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Brit/pol/ - Mistress Magpie edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 291
Thread images: 90

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>Theresa May urges Northern Ireland parties to reach a deal to restore Stormont government

>Government to 'keep eye' on Kensington and Chelsea council, following leader's resignation

>Thousands join anti-Tory protest in Londonistan

>David Davis 'hamstrung' by PM in Brexit talks

>Salford Student Union leader calls for islamic takeover and oppression of white people

>Tory Brexiteer reveals EU rage on farming & customs union

>Barack Obama urges world to stand against 'aggressive nationalism'

>Keir Starmer vows to stop Theresa May's plans for an EXTREME Brexit

>Alex "follow islam; receive the ham" Chivers given 6 month prison sentence for bacon slap incident
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End the NHS right now.
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Is this why Jocks force-feed munchie boxes to women?

Do they want mannish girlfriends?
Nth for the best Moffatt episode since he took over
She's keeping one eye on Kensington Council and the other on the gimp she's fucking up the arse with a strapon
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can you be anymore of a pleb? that episode was absolute shit. as usual, penultimate was GOAT. Finale was 0/10.
Porridge niggers on suicide watch!
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>tfw you go looking for new Babs pictures and discover that there's a massive argument about what height she is among people who care about celebrity heights


Good news for manlets, I suppose.

One step closer to a world without women.
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Are you dumb? Last week's was typical boring shit
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Selling our highest tec to our greatest allies.
Oh fuck off!


Munchy box poster here.

Chinese munchy boxes are shite as all the contents end up tasting of salt and pepper chips (by dint of being in the same box). Stick with your normal kebab shop munchy boxes - you only live once.
>this week's

name one (1) good thing other than the ending. i'll wait.
Weird seeing a Labour MP talking positively about defense.

Let's do it.

Maybe "speak to you soon if you like?"

>but the onus will be on you to text her tomorrow. Maybe an actual phone call might be the way forward in a few days if not before?
one more reason to not pay tax
fuck this shit
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>the Japs have a bigger fleet than us

Literally impossible right now. Impossible.

And will be impossible for decades - possibly millennia - to come.
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Fuck brexit and ill-informed fuckwits that vote for it
Super male virility box?

I was a little sad that Missy died - if in fact she did.
aye! i like a nice jawline.
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is she hugging a darkie
Transcended no gf
>Missy wasn't irritating as usual
>Matt Lucas wasn't as irritating as usual
>Bill dies
>Only one Doctor speech, but it's immediately ignored by the Master
There's a few
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I wish he'd run for PM again lads.
The Tories and Labour have destroyed our armed forces.

She still looks nothing like the 'Babs' I used to work with, but if she's got anything similar about her she'll be a goodun.
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1. Longest period of sustained low inflation since the 60s.

2. Low mortgage rates.

3. Introduced the National Minimum Wage and raised it to £5.52.

4. Over 14,000 more police in England and Wales.

5. Cut overall crime by 32 per cent.

6. Record levels of literacy and numeracy in schools.

7. Young people achieving some of the best ever results at 14, 16, and 18.

8. Funding for every pupil in England has doubled.

9. Employment is at its highest level ever.

10. Written off up to 100 per cent of debt owed by poorest countries.

11. 85,000 more nurses.

12. 32,000 more doctors.

13. Brought back matrons to hospital wards.

14. Devolved power to the Scottish Parliament.

15. Devolved power to the Welsh Assembly.

16. Dads now get paternity leave of 2 weeks for the first time.

17. NHS Direct offering free convenient patient advice.

18. Gift aid was worth £828 million to charities last year.

19. Restored city-wide government to London.

20. Record number of students in higher education.
>tfw trying to quit, not bought any for two weeks, but had cheeky joint round my mates on Wednesday

You became the gf?
>Opened our boarders and destroyed the country
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>flying mondas cybermen
>those god awful S7 onwards cybermen
plot basically disappeared after the first 10 minutes
>lesbian puddle showed up again, because moffatt can't just fucking kill off characters. and again, the power of love saves the day
>more ebin snarky feminist dialogue
>John Simm underutilised
>lol the doctor can just pick and choose when he regenerates for no reason
it was shit. there's probably more annoying things that I just can't think of right now.
21. Removed kebab.
I think I might have something Anon give me a sec
Honestly doesn't surprise me honestly I'd be scared if we went to war we'd end up like the Russian Navy in the 1904 Russo-Japanese War
Did I miss rockbusters?
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21. Child benefit up 26 per cent since 1997.

