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ISIS widow 'crying' and wants to go home. (to UK)

>ISIS widow Sally Jones desperately wants to return home to the UK — but can’t because leaders of the terror group won’t let her go, according to a new report.

>After marrying her ISIS hubby Junaid Hussain, Jones became a top terror recruiter in Raqqa, Syria, and was implicated in two plots to kill innocent Americans.

>As a couple, they were dubbed “Mr. and Mrs. Terror.”

>But since Hussain was killed by a US drone in 2015, Jones has been hiding out in hopes of one day returning home to Kent, England.

>“She was crying and wants to get back to Britain but ISIS is preventing her because she is now a military wife,” another military wife, identified only as Aisha,told SkyNews. “She told me she [wishes] to go to her country.”

>“She lost her husband in a battle last year. She has one boy,” Aisha added, referring to Jones’ 12-year-old son, a child fighter who is believed to carry out executions.

>Before Jones became a terrorist, whose nom de guerre is Umma Hussain al Britani, she was a guitarist in an all-girl punk rock band called Krunch.
burn the fuse, take the bruise
>The Isis poster girl from Kent who took her young son to wartorn Syria has been "crying and wants to get back to Britain", it has been claimed.

>Former punk rocker Sally Jones - nicknamed the White Widow - became a key recruiter for the extremist group after travelling to Raqqato marryjihadist Junaid Hussain.

>But the wife of another Isis jihadist, who only gave her name as Aisha, told Sky Newsthat Jones wanted to come home but was being prevented from doing so by group leaders.

>"She was crying and wants to get back to Britain but Isisis preventing her because she is now a military wife. She told me she wish to go to her country," Aisha said.

>"She lost her husband in a battle last year. She has one boy."

>Jones became infamous after fleeing Britain for Syria with her 10-year-old child in 2013. Her husband, who ran digital operations for the jihadigroup, was killed in drone strike last year.

>In a Twitter postafter his death she claimed she was “proud my husband was killed by the biggest enemy of Allah, may Allah be pleased with him”.

>A Muslim convert from Kent, Jones is another prolific propagandist for Isis and has published “kill lists” of targets and announced her wish to behead Christians online.
Let her die in a tomahawk murrica bomb raid
Good riddance. Typical women "I'm rough and tough". Realizes there's consequences to her actions. "Daddy Daddy help me".
Leftists think they're fighting the bad West.
pick her up with a tomahawk
Same thing happened to a couple Canadian bitches.
I say we have an official policy to either:
a, take em back and charge em as terrorists
b, leave em there.
c, leave em there and make fun of em.
I'm for C personally.
Bring back the gallows.
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>Join a Muslim group
>Oh no! They do Muslim things!
I want to say I'd like her to be torched from the skies by a drone but I just can't. I hope she has a long life getting raped by her fellow terrorists on a daily basis.
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That is a quick way our for her.

She should suffer her fate and accept that her son too will be vaporized.

Not even as a warning to other women but as a "I told you so" just to her and any other individual wishing to join a group full of monsters.

If you can't see the writing on the wall then you deserve your just rewards.
Got what she wanted and reap what you sow.
Good I hope she enjoys the anal rape.
Fuck this cunt leave her there.
Traitors must die.
hopefully her pussy gets stretched out by some of the brothas over there
I wish to express my sincerest
I like your flag and I like you opinion.
Have a beer and a steak on me.
hopefully she gets raped and killed.
>white women

Dear Islamic Queen,

As a citizen of the world who happens to live in Britain I would like to apologize for the terrible fate that befell your superior Muslim warrior husband. The filthy kuffar that killed the true and righteous soldier of Allah should face trial here in London. We will all do what we can to get you back to the UK and make sure everything is paid for and you want for nothing. Your trauma must be unbearable. We have a luxury apartment and war widow benefit payments ready in your name as soon as we can get you back Mrs Hussain. Allah Ackbar.

Sincerely yours,

A concerned citizen of the world(and UK)
Hahaha serves her right. Take away her passport. She's a traitor to Britain and deserves to lose her citizenship.
too quick , she needs to rot in an iraqii or syrian prison
How ever many millions of dollars it cost to shove a rocket up the ass of her camel jokey husband. It was worth every penny.
>A British punk rocker-turned-jihadi bride is quickly moving up the charts — of the Pentagon’s terrorist kill list, according to a report.
>Sally Jones has recently become a “high priority” on the “kill list” of wanted terrorists, the Sunday Times of London reported.
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Surely we can find common ground here, even the hard Leftists have to agree that she shouldn't come back......right?
By all means let her come back...and then get tried for terrorism and treason. Killing her would be way to quick and easy.
thats mean spirited. rape until her natural death is enough
No, i imagine they would have her back, give her a big hug and a free luxury apartment.
That's so fucking punk rock
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Traitors need to be punished.
I ask again because no one answered me in the last thread:

Is that a bloke?
No. She should be left to rot out there instead of burdening our taxpayers with paying for her prison time. That and knowing our legal system, she'd be back out on the streets in a few years. Her passport should be revoked and never allowed back into the country
what if we can archive that
I mean yeah that's literal treason no? Shouldn't the courts have the ability to strip her of her citizenship
The ISIS men dont even want her as shes deemed Old

c, leave em there and make fun of em.
I'm for C personally.

