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>rent goes up from $750 to $1,000 in two years >houses

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>rent goes up from $750 to $1,000 in two years
>houses have gone up 35% in the same time
>wages have stagnated or gone down

When is there going to be another housing crash?
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Sooner rather than later. Dublin looks and feels a lot like pre-crash Ireland in 2007, except with more brown people around.


Can we start killing the non-whites this time

2008 felt like Missed opportunities.

The population keeps going up, but they aren't making any more land.
You guys need more immigrants. It'll grow your economy and raise wages.
It's always good for the landlords because we can just buy more properties when the market crashes. Did that back in 2008 and pretty much just collect rent now.
you do know america has millions of homeless people and they are starving. however you fuckers want to live in fucking mansions and worry about your wages going down. grow up and realize white supremist capitalism deosn't care about anything else except money and power

Next two years, probably one. The economy has only superficially recovered from the 2008 recession, the underlying practices and (((Federal Reserve))) fuckery are still the same. Printing money and buying debt are the only 2 reasons we can pretend we're doing well.

There's a housing bubble. bond bubble, student loan bubble in the trillions, etc. It will be far worse than 2008.

sounds exactly like circa 2006

>be me
>everyone I know works min wage 7 dollar an hour
>people turning 20-22
>can't afford housing
>can't figure out who is buy houses that used to sell for 50-70k 10 years ago for 150-180k is a bad hood.
>figure out its not a good time to buy
I work for one of the GSEs and word around the office is two years.
>you do know america has millions of homeless people and they are starving. however you fuckers want to live in fucking mansions and worry about your wages going down. grow up and realize white supremist capitalism deosn't care about anything else except money and power

Why should I care? Half the population is in love with are jewish overlords.

When your ready to kill the jew; I'm ready to hear about the needs of the poor.
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>When is there going to be another housing crash?

Of course.

It was due around 2015/2016 and i'm worried that it was held off just long enough for Obama to get out and well clear of the stock crash that'll come with it.

You know they'll try and pin it on Trump when it eventually pops.
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You guys really think there's going to be a housing crash with Donald Trump, real estate billionaire, in charge of the country? I have bad news for you: Not happening.
>There's a housing bubble. bond bubble, student loan bubble in the trillions, etc. It will be far worse than 2008.
That is why you should not rely on your fiat currency in that time. Gold retains its value always and is a good thing to invest into. Also property. During the market downs buy and you can profit hard from that. It also helps if you actually can do /diy/ shit.
last time helped the libtards way too much.
they still credit barry O with the job growth instead of the normal business cycle.
if it happens soon it will only make thing worse.

I wish you where right. Be he doesn't control the fed.

im just looking at your pictures and god this is the dream house. look at those stripes in the grass. they are about 40 inch wide. i guess they have been made on a Stiga Park Pro
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Housing crash? Not anytime soon. Major cities are especially safe. Now if you want to worry about bubbles there is a huge auto loan bubble and also student loans (not as huge). I own a house outright in south Denver and believe me i have 3 people a day knocking on my door offering to buy my house, the bank desperately wants to buy it, everyone is investing right now. Surely they can't all be wrong.
lmfao we dont have this problem in the great state of texas
Jesus Christ! That is an old macro. The first time I saw that was at least 11 years ago. Thank you, my British friend for taking me for a walk down memory lane.

Also, until people stop using real estate as investments, it won't stop. It will bubble, pop, reform, jews will weasel around the new reforms, bubble and pop again. Repeat indefinitely
the president doesn't have absolute control over the economy you fucking moron.
>>wages have stagnated or gone down
>let's give tax cuts to the wealthy
>it will trickle down to the bottom

what's the logic in trickle down economics? don't business owners have, by definition, an obligation to pay their employees as little as they can? why would they have a change of heart when their taxes get lowered?

Then why did they crash in 2008?
There are homeless people in the US, but they certainly aren't starving - many are obese.
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I'm a silver guy, only gold is some scrap rings and 1 to 5 gram bars.
They mostly didn't. It was a meme the media pushed with a few localized markets around major cities that were hit hard, while the overall effect was minimal.

The entire "Great Recession" represented only a 2.5% contraction in the economy.
KEK i can tell you've never seen a homeless person from your gated community but please do tell of all the fatty foods homeless people have access to with no money
Your taste is shit
I love how my kike (probably) real estate company entitles itself to raise my rent by inflationary rate around 3% ($25) because ya know, inflation. Gotta raise them prices to keep up with inflation, it's econ 101 stupid.

Ok so do my wages rise in concert?
> lol na
Every fucking time. Fuck this gay earth. I have no investment in this whole motherfucker. Let's burn this thing.
Soon. Most of Gen Y is in their late 20s and early 30s right now, the prime age for young people to settle down, buy a house, and start raising a family... except between foreign investors and boomers buying up all the cheap starter homes and turning them into flip houses or expensive rentals, Millenials can't afford or can't find homes anymore.

Home ownership is one of the simplest and easiest ways for people at that age to build equity. No home ownership means no equity, no savings, and no families.

The next crash is going to be brutal.
Former homeless here, the absolute fattest fucks I've ever seen in my life stayed at the mission. The portions served at soup kitchens are absolutely ridiculously fuck huge.
At least 10 guys there were over 500 pounds, one looked like santa claus if he broke his brain smoking crack and glue. His enormous gut was always hanging outside of his shirt and the only communication he could muster was asking people for smokes between his coughing and wheezing. The fire department came and removed him one day, I don't know what happened to him.
>tfw probably not gonna have enough in the bank to make some ez money off it
The elites will pay only their top slaves enough to house themselves.
Lmao gramps

Bitcoin master race
jesus christ that sounds horrifying
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>The next crash is going to be brutal.
God, I can only hope. My gf and I are looking to get onto the property ladder next year. A housing market crash just before would be a wonderful gift. Fuck all the talking heads on the news talking about what a disaster it will be for rich kikes.
How to profit off of the auto loan bubble?
Good luck protecting gold and land when you just got shot in the head gaylord
When the jews find another way of suckering good goyim out of their money like before.
>paying rent like a nigger.

