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After coming to terms on a three-year, $30 million contract to

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After coming to terms on a three-year, $30 million contract to remain with the Oklahoma City Thunder, All-Defensive Second Team wing Andre Roberson, Tipped $13.97 on a $487.13 bill. a server put Roberson on blast for tipping $13.97, or less than 3 percent, posting a photo of the bill and some choice words to his Twitter account:
Do you tip /POL/
jesus christ niggers cant do math
maybe the service was real shit?

i thought a tip was a reflection of how well the customer viewed the service not a mandatory part of the bill.
Stop bitching that you didn't get enough gibs. Go bitch to your employer, pussy.
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That server should be happy SHE got anything at all

Do you think any self-respecting man would complain about being given $13.97 untaxed for an hour of writing down an order, carrying the plates to the table, and refilling his drinks?

Also sage because this is a pizza delivery guy/tipping thread

Check the OP:
>1 post by this ID

I think you should clarify that what he purchased was a very expensive bottle of alcohol. You want him to hand the bartender 80~ bucks for just pulling a bottle off a shelf?
>tipping someone more than 14$ for taking less than 1 minute to bring over a bottle
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I think it was just ONE really expensive bottle, he bought, had to trim story abit... But did not catch this.
$487.13 + $13.97=====$501.1

"Shouldn't have had to tip you it was just a bottle at a bar ...there was no service ..now I can see if it was a club! You Reaching bro"
that doesn't come out to $500
This server is a moron and will get shitcanned over this. Had a job at an extremely high end restaurant where we'd get checks like this 4 or 5 times a night, never walked out of that place with less than $400 in my pocket. Niggers and jews will stiff you, it happens, shut up about it faggot. This guy just made himself unemployable in one of the highest paying easiest jobs in the world.
Maybe he did a shitty job. A tip is not an entitlement. Also, customers shouldn't have to pay more just because management is too greedy to pay their staff properly.
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he didn't do ANY job
he was a cashier and nothing but that
literal scavenger of society hoping for handouts from the better off
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It's a miracle the proud negroid man tipped at all.
He bought one bottle of Liquor at this bar. Didn't order food.

Probably should have tipped more though.
The whole "1 post by this IP" thing doesn't really count when there's 5 posts.
God people in the service industry are so entitled, millennials especially. This guy literally carried a bottle over a few feet and was compensated over $10 for it. Can't wait until the industry becomes more automated

you get taxed on the amount you cash out at the end of the night. This server actually had to PAY to bring him the bottle.

Tipping is fucking stupid. Employers should be paying their staff appropriately instead of asking customers to pay more than the cost of their meal. If the meal doesn't cost enough to pay the staff properly then increase the cost of it
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Tipping is a show of gratitude for outstanding service. Fuck that server, he is just showing the world he sucks at his job and should be grateful for that $13 tip.
he could be from the future though
>This server actually had to PAY to bring him the bottle.
can you please elaborate?
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>Andre Roberson
No shit, faggot, that's called income tax. And it applies to fucking everyone.

Get a real job, cunt.
Who gets a job that requires you to pay for things and doesn't get written off on taxes lmao?

shut up faggot. servers make AT LEAST minimum wage for every hour they work. so if they receive 0 in tips, their employer legally has to pay them minimum wage

kys faggot
No he didn't retard.
but still hes a nigger so i wouldnt put it past him
Who cares what a server """thinks"""? They're below niggers, those at least classify as subhuman, while servers are inferior conveyor belts.
they track your sales and you get taxed on expected tips, not at the full 15% but usually around 8%, so this server probably had to pay about $24 after that tip
Who cares about the lack of a le 20% gratuity, this nigger can't do 1st grade math.

I would love to be his finance manager, I'd make short work of that 30 million.
The dollar sign after number is so cringe
none of you know how being a server and taxes work
Then get a butler or a microwave, lazy stupid kike, no-tippers are singled out by everyone else. Your kind get the oldest food, get shit in your food, and spit in your food. Fuck you and everything you represent, shitty worthless Jews. You think waiters are there to make $5 an hour + gratitude? No. In the USA, there is a system of good faith in place (15% for shitty service, to 20-25% for great service) so restaurants can serve food at reasonable prices. By going against that system you deserve everything that comes to you, rat.
Even when I was poor I tipped 20%.
fuck i love evangelion memes
>get taxed on expected tips
that's awful. still, we have to make sure not to lash out at people who aren't responsible for this thuggery, i.e. the customer.
Well he's a nigger so....
I know servers cheat like hell on them. Everything about that profession is pure niggerdry.
I only ever tip $1/drink at a bar, regardless of the price or complexity of the drink. If I ordered a $500 marked up bottle I'd still only tip $1, same as a $3 beer. Fuck tipping
Why do americans get pissy about tips? Nobody tips in england
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>Andre Roberson

>expecting a nigger to tip
I don't tip entitled pieces of shit
Of couse not, they probably have real jobs.
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m8 i go to the same places so seldom that the new batch of unskilled losers will be in place the next time i come by
Just became a CPA this August :^)
Get back in the kitchen cuck boy
sorry bro but like 9/10 poster were like "why fucking tip hur dur" like there's no real world consequence. probably because they've never been a waiter or bartender, but that's why we hate people who don't tip. I'm in Cali might be different somewhere else, but I know in other states they even expect you to make a certain amount in tips and they can legally pay you less than minimum wage because the (maybe) tips count.

yes that's right faggots, some states pay servers less than minimum wage. look it up

I never understood why tipping should be a % of your meal cost.

