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Journalist demolishes Trump at G20: 'biggest threat to the

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>“He was an uneasy, lonely, awkward figure at this gathering and you got the strong sense that some of the leaders are trying to find the best way to work around him,” Uhlmann said.

>“[He is] a man who barks out bile in 140 characters, who wastes his precious days as president at war with the west’s institutions like the judiciary, independent government agencies and the free press.”


WOW! I do not want to be the person next to Trump when he watches this.
What if we archived that?

Who cares Australia is a shithole irrelevant country of the descendants of criminals and chinks
wow a reporter said something.

better change my whole view on the world...

Reporters are the worst species, next to lawyers.
>threat to the west
>at war with the west's institutions
Sounds like a classic case of projection, the guy works for the ABC, publicly funded and CONSTANTLY at war with the west and all its institutions. They have a track record of attacking anything successful, any tradition, any institution, etc..
WOW! Cuck establishment Aussie begs to be led by Trump!
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This is how you know they're desperate. G20 was a fucking phenomenal event that worked entirely in Trump's favor. The fact that he and Putin are now clearly allied is the most significant political coup we've had in decades. This is the beginning of an enormous shift in geopolitics and these cucks can't stand it.

I love this though--the west's institutions. The Judiciary made an OBJECTIVELY bad ruling on his flawless bill that was unanimously overturned... By a higher Judiciary. The "free press" has literally been lying POINT BLANK about the election's legitimacy (and they KNOW that they're lying and we've caught them on camera admitting it) and the deep state has been actively fighting the will of the people with mindless, pointless obstructionism.

How exactly are these things the institutions of the west? They're all criminal organizations that actively do disservice to the people. I will never understand how people can say things like this with a straight face, the fact that a group of oligarchs are asshurt that Trump is smacking them around is GOOD and everyone enjoys it.

Plus, he's accomplished more in half a year than Obama did in eight. Trump is the first president in decades who might actually fulfil his fucking campaign promises in spirit if not in fact, so what's the fucking problem, he isn't perfect? No shit, nobody's perfect, but Trump is what the American people wanted and he's doing what the American people voted him into office to do. Criticizing him is fine but this just nonstop outright slander is so tedious. It got old in February.

God I seriously hope this is a good enough Casus Belli for war. Trump should fucking rek us Aussie dickheads for this.

Australia is in good need of freedom and liberation. Did I mention we also have shit tons of oil? I really hope Trump declares war on Australia over this shit, it's just not acceptable for a faggot journalist to shit on a president like that. I'd even go as far to say that Trump should have the Australian government executed.

Australians seem like they need a dose of the constitution and some freedom to go with it, in order to understand and appreciate Trump. Our government is obviously not giving it too us, so we are being very oppressed and would welcome an American liberation force.

Too bad the pictures of Trump being the center of attention expose this biased reporter.
>Trump is killing journalism
>Trump is attacking the free press
>Watch this Netflix documentary about how the free press is being challenged under Trump
>Don't forget to donate to the free press we need them shekels goy

Is it me or are all journalists everywhere pretending like Trump is going to round them up and kill them? What exactly did he do that is making these people so afraid? Not invite them to special dinners?
Truth, the nemezis of the Jew.
>trump is a man with "no desire and no capacity to llead the world"

do you eurofags really want the US being your masters? This is what the globalists envision when they say the US president is "leader of the free world".
This is globalism.

If you guys want to be a bunch of fascist-globalist tranny fuckers ruled by unelected lawmakers in Belgium nationally and sharia locally. Go for it, but it sure as fuck wont be because we led you there.

US nationalism means you have to deal with the consequences of problems you made for yourself, by yourself.
Drumpf BTFO.
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When someone is finally trying to actually get some shit done they always get shit on by everyone.
Pic Related
is this how journalists force their opinions down our throats?

shouldn't journalists approach this matter more neutrally and let the viewers decide on how trump performed?
And you're a cunt.

Listening to main stream ever

>WOW! I do not want to be the person next to Trump when he watches this.

