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Alright /pol/, enlighten me on the Jews. What (specifically)

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Alright /pol/, enlighten me on the Jews. What (specifically) are they doing to hurt us (whites)? What do they have something against us, or do they equally dislike all goyim? How can we know they are doing it contemptfully, and not just from personal or tribal self interest? Why should or shouldn't Isreal exist?
Better yet OP, read the rules and kill yourself
Every night with this thread. Maybe you should write down the answers
What are they doing? Just take a look at the media

They hate all goyim, but have a burning hatred for whites. They still seethe over Rome and the hundreds of times they were kicked out of European countries

We can't know, and it doesn't matter. All we should care about is that they are
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Everybody talks about the Koran, but not pic related.
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First time posting here. I read the rules and added to the question by asking specific questions. Are you just retarded? I spent 2 hours reading threads here on da joos and there's fucking nothing but consensus.
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They control the federal reserve and world banks
They hate whites because hitler wanted to stop Jewish people from controlling Germanys government and media (sound familiar) and banks he nearly freed us from the chains of oppression instead he failed and they made him the biggest monster in the world so no one can legitimately claim hitler had it right! Same reason (((they))) now hate Putin
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Haha I remember when I thought the holocost was real
You have asked yourself pseudo United States ... having only American actrises ... because the wonder woman had to be a Zionist Jew ... instead of an American ... or is that the Jews are the ones that control them. .
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Even if we assume 0 people died in concentration camps, is it not still horrible? What was Hitler's intention if not to kill them after rounding them up?
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they're literally not doing fucking anything
>da juice
control NOTHING but Israel
blaming everything on jews is exactly the same as blaming everything on Illuminati or lizard people or aliens or even the rich
its a coping mechanism to remove blame from your mediocre life and transfer it to some mysterious all powerful unfamiliar entity that you can't possibly affect in any meaningful way
this allows you to remove all responsibility that you have to solve your problems
>can't get a girlfriend?
>the jews did this
>can't make enough money?
>it's the jews!
>friends think you're an antisocial ingrate?
>damn jews!
it's also a good way to explain away the world's problems without having to put much thought into it
instead of having to use logic and really think about why things are the way they are you can easily just blame the jews and stop there
pic not related
okay I think that blaming jews for not being able to get a gf is ridiculous, but it's obvious that they are responsible for the world's problems
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No one's saying there were no deaths in the concentration camps. It's that there were no gas chambers and the death toll was nowhere close to 6,000,000. And it was to deport them to either Israel or Madagascar.
Kill yourself. Also see you're relying on tired, strawman bullshit. So kill yourself.
Most of the jews died by diseases and starvation due to Allied bombing
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He rounded them up and had them in work camps where when not working they played soccer swam watched films and even had a brothel

After the war he planned to send all the Jews to madcascar

The media today wants you to think hitler was some homicidal drug crazed monster
kalergi plan/ replacement migratiom
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I think someone standing up to the global rothchild backed banks to take back control of his country for his people is romantic.

Bolshevik Jews are evil
You're probably too much of a nigger to watch this:

Jews have trolled, scammed, ruined, pillaged and destroyed every single civilization on the face of the Earth. This is why in the dictionary the verb Jewing also means to troll, lie, decieve, con, fool, steal and manipulate others for profit.
Some famous Jews include: everyone who works on the banks, in television, in movies, in radio and in print media.

Judaism was the world's first master race theory. The Jew religion teaches that Jews are the Chosen People of God and that there is a sacred mystical quality to Jew DNA that makes them different from the rest of humanity; essentially admitting they were Aliens. In olden times, Jew prophets would, under the command of YHWH, frequently lead the Jews on genocidal rampages against neighboring populations, and even today leaders in the Jew state of Israel often cite Jewish religious ideals to justify their ongoing genocide of sandniggers. Admittedly, this is amusing, but is still no excuse for being the thieving little hooknoses they are. Judaism ironically found its mirror-image inversion in the anti-Jew Aryan racialism of the Nazis. But this is all bullshit, since there's no pure Jewish left as they all mixed with white people and slavs, while also experimenting to create the ultimate Slave Race by forcing our own Human females to mate with severely retarded wild animals.