22. Delivered 2,200 Sure Start Children’s Centres.

23. Introduced the Equality and Human Rights Commission.

24. £200 winter fuel payment to pensioners & up to £300 for over-80s.

25. On course to exceed our Kyoto target for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

26. Restored devolved government to Northern Ireland.

27. Over 36,000 more teachers in England and 274,000 more support staff and teaching assistants.

28. All full time workers now have a right to 24 days paid holiday.

29. A million pensioners lifted out of poverty.

30. 600,000 children lifted out of relative poverty.

31. Introduced child tax credit giving more money to parents.

32. Scrapped Section 28 and introduced Civil Partnerships.

33. Brought over 1 million social homes up to standard.

34. Inpatient waiting lists down by over half a million since 1997.

35. Banned fox hunting.

36. Cleanest rivers, beaches, drinking water and air since before the industrial revolution.

37. Free TV licences for over-75s.

38. Banned fur farming and the testing of cosmetics on animals.

39. Free breast cancer screening for all women aged between 50-70.

40. Free off peak local bus travel for over-60s.

41. New Deal – helped over 1.8 million people into work.

42. Over 3 million child trust funds have been started.

43. Free eye test for over 60s.

44. More than doubled the number of apprenticeships.

45. Free entry to national museums and galleries.

46. Overseas aid budget more than doubled.

47. Heart disease deaths down by 150,000 and cancer deaths down by 50,000.

48. Cut long-term youth unemployment by 75 per cent.

49. Free nursery places for every three and four-year-olds.

50. Free fruit for most four to six-year-olds at school.
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Aw, that’s a shame you can’t make it to S’s but I can’t wait to see you at D’s,(If not sooner) and sorry I’ve taken so long to get back to you I completely lost track of time today,(Dealing with brothers and errands) but I’d like to catch up from what we were talking about last night if your up for that tomorrow morning – Night :)

Hopefully that's short and sweet enough what i've left in brackets is just optional stuff that can be changed or rid of entirely
Don't think the anon who does it has been on this evening
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>Opened our boarders and destroyed the country
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Socialism is not some new fresh strategy. How long will it take for you subhumans to absorb this?

It's from the heart and I like it - I think she will too. Maybe just get rid of tomorrow morning and just put tomorrow perhaps?
christ dont take anymore pictures of yourself subhuman cuck
Skilled migrants to fill the job gap
Brexit is the most exaggerated shit ever. Literal makes such literal difference to the wellbeing of our country. The pros and cons of leaving and staying are basically equal in value for everything that we can predict.
Where can I buy weed in Glasgow?
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>Imported people from the 3rd world who breed like flies and now are making whites a minority
>Flying Mondas Cybermen
They said they had evolved, so there's no reason why the older models wouldn't have the rocket boots attached
>God awful series 7 cybers
I agree, Moffatt can't let go to his shit
>Lesbian puddle comes back
She didn't die
>John Simm underutlisied
Yeah that was shit.
>Doctor chooses when he regenerates
Hasn't he always been able to? He's just in a position of imminent death most of the time. Tennant's death went on for ages even though he was filled with posionous radiation.

I'm not saying this episode was particularly great. It's on with the bottom third of RTD episodes.
I might have a beer tonight lads. Not sure. Thinking about it. They're warm though, which sucks a bit.
In case you missed the point. Your posts sound like a money furnace.
Britain is a nation of immigrants

You're most welcome Anon - I think you've got this from here and she's definitely interested, hence the original text. Godspeed lad.
No fridge mate?
We have the money to help immigrants and the less fortunate ignorant bigot
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Thanks anon I can't tell you how much help you've been tonight I mean it because I think i know where to go from here and can you get a trip code just so I can get you something in the near future
Top Fuckig kek
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what. you said it was the best thing moffatt had written since S5 started. how? Heaven Sent was 100x better than that episode.
Your attempt to derail the thread into shitposting isn't even subtle with that post.
No it fucking wasn't until Blair ruined it.