If you have a 15$ place of pasta or a 50$ plate of pasta, why does the waiter deserve more?
15% for shitty service? do you like cucking yourself?

i know exactly how being a server works because i lived with a couple for many years

you bitch and cry and moan when you don't get the $13+/hr you feel you're entitled to for bringing me fucking food while i had to work my balls off for $8/hour

the people who make food work harder and deserve more than you stupid fucking divas. i'll tell you what you guys used to tell me

You're a fucking retard. Just because the menu prices are lower doesn't mean you're saving money with this ((system of good faith))
Muzzies have never been known for tipping though.
Tipping for a certain percent of your costs is retarded and unfair. I use 10% as a guide but if I'm happy with service and feel more is in order I'll tip more. If you were a fucknut that made things worse you get nothing. It's your employer's job to pay your salary, not mine.
That is a good tip from an African.
(((Merchant Copy)))
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>i'm getting a raw deal with my employer
>that's your fault, btw

Fortunately I live in a country where this ridiculous practice doesn't exist.
lol my bartender friend clears $160,000/year. Good luck being a fuckin bean counter at around $60K
Percentage based tipping is bullshit. If you bought a $400 bottle of wine or a gold flake crusted burger should I tip the waitress $80 just for carrying it out?
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>no-tippers are singled out by everyone else. Your kind get the oldest food, get shit in your food, and spit in your food.
How does that happen when I pay after I've eaten?
I tip based on quality of service. Nothing if I get stuck with some annoying nigger bitch who is bad at her job handling me, and a fair amount up to 15% based on performance.

Being in food service is a shit job unless you work at a high end restaurant. Those that try to do a good job deserve to be tipped nicely, but those that do just enough to not get fired won't get one dime from me. Stay mad.
lol I'm not a server but I have friends who are.
You're a fuckin cry baby. Also if you can't afford to tip then keep your low class ass at home
You return. People remember your face.
>people want to be served
>people serving want to be paid at a percentage
>people being waited on sometimes don't pay the socially agreed upon percentage
>wait staff gets booty blasted, posts online and the whole part time service industry joins together to collectively cry about and share their anecdotes of being stiffed, especially by niggers and jews

It's better to just avoid restaurants over here, servers think their skillset is worth more than it is.
Are food service people just retards in general?
McDonalds retards demanding $15 an hour while giving terrible service. Waiters getting assblasted because you didn't give them extra money, and working a job that stiffs you your right to minimum wage.
why is the waiter entitled to tips for carrying your food to your table, but the guy who actually cooked your food is not? why is the waiter entitled to a bigger tip if the plate he carried had more expensive food on it? tipping is fucking stupid and I only do it because I'm afraid the entitled little shits will spit in my food if I don't. you know what that is? it's terrorism.
>You return.
That's where you're wrong though.
should be grateful he got anything and fired for invading a customers privacy.

>if you can't afford extortion don't leave your house!

this is literally the best (((argument))) you faggots can come up with. of course i can afford to tip, i'm smart enough and make enough money to see the flaw in the system in the first place

eat shit


>you return
>we'll spit in your food


servers need to be rounded up and gassed.

can't wait until automation.
>McDonalds retards demanding $15 an hour while giving terrible service.
People here would kill for less than $10, I get so salty when people in developed countries get pissy about doing jobs that very simple machines can
I am not gonna tip a bitch $70+ for fucking carrying shit around.
I don't care if I'm a goddamn Rothschild, they can bite me.
Tipping is gay
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Anyone ever seen someone get harassed before for not tipping in real life?
>@FlyDre21 get paid 30 million for 3 years and tips this!!! Your trash!!!
>Your trash!!!
exactly cunt. if you don't like how it is then keep your socially unacceptable ass at home.

by your logic taxes are also extortion. I bet you pay them tho right
Tipping triggers my anxiety. If you want me to pay a service fee, put it on the bill. I hate tipping because it's so vague. That said, I do leave a tip in countries where I know it's the custom. It's not a custom here.

>admits there's not good argument for tipping
>lel just accept it bro

nah i'll continue to not tip and enjoy my life and hard earned money

also, taxes serve somewhat of a social purpose and are illegal not to pay. complete garbage analogy

are you sure you're not a server yourself? you talk like a complete retard
I bet you've eaten a lot of foreign bodily fluids
>tips are waitresses fetching tax, better pay up

Meh, can't wait for another recession.
The worst part is they don't even deserve it. Every single McDonald's employee has an attitude. Nothing you get served is ever correct. I cant wait for the automated tellers, that mean I don't need to program with anymore retards who have an attitude because they don't like their job.
good luck beta
Ooh you mad
No, because the part that triggers these clowns (me not tipping them) happens after I've already eaten.
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Coworker got thrown of a restaurant after refusing to pay the automatic %20 they tacked on her Family's bill for gratuities.
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Look at that math, niiiice.

>this angry servecuck

wew lad
>I'm in Cali
eh fuck you anyways, waiter or not
>work my balls off for $8/hour
what the fuck do you "work your balls off" doing for eight bucks an hour? if it was a shitty retail job that'd be one thing, but i can get $15 under the table doing yard work, and I can get that job in 10 minutes on craigslist. you complain about people trying to do better for themselves, but you're too much of a bitch to get a real job... funny how that works.
this cheap nigger
I'm sure you've never patronized the same place twice, ever.
Besides, you passive narcissist types are much easier to spot than you think you are. When I worked food service I'd hock a nice gooey one in whatever people like you ordered just to be a dick. Bon appetit!

