burn 'em out.

Which leisure parks?

I think I'd handle a job on a theme park type of place quite well. But those jobs are usually taken by seasonal migrant workers.
ah okay I must have misheard several hundred hours of broadcasting
Is that Alex Jones?
Blow their house up
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From the EU rally (will post lefty pamphlets for Pride in a few)

Actually considering going to a communist camp in trip and filming but I know they'd dox me
It was never spoken anywhere. Broadcasters invented it
It's called trans-Atlantic.
Name faggotry is dead
I just fucked a Japanese-English woman, never thought i'd see such a thing, thought you cunts would like to know.
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>Friendly reminder

Of what they voted for

Rothercucks explain yourselves

Read up on the Seven Years War.

You won't regret it.

Arguably the FIRST World War spanning multiple continents.
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It could well be.
Apparently not, I just made it up apparently, ask this scholar

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reminder this is the guy who took the piss out of pure RNG shit like Deal or No Deal and Golden Balls and had 2 seasons of heads or tails where you have to flip 6 heads to win. With full Noel mimicking segments where you spend 5 minutes going "so which one, do you feel it, which one do you feel"

Also our potentially last pol/eague match vs /sg/ is next, its win and were in a draw and were out
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actually got a job recommendation from bpol that panned out - sadly it was a shit 0 hour thing that lasted 6 months, with totally rubbish organisation.

Won't give them free publicity unless i have to.
A tub of Coleslaw and pork pies.
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>When you replace the Hitler Youth pope and end up being MORE hated

If being a scholar means knowing more than fuck-all then Yes indeed

What did Francis say? These cunts love taking his words horribly out of context.
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>Prison works
good god, how did this get 2 seasons
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Want to start going to this shit lads

>The politics of transfluid gender nonbinary otherkinism and its relation to materialistic Marxism
>his labour isn't in demand
Will do cheers pal.
Sign on to a temp agency, use this as an opportunity to meet more people and gauge the world of work. You'll find you end up picking and packing, working on a line, or general warehousing.
Keep changing when you no longer like somewhere or want to try something else.
If you meet anyone in construction consider getting a CSCS card and going into labouring.
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It's a local leisure park attached to a regional shopping outlet. Pretty comfy desu. The owner supports UKIP and used to have big anti EU signs as you drove in.

Pic related- It was what my reference requests were sent in.
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Hey lads. American on holiday in the UK. Where should I visit for a pint in London? Thanks.

Pic related, is me.
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It existed, just a long time after Washington.
Do any damage?

Maybe not be a fucking degenerate next time.
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>*Federalises internally*
Might want to try a nail brush pal
nice feet
yeah I just said I IMAGINE that's what Washington sounded like.

Media seems to portray him with some sort of Californian accent now.
You look like a loser
What's the re-offending rate on people who go on naughty boy class room sessions for possession of class A drugs?
Someone should tell them their ideology got more people killed than Hitler
That was then, this is now twipfwend.
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Fuck I forgot typing those letters changed it to that.
Yankee go home!
It does seem he said as Guy stated.

is the link that is referenced, but here's an English article talking about that interview
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Awww yeah.
hello yankee-san
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yankees are welcome

100%, you never remain a 'clean' citizen after such an eventuality.
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I'm less of a loser than you. On vacation with my family here, more than you can say.
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Who even decided on this team? It's a fucking disgrace

>No Mogg
>No Choo Choo Portillo
>No Andrew Neil
>No Molly the Dog
>No Dimblebot

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>implying they would care
Look at this one, they're commemorating the Russian revolution. These bugs don't think.

I'm a mechanic, this shit will never come out.
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Evening lad. That's an amazing diorama.

Its the whole street really

kids kicking the ball out the house at 1am (they are 10-12), fucking with the fences running around and screaming till 2am

blasting music constantly, no-one seems to work or go to school, trash is dumped everywhere

I had to shout at some guy leaning on te window shouting at is girlfriend down the phone

they have been told to stop but they all do that chav thing when they get spooked and try and act nice

Next door has graffitied their own house

Is there anyway to tell or find if houses are council owned or part of scheme?
Thank you for making me feel welcome.

Fuck off no they're not.
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anyone watching the stream /sg/ v brit/pol/

I am supporting /sg/ sorry lads.
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You willingly went to London? Are you on a suicide trip?

Get outta there and go to the countryside. Preferably the North. York is a nice city. We put heads on our pints like the Irish do.
Does anyone else here drink loose tea? I love a pot of tea.
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nice hands my man
First thing you need to do is watch this. Skip to 3:50 to learn how to behave in a pub

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>earns half a million a year
>dental treatment is probably free as part of his insurance or because it's free in Belgium
>still doesn't go

That level of gum recession takes ages.