for >>132058215

When you know the meme is real

I wish he was aborted.
That's what ur ma said

M8 that is some fucking low quality B8, I actually feel offended that you're wheeling that tired shit out.
Britain 200 BC 0% White

Britain 2017 78% White

White immigrants made Britain there home.
Why is that considered so good? It was just one extended Doctor Speech

Yes but not aborting me didn't cause the downfall of an entire nation.
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What's your favourite bible verse, lads?

Mines a bit boring, but it's powerful in it's abruptness

>Jesus wept
John 11:35
well, you have whatever opinion you want. I liked Heaven Sent, it was clever and had good music desu.
Thanks senpai, thought it'd be easier to repost the thing quoting the right person and would come across less mean also sent it god help me now
Nice bit of contradictory there pal, surely thats exactly what non whites are doing to this country?

Joshua 10:25

There is hope yet.
Whites are not native to Britain, you believed that immigrants shouldent be here, Whites are immigrants.

Did you know the first ever computer was mad in 176BC by Native Indian Britons. It was destroyed when the Anglo Saxons and Romans invaded

Was this before or after the flying pyramids?
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That's a pretty good one.
Flying pyramids are a myth

Nothing ventured nothing gained senpai, but your message was good, and I think she'll like it.
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Actually Europeans walked here through Doggerland before there was the channel and made Britain what it is today creating their own flag and anthem, millions of men fought for this country and its identity and now that is getting taken from us from people like you, you fucking traitor.
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Sorry lads I was at the gym.

Three cryptic clues, make up a band or artist. Get them right, I'll get you something on the Steam sale.

First clue:
The fat Spanish bloke visits a lady of the night. The very fat Spanish man, maybe he's Mexican or Italian, he's with a lady of the night.
Initials: E J

Second clue:
The Jamaican man is close. The Jamaican fella is close.
Initial: N

Third clue, might be a bit tricky:
The farmer who grows beds, he hasn't been working for a while. The farmer who grows beds hasn't touched his work for a while.
Initials: D S.
I'm a proud Pakistani migrant to this country, I am just as British as you.Native Europeans are indians
You are all traitors to her Majesty Inshallah Kuffars
John 8:7

He lifted Himself up and said unto them, “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.”

I interpret it wrong I imagine but it's the only verse I could say I live by.
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What do you lads think of Claire Jordan?

Lets have a pray everyone.

Our Father, which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth,
As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive them that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
The power, and the glory,
For ever and ever.
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accidentally clicked on youtube's trending tab
I don't care as long as you contribute.
this shit is so fucking pathetic
Thanks again and I think so to I just haven't been this excited since I talked to my childhood crush (To this day will say proper 10/10 redhead but) I hope this goes better than how that ended

Yep, three mildly attractive girls just bandwagoning to get some views.

Nothing of interest here.
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Stop hating women.

Nobody likes an angry man anon.
I voted leave. I'm perfectly fine with another referendum at this point its clear the government is going to fuck this up big-time.

Too late boyo, we're going under and taking all of the EU with us. It's better this way.
Not gonna lie, former Leave voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching the Tories crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this party get around the negotiating table.
I'm a bit out of date with this weird eyed woman meme.
Can someone link the relevant videos/names for me?
In return I have some Owen Jones reactions
jesus christ

I think it was just getting that initial bit of momentum - big feels when you like someone.
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How are we getting on with the Rockbusters clues?
Mum decided she'd get a cat, it's currently bouncing round the house and will not get tired. It wants to jump on everything and eat every fucking wire and run on my keyboard, I'm so close to smacking it with a packet of bacon.
question time two weeks ago I think. She kept saying quid. But it sounded weird coz of her canadian/american/wrong accent. Like when an american thinks they're cool for saying pub. Then she was doxxed and is a dom
Post a picture of your mothers asshole faggot and then i'll post my pictures. What are you a detective? Kill yourself.
>Then she was doxxed and is a dom
That's an epic twist of the story, do continue.
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Before the show finished her reddit stuff was all here, nudes are around somewhere. Shouldn't be hard to find as she posted them.
Might go live in Wyoming desu
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>Nothing of interest here.

