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>be me >wake up and apply 3 layers of make-up to cover

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Thread replies: 315
Thread images: 86

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>be me
>wake up and apply 3 layers of make-up to cover my aging face even though I'm only 22
>go on youtube
>post video about how a meanie troll called me "a kike bitch"
>wait for views
>go on Twitter, post meme I saw on /pol/
>withdraw funds from Patreon, fly to Germany
>go to anti-capitalist riot
>expect larping ANTIFA burgers, get real violent Germanignogs
>get scared
>go on YouTube, cry about meanie ANTIFA "calling me names"
>withdraw funds from Patreon
>buy soy latte
>go on Instagram, post bikini photo
>go on Twitter, RT The Rebel Media
reminder that this is a divide and conquer thread from shills. Sage every thread you see like this.
I'd still bang her.
>be a leftist nigger
>go on big meanie 4chan
>post thread LARPing as an ugly MTGOW beta faggot
>thread goes straight to 404
she's cute! any of her tits?
>>go on Instagram, post bikini photo
>e-celebs are /pol/

go away leaf
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wtf I hate having any media influence now
Lauren is not for lewd.
>divide and conquer
>unironically supporting some whore who uses your cause to make herself rich
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>we should all be poor, that will make us powerful
the amount of effort shills put it to make people dislike her means she must be doing something right.

she has my support.
Shill thread is shill
>D&C thread
>shit tier greentext

saged and reported
>unironically letting someone exploit your cause for their own gain

this. she is done
why even respond to a leaf?
Please tell me, are there pics of her feet?
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Hear, hear!
>a meanie troll called me "a kike bitch"
but she is a kike, what is the problem?
I understand /pol/acks taking shit about her, but why do the shills hate her so badly all of the sudden?
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im suprised alot of white knights still suck her dick around here..
were runing out of red pills for the summerfags
Pretty obvious it's shariablue with "be me" reddit green text
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>reddit can't handle the banter
The_Donald was a mistake.
Is she only 22?

nobody has ever said this. but on the whole she is a force for good
What went wrong?
2:20 attack any right wing leaning woman, is the new propaganda
Shill GTFO
this desu
that looks like a completely different girl
This shit is getting old already
Every other post is bullshiting any right wing woman
>>attention whores
>>controlled opposition
>>she is jew
Are the new buzzwords for this shills/troll that shitpost more than a leaf.
Somehow every other retard bite the bait.
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Lauren is fucking a spic too isnt she? what a whore
Dying her hair blonde.
she dyed her hair blond and pretends to be a
savior of western culture while actually being a kike
she must have really recked your gay ass lmfao you weak bitch
You just described every e-celeb whore.

only 4 weak ones on wikifeet
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>everyone with an opinion different than mine is a paid shill
she actually looks hot there wtf
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average girl is average.
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You couldn't pay me to do this man voice whore
Just what a shill would say.
Why do even people care about her?

Her strategy for Hamburg was simple and everybody with half brains could've seen it:

>piss off antifags
>get hit once or twice, no biggie
>get massive spike in patreon donations from whiteknights
>assuming she believes in what she says - push her agenda forward

Obviously German antifa is more hardcore than that so she got scared that it won't end on bruise or two, but that was the idea.
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Shartblue/Antifag shill spotted deploy the memes!
Hello new friend. Lurk for 4 years before posting.

she is the definition of average that tries too hard

I cringe every time any pundit forcefully talks about how good looking she is
she's alright. I like her.
best woman I've seen since a long time tbqh.
because what's the alternative? that's right. brainwashed SJW cunts and hyperfeminist pieces of shit who hate men.

I'd marry the fuck out of Lauren to be honest pham.

you do you, Lauren.
You forgot to mention "fuck black men".
yeah what do you fags expect from a woman?

Women are cowards, plain and simple.
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Doesn't look like her
Hi Lauren!
Fuck reedit
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"Anti-Feminist Conservative Lauren Southern Bangs Based Black Conservative!"