Trump would most likely not get anything more than a smile out of this, maybe tweet to make fun of his suit and think about something else.
What the fuck, you aren't Norway.
I don't see a problem unless you're jailed if you disagree with the press.
Seems the tables have turned.
Considering the state of free speech in the west. Add in the iron fist that 6 major news corporations have, and there's a serious problem.
>those comments
So many brainwashed retards.

An Australian journalist being a flaming faggot?

I'm shocked.
yea it's definitely not a problem with regards to it being lawful or unlawful. but is it ethical?
I like how to capitalized casus belli.

It's always fun to watch pretentious people
Funny Pre-Trump the World moaned that the US is the fecking world police and dominator.

Now they say Trump isolates (lol!) the US and the same guys are pissed that they aren't the leader of the world (not true)
The subtext is actually pretty good.
Basically he says that Russia and China will take up the mantle, but they have different ideas about the future of the world.

>Please America, save us
>but is it ethical?

Not at all.

They jumped the objectivity fence and went straight to propaganda by pushing their own agendas.
Instead you're doxed/fired.

That's what happens when you have beta and female leaders. They simply can't make up their minds.

It's because I am used to playing Europa Universalis fuckwit leaf go kys right now.
Holy shit.. Drumpf btfo by based jew

All he's saying is that Trump being county first (including Oz), global leader second, doesn't fit with his own worldview where someone above you has to control you.

They're all statist cucks who have no inkling of self-sufficiency in their spines.
>play video game
>suddenly expert in what constitutes caus belli
>im the fuckwit

you are literally an armchair general. An extremely pretentious armchair general.
Just biased editorial.

No facts or actual reporting.
Sorry cunts!.. But that's Australia MSM..
Is he a jew tho ? Doesnt look like a jew to me. Or is any white guy a jew if you dislike their opinion ?
>1 post
>fake flag

You're an Aussie.
>globalist piece of shit begs the american president to take the lead and control his life and the lives of everyone in his nation

Very pathetic cuckold reporter! Shameful and embarrassing! Not surprised to see he's Australian. Typical!
Journalists are, by their jobs very nature, not Australians, they are weak maggots, poofs and cunts who got bullied in school for playing soccer
Chris Uhlmann is actually a pretty good guy and Trump is a stupid Jew.

Ignore the dumb cunt Trump loving Aussie LARPers in here. They are unrepresentative.

We Aussies know Trump is a Jew and we despise him for it.
Say that again mate and your address n we'll see whats g'arn on
t. melbournian
>independent government agencies

What did he mean by this? There are no "independent government agencies" in the US. 99% of them are subject to the executive.

My post is extremely un pretentious I don't know what you are getting at you fuckwit leaf. Unless you think a word like cassus belli is somehow pretentious, when everyone into grand strat games uses it casually. If you haven't played a Europa Universalis game you just wouldn't know.
I have never been so ashamed to be Australian
>There's a tendency among some hopeful souls to confuse the speeches written for Trump with the thoughts of the man himself

most of that clip is accurate tee bee aych

Some parts are and some aren't. Such as when he says "Trump has no desire or capacity." He's got the capacity to do it. Simply by his comment previously that "He's identified an illness in western democracies... and seems intent on exploiting it." Doesn't sound like Trump is an idiot does it but will take an advantage for American interests .
>back water island dwelling fuckwad leftist doesn't like Trump

How shocking, not.
>when you realize new corporations are trying to make news out of a guy in news not like Trump

Are we really going to pretend this is the first bitch to do this?
Stupid as fuck.
hurry up and link something you fag lords reddit users blow a phallogosentric form of being. Jordan peterson told me so. Seemingly afterwords I sent 20,000 Aussie dollary doo's to him in patricipation of the great conservative right wing revolution. Hurrah fellow kekistani's it's a marvelous day to be apart of an internet movement at the culmination of human access and upon societal normalization and inception. Of course all of this is done by the easiest and most notable of celebrity, whether it be Jordan Peterson would've gamed his way there, or spoke his way to the position he is in, the very insistence of his 'ultimate/universal' philosophy is highly suspicious. I say to all those, who seek truth in scripted times, to recognize that there is a true threat on your own experience and interpretation of events that even Marcus Aurelius mentioned as it is completely impossible to interpret anything as 'Truth or True Perspectives' .
What presidential election results did he predict?
Yet our current PM is a jew, makes me thank.
>US archiving Norgay
that's a very extreme view, almost equivalent to being a cuck, you want another country to fuck your country
Why hasnt he fired yet?
>hes a doodoohead
Lawyers actually have knowledge. Reporters are essentially glorified internet forum commentators.
I'm surprised noone has done this so far. So I'll do it.