>The above plus drone them and send pics of their mangled body to their families back home
>join terror group
>recruit ppl and do propaganda
>plan terror acts
tide of war changes against your favor
>cry for mommy
>wants to go home

even as a traitor she's a traitor

Kill the whore.

Traitors die first.
Eh, maybe i could dig that. If you leave the country with intent to join a terrorist group and commit treason then as soon as you leave, you are never coming back. That would get them joggin their noggins before they go.
once a cheater, always a cheater.
>wants to be a rebel, then cries and wants to crawl back when things get a little hard
It's what the bitch signed up for, she should be left to rot in the syrian desert.
She should go back to bongistan and be executed as a traitor
Religious Extremism is the new punk rock. Everybody is doing it. why arent you, anon?

Deus fucking vult
She's probably gonna go free or get off easy for being a woman.

Let her back in and then suddenly Surprise

Hanged, drawn and quartered
She's probably getting beheaded by her own son for saying she wants to defect ISIS and go home, and her stroy even making western news
How bout no?
She's probably not even real, just another media promoted bogeyman.
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>mfw the sultan of londonistan will personally welcome back "britain's brave warrior for feminism" and hand her over her well deserved truck of peace and complementary luxury apartment
Cool, I hope we get to see her mangled body on liveleak soon.
:^) I was thinking this too.
how has she not been raped and beheaded by her fellow peaceful terrorists?
Yasssss sister you go girl!!! Join Isis if you need to. YOU DO YOU
Please kill her isis. I am begging you
She got her groove back, then she got a groove in her back
>tfw no qt punk rock isis gf
since this has made global news she will be a too hot potato for western politicians. she will die there for sure by the hands of her fellow terrorists or by some drone strike
She's worth literally ones of dollars on their slave trade.
>when you voluntarily sign up to be an isis cum rag
she just wants a free mansion in london can you really blame her
She should be skinned alive. Doesn't deserve her white skin.
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>ask for her coordinates under the pretense to pick her up
>send a B-21 and level the place
I would personally kill her myself
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the bitch is the enemy. fuck her: she should be treated the same as any other enemy combatant
Come home, white woman.
See if you can kill a US soldier before you do, though. Trudeau will reward you generously.
>muslims get a house in central london provided to homeless, because muslim refugee
>immediatley rent it out to another 10 syrians
>move out of london and earn 3K a month in cash from the rent
>catches on fire
>they hit the jackpot
>refuse all houses offered by council to rehome them, even though they DON'T FUCKING LIVE THERE
>get a million £ apartment for free
>rent it out to 10 muslims
I hope she gets found by US troops and rather than being saved, is executed on the spot
>desperately wants to return home
>can’t because leaders of the terror group won’t let her
not because the leaders of the UK will execute her traitorous ass the moment she sets foot on UK soil.
what the fuck is wrong with you bongs?
That's what they get for trusting a turn cloak.
Why don't she try going to Sweden?
Punk is the perfect genre for women. It's all about dressing up and requires no musical talent.
She signed her own death warrant. No mercy for traitors.
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Most likely they will bring her back,take her to a few reality shows and brand her a hero for standing up to ISIS.They will claim she was misunderstood and was pressured by the western society to live a conformist life and thought of Syria as her way out as an independent woman.Her husband pressured her and threatened to kill her son if she wouldn't recruit terrorists and kill innocents herself.She's already signing a biopic with Warner Bros as we speak.
kek you reap what you sow bitch, enjoy getting passed around isis camps like a lit spliff bitch
She must have gotten tired of being gang raped.
Haha, oh wow!
I hope she gets raped to death.
This is literally treason. Treason was the worst kind of crime since forever. Treason is,
1) plotting to behead the queen
2) plotting terrorism againt the state and crown
3) debasing the money supply

Its on par with printing currency because it devalues it and turns us all into debt slave-

- oh .................. nevermind

she doesn't care if she goes to an ENGLISH prison

A female UK prison, she's going to be handled with kid gloves. get to see her family. Fed 3 times a day, with good food. And not fear of dying.

best thing to do, revoke her passport. And let her climb that terrorist list.