So cringy
I didn't defend her retard. Reread your fucking quotes

>>132903401 (You)
>wears tank-tops and short shorts
>somehow is considered a defender of western traditionalism

redditor beta orbiters need to leave 2bh
There's a picture of her from HS with a black man.
Show it.
I quoted you cause you said it's a
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It's alright guys,I rest easy knowing a higher power is watching over us and judging the false ones

Bitch in pic related already went over her head,
(her views on IQ and race are accurate but her delivery was nonsensical and she didn't tie the data to a cause or idea.Just autistically screeched "muh statistics") Same with that other bitch who ranted on jews.
Milo fucked his shit up too which was great to see.

take someone like Molymeme who has been naming (((them))) and discussing IQ and race but in a pertinent way
Many such cases - Sad!
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Reminder that these threads are almost exclusively made by shills/antifa.

They're going after every public figure on the right.

Here's what actually happened.


>some people are seen with Lauren
>journo takes a picture of them and tells Antifa where they are
>Antifa attack 3 journo acquaintances of Lauren (who have nothing to do with "fascists" or "Nazis") because Lauren is a "fascist Identitarian" and they are guilty by association
>Lauren feels guilty for getting other people hurt so she makes a video about it to frame antifa as the violent autists they are and mobilize people against them

Sage, report and hide.
Shes fucking Luke Rudkowski, not Tim Pool or nigger

They were in Sicily together




The fact that they are together but you see no pics of them together prove they don’t want to make it public
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"everyone who agree with you against the establishment is a liar/double agent! never try to do something and keep drink the kool-aid"
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You're fucking retarded, That Guy T is just another Youtube, and they took a picture when they met, never fucked.
isnt she stopping boats in Europe? Thats a lot of guts isn't it?
Hitler shaked his hand with a black man, does that make him a "race traitor"/coalburner?
No matter how these low IQ faggots try to deny it, this IS a D&C thread created by Shareblue, CTR, or Reagan Battaillon. One only has to pay attention to the quantity, frequency and timing of threads like these.
What she has a men as a friend sure they must be together I bet they have 3 children and have sex all day ..... you logic screams that you are a Virgin who only thinks about sex
That's not that guy T that's from her old facebook profile. Lauren Cherie or something like that.
>still no white husband nor kids

She and the rest of "Alt-right" females need to gtfo
>The fact that they are together but you see no pics of them together prove they don’t want to make it public

Why would her being in a relationship be a problem at all? shoeonhead is in a relationship with that armoured guy, chris ray gun is with that feminist chick, faith goldy is married, sargon has a kid and his grandfather is black yet everyone freaks out about her,so why is it such a problem for her if she is?
How do you know bro? Do you stalk Lauren wherever she goes?
Anne Frank??!
She admitted to dating him on her askFM page
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Don't forget:

>2 posts by this ID

Lauren is /ourgirl/, even if shills keep trying to character assassinate her here. She just made a vid about the Great Replacement.

she loses half of her appeal if she isnt single and she wants to protect him
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hey i just bumped this thread
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she the typical shekel grabbing kike woman
she disgusts me
The only woman on twitter worth following is WifeWithAPurpose
why did she dye her hair blonde then? Is she trying to appear Aryan and "pure" and appeal to white supremacists or something? Why not just keep the brown hair? Is it for her "brand"?

Everything about her just screams phony
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The burden of proof is on the accuser. And since they kept trying to spread this rumor, ThatGuyT officially denied it.

At this point only /r9k/ MGTOW autists, shills and antifa don't like Lauren.
Even Ivanka dyes her hair blonde, and people regard her as Aryan and pure

She converted to Judaism, so she's not genetically a real Jew

Half of her appeal from who? white nationalists when she's said she isn't a white nationalist? I mean all the shit you guys post here about her to get people to dislike her doesn't make any sense. Isn't lana lokteff in a relationship and that other chick, the red haired girl? sinead, she was in a relationship.

And almost her entire audience was built up from all the SJW stuff and not 14/88 stuff so why would any of this race mixing/relationship stuff people are throwing at he bother audience?
Yeah but Ivanka also acts like a dumb kike regardless.. pic related
>he bother audience?

bother her audience. *fixed
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>she's a Jew!
>she's a coalburner!
>she's not a blonde!
>she's just an attention whore just doing it for the money!
>she's actually a fraud!
>she's a man!
>she doesn't have a kid at 22!
>she's a whore because I saw a picture of her with a bikini!
>she's alt-lite civic nationalist!