>shitty retail job

beyond shitty. i was held up once. but that was many years ago. i now have a college degree and earn way more than that

>under the table work

i'm not a nigger nor an illegal. pay your taxes faggot. isn't that what you want that wall for?

>real job

i have a real job now. eat my shit



> it's terrorism

Actually, it's extortion.
that would be like a normie tipping 1.4 cents. What a cheap cunt.
it depends on how much the bill is. I tip up to $15 on bills $100 if it's higher fuck your 15%. you don't deserve 50$ for walking my food to me
>$487.13 + $13.97=====$501.1

Saw this too

what the fuck
still a cheap nigger
>15% for ok service
>25% for good service
Holy fuck you niggers are getting greedy. It's 10% if the service was bad but you feel like being nice, 15% for good service, 20% if she sucked your dick under the table. No one tips fucking 25% of the cost of the meal. That's retarded.

You are lying.

There is nowhere on any income tax form to report how much value of goods that you have sold. The IRS can't calculate how much tips they expect you should be making because they don't have access to that information.

Tips are taxed, but it is your responsibility to ensure the IRS has full knowledge of how much you have made. This means your wages plus actual tips.
If you feel that strongly about it then surely you're brave enough to let your server know beforehand, right?

Nah, we both know how you exit the restaurant; quickly, while your server isn't looking.
Fuck servers and their stupid tips. Servers are degenerates and don't deserve tips
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America should double down on tipping 2bh

Some fast casual restaurants now enable you to tip at the register. It would be tight to encourage it at places like McCoonald's so as to encourage better employeeism and boost wages to the poor souls doomed to work in these types of environs
its on your w2 dumbshit.
>I'm sure you've never patronized the same place twice, ever.
You're right, because why would I do that when there are so many restaurants out there I can visit thanks to all the money I'm saving by not tipping?
If I want the same experience I can eat at home.

>Besides, you passive narcissist types are much easier to spot than you think you are.
Sounds like you're projecting, buddy. Just because I don't shove undeserved money up your ass doesn't mean I don't treat you properly before. What's the point of LARPing as filthy pig anyway, are servers really such broken """people"""?
I bet you have a big nose and wring your hands a lot don't you?
waiters/bartenders etc cheat the tax system so badly that i'm happy to see this happen to them. they're the lowest of the low.
no dude, people can tell by the way you talk to them and look at them that you think they're scum. especially someone who's been in service, they pick up on it almost instantly.

keep (You)'ing me with your autistic screeching, i love it

I would top them based only on the time they spent attending to me.

If I spent 1 hour at a restaurant and they only visited my table 3 times for a total of 10 minutes then they can be tipped 1/6th of the minimum wage - regardless of how much I spent.

If they gave extraordinary service (unlikely) I might double that.
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>expecting 15-20% on a $487 order
>college athlete
>fucks up simple subtraction twice while trying to find the difference
If you support college sports youre a literal niggerlover.

For those of you who believe you're taxed on expected tips...

>The IRS requires you to report your total monthly tips to your employer by the 10th of the following month. If your employer doesn’t have a process for reporting tip income, you can use Form 4070.

You tell your employer how much you made in tips
Your employer tells the IRS how much you made in wages + tips

There is no expected anything.


Yes, but that comes from what you tell your employer that you made in tips.
Yeah, your reported gratuity, not how much you sold. No tip, no tax. Stop fucking lying.
>Diet Coke
I knew the CAD was awful, but that's only a step or two above the Peso.
just remember every time you look at the bill, you're a cheap nigger.
(((Tipping))) is as retarded as mutilating your own dicks yet you fucking morons do both because jews told you to. It's even more disgusting that you've integrated it into your system like that.
>Implying you wouldn't

I'm Christian and I would do the same
and dumb nigger ball player cant math either. tip shoulda been 12.87 to make a clean 500, not 13.97
>tipping is expected in the US
>the money is undeserved because of my personal opinions though

Like I said to another guy, if you were skimping tips to do more than be a greedy faggot you'd let your server know beforehand but you're a coward. Reprehensible behavior but at least understandable.
>encourage better employeeism
>encourage employees to beg customers for money
pick one
>Stop fucking lying.
IRS literally sends random surprise Jews to audit servers.
>t.i work for a living
If you don't top them the server is literally subsidizing your meal out of their own pocket and you're a literal nigger.

>constantly order $200+ of food at fancy restaurants
>"cheap nigger"

lmao please, more (You)s
>beyond shitty. i was held up once. but that was many years ago.
you worked at convenience store and you want to rant about "working your ass off"? what a fucking joke lol
you pay taxes on under the table work. there's a form for it, 1099 i think. under the table doesn't mean illegal, it just means it's up to you to report it. much more appropriate work for teenagers than some nigger 7/11 job.
No, the money is just plain undeserved. They're paid a wage.
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It's nice to be served by people who depend on your tip because they're super polite.