gassing the dishonest media when?
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How could you attack the free press? Are you anti first amendment? CENSORSHIP!!!
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>Uhlmann is married to Gai Brodtmann, an Australian Labor Party member of the House of Representatives for the Division of Canberra.
>Gai Brodtmann

Picture very related.
Is this "journalist" reporting the news or his opinion?
>when Trump attacks the free press it's bad
>when CNN, Facebook, and Twitter attack the free press-- oops, I men "fake news"-- it's good
oh look its fake news opinion pieces.

Also hows norway? hear you guys are hanging up nazi flags. Fun stuff.
this. Also I hate lawyers.
when did trump run for president of the world? i can't remember the election
jews are tearing the commonwealth apart.
The reporter is married to an Australian Labor politician. That's the Australian politically party who illegally (by US law) sent campaigners to help support Hillary and deride Trump during the campaign. Add to that this guy like all his colleagues predicted that Trump would never get the nomination, would likely drop out before the end of the race and that Hillary would win the election easily. He and his colleagues have been wrong on every count and if they didn't ALL have egg on their faces, someone might have pointed out how much credibility they all lost.

Long story short this guy like a lot of reporters have both ideological and personal reasons to go after Trump. Ideological in the sense that the ABC are far left marxists and personal in that none of them can comment on him accurately and he makes them all look like idiots.

Reminder that the everyday man on the street can provide better and more accurate political commentary than the vast majority of these hacks.
does anyone else have big trouble with youtube since the week began?
its fucking annoying and its not because of bad internet connection, the vids just stop mid part, it refuses to continue the stream and then I have the reload the page and hope thats its continuing then

Are you retarded? I hate Drumpf.
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It's just a cohencidence !
Friendly reminder that Aussies are a fifth column and a fucking cancer.

Australian media is 100% left wing.
I've been trying to say the same thing myself

I have no idea why people can or are impressed with Journalism
Its literally a degree or job in giving your opinion to sway the public
No achiever ever really goes into journalism
But yet they are held up as important people
wow, a journalist criticising Trump? alert the military reserve, there'll be rioting in the streets tonight
wtf I hate Trump now
I first realized this a few years back while reading NYT and WaPo articles about an industry that I have intimate knowledge of. These buffoons have no idea what they're talking about. They're more invested in creating a narrative than telling the facts.

The do the same thing on the political side. Only its clouded by their own bias, a bias they're not only blind to, but affirmatively state doesn't exist.
if only people believed what journos said still
>a reporter
>supposed to report in things
>not slander and give personal opinions

Fuck off
You understand that journalists are brainless retards. Good.

Now understand this : 70% of the general population is more retarded than journalists ( it was 50% before the subhumanisation ).
Retarded people tend to listen to their better.
Actually, this Uhlmann article was pretty spot on:


>That some who lit torches with the mob were journalists says a lot about the state of the media. These reporters have appointed themselves the prefects of progressive verities. That is disturbing because when journalists parade as pointers to moral true north then check your bearings, we have drifted badly off course. Yet I had naively hoped that free speech was one of the few things on which journalists in a democracy could agree: neutral ground in the culture wars. I had long feared this was not the case and so it proved.

>As social projects go, this wasteland was a tough sell, but neo-Marxists are nothing if not dogged. They built critical theory as a vehicle for change and began the deconstruction of the West.
The ABC is our version of CNN in Australia.

Their US coverage is provided exclusively via a partnership with CNN to 'inform' Australians on 'Trump's America'.

Their middle eastern coverage is provided by Al Jazeera, the network of terrorist Qatar.

Most of their reporters are either hard core sjws that virtue signalled their way into a job, or are friends/partners/family of our left wing Labor Party members.