You must be a nog or millennial

it won't crash as hard as the last one, it'll probably just deflate at least in my area.

There's just too little housing because the old fucks are purposely sabotaging any attempts to build more houses.

Sooner or later the government will get involved because expensive housing is literally making companies think about relocating to cheaper areas. Then there will be a shit down of new houses and prices will deflate back to reasonable prices.

I can never take anyone serious with this flag
It's going to happen this year. I don't care if you believe me or not, but I work for a real estate education company that teaches people to flip houses. Behind closed doors, the bosses and their investors are talking about how a large recession will happen this year or beginning of next. The only question is where will it come from? Last time it was focused on the real estate bubble, but this time it won't. Of course home price collapse will still be a side effect, but probably not to the degree that the 2008 recession was. It's impossible to tell what will give first. Will it be chicago declaring bankruptcy setting off a chain reaction? Will it be student loan debt? or something else nobody's paying attention to? Just be ready, they've been talking about it for a few months now.
>tfw $600k ready to go for this exact reason
Well, you probably live in a rural fly over state, or texas. In major population centers the houses dropped big time. The house my parents lived in at the time, dropped from roughly 600k down to 300k in basically a month

>tfw having 600k sitting in 0.00001% savings account
You poorfags are delusional just bought a house for 150k last month next year it will be 200k
yepp, that's what they were saying in 2007/2008. Its always the worst when people think everythings good. In 2008, the houses in california were appreciating like crazy, homes going up over 100k in a year. That's why people got the adjustable mortgages, buy expensive houses they couldn't afford, they knew the loans would increase, but they also thought their houses would go up in value. Sucked for them when their house they bought for 600k, no money down, dropped to 300k. They couldn't pay it off.

Not saying that your 150k house will devalue, it can't really go down, but don't think everything is great right now, something will give
As a real state investor. I can tell you that there is a substantial probability of a bubble bursting (top 4 audit firms do release bubble indexes regularly).

Smart money, however, is of a bubble in Hong Kong, South Korea, or Japan, in that order of probability.

The U.S. isn't into enough of a bad place for a bubble to burst right now, and European homebuyers are always reluctant to borrow.

In any event, even if you get caught by a bursting bubble, it's unlikely you'll have negative equity (house worth less than the mortgage) if you sell fast.

Only retards who don't want to move because >muh feefees my whole life is into that house, get blown the fuck out
The china bubble is the ultimate bubble waiting to burst. Those ghost towns are insane. I don't even understand the economics behind them. Whos building them, and where does the money come from?? It's going to take down huge chunks of the chinese economy
Ever hear of the shoeshine boy indicator?

that's just the government giving tax money handouts to their friends in construction companies, not such a big deal because china's debt to gdp ratio is low enough that they can keep it up for quite a while

hong kong on the other hand, you got parking spots selling for half a million dollars
>america has millions of homeless people
False, it has about 100,000.
a housing crash is coming by the fall by many estimates.
I don't think it will be a "housing crash" house prices will certainly take a dip as a side effect, but not like last time.
That's probably because it was overpriced like much of the housing in and around major population centers.
Yeah, it was. And the reason being was free mortgages, and a HIGHLY speculative market. Everybody just kept thinking the prices would go up forever, which was idiotic to think that, but that's what was happening
Nobody is starving in the US. Homeless get EBT and handouts.
super models are shitlord
Aug 16 2019
shitty digits prove
Problem are the assessors. Local govs are tapped for money so they raise property taxes. Assessor goes around, sees nice houses going up, raises the value of the house.

I have a friend who does this on the west side of Chicago. He purposefully assesses them as higher since it usually leads to gentrification since the brown/black residents can't afford the taxes.
>Tfw you live in an area where the poverty line for a single person is 60k.

Please nuke California.
Assuming the crash will start in the US. The US is due for a correction, that will hurt, but will recover from pretty quickly. Canada is mega-no lube fucked. When they pop - and that's coming soon - they're going to take the rest of us down with them. Where's the bottom there? Fuck if anyone knows.

The world needs a large event, a world war, to reduce populations by two decimal places, and destroy a lot of debt and such. But mostly to wipe out a couple million people or more.
The next 50 years are gonna suck hard. Luckily I'll be long gone before it peaks. Anyone in their 20s right now, I feel sorry for, they're going to see the world as we know it disapear. What will replace it is still up in the air.
Denever is a strange city, you can't make predictions for the country as a whole based on what's going on there. Most of what you're seeing is people fleeing California, and moving there. Between that and the new wealth from pot, Denver is it's own little petri dish of nasties growing.
plz no Murica
you almost killed us last time
please not again
think of the sheep

NZ is best loli
Feel your pain man... I live in southern california, moved to texas for like 4 years. I could own my own home on $16 an hour, now im back in cali poor as fuck...
buy a used car when it pops
Can't wait to scoop up some more properties when the bubble pops. It's like a fire sale.
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>tfw i remember rent for my first apartment as a bachelor at 16 was 400 dollars a month, 600 with util/food. Right downtown in a nice place
>made 800-1200 based on shifts i got at some shitty minimum wage job
>was also going to hs

Now i'm barely able to make my 1000 rent in my crime ridden apartment block and the 1000 doesnt include phone, internet, or any utils. Along with all the random payments for food (which has gotten taxed recently), car payments and other random shit.
Commies are hungry but it is the aids and pills. Skinny, weak faggots.
This is all the work of the boomers. They fucked their kids, their grandkids, and their great grandkids. All of it. I watched it happen. I watched the Boomers demend the best in life, just because they existed. They had to have BETTER than their parents, or else. They had to live in excess, because they're narcissistic. ME ME ME is their banner. I saw it starting in the 80's, with ads from AARP for "The Golden Life", where they demand and expect to live better in retirement, for no other reason than they want it. So they plundered it all. They stripped the country to the bone, made everyone debt slaves, to scrape that percentage, gutted companies and industries for that stock price, made investments out of everything to pump up their 401ks, because they couldn't be bothered with silly things like saving money.
And it's all going to come crashing down. And the best part is - it's starting right when they need all of that shit they built, to pay for elderly care, because their kids are too broke to take them in, and can't afford to buy their houses from them. It's gonna be UGLY. Lawsuits forcing kids to pay for elderlt parents who are broke are already happening, and I fully expect to see changes to the law reflecting that.
The Boomers are the generation that killed the Golden Goose, they really are. They were handed paradise, and they burned it to the ground.
Denver is not immune from real estate crashes. Look a 2008, housing went to shit there too.