This is literally all shills have. Pointless ad hominem and lies that never stick.
that's not her you faceblind autists
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Also most of the real criticism about Lauren here is about the fact she apperas to be single at her age, despite his conservative claim. If she is in a relationship, although non public, is still better than single no?
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I have some great news! Rageafterstorm has been soundly defeated! She was doxed and reported to the local authorities. She took down her videos under threat of legal action. This is why she doesn't wanted her videos mirrored or reuploaded.

Now people are starting to realize Lauren is just a rent seeking thot and are turning on her.

This is a good day for the right!
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Wow the lefty shills are fucking pissed at lauren today. This is like the 15th thread on her since this morning. I'm not a fan but if the left are this pissed she must be doing something right. Subbed to her channel.
Who cares about this useful cumbucket.
>Why would her being in a relationship be a problem at all?

people got assaulted for just walking near her
not on my watch, cuck
Care to try and argue any of it?

>blindly supporting Trump and his family
>after Syria

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I'd smash tho.

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I don't get why you shills even mention Rage. Most people don't know her but anyone who looks into her will find a fashy ethnonationalist chick and might get closer to the redpill
She has quit youtube. There is nothing to see now.

Probably but he'd probably just started screeching that he's a jew. I mean if sargon is quarter black why is anyone going to care if she actually is Jewish, or dates a black guy? Her audience didn't get built up around being a white nationalist.

And who's that other woman? the one who actually admits to being Jewish... that isn't harming her is it?
Is "she" female? her voice is rather manly
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They know it's not her.

They're shills trying to mislead people here.

They do this with every nationalist/right-wing woman. They kept doing it with Marion Le Pen too.


It's literally all made up, except her not having kids, which isn't a huge problem at that age, and she's doing so much with activism which having kids would keep her from doing.
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>she's alt-lite civic nationalist

she literally is wtf do you mean
Divide and conquer attempts aside, she indeed killed her youtube career with that video
>It's literally all made up
Not her dressing up like a slut everywhere she goes.
No she hasn't. She just deleted her alt-lite videos

For apologising that her friends got beat up because they were associated with her?
growing up there was a meme around,part of many anecdotes about how dumb blondes are.
/pol/ has just been proving it to me
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>>blindly supporting Trump and his family
>>after Syria

Are you a fucking cuck? You sound like a faggot
She deleted all her videos. She isn't coming back. If she does she will get arrested. Saying the kind of stuff she does is a crime where she lives
Talking about the race video of Rage anon, she just deleted all his videos
Uh but she was right about black crime. Fuck that faggot piece of shit Cullen.

Ahh right. Maybe, depends how good her new stuff is i suppose.
>Antifag posing as respectable snek
>Bitching about shit that this hoe doesn't even do
>Going full retard as the default factory setting
That's antiwhites for you.
She doesn't ride him. just cucks him as she fucks Luke.
No, I'm just not a cuck for Pentagon-Wall Street imperialism.
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>Go on /pol/, the final frontier of free speech in the market place of ideas to find enlightening information for the betterment of the white race and all of mankind
>All the good threads are 404'd because whiny betas wanna shitpost fake news and express their prepubescent angst at being too dumb to find a gf

And that kids is how western civilization and collapsed and the whole of humanity went extinct.jpg

Kill yourself leftist. You'll die anyone on the day of the rope.
like this guy here

Lauren Cherie is her old FB name, look her up.

There's tons of crap on there, but more importantly you'll see the man in the picture liking all of her posts compulsively like a beta. So some of you might actually have a chance with her after all. Too bad he got there first.
too bad. I know Luke. Real Douche Bag.
Has anyone looked up sargons parents to find out if thats true? He claims to be a quadroon. If thats true one of his parents will look like a total groid
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See: >>132906884

She made a vid embracing identity politics, called out PJW for being wrong about identitarians, and literally went to Europe to meet with Generation Identitaire and stopped Soros NGO boats.

She's a closet /pol/ack. And even if she wasn't fully, it wouldn't matter because she's doing a lot more good than harm, like Stefan Molyneux.
>Pentagon-Wall Street imperialism.

dunno what the hell you're talking about
The fuck does he wear, a painted garbage bag?
How do you know this?

She'll continue making videos now that she has a lot more exposure. She said it, and you're mad about that. Just like your raids on TRS didn't stop them.
she reminds me of someone, and it's been bugging me for months.
i just realised who.
christian bale.
she has christian bales mouth.
Sounds fucky to me.. Sounds like she changed her identity to get shekles from thirsty alt right betas to me
How does he do harm?
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Oh shit a girl in a bikini.

