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This is a general thread to find child trafficing distribution

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 325
Thread images: 130

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This is a general thread to find child trafficing distribution centers, as well as finding their general scheme. They definetly use adoption centers and abortion centers for ill. But what else?
Shouldn't it then be something like /chd/general or something?
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/htg/ going forward.
YeahI didn't know about them. They just autosaged the other thread and I wanted to make a new one. I'll keep that in mind. Thx.
Typed the title in the wrong field. Sry. Lol.
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Consider looking for venues based on the signs here:

If you think you're onto something, post the area from Google maps and lets see if we can find patterns of businesses (e.g. pediatrians/dentists for drugs, music stores for soundproofing, etc).
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Is Canada connected to all of this?
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Weedman is this just a (((coincidence)))?
I can see Bill and Trump possibly abusing kids, but not Hillary.
Hmm thx. I honestly expected more people. Gotta start digging I guess...
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Canada is enemy territory until I'm convinced otherwise.
no shit, just take a one look at the faggot. It should be obvious.
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I always wanted to become a hobo.
Guys. I noticed many bbqs in unexpected areas. Is this something or am I retarded?
I've noticed the same trend, but with pizza parlors advertising "BBQ" as the first attraction.
>how else do you get rid of mass quantities of ribs
Are you anime anon? If so, thx for everything. I'm really tired. Not sure how much longer I can help today..
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I can provide guidance for a bit.
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Peter Newshem is the Chief of Police for DC. He took over from Cathy Lanier, who was Chief at the time of Seth Rich's murder.

She "retired" just 4-5 weeks after the murder and Newshem took over as interim Chief and now he is permanent.

He is the one who told the DNC about Wheeler's independent investigation.

>Peter Newsham has had a long history of both personal and professional scandals. The 1990s and 2000s were plagued with allegations of alcoholism and domestic violence, a history of love affairs, as well as the mass unconstitutional arrest of 400 people at DC’s Pershing Park and a scathing third-party report uncovering the department’s mishandling of sexual assault cases while Newsham was at the helm of the MPD’s Investigative Services Bureau.

>Veronica Best’s 11-year-old daughter was raped in 2008. She says Peter Newsham, then an assistant chief, played a role in the mishandling of her daughter’s case. She spoke to reporter Marina Marraco.

>Marina Marraco: “Did Peter Newsham lie to you?”
>Veronica Best: “In my opinion he did.”
>Marraco: “Is Peter Newsham a liar?”
>Best: “In my opinion he is.”
>Marraco: “Did Peter Newsham ruin your daughter’s life?”
>Best: “He did more than ruin my daughter’s life—my husband, myself, family members, close friends. It’s been eight, nine years and we’re not over it.”

>Best’s daughter was raped by multiple men at just 11 years old. Her daughter, who is still emotionally recovering from the 2008 aggression, was charged with filing a false report after her account of events were found to be inconsistent-- despite several medical accounts detailing her sexual injuries and the findings of multiple samples of semen on her underwear. Best says it was Newsham who allowed investigators to charge her 11-year-old daughter over locking up the men who raped her.

Anyone for Pizza?

You said you were going to create the thread yourself just to fuck with us or what? Fucking create it faster
>nice strawman faggot
I'm not planning on creating a thread until Wednesday night, 11:00 est.

But I appreciate the extra momentum.
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Notice anything?
Are they using those to transport ppl or something?
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>mfw PP is a fucking Temple of Moloch franchise
I neither dig nor interpret information.

Disposal. No, they don't feed them to customers.
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But to clients? (For dat extra price)
What do they do with the skull and teeth?
Now I know what you meant about the BBQ question, there's a theory that's the beginning of infrastructure to eventually start feeding people human remains, just a theory though.

