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Brit/pol/ - Papers edition

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Thread replies: 301
Thread images: 113

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>Huge gun haul heading for UK stopped at Channel Tunnel

>NHS patients' data was illegally transferred to Google DeepMind

>Dog attacks on postmen 'highest in Northern Ireland'

>Vagina surgery 'sought by girls as young as nine'

>Based SAS soldiers 'suspected' of executing unarmed Afghans and covering up potential war crimes

>Knife-wielding attacker in Paisley assaults two men
hey guys, I'm new to Brit/pol/

congrats on Brexit, it seems like you guys wanted it all along

Just out of curiosity, why didn't you guys get along with Europe?

I mean, essentially Europe is like the US, whereas states (countries in your case, same thing) have their differences but nobody actually secedes because we all realize that we're all humans in the end and we need to work together.
Gas anyone who still uses the old-new meme flags desu
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We must isolate ourselves in our bedrooms for the good of the country
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So can anybody explain what the point in anything is right now?
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Europe is nothing like the US
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Support Waters in the UKIP leadership contest.


Anti-Islamic and pro-freedom of speech.

Rally to the flag lads.


Men of Harlech, march to glory,
Victory is hov'ring o'er ye,
Bright-eyed freedom stands before ye,
Hear ye not her call?
At your sloth she seems to wonder;
Rend the sluggish bonds asunder,
Let the war-cry's deaf'ning thunder
Every foe appall.
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The US and Canada consists of mostly European immigrants
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There is a tiny chance that a mentally ill young woman will attach herself onto you and inadvertently become your perfect wife
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Just keep in shape and try to keep up spirits and continue bumbling on with life, until the chance arises for us to seize our destiny. That's what I'm doing and I'm now an emotional husk.
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The time is now.

Just stop with this.
Currently looking after a rabbit. What kind of cage furniture do rabbits like?
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The Fake News Media is really going all out against May. Why do (((they))) want her out of office?
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I can't stand women for the most part.
Maybe I'll have to be a borderline paedo and marry someone 15 years younger than me if their generation is better.

If you're not an emotional husk then you're either apathetic or ignorant.
>it's a "yank asks stupid questions" episode
Brexit and sales/views/clicks
(((they))) put her into office because they knew how much she would fuck up brexit. There is not conspiracy around the way the media are presenting her, she is just really shit at communicating with people and presenting herself in a way that doesn't seem very cold and detached.
I dare you to rub the underside of your dick on it when it isn't looking. It's so soothing desu.
Not bad
That's true I suppose... the only happy, carefree people I know are heavily on the thicko end of the scale.
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do it anon
Probably tubes. Furry critters all love tubes.
Will get her a tube.

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I mean 15 years younger when i'm 35 you plonker.
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This generation makes a stand or it's over.

Enough passing the buck, it's time to see if we mean what we say.
>Lads, I think I've solved it. The press lied about the whole thing. A refugee called Comfy Kat did it.
Probably UKRANIAN.
t. Clarence
No problem. Just make sure it's safe for it to chew on. Furry critters also love to chew.
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Because once shit really hits the fan and destoys everything only then will we be able to truly break the chains of the modern world and thus renew the cycle of civilisation.

In other words were all fucked but hang on for the ride because at the end we will get to go again, back to a time of tribalism when life was simpler without liberalism, capitalism and marxism well thats what im hoping anyway.
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Britpol I love you and will till my dying day, but until then lets see what we can make of bullshit headlines and the continued deghradation of our race. Lets love each other. Until oblivion.
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> Me and Golly will fight for White identity against the Ebil Nazis.
Died literally seconds after this statement and after Adolf directed bombs to explode on nigger toys manufactured by Jews.
what do you guys think of brexit?
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>nigger toys
How long do you think they were preparing?
Not sure, but this WW2 nigger loving Brit died literally seconds after this photo was taken. It's a slippery slope, lad.

What are you going on about?
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So all we can say is that Hitler tried his best?
If a civil war breaks out and whites win, after that there will be the greatest explosion in technological and economical development ever seen.