It has a reputation of honesty in Australia, and is colloquially referred to as the Aunty. Whether this reputation was ever deserved is questionable.

What's clear, the ABC has long ago been subverted and is now used as a propaganda tool to shape Australian minds in the mold of our overlords
They're not listening to the reporters because they believe the reporters are more intelligent. They're listening because the media has created the illusion that reporters are an authority on the issues. Normies also don't have the time to fact check or critically analyze the stories for themselves.
this, trump is a (((cuckservative)))
melbourne hates uhlmann
It's always this... I'm fucking sick of it.
>I had become a radical by standing still. For in an age where being a revolutionary is traditional, then being traditional is revolutionary
damn right.
What if we archived that?

Yeah that is some smooth as writing and pretty hard to refute even for an opinion. I've never seen him say anything even remotely like that on the ABC, and I see him A LOT.
It's The Australian, they're one of the most right leaning new sources we have here, shouldn't we support them?
The best story I got out of this was that a Hotel refused to let Trump have a room, but now let Saudis have the whole Hotel for themselves over the event. Most probably didn't even notice that they attended to the G20
Die in a fire, CNN.
...Said the faggot with a BA in English Lit. and a minor in Psychology about a Billionaire and the most powerful man in the world.
the enemy of your enemy is not your friend
all news limited publications serve murdoch and the jews, what good content they do have is just to keep their readerbase subscribed and brainwashed
>working around the leader of the free world

the msm really has lost the plot
What he meant to see is the other leaders are trying to think of ways to get an unconventional president on-side, there will be no "avoidance" going on, if that was ever to leak it would be career suicide for whoever is doing it
Interesting how the bush admin was routinely lambasted and harangued by leftist talking heads for its failed attempts at nation building in the middle east and generally playing world policeman. But when Trump even hints and reeling this absurdly expensive military and ideological overreach he's again attacked for it, for now he's 'ceding power to global adversaries' like the nasty Russians or some bullshit. Also this hit piece in particular has a painfully glaring omission: how will the wider American public perceive Trump's actions? The insinuation seems to almost be that it's a dangerous thing for the American people to place value in their own prosperity
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>Lying about the election legitimacy

Umm... Nice try igor.
The article I posted is based as fuck...
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>at war with the west’s institutions

Good. Those institutions have been thoroughly infiltrated by communists
>>As social projects go, this wasteland was a tough sell, but neo-Marxists are nothing if not dogged. They built critical theory as a vehicle for change and began the deconstruction of the West.

Eureka! Uhlmann correctly identifies a real, and perhaps the biggest, threat to the west.

This idea that Trump is the biggest threat is catastrophising.

Unless Trump presses the nuclear button he's constrained by checks and balances. Trump ridiculing the press isn't a big deal. If he were to jail the judiciary that would be egregious. That's not going to happen.
reads like he wants a job at cnn

>another anti-Trump faggot
how brave
>clickbait style exaggeration in title

>>As social projects go, this wasteland was a tough sell, but neo-Marxists are nothing if not dogged. They built critical theory as a vehicle for change and began the deconstruction of the West.

Eureka! Uhlmann correctly identifies a real, and perhaps the biggest, threat to the west.

This idea that Trump is the biggest threat is catastrophising.

Unless Trump presses the nuclear button he's constrained by checks and balances. Trump ridiculing the press isn't a big deal. If he were to jail the judiciary that would be egregious. That's not going to happen.
Finally, the end of Drumpf.
>no desire or capacity to lead the world

Yeah that's kind of the point. Its america first, we need to stop trying to worry about the rest of you faggots and worry about our own probles.
You people only complain about your election system when the outcome is not in your favour.
perhaps they are afraid of what might happen if people started realizing they were liars and traitors
What do you mean "you people"?
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This would never happen, but if Trump trolled Merkel by handing her a placard with "Leader of the Free World" written on it and then announced "As commander in chief I'm ordering all US military personnel to begin preparation to return to CONUS. Those of you who rely on the US for your defence presently please ask Angela what she and Germany intend to do to fill the vacuum. I'm certain she has a well thought out plan and Germany will assist you competently."
I find it funny how it is acceptable to bash a president that has ZERO political experience and only has been doing the job for a few months.
They never did this with Obongo
>Oh no President Obama is just learining! He is new!
LMAO. Obama was the leader of America for 8 years and he did NOTHING. Where were these people back then?
I see the point your making OP, but Uhlmann is an ABC cuck forced to pull the ABC state-sanctioned agenda due to his pay cheque.