Soon enough Denver will be a liberal shithole, and other cities will have just as much free weed with a much cheaper COL.
Short anyone holding auto loans, like Ford. But know what you're doing, and know how to time it. I suspect you have time to learn, still.
It's not a housing crash, it's inflation. The world is moving away from the US dollar as a global reserve currency and switching to sdrs and the yuan. The increase in prices is inflation from money coming back from overseas. That's why the jews own all the property. This is debt slavery.
It's all going to crash

housing, student loan, and car loans

They're starting to offer 100 month car loans for their overpriced shit cars they're selling for 55k that were 20k just 10-15 years ago.

It's all going to pop. The question is if we're going to just continue to let it pop over and over again. But every time it does, the currency becomes devalued. Rinse and repeat.

The United States can't get its debt problem under control and as such it will cease to be a desirable country in the next 20-50 years. Within 100 years I guess the US will be largely irrelevant on the world stage if not balkanized.
He doesn't have enough money to even play with the big boys like that. you think you can short a market with 20 tendies?
High rent means no dindus
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Why don't we just kill all the jigs and spics?
Then everyone has jobs and houses would be cheap. fuck there would be lmost no crime.
The last people I would talk to is anyone in the real estate community, they all have their heads up their asses. You're literally believing con artists, stupid.

Anyway, this year? Nope. Not with oil prices this low. That's the area to watch. Oil prices are dropping to near 1980's levels, something I thought I'd never see. It's unleashing cash into other areas of the economy as people pay less for transportation (that includes goods and services - the Uber drivers I know are thrilled, they got a small pay raise) - and OPEC are NOT happy about it, because it's hammering away at their foundational wealth. Something is going to happen there, to try and swing the oil prices back. But not this year.

Besides, people have been predicting "This is the year!" every year since the last one. The right ones now? The ones who pick the year it happens in. Who knows?
I hope its soon. I want to cheap house.

Basically this, learn to use tastyworks or fidelity or options house. But there's no way to time a crash, many have tried before. Dealership near me is financing new Hyundais for $79 a month, $0 down. I'm not sure how thats even possible. It won't be long
Poorfag? I don't have a $150k debt hanging over my head, dummy.

Besides, we're talking about the big cities, where you can't get parking spots for $150k. I havent seen a house listed for that low in SF or LA for a decade or more.
Underrated post.
Canada is WAY more of a threat right now than anywhere - they're about to burst any time now - and a lot of Chinese middle class are going to lose their asses in it.
>You're literally believing con artists, stupid.

Yeah, they're not far off from con artists, but when they're saying that behind closed doors amongst themselves, and to nobody else, I believe them. They keep telling the students it's all good, and they keep selling them rental houses, but THEY'RE selling their mansions and renting now
oh yes goy

severely underrated post. This is also why the (((Media))) has no compulsions posting articles about how
>millennials are ruining the housing market!
>millennials won't pay for my healthcare!
>millennials aren't spending money on alcohol, and here's why that's bad!
>millennials won't buy my car!
>millennials stopped going to the movies!
>millennials aren't going on vacation!
>millennials caused the 2008 financial crisis!
>millennials caused global warming!
>millennials gave boomers hepatitis C!
It's over 500,000 as of last year
>Asteroid wipes out the entire population, here's how Women are most affected and it's all the millennial men's faults.
What a ghastly meme-rich house
Not an argument.
They're just feeding off the bubble with their con, they like to think they have their thumb on the pulse of the economy and can predict things, but they can't. Dude, anyone with half a brain can see the signs that something is brewing - they're seeing the same shit everyone else does. They're not any more in the know than anyone else. That's all I'm saying. I wouldn't make any financial decisions based on what they're doing, except to try and profit take of them somehow.

Everyone thinks they have the correct barometer for what's going on, but everything is so convoluted and complex now, all you can do is stick your finger in your mouth, and hold it out in the breeze, and that's all they're doing.
Ah, you noticed that, too? Good boy. Yes, there is an overt, planned, and intentional attack on "millenials" right now, they're being blamed by the Boomer pigs who have eaten the cupboard bare.
It's just more of the Boomer narcissism. I never believed an entire generation could share a mental disorder, but once you start looking - it's right fucking there, in front of you.
I've stopped using the labels - that whole thing is a boomer invention, anyway. Millenials are just kids, like any other generation - no better, no worse. They'll figure it out, because they have to.
"And these children that you spit on
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultations
They're quite aware of what they're going through" ~ David Bowie
>their thumb on the pulse of the economy

My boss says something like that... Do you know his name?

But yeah, I get what you're saying, honestly, they do better in a shitty market where people have lost everything, because they're desperate to make their retirements back after losing it all. With that being said though, I know the system they teach works, I know many people that have made good money doing exactly what they teach.

>I wouldn't make any financial decisions based on what they're doing

Don't worry, I dont have any money to do that
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pls keep dropping redpills, fampai
>I know many people that have made good money doing exactly what they teach.
If that's the case...why aren't you one of them?
it's like the boomers ate all the oreos in the pack and left one for the millennial. Then when the millennial ate the last one, they yelled at them and made endless stories on cnn about how the millennials ate that last cookie
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I'm curious how the student loan bubble bursting will affect the economy? Who owns the debt right now? Is it private entities or the federal government?

How are they packaging these debts?