Rev up those ovens, its gonna be a long night.
That's her middle name. I'd post the link to her FB but I keep getting flagged. The ID is Lauren.Southern.77
He bombed Syria, supporting a globalist imperialist war. Are you playing at being dumb?
Really confused how anyone could call rage a shill when she went through with that.
How so?
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He doesn't, that's literally what I just said. He does more good than harm even if he's not fully /pol/-tier as some might want.

All this retarded infighting and trying to attack anyone not being "hardlined enough" is being forced by shills/antifa.

Sage, report and hide.
Well we're not in a war at all, nor was it a declaration of war, so you're completely full of shit.
>Conservative but isn't married.
>Identitarian but dated a black man
>Doesn't like promiscuity but dresses like a whore

I can go on.

Not an argument.
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Sounds like you're projecting and that you wish you weren't too dumb to get shekels and that you are in fact the betacuck which is the object of your contempt.
Actually, she says she's going to make more videos in a month.

Also, her facebook has some of the videos still up.
you argued the war thing not me. Are you this fucking retarded?
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kek, Would pasta/10.
you sound pretty thirsty and beta to me. Donate to her patreon yet? Maybe she'll blow you a kiss if you're lucky faggot

Funny thing is its all observations, not even contempt. You're getting all hot and bothered cuz your widdle feelings got hurt
It is a war. The US is sponsoring ISIS against the legitimate government of Assad, and Trump ordered an attack on Assad for using "chemical weapons" even though there is no proof of such.
That's not even her. And a woman isn't a whore for wearing a bathing suit at the pool.
You're talking about Obama.. He's not our president anymore
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leftists are a cult now
I'd make sweet, sweet passionate but very violent love to Lauren. But she definitely does use the cause to make money and be an attention whore.
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wtf is this picture?
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Lauren isn't a Jew.

Alex and PJW just work for them, but Lauren doesn't anymore, she stopped working at Rebel Media, and Molyneux does almost everything but directly name them.

>But she definitely does use the cause to make money and be an attention whore.

There is literally nothing wrong with making money by being anti-left, anti-PC, anti-Marxism, anti-Islam, anti-immigration, anti-globalism, pro-trad, exposing white replacement, etc. Most media personalities also want to make a living. Overall she's done a lot more than most people on this site.

Almost every girl loves attention, so they should use it for a good cause like this instead of becoming retarded tumblrinas and SJWs who dye their hair blue.
Fuck off commie
Lauren Southern is auditioning for the role of Ann Coulter. Once Ann retires or dies, Lauren will take her place. Their voices have the same cadence, and Lauren is starting to look like Ann.

There can't be two Ann Coulters, because it's a niche audience. We need at least one to counter the left and cuckservatives, but (((they))) won't allow more than one because that one will be the strawman the left always shits on (even though she's right).
literal slut defended by beta oribters
check this out

Nah she should be more humble and do it herself. She might as well just do webcam shit or prostitute herself at this point. Its not about the money its the message. Shes a complete whore kike and youre just mad you cant fuck her.
You only defend her because she's canadian, too.
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If so that must be a recent development.
it's easy to spot leftist shill threads because they are so hung up on identity politics it is one of the first, if not the only thing they can gravitate towards.
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>Nah she should be more humble and do it herself
She's independent so she does. She left Rebel Media.

>She might as well just do webcam shit or prostitute herself at this point.
The fact that she doesn't shows that she cares, she makes speeches exposing cultural marxism, is constantly on the frontlines doing activism even going to Europe, she makes a lot of good video content that reaches hundresd of thousands of people...

>Its not about the money its the message.
And what's wrong with the message? Her message is on-point.

>Shes a complete whore kike and youre just mad you cant fuck her.
If I was mad I couldn't fuck her I'd be like you, a virgin kike whining about this girl and making constant threads shitting on her for no reason, then defending the US attacking Assad for Greater Israel here: >>132911985
Shills coming back in force for the next couple of days or something? Why are liberals even afraid of Lauren Southern? She is just another stupid e-celeb. Still though this thread is obviously made by a shill. Especially can be seen with lots of "go back to plebbit!" "can't stand the bantz!" and other 4chan nonsense jargon. Shills why don't you just torture Southern's youtube accounts or something, and stop stinking up /pol?
There is no identity politics in the op dumbass. Just factual info that shows Lauren is a fraud
Lol someones buttmad
see her real opinion on things before she started doing youtube


Or you could just ignore her and stop being a moron.
Shes a distraction and youre falling for it. Good work
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All they're doing is giving her more attention. They don't realize they're literally helping their enemies.