Despite only being 0.19% of the world's population, Jews control 99% of the world's money. (See: Rothschild, Warburg, etc.) The only nation's whose money is not issued by a Rothschilds bank are Iran, Iraq, and North Korea. Noticing anything there?
Google the city you live in and the word Jewish. I guarantee there will be a group of Jews up to something and it will probably be funded with taxpayer shekels.
They also control the media, the banks, Facebook (as Polandball learned the hard way with multiple bans for Nazi content), LiveJournal's porn, craigslist, Stratfor, textbook publishers, music (especially Pop Music), gold, and diamonds. And no, we're not fucking joking about this. If you don't believe that Jews control everything, just look up a list of Media Jews or finance Jews on Google. Or just look at the always disproportionate number of Jewish names in the governments of the West. Case in point, Roman Polanski and and Jeffrey Epstein got off without serious punishment for raping little girls (as recommended in their holy book, the Talmud), something a goy would have done serious pound-me-in-the-ass prison time for. The Jews use the money to fund their militarized colony of Israel, a Jewish state created in the Middle East, which Jews consider the Promised Land. The Arabs don't think so, so The Kike Reich has fought many wars, and has turned the Jews into a warrior race as well as a scummy thieving one. Basically, the only part of the world that's not controlled by the Jews is Asia, because the Muslims don't tolerate their kike bullshit and the only way for Jews to hold them down is to send the Israel Defense Forces to buttfuck them, and the Chinese are the only race with potential to out-Jew the Jews and actually threaten them.
The Jew banking system was based on fraud and lies, so when it inevitably collapsed, the Jews just pwned as many people as possible by unleashing the Black Plague on them. Later, Jews economically controlled medieval Venice (the first modern maritime trade empire), and then crypto-Jewish merchants economically controlled the Spanish Empire, including the slave trade. Openly Jewish bankers orchestrated the Dutch Empire and founded Jew Amsterdam (later Jew York). Later the Dutch Jews moved to London because they thought it would be a better base for a global empire, and actually brought a Dutch nobleman, William III, with them, who they installed in a coup d'état (more like Jew d'état, amirite?) as new King of the British Empire. For hundreds of years, Jewish bankers controlled global trade through their bases in Jew York City and London. European colonialism was, through its history, essentially a plot whereby Jews could gain control of gold and diamond mines in poor countries and increase their stranglehold over the global economy.
At this point, the average person might say, "Wait a minute... that sounds like a conspiracy theory!!! One small race couldn't possibly be responsible for so much evil!" Well, here's a fun fact: in 1913, Jews seized control of America's sovereign power to control its own currency by establishing the Income Tax, and brought about the Federal Reserve system (a parasitic Ponzi scheme, modeled on the earlier Rothschild-dominated Bank of Cock-slime England, in which any dollar printed as legal currency is actually a dollar of debt owed, with interest, to the Jew-controlled private banks who own the shares of the regional Fed banks). The architect of this system was a Jew named Paul Warburg. Paul's brother, Max Warburg, worked directly under Hjalmar Schacht And His Dancing Monkeys in Germany and directed the currency policies of the Third Reich that allowed Hitler to build his war machine. What's truly fascinating is that the Warburg family has a long history of grand-scale fraud -- the family was originally named del-Banco, and was the most prominent banking family in the Republic of Venice during that state's period of imperial supremacy in the 1400s. Between that and their habit of eating pickled cunts, the whole thing is repulsive. It's somewhat stunning to contemplate that it's not merely impersonal monetary systems that have existed for so many centuries, but in fact for over 500 years the same Jewish families have overseen them and maintained economic dominance.