Are you sure that they don't use them as pit stops or distribution centers for the remains?
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You can smash up a skull, but you can't even feed the teeth to pigs. Maybe that's what the nearby dentist office is for?
He said the bbq places are for disposal. This would be mafia tier organisation
It just seems to me that you could be dumping a lot of bad meat out back and no one would bat an eye. The front for delivering children for costumers is going to be a nearby establishment, not the BBQ place itself.
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This stuff has been in place for decades. They have it down to a science.
Is this smokehouse BBQ maybe important? There seem to be many.
Guys, I say this every thread. The logo in OP is wrong.
aaaaah, now I see. Seems that putting some faith into you could be paying off. Excited to see your thread later.
customers* even, but they might be dressed in fruity masks
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Just walking a fine line of establishing credibility without going full Anon5
Sad to see him get shilled to the extent that he does, really found his threads interesting.
Dude this might be something, but even more. Remember Glacier? Maybe we should check out all dentist places, or how they are structured.
The only ones that draw my attention are those that cater specifically to children and/or are not part of an office park, but by their lonesome.
Can I get sauce on that webm please?
>women are innocent and would never hurt children
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Those smokehouse BBQs man. Notice anything?
On the vid here you can listen to Hilary clinton laugh at the child victims misfortune
Dentists do love to work with kids, even Podesta's dad was a dentist.
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I don't actually feel comfortable answering that question.
Comfort aside. This is needed for scientific purposes.
Im asking for a friend.

They are close to the border. So I imagine shipping. Now planned parenthood and/ or child care centers come into play.
In Brazil, you have Hotels run by the Italian mob.

Especially in the state of Bahia ...for some reason, the Italian creeps love the dark skinned children

Leaf friend of mine was fixing a PC in Canada for some mafia dude and found pictures of him with underage girls. Reported to the RCMP, nothing happened to him. Friend got questioned as to why he was <snooping> on his client's pc.
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Have you learned how to reverse image search, yet?
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A lot of shit like that popped up around Taunton MA come to think. The utility Union types in that area always creeped me out. No idea If related.
Mafias and biker gangs like to use CP to bribe, blackmail, and frame people. I even indirectly knew someone who got framed that way while investigating biker gangs, courts sentenced him guilty without batting an eye.
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You understand you're asking me to reverse image a webm right?
Interesting, these don't count as human trafficking though, do they? Isn't it more like human remains trafficking?
I-is that a doctors o-office below?
"Devil is a Part-Timer"
Bump. Y'all doing the lord's work
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here you go fampai
Thanks. Always nice to get back positive feedback.
Spooky. But I think unrelated? Like how would they fit in in this?
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They need drugs to sedate the children. Some pet stores may also be suspect.
an Anon in DC here, need anything
This >>132274196 and for processing purposes.
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How about that Pegasus Museum, amirite?
CVS/Veterinarians ~> Fentynal for cats?
>Pegasus Museum
Wow, never heard of it
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17 year old male prostitute murdered by infamous (mainly british) pedophile network the finders http://www.baka.com.au/news/national/death-of-a-boy-with-a-sordid-story-to-tell/2006/05/01/1146335671423.html

Worked since he was 15 from an infamous male and child prostitution beat on one of australia's most popular streets
All I can attest to is seeing a shady pet grooming salon next to a Planned Parenthood offshoot that also doubled as a daycare.
Please tell me more.
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W-who are you? But thank you. Is there a reason you wanna wait til wednesday? If so, give us a hint.
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I think you are onto something. This guy with compromising pics was the brother of a politician. These hotels in Bahia are not for regular folk. They are advertised in Italy, the EU, but Brazilians don't stay there.

I knew a wealthy Brazilian woman (black from Bahia) that was married to a swiss guy. She often went to these hotels, knew the owners. I suspect she was a whore/madame that would set up clients. She was shifty as fuck.

Maybe I should get one of my foreign friends to book a room in one of those places and get him to record his interactions with the owners/manager....
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Notice how the ancapshill isn't here? I think it's because OP wrote /EWO/ in the namefield instead of the subject, so he can't find the thread
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I've been doing fieldwork for months and want to publish old data that would otherwise be compromised as soon as it was posted.

We learned our lesson from Besta Pizza.
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Might be a smoking gun inside. Might also be a good way to get yourself killed.
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I sure hope not.
Ah gotcha. Thx. I consider looking into more today. Let's see if I can find something.
creepy af

Is that the jackson ruffio special?
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>mfw I'm a sad byproduct of a government project
I'm just LARPing. I just bump the threads.
I tried to push Pegasus when the Seth Rich investigation was picking up. Such a coincidence it's within walking distance of joes.
Makes more sense for Alefantis to show up at SR's memorial then.
Museums are potentially used for a variety of purposes. Think of children museums for instance and the transfer of "fine art".
What happens when those threads become able to ruin your day? Should i just stop coming here? Leave the despair?
Y u so sad? Your help really helps. Keep your heads up.