They are you paki cunt - only if they're white mind you
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Who or what is actually threatening bees?
Time for the British to join Ireland, but with us in the majority government. Do as you are told.

>So Pope Francis thinks that America has a “distorted vision of the world”?

They do, actually. +1 for Frankie.

>Lampedusa is an Italian island of 8 square miles with a permanent population of 6000, which so far this year has received 7800 migrants trying to reach Europe across the Mediterranean from sub-Saharan and North Africa, that is to say more than 1000 a month. When the Pope officiated at mass on the island’s sports field, there were 10,000 in the congregation, two thirds more than the permanent population…

Is this his endgame? Is Francis importing more Catholics?
Stop posting Gooks. This is a white man's thread Jan.
I don't know, does it matter?
Part of my job is gathering evidence for trespass and minor assault occurrences to gain anti social behaviour court orders.
I'm "brainwashing" myself to only cum to white women if they're being impregnated by black people, and to only cum to/in Japanese women. Feels good man.
>Avro Lancaster aircraft under construction at the A V Roe & Co Ltd factory at Woodford in Cheshire, 1943.
Wow Taeyeon got old
Cringeworthy desu
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I sometimes watch that when I'm feeling down.
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Supposed to be Gallipoli I think.
I once bit of an English womans clitoris and ate it. It gave me magical powers.

Why does anyone even care about the pope's political views? He's not a qualified politican, he's a religious figurehead
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The balls it must have taken to be these 10 guys right next to a parade of 30,000 gays, they were cool

thnx bby
Thanks for the advice

Already know how to behave. I'm 1/4th Irish.
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yeah she's 28 already

good to hear that i'm welcome here

We once starved ta million of you and it gave us hearty kek.
unironicly whetherspoons
the centere is mostly middle and upper class people who work in the city
east is where all the mussies are
i asked the thread multiple time and got ignored, next time help out
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where is this?
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>I'm 1/4th Irish.
It would be a good thing to encourage the hatred of corporations.
Corporations are the big movers. They are influential, and they are extremely pro-degenerate. The Right have 0 business defending them, and the Left always want to attack them.
There are few things I'd rather see than a horde of leftwing bums lynching the top capitalist business owners.

becuase if its council owned the council website says they can terrminate tenancy or benefits

it might put the shits up the rest of them and save me time
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Spent the day with Dad today helping me to do some joinery so I can model embankments. Pretty good day really apart from the heat.
>Is every religion attempting to dominate the world?

Not so much an end game, more an every day game.

>rioting over nothing
>shagging in public

The state of lefties.
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I'll fight for my ancestral homeland any day.

Shut up, tripfag.


Though I wouldn't really want to be "political" as such with any potential boss. I think that's awkward territory and potentially risky for employment. If my boss asks how I voted in the referendum I'm just going to lie and say I didn't vote.
why is this surprising, there are tons of brown monkiees in the UK.
Charlie Gard should die.

His parents are stupid chavs.
>I'm 1/4th Irish.
you couldnt be more american if you tried
I know but still wouldn't feel safe. Not with all these terrorists. Not going to Manchester either. Avoid all large cities like the plague.
Possibly, I'm sure the police would be able to find out, but if they would let you know, I don't know.
If they get an ASBO and they continue they are then in contempt of court which can carry a prison sentence.
i'm 1/16th irish
Any more info on her?
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nah i am white, i frequent both sg and britpol but sg has stolen me.
Oy bloody vey
You're an idiot and hopefully on some watchlist.
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I like you.

How about sending over some material 'help'?
Is that a real grenade launcher? Is it inactive?
Everybody is a bit Irish. We spread our divine seed wide and far.
>on some watchlist.
why is that?
Barely anyone checks that
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Yesterday at Pride in London. I like to collect pics of the crazy cringeworthy leftist pamphlets. My "Italian camp by a beautiful village for socialists, queer liberation activists, environmentalists and feminists," is my favorite, but alas I spilled my doritos and mountain dew on it.

The left are only opportunists. Look at this pic, they're all on their iPhones at a Socialist Worker booth. I saw someone with a LGBT flag (probably made in a sweatshop) with a marker written on it "Queers against capitalism!" I know virtue signalling is a meme, but it's the perfect descriptor
>when your fetish is riots
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High Anglican

But just be Catholic
Can we see the brit/pol/ team?
you got caught trying to kill yourself by the police and now its on your nhs record and that prevents you from getting a job?

how does that work
It's real, I have tax stamps for it. And I served.