Czechoslovakian restaurants in the communist era were very different!
nigger cant math, i commented on that too before seeing this.
>t.i work for a living
I'm sure those plates are heavy and a lot of work. Keep it up and e eventually you might make assistant manager.
Because it's liquor, did server have to split tip with barkeep?
Like I've said 2 other times now; if you feel that strongly then let your server know beforehand. I'm sure it'll go great!

>under the table
>pay taxes

you are literally this fucking stupid. 1099 forms are for independent contractors. this isn't "under the table" work

god fucking dammit, i'm done with this thread. it's literally full of subhuman servers with monkey IQs
People shouldn't tip at all because it's become at least in America that fucking mongoloids expect a tip for everything. Literally your employer should be paying your wages not me whose paying for food/service already. Don't like it then get another fucking job where you are paid more.
>fucking tip vultures expect 30%+ for doing nothing
lol then everyone would put zero. they withhold an expected amount based on sales.
Servers are the most-entitled workers, I swear.

They act like the price of the food should reflect their tip and NOT the service they provide.

A $50 steak v. a $2 salad being brought to a table is the same effort. Why should you get tipped more just because one costs more?
Why would I even mention it? People don't tell me if they're going to leave me a tip at my job. It's a nicety that you niggers think you're entitled to now.

If your employer is doing that you need to find a new job because they're a crook. I've never had anyone tax me on 'expected' tips, its always exact tips on my check or I declare it and pay it myself.

Either way who gives a flying fuck. If people want to tip like jews let them. People who appreciate my service and skill always tip accordingly and they get prompt service. If you're a notorious jew you're getting the worst service because there are other folks out there willing to pay more for my service. That's capitalism, folks.
HA they wouldn't even let your nigger ass in. you'll never justify being a cheap nigger.
>implying I wait tables
Sticking your cock in servers doesnt mean I bus tables, turd pusher.
Or you know, how about just paying servers more money so they don't have to rely on the charity of customers.
does paying someone 150 cash to do your yard as "independent contracting" or "under the table work"? doesn't really matter to me because it was just a good way to make a buck when i was younger. everyone called it "under the table", i payed taxes with a 1099, and i made way more money than if i'd had a shitty gas station job like you.
>Why would I even mention it?
Because you have such strong convictions about it. Why else would you deprive someone of expected gratuity. To save $5? That means you either need it or you're just a faggot. The only people who don't tip are jews or niggers; which one are you?

If you want to pay the bare minimum of service then you should expect the bare minimum, nigger.
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>but you're a coward
You already said that you're going to assault me if I'm not giving you the money you think you deserve for doing the job some kid with pic related could do. This isn't about bravery, but about taking pointless risks. If I'm entering a restaurant I want to eat. Me entertaining the delusions of some server monkey like you would be detrimental to what I want, so of course I'm not going to do it. Just like I'm not going to give you money, because that's money I can spend in the future to eat at another restaurant.
Then why the fuck are you crying about non tippers you goddamn retarded cuck
KYS FAGGOT, HE STILL GETS MINIMUM WAGE. Just because he serves rich people DOESNT MEAN he himself will become rich. What? Are you implying he is a ducking mooches? Faggot
>Why should you get tipped more just because one costs more?
Because they are taxed according to the dollar amount of the food they serve, ask your mommy about her job, Jeffrey.
What surprised me is that he didn't tip the guy 123.97 using his advanced mathematical method.

i never worked at a gas station

if you payed taxes with a 1099 then it wasn't "under the table". i wonder what backwards as hick state/county you're from cause you guys are obviously retards
It works the same you fucking retard. The IRS doesn't give a single fuck where you got your income.

If you put zero, that's tax fraud. If you report it, your employer has to report your income as your wages plus what you reported. If you don't report it, and you leave it up to your employer to calculate it, you have no right to complain about how much you're getting taxed.
It gives me a sexual thrill not to tip. Sometimes I even return the next night knowing that some dipshit server will affect my food in some way. When I notice it I alert management. Sometimes I can't even see what they did so I carry a bag of pubes with me and sprinkle them in myself.

pic related is my typical tip
Cute picture but totally false. I mean, are you retarded? How is a toy truck going to pick up plates and glasses let alone work a washcloth on a table? Do you need thumbs explained to you?
No wonder you don't tip; I'd be embarrassed if I had to break out my phone to figure out 10% of my bill too.
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>buying a bottle of liquor at a bar where it's marked up 3 to 5 times retail
>not paying the tab in cash, or writing cash for the tip, then giving a shit tip in cash if at all
>has a long-ass response, no pics of what he's saying about other receipts
3 strikes
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I don't tip. I stopped tipping in 2013 when I realized the history of the fucking practice and how stupid it is.

Honestly, it's not even about saving money, although that is a nice side benefit of not being stupid.

Think about how retarded the following scenario is:

>2 couples go to the same restaurant for a nice bottle of wine.
>couple A order the $50 wine
>couple B order the $100 wine
>both pay the 15% tip
>the only thing the server has to do is uncork the fucking thing
>the server made different tip on the two couples because of the fact that one chose a more expensive wine than the other

Also, why the fuck do we not tip in other situations?