>There is no identity politics in the op dumbass.

The rest of the thread does though, and the OP is wrong and misleading. She went to Europe to do activism, then some journalists she used to know got assaulted by antifa autists. Then she made a video about that. How is that being a fraud?
shit's so old it's from high school. she's 22 now.

are you still the same person you were in high school?
how does the op show she is a fraud? drinking latte and using instagram
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Don't forget her name change from (((simonsen))),
plus her swarthy appearance.
We know you want to fuck her and since you're an ugly fat cunt, you have no chance, thus you do what omega incel cucks like you do, make threads for whining and circle jerking with your fellow low test cucks.
22? She still has a lot to learn. Shes still a baby for fucks sake
He Is one of those autists that holds people responsible for dumb shit they did 30 years. He's a loser. Ignore him.
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Simonsen is a common name is Scandinavia.
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And these hopeless beta orbiters follow her like a leader
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>27 posts by this ID
> most of which are just image spam that doesn't have anything to do with the thread just to bump it

How much do you get paid faggot?
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Yes I know it's a common jewish name. Here is David Simonsen, who was chief rabbi in the Jewish Congregation of Copenhagen.
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Are you Lauren? Being a bit pushy for some random cunt youll never meet..

No one is following her like a leader retard, they just appreciate what she does at best, or don't care about her and are tired of shills spreading misinfo about her and making threads like this one.


It's a common name, period. Just like Johnson. You shills are all reading the same talking points.

She said she wants to have 3 kids but not just yet.
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>a bit pushy

Says the autist with 28 posts, and probably part of the crew who make 20 billion threads shitting on Lauren and spreading disinfo about her every day.
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yep thats a liberal in disguise right there. liberals care more about their kike career and shekels than anything else
She's a woman.
It's like you expect more or something.
She's alright.
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stop white knighting. its downright embarrassing desu
OP Leftist CRYPTO faggot is back send him back to CNN !!
Good God, why do all nig males have those disgusting long fingernails?
opening bananas?

So when she says something you aren't dumb and can use it as evidence but if i do it makes me dumb to believe it?

Doesn't that mean your're fucking dumb too?
>what race is your girlfriend?

As always, the "smartest" of nigs latch onto white movements/white culture for their own sustenance but fail to realize: wherever they go, the problem is THEM.
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He has no problem with white nationalism and would be OK with the US being split into white/black ethnostates. He is a rare negro even if he is defiling some thot
>So when she says something you aren't dumb and can use it as evidence but if i do it makes me dumb to believe it?
You do know what cognitive dissonance is, do you? You are mentally handicapped, son.
she could actually just be an attention whore with nothing constructive to add
yet he fucks a white girl.. doesnt make sense

Well he's still an Ancap I think, so he does not focus on black nationalism. But he is still OK with the idea
>You do know what cognitive dissonance is, do you?

Yes it is emotional distress caused by conflicting information. So tell me again how i'm suffering from it by stating something she said when it is you who is freaking out like a retard when i pointed out she said that she does actually want to have kids.
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Why are antifaggots so autistic?

First getting arrested over anti-Trump marches because they think destroying property and burning down trash is "edgy".

Then losing over and over, whether it's that guy getting chased by a dog on a beach or the Berkeley shit.

Then this shit with Lauren and throwing a jar of fox piss at her, now stalking her and making shit up about her being a "Jew", a "coalburner" or "a man". And now just attack random left-wing journalists because they were on associated with her.

You faggots need serious help.

