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Fellow Kekistanians, I have an epic tale to tell you. I have

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Fellow Kekistanians, I have an epic tale to tell you. I have become a martyr for our glorious struggle.
>be me
>be in high school (I'm 19 faggots calm down I ain't no underage b&)
>decide to do some IRL trolling of the local faggot support club
>go to one of their meetings in a pink wig and lipstick so they think I'm a tranny
>to introduce myself I start reciting the attack helicopter copypasta, a few seconds later some (((dyke))) says "oh fuck off asshole"
>I yell at her to RESPECT MY IDENTITY SHITLORD and start spinning around like a helicopter, knocking shit down and hitting a few people
>they tell me to go, I tell them no while giggling like a mad man
>some ugly (((bitch))) decides to go get a teacher to have them deal with it, so I run in front of the door
>it tells me to get out of the way
>smiling like a lunatic high off of the massive amounts of butthurt, I just start saying "praise KEK" over and over again, getting louder and louder
>the stupid whore punches me in the face and my nose starts bleeding
>mfw I got suspended for two weeks
On this day I become a martyr for my glorious nation. I do this because I love you all.
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wow it's like an all-text version of le rage comic
you are so fucking BASED my fellow pede. MAGA.
It was funny until praise kek
Thank you my fellow kekistani. MAGA
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Shadilay fellow Pede!

That sounds so fucking BASED.

Someone get this pede a coat and quad bricks!!! QUAD BRICKS!!!!!
Based helicopter man redpilling normies
$0.02 has been deposited in youre account, Shariablue
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Hey I was just thinking are any of you fellow Pedes good with computers? We really need to get a brickbot and coatbot here on pol.

This site is OK and i think alligning with the pol-tards will be a huge step in fighting the globalists but honestly brickbot will make this site 10x better!

Praise kek!
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Man, thanks guys. I wish I had friends like you IRL
sounds based desu
>high school
fucking loser.
>19 years old
>still in high school
nigger detected
the only reddit I uses is the_donald, try again JIDF
fuck off I'm not a nigger.
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I know this is bait but this is a really good example of what r/thedonald is like

even though I've never been there
best reply
Fuck off nazi, you're the real fascist. MAGA.
it's not bait, fuck off. the_donald is a pretty based sub, don't be a cuck.
whoa many lulz were had brother, praise kek!!!
fuck off newfag
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You had me making keking noises.
You should have seen my school's LGBT group when I went there. It's probably worse after I left. Had a gay friend who I remembered was hyped about joining it in middle school, left after a few days because in his words "The Degenerates were using it as a fuck site." Kinda why I still look down on the groups. That and the fact they're just a bunch of whiney fags.
Sigh.... Summer
Freaking based
Nice b8 m8 here's your (you)
my keks are in orbit
Shill get $ for (you)
you are surely on the path to a successful political career.
>Middle school gay kid talking like that
Fake and gay
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Wow, you are so cool, dude....

grow up cringe-man
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good job senpai, go forth and wage meme jihad.
So, who'd you take down with you?
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Oh god. The cancer.
This is the most reddit thing I've seen all day.
It just needs a squeaky noise and it'll be perfect.

vid or it didn't happen.

>if it happened:
lulz gj. ur not a martyr tho calm down newfag.

>if it didn't:
you are cancer kys
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had me laughing at the top tier cringe bait
>19 year old high schooler
>got himself suspended over epic trolling for some dumb /pol/ joke
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CNN will fall
fk missed trips by 1
Why are you 19 and in high school?
Where there any BASED black guys there?
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magapedes drumpfkins btfo.png
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Fucking based fellow pede!
We should totally find some based black guys to breed with
Fuck off I'm no fag or nigger enabler.
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This is your prize

Get out our trump god emperor movement is allowed for all worshipers of him and kek. We are all Americans here and those antifa aren't
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