For me though I am busy with my NEET time learning Chinese in the hopes to escape the UK.
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Are you a MONGolian?
Just make sure they having something to chew on

No I just don't speak in sondbytes or memes, just give me it in the Queens English.
getting near 100% on crash 1 remastered lads what are you doing with your 3am monday night
Dont like Brexit

Dont Like Bigots

Dont Like Biscuits

Dont like Brexiteers

Dont like Bangers and Mash
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Could've been great if our politicians weren't such traitors.
>I think Hitler didn't want war at all. My grandfather's child, Dan, and my father's father, Dan Kirk, my grandad, wouldn't have survived if the Germans were serious about killing Anglos on French beaches.
t.Ian 'n Paisley
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it doesn't matter anymore

LBJ and 68 movement took a perfectly nice, white Christian country
and turned it into a hopeless black/latino/muslim third world hellhole

When baby boomers gone

america look like south africa mix up with brazil/mexico shit
Why don't you shut up and use your eyes, ears and Brain for once?
>just give me it in the Queens English.
That's a nigger.
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>anne marie

> Farage
> French
I thought you had gone to bed, Rightly a Tripfaggot? Do you think Jeremy will be PM once he completes his Jedi training?
I did go to bed. Now I am awake.

Jeremy won't be PM, even after Grenfell and all of the Tory infighting and them not voting to scrap the 1% pay rise cap, Jeremy is still polling many points behind Theresa.
I want to walk to the gym right now but to get there I need to walk through a paki area to get there, might leave it till morning.
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>Jeremy won't be PM
>kekistani flag
OK, I know this is definitely a troll now
>Webheadersupernova, Noel?
Noel slaps Enoch and tells him to sober up.
>but why Noel?
It's Champagne Supernova or nothing, you smug cock. Do it, or I'll join my brother's alternative racist band, No Way Swiss. Your choice Enoch.
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A bunch of faggots in a thread. Why don't you fucking fight me irl? Fuck England and fuck British people.
>Vagina surgery 'sought by girls as young as nine'
Gotta please their mudslimes husbands

Fuck off septic.
Will he become PM once Theresa May confesses to hiring an alcoholic nigger who is an Arsenal fan?
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That's a novel concept for a bunch of pakis

Fuck off you Anglo traitor.
Please retrace the joke to it's origins. Me. I'll wait.
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It's verging on elder abuse.
You mean like your Transylvanian queen that sold you up the river? How bout you fuck off you busted excuse for a free man.

Fuck off nog cuck.
No it is fucking not. The EU removes all public accountability from politicians and allows them to work in secret away from public gaze, while at the same time allowing access to corporate lobbyists. They have made politicians accountable to whichever corporation bribes them the most.
The EU does not hold itself accountable to the peoples that it "rules" instead of "represents".
But europeans have never fought for their freedom, so they don't recognise how important it is that the government is not an all powerful entity able to dictate whatever it wishes. They will learn soon enough now we're gone.
Cossacks 3
You idiotic moron. The joke was mine as soon as I saw someone who looked like Noel with Enoch. I then parodied a band they could have formed with the line up in that photo. Check the catalogue you fucking moron.
Sleeping from 7pm - 2am lately

Most comfy and red-pilled sleeping pattern of all
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At least I'm not going to get locked up for saying nigger. You can't even speak critically about Muslims and take all your anger out on polacks because they are white and it's ok. If anyone is the race traitor it's your pack of dandy asses.

Fuck off Crown traitor.
morning NEETS
Got work at 5
Feels good when you're doing good y'know?,

M8 it was a shit joke anyway...
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thanks for the tax money wagie
>having a job
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.... Awkward..
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You know things only usually get awkward when some awkward fuck says "awkward".
I've met your kind, you consider a companionable silence as awkward too.
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How pathetic do you have to be to steal a meme? I gave this thread Georgina from the posh flats, Enoch's Band, Horse Willy, Tapir Willy, Malteaser Goblin, Creepy old dolls, Je Suis Jeuf, Gemma Arterton, The Simon and mother, to name but a few. What are your contributions, apart from a meme you stole. I'll wait.
I'm glad that obese sep fucked off, see lads if you're persistent it will sink into their thick skulls.

Always remember that Yanks are not our friends, they seek to destroy Europe and have contributed enormously to the current influx of fugees.
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>he keeps track of his "meme" contributions
Forgot to mention. Any meme that is mine is always just an untouched photo, with a comedy description or joke. Been that way since my laptop died, and I had to resort to phone and tablet. I wouldn't touch this site with my computer ever.
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Found the Labour cuck. No more gibsmedat for you.
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Blimey, you are quite the character aren't you?
You smell like a freshly bought book.
Is the paper named after satan saying your boss is a bully real?
I have to masturbate to something. Also spasmongs in the current era have a very short memory retention span.
>Faggistan flag
Go get laid you faggot
My meme production is too high
Even if I tried I couldn't track it
Memes shouldn't be so obvious though
Every meme I make subtly changes this general
Seriously m8

Fuck off sep.
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Yes yes we've all made memes.
But keeping track shows a lack of self esteem.
Fuck you bong. I'll fucking reck you m8
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Checked and KeK'd. He is with us in this thread. He is with Theresa May and Donald Trump. SHADILAY!