At least all it does is give her more attention and make you look bad, so whatever. I swear the mods are paid to leave these threads up.
you guys cant spot a tranny when you see one.
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Laura loves the golden drink.
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she looks like Corey Feldman
Who hurt you anon? What was her name?
You're a Finn so I'll go easy on you. That Nig T is just another moon cricket latching onto white culture to bolster his own sense of self-esteem and feeling that he belongs. He thinks:

>heh heh I'm one of the rare nigguhs who be tellin' the troof about lib-ruh-lism and in return I's be gittin' patted on the head by whites and accepted as an honorary white, which means I's be gittin' dat sweet white pussay dat most nigguhs never have access to

If he were truly sympathetic to the idea of a black ethnostate, he'd be focused on spreading his ideas to a BLACK audience, not taking selfies with white alt-lite e-celebs and proudly proclaiming his "Anglo" girlfriend. He's just another self-loathing nigger who uses his "access" to whites as a means of bolstering his nearly non-existent self-esteem and making him feel like he doesn't actually belong to the race of bottom-dwelling, low-IQ failures to which heritage and circumstance have so cruelly consigned him.

tl;dr: it is the mission of every nigger and mudblood in existence to find an inroad into white culture and white people's embrace, even if it means adopting basic-bitch libertarian talking points and doing your damnedest to convince gullible Anglos that you're sooo different from all the rest of your ilk.
Good, you looked it up. Well, if you see the dissonance between her actions and words, then you can understand that she is not really conservative. actions speak louder than words. If you can't believe she is a sinister woman then I think you have some self-reflection to do. Nobody's a saint. Not me, not you, and definitely not her. It's likely (highly) that she just says the crap she says in order to obtain funds to do fun things. Imagine this, she has no shot in liberal media venues because there are too many hot women (much hotter than her). She is scraping the bottom of the barrel with us and it pisses me off to see younger anons fall for her crap. I have a degree in marketing and media communications. SHe's playing a standard game for money and attention. The truth sucks, but it's better than being hoodwinked, i think.
obsess much?
spot on.. and its all so obvious too. hes just unhappy that hes a nigger so he has to pretend that he's "based" which makes him more validated

and the white girl pussy too, definitely

Well exactly. It might not be morally right from your perspective, but if you were a 120+ IQ nigger would you really WANT to focus on black nationalism, knowing it would put you in a way worse society if it was ever realized?
she is not on our side she is a fucking women a whore for money faggot.
>Well, if you see the dissonance between her actions and words

There is no dissonance. She said she didn't want kids and when asked again said she wanted them later on in life. That isn't dissonance.

Dissonance is retarded shit like you saying i'm dumb to believe what she says when you believe what she says but freak out because she said something which contradicts what you say/believe about her.
a punch to the right is a punch for (our enemies)
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Wow you guys really fucking hate Lauren Southern. Guess she's doing something right.
>and the white girl pussy too, definitely

This. I wish more fucking anons would wake up to the fact that literally EVERYTHING non-white males do can ultimately be boiled down to the pursuit of white pussy and, ultimately, the bleaching of their own bloodlines.

And why? Because everyone, deep down inside, wants to be white. Everyone wants a chance to rise to the top of human existence.

>if you were a 120+ IQ nigger

I get your point. I see it. I even sympathize to a degree. And yet, I'm not a nigger, I'm a white man. As such, I can only react as a self-aware white man would.

They are the closest thing to stormtroopers today though. Think about it, the Weimer Republic went easy and didnt crack down on them, while they cracked down hard on leftists of the same nature. Rebelling against the Rebublic would get you much more time in prison if you were a leftist as opposed to someone who was right winged. Today, we have a leftist government that appeases and goes easy on ANTIFA, while at the same time they harshly persecute the far right, even though they dindu nuffin yet
So, what are the leftie concern trolls ITT trying to say?

Ah, never mind. Thread hidden.

Just let this fucking thread die already, JFC.
You're a legend my dude keep btfoing the shills.
you and her belong together, no one is as devoted to feeding her attention than you, not even the white knight finn
found the summer fag
in fact im convinced you are lauren southernstein, op, because no one could possibly be this dedicated to giving lauren southernberg exposure on /pol/ than lauren southernsky her(male)self
hey antifag your shilling is showing
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Will she do porn any time soon?
>muh pop culture

also no better than a liberal
Yea she seems like such a show off bitch. Why do women think people care about them?
>"National" Bolshevik

Literally no better than a communist.

You have to go back.
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Here is the antifa faggot that set up Lauren Southern, Tim Pool, and other journalists, to be beaten to death, stabbed, etc.

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Why did you bump the thread?
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Because he's a shill and his job is to keep anti-Lauren threads up at all time until the bump limit is reached.

