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Could this be the solution to our current problems with the Electoral

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Could this be the solution to our current problems with the Electoral College? Would it work? Would it not? I want to hear all possible sides on this
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This would only benefit the left, so fuck that. Bernie shills would likely vote Warren and then neoliberal jew second
Yes, it would. No, the GOP would never support it because it damages their ability to game the system.
compromise with voter id laws
What problem with the electoral college?
It works fucking great.
>game the system

Let me fix your post for you:
>run a campaign that wins legitimately
>implying the republicans would ever consider compromising on anything

>who cares if I designed the rules to cheat I won!!!!!!
Suck on some AIDS bro.
The solution would be, if you had to register with your tax record. Only let people that put a net positive amount into the national treasury vote. Since government is purely money-centric, and all officials do is decide how to spend tax money, only people that provide money to the government should be able to decide who gets to spend the money they contributed. Not gibs niggers and mexicans that send their untaxed $5/hour back to Mexico.
>Democracy... Ever

The mob has no more right to rule or steal from me than any other tyrant
What's the problem? Sanctuary cities with illegal shitskins in the millions vote Democrat no matter what in the promise of gibs. When Obama won, liberals didn't bitch about the EC. Only when their candidate wins do they stay quiet. Somehow they managed to keep voter ID laws out amazingly. We can't even get an accurate number of illegals voting.
>>who cares if I designed the rules to cheat I won!!!!!!
Yes, I went back in time just to make you sad that hitlery lost.
We have a system like this in Australia, still strongly dominated by two parties anyway
So far your idol's only accomplishment is that he won. Did anyone tell him this is an actual job, not a beauty contest?

Also you being retarded doesn't make math any less valid.
Australian system is ranked choice for the House and state level multi-winner representation for the Senate.
Usually works pretty well but last few cycles the senate has been a circus because heaps of minor fringe parties that would never get a seat normally got enough collective votes to get in.
> Sanctuary cities with illegal shitskins in the millions vote Democrat no matter what in the promise of gibs
Citation needed
>So far your idol's only accomplishment is that he won
That is a pretty large accomplishment, lol.
I am sure it doesn't rival any of your amazing accomplishments though.
oh no I didn't run for or get elected president guess Trump is the best pres we've ever had he's a genius he's a master he's accomplished more than any other man alive he's so smart his dick is so huge don't you want to give it a little suckle
>gettin hard thinking about Twumps cummies
shit famalam I think I luv trump now gimme those cummies
That's pretty much common knowledge, Urban retards vote liberal
And here is why democrats are fucked.
The voters democrats lost are not coming back, and they aren't going to help democrats mitigate their own disaster by amending a federal election system that works as intended.
>The voters democrats lost are not coming back
It's like you have no memory of the past. How old are you, kid?
Old enough to know since 2010 democrats have lost most of their power nationally and there is clearly no end in sight to that or a discontinuation to their weeping and gnashing of the teeth.
As long as democrats wage a ceaseless war shitting on the people who live on 95% of the land area in the us and have no nationally appealing candidate they are done.
They literally cannot win potus.
And that is funny as fuck.
>implying there wasn't a time before 2010 or that 7 years is in any way a long amount of time
Summer underage b& get out? Summer underage b& get out.
For Obama to get elected he had to paint himself as a born again Christian, right down to penning and publishing his own conversion narrative (just like w) did in Time.
Do you envision another democrat doing that anytime soon?
They can't run as the party of the working class anymore because of their policies favoring high taxation, open borders and massive regulations.
They go out of their way to offend religious people, they attack bedrock industries of the working class and have killed many of them, have shitty limpwristed foreign policy and scream like whining children when you disagree with them.
What is the appeal?
Universal suffrage is a sham anyway. Need to fix that before you go about changing the voting system.
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You're so smart you must be a political scientist or something. You know that Obama is the absolute devil, pandering, while Trump would never in his life stoop so low. You know that Trump won by such a YUGE margin that there's no way a dem could ever hope to reclaim all those votes. Be positive that the Trump Admin's budget plans will make those working class voters so happy and note rape them financially (don't worry, you can just blame Obama and the dems like you always do).

>and scream like whining children when you disagree with them.
I'm so glad that Trump does not behave in this manner. That would be so embarrassing for you, him, and the entire country.
Reply to the solution to the electoral college. It's not broken don't try to fix it. The EC was put into place to balance the high population centers from dictating by mob rule. So trying to change or eliminate the EC is nonsense based upon one election result that one party doesn't like. It's working as planned by the founding fathers.
Keep the blinders on, skeeter.
Thanks for the chuckles.
Electoral college works as intended, no need to mess with.
Ignore evidence:
Crazy how you have all those statistics and not more than a handful of actual convictions or actual evidences of this actually happening. But your numbers are just as good as those numbers, even though yours are just estimates, right?