Not even an Ulster flag?

Hmm bit of a toughie this quiz tonight.
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>le szechaun sauce show trailer
>normies applying makeup to themselves for milions of pounds
>shitty remake of 90's classic jumanji trailer
>smosh still somehow relevant in 2017
>coming out as gay video
>'things whitey can't do'
>fine jews react video
Got to get in me head, innit.

I'll post them earlier in future.
Pretty much, anon, it's been a learning experience its stupid to think how quickly people change over such a short amount of time, myself included
God stop fucking whinging you fucking faggot

I want to wish you all a happy 4th of july

I love Britain

I love the Queen

I love Tea!

But I also love Britains proud tradition of mlticulturalism, thats why i set up local religious talks and sharia patrols to make sure everyone is at peace

Old Squad?

Nah probably just my brain kek.
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>Despite incorrect @DailyMirror and @PlymouthHerald headlines I'm *still working!* Clients (&press) are always welcome to ring on
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Not sure what you mean.
I've been on Brit/pol/ for years though.
Post pic with you wearing a MAGA hat, so I can prove how not racist I am to my mates pls.
Jews are just as welcome in britain, but not zionists they disobey 9:41 Ke'Tha and must be drilled with iron rod and castrated.
That is some rather despicable shit that is.

It's the 2nd of July and a few thousand miles too far East.
evening lads. bit windy innit

Yep same here pal, that's why I set up Christian death squads, to make sure all Saracen rest in peace.
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Aye hopefully for the better.
Using violence not in name of allah is punishable by bore drilling into the forehead and urnination onto hole
so that lewd animation i commissioned got finished earlier today lads. Happy with it.

>woke up at half 12, too late for a munchy box

bit sad lads
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Ah my apologies - I think I got you confused with someone else.
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I found her youtube channel

>China’s foreign ministry formally renounced the 1984 Sino-British joint declaration, the basis on which Britain agreed to relinquish control of the colony. The two sides had agreed the treaty would remain in force for 50 years.

>“The Sino-British joint declaration, as a historical document, no longer has any practical significance, and it is not at all binding for the central government’s management over Hong Kong,” the spokesman Lu Kang declared. The Foreign Office swiftly rejected the demarche. But in his present bullish mood, Xi is not listening.

Top kek. Weak and alone without allies. We can do nothing.

yup, shes still working, here is her AW, £120 for 1 hour incall

does anyone here actually care about grenfell, it literally just killed pakis and invaders
>We can do nothing.
Which is why they did it now, we can't do a fucking thing about it.

Not one bit, I want more to happen so I can laugh through the night as pakis jump out of windows.

Damn, I miss the days of uni, waking up at 8pm on a friday after a nap, going out and then getting a munchy box with a parmo in it.
Surprisingly so and I hope the same for you too anon, I'm not sure how much longer i'll be on for or if i just lurk but out of all the places I thought I'd have a heart to heart I didn't think it'd be Brit/pol/ Thanks Anon you've really made my night
> Weak and alone without allies
Sounds like post WW1 Germany... hmm

Nah, couldn't give a two bob bit.
You literally said that you were a Pakistani migrant earlier on in this thread, why would you say that about your own people?
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who wants to be dominated by gremlin? I'd rather be dominated by a cute girl

You know that feel when you wish there were some things you could unsee.