>What are jews doing to hurt whites?
The goal is white genocide. They realized that we're the ones that stand up and fight against them because we have the capacity to do so. After WW2, they started taking precautions to defend themselves rather than just trying to take over.

>Do they hate just us or all goyim?
They hate all goyim, but for the moment we are the threat and all other races are useful tools they can use to remove or at least reduce the threat. They also serve as a nice distraction as rather than trying to attack jews, we are spending time attacking hispanics, africans, and muslims.

>How do we know it's out of contempt and not self-interest?
We just don't. They want to take over the world, that much is settled if you buy into the ZOG theory. However, whether this is just a stepping stone on their path to power or actually an attempt to genocide the white race to remove their enemies is unclear. My guess? It fits both needs so well that they probably just said "fuck it, two birds with one stone."

>Why should/shouldn't Israel exist?
Depends on whether you think ZOG is based around Jewish Supremacy or Jewish Leadership Authoritarianism. Specifically, is it all jews, or just the top jews? This is a question you have to answer for yourself. I personally lean towards top jews, but as for Israel's existence specifically, I think that they need to make room for Palestine because hey, they were there first in more recent times.

Now, allow me to add some of my own questions.

>Can you prove any of this?
If I could, I'd be leading a revolution, not shitposting on /pol/. There's probably some various factoids, videos, and statistics to support the case though if you look around, but I don't have it on hand, unfortunately. At least, nothing vetted properly.

>Are the Jews evil?
No. They're just our enemies. Is a criminal evil? To you, yes. However, if that criminal is stealing to feed a starving family, they are simply doing what is necessary to ensure their own survival and prosperity in a harsh world. If you were in their shoes, can you say with surety that you wouldn't do the same?
I saw a really good post about it yesterday. Can't remember now
This brings to mind the fundamentals of biology.
You know what's a damn shame? That they control the normies, the women.
Seriously, let's just make a pact with Asian countries. The more people (non-sheeple), the better.
Or we destroy the world's currency, which I have no idea how such a thing could happen.
We need to be the better virus on this planet.
If only we had someone to lead us...
They don't share our Apollonian values. They care less about aspiring to be better and stronger than they do about deconstructing unnecessary social morays, and creating a level playing field where their culture can dominate due to internally enforced intellectual rigor.
Jews have always been shitty people. They hate all goyim, but they seem to hate European Christians more because they didn't tolerate their shit back in the Middle Ages and kicked them out of the city for their wickedness. As for Israel, they don't belong there because it's not their home. They got kicked out in 70 AD for being Christ-rejecting shits, and they shouldn't be welcome back until they turn from their wicked ways.
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I don't hate goyim, kinda disliking due to void of trust but not flat out hatred. and of all goyim I dislike whites the least because whites industrialized the planet giving other races much easier to access food and shelter
as for getting kicked out of Europe, the whole point to zionism is leaving Europe on your own and moving here to live in your own nation state, not as a minority in someone else's
Go and listen to Dr. William luther pierce and work it out for yourself
you do not fucking have a nation state and you never have you deluded fucks !!:!@@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!@!!@!@!@@!!@@!!@!@!@@!@!@!@!
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I'm sorry my good sir but all I heard was REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
fuck you fanatical religious supremacist freaks tick tock tick tock tick tock
why don't you fuck off on a pilgrimage to meron you deluded deluded sub-human land stealing pieces of shit
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damn mustafa
pull it together, jesus
kek, based kike
No wonder they hate us when you treat them like this

Let's see.

1) Control of the media.
2) Control over money supply, and pick winners and losers.
3) Get us into constant wars to expand their banking influence abroad.
4) Influence our leaders into implementing destructive crony-socialist policies that harm the nation.
5) Spread degeneracy through porn, violent and depraved media, and colleges that teach victimhood.
6) Attempting to control Christian churches and their message through various institutions in an attempt to undermine and ultimately destroy it.
7) Favor spreading occultism, islam, and other beliefs in our country.
8) Favor unrestrained immigration and incentive programs to supplant the white race in our own countries.