I'm actually an econ major but It's 2 Am on a Friday, I'm about to drink some wine and play Civ 5, and possibly respond to my Navy recruiter for sending me condescending emails questioning my manhood, and refuse to do any research. Any of you fucks care to chime in?
The new cars themselves are actually loss making - these firms make their money out of the financing. It's not coincidental that Detroit got most the most spunk pumped in its ass when the financial markets dried up in 2008.
but he called for people to purchase a house at the lowest point of the glut.
This is what's going on in Los Angeles right now. Houses are going up 20-30% in a year, all due to house flippers.
Yeah, don't get me started. They don't even try to hide it, either, it's sick. I've been watching them stuff their faces for decades, kicking the can down the road, spending their kids, grandkids and great grandkid's futures, like they're entitled to it. That's where my sheer loathing of politicians comes from, they enabled it and helped do it. Crones like Pelosi and Schumer and Cruz and McCain got fat and fucking happy, and threw one hell of a fucking party, and WE get to pay for it - and get told we're lazy on top of it.
This is why I dropped out of the societal rat race years ago. You can't win - if you play be their rules, they get everything. Fuck that. Take out a loan for a million bucks, for a house worth a tenth of that, and have that on my back teh rest of my fucking life, just so some bloated boomer can have his shriveled balls powdered by an illegal in a "luxury, gated retirement community/golf club"? Fuck you, pal.
What's even sadder is seeing people here posting like buying a house at grossly inflated prices has somehow gotten you a ticket into the 1%er's club. It's just fucking sad.
The student loan bubble is odd though. With home loans and auto loans, you can get out from under it eventually. You file for bankruptcy, and you're absolved of the debt. Student loan, not so much, you can NEVER get away from it. It would be very bad long term for the people with student debt, because their paychecks will be skimmed for the rest of their life (which might be all part of the plan) getting rich off the back of the goy. With that being said, I'm not sure who owns the debt, as I have never got a student loan in my life.

LOL, im about to play civ v as well. romans

Include yourself on this screen cap
Nigger tongue my anus
I've got about 14k left. Don't currently hold an office job or anything that provides me a check . kek. Hopefully the handy man work I'm doing right now will pay off in the next couple months with a few jobs I've got lined up and I plan on clearing that shit out.
Also I think I'm gonna go random leader.
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It's going to happen. It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when. All of the older baby boomers are reaching retirement age and they were fiscally irresponsible. Meanwhile, millennials are generally poor as fuck and most are unable to buy houses. Those boomers are going to try to retire and will dump their houses / extra properties onto the market, and there won't be enough buyers for them all. It's not going to be a tsunami of homes flooding the market, but there's going to be a trend where all of those aging baby boomer scum start selling off their homes and properties, and since the younger generation (millennials) are becoming of home buying age, are generally poor, lazy fucks, home prices are going to at worse flatline for a while or trend downward in price. Not everywhere, but just generally, barring some massive foreign investment, but with a Trump presidency I kind of doubt it would happen.

That's about all, peace out.
Thanks Jew
yepp, that's where almost all of the operations for the company were based out of. I've been to a few flipped houses in LA, and it's fucking retarded. a $600k house in a shitty neighborhood, surrounded by shitty homes, in a shitty city. And somebody bought it. Fucking absurd. My gf want to move to LA, kill me now.

>This is why I dropped out of the societal rat race years ago.

What do you mean by that? Yeah i know what you mean though, it's depressing to see how my grandparents lived, and theres just no fucking way I can even afford to live in California. My gf and I live in my fucking dads house. Rent out here is like $1700 average for a one bedroom. I could buy two huge houses for that price where I was living in texas
I think you're mistaking people with dogs
It always astounds me how terrible people between 40-70 are with money.
>Has £20,000 savings at 1% interest
>Has £12,000 credit card debt at 40% interest
>Doesn't pay off
well its basically a bubble for the government to educate its people. the government owns the debt and theres no way for them to get it back if it bursts.(knowledge being the thing they sold to the students you cant really repo someones brain) i think it goes one of three ways A) trump forgives all of it and makes college free but only those with e highest IQs can go, solving the too expensive problem. or B) it never bursts because none of them have the balls actually say im never going to pay this. C) it bursts and nothing too bad happens because the government holds all the debt and colleges are just over charging so they real value is hyper inflated
Yeah, just pay that shit off as fast as you can. Its funny listening to my parents complain about their student loan debt. They paid like 8 grand for their college and just paid it off a few years ago. It's fucking laughable to think you could even get an education for that much. I mean, shit the books cost that much now

The Fed owns most of it. Great, huh? More boomer fuckery.
Like I said I'm an econ major who minored in finance. This is a pretty simplistic, pretty incorrect series of answers. However, thank you for responding nonetheless. Now I will continue drinking wine, jacking it and playing Civ. Navy recruiter can wait.
im only paying like 3 grand per semester plus class fees. im going to college in utah, why is it so expensive else where
>muh econ major
just because its simplistic doesnt mean its shallow. and those arent what i think will really happen just fucking around with fun theories
Don't know it just is. My brothers ex gf went to ASU for ONE year, she was from california, so she didn't get in-state tuition. She paid over $30k for tuition ALONE!!!! not including being forced to live at the dorms, books, food, etc. I told her to go to a JC, but she wouldn't listen.
I'm willing to bet a major selloff of debts to private entities if that bubble bursts, and that's what I really want to look into. But this article definitely helped.

I went to a state school. costs were about 7k a semester, even as a state resident. I was an idiot in highschool and didn't work hard, so I had to recoup that shit by busting my ass in college but also taking out Federal loans.

I'm currently nagging my sisters who are in highschool to be the best in their classes so they don't end up stuck at home paying this shit off.
Immediately after I buy land, of course
jesus christ i turned down a different college because it was going to be like 8 grand a year. why do people still go? are people so lazy now that they cant get a hardworking job for 5 years and climb the ladder?
There's nothing odd about it. It's another part of our country the boomers fucked up, so they could live rich and let their kids pay for it. Colleges saw an incredible boom era the last 20 years, with trillions pouring in from Federally backed student loans. Why do you think the BA has replaced the high school diploma for entry level jobs? Because it generates more money for boomers who run colleges, so they have more csh for granite countertops and mcmansions and escalades and junkets to exotic locales to have conferences to figure out how to take more money out of their kid's pockets. Why do you think there was a glut of "technical schools" and babysitting "colleges" like The Art Acedemy? Easy Federally back loans, that's why. Everyone got into the act - bring some schlub into the office, sign him up for every loan they can get (they were handed out like candy), they send him to a couple MS cert classes he could himself online, and he walks out with a "diploma" and 10k in debt.
It's great money if you can swing it.
I don't think econ was the best choice, I was simply pointing out that those were not the in depth answers looking for.