Shut up tripfag

It's pretty cool working with people who don't filter themselves and will say they hate Muslims. One of my managers who is gay and I assumed would be quite tolerant hates all foreigners full stop. It's an odd place to work really. You have to see it to believe it.
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these are the teams
Spicy Demae ramen are quality.

I fried myself some homemade chips in beef dripping. Gorgeous.
It's amazing that a Tory could even become mayor in London as little as a few years ago.
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Jew Zyklon B.jpg
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They want guns you larping faggot.
>no ian "smash seiin fein" paisly
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> No Northern Goblin

Brit/pol/ manager is a fucking mong

As in things manufactured to defend freedom
Aldi or lidl have good hourly rates and full time jobs.
Hezbollah are a terrorist org.
hes in just subbed out for this match
I'm jealous. I love guns but our laws are at full cuck. Takes about 9 months to get a rifle for hunting in some counties.
The entire pub segment is grade A comfy
Thank you for your service.
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>Not 442
>implying /sg/ is part of hezbollah
wow leaf
Are you the same anon who claimed they were in the lake district yesterday?
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phew, I'm just back from the mission anon. Managed to smuggle this out just for you...
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>Gay furries against the DUP!
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Sorry dad.

Sorry, that's illegal for you guys.

Sucks to be a Brit.
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I like this video but it's pretty depressing too desu
A lost Britain we'll never get back.
>this movement I had to search on wikipedia a few hours after the election are totally awful!!!
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Ya big hairy yank cunt
I'd go for a pint with you, but you'd be paying
the vatican has allways been rome trying to rebuild its empire
what is the warm beer nonsense, i've never had a beer that was warm
That is one ugly looking cat.
Nah not me. I want to move there though. No paki's there.
>tfw my local pub was like this but it got closed down a few months ago

Praying somebody buys the lease on it soon.
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I've been around. I can buy drinks.
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>playing narrow against a team with three center backs and a DM
that lost us the first match and i need to win by 2-0 to get to knockouts
Also this pub scene still exists in Wales, my mum works in such a place. Everyone is old, hats, pipe smoking and so on.

I used to sit there listening... they all voted UKIP and agreed Nelson Mandella was a communist terrorists.

Sadly once all of them die off, that's it. No new customers. It will be boarded up and converted into a mosque eventually.
Farage is so comfy to look at for some reason.
Carry on gents.
That's the biggest hooters girl i've ever seen.

Never deviate
>Sorry, that's illegal for you guys.

So was rebelling against the crown

Didn't notice it stopped you lot
>Hooters slag named Trisha
Can't make it up
I noticed this too, lad. A lot of these pics have goodies in the background. I didn't take too much though, it's just weird being in a parade with 30,000 of these people.

I saw a Muslim lady walk out of a shop and cover her eyes with a magazine while she walked into another store
>Said there was nothing as exciting as seeing an enemy soldier unaware of your presence, rifle in hand.

So he liked to kill men in hiding.
fuck me the one fat hooters girl and she had to be from el paso
>no Morality Man

Really disappointing.
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Daily reminder that this shitskin is still trying to block Brexit!
new thread?

new thread?
She needs to go back
Any news on the Cornish Republican Army? I'm trying to see a bunch of regionalist stuff, could these guys actually spark something off?
1066 IS ALREADY HAPPENING. You're being invaded by people who seek to impose radical changes on your culture, you fools.

What you need is 871 to commence again. You need a new Ælfred to UNITE ENGLAND to RISE, to REFUSE to pay the Danegeld, to halt the invasion of the savage barbarian raiders holding your cities hostage and extorting ransom in exchange for "peace."

The last thing you need is for the French to get involved, AGAIN. What you need is a new dynasty on the throne of England, an ENGLISH King, not a German Queen.
rip my dreams
>One of my managers who is gay and I assumed would be quite tolerant hates all foreigners full stop

>Mfw I have to explain this every day on here
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Sorry, we remembered that a couple days ago.

It was a great experience.
Troops on Devonshire border as we speak.
Anon last night said he saw loads of pakis there. I laughed at his lies
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>tfw you're glad (((they))) have done something good for once.

Janner here, the Royal Navy has imposed a blockade on the Tamar and anything attempting to cross is being sunk. Reports of tanks massing on the Devon side of Tamar Bridge, word is they push on Bodmin in 30 minutes
that wide thats what i get for trusting May
My surname is literally old norse viking going back 900 odd years, am I still a BritBong?
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