Eventually she will die, and as the final moments creep up, and she realizes she's going to die. She's going to realize even more than she does now, that she fucked up. Big time.
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She will be executed via a drone strike soon. This has happened before, they cry about wanting to come home and then they end up getting killed in a drone strike.

Stupid bitch, I hope your death is painful.
>be a white western female
>be in a all female band called Krunch (lol)
>convert to Islam
>move to Syria to join IS
>so 12/13 year old son is a child soldier
>husband makes propaganda for IS
>you want to behead Christians
>husband dies in a drone strike
>start to realize this isn't fun anymore
>cry like a bitch
>wants to go back to the U.K

I hope IS has turned her into a sex slave or kills her and posts it online. this bitch is a turn-coat.

Never underestimate the evil and treachery of leftist scum.

Just look at my countrys election

what? so she didnt exist at all? the news just accidentally create her?
Our London """Mayor""", he legit """lost track""" of HALF the returning Syrian war-fighters. We only have tabs on HALF the most likely terrorist associated fighters who have, somehow, been allowed to return """home""".

It's a fucking joke, it's bad enough that they're let back, let alone in the numbers they are, then the fucker hasn't kept track of them.

Thanks for killing this filths husband though America, glad someone cleans up. Sorry for the mess.
The worst part of it all is that she dragged her 10 year old son there with her and he's now a child executioner.

The father has to be livid.
I feel so sorry for her. Really.

Totally sorry. No doubt about it.
lets send her home in a body bag
>punk rockers telling Americans to vote for another fucking D.C. suit just because she's a woman
>punk rockers becoming ISIS brides
If you needed any more proof that punk is completely dead and unsalvageable, then here it is.
Don't. She no longer has a right to live. Her life is forfeit.
I hope Russia bombs her into pieces
This is what SJWs ultimately amount to. Retards who want to decay society and rot it from the inside out then cry for normality after they've flung their shit about. Hope she dies slowly and painfully. Apparently no one will take her for a wife because she is too old.
Kill the botch and her son. They're irredeemable.
>Sally Jones

I don't get why people like this aren't brought home then arrested for treason?
this. i would have white knighted a few years ago but really you have to be the bluepillest of normie the go over there now.
He's not being serious,Sven.

she should be executed.
She is the real victim
Lol she is learning about the consequences of her actions one muslim gangrape at a time.
I would honestly be more pleased to see her parents outraged when she gets bombed to oblivion by Mattis.
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No. But I am. Fuck this made me hateful.

I need to calm myself down.
Drone strike that stupid slag.
I think her son should be allowed to come back, but not her. He was taken there without any choice in it. He should be very heavily monitored at the least though and have some pretty intense therapy after all the things he's done and witnessed
women are hardwired to jump ship the moment anything goes wrong and try to find a new (stronger) provider.
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Sorry might not cut it this time.

This is a full blown global war being fought amongst the citizens because the enemy is too cowardly for open conflict.

Your tea-drinkin' asses have done nothing but make it more difficult. If you're really sorry, you'll grow a pair of ovaries and cut the shit.
If we can elect someone like Trump, I don't see why doing anything similar is so fuckin' difficult.
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>Umma Hussain al Britani
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Thanks zorba-bro.
Why would sand niggers want used goods

Fuck even the pansies across the pond didn't want to grab her pussy

Plus she's a "punk rocker" then joins an caliphate of sorts, goes to show how batshit crazy she was
they should tell her to wait at certain coordinates for pick up and that they'll send a helicopter. then they should send a missile instead.
>DSP Tries Islam
Don't let the Canadians see this, they'll offer her millions to come live there.
I hope she and her half breed sand nigger pup both die there.

or stipped of citizenship and abandoned, which they should be, and if ever caught in battle executed for treason. Reality is your government wants more of this, and will reward her for what she has done.




No good ever comes from not stomping out the whole traitorous bloodline. It just encourages others.
To be fair I think we just got lucky. Anyone else without trump's massive fame and genius level persuasion and we would have wound up with someone a paul ryan-tier in the white house. I don't think there was a mass awakening on the level that we should have needed to take the white house with a real nationalist. We need Trump to complete the red pilling to really have the country we'd like to imagine we have.
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>tfw you guys are probably right
Civil war or collapse really is inevitable for all of us....it's just a question of when. We're already well past the point of no return.

Most likely they'll sympathize and when she comes back she won't even be sorry or anything and put the blame of wanting to come back on something other than being a pocket pussy for ISIS sandniggers for the fear of getting killed.