P.s. tell us if we find something, we shouldn't dig to deep into til wednesday.
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Educating people what to look for comes first.
Take a break and go offline for a bit, go outside
I am quite interested in your upcoming revelations but this will be 3AM for me (see flag), would you please ask any anons to screencap this for future dissemination?
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Guys what if sanctuary cities are for child trafficing?
They totally are.
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But white people do it too.
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Could be related, right?
And then what, after? How does one deal with the evil of the world while being powerless?
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I can do nothing, anon. What can i do? How would one relieve this feeling? I don't think there's a Punisher-like person hunting those monsters around. And they're all around the most powerful places, even ones supposed to protect children. I just don't know.
Very much so, cartels are into human trafficking too.
Easy. Transform the energy. Instead of hating it, embrace it. Help us and have fun while helping bringing down evil, abusive pedos :)
Yeah, you're probably right.
Become a part of something like these threads and the digging that we're doing. This kind of stuff can have sway in the real world.
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This can't be a coincidence. Just like anime anon pointed out
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Look at the street view. Look at store branding and logos.
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>Page 6
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If they're sliding, filling the thread with bumps doesn't help matters. Only a select few are going to venture in anyway.

Wait for it to get to page 8 or 9.
Been working on this guideline for you guys, just needs to be filled out with info that's been previously gathered. Hopefully the thread doesn't get slid before people see it though. Just need to know if you guys like it or not.
Starting Points: Areas with a Consistent Rate of Disappearances and Breeding Grounds

Where are they getting the kids and adults that they use for human trafficking? Where are places that large groups of people usually converge or stay at for an extended period? Here are 3 categories:

Where lots of kids meet and stay:

Where lots of adults meet and stay:

Where a mix of children and adults meet and stay:

Once we have determined possibility, we must assess probability. Is it likely that people would be abducted from these areas? Do the traffickers have enough cover to hide behind to get away with abducting people in these areas without too much suspicion? Do these areas have efficient escape routes to where the traffickers can quickly disperse abducted people into trafficking networks or directly to certain locations and people? Lastly, do these areas have enough funding, resources, and number of traffickers with the skills needed to conduct human trafficking operations there?

Next, start looking for connections between people, groups, and already confirmed trafficking networks in these areas. At this step, it is a good idea to bounce around between the midpoints and ending points as well to help you find connections.

Breeding grounds are likely not as common as abduction sites and would be harder to figure out, but I think that they are a possibility worth putting on the table.

If worthwhile connections are found between people and groups that have reasonable probability to be connected to trafficking in that area, then it’s time to move on to connecting that starting point to mid-points and ending points in whichever order you choose. You can also start to look for connections between other starting points in the trafficking networks if you think that it will lead to something. Connecting these starting points to the midpoints and the ending points will help to further validate them.

List of Potential Starting Points in The Trafficking Networks:
Midpoints: Routes, Pit Stops, and Distribution Centers

What means of transport are they using to distribute people? What means of transport are available in that location and would be both economically efficient and unsuspicious? Where would those certain means of transport most easily be able to travel to? Where are those certain means of transportation most commonly going?

Look for the places that the transportation is immediately going to. Do not immediately assume that these are ending points, for they may be midpoints (pit stops or distribution centers). See if anything is being transported to and from these locations, for this will determine if it is either a pit stop or a distribution center, and if it is indeed a midpoint. Something to remember about midpoints, and starting points to some extent, is that there are certain resources required for the transport of people (things like food, drugs for sedation, and etc;). Places that distribute these resources work as assets to the networks.

Pit stops will follow along the same route, while distribution centers will branch off into a different one. Pit stops will also generally be smaller than distribution centers and have less access to different routes. Pit stops usually work as refueling stations for the transportation and as temporary lodgings. Pits stops in-between distribution centers and ending points are important for maintaining a state of confidentiality, as people would start noticing if the routes all directly went to just one place. Pit stops can also work as disposal places for human remains.

Distribution centers are usually a warehouse, a fulfillment center, a cross-dock facility, a bulk break center, or a package handling center. This is where people are sold and transported to their ending points. These are especially required to remain hidden and must be large enough to accommodate for large groups of people.

List of Potential Midpoints in The Trafficking Networks:
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You're a champ.
Looks nice. Let's see what'll follow. And pictures might be useful for such guides.
Ending Points: Individuals, Locations, and Organizations

Who are the ones receiving all of these people in the end? It can either be individuals who are looking for personal sex slaves or for people to use as sacrifices. They can be specific locations which function as a type of Bohemian Grove or for places where they conduct orgies, mass torture, cannibalism (Spirit Cooking comes to mind, along with Spirit Eating), or group sacrifices.