>The Sun

yup pretty much sums up nu-/pol/
fucking hell lads playing league does get me really fucking angry. could punch a hole through my monitor desu
just avin a giggle, not much to do at 1am britpol
wog cunt i am white
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your own fault really. only slavs play League of Legends
So you're not a Pakistani migrant?
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>just why?
It is a man's God given right to be as racist as he pleases

Rugby league is a hard sport
Based Dane

>league of goys

deserved it
slavs play csgo you filthy cunt.
lions won yday
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That's very kind Anon - I've really enjoyed the chat too. Brit/pol/ is full of surprises!
Premier League Darts you fucking muppet.
Actual SAS death squads been operating in Afghanistan lads papers going to have a field day

On the Times at the moment
need something to do this summer to occupy my fucking time, already bored as shit
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I have some Snackrite Sweet and Salted popcorn. suprisingly tasty for budget food like
Why no London munchy boxes?

go through AW, especially in the more run down areas. Can be some laugh
Jeff from Coupling had too many legs but he had the keys to paradise
Learn a language lad, it's really quite fun and rewarding. I'm currently learning Urdu, memorising the alphabet and sounds of letters right now.
Just admit you're collecting information.
>Hugs and hides the boner.
it's not halal
>I'm currently learning Urdu, memorising the alphabet and sounds of letters right now.

Planning on visiting London per chance?
how do you go about self teaching yourself though, got to be tough
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>Well there only there cos we fucked Lawrence over.
Picot the Frenchy got Syria
Just upsets me that we'll never see a RARE esque team remake the Frigate level from Goldeneye 64

I'd rather not run the risk of developing fetishes I didn't know might tempt me kek. I bet there are some scammers out there too.
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Some of that r'kid, looks proper dank.
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>he doesn't support Britain's best ever Formula 1 driver

You don't deserve to belong to our great nation

ESPECIALLY at a time when his rival is a fucking kraut
just do what i do and buy pokemon cards or lewd art. lasts forever.
How's your fascism going matey, furthered the movement today?

Have you even left the house today, actually? Or opened the curtains?
Honestly you're better off just never giving attention flags any (You)s whatsoever.
I have a good command of English and have lived in Austria and Switzerland. I've got an MA degree, own a business and generally performed quite well academically and professionally throughout my life.

I cannot for the life of me learn a language. I can pick up phrases but it all sounds the same, the second I have established they aren't speaking English my head turns off and can't process what they are saying. I can read German, sort of, and say phrases and make orders but I can't even hold a basic conversation. Private tuition, actually living abroad and my own efforts have failed.

No idea why but it just seems beyond me. I have no capacity for it.
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> Be a nob, get the Klobb.
Elton John

nevada (not far there?)

Dusty springfield (kek took me ages but a good one again)

This. Vettel is a little bitch.

Well there is a lot of merit in that desu and having hobbies to focus the mind.
Really getting tired of having fuck all money lads

I just want to buy new things
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>tfw never played Goldeneye because me and my mates had PS1's

was it really that good lads?
vocaroo link lads
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Μὴ νομίσητε ὅτι ἦλθον βαλεῖν εἰρήνην ἐπὶ τὴν γῆν· οὐk ἦλθον βαλεῖν εἰρήνην ἀλλὰ μάχαιραν.

Nah not really, one of things people hype when they've never played it.

Perfect Dark was the best game. Laptop gun nearly ended friendships.
BASED Tyler is ok.
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Does anyone know if Audio Anon is still making his recordings?
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Look who was at the London march.
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The only scary thing about Brexit is the mess that will be when the fitties leave.
Top kek, well spotted
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Good lad. Also I had that drink the other day, it wasn't bad.

I really fucking hope Lewis gets the WDC again this year and makes Vettel, and all his faggy supporters, cry like complete bitches. Preferably while "God Save the Queen" is playing loudly and the Union Jack is flying proudly.

Very good post. Y'know I think the DD44 Dostovei was my favourite gun. It had such a nice hefty feel to it.

I've never played Perfect Dark but DO NOT underestimate GoldenEye, it was a fucking AMAZING game, one of the cornerstones of my childhood. Basically every kid I knew had it.
>know they enemy

It's hard, but you can make it easier for yourself. I'm learning just the alphabet now as well as the pronounciations of each of the letters, I'm learning at a rate of between 6-8 letters a day. 38 letters in the alphabet. Once I've got the shapes and sounds of the letters in my mind firmly (3 shapes per letter) I'll be able to sound out any Urdu I look at, and from that point on I'll be able to take on the task of learning actual words.

The key is to learn the framework, which in a language is the sounds and alphabet. Concentrate on learning that and once you're able to sound out written language your task of actually learning words becomes a lot easier because you're no longer staring in to fog, it's all clear and actually makes sense.