Fuck off traitor.
Start buying guns.
This guy knows what's up
This guy is a BBC lover

Fuck off nation wrecker.
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Just been clubbing all night and I'm too much of a pussy to knock on the door and wake everyone up and go in so I'm sheltered under a tree from the rain with 17% battery left waiting for 7am so I can go in, AMA
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>bbc lover
Reminds me of this clickbait.

You go out clubbing on a Monday night? What a plonker.
Summer holiday lad and I don't have any work tomorrow
Not really. I have a certain sense of humour. Certain things amuse me. Other things do not. An engineer will stick to methods that he has tried and work. Why would he throw them away every time he comes to work on a new project. Simple. He doesn't. Same with any profession even comics. Find something that works and repeat it. Find a better comedian, one who doesn't care, and you will find most of the jokes amuse him, and him only. You guys are at best 20 and yet you think you have conquered the world. Your stupidity makes me erect.
You don't need much fucking help do you? When's the last time we told you to do shit? Last I recall sir Winston stink weed was over here talking up our Jews to come bail your pointless war out. Faggot
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>at best 20
Fuck off.
How dare you accuse me of newfaggory!
I've been here near a decade.
Also, tone down the pretentiousness a tad.

Fuck off shartmart.
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>When's the last time we told you to do shit?

American education
The only reason you Americans were able to do anything in the second world war was because the British empire flooded you with money which boosted your industry and dragged you out of the dire straits your economy was in.
Yuropoor education. You weren't giving us money for free you were buying arms, same as it ever was with your pointless continental wars. What fucking good was it anyway?
As much as I hate them I can't help but respect the shills on here, or atleast their masters, because they've finally found the collective weakness of /pol/ and are exploiting it with massive success. This board will be unrecognisable in a year, it's already fairly unrecognisable now.
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/pol/ hasn't changed. We still love Trump.
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Buying arms & supplies at ridiculously inflated prices.
Face it, America wouldn't be shit without the Second World War.
That war the US the world power that it is, nothing else.
Trump is literally a fucking kike no better than Soros and you kekistan retards eat it up because occasionally he reposts a meme on Twitter

You delusional fucking retard
>ridiculously inflated prices
Says who? You faggots thought it a good idea to go to war with like two months worth of munitions and fire it off in a week. Suddenly you're the expert on market prices and what it costs to set up munitions factories? Face it, we would have been perfectly happy to leave you retarded inbred fucks to your wars but you kept calling on your Jew allies to pull us in. For what?
>Also, tone down the pretentiousness a tad.
It's not pretentiousness to call it as it is.
A goddam nigger stole my meme. What kind of Einstein place did this become and when? If it wasn't for memes this place would have died 10 years ago.
The faggots here are unbelievable. People post shit that wasn't even cool when it was cool to be uncool.
The Smiths, Kate Bush, etc. Anybody that was male and cool liked rock music. Media hijacked it. But I can guarantee that any tv programming didn't have rock as their musical theme when it was trumpeted by the long haired fans.

Rock since then has become degenerate. Most people who liked the Smiths weren't engineering graduates. They probably took art or sociology, or were stupid. Nobody who went to a Grammar school liked retarded nigger music. Look it up.

Also, Fuck You
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>two months worth of munitions

The UK produced the most ammunition in the world during WW2.
You clearly know nothing.
Actually, just stop.
I can't be arsed with retards right now.
It's bigger than him. This entire board has been injected with venom, all that is left to do is wait it out as the venom works its way around and what's left.
*and kills what's left
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That tirade was a bit out of the blue.
Wtf are you even rambling on about?

I bet you're one of those faggots who thinks Noel is a better bloke than Liam.
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Hi Shareblue!
Well I'm more familiar with WWI munitions desu and it's all the same to me. Same war; both times you retarded fucks couldn't keep from making the rubble bounce with what little you had. "Help me America!" Ok fine we can make shit for you, even b52's to do day raids while you do the night raids like the faggots you are whatever but don't act like we wanted this to begin with. It was your asses all along that dragged us into both wars for """Israel"""

Fuck off you fat cunt.