There are so many reasons tipping is fucking retarded.
well i'm pretty sure most of the mexicans who's jobs i was taking weren't doing their 1099s and i don't think my employers knew i had any intention of filing taxes. i thought under the table just meant it was a cash transaction, didn't know it automatically implied it was illegal. i guess that's what we have lower caste gas station employees like you for, helping us more genteel citizens understand your workaday lingo.
I mean he plays nigger ball. Do you expect him to have an IQ within triple digit level?
>Austin, TX
As an Oklahoman, I've been to Austin a few times, and this city is the worst fucking city in the Southwestern US. The whole place is a lost cause.
The only tip any server ever needs is "find a real job"
Tipping really needs to be abolished and restaurants need to account for it in pay and prices. It's too much of a mandated charge and not a reward for good service.
Yes, that's how bars work.
Incidentally, by far the best service I've ever gotten was at a no-tipping restaurant, but I think the place was run as a co-op.

No it's rather passive.

I saw it only at Jersey Mike's subs

You just pay and are prompted by the swiper to tip or not to tip. No input or cajoling by employee niggers at all
>Think about how retarded the following scenario is:
I am thinking about how alone you are since you obviously have never paid taxes.
>How is a toy truck going to pick up plates and glasses
I'm perfectly capable of putting my dirty dishes onto the toy truck myself.
>let alone work a washcloth on a table
Really haughty attitude from someone who's only qualification is wiping a surface off with a wet towel, anon.
oh fuck i do that exact thing

Bretty fuggin gud m8
The whole service industry in the US needs to get thrown out the window. It's a broken system and the market doesn't fix it, everyone should stop tipping entirely so they're finally forced to ACTUALLY PAY THE MINIMUM WAGE instead of like a third. It's called minimum for a reason.

Fuck this cancerous industry.
this is exactly why i cant wait til your sad pathetic job is eliminated by robots
We should get rid of the minimum wage too tbqh senpai
He had to pay $500 bucks for a bottle and then he gives some faggot 13.97
To hand it to him!? that dirty little Mexican should be saying thank you ....America is fucked that niggers only crime is bad mathematics
>ITT poorfags justify hoarding their shekels instead giving literally a dollar or two more to equal an acceptable percentage
I tip because I frequent the same establishments and want them to fucking succeed and stay in business. Also you know what this gets me, people know my name, preference in ordering on busy nights, free shit frequently, they know my orders and how I take drinks/food without me explaining it, can stay after hours finishing my drinks, fuck I can walk behind the bar at one of my spots and get my own drink and the owner wouldn't even care. I'm sure there are more but that's just off hand what comes to mind.
Congratulations for explaining why people don't tip.
Because I'm not going to pay you to be subhuman.

where tf are you were tips are untaxed?
>never paid taxes.
You know who is known to evade taxes? Waiters/waitresses on their tips.

Maybe don't bring up the issue you know you can get beaten on.

lol idiot
Your withholding is not your final tax payment, it is an estimated amount which is reconciled when you file
I have never been to a restaurant that had the same workers. This meme that they will fuck you over for not tipping is pure bs. I don't even remember what I had for breakfast, yet these workers are meant to remember a face from months ago?
>I'm perfectly capable of putting my dirty dishes onto the toy truck myself.
You sure about that? If you're anything else like the trash I've seen not tip I'm not so sure. Well-mannered whites have no problem paying extra for better than average service. Are you sure you're not going to feel entitled to the kid's wage afterwards since you had to actually pick up your plate like some kind of animal?
>Really haughty attitude from someone who's only qualification is wiping a surface off with a wet towel, anon.
Oh, I only worked in food service for a short time; turns out dealing with people like you 3 times a day on slow days is pretty taxing on the mind. It's like living in a country of refugees but they all look like you and are still faggots.
Nah, the idea is good. Look at China if you want to see the Ancap future. The problem is that the ratio to jobs that provide a livable wage and amount of humans on this god forsaken planet is so insanely skewed that no amount of bullshitting with market freedom will fix it.

The best we can do is build the wall, and then implement a livable wage to atleast protect us from becoming a third world country by merit of degrading wages even further.
I go to the same restaurants all the time and they remember everything down to what I'm going to order.
Cpa isn't as prestigious as it used to be. All that studying to end up starting $80k/yr ain't worth it. But that's just me
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stop being poor and you won't need to live off tips.
It is harder to become a CPA now than it has ever been in the past. My past professors and older colleagues constantly note that.
Me too. UBI is gonna be the tits.

You misunderstand; you're paying me not to be a subhuman. If it takes extortion to get it done then so be it.
You're fucking retarded. You're absolutely free to put $0 withholding, but you will owe the IRS when you file your taxes at the end of the year.
>Do you tip /POL/
>Well-mannered whites have no problem paying extra for better than average service.
That's on them, anon. I don't even want your service in the first place, I want what I'm paying for: food.
>I want what I'm paying for: food
You're paying for service, atmosphere, and possibly the name of the restaurant among other things. If all you wanted was food you shoulda just stayed home
>Well-mannered whites have no problem paying extra for better than average service.
You're right. That's exactly why I'm not going to give you money when I don't get that.
Roberson went to college. Let that sink in.
He's a jerk. I bet he was drunk too.
I only tip if I genuinely like the place.
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that's fine if you don't want to tip but what's with the triggered notes on the receipts? people say they don't give a fuck but seem shamed when they write shit like in your pic related or
>muh god only gets 10%, why should you get 20?
>hurr durr you didn't brew the beers or pour em, just walked it to the table
just write 0 and move on with life senpai
get a real job then you fucking mongoloid it's not our faults you have literally no skills what so ever
damn you didn't even use yourself in the lie, you had to make up a friend too?