Other locations include military bases, labs, and secret underground bases for genetic experiments, cloning, and for Super Soldier programs. Since some of these locations are top secret it may not be possible to find them, but you can find the trafficking networks that ultimately go to them. Locations like these are also likely to be tied to various groups.

Groups are numerous and varied. Examples are big pharma companies, bio-tech companies, IRL umbrella corporations, and large-scale cults and globalist groups. These groups can conduct any mixture of the previously mentioned activities that require people from human trafficking. These ending points in of themselves would have their own connections within them to different groups and individuals. The “end product” that these groups produce from the people they get through human trafficking may also be relocated and distributed to different places and organizations.

Guessing certain ending points and seeing if the starting and midpoints happen to go to them, or within the proximity of them, can be a valid strategy for finding them out.
Thank you very much

Not to good with infographs, but they would be helpful for sure.
What was the meme I tried to push?

3 L's: Logistics, Laundering, Laboratories

Might want to add Leisure to that.

Coincidence goy
So it is more accurate to list 4 possible ending points instead of 3?
No worries. Keep it up :)
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The Leisure one seems rare, only at tourist destinations. Probably the highest security and most ripe for a false flag, too. I'd prefer to obey the rule of 3 for now.
Plot twist. You're Barron.
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No, but I hope he's a fan.
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Fbi here. Give me your ID now!
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see >>132166633
I think we should focus heavily on crime ridden cities and sanctuary cities.
They aren't shipping loads of kids abroad. I'm thinking it would be a courier setup. Trains, trucks, ships. No. Too many eyes looking. They aren't gonna let their product out of sight; unless they own a shipping container or can utilize government transportation and landing/takeoff locales. Another possibility is that the kids are delivered by their parents. This seems most likely as it would completely eliminate any suspicious looking travel/transport. Just an innocent family outing.
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Am i the only one that pizzagate is shill made to hide the freemason connection and discreted 4chan
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It seems to me that, with children anyway, that it's only one or two to a vehicle. This make the bushplane theory for Alaska more believable.
Dude sanctuary cities. Whos gonna now about the kid, if the kid has no identity. I think that helps these sickos heavily to diddle kids (and likely kill them)
Coast Hotels in Canada have a rather strange logo.
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I like the theory that it was a psyop to draw dangerous elements out of the woodwork.
Post plz
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I mean i don't like relegion and shit but it is to obvious everyone will get triggered with pedos easy bate for our autism
Cruise ships are very likely a means of transport for human trafficking, sometimes they even take people from the ship itself.
Little Cessna or bushplane would totally make sense logistically. Theyd need access to secured airstrips in less secluded locations though. Private airfields might be worth a look-see.
Back to page 1
I had a thought. Rereading my post i came to the conclusion that it's presumptive to assume a small scale operation. How many kids was that Clinton connected lady trying to smuggle out of Hatti? 30? That's a literal bus load of kids. That's a full football game with a referee team. Do NGOs and charities get a pass on customs rummaging through their shit?
It's a spiral. For anyone who's seen the boylove symbol it would share some similarities and might make you go "hmmm".
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33 kids actually. Important number in this occult nonsense.
Why are you posting photos of clinics and stuff without explanation? What are you trying to find?
see >>132278233

You must be at least average level IQ to participate meaningfully in this thread.
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This might be the reason they love to plant their symbols on just about everything (pic related). They just do it with their own symbol instead of the one in the pic. What they believe, not what I believe for clarification.
Gnight anons. And thanks to everyone for contributing, especially anime anon.
>go look at it yourself instead of me contributing by posting it
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Did you read these posts?
Seriously, I think it's related to this. I really do think that they believe in that kind of stuff. By tagging things with their symbols they become a part of a "web" that empowers whatever it's connected to. Deals with energy and things like that.
Could've pointed it out without insulting me. None of those mentioned clinics, but thanks. I'll lurk for now.
Clinics would be considered assets, it will make more since when it's filled out with more information like names and stuff.
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Sometimes I can be a little rough.
No worries, should've read through the thread before posting.