Fuck off you ugly piece of shit.
Two blokes who copied Beatles tunes for a living. How original.
England is barely fitter. And your demographics are made up of Somalians and Pakistanis which is hardly fair because we are swamped with Mexicans that are fat at the drop of the hat.

Fuck off you inbred cuck.
Says the fag worshipping an inbred bloodline like they are royalty
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I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume bait.

Fuck off no-culture.
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You will never gain independence unless you take it by force.
we believe in this country, we believe in its people, we think britain can be a lot better than this

we believe in this country, we believe in its people, we think britain can be a lot better than this

we believe in this country, we believe in its people, we think britain can be a lot better than this

we believe in this country, we believe in its people, we think britain can be a lot better than this
Oh the culture you can't stop copping from us at concerts where your daughters get nail bombed? Your loss m8 I wouldn't wish it on anyone but if you want it ok.
I think you'll find that the USA joined those wars simply because the Governments of the time saw a profit to be made. That's all the Great War and World War II was to you guys, profit on the back of war.

>captcha: masjid
What did it mean by this?

It can if we want it to be.


Fuck off New New Mexico.
import islam and wonder why your 9 year old girls think their vaginas need mutilation. could be because their 40 year old muslim boyfriend told them it's ugly.
It's hardly bait, is it? Liam Gallagher is a bellend who praises "Grime" music and admits to writing "rap lyrics"... He's a fucking embarrassment. He was okay-ish in the 90's when he was beating up paparazzi, but now he's just a fucking wannabe and his music is shit

Oasis were only good because they were poor/working class, but the music was shit. It's like that Limmy's show sketch "Wrong way down a one way street"... they took popular sayings/phrases and basically sang it back to their fans, and the fans... being retards like they are, ate it up and spent all their money on mediocre music.

The music is garbage and both of them are washed up hasbeens with dumb fuck, jug eared kids who wear Kanye west shoes and take selfies daily


Fuck off you national disappointment.
Why would we do it for free? We had far more Germans here than Anglos. Seriously the only reason we got cajoled into the stupid wars was for the Jews. As much as you guys meme us for being controlled by them, (and we are,) it was your bankrupt crown that sold out to them first. For your fucking piece of paper with Belgium no less. You couldn't let go of it.

>ancestors fought to keep muslims OUT
>london has a mohamedan mayor




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Just stop you tasteless cunt.
Go listen to your Ellie Gouldling and leave those of us with taste alone.
I've no skin in this argument, I was just clarifying that you weren't dragged in to any war by us - you chose to join it for the money. There's a difference between choosing to do something and being forced in to doing something.
It's not bait. Let me know when Liam plays like someone like Yannick, or a 1,000 others with similar ability. I'll wait.

Oasis sounds like the Beatles in their dreams, that's it. Mediocre, semi-successful with visions of grandeur. Their one semi-interesting song was done better by another artist.
t.Ryan Adams
Ellie Goulding is similar to Oasis you fucking retard
They probably socialise together too

You know nothing about music you fucking dimwit
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Mate you've just shown how fucking clueless you are.
Just stop, it's embarrassing.
You don't even know any of the other bands that influenced Oasis.
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Brutal. But True.
Also, what do you think of the lack of British talent and the X-Factor program? How would you rate Susan's Boil?
We were forced by our elite and we were sold on it by the Jews in the media. There was such a thing as a draft you know. It's sad you fucks killed off entire generations of young men for absolutely nothing but at least we got less killed and now rule the world as we should. None of you have free speech or the right to bear arms. That's how far astray you have led yourselves now. We are the rightful masters of you inbred coddled fucks. And we aren't going to fucking save you from demographic replacement either. We have our own commie problems.

Get the fuck our of our thread you failed state.
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>>NHS gave people hepatitis
>>NHS patients' data was illegally transferred to Google DeepMind

nhs is one big guinea pig farm for the US. stay as much away from it as you can
>Drumpf xDDDD

Slag off you unoriginal fuck. I swear you have spit out every d&c meme there was by now unless you have more. Fuck the queen
Does Noel play as well? I think if you followed my posts I think you will understand that I don't rate either of the mono-brows for either guitar or vocals. They appeal to 90 IQ people who get erect any time Tubthumper plays.

Today, in things Noel can't play
Liam does play guitar, you retard.
Also, Oasis were pretty notorious for "stealing" sounds of other bands, and Noel even admits it.
They're both wannabes now either way.
Utter shite music for people who don't care for music. It's in the same category as Beyonce. It's worthless pop garbage that mentions Tea and other well known "british" things/sayings so people feel connected to it, and they do (of course) because the average person is so lacking a personality that this will do.