that's a whole new level of pathetic
>15% for shitty service

Don't you slander the jews while being a kike yourself shlomo, i see straight through you
It's autistic virtue signalling.
I don't think they should be tipped a percentage, 13 bucks is good bitch should be happy. They're lucky to get a dollar per table in my opinion (past server). inb4 college sluts working at bars need extra $$ to pay for their mistakes. GET ANOTHER JOB.
>You're paying for service, atmosphere, and possibly the name of the restaurant among other things.
Well, anon, if that's what I'm already paying for then why should I give you additional money?
>If all you wanted was food you shoulda just stayed home
Too bad you don't get to dictate where I eat, lowlife
It's true the cpa exam became harder in 2017 due to being more computer based or whatever update they made to it, but to brag about being a cpa doesn't hold as much value as back then. You know how many immigrants have CPAs now? Just saying
tbf, niggers are just terrible recipients of any given service. dude just should have left a tip, instead of being a stingy faggot and leaving a tip his shoe shiner could afford.
>single mom
>racks up $138 restaurant bill
Don't give a fuck about the tip but every single dollar better have fucking gone to feeding her kids.
It really depends on the work, and that's part of the reason larger parties have gratuity included. Waiting on a table of 2 is entirely different than waiting on a table of 20 where you have to split the checks 6 different ways. People aren't entitled to 20% just for bringing food and refilling water for two people. Unfortunately that's what tipping has become.
What better qualification is there to talk about knowledge of taxes and accounting than being a CPA? I don't see what the guy said was bragging, but calling out people who claim to be knowledgeable about how accounting works but in reality have no idea.
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I'm paying the establishment, not you. It's really not my problem that you're such a cucked working class subhuman you willingly work for someone who you don't feel compensates you fairly. From my perspective you are but a fleshy single purpose automaton that the world has momentarily spawned into my personal existence to fill a role; a mundane background process.
you're all fucking wrong. my friends just told me they are required to withhold 10% and there is no reconciling it later.

fuck cheap jews and niggers.
If athletic scholarship money only came from earmarked donations/ticket sales it'd be a different story.
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Went to Chili's with some friends one time. Service from our waiter was awful so we didn't leave a tip. He followed us out the door and bitched at us for not tipping him. This was a couple years ago, I haven't been back there since
not a lie friendo
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I don't agree with that either. In fact, I think it's counter productive to the no tipping movement to post faggy notes like that and just have the server post it on twitter and make the non-tipping population seem like complete assholes.

Although, I must admit some are funny to look at.
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no they usually make 2.13 an hour plus they have to pay a 3% tip out of the total sales from the shift

IE someone spends 100 dollars the server has to pay 3 to the house regardless if the customer tips or not.

So looking at this bill the server had to pay about 2 bucks to wait on this ass hat
Your friends have no idea what theyre talking about. Your yearly tax return is the reconciliation.
actually they're not wrong it depends on the establishment. Some businesses do auto withholding because if not their shit employees would never claim a single dime as a tip and then eventually the IRS is going to come after the business owners
yeah ok buddy. go ahead and write down less than your issued w2 and see what happens.

Actually tipping was a practice brought to the US by jews and spread by adoption of tips via employers who then used it as an excuse to cut server wages and reduce their overheads.

It's literally the worst business practice because you are forced to adopt a server for your visit and get lambasted for not paying him for his unwanted service.

Why do you think BBQ places in South USA are ultra popular? It's because they are cheap and you are self served with no annoying server every 40 seconds asking if you want another overpriced bottle of wine or beer.
I tip, usually somewhere around 20%. I'm not rich, but I'm not poor either. I don't begrudge someone an extra twenty or thirty bucks, and it's not going to break my bank. I don't understand why people have such strong opinions about something so trivial.

Especially bartenders. Tip your fucking bartenders, man. It's one of the few relatively easily accessible jobs that you can make a decent living at.
It's 4chan. Posting "CPA btw :^)" is the biggest form of bragging.
A business cannot force an employee to pay taxes on a customers order please go back to third grade you fucking mongoloid.
14 bucks for bringing some plates and drinks, how fucking ungrateful do you have to be to complain about that? Pathetic. Tipping is a scam. Inb4 butthurt waitresses start with their standard bullshit lies, they know their labor is in no way worth the money that tipping culture produces for them.
you know nothing
oh man that stung you fucking brainless mong. We all know how it works in the under the table shit mexican world of business though where your from right shit skin paco
Not taxes Its called tipout its the charge the servers pay the business

the server is taxed on their tips after tipout

Waited and bar-tended when i was in school
Fuck man, learn what youre talking about before youre so confident about it. Your withholding is meaningless. You can literally pay 0 taxes during the year and it is perfectly legal, that is what 1099 employees do every day. They are not "paying" taxes when they are withheld because they are not due until you file, if you do in fact owe. You are taxed on real income earned, not an estimate, if your w2 does not have your actual income earned then there are plenty of avenues to go down as that is tax fraud.
They are for the most part unless you're retarded and declare everything.
Rake yourself poor leaf nigger.
lol thinking you're hot shit doesn't make you not a jackass. the employer has every fucking right to make you payout a percentage of sales to your busboy and to withhold a percentage based on sales that is calculated as wages.
again you fucking idiot a business cannot tax you on a customers meal cost, on your tips yes on the meal cost absolutely not and if you allowed one to do so you are a fucking mongoloid of the highest order
>it's really bad and unfair boo hoo
>but it's really good you loser faggots
jump off a bridge you stupid cunt

I still tip, my dad lived off gratuities. I'm just wondering why a waiter at a mid priced restaurant thinks he deserves more than someone who works at a diner.
>having absolutely no skills and probably being a drug addict so you have to work a job where you 'share' tips with busboys
wew lad life must be hard for people are retarded as you are
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Does the fucker really think he deserves more than $13 just for bringing a plate and some water to a table?