Out of witty insults already? Another trumplet defeated.
Fuck no
FPTP is brilliant as it keeps tiny parties out. You don't want to be Holland.
I voted for Trump. I also see that swing states are a big problem. If you secure those states, you don't have to worry about the rest. It would also help with our two party system, allowing for other view points. Many don't even vote for the party they want to because they believe it'll be a throwaway vote. America's voter turnout is also terrible, which this could help with. Though, I guess since your candidate won, there's nothing wrong.
>our current problems with the Electoral College

What problem?
>current problems with the Electoral College?
What fucking problem? It's working exactly as fucking designed. A candidate has to win the support of a majority of states populations to ensure they're the most representative of the country as a whole as opposed to solely pandering to a half-dozen heavily populated states or even just a fucking dozen oversized cities and ignoring or outright fucking over the other 44 states.
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>facts don't fit my narrative
>must be false
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>Another trumplet defeated.
If only you were this good at shitposting before November. Hildawg could have won.
>implying an image of sentences could make up for entire articles of information.
Memes. Are. Not. Facts.
I actually realize now that Trump winning was better in the long run. Hillary winning would have driven up insane levels of hate for dems, now that won't happen and moderate levels of hate are being generated for republicans.
Just passed in Maine. Expect the state to go red.
That's wrong though.

This is retarded, and could fuck things up even worse, and I will explain why. Lets apply this to a real life situation.

Lets say there is a family of 7. 5 children, a mother, and father, grandma, and grandpa

Lets say that there are 5 options for what to have for dinner.

Dinner 1 = Cake
Dinner 2 = Ice Cream
Dinner 3 = Spaghetti, and meat balls
Dinner 4 = Candy
Dinner 5 = Salad

Dad votes, for Spaghetti.
Mom votes for Spaghetti.
Grandma votes Salad
Grandpa votes Spaghetti.
Kid 1 votes cake.
Kid 2 votes ice cream.
Kid 3 votes candy.
Kid 4 votes candy.
Kid 5 votes ice cream.

So in a winner takes all system Spaghetti is the winner. Salad comes in 2nd, and candy in 3rd.

Now lets see the "Ranking" version...

Dad votes, for Spaghetti then salad.
Mom votes for Spaghetti then salad.
Grandma votes Salad then spaghetti
Grandpa votes Spaghetti then salad.
Kid 1 votes cake then candy.
Kid 2 votes ice cream then candy.
Kid 3 votes candy then cake.
Kid 4 votes candy then ice cream.
Kid 5 votes ice cream then candy.

Well shit.. it looks like everyone is having candy for dinner. So instead of a healthy meal of spaghetti these fickle children that are uninformed, and do not know what is good for them vote for the candy...

This leads to socialism, and that leads to societal collapse.
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>I actually realize now that Trump winning was better in the long run
Whatever helps you sleep at night bub. State and local politics are still dominated by the right and will be for the foreseeable future. Nationally, Trump will get two more justices for the SC, there will be a radical restructuring of the bureaucracy, and faggots like you still have at least three and a half years to bitch like crazy. I love it.

Best part? The dems are making themselves irrelevant with the push for identity politics and their complete lack of organization. The most expensive congressional campaign was run in Georgia buy a Dem, and the guy lost. An insane ammount of money they spent for nothing. The DNC now has some of the lowest fundraising numbers in years, and should be in panic mode. They are fucked.
Wait, why is salad second place if there are more votes for candy? Referencing your first "diagram".
>Electoral College
I don't think you civics much, do ya? The harder you push towards direct democracy, the more clear you goals and ambitions become.
Are ya'll incapable of reading a thread before posting a reply? I explained why I, and many others, believe that the electoral college is flawed. Even after I reply, 3 of you use the same point I replied to. Check >>132605086
No you are right it's better to just out right rig an election by buying the company that makes the voting machines, allowing anyone to vote (including dead people) and vote more than once, while simultaneously running propaganda campaigns to sow distrust.

I like all but the third
>import millions of people and have them vote for you
>gerrymander your solid blue states so no republicans can ever win there again
>claim that the right gains the system

Nice bait. Lots of (You)s incoming.
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