Now I'm would up again - FUCK
I hope a bomb tears her body in half and she suffers for hours.
>or stipped of citizenship and abandoned
then treated as any other enemy of the state
Now she serves the brown cock
>allow her back
>greet her at the airport, escort her to the Kent public square
>publicly hang her, dump the body in a bog
That or burn her like a witch
The point is that it's a big step that has had an actual effect.

The queen could be fucking beheaded on live television and the pussy fucking limeys would just sulk and call the beheader a victim.

It's pathetic. Grandad has gone senile and belongs in a home.
They have him carrying out executions.
He's a lost cause. Also a shitskin.
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Yeah bring her back to be executed.

The west will most likely conduct a rescue mission and shower her with free shit. God I hate the state of Europe so much right now.
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Payback's a bitch, and so is she. It's a shame her kid (conceived in 2004 - long before the invention of the Islamic State) is coerced into being a murdering mudslime. However, that just goes to show the wickedness of islam and feminism both. I think now we see the intersection of the two ideologies. Feminazis always did just need a good hard fuck and a man to dominate them, and here comes pisslam which does both.
england still has castles and stuff
hang her and leave her hanging from a castle wall till she rots
for extra shock points do it from the tower bridge
I thought he's white though? I read some page someone linked earlier and the boy was 10 when she moved there with him, which was only 2 months after she met the sandnigger she went to marry


Drone Strike her
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They don't execute people in europe. All their men are homosexuals. If they brought her back, they would sentence her to life in prison. she'd do 18 months and they'd release her to live on """benefits""" for the rest of her life. A month later she'd go right back to recruiting for the Islamic State and Anjem Choudary.
I'm not going to disagree with you there, I've seen some real cucked shit out of UK and Europe that really shocks me.
When's the last time england hanged anyone?

Protip: they didn't even hang alan turing, and they had him dead to rights as a homosexual.
And what are you going to do with her little brat? The limpwristed pearl clutchers would insistent on taking him back because muh human rights and he'll end up killing a bunch of people
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all these people are contaminated you cant trust them, if you are so insane you joined in the first place or want these people in the west you should stay in sandnigger country forever tbqhfamalam plus she is a genocidal criminal ffs
That doesn't mean she didn't commit bestiality with some other sand nigger when she was in britain.

Aw, who are we kidding. The british aren't people either.
Current canadian policy is to accept them back with open arms, not even a "please don't massacre us" card.

Or was that sweden? I cant remember anymore, it's all going to hell.
Too good for her. Tell her to shuffle off her mortal coil.

I just want them to fucking do something.
The white race is being attacked from every fucking angle by parasites leeching off the civilization that WE fucking built.

My ancestors are from Britain and ancient Normandy.
It infuriates me watching all of Europe burn to the ground with a smile and a thumbs up.

I have no sympathy for these dumb cunts. What kind of retard joins ISIS?
We also have 'dutch' that want to return after their little adventure against the assad regime. I'd say let them all 'disappear' during their travels back
You're right. They could even execute the queen herself and the bongistanis wouldn't care. They have allowed themselves to be utterly cuckolded by foreign invaders.

How did they get to this state?
Now that this article has been published they're going to beat her to death with hammers
the editing of the video could not possibly be much more obnoxious
That pic.
In an ideal world
>her son would be tortured to death
>she would get an acid facial, and live the rest of her days as a desert dwelling garbage bag
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We must make America Great again first. Then perhaps we can give a lifeboat to europe. But if they don't want to save themselves, there's only so much we can do.
What a silly women... you guys aren't that bad I thought /pol/ was revolting
Bring her home and hang her as an example. Let the dogs and vermin eat her corpse, and penalize any who attempt to bury her.
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I have no sympathy for Swedes. What kind of retard invites ISIS into his nation?

I really hope that she dies. Burn the coal, pay the toll.
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You should have voted Geert Wilders. Now you get to live with importing more muzzies.
Judaism and Feminism. It has subverted and corrupted britain to the very core. degeneracy and thoughtless policies based only "muh feelins" are rampant and championed. Not too far off from our country to be honest, but we're actually fighting it. Americans are like that. We fight.

Not that I like Nazis. My mother was raped as a child by a Nazi and the Jew that he brought with him to America helped him cover it up until he died.
She was driven insane by the lack of justice.

So don't think I sympathize with you for a second, you fucking uneducated traitor loving faggot.
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No, she's going to be raped repeatedly by muzzies who "marry" her for just long enough to blow their load, then "divorce" her again.