Interesting, thank you
There was this pedo supporting group on twitter called @HeartProgress, it was taken town but some of its followers still use #Heartprogress to identify eachother.
This is the founder of it https://twitter.com/EqualityErnst It looks like the real guy.
If someone has enough time on their hands, then they could check the followers accounts and find out where most of them reside and infiltrate their trust.
Im gotta go to bed atm, so i cant help too much.
Good luck.
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>dismantling pedo networks as we speak
>best friends with John Pedosta, backed by known illuminati figures in Hollywood and pop cult, known to have ridden loli express numerous times, married to actual rapist with same associations and even more trips on loli express
Are you a complete fucking retard or a shill?
Someone good with computers needs to find his address and spam every board and thread with it until there's no reason to spam it any more
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That's doxing tho
If some people are still around, anything you guys think should be edited or added to this list? I plan to make a thread with all of these lists compiled along with the guidelines later.

List of Starting Points in The Trafficking Networks:

Abduction Sites & Organizations:

Nature Parks:

Amusement Parks:
Disney Land & World

Child Protection and Relocation Agencies:

Libraries: (unverified)

Anti-trafficking Fronts:

Adoption Centers:
I believe most victims are either procured from outside the United States or produced internally, but I could be mistaken. I'm not sure I've come across any obvious "kidnapping" locations.
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>produced internally
Within The Ring, I mean. Usually via surrogates.
So the breeding grounds really are a big thing in the U.S. then? Interesting, implicates Hollywood even more.
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New to these threads, how exactly is the positioning of these businesses significant? They look kind of random to me.
They form a network where they can transport things (people and drugs usually) and exchange the resources necessary to do so.

Read the post about midpoints again, I get it now.
Are theme parks (Disneyland, universal studios, etc.) and family cruises to connected to this at all?
Could there still be? Would they not consider it compromised?
Theme parks would be considered starting points, while family cruises and cruise ships in general would be considered mid points (routes). Some people are occasionally grabbed right off of cruise ships though. Cruise ships have a lot of secret compartments and even tiny morgues.
you are doing gods work lads
remember the poor innocent children being raped and tortured, we must avenge them
pre sure acid will take care of the bones and teeth
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They should be within walking distance of each other. Iowa might be an exception (biking distance???).

I honestly couldn't say.
Pegasus was a red herring stfu
nah bro pegasus is most def a watch tower

School bus that doesn't end at a school?
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So it goes.
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Do Kabballahists throw pizza paties?

Does the pop shit in the woods?
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>H.O.P.E. program logo

This one bugs me but I am not yet sure why. Only address is a random house in Cortland, NY
Last one is right next to a grill..
Bump for the kids
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>youth ages 13-29
>ages 13-29
What the ever living fuck?
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They have to learn at some age, apparently.
Bumping to come back later
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You better be careful with that flag around here.
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Did you guys get a pastebin for /HTG/?
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Not yet. Anything I should include from the previous iteration of threads?
never trust a man who raises pigs.
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>tfw no pig memes
You tell me, I am only just now getting into the HTG side of it, and relatively new to this search anyways. I am spending more time in the archives learning what you guys previously dug up.
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Mostly just recognition of the patterns. It's difficult to confirm this stuff without investigating in meatspace.
>human trafficking general

have fun following a red herring faggot. You guys are retarded, we have to dig into fucking NCMEC and all those other fucking organizations
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I'll run this investigation, thanks. You can run your own.

You do know that lanier is related to podesta right?
Pegasus museum is where allegedly the #killroom is. Look on youtube for "killroom found"
The video got taken down by the guy because he allegedly got threatened by alefantis. Maybe fake, but he did a video providing some proof. He would have to have spoofed the call and message log, some IP, and make a fake report on the real police. If someone wants i can dig the sources out once im on my pc
Well I can't easily help in the US meatspace, but I could be of use if you think they reach up into leaf country.
Good but need to mention that menial slavery is also a thing, linked to child trafficking(probably the same networks but different buyers). Tyson foods got caught paying La Raza shipping them illegals back in 2006, I doubt they actually stopped.
Oh they definitively do, for human trafficking anyway.

So you're telling me...

We finally found out where babyback ribs come from?
Archived it
>http://npr org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=7029375
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I may have already sent one Canada-anon to a grim fate (see Childcare by Ginger thread), but yes, this reaches into urbanized regions along the border.
I try to add it in there
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i seriously cant eat any fast food anymore as i always expect some human on the side with it...
Link to thread? If I see it spread to my area, I can footsoldier.
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Note that the owl was deleted off the contact page the day after this thread was made. Canada anon never reported back after investigating on foot.
Okay, thats it. I'm sick to death of you faggots and your naivety. PEGASUS WAS A RED HERRING.