Elton John


Dusty springfield

That's all I can think of !
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I show you bastard.jpg
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>You making the fun of Pakistani,
> bloody pig-fucker you Bastard guy.
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goodnight anonsenpais...
They should really just rename Channel 4 to Channel Lefty Twats, it would be a lot more honest.
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played that Perfect Dark re-release on the 360 years ago. Got stuck on that warehouse level. had no idea what to do.

Favourite FPS was probably Hexen or Duke 3d growing up. Recently played the Shadow Warrior re-release on PC, that were also top

I used to play Dynasty Warriors and RUNE with my mates on the PS2.

that's a cute little frog.

I gave away all my pokemon cards when I was 13 along with all my old toys. I started to get back on to them thanks to nostalgia. The lewd art is just because I'm a pervert

oi corbyn i'll vote for you if instead of a state gf you'll give me pokemon cards or lewd art
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I hope you lose one sock out of every pair you own.

Night lad - sleep tight.
>sewage, smartphones, donald trump, some things are just innevitable.

is moff /ourguy/?
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"Hey laddt wanna try a beef burger"
You Germans really are sickening, is that what you did to the Jews? Is that why they're still so salty? Fucking monsters.
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>My investigation on notorious 4chan for xyz MSM publication, revealed horrific anti-smeitism, racism, fascism, white-supremacy and some surprisingly BASED tunes.

Won't someone please think of the children and stop this!
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Good guess, but not what I was thinkin of.

The answers:

First clue:
The fat Spanish bloke visits a lady of the night. The very fat Spanish man, maybe he's Mexican or Italian, he's with a lady of the night.
Initials: E J
Answer: El ton john. Elton John.

Second clue:
The Jamaican man is close. The Jamaican fella is close.
Initial: N
Answer: Nearly. Nelly.

Third clue, might be a bit tricky:
The farmer who grows beds, he hasn't been working for a while. The farmer who grows beds hasn't touched his work for a while.
Initials: D S.
Answer: Dusty spring field. Dusty Springfield.

I'm off to bed in a sec, so (if you've got one) post your Steam and I'll send you a prize.
The Vettelfags and Ferrari toddlers on /sp/ do my fucking head. I hope Hamilton just keeps winning to send /sp/ into meltdown. Shame the FIA keep rigging it for Vettel though.
He was larping as a Pakistani migrant earlier on in the thread
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thanks, y-you too senpai...
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oi that's a hate crime lad. reported this post to the GCHQ

isn't being made of beef what makes it a burger
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>ywn stand your ground like an Englishman
The abandoned XBLA remake leaked recently.

The state of Microsoft and Nintendo.
He's probably just bored and larping for attention lol
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is this any good for the price

No - barely cheaper than a KFC bucket deal desu
>16.90 to eat cum, spit, hair, fingernails and the diced up remains of a dead girl
>paying muslims

Daniel Beddingfield?
> 4 chips
U wot?
its a chinese store
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steph progess sfw.jpg
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no. I can get an 18 inch pizza for a tenner
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Dusty Springfield.
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might get this
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What do we think of our new frigates on the eve of a "Big announcement" tomorrow?

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2 seconds that took to find. I'm sure maybe The Guardian just accidentally failed to report that the people behind the outlier finding were either directly funded by, or had a lifetime of studying, the EU.
Get a mini pizza with that.
Oh ignore me then.

>3 chips
How fat are you?
>3 chips is fat

skinny runt

It's always worth finding out who funds research.
fuck sake i dont wanna order any shit from the kebab shop now im worried they might put dead pakis or bushmeat in it
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portillo laugh2.gif
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It's true isn't it?

Also I realise I'm supporting Lewis Hamilton in this thread, so you could say I'm contradicting myself by saying I'm racist - BUT NO, I am not. Lewis is pretty British, born and raised in Britain, and he's half-white, and it's his dad's parents who settled in Britain. So both Lewis and his dad were born and spent their entire upbringings in Britain.

Someone like that can stay. I don't really want to kick people out, I just want to stop any more from coming.