Music now is a trust fund kids hobby. It's not for the poor anymore. It stopped being that when the people allowed it to happen.
In 100 years when the only "currency" is social currency, and the only value you can have is being a "celebrity" or some notoriety... who do you think wins? The music industry now is full of teenagers with Jewish/Rich parents funding their careers, and the people? They eat it up, of course! "but she's soooooooo talented!!!!!!!"

All of those overnight stars in the US and UK? The ones who got big from a vine video? Or a social media post? Guaranteed all of them have parents with connections. Some even related to studio execs, etc.
Anyone who plays festivals now are either a) a 60 year old has been from some rock band from years ago or b) A trust fund kid with daddy's connections and a nice haircut

Music is dead, mate
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You're just an autistic retard mate.
There's more to music than playing a fast tune on a guitar.
Not that you could ever understand that since you're left of the bell curve.
it's about who you know, not what you know, and if you think there was a time period when this wasn't the case then you're living in a dream world. humans are selfish and music means nothing
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I never said that Liam didn't ever play the guitar.
I refuse to take the bait from some southern fairy who hasn't faced hardship in his spoilt life,
It's never been as bad as it is now

What part of my post is "southern"? and what part leads you to believe I've never faced "hardship"?
You're just a retard with shit taste, don't blame me, blame your parents for birthing a dumb fuck.
Oasis are good in the same way that catching chlamydia is. You're dick is stinging and you might fuck your organs up permanently, but at least you're getting laid
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If you're from the north and you don't like Oasis then you're a puffta who should fuck off.
If you're from the south and you don't like Oasis then you can't help being a faggot so it isn't your fault.
That's the difference.
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happy independence day, limey bongs.
>liking Oagaysis
They're shit, you don't know enough about music to understand why because you're a dumb cunt

Go listen to Justin beiber or something and fuck off
>And we aren't going to fucking save you from demographic replacement either
How can you save anyone from the same disease you failed to cure for yourselves? You are an empire in decline as the reserves of oil become ever more difficult to obtain, as the citizen propagandist rises and as your once united people fracture in to opposing factions before your eyes. You find yourself facing an enemy you are simply not equipped to deal with - you forced the world in to a fast globalisation and that same globalisation is killing you. You can play pretend and walk high and mighty if you wish but that doesn't change the fact that whatever you say about us can be turned right back on you. The biggest weakness of the American is that they never knew when to stay quiet and because of that you will be left without a friend when your sickly project of faux freedom comes tumbling down.

It's a shame too because many of the original Americans were wise men who knew exactly how to preserve your nation, but you quickly discarded their principles when green flashed past your eyes. You are the most ignorant people on God's green Earth.

Happy Independence Day laddy.
I hope y'all have your very own celebrated independence day with brexit.
Thanks for the truth bombs. I already knew though. It happened in my childhood, or as least as far back as I can remember. I recall a program called Opportunity Knocks, and always wondered why there were no original groups, or people that could write their own songs. I was just getting in to music then, and I couldn't understand why bands/people who wrote their own songs weren't allowed on the program. I guess it was a premonition of things to come where pretty faces used computers to tune their voices in snchronicity with other people's songs. I can relate to the League of Gentleman character who plays a faded and forgotten guitarist from a 70's band called Creme Brulee. There are so many talented people, who didn't make it, or made it a non-commercial level.
Lad, stay down. You got beaten hard.
I doubt it'll become a thing desu.
Yeah I'm only 20 but I realised quite early that there is just no real hope for good music doing well anymore. Even say, "underground" bands can't really make a living now, really. There is just too much shit out there... It's not about the money obviously, but fuck, artists have still got to eat and tour, and actually have time/ability to make the music.
And people in general are more superficial now and care about the image more than the music.
If you're not posting sappy watered down bullshit to some band social media page hourly, or taking pictures of yourself in various mirror, amassing enough "likes" for it to impress some other cunt, then no one gives a fuck for the music.

It's a shame really, but the people like it, so...
You never asked me if I played. You presume a lot. Even a buffoon can play Oasis music. It's literally chords for babies, using A7s as transitions.

>They are sleeping while they dream
>And then they want to be adored
>They who don't say what they mean
>Will live and die by their own sword.

It's like quality, man, but it only appeals to those who've experienced hardship, man.
lol grow up kid

Happy 4th of July
Fuck that
I hope you're joking
>Experienced hardship
Noel is hardly a fucking poet, half of the songs are about nothing, and he says so himself.
It's just bullshit popular sayings and meaningless shit over basic open chords.