All of the men working at the ABC have this look in their eyes, like they've died inside working with a matriarchal organisation hiring them as the exemplar numales that Australian men are supposed to live up to, but who ACTUALLY experience the nightmare of working in such a femborg hive mindfuck but having to say nothing for fear of losing their job.

That dead look in their eyes results from years of repressing cognitive dissonance. It's like emotional abuse.
>Australians seem like they need a dose of the constitution and some freedom to go with it

We're already too far down the S-bend of nanny state feminist socialism. I'm not being ironic or sarcastic, it's that fucked here.

Get this: the next mandatory Australian census we have to take that will have our complete names, salary, location supplied under threat of fines PER DAY is going to require us to list what we do each day.

Measurement and quantification is close to controlling the system one is measuring.

MFW I answer on that census "Whatever the fuck I like".
Imagine if someone had done a skit beheading Obama...
These people got mad as hell about that rodeo clown with the Obama mask on.
i didnt fill out the census last time.
they didnt and cant do shit
It's the ABC, so he's actually reporting the ABC's opinion, rather than reporting the story. Nightly ABC news here is a cross between selective editorial of how evil men are WITH announcements of how amazing the latest governmental assistence programme is to some group of women (so more women hear about it and sign up) hence the Trump hate, because it's news all written for a female-only audience.

It's fucking painful to watch it while pretending any of it is journalism. Which is why the male journalists working there look defeated: they know this too.
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jesus christ
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Whos is behind the Agenda.
They are afraid that people will realize what scum they are so they need a scapegoat.
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The Media is pushing stories like they did before 1933.
>implying I care what an Aussie thinks
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He's 100% right and presents the undeniable facts clearly and concisely. When will /pol/ join this brave journalist and call out Trump for what he is? Or are you all just a bunch of numales with undescended testicles?

Trump is isolating the U.S. from it's allies, destroying the climate and attacking the best qualities of Western Democracy on a daily basis - all the while licking the butthole of Xi and Putin. It's a disgrace.
why is /pol/ always so right?
Bump for impartial journalistic integrity
Wow this is the state of journalism. Why'd I ever watch the news!
Welcome to Australia. It's like they pretend we don't have access to news reporting from overseas. In their heads, Australians are held in an information void that only they as state news source can fill.

It's a form of retardation in the tap water at the ABC.
fake news
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>implying anyone is still listening
the lies during the "refugee crisis" were so intense and bad that even the biggest bluepilled plebs noticed that something is off and they still don't get it, they don't get how much trust they lost and that it will take an eternity and be extremely hard, if not impossible to get back at all. The MSM press is finished, they just don't know it yet. Journalist genocide soon fellow /pol/acks

>tfw that Norwegian is having a real influence, I started do the same.

this. lawyers aren't all bad, but most people's interactions with them are--hence the enduring stereotypes

"reporters" on the other hand have gone full retard shill mode, by and large, over the last year and a half. People have noticed.

sadly, this.

If ever you read ANY journalism about matters of which you know more than the writer, you'll figure it out only a few paragraphs in. That's the case with literally everything they write about, but any particular individual's areas of expertise never encompass every single field covered by journalism. Track down the experts in each field, however, and they'll all tell you the same thing. News articles are usually written to fit a narrative, not to inform you.
What I really despise about that Australian faggot is that he is delivering an opinion while employing the tone and tenor of an neutral news anchor/newsreader.

Why was he given so much room to editorialize by his editors? It's worsened by the fact that this is Australian state media.
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>TFW i pay this cunt's wages
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>The fact that he and Putin are now clearly allied

Are you legitimately mentally retarded?
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BUT TRUMP IS EVIL, the oligarchs said so!
They are afraid because they might actually have to lead
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