He's lucky to be making that much. It's beyond what most Americans with actual jobs makes.
No fucking idiot. The employer calculates into your wages 10% of your sales. If everyone tips you ZERO the employer reports your hourly + 10% of sales as wages. You are taxed on your wages. This is what is on the w2. If you write down less than what your w2 says you will get fucked.
boy that starfish really makes me think
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>yfw literally NOTHING gets more butthurt than a tipping thread

Holy shit, the collective server tears could salt the earth
I tip based on a secret mathematic formula consisting of the waitresses looks, service skills, the bill, and how social they are towards me as a guest.
Guess you don't know about being vip in vegas poorfag
>No fucking idiot. The employer calculates into your wages 10% of your sales.
So youre saying that your business is improperly filing their taxes?
Inb4 shes fired

actually he does,

at many restaurants you give a percentage of your overall sales (deducted from your tips) to tip the food runners in the kitchen, the bus boys, etc.

if all your tables stiff you, or if you only have 1 very large table that stiffs you, it is possible to come away with a negative amount of money, although very rare
This nigga don't have $50 cash on him? Pffft. Pussy. And he can't do maffs either.

The business charges you 3% of your total sales of the day this has nothing to do with the government

Like i said you sell 100 dollars worth of food you pay the business 3 dollars the government is not involved

Think of it this way,

the server is not working for the business the server is paying the business 3% to work the table section

Ive seen servers lose money on a shift

This is not a tax this is a bill the business issues to the servers to work part of their restaurant
you literally stated you've worked a job where you shared tips with people. You are not VIP and will never be. I probably earn more in a week in passive income than you earn in a year
This makes sense and frankly, I'm on his side.
I'll go to a bar with a friend, go to the actual bar, order two nice beers that maybe comes to 20 dollars, and leave a dollar or two. How much does it take to hand me a fucking beer? 4 dollars worth of energy?
get a real job then and quit bitching. you are not a slave you take the chance of that when agreeing to work as a fucking mongoloid server
You're just being obtuse now. This is how restaurants and bars work. The employer calls your hourly plus 10% of your sales your wages.

This guy LITERALLY said it was a tax and that is the entire basis for the argument.

your a fucking idiot, you are conflating what occurs likely within your state only as being somehow equivalent to what happens everywhere. again get a real job you fucking bum
Nope, my friends are bartenders and servers though. One works the vip in vegas. makes over 4,000 a week in tips bitch. all servers aren't poor, but you don't know 'cause you've never had a personal butler in vegas
so the employee got fired for directly outing him on a private transaction right?

tipping is fucking retarded, fight to get paid better by your bosses mongs, not shame the poor fucks eating
of course he did because he's a fucking idiot. do you really expect someone who works as a server to have any modicum of intelligence? Literally attracts the worst most entitled pathetic dregs of society who think the world owes them for carrying a fucking plate and filling a drink
lol basing your knowledge off of what 'your friends' have told you. you are a fucking mongoloid, i bet you don't even have a job you pathetic loser
>makes over 4,000 a week in tips bitch
do you really think that's a lot of money? you're a complete poor fag if you do. my daughters day care costs more than that per week
They make about 200 percent profit on every bit of food they sell in a restaurant, they make profit on all beverages as well, fuck your bullshit tipping.
listen pleb, you obviously need a fucking flow chart.
you don't even understand basic tipping and taxes basement dweller.
No this is in all states i have been although some states do require servers to be paid minimum wage most do not.

I know but he is wrong the government has nothing to do with tipout. This is a practice businesses use so they can justify paying bar backs busboys and forerunners less than minimum wage

And like i said that was my full time employment when i was in school
I am now a ER nurse but i still bar-tend as a side job

Because free booze easy money and easy women
After working as a waiter for a good month, I came to the conclussion that male waiters are lazy, no good, bitchboys who don't deserve shit handed to them. I'd tip the girls if they suck my dick, thou.
post proof nigger or shut the fuck up.

Me too, buying a single bottle at a bar doesn't warrant a decent tip.

His math though....
I'm on the Basketball-American's side here
lol those lazy, no good, bitchboys are all fucking the girl waitresses
Why should I tip?

If tipping is optional, why shouldn't I refrain from doing it? Who wants to spend more money than they have to?
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>tax on tips
so basically your conclusion is you are a cuck who thinks white knighting will get you laid
Yeah. There's a place near me that's absolutely criminal in markups. Restaraunts/bars/clubs need to pay their employees fairly rather than force the public to subsidize their salaries. Same as the criminal shit walmart is getting away with.
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You fucking government shills.
That warm feeling when it isnt an established social construction in your country.
I think tips are an undemocratic tradition brought back by elitist Americans from European culture.
It was then used to reinforce slavery.
Personally, I think the answer is just to have the government mandate that tipping is not allowed.
Im not going to read this thread so if this has been mentioned im sorry. That price was for 1(one) bottle of champagne. How do you justify wanting more than 14 dollars for bringing a champagne bottle and a couple of glasses?
Everyone knows servers take home hundreds of dollars a day, more than the dishwashers and other staff. I don't feel sorry for them at all.
Kill yourself Reddit faggot
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I don't know. Sounds like you autists never go more than places that serves anything more than chicken tenders.