>be in a punk rock band
>join an extremely strict religious terrorist group with aspirations towards large, invasive, theocratic government that one day wants to control the world

well, it looks like your second condition is being met. And if the reports of the Islamic State being defeated are true, perhaps your first condition will be too.
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Don't get on a high horse soon you traitor-raising plebian.
against what?
>ISIS widow 'crying' and wants to go home. (to UK)
Maby she should talk to canada. Hell, they will probably apologize and pay her 10 million also.
Show your real flag bro
Part of making America great again would be executing braindead uneducated Nazi traitor scum like you who, instead of getting history from all over the world, gets it from /pol/ and Stormfront.
And no, don't get it from the jews either.
Hitler executed innocent non-combatant Germans, killed his highest ranking officer based on paranoia alone, and was such a worthless failure that he gave the jews the most power they ever had in all of history.

There are many things you can betray and still be welcome in society. Betraying your country, or all of western civilization, is not one of them.

I hope she doesn't die, either. I hope she is never allowed back and is forced to live in the hot hellish dumpster fire that is the middle east for the rest of her natural life.
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Your mother liked it. If she was really driven insane she could have had justice any time she wanted. Americans are like that. We fight.

It's silly you think a Jew would work for a Nazi in America, though. Silly.
she needs to be brutally tortured and executed, zero tolerance for islam barbarity
No the cunt shouldn't be allowed back. Why the fuck would she think this was a good idea at all?
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Why? What are you afraid of?
>ideology literally based on opposing jews
>gave the jews the most power they ever had
choose one and only one :^)

You know, there is a more fun way.

Let her back in but give her something that she and no one else around her will forget where she came from.
He's actually white, and before she left the poor kid would ask his grandparents and father to let him stay there instead of at home. Before they left his father (who thought they were just going on a vacation to meet the sandnigger's family) begged her not to take him over there and she threatened to call the police if he didn't stop "harassing" her over it. It's a fucking tragedy what women will do to their own children and what the government will do to stop fathers from protecting them.
>What are you afraid of?
Why I would I be afraid? I'm guessing that you are from a country that is only somewhat less stupid than Sweden when it comes to immigration.
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I know.
The problem is that ALL of the short edits of him talking are at least somewhat obnoxious. His unedited speeches are all 20+ mins and most people here in recent months don't seem to have the attention span for that.

Dr Pierce is absolutely essential /pol/ viewing material, gotta spread it somehow.
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No Refunds
She deserves death for punk rock tb h
Nah, kill her as a sign to others that we don't care if you're white you fight for these cunts we'll kill you too
Why do you allow it then, Nigel? Why don't you make britain Great again?
Probably true. Reminds me of pictures of Isis burning drumsets in the desert.
She should stop crying, stay there and assassinate some of the scumbags there if she is a trained killer and came to dislike them.

Seriously I'm usually full of empathy but this is just: you reap what you sow
Come on man, I PAYED MY JIZYA! LOOK! Such bullshit duuude, nothing I could do.
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Oh, so you want to see my flag so that you can feel better about yourself by making some kind of tu quoque argument?

Sorry, Ahmed, that won't make your country one ounce less cucked.
And she will cry until she dies, fuck this criminal cunt. May she experience justice the hard way.
You know nothing about which you speak.
The Jew rat was smuggled out of Germany because the Nazi rat was fleeing the sinking ship and the Jew knew english quite well.
The rats had to keep a cover to avoid authorities. It's happened millions of times before but I wouldn't expect an uneducated sack of shit like you to know anything about that.

Typical for Nazi scum to just shit on everything with zero thought process.
I guarantee you that DEFEATED flag is hiding anything but an American flag.

I have nothing more to say to an insect like you. I hope your death is slow and painful, traitor.
I say bring 'em back and allow public shaming. Tote 'em around the streets and let them see the mistake they've made.
If she gets back the human rights industry will be all over her, an activist judge will free her and she'll live off the British taxpayer for the rest of her life. Fuck her, let her rot!
Oh it's just the opposite and you know it. You'll *only* kill the whites. The arabs you'll make excuses for because they don't know any better. Wouldn't want to be racist, would you!
you had HILLARY CLINTON to run against.
THE most corrupt politican to ever exist, who has less prospects of reaching 2020 than Jimmy Carter. That bitch was the most unlikable candidate to ever run for president and that was good for you.
Trump is a heroic man who had the privilege of a neutered two party system and the ability to run independent, not to mention the billions to self fund. Farage is tarred as a turbo-racist by the BBCuck news network, and we do not even have a "FOXX news" equivalent to fight back that narrative.
you have free speech in your constitution, we are lucky if we don't get jailed for making twitter posts against islam.
you don't have a large portion of pakistanis already shipped into the country 20-30 years ago pre-information era.
Qatari's and Saudis own large amounts of our prime real estate and actively fund their agenda in the UK, the UK is much easier to control than the USA both in terms of size and power.
All trolling aside, please don't kick your British brothers while they are down, brexit paved the way for Trump.
>Its on par with printing currency because it devalues it and turns us all into debt slave-
>- oh .................. nevermind


I want out.
>hopefully she gets raped
Don't doubt it.
Nah, its just we don't tell people we do it, the SAS are in shit for shooting Arab Civilians
Wait, if I'm not an American, how am I a traitor?