The government has plenty of avenues of getting that money back and they will absolutely do so.

Taxpayers obviously being the major money maker according to the investopedia article. I'm paying through nelnet but I want to figure out what kind of policies or terms and conditions would change in regards to the loans as more and more people default.

My one and only theory is a massive sell off to more and more shady 3rd party sources and laxidasical laws that pin the blame on the debtor.
That wont be a housing crash UNLESS china get some big shit.
Most of the real estate are bought by China rich man.
so what happens when all the boomers die? fat inheritance? or negative inheritance?

Yes, housing market is going to crash pretty fucking hard.

Expect Boomers to try to sell off their houses en-mass, but they cannot get full price for their houses because everyone else is gonna try to sell of their homes.

Secondly, they all have second mortgages against the full value of their home at the peak of the houses price which they can no longer afford, or reverse mortgages that the bank will try to collect on.

What's going to happen is that all of these homes will be up for sale, prices will plummet for a long time, and most of the homes are shoddily constructed and need repair after 5+ years so we will see fucking major amounts of dilapidated homes.

Smaller towns may be immune to this, but you can already see it happening in states and communities with large minority or elderly populations.
In the UK the student loan interest rate is pegged to the CPI inflation rate + 3% and I have the feeling they are going to pump inflation to 20%+ in order to service debts etc so I am going to pump that debt clear as fast as I can, even though there is (((the remainder of the debt is forgiven if not paid back by the age of 60ish)))
>are people so lazy now that they cant get a hardworking job for 5 years and climb the ladder?

Easier said that done dude. I work in a visual field wont say what it is because i don't want to get doxxed, but think photography, videography, graphic design, shit like that. It SHOULD be based solely on your merits and how good you are at creating shit, but I won't even get past the automated robots in HR departments looking at resumes. They would rather hire someone who fucking sucks at it, but spent 70k on a 4 year degree, than someone that's been doing it for a decade working in the field, making good shit. It's a meme, but it pays off for some people.

Going to bed now, but enjoy that thought
Now now, that's a little harsh
The Canadian market is far more risky for Chinese right now. There's some serious time bombs ticking across the northern border. China bought in HARD up there, and they're going to burst any time now.

It's the same as what happened to Japan in the 90's . They're still recovering from that.
Soon, very soon. They renamed the bs program that caused the crash "diverse neighborhood act of 2013" its been 4 years, its about to pop. The cities know and began inflating housing appraisals to get as much tax before the new crash.
Good question. The answer should be, the kids inherit the house, and the wealth is transferred. And some kids will get that, and it will be fine.

But sadly, their parents are sky high in debt, most credit cards, to pay for their lifestyle. They all have mortgages, too, which is insane. They could have paid off houses, but no, they had to move up, so they went and got a 20 year morgage in their 50's. And bought new cars every year, and racked up massive credit card debt.

So, sadly, all a bunch of kids will inherit is nothing. What's left of their estate will pay their debts, the house will go back to the bank.

Trust me, this is going to be a very common tale. It's already starting.
So what? The programs that cause the crash got renamed and extra money. Its just a matter of time. It will happen again. This time there wont be any fake recovery stimulus.
Fuck you, Dad.
the thing about them trying to get the money back is that there wont be that money there to get back. the economy hadnt grown enought to sustain the amounts of money people are borrowing.(at least i dont think there will be) What happens to this debt if its not fully paid by death? basically i think that with growth not being all that dazzling and the younger generations stagnating the bubble could have some pretty stark implications.(growth will be negative)
Fuck I'm so glad other people see the boomers as the pure cancer they are. It's exactly as you say, just reading it is like making me feel a little less fucking insane. How can people not see this? Almost every modern issue that's not bullshit can find roots in this boomer narcissism
It's right there, it's not hard to find. Turn off your TV, and cancel cable. That's how they spread their propaganda.

I'm off, time for some Civ 6. I think I might give Cyrus a shot tonight.
i get that but i mean a construction company, or a manual labor company. robots will never replace them. start as a grunt > manager >etc
hmmm interesting.
and what happens when the people who couldnt pay off their student loans die? will that transer to their children? because im pretty sure if that happens im starting a new american revolution.
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they eat left over pastries and lots of bread products and gain weight easily from all of the carbs
>Trust me, this is going to be a very common tale. It's already starting.

What pisses me off is that reverse mortgage garbage that is constantly being peddled on late night TV.

You get a loan from the bank, pay off the loan at a 3%+ interest rate. Then that home that is worth 300k you spent 325k+ to pay to own because of interest rate accrual or even because of inflation. Then, that same bank offers you a reverse mortgage where it pays you 30% of the value of the home (more or less, because you are fucking 60+ and have not long to live) and then the bank forces your children to sell off the home to repay the loan that they gave you to another person (that the bank loans money to) or to the bank itself, more often than not at less than market value because you need to pay off that goddamn reverse mortgage loan.

Bank fucks you, then your children, then the guy that buys the home all in one go.
Ellen's gonna sink the ship
Those filing cabinets are a nice shade of black
84-100 month loans. That's a sure sign of a pending pop. Here's the thing. Every president up until Obama had bad years and good ones. Obama was unique because the crash happened right before he got in office, andonly barely puttered along for eight years. Trump being president won't stave off a crash, and I'm still not convinced the post-Obama correction isn't at least partially a pump and dump. What will make him great though is how he leads the recovery.
Crazy thought.
Government mandates all interest rates to be the ROI, and then the market sorts out the rest.(price of banker to set up the loan, blah blah blah you get it.) that way the banks dont fuck people with interest rates but get paid for the work they do. preventing the fraud and scams that can happen through evil interest rates
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You were doing well until you felt like dragging poor Bowie into it with your cringeworthy use of Changes lyrics a point supporting quotation. You retroactively gave him cancer and he died.
the measures used to 'solve' the 2008 crash put the ponzi scheme in overdrive.
i guess that could fuck over investing
I cannot see any feasible way that they can force you to take care of your elderly parents
deregulation will help
archive: http://archive.fo/uTV4B
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i hope it crashes again or ill never be able to afford a home. even the rents went up 50%, gonna be homeless or living in a cuckshed.
People go because starting in High School it is drilled into you that you MUST go to college to get a job. They never talk about the military or a trade job. The reason for this: keep the cycle going of enslaving the kids to the government through loans they can never repay.
>I cannot see any feasible way that they can force you to take care of your elderly parents
Not take care of them, but take on their debts.
Typically Jewish.
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quints confirm my man
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can't you refuse inheritance?
The college thing started because of the kike pushed civil rights act. Employers needed a way to filter out negroes from being hired, and suing, so the college degree was used as a proxy for "white".