When I got to a bar, I tip well on first drink. That way I get served before the other millennial cucks when I want another round.

Also if I am a regular I often get free shots and other nice shit that you Jews who penny pinch don't get.

Oh and if you frequent a place and don't tip at all, someone will eventually shit in your food.
nice leddit meme
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This is the dumbest fucking non-shill/slide reply I've seen yet on here

Saging bc it was a bottle of expensive alcohol with no special service for it. The bartender is just looking for free gibs.
>brought back by elitist Americans from European culture.
I visited Paris 15 years ago before France became a third world country, back when they were still using Francs. I loved how there were no tips in restaurants and "tips" were just depositing loose change if you felt the waiter deserved it. We need to do the same thing here.
Everyone should tip $0, time to crush the liberals.
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>13.97 + 487.13 = 500
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I'm surprised he even left a $200 tip earlier on shots desu. If it's straight, *at most* one dolla each idc how expensive it is. It's marked up and they make their money on that.
>Do you tip
I'll pay the next dollar and let them keep the change cause I don't need them coins.
Nah, a tip is "i don't care about getting some coins back so just keep the change". Anyone who tips more than that or for any other reason is too retarded to live.

Yeah, nah. Majority are gay.


>waiter reading comprehension
let's break it down:
10% counted as wages by employer
35% tax rate estimation
$17.04 for the .gov
actual tip: $12.87 because law requires you to go by the signed total not their bad math
Server PAID $4.17 to bring the dickface a bottle.
American tips are based on feeling false guilt for not tipping
still miss him
Tipping in Australia is generally just letting them keep the change of a split bill. They are all paid properly here anyway. Hardly anyone ever tips at a normal bar/pub.
I don't understand why all you no-tipping kikes don't just order take out. You get the same quality restaurant food, you don't get gouged on overpriced drinks, you don't have to part with your precious shekels for tipping someone who makes 2.13 an hour, and you don't gross out everyone in the establishment who has to look at your humongous cavernous jew beak.

Seems like a win-win to me. If you can't afford to tip, just get take-out.
It simply means it was thrown up and abandoned as either a bait or slide thread.
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>my tip is the freedoms I provided you while serving my country. You're welcome for my service.

1) there has been no military conflict in your lifetime that was to protect America.
2) you were a mercenary who volunteered to go to other countries and kill people for money when there was no threat to America
3) Military servicemen do not "provide freedom". They might die to protect it but due to point 1) and 2) that wouldn't apply to anything you did.

paid killers in the American military should be ashamed not celebrated.
No they aren't. You've been proven wrong.
Zomg we should dox this nigger and order him more food
yea lots are but trust me guys come in all the time have a few drinks build up their courage to leave their number with a fat tip.

then after the shift that cutie 19 year old red head that was like totally into you is off getting shitfaced and plowed by the guy servers.
>I tip because I want them to stay in business
You're fucking retarded.
nope you're wrong. you are taxed based on the dollar amount of your sales because a certain amount (probably 10%) is considered wages and that gets taxed.
>order more expensive food
>plate carrier carries same amount of plates
>plate carrier deserves more compensation because the plates he carried were more expensive

If anything the chefs deserve the extra tip, not the servers.
3 diet cokes u fat burger, at least our $1 currency doesnt feel like used toilet paper
>eatingin at restaurants
Never, not gone pay 8 time the price of a good home cooked meal for a cook defrosting a steak, entitled waiters and a lazy owner who all hate their job. Fuck gastronomy
So what happens if they get it wrong?
So bill is $100, waiter is taxed at 10% of the bill so $10. Waiter is probably paying around 20-30% income tax so really the waiter only pays 2-3% of the bill.
correct a tip of less than around 3% (don't forget state tax if you have one) means you are actually paying to serve these assholes.
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> tfw you know you give off a this sort of vibe but still tip decently (15-20%)
> tfw some asshole spits in your food because they think they know you

This is why I stopped eating out so often.You've literally justified this.

apparently you can't do math either nigger.
I'm a bartender. Not tipping is the quickest way to never getting served at the bar anymore. Some nigger did this to me on the 4th. I stopped serving after he stiffed me 3 times in a row.

Sure. You could argue bartenders don't so enough to earn your tip. I'm sure you've never had an entire bar of 85 people you have to get drinks for singlehandedly. It ain't easy buddy. I've worked as a cook, server, bartender, dishwasher, bussed and even managed a kitchen at a fine dining restaurant. None of it is easy. And yes the bartender is generally the most overpaid for the hours worked. However if you can't afford to tip or simply don't like to you shouldn't go out. The majority of our industry runs on it.
I don't understand, do dishes get heavier if the food on them is more expensive?
What's this jewishness of paying a percentage of your bill, as if moving from point a to point b gets more complicated according to the price?
So you're one if those sad fucks that just want someone to serve on you. You people as universally despised. Most people enjoy the human interaction with their bartenders. You just want to be serviced.
>lifting glass bottles is hard work

Are you one of the jews who freaks out if someone tips them $1 for a drink?
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