Now, before you start bleeding out of your vaginas and scream shill, I wanna give you a quick rundown on Pegasus bullshit and where it started
>Random guy named "pizzagate gear" makes a youtube video saying how Alefantis threatened him on facebook
>this guy literally sells pizzagate merchandise (thats not weird at all)
Here is the video

Now, look at the rest of his youtube channel

He literally made a video saying that "poking fun at the elites was fun but..."

now, again. Try and tell me that he's not a shill. Really examine the youtube account and use critical thinking skills.
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Why are you so upset though?
Now didn't Alefantis actually own the building? didn't the neighbors report large-scale renovations? I don't believe you will find much there now as they know it is being looked at. Had you looked inside back then, I think you may have found some interesting stuff with a blood spray.
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i ont know. the stuff he says in the video doxxing the killroom made sense to me

also the police report is real

it may still be some fake stuff, and him making money out of this stuff is annoying i agree. but if the stuff about pegasus museum makes sense we shouldnt just ignore that.

pic related he uploaded to vote to show he actually went to the police. makes you find the case file quite easily. also has double tripples.
this doesnt mean its true what he says, but it gives some weight to his claims
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>double trips
Digits give a presumption of truth, but are not evidentiary weight on their own.
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I don't see the "grim fate" of which you speak...I am put off that they were the source of the chalkboard.
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I just assume the worst when an anon doesn't follow up.
>kekistan flag
>EWO thread
S C H I Z O.
Perhaps reading too much into it...as he said he was new, and if he really did not return for other threads, then perhaps it was a well played shill operation. I mean you do sound scared now, do you not?
Stupid is as stupid does.
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>sound scared
Do I? >>132274932
Their pictures are still there, if they felt found out, would they not take them down?
>I may have already sent one Canada-anon to a grim fate
Seems like backpedalling when I ask for an area of Canada that might be worth looking into.
I like kids.
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Just keeping my hands clean.
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You guys need to look FAR less from that pizza place. And into NEW connections, don't disregard everything, but look for new connections into into different areas. Pizza B8 was a honey pot/Psyop. I actually wasn't even around 4 chan at that time.
Why don't you have a seat?
That was just a PSA, bout to go to sleep because I'm way too tired, sry.
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Can i rape you anally?
Open wide.
Sleep tight sweet prince
Passive shilling?
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REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE..........I prefer you not please.
A guy to guy thing here , okay? i like rape.
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Don't engage the shill.
even if that place was the base of operations they probably used this faggot to falseflag the internet into looking into it after they cleaned up shop and left.

I'm telling you, it's a distraction
You're powerless to stop me from raping you anally.
>He says as daddy's cock penetrates his guts.

It's okay , go to your special place.
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No , i'm not a rapist. Laugh out loud. I just like it.
You're weird, but that's okay I guess.
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Judging from syntax, I think it's a bot.
It's awwwright.
Listen to this guy.
I'm artificial intelligence.
All i do , i do for the kids. The children.

They are duo shilling and sliding...Anyways Childcare by Ginger has no address, still has most of the same images as far as I can see. Wasn't archived until May so I can't tell if it was there before. It seems to me to be an elaborate honey pot/false flag. Do you have good reason to suspect otherwise?
Devil is a part-timer

It's on Netflix.
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The contact page hyperlink also got deleted:
It is there now, and says Garden Ave. and Colborne St. in Brantford. Does look like the spot for a contact page is missing but you can reach the page.
Rosenrot oh rosenrot.
We're going to the Magic Kingdom to have fun fun fun.
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Back to page 1
It's a full time gig.
No man is ever completely powerless.
In Santa Catarina if you work for the government/police and you work on the field of CP you actually have to see and catalog every evidence, perfect job for a pedo
But again, pointing it at a random house in the suburbs.

>Webnames.ca Inc.
>Registration Date:
>Expiration Date:
>Updated Date:
>Name Servers:

Came out around time of PizzaGate unveiling. Seems like a false-flag still.
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>Canada tho
Not my problem.
which one of you did this
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That's actually pretty funny.
I'll say this again here. One of the most important things to understand about Satanists is COVER. They will take a legitimate business and have that as the front door.
You've all noticed how they have places like adoption centers and so on, but follow it through. What else do we know Satanic cults do, and what facilities would these require? We know they torture kids for programming and worse. This requires medical facilities, hospitals, clinics.
While you guys were busy arguing whether Seth Rich was or was not a panda, I was researching that hospital that keeps turning up. Both DC General and the MedStar place are Moriah ops. There's a few personnel who worked there whose resumes scream "Monarch Programmer."
I'll leave you with a nice hint. Denver is close to the epicenter. I can list just off the top of my head enough COVER to hide something big.
DIA. Children's Hospital. CU Anschutz. These are the front doors. Now find the back ones.
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So was he a panda or not?

