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Ukraine: >0.2% of the population are Jews >62% of the

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>0.2% of the population are Jews
>62% of the parliament are Jews

Has anyone been more cucked in history?
1) Because jews are intelligent people.
2) There is no jewish conspiracy
3) There is a capitalist/globalist conspiracy, and YES jews are overeprsented. That's because of their intelligence to get there in the first place. Meanwhile there are Muslims, Christians and Athiests within that 0.1% of globalists too.
Reveal your flag putinbot

Anyway the East is as manipulated by them as we are, only the chinks and japs are free of the merchant
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Tbqh we should all feel sorry for Ukraine. They never had the KGB structure to save them from the post-soviet collapse and corruption, and the only thing that was offered as a way out was a revolution that was actually meant to enslave the people further. They got rushed and taken for a ride that resulted in many rich (((billionaires))) and a miserable populace.
Remember kids, with Jews and globalists you lose.
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Their prime minister is Jewish too top kek

So if we go with percentage alone even if we are not racist by any means we should just kill off the jews if we don't want globalism ?
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Now you understand the ways of Adolf.
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Hohol your shithole is so poor you think Bulgaria is Germany

Officially poorer than Moldova
this whole jew conspiracy theory started as a meme and larpers and newfags took it too seriously

Lots of unsourced and unprovable claims.

Get the Russian dick out of your mouth.
Ukrainians: 75% of Ukraine
Ukrainians in their own parliament: 15%

Ukrainians are subhumans
They are abused by the system and has been since the fall of Kievan Rus.
>Has anyone been more cucked in history?
Russia & America
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So you think Ukraine is an artificial creation with no culture nor history?

>me too

White people aren't anything special.
Israelites are the chosen 'race' by God

Deuteronomy 14:2,

"For you are a holy people to YHWH your God, and God has chosen you to be his treasured people from all the nations that are on the face of the earth."

And with Christ, God considered all races and gentiles, blacks, yellows, reds.

Anything against that truth is from Satan origin because hes the father of lie and hate, hes a homicide since the Eden

The more you rage with your blasphemous mouth the more you approach to your penalty in the final judgement.

Thats funny how racism and xenophobia are two characteristics of the Antichristians in the service of the Antichrist.
I don't think so, Ukraine is probably the Historically most cucked existing nation in the world. The Assyrians are probably number one but they don't even have a country.
Is this related to why the US sponsors Ukranian neo-Nazis?
Isn't there some shitty eastern European country whose head of state isn't elected by them but appointed by the UN or something retarded like tfhat?

But what about diversity? These politicians need to be shamed out of their posts so a strong black can take their place.
The Ukraine has existed for less than 20 years.
There is no
to talk about.
>implying Ukraine doesn't celebrate diversity
Oy vey. Ukrainians are very western and liberal people. Very full of tolerance for the Negro.
What is Ashkenazi jews?


Regions with significant populations
United States 5–6 million
Israel 2.8 million
Russia 194,000–500,000
Argentina 300,000
United Kingdom 260,000
Canada 240,000
France 200,000
Germany 200,000
Ukraine 150,000
Australia 120,000
South Africa 80,000
Belarus 80,000
Hungary 75,000
Chile 70,000
Belgium 30,000
Brazil 30,000
Netherlands 30,000
Moldova 30,000
Poland 25,000
Mexico 18,500
Sweden 18,000
Latvia 10,000
Romania 10,000
Austria 9,000
New Zealand 5,000
Azerbaijan 4,300
Lithuania 4,000
Czech Republic 3,000
Slovakia 3,000
Estonia 1,000

Do you want to learn more about the jews that run the show today, study the Ashkenazi.
The people has been there since the Slavic migration
Technically it's existed for 30 years throughout all of recorded history :^}
The people had the exact same government as Russia the entire time.
>Slavic migration
There was no such thing. They are conquered east Balts, just like Russians.
What makes you hate East Slavs so, fake commie?
I have the hammer and sickle proudly represented in my city.
Russians and Ukrainians are west Slavs, unlike you they are white.
top fucking kek
hi i live in america and my media, finance, academia, government, and even judicial branch AMA
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jews are like the master race am I right my fellow goym? jews should just lord over the other races as they are clearely more ''intelligent''
That's right. It only takes one fucking Jew to ruin your day. They must be rejected at all levels, beginning with the spiritual.
>Has anyone been more cucked in history?
JewSA of course. 100% of bank owners who really rule it are jewish financial aristocracy. Even president is ultimate shabbos goy who literally cant stop sucking Bibi's dick.
Whites are chosen by God and are the true Israelites. The faggots who call themselves Jews are impostors.
>be in USSR for 70 years
>most of the elite is now forever jewish
Coincidence? I think not!
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Change proxy hohol