Hopefully this time I'll have a bit more capital and be able to buy a house. I missed out on the last crash due to having a shitty job.
Do you really think there aren't some kikes cooking up some law that requires children to take on their parents' debts after death? If so, bless your heart.
I'll bet that's all based on tax increases.
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If only. I can count in one hand people who have received any sort of promotion in my 11 years at walmart. My career preferences are always updated and known, but since I have zero management visibility and I work overnight, they'll continue to hire outsiders for upper positions.

$8k for college? Christ my local CC demands $10k a year! Since I don't have any dreams worth that much, no dice.
well, depending on your juristiction you can refuse to inherit and BTFO the bank trying to fuck you over.

no it doesn't

Learn a trade son.
Probably won't happen due to foreign capital flooding into the US. Not to mention that the last 8 years of rock bottom interest rates has fueled a debt-financed buying binge.

You don't want to see a housing market crash, but it will level off at some point. Property values nationally on average are above their 2007 peaks, I personally doubt they'll go much further because wages are increasing only slightly for skilled labor and the average working week is under 35 hrs now.

close enough


Lol @ $1k rent. Thats basically free. Ive seen sub 500 sqft studios go for $1950 here.
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Fuck off old man. I got a lot of shit going on. I don't need these levels of blackpilling tonight.
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>on an electricians crew 12 years ago
>18 hour days in the Texas heat
>meth heads and non-whites among most of the workers

If this is how it is across the board, no thanks.

I rounded it up to the figure I gave because of books, taxes and arbitrary fees these places charge. Better to over estimate slightly than underestimate she it comes to figures like these. Maybe next life things will be better.

yep, the foreign capital inflow is a good point

i been around the world lads, ain't nothing that comes close to america and american real estate. government's been around for over 200 years. clean everywhere. reserve currency of the world. i could go on.

of course it's fucked up right now, but the rest of the world is fucked up 10x worse.

for example: all the chinese communists who stole money by enslaving their countrymen have to park it somewhere, and once you get a taste of the world outside the open smog prison that is china, you can't deny what a complete shithole you were living in.

other oligarchs from other countries surely experience the same thing. better to invest in america than their old hellhole countries.
Federal loans currently die with you. However, most outstanding debts will come after the remaining estate in an attempt to repay what debt they can. I don't know if it works that way for federal loans but under normal debt that is procedure.

That's why it's so important to have a will or trust or estate fund or something legal to protect you against the state after death. Not having a will is the best way to have your assets held up in probate after you die while your family has to fight the state for things you left them.

>clean everywhere.

meant clean air.
Yea I am at the cusp of moving out but I'm really scared the bubble is going to pop any minute. I have a friend whose house has double in value in about 4 years. Right now everything is way too expensive for me anyway.
>work in HS office during "free period" senior year
>local university literally sends someone down to shill for student loans + college; basically her job was to force you to sign up for student loans & college
>told her I was thinking about doing a trade or joining the military
>literally the entire counseling staff + her + a fellow student brow-beat and forced me to fill out a FAFSA and college loan application
Public school was a mistake.
fuck knows how it's still going, monetary magic

My weekly rent has gone up $30 a week over the past 7 months, I'm about to fucking kill somebody I'm that angry

>Public school was a mistake.

one of the main roots of all of our problems that no one is willing to talk about.

public school needs to be abolished, full stop. absolute child abuse.
If house prices crash, wont poor millenials be able to afford houses then?
Any advice for a current econ major?
The banks and developers will buy them up again to prop up the rest of the market. Then, they will turn around and rent out that house that would have had a $700/month mortgage for $2500.

>Any advice for a current econ major?

get a 4.0, a sex change and a skin pigmentation procedure

assuming you want to work in finance
Why would a sex change help and what if I can only maintain a 3.5 GPA
Good luck with your pretend internet money when the EMPs start going off.

yes. that's why letting the market work, works.
Just maybe. They might if they can make a down payment. If there's a house price crash there might also be a credit crunch which means it'll be harder for people without a down payment (like poor millenials) to borrow money.

Crashes are good for people with money in the sidelines. Not poor millenials.

companies get fined by the EEOC if they don't employ minorities. all the boomer bros are still at upper and middle management. all the females have left to have children. that means as a new hire you are very costly as a male because you are pushing the quota to the limit. as a female you are more valuable because you don't reach the quota as fast.

some anon was posting about how he was a finance major with a 4.0 and some bimbo with a 3.1 got the same job he applied for instead of him
Fine? I thought they were just tax incentives not just outright fines?! What retard came up with that?! Should I just pick a different major entirely then?
>reddit posting
>false flag
I don't know how we can fix the economy without some insane financial scheme. My knowledge on the subject is too immature, but is it possible to lower housing prices without raising anything? Or does Gen Z need to just conserve money and build for the next few decades?
To start?
1. Don't let people using housing as a jewy investment scheme.
2. Tax the hell out of second homes.
3. Ban or severely regulate house rentals

not just fines, they risk not being able to stand up to lawsuits if their ratios aren't approved.

changing your major won't help this specific issue. this is a problem that faces literally every employee. well, white males at least for sure.

i don't know about career prospects for economics degrees. generally speaking, if you're getting a degree primarily to make money, getting one that gives you an oligopoly or a license would seem to be the most effective way to do that.

it used to be that a degree in general put you as part of an oligopoly in itself, but those days are over. engineers, pharmacists, dentists, physicians, nurses and doctors receive licenses for their education.