Nevermind, that's too difficult for you to answer. And it doesn't matter anyway.

Because you don't have the mental capacity to realize that even if a Jew needed a Nazi to escape, once he's in the United States there's nothing to keep the Jew bound to the Nazi. He'd leave at the first opportunity. Not risk himself by covering up rapes for no reward.

But I get it. You are blinded by your own impotent rage. That's fine, you can be that way if you want. But you don't get to pretend that your emotions are logic, though.
Drone that bitch, and her son.
Let her know we don't want her.
We want her dead....and her son of course.
ISIS, if you are on this board, let her know.
Obviously not, but seeing the pot call the kettle black as an insult(as seems to be the case) is the height of stupidity.
>a traitor expecting to just come home like nothing happened
Guess again, cunt.
Nonsense. We could mitigate the cost of imprisoning her with forced labour. She is a musician. We could have her put on shows for the public where they can come and shame her!
I hope she is tortured and raped until she dies of old age. She deserves is.
a tomahawk anal?
>returning home to Kent
Fuck off.
The middle east is your home now you dumb cunt.
I'm ignoring this wall of text because it's a european thinking he knows a goddamn thing about the American political process.
Protip: The Democrats' corruption is so powerful they can do things like that. Just look at how Bernie was caught smiling when she lost.

We also banned a bunch of predominantly Muslim countries from sending people here while you still have daily terrorist attacks.

Infact you're defending muslims right now just by being an angry infant fuckface instead of doing something about your burning country.

Fuck you, Nigel. Your country desrves to burn for having so many cowards like you in it.
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>I need to calm myself down.

Request denied.
what if it was your daughter or your sister, you would want her back, stop being such hypocrites.

This is what you wanted, you stupid bitch. This is what you got.
If you studied our elections a bit you should have known that Wilders could never achieve what he wants. Still second biggest party.

And considering the adventurersthat return they will get prosecuted but i rather have them dead then waste tax money. Still unlike Sweden that gives them a new identity and gibs
Are you sure about that? She turned her child into a soldier. There's a special place in hell for those who disregard human lives, I'm sure even activists have some decency. She betrayed the nation that would protect her child and ensure his success for her selfish crave for a brown dick. She deserves to get burned until her skin is no longer white, until she is nothing but a piece of trash. Then if she survives she can come back with so many deformities that only cockroaches would be attracted to her.
lol and she wants to "go back to the UK" top kek
>join terrorist group
>can't leave
Your trolling is shit. I feel like you don't even believe your own bullshit.
bring her home
execute her
I guess the british have very short attention spans. All the way up until the DAY OF the election, the entirety of the American media was saying it was already all over for Trump and clinthole had won. Even FNC.

The secret, of course, is that we don't watch TV news any more. You shouldn't either. It's a failed experiment. Time to move on to the internet instead of watching fake news.

see now that's clever
>england still has castles and stuff
>hang her and leave her hanging from a castle wall till she rots

>9000% A E S T H E T I C
Do you think you'd be able to organise, train, and arm white nationalists in a country that is constantly monitoring its citizens, restricts access to weaponry, and illegalises speaking out against non-whites? I have neither the money nor the charisma to do such a thing, and if there was anyone like that out there you'd think they'd have already started by now.
* snorts* like how was i suppose to know that joining a jihad would be illegal such buuuuullshit.
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See, there's your problem. You should be giving them medals. You used to, you know. Now you just let jihadis decapitate royal marines on the streets of your capitol.
>Lives in western society
>Speaks english
>Flies a Nazi flag
>Has the balls to call others traitors
/pol/ on the back
He didn't say anything bad, actually he said Trump was Heroic, Hillary was Corrupt and the MSM is Bullshit
Interesting metaphor, Ahmed. Is there a reason you're so obsessed with things that are black?
They like the white ones, maybe?
The immediate shift to cuckshit tells me you are American. I'm right, aren't I?
No ones gonna do anything about it, just the Media being bitches
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And in the meantime you let the rest of the slimes just waltz on in like they own the place. In 20 years you'll have mosques on all your tulip fields, and you can call it hollandistan instead.
I like your thinking. What about bringing them back and reinstituting slavery, just for these special cases?
He was an ISIS boy
She said bomb you later goy
He wasn't good enough for her
Well sorry but I usually check out entirely when someone starts a post with "HILLARY CLINTON"

She lost. She should be nobody and deserves death for her crimes.
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Why does the truth seem like trolling to you?