This is how they manipulate public opinion using sites like 4chan.
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Because commies aren't the smartest people
when she do porn then she got my attention
this so accurate i don't know what to say
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From his twitter
>26 hours of shit storm I don't even replying to these idiots

It makes me happy to see my oc reposted
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yeah have them when you are 40 so they all end up autistic.

It's funny because only someone who has watched hours of her content and scoured her social media could know all the details put into that picture. Why would someone who dislikes her watch her that closely?
I've seen a couple of her videos, and shills like you post screenshots from her twitter. It's all just that obvious, I'm not even subscribed to her nor do I have social media. I'm sure I could've made more points, but I just made the pic based on what I've already heard her say/tweet

Later in life when you're 22 doesn't mean 40.
>It makes me happy to see my oc reposted
Because it's so dam good and needed anon, doing God's work

No shit we know about Lauren because all her beta followers spam her shit everywhere

Hardly any of her followers make threads. They're all started by people and mostly posted in by people who don't like her and apparently know so much about her they've crawled all through her facebook profile, twitter, other peoples videos talking about her etc.
this is cringle worthy. fuck islam yes, but fuck JUDAISM

The only people spamming her are the shills. I obviously like her but I don't make threads about her and would have zero problem if a week went by without a single LS thread. Instead we get 5-15 threads a day because they're deadset on trying to make /pol/ hate her
And the touch of brown roots on the top of her head resembling a shit stain is hilarious and perfect

This one is good too lmao
>you shouldn't know who you're criticizing before you criticize them

No it's not, like 3/4 of the quotes in there is shit she would never say (for example she hates people who call everyone "fascists" and "Nazis"), and her being "Jewish" has been debunked time and time again.

And she only said she's not a WN to avoid a bad label like that and get pidgeonholed, her actions and latest videos show she's on board with similar ideas.

Well if i don't like someones work/content i dont tend to watch all their shit and stalk them on social media.

Seems like a bit of weird thing to do to me.
Her calling antifa the real fascists is almost a direct quote, from a recent video with her in it.
>said she's not a WN
She could have avoided saying she WASN'T one. It's almost like people should be held accountable for what they say in recent years, months, and weeks, and if their opinions drastically change or go against previous statements they've made they're not a credible person as they change to please people instead of having their own thoughts. Who would've known.
That's because it is weird, my info on her is what she's said in 2017 mostly, and it's all over /pol/. No stalking needed.
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Of course i can.

>"If there was a moment in the 2016 U.S. election that epitomized this newfound hate for the young on the right, it was Republican consultant Rick Wilson’s infamous… declaration that Trump supporters were “childless, single losers who masturbate to anime.” Guilty as charged. Well, except I don’t masturbate to anime characters. I dress up like them and guys masturbate to me."

I definitely wouldn't write it off completely. She has the basic mindset.
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>That's because it is weird, my info on her is what she's said in 2017 mostly

Wrong, all you have to discredit her is old tweets from 2015 or 2016 when she was still working at Rebel Media.

I'm convinced you can't find a single thing from 2017 to try to make /pol/ hate her.

Bitch is lying

>That's because it is weird, my info on her is what she's said in 2017 mostly, and it's all over /pol/. No stalking needed.

I wasn't talking about you though i was replying to some guy who says her followers spam her shit everywhere and i said that most of the threads and most of the stuff in them is by people who don't like her, not her followers.

And you said you sarcastically said you shouldn't know who you're criticising before your criticise them and then agreed with me that it's weird.
If we want a patriarchy so badly, why do we want as the representatives of our movement a bunch of narcissistic, young Instagram roasties?

We should be getting behind smart, serious, hardened men of wisdom. OLDER men because 22 year old chicks don't have the requisite life experience to offer anything of value to us FFS.
>taking the word of a nigger over the word of a person herself

I thought you were the leader of the Lauren fanclub my Finnish friend, are you calling her a liar?
>why do we want as the representatives of our movement a bunch of narcissistic, young Instagram roasties?

To get mainstream traction, and its working incredibly well. There are new ones every day it seems.

Do you think this could be achieved by having a fat neckbeard like Sargon speak into a microphone?

Interesting video. He says she's got a white boyfriend and he knows she's a white nationalist but just won't say it.