Also try to debunk OP instead of being a butthurt ad hominem faggot

>Pro-tip: You can't

((((Nuland)))), wife of neocon (((Kogan)))) was tasked with the regime change in Ukraine, and somehow the entire government (((((somehow)))) ended up Jewish

>President of Ukraine: ((((Waltzman))))), leader of the anti-donbass military operation: ((Kogan))))), prime minister ((((Groisman))))
>President of rebel republic: Sanarchenko (ethnic Russian Ukrainian)

Really boils by barnacles
>regime change
That's why we see all the same faces in politic?Poroshenko founded the party that brought Yanukovish to power. Nothing changed at large.
It's Zaharchenko and it's a quite common ukrainian surname.
Oh it's you, diaspora vatnik. Haven't seen you around in a while.
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Lel faggot
Try to research the Ukraine (((revolution)))) for yourself
The whole thing is swarming with ((((())))))s like shit with flies in summer

Every thing presented above is true and researched
>Hey almost the entire government are Jews
>Where are your eyes sources , goyimboi?!
I think you don't understand how it works Moishe
Why are Slavs and Anglos so susceptible to kikes?

cuckholes never learn

How does it feel like to be the best goys on Earth cuckboi?
Why are ukrainians fighting their own brothers for fucking jews?
Oy very would you look at that, grandpa Archkike has his hands in this , how (((((unsurprising)))))


btw Кaбiнeт мiнicтpiв is president's administration not parliament.
Try again, homo-sovjeticus.

ZAKARIA: First on Ukraine, one of the things that many people recognized about you was that you during the revolutions of 1989 funded a lot of dissident activities, civil society groups in eastern Europe and Poland, the Czech Republic. Are you doing similar things in Ukraine?

SOROS: Well, I set up a foundation in Ukraine before Ukraine became independent of Russia. And the foundation has been functioning ever since and played an important part in events now.

HAHAHA praviy sektor and bandera are goy pawns.
Complete and utter bullshit. Jews tend create criminal, tribal gangs and that's how they get into power.
Once a society has closed all venues for typical jewish criminality they fall behind in the hierarchy.
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>Everyone opposing globalists and their lackeys must be a Russian or "putinbot",

Try again butthurt belter
For how many centuries have Ukrainians now been jewed, including forced starvation of millions, torture, rape of young women, large scale exterminations?
And all the jews say as their excuse that the animosity stems from a few insignificant pogroms, which were really just oppressed rising up against their oppressor that regularly raped their women and children.
And still, Ukrainians are dumb enough to let the jews send them into a war they cannot possibly win.
What about the promises your jew president made? Is anything getting better or did the jew president really just accelerate the depopulation of Ukrainian lands to make room for the joo overlords?
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STFU putinbot

Your are jelly of our BASED Natsoc jews
>being this afraid of gas
What were you saying about ad-hominems before?
It is your kin who are butthurt about your gommie utopia falling apart, vatnik, not us.
The last one was a jew too. And the one before him as well. And the president. And almost all governors. And most congressmen.
And ALL OLIGARCHS, hell, most oligarchs are governors on top of that.
Joos can't get enough, just being rich by robbing everyone isn't good enough when you can also have your private army and near absolute power over every slave in your region.
How it can be that even a single jew is left in the Ukraine after their history there is a complete mystery to me.
Most people would just be ashamed and leave.
Because ((((they control everything, media, banks, crime,... EVERYTHING))).
Ukrainians are basically the slaves of jewish criminals who sell their daughters as sex slaves in the midele-east.
>Your kin

Sorry faggot
Born and raised in Cuckmany, just don't like kike colonies and non-countries , which cuckraine is.

U mad goyboi?
Fun fact: In some regions in the Ukraine, particularly those near the frontline with high Russian population, the jews who run things can take women at will and by force.
Most sex slaves that end up in Istanbul or Tel Aviv these days originate from this area and are captured, trafficked and sold by jews.
That's probably the oldest jewish business.
HAHAHAHA do you think jews ever knew shame and guilt? They are by far the single worst parasites on Earth.
>Jewish settlements in Ukraine can be traced back to the 8th century, when Jewish refugees from the Byzantine Empire, Persia and Mesopotamia, fleeing from persecution by Christians throughout Europe, settled in the Khazar Khaganate.

Hmmmm really lights up those neurons
You are right, even vatniks in the (((motherland))) wouldn't accept you back. Such is the fate of Soviet diaspora.
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>Still trying THIS hard

Hohols are the most hilariously butthurt and stupid posters by far on this board

I invite you to germoney, my dear friend. My toilet can use some polishing
Your parents are commie diaspora vatnik, that makes you one too. Here we don't even give citizenship to the likes of you.
>My toilet can use some polishing
Um... Russians and Ukrainians are Eastern Slavs, although with very high Mongol/Asian admixture.