People seem to think Oasis blew up overnight or something, but they don't realise Noel was already friends with the right people. He was friends with Johnny Marr long before Oasis were even a band. He was dating some girl who worked at/had connections to a record label, the very label that signed them.
Oasis are living proof that the public will buy any old shit you throw their way, providing you make it as accessible as possible.

The people who bought Oasis records in the 90's are the same people buying the shit in the charts now.
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ours was 2 weeks ago
From whom?
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where have you been?
We don't have an Independence Day, he's just LARPing. We voted to leave something that we voted to join, that's hardly an "Independence Day" worthy event is it?

>mfw that was birthday

It was a great to see
Update I'm now in bed after waiting in the rain for two hours.
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baki's out
I don't understand how what I said has managed to make you believe I'm a foreigner.
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The shitskins are coming
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>but they don't realise Noel was already friends with the right people.
Most people on Brit/pol are aware that Enoch gave him his start, lad. The lyrics were a demonstration of just how bad lyrics can be. I saw Oasis in the Wheatsheaf in Stoke, with an audience of 25-40 max. They were okay. I think it was £3.They were different and in all fairness probably worth £2.

It's a damn shame Paize & Powell didn't hit it big. Damn shame Ian couldn't sing in tune.
How much of a Zionist is this Anne Marie Waters woman then
Wew, right out the gates with the D&C. Calm down, at least get your breakfast before you get to work taking advantage of the blind hate that infects people on here.
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>protest brexit by voting for corbyn
I thought we were the rural and suburban retards?

Pinds and bies, not bakies ogay.
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What's the opposite of bregret?
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>brit/pol/ full of pakis with shit taste in music

Time to go the way of YKTD.
Enjoy your microcosm of the state of the UK you bunch of queers.

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watch it baki :D
>Made a meal and threw it up on sunday
>I've got a lot of things to learn.

>Can you play this to a 2 minute song that only uses 3 chords. Something like, that uses G major, D major and E minor chords?

Like Songbird?

>Fuck, Noel, I guess you're going to have to learn another chord.

Every one of those are fucking shit. You've contributed worse than nothing. For the sake of the thread stop trying to be funny; you haven't got it in you.
I don't get Oasis, I like one or two of their songs but it all sounds the fucking same
How far can an artillery round go?
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corbyn looks like that depressed alcoholic uncle of yours who has nothing left to look forward to
>it mentions jews
Stop trying to D&C, you're pathetic. I despise Jews but if I ran on a national platform I'd also use them as a weapon to get what I wanted. Who's paying you?
Depends on the gun, terrain and round.
To me, he looks like the kind of person who would come up to you at a bus stop with a can of special brew in hand and give you unsolicited opinions on the government.
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Your one post, saying this, adds something to the thread how?
Given the most optimal gun terrain and round, how far?
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Wadge who you're gallin' a baki, you pigey.
Fuck the queen and fuck British people!
I'd say he looks like one of them commie professors at universities but he dresses way too nicely for that

The Germans already tried to destroy London in WWII like that, it didn't work mate.
Probably in the range of 30 miles. Rocket assisted rounds can go for hundreds of miles.
Do you know what her economic views are
How accurate can they be at 30 miles?

> All this because she broke up with you.

Just share her nudes like a normal retard.
Lad, projectlies have been known to land 130km away. Just what the heck are you cooking up in your mother's basement? It's time to shut it down, tripfag.
>redditspacing while phoneposting
I'm not cooking up anything, I'm just curious because of the North Korea situation and I cba going to /k/.
Not relevant here. You are trying to tie her to Jews thus discrediting her among the ranks of /pol/ by taking advantage of the blinding hatred so many here have for Jews. Just as you do with other people like Lauren Southern and other prominent recent figures, scared of their impact you tie them to Jews in the most pathetic ways. Go away and leave us alone.

Not sure mate.

Just google it. Get your info from some place smarter on the subject that us.
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Mate I do not care, we have an Islamic fire in the house. Sorry if I'm not looking around to make sure I haven't left a light on while I'm trying to put it out.

She is unequivocally our best option by some margin.