You live with the choices you make.
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>>ISIS widow Sally Jones desperately wants to return home to the UK — but can’t because leaders of the terror group won’t let her go, according to a new report.
jorge wants to be hardcore.jpg
Inappropriate, no less so than the pictures of trump beheaded. Don't be fucking hypocrites, it doesn't matter who the president is you need to show them some respect. Otherwise you are just a savage yourself if you have no respect for rule of law.
Rope and a Lamppost sounds good for her
Keep the traitor.
Why would the media publish an article like this knowing full well that if an ISIS member seen it they'd kill her on the spot? I call bullshit.
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Bring her home
Have her son execute her.
Who said anything about arm? I think you should vote instead.

On the other hand, you definitely should remember how to tie a god damn noose and lynch some traitorous politicians, like everyone on the Rotherham city council.
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To be fair...We (American whites) only control 60-70% of our own vote in the U.S. at this point, whereas you still control over 90% of yours.

I don't say this to attack you, but to remind you that while we both won essentially "narrow victories" the truth of the matter is that your people as a whole have greater "ability" to change things than we do....but they also apparently less will to do so.
>and you've got a big dip in "ability" incoming...
>so you reallllly need get working on your "will"

I hope we all make it through what's coming brother....

Won't someone think about the white-woman crying
>Why would the media publish an article like this knowing full well that if an ISIS member seen it they'd kill her on the spot? I call bullshit.

Which would be a good thing? Not like the media ever does anything good, but this one of the few things.
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The immediate shift was yours, Ahmed. Nobody said cuck before you. It must have been a freudian slip.
>another military wife, identified only as Aisha,told SkyNews.
Sky seem to be well connected to be able to interview the wives of ISIS members. Fake news.

Hope she gets tortured n slaughteted the most horrific way like she deserves
That's great, because no one would ever buy coke zero.
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roasties man
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHaaaah I love this timeline
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Oh you mean this?
I made an infograph of it from his interview and some additional information on the fella
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>wont read "wall of text"
>writes own wall of text
Fuck you.

You have a mainstream media voice on TV that will prop up Trump in FOX.
This is crucial till the old die off.

It is possible for the police to ARREST people for twitter posts in the UK.

We have no guns to fight the government.

You have 5 times our population, you had buffer time for islamifaction and you had less of a welfare state to attract the breeders. Most of our problems with this shit started with immigration that pre-dates 9/11, it is the children of existing muslims in our country that allow this to propagate.

You have a STRONG Christian community - Richard Dawkins and his ilk destroyed ours.
Traitor scum should be hit with a drone strike
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Literally the exact thing i said when i saw this picture.
I meant surely media isn't allowed to put someone's life at risk like that? Whether it's good or bad is irrelevant. Surely our military would know she'd have inside information on ISIS and would want her alive.
And a coward too. The post is still up and everyone can see that once again an american injected their national fetish into an unrelated topic.
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While that's cool and all, it won't save your nation. Your irrational love of muslim cock just doesn't seem to be satiable.
It's pure natural selection. Like mice who spent too much time on an open field to get picked off by an owl. Don't have the right self-preservation instincts? Then you aren't part of the succeeding genetic line.
Whether a scum possesses intel is irrelevant. She is considered an enemy that could kill more innocents at any moment, so her life is not valuable. In fact, it's the opposite. While she is an ISIS bargaing chip, anyone from any country can come in and slay her then come back and get awarded for it.
When I criticised the RMBC for their lack of action with that incident they threatened to sue me for libel and defamation. This country is fucked, the system is against us, all I can do is hope that some brave charismatic man will step forwards and lead us towards a revolution against this corrupt far-left police state.
You just can't stop, can you? Does the cuckshit come naturally to you? Or did your father teach it to you to keep the tradition alive?
>they call the rapists "street children"

Holy shit what the fuck is this
I love it when left wing sluts think rolling with people who despise the West for it's liberal degeneracy (among other reasons) are going to be understanding of her "right" to be free to leave their fucking fundamentalist terrorist group.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
The only thing that saves us is the fact that we have a lot of land and that you're on an island.
Also you have a much stronger case for White advocacy/ethnostate whatever you wanna call it then we do.
All in time, when the economic collapse happens, we'll be back on track. For now prepare and remember the traitors.>>132385080

I would say that the Bongladeshi government should go round her up to bring her to justice, but she already put herself into hell on earth of her own volition, so, mission accomplished.
lmao, her sand nigger husband dies and she wants to go home...

this. fucking. timeline. is. priceless.
>Traitor wanting to go home
You've made your bed; you go lie in it. Women must be shown the harsh consequences of their stupid and mostly emotionally-led decisions. Make examples of such women. Show them that having a vagina is not license to do something stupid and not get punished for it.