Some STEM degrees are beneficial because they demonstrate some knowledge to an employer, but there's nothing stopping the value of their degrees getting flooded as more STEM majors get made, or outsourcing is done. Employers love it though because the costs of their employees go down. That's one of the reasons why the STEM meme gets pushed so hard.
One more thing.
4. Abolish the Department of Education
5. Abolish property taxes (on first homes)
Its simple, dont pay them. tell them to shove those loans up their kike ass and take the credit hit
This sounds like "tax the rich" albiet in a more specific way. And how does culling the DoE increase the likelihood millennials can buy homes?

Wouldn't that money just be funneled into a different spending area?
Student loans stay with you to the day you die. One of the biggest reasons things are so fucked is the government passed legislation saying student loans cannot be written off.
The property tax, at least in my state, is where the public schools get their funding.
>sounds like "tax the rich"
When "the rich" are acting like jews and distorting the housing market for everyone else, then they can get fucked. Developers are constantly buying up older, cheap, would-be starter homes and renting them out to college kids for 5x the mortgage. People who grow up in lake and resort towns get fucked by out of staters or big city types coming in and jacking up prices too. Fuck their jewish materialism. Besides, without the property tax, they could do whatever the hell they wanted as far as remodeling on their first home.
No matter what is discussed the core problem is a human problem, we have too many numbers even if 1st world countries have natively dropping populations which just spawns severely reactivist nationalism from the outright required immigration to sustain population numbers.

It all comes down to scant resources being expended due to the western lifestyle and if government corruption in everywhere but the US were to cease to US corruption levels the whole world gaining our lifestyle would surely speed up the inevitable resource wars(as if there aren't ones going on now)

I won't lie as a westerner i love this lifestyle and would welcome every country to do their best to obtain a good life as well however it is a civilization wide delusion to think we can increase our lifestyles AND population numbers without some serious shit coming our way.

We must educate and give birth control to every human being on this planet or we are fucked.

the loans are backed by the US government. if the student defaults, the feds pick up the bill.

it's a loan with no risk. a great scheme if you have unlimited money.

who has unlimited money?

the banks.

what do the banks get their unlimited money from?

the fed.

who owns the fed?

i agree, the base problem is a human problem.

instead of seeking to expand the economy by innovation and efficient work, the most profitable course of action is to plunder everybody else through the rules of the state.
>Surely they can't all be wrong.
Right before the '08 crash there were people walking off the street offering to buy my boss's lakefront property. As far as I know he hasn't gotten those kinds of offers before or since. In a heated market everyone feels like they've got to buy now or speculate.

The other poster asked if you know about the "shoeshine boy indicator." It basically means if everyday normies (like your shoe shiner) are investing, it's a good indicator that things are overoptimistic and that a correction is due. Just imagine for a moment that the normiest of your family members, sweet and innocent who doesn't know shit about money or investing, out of the blue starts investing in stock XYZ because everyone's talking about it and the value keeps going up. It's very possible that this late in the game, after the early investors have ridden the wave up, that the normies are buying from the early smart money that is selling. Now when a little scare in the news comes, the normies sell and further panic takes hold as more and more people who bought at the top also sell as fast as possible. Thus the burst.

I feel uneasy about real estate because all my fucking friends feel that now is the time to buy and they have to get in before things get worse. A shithole condo can have a dozen bidders on it.

you're one of my favorite tripfags on 4chan, just sayin'
Never. Want to own a house? Get a real job and stop flipping burgers/greeting people at walmart. Until then enjoy your 1 bedroom apartment
>Birth rates falling
>Elites know housing values will fall
>Decide to push mass migration
>Housing values rise

fucking boomers and their real estate
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Money is sterile, cannot grow, and certainly not at any exponential rate. This delusion is one of 3 types of Sodomites (Ez22). Another one prays Is.1). Boomer purge when? Hi-flying homos! Is permissible to kill.
Wait for it and then buy as many houses as possible, then when it recovers sell everything and live of it, or better yet invest the earnings
Oh stop your melodramatic exaggeration you're essentially quoting human history itself. I am no luddite but as lives are enriched/saved so too does life expectancy and resource cost go up in number.

This upward growth is unsustainable in the long term. Our numbers must fall or else our descendants will be faced with a wildly different world that may not be as comfortably hospitable as it once was.

Nuclear is beyond tainted and fusion is always 20-50 years away from being properly utilized and with the current state of the human condition our future is at best grim.
>we must genocide ourselves because of the "overpopulated world" meme
Get the hell out of here you elitist murderous cunt. Look at Africa and look at Asia. There are your population booms. Instead of targeting everyone, target the causes of the problem if you have to target anyone.
Why do population numbers have to be sustained? Gibs for the eldery? Serious question.
Except in HK China Singapore Seoul NYC where they built lands in the air.

And it won't just be a simple housing crash. Housing is inflated hard as the 20s stick market. We're headed for another Great Depression and the housing crash will kick it off
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I prefer to buy lead. It actually served me pretty well in '08 when people feared a depression would hit plus the value skyrockets whenever a libtard gun grabber is elected somewhere
>too little housing
in usa? are you fucking high?
The only meme is saying something is a meme. All populations across the board must be reduced in order to maintain our lifestyle as suitable land for real estate becomes scarce. Africa/asia/india have a an incredibly high infant mortality rate and base their survival on children and on their outdated cultural customs but with education and employment their numbers too will drop as they both gain their own insulated economies if they ever overcome their unique problems. Deny it all you want i'll keep repeating myself we must VOLUNTARILY give up the ever so taken for granted ability go reproduce.
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It's not something I'm proud of. Hopefully someone gets something out of my posts.
>people who have stopped looking for housing don't count as homeless
wait nevermind that's unemployment.
Take a look at china, they stopped their upward population growth with their one child only policy and due to how populations work the younger generation is smaller than the older one.