I miss anything?
if i could i would wipe my ass with the Balfour declaration fucking disgrace to my country that document is and our support for you disgusting cancers on the earth
They lead Western civilization. What does that say about you?

"they are simply doing what is necessary to ensure their own survival and prosperity in a harsh world."

Agreed, this is more than likely the cause, and advancements in evolutionary psychology may or may not validate this - interesting to see the vast array of creatures that establish existence as a parasite. With the understanding that humans have existed for some time, and have come to be through granular progression devours the delusion that humans are immune to more "animal" like behavior, or tendencies. As animals we have impulses to survive, not to mention their poisonous doctrine, and a viable niche to exploit...perhaps more than viable, a brilliant niche that elevated their status as well as intelligence - I believe that the Jewish intelligence inclination is sparked through filling a intellectually strenuous societal niche, seems like a possibility at least.
>promote immigration except for Israel
>push white guilt bullshit everywhere, but freak out the moment anyone mentions Jews
>run almost every porn business or website and will push interracial even at a financial loss
>pretty much do everything they can to undermine white people
>white when it comes to telling whites not to look out for their interests, Jewish when it comes to looking out for their own
I've dealt with 3 Jews in my personal life on a regular basis.
1 was an okay dude as far as I know.
1 was an insane coal burner and a complete cunt.
1 was a teacher, said we should be more welcoming of immigrants and not expect them to learn English, also liked to say "gender is a spectrum".

I don't know what specifically is wrong with this group and why they're so fucked up, but they are.

Are Kekistan flags the new leafs? It seems like you can expect a shitpost the moment you see it.
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no worries mate
your government already did


Didn't really answer my question though.
this is bs stopping/limiting immigration this late your little terrorist cells were already well entrenched in Palestine and had taken British lives you motherfuckers
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but jews have always lived in palestine
it was called judea before you eurocucks bastardized that silly name
they were just much less prolific than arabs
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>What (specifically) are they doing to hurt us (whites)?

Spreading degeneracy, feminism, communism, getting us into wars like WW1, WW2, Iraq, being behind mass immigration, helping groups like antifa, ISIS, controlling our banking system through usury, promoting race-mixing, promoting anti-white propaganda in schools, Hollywood, media, law, constantly creating agitation and division along race/gender/identity lines, etc. Everything they control, including political parties, you can be sure they will be against white people's interests at the end of the day.

>What do they have something against us, or do they equally dislike all goyim?
They dislike all gentiles but especially Europeans four thousands of years. It's even written in their Torah.

""Therefore it shall come about when the Lord your God has given you rest from all your surrounding enemies, in the land which the Lord your God gives you as an inheritance to possess, you shall blot out the memory of Amalek from under heaven; you must not forget."
>Duet. 25:18

"Amalekite" is a spiritual term for the white race, and the Talmud (the second most popular Jewish holy book after the Torah) even called the land of "Germania" the home or birthplace of Amalek https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amalek#Nazis_associated_with_Amalekites

>How can we know they are doing it contemptfully
Because it's written in their religious texts, and lot of Jewish quotes show what they really think. Some of them probably do it unconsciously, for a lot of them, it's standardized through their texts and their lack of morals.

>Why should or shouldn't Isreal exist?
It shouldn't exist because it's just a religious concept, and because of all the problems it has brought upon us, and the fact that they're only using that state to continue their globalist scheme without non-Jews opposing them, but they should have a Jewish state where they are contained.
it was called a fucking lot of things controlled by multiple empires but you landgrabbing cunts have the audacity to bring some bullshit story from thousands of years back to justify your depraved actions fuck you muchly
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These guys get it.