This is equality, roasties. Men pay a price when they do something stupid. It's about time women did the same; by force, if necessary.
>Bring her home
>Have her son execute her.
He'd probably do it without a second thought.
And than we have to deal with a fucking child soldier on our soil!
>Why would sand niggers want used goods

They fuck young boys, Norwegian men, goats, sheep, camels, horses, and Arab women. Pretty sure they don't care if what they're gang-raping is still a virgin
Fair point, but I think the story is bullshit.
>all that news
>she was a guitarist in an all-girl punk rock band called Krunch.
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lol if she tries to escape and gets caught she'll be publicly stoned to death to set an example, it's happened before with other ISIS waifus.
Obviously we would execute him afterwards for participating in a public execution.
You should have demanded they sue you, so you could prove in court once and for all that they were responsible for 1400 girls being raped!

That, or you should have lynched them. That would be my first choice.
Yes, c sounds good.
She should be solicited to return, and the publicly, and painfully executed, followed by her poor, lost son.
let her come home
then hang her for treason
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To me? My good Ahmed, it is natural to you! All I do is tell the truth, which naturally doesn't change.
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The nation where feminists in government made peeing standing up illegal.
>no u
Nice banter.
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Well imagine my shark.

I just hope all those western traitors die before they get the chance to get home and blow us all up after they notice, that there´s no job for a former terrorist
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It isn't banter, Ahmed. It is truth. You seem to be having a hard time with the concept.
Thanks for reminding me Avril Lavigne exists leaf
Righto, Mr 56%.
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>Stupid bitch, I hope your death is painful.
With thermobarics like the Hellfire AGM 114N, if the blast doesn't kill the target then the overpressure / underpressure pulse ruptures their lungs and they drown in your own blood ...
>ban men
I wonder if this is why the segregate men and women in a few muslim countries.
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How many refugees have you welcomed today?
How many illegal immigrants have you welcomed today?
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I live in hawaii and don't go to nail salons.

So zero.
Illegals don't compare with the refugees you receive. Surely there's no immigrants settled on the NYC train stations raping every one and getting away with it you cuck.
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>Righto, Mr 56%.

Are we talking about the percentage of swedes who have been raped by muslims or your income tax?

I'd say backing out was a good idea on my part, those filthy rats are in bed with the courts. Hell, I even know a local judge and he's the most stereotypical kike you've ever seen, when his cheating abusive daughter divorced my uncle he bribed one of his fellow judges and you know what happened? Nothing. Police said they would investigate but nothing ever came of it, a different judge who was the guy's best friend replaced him in the case, and of fucking course the jewish cunt got everything AND my uncle got slapped with a fat ass bill to pay for her legal expenses and credit card bills.
Ignore him, he is just some trolling retard.
this is probably fake just like the Easter one
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You must not have heard. We had an election, and the illegals have been self deporting.
So then you should have chosen the rope. Something has to break eventually. What bongistanis never seem to realize is that lynching was not a system of injustice. It was used when the rest of the justice system failed.
>picture is a photograph of a physical display obviously in a walmart store
>must be fake

Goddamn I fucking hate the people I share my country with.
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Like you ignore the rapefugees in your homeland?
>traitor to Britain

No more than numerous politicians letting filth like this into our country in the first place, don't forget they deserve the rope just as much as this bitch
Hating white males and western civilization has consequences. These women are following the Jewish brainwashing (white man = bad, non white man = good,) to it's logical conclusion. They are marrying non whites and supporting armies that fight against western people and values. It sure gave them a lot of street cred when they joined though. 10 years on and life sucks though? Not as fun for a wannabe revolutionary.

Look and learn kiddies. This could be your fate if you decide to abandon the west in your quest for revenge on white males and civilization.
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the new version is pretty good tho
There's another "new" flavor? When did they release it? Last time i tried coke 0 it still tasted like hot garbage.
More like you ignore the ones in your country.
very recently, a couple of months ago maybe (in sweden at least)
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show us ur flag
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We banned muslims. You're importing millions of them. Not to mention forcing the other eurogays (redundant, I know) to keep their borders open to the point that italy can't take it any more.
Way too mature a post for this website anon.
>(in sweden at least)
I think that may just be the muslim cum being pumped in by their new employees.

I'm going to try some later today while i get drunk and light off explosives, you better not be playing a trick.
looks like you don't have it in burgerland yet


it really does taste more like normal coke
>tanned German
Germany is dead.
when was this published?
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