So what happens? the older generation age and become unable to work or take care of themselves so who will take care of the old with so few younger individuals already trying to survive for themselves and their families?
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The main reason I became an Anarcho-Capitalist is because my dream is to live in a megacorp-dominated neon lit blade runner cyberpunk city with no taxes and little government.
My question is: Is your political view because of an autistic fantasy of yours? If so, what is it? How are you going to get there?
oops meant to make a thread sorry guys i had a twelve hour shift today ignore me
>who will take care of the old
Knowing China I don't think they even care. The other answer to that question is "just let em die" and the chinks are exactly the type to go that route
Rent here is at least 180 a week (150 if your willing to live with pajeets and chinks)
job growth is slightly positive, but so much of it is changing from full time to part time (so the amount of work availbe is actually negative)
buying power of AUD is shit.
for a house you'd be looking at 500 a week rent minimum, most peoples mortgages I know pay around 700 a week on the smallest repayment possible.

Things are much worse here, and honestly I dont see any end in sight.
No one really cares, this generation is just docile enough that they'll just take it laying down.
It's under the assumption that corporations would spend more with tax cuts such as increasing research funds or build a new golden tower thus hiring a bunch of Mexicans who in turn get paid. It's not so much as increasing wages but more so allow more currency to be circulated within the economy instead of being horded by the government.
It also isn't entirely unique to china as much as your small minded bigotry would like to think selfishly for yourself as inevitably the geriatric torch will be handed down to us.

So, who will take care of you anon when you become unable to be independent enough to drive a car or wipe your own ass?
in the first line when I say 180/150, im talking about a bedroom in a sharehouse*
150 is what I pay to live with 5 Indians and 3 Asians in a sharehouse thats been partitioned to have as many rooms as possible.
Last i checked businesses and banks weren't the government, businesses are piling up cash doing nothing with it and banks aren't so eager to loan money out anymore.
The issue is that boomers make it illegal to build apartment/condo buildings, so that their houses keep going up in value.
Literally the only reason.

tfw you no longer have any "inalienable rights" because you thought pure libertarianism still had too much government.

Serious question, why do "an-cap" anarchists assume anarchy would lead to capitalism? Redpill me on why your society is more viable than a libertarian constitutional republic where things like free speech can never be taken away.
How does a coming recession take occur ? What are the mechanisms?
>millions of homeless people and they are starving
>commie flag
you can't honestly be this stupid. it should be illegal to be this stupid.
People who flip burgers and work at Walmart can't afford one bedroom apartments anymore. In SF, the average rent for one is $3k a month. In Oakalnd, it was $2k a month, last time I looked.
I love when you autists make your snarky little insults, when you have no idea what's really going on in the world, outside of your little bubble.
Just live in your car
They can't be discharged in BK, either. They fixed that, just like they did with credit cards.

Your job is to be a slave to that interest rate. One way or another, they want you on that tit. That tit is the engine of our economy now.
It ain't that simple, stupid. They can take your ass to court, get a judgement, and now it's a collections issue. Now they have things like liens, garnishments, and seizures to get their money.
I fully expect the Fed gov to ramp up collections efforts over the next couple of years, with big cases being covered by the media as object lessons to the sheeple. The IRS is already expanding their collections efforts with new techniques, and suing more. States are too. They're tapped out, and they want their money.
The Fed isn't the paperboy from Better Off Dead following you everywhere for his $2, they can do some serious damage.
The only real fix, a healthy, sustainable fix, is for wages to rise - across the board, not just the minimum wage crowd. Wages for everyone but the top CEOs has been stagnant for decades, not even keeping up with inflation.

That's a change I wouln't hold your breath for. Wages were sacrificed for the allmighty stock price decades ago.

Honestly, the whole thing will have to unravel and the wheels fall off before anything changes.
auto bubble first
post your real flag so we can laugh at you
If OP can't affort to pay rent, then there are far cheaper alternatives, one of them being the one I pointed out. Can you explain what my flag changes about that?
Nope. Inheritance laws vary state to state, but one common element to all of them is you cannot pass on a legal contract from the deceased to a living person. They'd have to rewrite contract law, and that would guaranteed need multiple rounds through the Supreme Court to even make a dent in it - that's the underpinnings of the economy and you DON'T fuck with it.
Now taxing inheritance, that's coming. But passing debt? Nah. I wouldn't even sweat it.

Look, it's happened in several industries. Around the 80's, they sat there, and realized, because of laws and regulations, they'd tapped out in their markets - credit cards, houses,loans in general, car loans, and student loans.

"How do we grow out industry, find new customers?"

The last 30 years is how.
The laws on that are getting stricter in most cities. They have this figured out. They're also shutting down the tiny home movement, and people living in RVs by restricting where they can be parked.
but now the age group is 28-30 and the houses are 300k+
>During the market downs buy and you can profit hard from that.
I couldn't afford property in 2008 (freshman year of college), but I sunk my $4,500 in savings from my high school job into the stock market after it crashed and made $8k during the recovery. Wasn't a whole lot, but I was proud for be 18. The next market crash will be even better.
Just rent a parking spot, what are they going to do then?
>Lawsuits forcing kids to pay for elderlt parents who are broke are already happening
how on earth does this work? under what law are you responsible for other adults' liabilities?
>Those ghost towns are insane. I don't even understand the economics behind them
they are for moving people around the country. the country can function is china is just 4 megacities, so they must build brand new cities. in 5-10 years these current ghost cities will be full of people and fully functioning. that is the idea behind it. whether they can have all of them functioning is another thing, but if there are jobs, people will move.
>under what law are you responsible for other adults' liabilities?
none, but they're trying it. in some states (Pennsylvania is one i think) if you have a child and one of the child's grandparents has had any contact with the child, under certain circumstances (the parents being institutionalized, the child being taken away because of abuse, etc) the child can go directly to the grandparent without you being able to have a say in it.

that may sound good, but in reality the law is only used by grandparents after both of the parents die in a horrible accident, and by abusive grandparents who want to milk both their children for money and their grandchildren for benefits.
accurate numerals my dude
I saw a few years ago a British survey to find out the most hated group in society: it was young white males

>I cant wait for the next housing crash so i can get a cheap house
Goddamn I hate poor people, if I had a fucking dollar for every time I heard about housing crash speculation by homeless faggots I would be even richer than I am. Not only that I cant fucking wait for Trump and his republican buddies to cut medicaid and give me a tax cut you low achieving cucks. Why post here you goddamn libtards??
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