Hopefully it'll encourage you to stop trying to be funny amd save us all the agony of watching your attempts crash and burn. It'll be a good contribution. Someone has to try and stop you, you're THAT terrible.
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2017. Doesn't appreciate the humour in anons post. Critisizes anon for Reddit posting, when so much cross-pollination goes on there is no longer a pure 4Chan post, or Reddit purity, let alone a 4Chan/Reddit hybrid.
Don't bother replying, he's a D&C shill lad. You can tell my his techniques, they're very raw because he's not a master in them - he's simply doing what his brief tells him. Ignore them and move on, or if you really must reply you should reply by calling them out for the shills they are without displaying anger. Don't bite on to their arguments, stay dead on course and drill down right in to them being shills. Don't let them wiggle.
>u mad tall bois?
Are you talking about all the artillery aimed at Seoul? I used to live there so I know the plans
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>have expired bus pass
>sometimes driver points out its expired
>'oh sorry, here'
>hold out 20 pound note
>he hums and harrs and just lets me on anyway

Every time.
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I hope to fuck UKIP don't shit the bed and kick her out.

She still needs to raise another £9500 to meet the minimum requirements. Hopefully she should make it.
Yeah that's it, got any cool info?
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new material for leaf threads

Reported to the FBI.

enjoy Guantanamo you scum.
I think she will, and if UKIP does shit the bed it will rip them apart in a hurry as their voterbase starts to realise they're nothing but a line-towing set of faggots. With UKIP out of the way something else could then come along, maybe something a little less shite.
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I appreciate your comm… en.. ts….. ZZZZZZZZZ! Jesus, lad, you're the most boring cunt on here, and probably in the UK. I have installed an alert to wake me up every time you post, so I don't miss anything exciting.
Please no.
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Wasn't sure how far to go with this one. It just needs to be readable without being clicked, ultimately.
Yeah they can't aim for shit so when the attack comes it will be randomly aimed. All subway stations are designed to be war shelters and city wide alarms are tested a lot. The North Koreans lack the capacity to move the guns so each one has been plotted and pre targeted. The idea being they would get perhaps one or two shots off before being destroyed. I heard there were between 70 to 90 guns aimed at Seoul, but that might be bollocks. It was thought they could reach all of Seoul, they realised they can't aim from their attack on an island a few years ago, although that may have been deliberate to fuck with the south.
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"For a start the immigration will have to stop, the immigration from Islamic countries has to stop entirely, that is just the way it is," she reportedly told an undercover Daily Mirror journalist in the run-up to the election.

"A lot of people need to be deported. Many mosques need to be closed down. It really has to get tough".

> MFW she wins,
> MFW Farage comes aboard,
> My face when 'but the great back in Britain' becomes a thing we wear on traditional flatcaps.
> MFW We get 15% of the vote and 5 seats in the HoC leading to some actual change.
Why have ukip never got more than 1 house seat? How hard is it to find a few seats that hate immigration and campaign hard there instead of across the country?
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Anyone else think that this ISIS lady looks uncannily like Jeremy's therapy instructor from Peep Show?
>On my way to welfare wearing disguise number 14
>have Uncle Mohammed's expired bus pass
>sometimes muslim driver, uncle Bahamar points out its expired. Only when Kaffir looks, mind.
>'oh sorry, here'
>hold out 20 pound note
>he hums and harrs and takes my money
>the collection for the new mosque is going well.
>Got off bus and macheted a young white girl.
>Allahu Akbar, lads.
Are you still smoking Crack Pipes, RS.
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>Britain picked to host Wimbledon this year

Reminder that the Grenfell survivors are demanding UK citizenship because they are primarily illegal immigrants - who somehow got subsidised housing - and they will get their way.
Jesus you were awake at 3 to make this and awake now to post here!!!
>who somehow got subsidised housing
It's called sub-letting.
Anne Marie Waters is a spy you daftie
I fell asleep for 2 and a half hours at midnight, I woke up at 6pm yesterday, I don't even know what's going on with my sleep patterns.
You didn't sound too autistic on LBC last night....
How old are you? You seem all over the place but if you're just a student on holiday it would be more acceptable.
It's the 4th of July anon. It's okay to relax
Thanks. I'm 24, neet.
Can you not get a job at McDonald's even? Are you not depressed with boredom?
Anyone watch The Betrayed Girls last night on BBC1?

Pretty damning stuff, Andrew Norfolk and Anne Cryer need a good fucking slap. Condemned the BNP and EDL for speaking publicly about it, whilst they sat on it for years because thy felt they didn't want to validate the far-right's anger.

Fucking shithouse cunts
Into space
You understand that I don't throw the Black avatar down very often. Your cognitive function is fucked, lad. A crack pipe can do this on an egotistical nonce who hides behind a name.Just saying.
I don't know, I would like to get a job though.