Poles, Czechs and Slovaks are the onlyh Western Slavs.
Also, jewish revanchism was the worst in the Ukraine precisely because of these occasional uprisings by Ukrainians.
Jews knew who were the smartest, most respected persons in their towns and systematically killed them off, including all of their families in the Soviet Union.
And they mass executed during the forced starvation whole families on the basis that someone didn't show sufficient visible signs of starvation, which they interpreted as these people somewhere illegally hiding stashes of food.
Ukrainians were so fed up that they just killed millions of their own cattle for no other reason than just prevent the jews from confiscating it from them.
And for that they were executed too.

What is left after all of that is a shadow of the people who once lived there.
Everything westwards from Moscow is western by my standards. The east has too much mongol blood. Have to differentiate them somehow.
THat's what crimean tatars used to do.
Fuck off slavshit
Western slavs, lmao, gimme a break
Russkies and poles are the same slavshits, even in language and appearance
Your petty infighting and no true Scotsman bullshit is hilarious to us Westcucks
Jews always cooperated with Muslims for that. In Russia they cooperated with Chechens to do the same thing.
And during the times of the Ottoman empire they facilitated the slave trade with the Turks.
Usually you will find that jews run these organisations, while the muscle men are people from some brutish culture as jews are to weak and fluffy to provide the muscle for something like that.
That's why I do not doubt that eventually the Israelis will reach a settlement with the Muslims.
After that they'll happily proceed to capture and trade European women again like they always used to.
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Roman Dmowski predicted it all in 1930s.

"No human power is capable of preventing independent Ukraine from falling into the hands of all kind of swindlers [..] helped especially by numerous and most important local Jews. [..] All these elements, in cooperation with few cunning Ukrainians, would form the country's elite. It would be a peculiar elite however, as no other country could boast of having so rich collection of international scoundrels.

Ukraine would become an ulcer on the European body; people dreaming about creating a cultural, healthy and strong Ukrainian nation maturing in their own country would instead find out that instead they have an international corporation, and instead of healthy progress, fast growth of decay and rot."
Finish the job next time.
Why are they so power hungry?
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Poland has a rich history of Jews.
Pay REAL CLOSE attention to what this guy reveals about the use of (((CIA))) and (((Nuland's))) pets brought up from (((Chabad))) and (((French Masonic Lodges)))

Let this Ukraine Army Lt. General break down the Zionist control over Western Ukraine
He lays it out in 7 min.

Kys, kike.
A good presentation about the history of jews and Ukrainians.


Partition of cuckraine to Poland and Russia when
Khazars want their state back.
And they're doing it through divide and conquer between the people of Rus'
Shiiet and I thought Poland was based

They weren't Jew central in the 19th century for nothin
Our strength and our weakness is that we are too forgiving.
On the one hand we can live in peace because we do not act like tribal clans where one family attacks and even kills another one for some shit, but on the other hand: jews and other exploiters.
We should get that right some day and not always repeat the same shit.
Send the jews away for all time to Israel and do not allow them to ever settle in our lands again.
We have all kinds of technology today like gene tests that would enable us to do this.
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>They must be rejected at all levels, beginning with the spiritual.

Based Nip-Nazi Samurai is fighting the Jew on the 4th Dimensional levels... have no fear!
It needs to remain a geographic entity or else The other countries will have to foot the bill for their denbts. Unfortunately Ukraine is here to stay.
No we shouldn't. If they got taken for a ride then they let it happen. Every nation has the government that it deserves.
I'd rather get Belarus returned to motherland than Ukies, they are not bros anymore
>Fascist flag.
>Unsurprisingly defends Ukraine.

Get out of your basement.
You cannot both be a National Socialist and support Russian aggression in Eastern Europe. Putin serves the same Jewish masters, yet the RT shilling on this board has convinced people like >>132346326 that Putin is the champion of Europe because le Orthodox maymay. Russia destroyed Ukraine before on a Jewish whim, so why does /pol/ support their doing it again?
Yeah, you know shit about the jews in the Ukraine. If there is one place in Europe where the jews directly ruled over natives for centuries then it is the Ukraine.
And now you want to convince me that a government completely run by jews is a good government.
Fuck you Heb, we've all seen how life has gotten worse and worse over the last 20 years of kike rule in the Ukraine.
Flag checks out. Fuck off Ivan.
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Their last president was an Israeli citizen who made his fortune selling chocolate in Russia using Russian labor and machinery.

That's literally all you need to know about Ukraine.
Oy Vey I was not aware of this! Thanks OP
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