A revenge story always makes for great motivation.
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top kek
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>falling for the LARP
Come on, anon. You're better than that.
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Any areas identified in which surveillance from the air possibly in real time would be helpful?
>being an attentionwhoring avatarfag
>continually posting loli shit in child trafficking threads
fuck off already
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see >>132302186

Inaccessible by ground (armed guards) and you can only get so close by water.
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Sorry if I offended you.
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in another thread ancap shill anon posted
>1800 Block of Columbia Road, NW Washington, DC 20009

that is pic related.
>inb4 scalise was brought here and not the hospital
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Good to know it was a death threat, and not an actual employment offer.
Can you please stop
Rundown on Huron Mountain Club? Why is it interesting?
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Rich men from the Lower Penninsula vacation there, and an inordinate number of children go missing nearby.

Go to the gallows without a fuss.
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Source in known human trafficking routes?
routes suited to traffic drugs are probably just also suited to traffic people and basically everything else. and while you are already trafficing something illegal why not use the already existing infrastructure, connections etc. to traffic other illegal stuff as well?
They're actually drug trafficking routes IIRC.

Still, they're generally going to use the same roads/railways/rivers.
The baby brokers. Check out Sedar Cinai, Hollywood, CA
not really its easier to hide shit in huge cities where the cops are perpetually busy
Greater Toronto Area (GTA) any shady shit you have come across?
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I only have local activity to report, sorry.
You're looking at entire cities
>OMG! BBQ's and health centres.
Atleast narrow it down or stop doing that generalisation
I have an idea. It's time to create our own psyop
You are welcome to help narrow it down.
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Walking distance is a good rule of thumb for discovering venues.
Okay I did all the measuring I'll see if I can get pics its an exact 30 nm flight from the nearest public airport on a heading of 0 if I don't deliver in the next few weeks it either means I was directed away from the airspace or was not able to get photos of the area clear enough.
Are you guys being serious about these being human/drug trafficking routes? And what are you going to do about it?
Call it an arg...easy rebuttal am I right?
We are going to make sure every one of those sorry excuses for human beings spends the rest of their miserable lives behind bars.
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I just want people to keep their eyes open.
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Another idea may be to monitor the freight rail network as this is a way to mve victims without raising any suspicion. If you don't think it's easy to get people on these trains you would be surprised by the freight hopping scene who's members dedicate their time to getting free trips by sneaking on freight trains. Long story short they are easy for traffickers to use.
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Help is always appreciated, but don't do anything crazy.

On that note, any tips for hopping on freight trains?
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1. dont get run over
2. hop on a freight train
We can get black twitter to help astroturf pizzagate shit. We'll channel black rage onto democrats

That's so crazy it...just...might...work
those also seem to be the most densely populated areas of the country...

we need to identify major shipping companies, where they are located, and where their routes go
who makes a new thread?
>White privilege is not having your children kidnapped by elites.
>75% of abductees are children of color, end white privilege, abduct all race children /s
>Heyo I herd dem rich whities be nigging our children
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Why are you so racist?
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Dude r u an artificial roboter? Like don't you sleep? Either way...

Good job, keep it up!
g'night anime anon
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Flesh and blood, sorry.
It's k. I just read, you're going to sleep. So sleep well :)
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How do I change my moniker at this point?
Pretty easy to become hentai anon ;)
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I'd like to keep my quasi-celebrity status as an ace up my sleeve, thanks.
New or are ya'll sleeping?
Very well. Anyways, see ya next time.
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Not working on a national holiday lol
made a new thread since everyone else is too lazy
Do it at corners or just outside stations and be very careful around intermodal cars as some don't have floors but an open shipping container can be your best friend. Lastly breather with garbage bags in tunnels
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>spooky tunnels
Maybe I'll just stick to buying tickets.
That is the preferred way but freight hopping offers better scenery.
breather with garbage bags, interesting idea
you'd be surprised
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