I felt like it did a pretty good job of going into detail but my main two problems with it are that they didn't mention that it was a problem specific to the Muslim community, instead just referring to it as a problem with Pakistanis, and also they seemed to be suggesting that groups like the EDL and BNP were taking advantage of the situation, which is just a more insulting way of saying that they were the only groups of people actually listening to the victims and responding to it.
Yeah, notice how he struggled nore to repeat what a girl told him, "paki", more than he did actually repeat the details of her abuse?
>Avoiding issue of Islam
Yeah, they had about 1 minute of discussion for Anne Cryer having approached the Mosques and been met with deafening silence, and about half an hour trying to portray the EDL/BNP as a opportunists for actually speaking about the issue publicly.

I never even liked the BNP, but that show came across as an advert for them.
This is an English speaking forum. Pikey talk is not welcome here.
Yeah that was bad.
> I would like to get a job
I'm beginning to see a distinct pattern between tripfags and NEETs here.
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We never voted to join laddo.
Yes we did. You can say what you like about how it was the "EEC" and not the "EU" but we still voted to join whatever it was, knowing full well things could change over time - which they did.

> She's a spy,
> Systematically shut down by the MSM and constantly shunned by all the main political parties.

Who's she a spy for? Lapland?
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Kek, that's because they're five times more likely to be a Muslim.

(They're not, they're something like a 1000 times more likely to be a Mud).
Also do five times (at least) less damage
Well, 95 percent of the people in the UK aren't Muslims, but in the past 4 months 2 people have died from what you could argue were far-right attacks, and I think 33 people have died from Muslim terror attacks.
*14 months

It's debatable whether Osborne killed anyone. Plus they're in response to attacks, the Muds are always the instigators, they are in Africa, they are in Malaysia and in the Philippines, wherever they go they cause problems.
There is a 90 percent chance he would have died anyway, since he was out of a hospital when he was having the heart attack.
It's bizzare how Terrorist attacks by the Brits in Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria aren't mentioned. I have to ask what the SAS are doing in Afghanistan? Democracy? (cough:Russia) (cough:Opium) (double cough:AlQuida) (cough: Bin Laden) (cough:Democracy)

Strange how the focus is on other stories yet again.
if they're there for all those reasons, why are you calling them terrorist attacks?
We have way too many Pakis I agree but we barely have any Somalians and the few we have all contained in tower hamlets

Exactly, when will people realise he was trying to help, giving him some V8 defibrillation.

Mate there between 25,000 to at the most 100,000 converts to Islam over the past year.

This is the final stand.
Tbf it Sorta made edl look like the good guys as they were the only ones speaking out in the doc
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Can I get a source for that?






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things can only get better :^)
>13 posts early
Are you retarded on purpose?
285-300 is fine.
>knowing full well

back to ribbit, jesus, or lurk moar

>>Huge gun haul heading for UK stopped at Channel Tunnel



escape before it's too late uk anons

a storm is coming
We were never told it would never change, therefore we knew full well that we knew it could change. As much as you don't like the fact that we were in the EU it doesn't make the vote to join any less of a reality.

>leave your country because a few dozen guns got seized
Please explain your rationale.
>therefore we knew full well that it could change*
How would you like it if the Chinese army landed in Sussex? As PM you tell NATO this against all laws convened by NATO.
> NATO ignores you.
More Chinese arrive.
Taiwan decides to drop bombs in Bury.
> Nato ignores you again.
The Indonesian Intelligence let off a chemical bomb in Manchester and blame it on Theresa May.
The MSM blame May.

Blah, blah, blah

Apparently Jon snow kicked off after this
But their aren't Anglican militias based in Sussex waging an open terror campaign against China
Can't get through, the line keeps dropping.

>CBRN substances have been carried undetected into the EU

>Paris...Washington DC, London, And Rome were specifically mentioned, as well as targets in Belgium


>Coalition forces have discovered thousands of plots by Isis to attack Europe


>ISIS supporters have posted...messages warning of the countdown “till the zero hour”


>"They want something that happens everywhere at the same time"


>the use of a Borak in an improvised bomb “could effectively disperse the sarin nerve agent.”


>The ISIS laptop contains a 19-page document in Arabic on how to develop biological weapons


>“We saw the future of this threat in Brussels and Paris,” said the head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, adding that future attacks will be on “an order of magnitude greater.”

Fixed the unrachived clickbaiters
>http://nytimes com/2015/02/16/world/cia-is-said-to-have-bought-and-destroyed-iraqi-chemical-weapons.html
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