I thought you would be replying to one of my anti-Vettel posts but instead you're triggered because I'm calling Channel 4 leftist?

Exactly. I've stopped posting on there as much because it's fucking nauseating how much they fawn over Vettel. They've spent the last week whinging about how Hamilton "brake checked" Vettel despite the FIA finding days ago that he didn't.

>Shame the FIA keep rigging it for Vettel though.
Hopefully they'll take away his points from the last race at least but who knows, they'll probably cuck out.

Interesting I might have to google that
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>accidentally said that hitler was an alright leader in a discussion about the revival of Germany postn ww1

everyones gonna think im a nazi now arent they

>3 chips


post his gf instead of karl
>60% of (carefully selected in order to produce a believable outcome) """Britons""" want to keep their EU citizenship
You just told me it was a Chinky you lying little poofter.
it says kebab/chinese you queer

No, it was incredible.
The multi-player 4 screen hilarity
The single player gameplay and neat touches that influenced future FPSs on consoles.

It was fucking class too for being a film-tie-in that really incorporated the story well.
When does the article to gas chavs come into force?
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dave hill.jpg
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Alright, I'm off to bed now.

More Rockbusters tomorrow (earlier hopefully).

'i cant believe you have the right to say this'

desu im shocked too
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You guys checked out this twitter page yet? Lmao, it's just a bunch of bullshit.

They claim that China forces us to give back Hong Kong through military might, when it was actually because of the expired lease.

A bunch of their fans said that they "can't wait until the Arabs nuke London", wtf?

They also criticised us for supporting apartheid South Africa and genociding abos, as if those were bad things.

And pic related isn't even accurate, we invaded much more than that.
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would you buy one if you had the money lying about?

It's ok; you can have some dissonance. You hate darkies but really like a dark lad who does something good in a sport you like.
You're human lad.
Just ordered

5 Chips
1 Hawaiian Pizza
8 Pc Chicken
2 x 1.5 Litre Coke
Ben And Jerrys cookie dough
1 cheese and tomater mini pizza
2 Bread rolls with butter
1 Munchy Box
1 Kebab Donner Box
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Night lad - me too.
KFC now do delivery in London.
>lever action
I have the spare moneys for it but dont see the appeal, not into antiques. Would rather a modern rifle or legal handgun
BASED Rock Holness.
is there a munch box pepe?

and i thought i was fat for eating a kfc boneless box the other day

Burger King too.
Why does nobody ever dare say "yeah, I just fucking hate you pigs" when it comes face to face? Why is everyone still so scared? Also, why am I taking seriously something which is obviously staged because no man with a decent career is going to broadcast themselves in television to the world that they're a haji hater, that's how you lose a career.
>we've invaded all those countries
I think they'll find we invented most of those countries, we invaded their predecessors.
i want a replica webley but i can't find one
Firstly he's half white, not completely black

Secondly I wouldn't say I "really like" him, he's a bit of a preener, but I still support him because he's the Brit. And he's beating a German (well not quite yet in the WDC but he will do soon).
They might as well since the outcome is the same: witch hunts. Maybe more of a chance of getting stabbed 50 times by a random salafist, though.
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the appeal? larp about killing Zulus with it of course.
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>stabbed 50 times by a random salafist
But Salafists (and Muslims as a whole) don't need an excuse to stab something to death, they just do it.

Did we not invade the thing that came before Australia? It might've been just a few niggers swinging from trees but we invaded them, not Australia as it is today.
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That's my point, before we came to Australia it was just a bunch of nigs who drew on walls and blew through a log for entertainment
And that's my point, we never invaded Australia. We invaded Ooogaboogaland.
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how do i know if a a kebab store is good anyways dont wanna get fucked over with soggy fries
easy you dont get chips
>do pakis run it?
theyre free

does this look shitty to u mongs
There's a lot of places we've been to that can be described as that
shoot yourself

>A swarthy paki

you first
New thread



even worse
>SANCI, Muhammed Bilal
>Correspondence address
>26 Walcot Buildings, London Road, Bath, England, BA1 6AD

No, stop paying Muslims.
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Stob it.
>eating this shit
>any year ever
Fuck off you deserve it
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