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what depraved actions
you can call us violent and land grabby and whatnot, but not half as aggressive or expansionist as arabs and muslims are

there's like 300,000 dead in Syria in 5 years, and maybe 50,000 palestinians dead in 50
too many to mention you are a fucking sick society and the fucking cheek to bring up Syria maybe the "civil war" wouldn't be going on for so long if you fucks stopped giving medical aid to jihadists and acting as their fucking airforce we all know the horrible morbid shit that has gone in Syria is all to do with weakening the resistance axis that you fuckers are so scared of because in reality you cant fight for shit and have been licking your wounds since 06 and plotting to get back

once again FUCK YOU


"The best way to help Israel deal with Iran's growing nuclear capability is to help the people of Syria overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad."
here is one little example so void of any form of human decency you make me fucking sick https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HE57YN8xSzo
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>here's like 300,000 dead in Syria in 5 years

Lol, stop supporting ISIS then you kike.
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syria stopped being a physical strategic threat before 1980, and stopped being a diplomatic factor the second the soviet union crumbled.
but that too is moot, I am now 110% certain you're an arab or a paki, as no white person would revert to using retarded dunespeak like resistance axis in regards to a nation our size
not unless you felt as though we "stole" our nation from you
hence, as a sand nigger, you're irrelevant, impotent and just plain pathetic in an amusing, non threatening kind of way
no worries then mahmoud, being in the UK, your goats are safe from us
their noses bother me

one time i got in a fight with a jew and his face was so close to mine that his nose touched me, next time he went to school his nose was even worse
I'm white im ginger i come from a rural background I see through your bullshit so clearly Hezbollah sent you packing in 06 and the scheming has been going on to weaken them no doubt you cant wait to bomb the shit out of Lebanon again you sick sick fuckers
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The problem with Jews is that they Jew you.
honestly ISIS more of a CIA pet project that just got the silent approval from us than OUR direct support. but the civil war itself wasn't started by us, we just look for ways to exploit events like this after they've already started

we don't really have the shekels to spend to weaken Iran here by conquest or inciting wars directly, so it's better to let the arabs sort this out themselves and blow themselves to bits during
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>honestly ISIS more of a CIA pet project that just got the silent approval from us than OUR direct support.
Yeah but the Jewish bankers ultimately tell the US government and the CIA what to do.
I love how you assume I'm at all aligned with the radical jihadist bullshit fuck you sub-human
>implying the CIA isn't tied at the hip with Mossad
>implying the CIA isn't just tool of bankers like the Rothschilds who also started Israel with the Balkfour Declaration during WW1

>Isis fighters ‘attacked Israel Defense Forces unit, then apologised' claims former commander

>Israeli Rabbi: “God has sent ISIS against nations that want to destroy Israel.”

>State Dept Official: Israel & Saudi Arabia created ISIS with CIA - Dr Steve Pieczenik
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>"There has been since almost the earliest days of the Israeli state and the earliest days of the CIA a secret bond, basically by which Israeli intelligence did jobs for the CIA and for the rest of American intelligence. You can't understand what's been going on with American covert operations and the Israeli covert operations until you understand this secret arrangement"
>Andrew Cockburn on C-SPAN'S Booknotes, September 1, 1991

>The Act, also called the "CIA Act of 1949" or "Public Law 110" permitted the Central Intelligence Agency to use confidential fiscal and administrative procedures and exempting it from many of the usual limitations on the use of federal funds. The act (Section 6) also exempted the CIA from having to disclose its "organization, functions, officials, titles, salaries, or numbers of personnel employed." It also created a program called "PL-110" to handle defectors and other "essential aliens" outside normal immigration procedures, as well as give those persons cover stories and economic support. It was passed by congress May 27.
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>As for Palestina, they don't belong there because it's not their home. They got kicked out in 1945 for being Islam worshipping cunts, and they shouldn't be welcome back until they turn from their wicked ways.
> thief/fighter dual class
Bretty gud
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