This is also the guy they keep saying she slept with based on a photograph of them together. Hmm... who to believe.
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She literally made a video about population replacement 4 days ago where she says ethnicity matters. She is suffering from cognitive dissonance.
man liberal jewish girls are good at being mean.
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(((they))) love perpetuating such cheap lies
If she was really a white nationalist, she wouldn't be palling around with niggers and pajeets. You seem pretty desperate at this point to be hanging on the word of a nigger.
lets circumsize only jewish daughters this next decade

And the guy they keep saying her boyfriend is now... Luke. He's Polish and /pol/ has been going on about how based Poland is.
This bitch is riding the right wing surge in young people just to make money and get a bit of attention from beta male redditors

Fortunately I'm not desperate enough to make my living off of shilling against right-wing figures on a Cambodian horse archery board. Must be a sad existence.
>Lauren's getting pounded by a slav

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Yup she's great.

Cute hairstyle almost straight out of NatSoc poster, calls out Rebel Media and the alt-lite for the interruption of the Caesar Play and calling everyone watching the play "Goebbels and Nazis" then literally acting like leftists and having "hate speech =/= free speech" signs, defends WNs and "white power" groups definitely siding with them over the alt-lite and claiming they should absolutely have free speech, rejects a label that would only pidgeonhole her and harm her...

Were you trying to prove you have nothing and she's almost perfect?
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He can probably pick up on things quick because he has a high IQ.
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Stop making this thot famous. And she'll make porn soon. So easy.
>make a living shilling

Fuck, I wish I could get paid for pointing out the thirstiness of pundithot fanboys. I support right-wing figures, I have no problem with, say, BPS or MurdochMurdoch, but not alt-lite personalities who bring literally nothing new to the table and just ape others like Lauren Southern does
How is she exploiting our "cause"?
This article sums up this whole female alt-lite eceleb phenomenon perfectly:

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How exactly does criticizing the left by likening them to Goebbels improve the chances of mass acceptance of Nationalism or Nazism as your flag suggests you aspire to?

Why the fuck do you care so much about bringing "new" things to the table? Is the point not spreading right-wing ideas to the largest amount of people, ideas that have existed for hundreds of years? What is Murdoch Murdoch achieving? Literally the only people who find them funny are people who agree with them already and get all the in-jokes. A total circlejerk.
Fucking hell ever since she made that video about The Great Replacement the attacks have gone into overdrive
>How exactly does criticizing the left by likening them to Goebbels

She's not the who did this retard, did you even watch the video?

Jack Posoviec from Rebel Media did it (literally screaming "YOU'RE ALL GURBILLS", and she called them out for that.

Good job linking to a blog written by some middle easterner.
Because she just piggy-backs on the ideas of others without really understanding why the people she's imitating came to those conclusions in the first place. She's not going to convince anyone to change their mind politically because she's completely unable to defend her point of view, not fully understanding it. Her videos are like watching somebody list off bullet-points somebody else made for her. Her value is basically roping in guys who think she's hot who might click on the related YouTube videos that actually make arguments in favor of Right-Wing politics.

skip to 37m22, he says he didnt fuck her and she has a white boyfriend
Another article by that writer:



So this video. You don't like it because "WAAAHHH THESE TALKINGS POINTS ARE NOT ORIGINAL"? The fact that everything she says is correct, and the fact that 544k people have seen it, a chunk of them young girls, is meaningless? Are you stupid?

You don't care about politics, you don't care about changing the minds of the general populace.
sorry m8, didn't read your post the first time. Thought you were the one that didn't watch the video and were worshiping her. My mistake.

Why are you linking me to stuff written by a race mixing middle easterner who sleeps around in a thread where someone is being criticised for practically the same shit and people are saying we shouldn't listen to them?
She's not going to change anyone's mind. I've seen her videos, she's awful at explaining her position. She's talks Right-wing points at people, but she doesn't explain why they're the way to go. That's the most important difference. Faith Goldy, as one example, does a better job at this in comparison.

>but she doesn't explain why they're the way to go

She does though, in detail, and provides a ton of sources that back it up. You're just talking inane petty bullshit now.
Michael Sebastian is a race-mixing middle easterner who sleeps around? The fuck are you even talking about son.
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>Faith Goldy, as one example, does a better job at this in comparison.

Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post.

Could it be a Rebel Media shill being upset that they don't control Lauren anymore, and she's beating them in views?
i didn't bother to even look at it once i saw the RoK logo.
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